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silver bells, silver linings


As this difficult and strange year heads towards its close, I’m tempted to heave a sigh of relief. Aren’t we all? Along with the relief of putting 2020 in the rearview mirror comes the realization that for me, there have been some bright spots along the way this year — silver linings, if you will. And it is my hope that if you’re reading this, you can say the same.

Most importantly, I am grateful that my family has remained healthy even after a couple of close encounters with the virus. If that weren’t true, much of what have been silver linings for me this year would not have been possible.

I’m so proud to announce that

The Fargo Antiques & Repurposed Market has been voted number one in The Best of the Red River Valley in the annual Fargo Forum poll. We had been striving for this designation after several second-place finishes. Thank you to all who voted for The FARM!

On October 15, The Fargo Antiques & Repurposed Market (The FARM), my dream business, celebrated its fifth anniversary. The FARM has become a destination for collectors, and vintage and antique lovers from across the area. And there was a time not so long ago that I wasn’t sure that would happen. The Small Business Administration estimates that by the fifth year, about 50% of all small businesses have failed. As a long-time professional accountant, I’d seen it dozens of times.

And in 2020? The statistics are brutal. But thanks to an enormous amount of support and help from my family, friends, vendors and, of course, our customers, The FARM is firmly in the 50% that succeed. Thank you.

This spring, I had the honor of being nominated for the FMWF Chamber of Commerce’s Chamber Choice Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Wow! The field was impressive and at the risk of sounding trite, it was truly an honor just to be nominated. Thank you.

As we move into the holidays and the new year, I do so with great hope for the future and gratitude for the past. The Fargo Antiques & Repurposed market and the dozens of small businesses it houses will continue to grow and offer the best antique shopping experience in the Red River Valley in a dynamic, clean, and spacious environment.

We’ll be holding special events like our holiday sale on Small Business Saturday, November 28. We’ll keep our Holiday Hayloft stocked with collectibles and vintage items for all the holidays. And we’ll look forward to seeing friends, new and old, in the new year.

All the best, Kristi

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