2 minute read
cold + cozy finding joy in winter with hygge
With the twinkling lights, smell of evergreen and sounds of carols, one hardly notices the brisk air that nips at our noses. But once the music fades and the lights are packed away, we are left with just that — the biting cold. So begins the long, depressing wait for spring.
But must it be this way? Are we really to just tolerate the frozen days ahead or is it possible to even enjoy them?
Who better to answer that question then our kinsmen in cold weather, the Danish. They too experience long, dark winter days; yet, they are one of the happiest countries in the world. One explanation may be found in the concept of ”hygge.” hygge
[hoo-ga] noun origin: Denmark

(n.) a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being
Pronounced hoo-ga, hygge is defined as a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.
But what does this actually look like? Wearing more chunky sweaters or taking more selfies with cocoa? While fun, hygge goes much deeper than appearances. It’s habits and actions that bring these feelings of contentment, even when it’s minus 20 degrees outside.

Here are four simple ways to bring hygge into your life this winter:
1 ARM KNIT something useful
Arm knitting is the latest rage, and for good reason. It’s simple, all you need is some soft yarn and your arms. It’s quick, given the larger stitches. It leaves you with feelings of accomplishment. And, studies suggest that by keeping your nose warm with your new scarf, you are creating a less hospitable environment for viruses; i.e. less sick time.
Cuddling is more than just a sappy couple activity, it’s actually good for your health. Most of us know the “bonding hormone” oxytocin is released while cuddling. But did you know that that same hormone helps decrease anxiety and stress? And you don’t have to have a significant other to indulge in this one, either. Cuddling, whether with a partner, a baby or a furry friend all have this same wonderful effect.
EMBRACE the COLD on your face
Perhaps counterintuitive, being out in the cold will make you happier, not grumpier. A summary of 10 research studies found that being outside, for even as little as 5-10 minutes, measurably improved self-esteem and mood. Put this to action by going for quick, brisk walks outside, even if it means throwing a snowball or two with the kids!

4 TURN OFF before you TURN DOWN
Unnatural blue light from our phones or televisions not only prevents our bodies from releasing melatonin to help us sleep, it also makes us more prone to depression due to our natural body clocks being thrown off. Instead, try lighting a lavender or vanilla scented candle, dimming the lights in your room, and writing about your gratitudes and dreams in a “sleep journal” that you keep by your bed at night. Set a positive tone before you go to sleep. You’ll have a better night’s rest and feel more refreshed and content the next day.