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the BUFF life

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December january

December january

Christmas is just around the corner, which is truly my favorite time of year. I realize it can be a stressful time of year for some, but when you stop and think about the true meaning of the season, those stressful things lose their power. Last issue I introduced you to “The BUFF Life,” which is a lifestyle that prioritizes the principles that my company, BUFF, represents: Believers Uniting Fitness and Food. By prioritizing faith, family, fitness and food, my hope is to unite and connect a community with these same values. This Christmas season, I hope you’ll slow down to be in the present moment, to live your life with purpose, prioritizing your values and what matters most. Welcome to The BUFF Life, I’m so glad you’re here!


This quote is one I remind myself of and use often when encouraging others. I believe that you were meant to read those words and really take it to heart. Think about what that means and what it looks like to praise God in the hallway, as you wait for that next door to open. It’s not easy, but the wait is always worth it. His plans for you are far greater than those you have for yourself. During this season, allow patience to fill you and give yourself grace. I hope you find encouragement in these words and can keep this at the forefront of your thoughts.


It’s time to embrace this winter wonderland we live in and get outside together as a family. Lace up those ice skates (you can even rent them) and get to a neighborhood skating rink. If you bundle up in the proper layers, you’ll stay warm and if you’re like my family, we always look forward to a cup of hot chocolate after ice skating.


Sometimes just finding time in your schedule to fit a workout in is a workout in itself. Regardless of how busy you are, I promise that you’ll feel better when you accomplish this one thing each day: 30 minutes of activity — that’s it! Choose any activity to get moving, whether it’s an intense gym session, a rejuvenating yoga class or a peaceful walk outside in our “winter wonderland,” just 30 minutes a day will leave you feeling energized, refreshed and accomplished.


This is a sweet, salty, spicy and savory recipe for “Party Nuts” that will be your new holiday go-to. It’s the best of all flavors, wrapped in one delicious recipe. These party nuts are great for any and all occasions, whether you need a snack to set out for guests, a dish to bring to a holiday party, or even a hostess gift (these look great in a glass mason jar paired with the recipe). Enjoy!

Party Nuts

(serves 16, 1/8 cup portions)


2 cups unsalted mixed nuts

2 tablespoons turbinado sugar

1 teaspoon pink Himalayan sea salt

¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper

1 tablespoon molasses

1 tablespoon rosemary


1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Spread mixed nuts on a baking sheet and roast for 5 minutes.

2. In small mixing bowl, combine all seasonings.

3. Pour mixed nuts into a large bowl, add molasses and stir to coat, then add seasonings and continue stirring to coat all mixed nuts evenly.

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