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empowering through love
women's needs top priority for pregnancy-health clinic
“My love for my daughter and their friends has led me to this work — wanting them to have a safe place to go should they ever need it,” says Wambach, FirstChoice Clinic executive director. “And on behalf of friends and family who have had regret, felt uninformed, or wished for different help than they found.”
FirstChoice Clinic serves both men and women with free comprehensive pregnancy help services. But Wambach’s current role there wasn’t initially part of her life’s plan. As a trained nurse turned stay-at-home mom, she says her life was fulfilling and full.
But when her youngest of three daughters started school, Wambach, then living in Duluth, Minnesota, felt called to volunteer in ways that would make a difference. She wanted to help establish a place that would empower women and men to handle crises bravely, find confidence, and live a life they deserve; a safe place that would provide needed love and support.
Wambach then founded a women’s clinic for those experiencing unplanned pregnancies in downtown Duluth — a line of work she was called to again after moving to Fargo, where she and her husband, Tom, and children have lived for the past four and a half years.
Beginning at FirstChoice Clinic as a board member, Wambach transitioned in June 2016 into the position of executive director, a role she’s embraced.
“I believe in putting the women’s needs first, and that’s what FirstChoice Clinic does,” Wambach says. “It’s about empowering women to help themselves, and to stimulate lifestyle changes to truly impact their lives.”
She describes FirstChoice Clinic, which has been part of our community for 32 years now, as a “pro-woman, pro-family organization” that exists to empower those in crisis — the women, men and those who
← ANGELA WAMBACH sits in front of an art print in the clinic that incorporates butterflies into the design. “Butterflies are a sign of hope and new life. [The artwork] reminds me of how anyone can begin anew, and hope can be found in every situation. This is what I desire to bring to women, men and families through the work of FirstChoice.” love them — by meeting them where they’re at. “We provide information regarding all options so that they can make a completely informed decision that is best for themselves in a secure, non-judgmental atmosphere with a loving and supportive staff.” wambach says FirstChoice staff understand how scary an unplanned pregnancy can be. “Sometimes it’s just giving them a place to talk and express their feelings, or discuss their concerns in an objective, supportive environment that makes the difference.”
Often, women and men who find themselves in unplanned pregnancies have the impression that they can’t handle their situation, Wambach says. They also most often state socioeconomic reasons as challenges to their situation. “We seek to help them overcome these obstacles and make decisions that can positively impact their lives.”
With the kind of support First Choice provides — counseling, education, resources for pregnancy and beyond, along with referrals to other agencies that can assist them — women and men can begin to see hope.
“I love seeing the transformation in the faces of the women and men who come through our doors, often arriving in distress and leaving with relief and feelings of hope,” Wambach says. “I enjoy seeing the relationships clients form with our staff, and the changes we see, from crisis to confidence.”
FirstChoice Clinic, a faith-based, non-denominational organization, relies on the generosity of the community to assist families in these crisis situations, and annually hosts a fundraising banquet to help provide for these needs.
This year’s event, which will take place on Monday, March 13, at the Holiday Inn in Fargo, will feature keynote speaker Kirk Walden, author of “The Wall.” Wambach says she hopes the event also will help broaden the awareness of the essential work of FirstChoice Clinic within the community.
“We not only help women and men through the crisis and their decision, but after the decision, too, regardless of what they choose,” she says. “Each client who walks through our door is loved. We meet them where they are at and help them journey forward.”