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MEMORY CAFÉ: Shifting the Paradigm of Memory Loss
Adiagnosis of dementia or other forms of memory loss can be devastating. It typically leads to feelings of fear, guilt, anger, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and despair for both the people living with the memory loss and their care partners. Additionally, these couples o en feel ill-equipped, overwhelmed, and deserted by their friends, family, medical providers and communities of faith. Well-intentioned community members o en feel frightened and ill-equipped to deal with dementia, so they tragically pull away.
Memory Café of the Red River Valley (MCRRV) is leading the community in changing the way we think about memory loss. While we don’t have a cure for dementia we do advocate for a more positive and life-giving approach to the disease. Instead of succumbing to the stigma of dementia, we believe it is possible to live well with memory loss for a long time if people are provided quality education, a place to belong without fear or judgment, sustained new friendships, and enriching opportunities to engage with the community through music, art, movement and community service.
If you’re living with early to mid-stage memory loss, or you’re the care partner of someone who is, you’re invited to attend a variety of free events and activities sponsored by Memory Café. Three large-group meetings per month are held at Bethel Church and the Hjemkomst Center, with an average attendance of approximately 40 people. These meetings focus on brainbuilding activities, education, physical activity, community service projects, intergenerational activities, art and music. Two additional gatherings are held every week at our Linger, Laugh and Learn (LLL) Center in downtown Fargo. These casual gatherings o er fun opportunities for individuals with unique interests to socialize, learn, create art, play games and laugh together. Our well-attended monthly caregiver support group called the “Caregiver Café” is also held at the LLL Center.
Memory Café would like to invite the public to two upcoming community events. On May 18, we will celebrate our h birthday. The community celebration will be held from 1:00 to 3:30 p.m. at Bethel Church, 2702 30th Ave. S., Fargo. Cake and refreshments will be served, a pottery art project sponsored by Katherine Kilbourne Center for Creativity will be offered, and music will be provided by one of Fargo- Moorhead's most beloved singer/songwriters, Sarah Morrau. Please bring your friends and join us!
The second community event is our annual Rede ning Memory Loss Caregiver Conference, “I Already Told You … Don’t You Remember?” This conference and silent auction will be held on June 7 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn in Fargo. The conference will provide resources and points of connection for care partners, professionals and community members in Fargo-Moorhead and the surrounding area. Erin Bonitto, a nationally known dementia educator, dementia communications coach, and founder of Gemini Consulting in Cold Springs, Minnesota will be the keynote speaker. Bonitto inspires and equips families and team members in community living environments to become the best dementia communicators possible. A recent diagnosis of dementia in her own family has added a depth of knowledge to Bonitto's coaching that only those who have a loved one with dementia can understand. Bonitto truly understands what it is to simultaneously grieve a person's losses while celebrating and building upon their remaining strengths.

The conference will also discuss the important di erences between Age-Associated Memory Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease; the “language” of dementia; communication strategies known to decrease or prevent challenging behavioral symptoms; and methods for creating moments of pleasure, purpose and peace for both the care partner and the person living with dementia. The conference will conclude with a panel discussion composed of community members directly impacted by dementia and community experts and Q&A.
This conference and silent auction includes refreshments and lunch. Registration is $30 for community members and $60 for professionals, and includes refreshments and lunch. The conference has been approved for four CEU hours by the North Dakota Board of Social Workers. Register by May 20 at eventbrite.com (search “rede ning memory loss”) or send registration form and check to Memory Café, Box 883, Fargo, ND 58107. Call 701-404-6712 for more information.
FOR MORE ABOUT MEMORY CAF É visit memorycaferrv.org.