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A DECADE of dedication to Dys LEX ia
You are then yourself for energy you didn’t even know you had to find the answers that it seems no one can give you. You spend your nights researching and striving to put the puzzle pieces together to learn how to overcome the challenge in front of you. to
More than a decade ago, Kari Bucholz spent her nights digging deep to find the answers to why her son, Haley, was struggling in school. No matter what she and her husband did, they could not help him, though Haley seemed to work harder than any student in his class. As any loving parents would be, they were determined to help him. On one of her late-night research binges, Kari stumbled upon the term dyslexia and suddenly everything started to click. She was able to slowly start putting the puzzle pieces together and provide Haley the support he needed.
She felt incredibly alone because no one seemed to believe in what they were doing to help him. Knowing it was real, she continued to fight for him. Her research showed her that dyslexia is a learning disability affecting one in five students. In fact, Walt Disney, Albert Einstein, Jay Leno and Whoopi Goldberg all faced the same challenge! She knew it couldn’t be a mountain too high to climb, but it would take a lot of determination to do so.

Knowing that 20% of students with a learning disability dropout of school compared to the 8% nationwide dropout rate, Kari was committed to making sure that Haley came out on the positive side of those statistics. As she became even more invested in Haley’s education and learned more about how many children face the same challenge of dyslexia, she developed a deep desire to provide the support that so many parents and students needed.
That support materialized in 2011 in the form of a non-profit called Haley’s Hope. Providing over a decade of dedication to those facing the challenge of dyslexia, Kari now proudly shares that her son Haley graduated high school and is a successful college student. She recollects that the moment the school administrators asked Haley, “How would you like your name to read on your diploma?” was a defining moment. She and Haley looked at each other as she broke down saying, “We did it, Haley.”
Within that decade of time, Kari has never hosted a fundraising event. She always desired to, but nothing seemed to fit the Haley’s Hope mission until now. On January 17, 2021, Haley’s Hope will be hosting “Good Gaming,” a virtual gaming event where teams of three will enroll and compete for a prize valued at over $300. In this new virtual world, this event seemed to fit perfectly with their mission of giving back to the kids, while creating a fun way to connect. The event is open to middle school, high school and collegiate level students, and during the event you will have a chance to bid on who you think will win. You also have the opportunity to grab a “Good Gamer” shirt for you and your child to wear in support of your gamer. All proceeds from this event will benefit Haley’s Hope — so don’t wait; get your gamer registered today.
For More Information
on dyslexia and how you can support Haley's Hope, visit haleyshope.org.