2 minute read
Words by Meagan Pittelko
Comedians, authors, entertainers and interesting people of other varieties have been coming to Fargo to speak for 44 years - and you may have been missing them this entire time.
The First Presbyterian Church has invited a wide range of speakers to Fargo through the Town Hall Lecture Series since 1971 - thanks to a woman named Peggy Preston. Preston moved to Fargo and was disappointed to find that, unlike many other towns at the time, Fargo did not have a lecture series. With help from the Presbyterian Women’s Association,
Town Hall was founded with the idea that all profits from the lectures would go to local charities, according to a Town Hall brochure.
Although many dedicated guests attend the lectures each year, Ticket Chair Jan Harrison said that some members of the church are still surprised to hear about the Lecture Series. The entire Town Hall board agreed, though, that the Lecture Series has a positive impact on the community.
“Our purpose, as it says in our brochure,” said Harrison, “is to produce, promote and present a lecture series to the general public that enlightens, educates and entertains.”
The nonprofit aims to bring fun and educational speakers to the Fargo area while giving back to the community. Since its inception, the Lecture Series has raised over half a million dollars, according to Publicity Chair Christine Kloubec.
“We primarily give to women’s charities and food pantries,” Kloubec said. “We only give to local charities and we have a committee that determines which charities receive donations each year.”
In addition to donating to local charities, the Lecture Series also promotes the thriving culture and community of Fargo - not only to its guests, but to its speakers as well.
“We had one speaker, New York author Tom Santopietro,” Kloubec said, “who got this hat that said ‘Fargo’ on it. He still emails me sometimes, saying that people stop him on the street and ask if he’s really been here.”
Former president Judy Rippentrop agreed, saying that speakers and guests from other regions of the country are often impressed with Fargo and the surrounding area.
In the past, speakers have included Winston Churchill Jr., Robert Kennedy Jr., Richard Simmons, Flip Wilson, Art Linkletter, Steve Hartman, Rick Steves and Becky Gulsvig.
The 2015-2016 Series will be held at the Holiday Inn on Mondays October 5, November 2, April 11 and May 2 and will feature four incredible guests.
On October 5, Vicki Lawrence of The Carol Burnett Show and Mama’s Family will give a lecture on being a multi-talented extraordinaire. Next, on November 2, Roland Mesnier will give a lecture about his 25-year experience as the executive pastry chef for the White House, during which he delighted presidents such as Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush and more. On Monday, April 11, Dr. Jo-Ellan Dimitrius will give a lecture on being a jury consultant, trial consultant and legal commentator. Finally, the 2015-2016 Series will conclude with Bob Eubanks of The Newlywed Game on May 2.
The one hour lectures have brought in between 900 and 1300 guests over the years, many of whom also attend a Q&A lunch following each lecture, according to Kloubec.
“The lunch afterwards is often a highlight,” Harrison said. “It allows people to make really personal connections with the speakers.”
In addition to the charity-focused and educational aspects of the Series, the board said that being a part of the Series is a good time overall.
“It’s fun and educational as well as being a unique way to raise money for the community,” said president Jan Monda. “We like to bring in well-known, recognizable speakers for our audience. It’s enlightening and the community benefits from it.”
Although the ticket price has gone up from its original price (the complete series pass was just $12 in 1971), the Town Hall continues to enthrall Fargo with its Lecture Series year after year. [AWM]