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When reminiscing about Christmas cards from prior years, we probably all think of photos where we were wearing head to toe denim or the year the whole family wore matching red sweaters. For us women, we can all remember the Christmas photo where we had way too many bows on. My personal favorite was from a year we had a very formal photo session and my mom picked the one with the most ridiculous smile I have ever made in my life. Of course, that picture happened to be the photo that our family and friends seemed to keep around for years. Being in fourth grade at the time, I was so embarrassed. One year my mom told everyone in the family to wear khakis with a white or blue shirt. Well, everyone else picked white except for my husband and I. We looked like we totally missed the memo in our amazingly planned blue shirts.

I have some cherished memories of my siblings and cousins wearing pajamas that were similarly patterned or even completely matching. We love to criticize our parents for making us wear those silly pajamas but, if we’re being honest, we adore those memories. Now as a mom, I find myself doing the same thing to my kids. Just trying to give my kids some content for making fun of me later in life!

It is easy to think of clothing as just a means to an end or the pressure to prove something. At Christmastime, I like to put all those negative feelings out of my brain. It is an opportunity to wear some dorky family matching pajamas or committing to wearing the most ridiculous ugly Christmas sweater you can find because it is the chance to make memories with your family and friends.

This year my goals were to get some photos of the girls in these cute plaid dresses, buffalo check dresses, and some photos where Josie, my youngest daughter, is the focal point. I tried doing that by having her outfits complement her sister’s, but not perfectly matching them. With it being our first Christmas card with her, I want to make sure she stands out.

Christmas and Thanksgiving at our house is a much more casual event these days. I still love getting dressed up to go to church, but when it comes to mealtime we are not wearing our Sunday best. It may just be the product of having young kids, but I am not really shopping for cute holiday dresses anymore. I am loving the layered looks this year though! I’ve been looking for great cardigans and basic shirts. These are outfits to which you could add your favorite patterned scarf and some animal print shoes or fun boots.

I hope you can all make the most of your holiday season. It is such a special time of year for so many reasons. I try to make it the most magical time of year for our girls. We try to slow down and celebrate the important things and remember what we are thankful for.

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