2 minute read
Words by Susan A. Stibbe
The first annual Push4Kids campaign kicks off December 1, 2015 to coincide with Giving Tuesday. Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to celebrate generosity and to give. “In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, Push4Kids is a ONE DAY giving campaign benefitting area children through our local school PTAs and the Lend A Hand program,” said Mark Teckenburg.
Push4Kids is the brainchild of Mark Teckenburg, the founder and CEO of PushSave. PushSave is a tech company focused on creating a simple, yet obvious value-added fundraising solution for organizations and consumers.

Teckenburg and his wife, Lisa, have four children who are very active in school and church activities. “We were always involved with some sort of fundraising,” said Teckenburg. “After calling family and friends for donations, going around the neighborhood selling something, processing orders, and receiving and delivering products, I realized how archaic youth fundraising is and thought there has to be a better way.”
That better way led to the development of a customized mobile coupon book. With this innovative new app, consumers shop and choose ten merchants and create their own mobile book. “Each book is unique,” continued Teckenburg. “Customers know they will actually use the coupons and redeem their value because it will be with them all the time on their smartphones.”
The mobile coupon books cost $20.00 and each has coupons that are valued at a minimum of $450.00.
During the Push4Kids campaign, $10.00 from every book sold will go to support a local school PTA of the buyer’s choice or they can choose to support the Lend A Hand program directly. In addition, PushSave will donate a percentage of the total proceeds to the Lend A Hand program.
Lend A Hand is a local program administrated by Dakota Medical Foundation in which 100% of contributions are distributed to families in Cass and Clay County who have children battling serious illness or injury. “All funds raised for Lend A Hand through the Push4Kids campaign will be matched by Dakota Medical Foundation,” said Jeana Peinovich, Lend A Hand director. “Which means every dollar will be doubled to help families in medical crisis.”
“This giving campaign creates an opportunity to help children thrive in the classroom setting, as well as support area children who are battling a life-threatening or incapacitating medical condition – children who are often too ill to attend school,” continued Peinovich.
Nikkie Gullickson, president of the Fargo PTA Council said, “We are excited to partner with PushSave. Purchasers of the mobile book can choose to donate to any of the Fargo schools PTA’s or five of the West Fargo elementary schools to support those individual schools, teachers, and classrooms. We hope parents, grandparents and alumni participate in the campaign.”
“Mark and I both have a passion for kids and technology. Push4Kids is a great way to make fundraising more effective for everyone. Our site connects with our charitable partners so no cash changes hands. We are proud to be a socially caused based company and proud to make a difference in our community,” said Lisa Teckenburg, PushSave account manager.
Celebrate Giving Tuesday and be a part of a global celebration of a new tradition of generosity. It is a simple way for you to come together with others in our community to give a little something more. Join in the Push4Kids Campaign!
1. Go to Push4Kids.org on Giving Tuesday, December 1, 2015

2. Select a local PTA or Lend A Hand
3. Select the merchants you choose and purchase your book
4. Download your Mobile Coupon Book
5. Realize you just Pushed 4 Kids and your one Push has made all the difference for our area kids.
After December 1 go to Push4Kids.org to learn more and to see the results of the Push4Kids campaign.
For more information contact: dmflendahand.org www.pushsave.com www.ndpta.org