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ALL-INCLUSIVE senior care
In today’s world chronic health conditions abound. And the certainty of good health is unpredictable, especially for older adults. Add in the challenges and fears concerning COVID-19, and a healthy future can be even more di cult to imagine.
When we think about our loved ones, we want to know their health is being managed in a way that keeps them living safely at home as long as possible. For loved ones living with chronic health conditions, what they want and need is a team focused on managing all aspects of their health, allowing them the freedom to enjoy their life in their own home.
The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a healthcare option designed to manage the care needs and health services of enrollees who are focused on preserving their health, overall well-being, and ability to stay living at home. With PACE, medical and healthcare services are tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each person. But more than that, they identify various factors that pose risks to an older adult’s safety in their home and community, and assistance with basic tasks like housekeeping or shopping.
Imagine waking up and having a team of medical professionals available to you daily. The PACE team is there assisting you or your loved one at home, getting them set for the day, assisting them with basic tasks, and providing additional services throughout the day and week, such as assistance with meal preparation. The care needs are coordinated between team members who work closely together each day. It is a huge weight li ed o the shoulders of any family or individual living with chronic health conditions. Whether the healthcare needs are provided by the PACE team, in the PACE day center, at home, or at specialty care services in the community, the PACE care team ensures needs are met. Transportation to appointments or PACE centers is provided, taking the guesswork out of how your loved one will get to and from care.
FOR MORE INFORMATION on how a PACE program can help you or a loved one manage their care needs and remain living at home with less stress and worry, visit northlandpace.com.