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take me out to the BALL GAME
The Fargo American Legion Post 2 Jack Williams Stadium is turning 50! The lights first turned on at the stadium in June 1966. It has always been considered a true jewel of American Legion Baseball stadiums in the country. The stadium, at 1137 Elm St. N. in Fargo, is one of the few Legionowned and Legion-operated stadiums of such quality in the entire United States.
The stadium was named for veteran North Dakota American Legion department adjutant Jack Williams, a manager of amateur baseball teams prior to his service during World War I. He was one of the originators and great supporters of American Legion Baseball. He died in June 1967. But his name lives on in the hearts and minds of all Legion Baseball players, parents, and fans who affectionately refer to “his” stadium as “Jack.”
“Jack has a wonderful baseball tradition and most boys want to live that tradition,” says Pam Birch, a mother whose oldest son, Colin, played here and whose younger son, Cole, is in his second year on the varsity team, one of the three Legion teams that call Jack home.
“There is something about this field. Kids from all over Fargo come together here to play as a team and form lifelong friendships,” she continues.
Laurie McKeever’s son, Jacob, is starting his first year with the Legion program. “As a new family, we are excited to be a part of this program and this tradition,” she says.
Both Birch and McKeever have spent a considerable amount of time at Jack, watching their sons play as they came up the ranks of Legion Baseball. They have also worked at the site when Fargo Post 2 has hosted tournaments.
According to the post’s website, Jack Williams Stadium, which was built exclusively for American Legion Baseball, received rave reviews when Post 2 first hosted the American Legion Baseball World Series in 1983. Legion officials and fans were awestruck again in 1992 when nearly $100,000 worth of improvements and additions could be seen at Fargo’s second World Series. About 100 games are played in the months of June and July, including anywhere from two to five tournaments, but not including full practice schedules for both Fargo American Legion teams.
“Jack Williams is why kids from all over Fargo want to come and play here,” says Birch. “Kids who come to this program love baseball and are willing to do the field work. They practice every day.”
“If they don’t love it, they are not going to make the commitment,” says Laurie. “We will continue to have success here at Jack because of that commitment.”
“It has been a great experience!” Birch says. “We will really miss it when we’re done.”
It is always a great experience for baseball fans to sit and enjoy a game at the beautiful jewel box that is the Jack Williams Stadium. After all, it is America’s game and certainly Fargo’s favorite.

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