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educate yourself
AARP North Dakota is looking for people who are willing to present fraud and scam information to small groups and clubs in communities. This Fraud Fighter volunteer training session is designed to equip volunteers with the information, resources and tools needed to help protect people from being scammed. Registration required. FREE
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Fargo Holiday Inn
3803 13th Ave S, Fargo
Contact Doreen at 701-355-3643 or aarp.org/nd
Beautiful Wholeness is a group coaching, one-day event for all women designed to help you erase the lies and labels, gather your courage, and build the skills you need to grow into the beautifully whole woman you were designed to be!

9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Holiday Inn
3803 13th Ave S, Fargo 701-204-6597 bigbluecouchcoaching.com/beautifulwholeness
Thinking about Retirement? GET TO KNOW SOCIAL SECURITY
AARP North Dakota will host these retirement-planning education events focusing on getting the most out of social security in retirement. You’ll also have the opportunity to gather more resources on retirement planning and Medicare. Registration is required. FREE
11:30 AM – 1:00 PM OR 5:30 – 7:00 PM
Delta by Marriott | 1635 42nd St S, Fargo | aarp.org/nd
September 17
Take one full day to focus on you. Women’s Health Conference features inspirational speakers and homegrown experts in health, nutrition and fitness.
Tickets $75
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Delta Hotels by Marriott | 1635 42nd St S, Fargo Register at womens-heath-conference.com
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Women’s Car Care Clinic
We want to inspire customers to take charge of their vehicle’s care. This will be a three-hour clinic with demonstrations and activities. The Knowledge is Power seminar covers everything from how to sense potential problems under the hood to tips on how to communicate effectively with your service center, all in a relaxed, confidence-boosting environment. Bring your girlfriends and be ready to have a great time learning about regular vehicle maintenance, and more. For more info contact alejandra@mattsautoservicecenter.com or 701-478-3838.
9:00 AM – NOON, REGISTRATION 8:30 –9:00 AM
Matt’s Automotive Service Center Fargo | 1150 43 ½ St S, Fargo
Act Up Theatre’s summer musical, under the direction of award-winning artistic director Rebecca Meyer-Larson, addresses the theme of human connections and the social health issue of personal isolation. Explores the notion that all people are intricately interconnected, and that our personal journeys can have profound effects on those with whom we come into contact.
NDSU Askanase Auditorium
1497 12th Ave N, Fargo actuptheatre.org or 701-430-9426