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holiday healing
Happy holidays to you, your family and the loved ones who may not be sitting at the table this year. Holidays bring forth an array of emotions stemming from love, happiness and joy; to sorrow, stress and worry. This year, unwrap the gift of emotions you may be experiencing and share them with someone you love. Feelings of jubilation and love tend to be easily expressed, however; after losing someone very dear to your heart, the ability to express sorrow and sadness, is like trying to find the missing key to a treasure; hard to find and difficult to unlock.
The struggle than lies with the questions: How can I cope through the holidays when I miss my mother, father, sibling or soul mate? How can I pretend to be happy, when underneath the superficial expressions, I am dying inside? Holiday cheer is more than the gifts under the tree, the glasses of wine and laughs spent with others. It’s the memories shared and the new memories created. Even though your loved one may not be at the table, they will always have a place in your heart and have a place at the table.
The sense of loss may present itself in a different manner, where mourning is a result of a personal or intimate relationship ending. Relationships offer a variety of essentials for personal growth, along with offering you a bond of trust and a level of intimacy that requires time to establish. Relationships open your heart to being vulnerable to someone, where you once may have been guarded. When a relationship ends abruptly, the feeling of security may be lost and your desires/ needs rise to the forefront. Your emotions may get the best of you due to being lonely. Avoid making decisions with a cluttered mind and broken heart, especially over the holidays. Holidays may be a challenge this year, however in time you will restore the ability to love, create and define more of who you are and who you want to become. What is meant to be will find you!
Now, let’s dive into how you can overcome the challenge of being alone over the holidays. Provided below are suggestions on how you can fill your heart with new life, new beginnings and experiences that will provide happiness to you and others. Sometimes the greatest gifts we can receive are the ones that we are able to provide.