2 minute read
BEAUTIFULLY WHOLE warriors arise!
there is a desire that is burning in the deepest parts of women across the nation right now. A yearning that is crying out to be heard. It is building in our hearts and rising to the surface.
I see it in the eyes of the women that sit in our audiences. I hear it in the voices of those who share with me as we lean in across the table in group and private sessions. The words might be different, but the question is the same…

“How do I live beautifully whole when I feel so broken; when I’ve made so many mistakes?” a beautifully whole woman is
Maybe you’ve wondered this, too. The answer boils down to four building blocks.
Ladies, we cannot become all we were meant to be if we keep ourselves stuck in the past. We must be intentional about our personal growth. A beautifully whole woman is intentional. She cultivates a teachable spirit and seeks out opportunities to learn and grow in all areas of her life: mind, body and spirit. She believes she can kill doubt and fear with consistent action. She lets herself dream. She writes down her goals; then, she does something that takes all her strength — she goes after those goals. Step by step she intentionally moves forward by faith, building upon her experiences.
a beautifully whole woman is purposeful.
So many women get caught in the trap of rehashing their mistakes and beating themselves up instead of purposefully learning from them. A beautifully whole woman believes there is purpose in the pain she has experienced. She finds that purpose and then implements effective ways to honor her relationships so she can build others up, too.
a beautifully whole woman is
I have yet to meet a woman who didn’t want to be known as courageous. It seems to be woven deep within the DNA of every one of us. A beautifully whole woman embraces her God-given courage and is brave enough to challenge the thoughts and behaviors that have kept her stuck. She believes in the power and healing of vulnerability. She no longer hides behind the lies; she embraces the truth and shares her story so others can learn from it and be victorious, too. She is a risk-taker who is not afraid to be herself.
a beautifully whole woman is
We’ve teetered between mediocrity and greatness for far too long. A beautifully whole woman is unwavering in her commitment to her dreams. She persists in digging deep within herself so she can overcome and be victorious in every area of her life. She recognizes that there is a process to every dream, every goal, and she sticks with it long enough for that process to be walked out. She is not distracted by shiny objects — no. She is focused and determined to faithfully sharpen her skills because she realizes that others are watching her. She knows that she is leading more women along the way, even when it feels like she’s alone.
You aren't too far gone, dear beautifully whole warrior. That burning desire in the depths of your soul is meant to be answered. You can do it! You can become more intentional, purposeful, courageous and steadfast. When you do, you too will feel the freedom of living beautifully whole — cracks and all.
"When Mourning Dawns" is our six-week series that looks at the seasons of the year to guide our conversations about the seasons of your grief. Preregistration is required and space is limited. Please call or email us if you have questions or interest in this series. for more info: boulgerfuneralhome.com