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“If you don’t behave, I’m gonna put you up for adoption!” “Oh, I could never give my baby away.” We’ve all heard the jokes, maybe even had some of these thoughts. Without even realizing it, we feed into the societal stigma surrounding adoption. Words matter. How we say things matters. It affects people in ways beyond our understanding. This is why adoption education is important. Understanding adoption as a selfless expression of love and responding with grace and appropriate language influences the adoption choices people make.

Christian Adoption Services strives to remove the stigmas and harmful myths regarding adoption that are engrained in our society and portrayed by the media. Our education team offers many services including adoption presentations in high schools and colleges, as well as presentations for community programs and civic groups. During these presentations, we discuss current adoption statistics and the adoption process for the birth families (biological families) and adoptive families. We also educate our audiences on the importance of using positive adoption language. Language is a powerful tool that can either reinforce or challenge the myths and misunderstandings of adoption. Examples of positive adoption language would be to say that “a birth mother has made an adoption plan or placed her child for adoption” or “chosen a family for her child,” instead of saying “she gave her baby away.” Placing a child for adoption is one of the bravest decisions a birth parent will make. Birth parents have chosen to hurt for the betterment of their child. By using positive adoption language, we are empowering the birth parent’s choice and reinforcing the plans that they are making for their child’s future.

In the 2019-2020 school year, Christian Adoption Services presented to over 800 students at 23 high schools and colleges throughout North Dakota and Minnesota. Since the initiation of our education program in 2016, Christian Adoption Services has reached approximately 2,000 students to date.

Christian Adoption Services also offers adoption trainings for pregnancy centers, medical professionals, and for community or county services. The purpose of these trainings is to educate professionals on how to present adoption to those facing an unintended pregnancy and how they can better support their clients as they wade through the decision-making process. We place a strong emphasis on teaching pregnancy professionals on the importance of being aware of their personal views of adoption and how that can impact their ability to fully educate their clients on their pregnancy options. Our education team emphasizes appropriate adoption language in every presentation because we believe that language is key to changing the views on adoption. Christian Adoption Services was approved to offer continuing education credits for social workers who attended specific trainings.

Christian Adoption Services is a non-profit licensed child-placing agency in the states of North Dakota and Minnesota. Founded in 1985, the faith-based agency has been growing and leading the way in caring for each member in the adoption circle. Offices are located in West Fargo and Bismarck.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT adoption services or education programs, please contact the main office in West Fargo at 701-237-4473 or visit christianadoptionservices.org.

— Mr. Rogers

The Parent and Family Resource Center provides focused parenting and family education programs to empower parents, families and caregivers with the ability to build upon their strengths, learn new skills, and to thrive in our diverse society.

Upcoming Fall classes are FREE with in-person and online options. Registration required.

• Active Parenting; Ages 0-5, Ages 5-12 and Teens

• Love & Logic

• The Nurtured Heart Approach ndsu.cass.extension@ndsu.edu www.ag.ndsu.edu/pen

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