2 minute read
connection matters most
One of the most prominent lessons of 2020 is that connection matters. In our previously toobusy lives, we took for granted the simple joys and meaningful impact of being together — as family, friends, organizations and as a collective community. Connection with others is a fundamental piece of who we are, directly tied to our physical, mental and emotional well-being. Connection matters most.
Although we are limited in our ways to connect with others, there are powerful alternatives that can bring us together as a community. We have an opportunity to connect with others, become part of a cause bigger than oneself, and to make a contribution toward improving the quality of life all around us. That opportunity is Giving Hearts Day.
Giving Hearts Day is more than just a day. It’s a movement of generosity with an abundance of heart behind it. This year, Giving Hearts Day has expanded its mission to champion volunteerism and donation of goods in addition to raisingnancial gi s. This means there are even more ways you can support and connect with a charity.
We invite you to consider these five Covid-19-friendly volunteer opportunities! There are over 500 volunteer opportunities listed at givingheartsday.org, with more added daily.
Personally invite friends and family to support a charity you care about.
Write thank you notes or make thank you calls to donors on behalf of a charity.
Activate your networks by spreading the good word about the charity or charities you support.
There is always something that needs to get from point A to point B.
Volunteer your skills to write, review or edit something for a charity.
We have also set a big, bold goal to be the most generous region by 2025. To do so, we are driven to become the No. 1 region for volunteerism and the No. 1 giving day in the nation. We are excited to be launching this bold goal, and we challenge our communities to join us in helping someone this Giving Hearts Day! Across our region we can bring together our friends and neighbors to lead purpose-driven lives by li ing up our communities through the giving of time, talent or treasure.
Giving Hearts Day, a 24-hour “friend-raising” event for North Dakota and northwest Minnesota charities, will take place on February 11, 2021. There are 500 charities doing amazing work in our region, awaiting our help to advance their missions. The year of 2020 has been a challenging time for charities to stay a oat. Now more than ever we are asking all of you, our Giving Hearts, to connect and contribute.
Join us this Giving Hearts Day by giving a nancial gi , pledging to volunteer or pledging to donate goods at givingheartsday.org. By connecting with a charity, you will ll your heart, improve your health and make an incredible di erence for those in need.

Giving Hearts Day is creating A SEASON OF GIVING

in the days leading up to the February 11 event. From now until February 9 at 11:59 p.m., participants can enter to win some great prizes, including the grand prize, a 2021 Chevy Silverado pickup donated by Gate City Bank. Donate to a charity, pledge online to volunteer or donate goods, or post on Facebook about a charity using the hashtag #helpsomeone.
Visit givingheartsday.org/sweepstakes to learn more.
Amber DeKrey is the director of Giving Hearts Day at Dakota Medical Foundation. She is passionate about helping others find meaning and purpose through acts of kindness, service, and giving back to the community. Amber, her husband Brent, and their two girls live in Fargo. They love spending time outdoors and playing family games. Check out GivingHeartsDay.org for ways to get yourself, your family, or your organization involved.