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B e Open

Uncharted times can lead to uncertainty, self-doubt and fear. Be open to accepting feedback, insight and taking a new approach on what may or may not be working personally or professionally. Seeking an outside point of view will provide an opportunity to have a new perspective, which could help alleviate present stressors.

A cceptance

Acknowledge what no longer benefits your growth, and release yourself from the energy it is consuming. If you are waiting for something or someone to change, you are accepting the attitude, the behavior, or the potential outcome. You have the opportunity to null and void anything that prevents your pursuit of happiness.

Swing For The Fences

T rain Yourself

Incorporate daily practices to retrain or enhance your current way of thinking. The last couple of months have been mentally exhausting for many. However, through the trials and tribulations lies great opportunity for self-improvement. Research a passion you may have set on the sidelines, and actively pursue a way to incorporate it back into your life. Training is gaining.

T ime

Assess the ways you are currently expending your time. Are these areas utilized to be stagnant and consumed with self-defeat, or empowering you to take another crack at bat? If you are currently lost in negativity, re-evaluate positive steps required to take you to the next level. Choose how you use your time, because you cannot rewind.

E nergy

The energy you put out is the energy that you will receive. Negativity needs company, which most can agree is apparent on social media, in the news and how people are responding to varying opinions. The fuel required to enhance your energy is love, positivity and surrounding yourself with radiant beings. Cut the cord on low vibrations, and plant the seed on illuminating the light of compassion.

R epetition

Daily action is required to reach your desired outcome. Imagine the only time you swung a bat was during a game. The odds of making contact on the first swing, let alone contact in general, would be slim to none. Results are driven by action. Without action you will not see results.

U nleash your potential

Your true potential is limitless when you refrain from establishing pre-existing barriers in your mind, on what you are capable of achieving. The tendency of many is to self-sabotage future goals before even getting started. Focus on the ball, and swing for the fences!

P ower up

Powering up and staying there isn’t as easy as it may sound. The world continues to change up its curveball, so you have to be prepared to face the pitch with a clear mind and healthy body. Find your Zen, work on your temple, and give love to yourself and others. Self-restoration is the game changer on knocking it out of the park.

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