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the BUFF life

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Follow Ashley on INSTAGRAM/TWITTER: @ashleysornsin FACEBOOK: ashleysornsinhealthfitnessscoach


We are well on our way into this New Year, not to mention new decade (wow, can you believe it?). And each new day brings plenty of triumphs as well as challenges. There can be a lot of pressure thinking about following through with some of those resolutions we’ve set — especially as we’ve embarked on a new decade. Let me help you take that pressure off so you can focus on making the next best decision, each moment. Start each day bringing your very best and remind yourself that each person you come in contact with, from your family to colleagues, is doing the best they can at that moment. After all, we are in this together, living ‘The BUFF Life.’ It’s a lifestyle that prioritizes the principles my company, BUFF, represents: Believers Uniting Fitness & Food. I believe that by prioritizing faith, family, fitness and food, we can unite and connect with a community that has these same values. Welcome to The BUFF Life, I’m so glad you’re here!

FAITH: “With God, all things are possible.”


Your dreams should be so big that without God, they are impossible to achieve. Sometimes we dream so small, thinking it’s impossible and unrealistic to set those big dreams, but God laughs knowing all things are possible to those who believe in Him. Remember to involve Him in each step, praying about these goals. Be flexible and realize God is working in His perfect timing. I love this Bible verse and am so encouraged by these words. I hope you are too.


Sometimes the cold days get long (I know, tell you something you don’t already know!). But we love these days, as they make us creative, doing new things that bond us as a family. We especially love getting in the kitchen, whether it’s baking cupcakes, creating our own protein pancakes, or the girls taking charge creating a meal, following a recipe in a kid friendly cookbook and even setting the table. It becomes a pinch of science, a dash of experimenting and a whole lot of bonding, with the bonus of enjoying our delicious creations at the end. Find a new cookbook, choose a recipe and get cooking!


Make fitness fun! We love being active as a family and it’s extra fun when we can do a MELT fitness class at Maximum Performance and Fitness with Carli and Kendra. It’s important to us that we set the best examples of being healthy for the girls and teach them that being active is part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s great bonding time for us and we give each other lots of high fives. Try a group fitness class that’s family friendly. It’s a great way to get everyone involved.


Overnight oats are such a great breakfast or snack that all ages love. They are so versatile, with tons of add-in options, but the best part is they’re healthy, delicious and satisfying. This recipe is allergen friendly, meaning it’s gluten, lactose and nut free, and I used one of my favorite nut-free butters, natural SunButter. This is super easy to put together and great to meal prep for the week, so whether it’s just you or your whole family, everyone can make something they will like. This recipe is a real all-star that I think everyone will enjoy.

Sunny Monkey

Overnight Oats

Serves 1 recipe:

½ cup oatmeal, gluten free

½ cup coconut milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon pure maple syrup

1 tablespoon SunButter, natural

½ banana, cut into slices

1 tablespoon mini chocolate chips directions:

1. Add all ingredients to a 16 ounce mason jar, except banana and chocolate chips.

2. Add cover and shake (this is fun for kids especially); remove cover, add banana slices and chocolate chips.

3. Replace cover and place in refrigerator; keep refrigerated overnight (or at least 30 minutes). This will keep for 2-3 days refrigerated (any longer and the banana will turn brown, but will still be good).


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