1 minute read
IT whattered MY HEART.
The women coming out of trafficking often have young children, little or no post-secondary education, few professional skills, and little to no support outside of shelters. The post-traumatic stress and psychological and emotional trauma they’ve suffered is severe and requires tremendous support and counseling. Additional financial assistance for victims is critical. North Dakota recently received a federal grant, awarded to Youthworks of North Dakota, to set up seven host homes around the state for rescued trafficking victims.)
To help meet these desperate needs, Voice for the Captives birthed a sub-organization in early 2016 called The Next Step ND, which exists to provide needed financial support to victims, with no strings attached. As Lisa says, “These girls come out of trafficking feeling totally alone. Often they feel like the only way to feed their kids is to go back to their trafficker. We absolutely have to help them.” As a simple outpouring of love, The Next Step ND desires to build its financial pool to be able to provide housing, food, clothing and childcare expenses for victims who are trying to build a life after trafficking. Another goal is to develop a re- resources that could help a victim get on her feet again, please consider adding your services to The Next Step ND’s resource list. And, of course, the victims of human slavery need financial help. The Next Step ND cannot provide finances for victims without a growing and generous donor base. If you desire to serve those who’ve been silenced and abused in our community and state, perhaps giving financially to trafficking victims through The Next Step ND is the right step for you. Whatever next step we each take, may we raise our voices together, for freedom for the captives.
To Learn More or to Give: web: voiceforthecaptives.com thenextstepnd.com email: voiceforthecaptives@gmail.com