Listado ACOP artículos

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Communication, Culture & Critique MELLESE, Mastewal y MÜLLER, Marion G. (2012): “Mapping Text–Visual Frames of SubSaharan Africa in the News: A Comparison of Online News Reports From Al Jazeera and British Broadcasting Corporation Websites”, Communication, Culture & Critique, 5(2), pp.191229. PAL, Mahuya y DUTTA, Mohan J. (2012): “Organizing Resistance on the Internet: The Case of the International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal”, Communication, Culture & Critique, 5(2), pp. 230- 251. MITMAN, Tyson, NIKOLAEV, Alexander y PORPORA Douglas (2012): “The Critical Moral Voice on American Newspaper Opinion” Communication, Culture & Critique, 5(2), pp. 392408. WHARTON, Sue (2012): “Latent Consensus in Public Debate: Media Discussion of Fathers' Rights in the UK”, Communication, Culture & Critique, 5(2), pp. 427-444. Communication Research GUNTHER, Albert C., EDGERLY, Stephanie, AKIN, Heather y BROESCH, James A. (2012): “Partisan Evaluation of Partisan Information”, Communication Research, 39(4), pp. 439-457. LEE, Francis L. F. (2012): “Does Discussion With Disagreement Discourage All Types of Political Participation? Survey Evidence From Hong Kong”, Communication Research, 39(4), pp. 534-562 PALOMARES, Nicholas A. (2012): “Are You Doing What I’m Doing? Goal Projection in Conversation”, Communication Research, 39(5), pp. 592-613. SU, Chunke (2012): “Who Knows Who Knows What in the Group? The Effects of Communication Network Centralities, Use of Digital Knowledge Repositories, and Work Remoteness on Organizational Members’ Accuracy in Expertise Recognition”, Communication Research, 39(5), pp. 614-640. KLEEMANS, Mariska, VETTEHEN, Paul G.J.H., BEENTJES, Johannes W. J. y EISINGA, Rob (2012): “The Influence of Age and Gender on Preferences for Negative Content and Tabloid Packaging in Television News Stories”, Communication Research, 39(5), pp. 679-697. Comunicación y Sociedad McCOMBS, Maxwell (2012): “Civic Osmosis: The Social Impact of Media”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp.7-14. GARCÍA, Francisco y ROSADO, María Jesús (2012): “Conductas sociocomunicativas de los nativos digitales y los jóvenes en la web 2.0”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp. 1538. GUTIÉRREZ, Ruth (2012): “John Ford and the Author Theory: contribution of Anglo-Saxon criticism towards debate”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp. 39-58.

SCHERMAN, Andrés y ARRIAGADA, Arturo (2012): “Disposition to vote and media consumption patterns among Chilean youth”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1) pp.85112. SCOLARI, Carlos Alberto, JIMÉNEZ, Manel y GUERRERO, Mar (2012): “Narrativas transmediáticas en España: cuatro ficciones en busca de un destino cross-media”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp. 137-164. OLIVA, Mercé (2012): “Improving reality. An analysis of Spanish makeover reality television”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp. 189-216. HUERTA, Miguel Ángel y PÉREZ, Ernesto (2012): “La creación de discurso ideológico en el cine popular del tardofranquismo (1966-1975): el ‘ciclo Paco Martínez Soria’”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp. 289-312. HERNÁNDEZ, Alejandra y MARTÍN, Marta (2012): “Ethics on the corporate websites of the main advertising agencies in Spain”, Comunicación y Sociedad, vol. XXV(1), pp. 367-398. Discourse & Society EDWARDS, Geraint O. (2012): “A comparative discourse analysis of the construction of ‘ingroups’ in the 2005 and 2010 manifestos of the British National Party”, Discourse & Society, 23 (3), pp. 245-258. FORCHTNER, Bernhard y KøLVRAA, Christoffer (2012): “Narrating a ‘new Europe’: From ‘bitter past’ to self-righteousness?”, Discourse & Society, 23(3), pp.377-400. JAWORSKA, Sylvia y KRISHNAMURTHY, Ramesh (2012): “On the F word: A corpus-based analysis of the media representation of feminism in British and German press discourse, 1990– 2009”, Discourse & Society, 23(3), pp. 401-431. SAGHAYE-BIRIA, Hakimeh (2012): “American Muslims as radicals? A critical discourse analysis of the US congressional hearing on ‘The Extent of Radicalization in the American Muslim Community and That Community’s Response’”, Discourse & Society 23(4), pp. 508524. ZHU, Yunxia y McKENNA, Bernard (2012): “Legitimating a Chinese takeover of an Australian iconic firm: Revisiting models of media discourse of legitimacy”, Discourse & Society, 23(4), pp. 525-552. Estudios sobre el Mensaje periodístico CARRERA, Pilar, SAINZ de BARANDA, Clara, HERRERO, Eva y LIMON, Nieves (2012): “Periodismo y Social Media: cómo están usando Twitter los periodistas españoles”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 18(1), pp 31-53. DOVAL, Montserrat y MARTINEZ, Beatriz (2012): “La audiencia activa en Twitter: análisis de la retirada de un artículo de opinión en "El Mundo"”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 18(1), pp. 55-71.

FONDEVILA, Joan Francesc (2012): “El uso de recursos del periodismo digital en la prensa del Reino Unido, Francia, Estados Unidos y España”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 18 (1), pp. 73-87. MARTINEZ, Valentín, JUANATEY, Óscar y COSTA, Carmen (2012): “"Agenda setting" y crisis económica: influencia de la prensa en el comportamiento de consumo y ahorro”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 18(1), pp. 147-156. ODRIOZOLA, Javier (2012): “Cibermedios y "agenda-setting": la configuración de la agenda mediática internacional”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 18(1), pp. 157-172. OTERO, María Luisa y LOPEZ, Xosé (2012): “Cómo las fuentes gubernamentales se cuelan en los infográficos de los medios impresos”, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 18(1), pp. 173-192. European Journal of Communication KOSTADINOVA, Petia y DIMITROVA, Daniela V. (2012): “Communicating policy change: Media framing of economic news in post-communist Bulgaria”, European Journal of Communication, 27(2), pp. 171-186. LILLEKER, Darren G. (2012): “People, parties and parliaments: Election campaigns, media and their impact”, European Journal of Communication, 27(2), pp. 187-194. PEDERSEN, Rasmus (2012): “The game frame and political efficacy: Beyond the spiral of cynicism”, European Journal of Communication, 27(3), pp. 225-240. ALLEN, Henry y SAVIGNY, Heather (2012): “Selling scandal or ideology? The politics of business crime coverage”, European Journal of Communication, 27(3), pp. 278-290. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics ESSER, Frank, De VREESE, Claes H., STRÖMBÄCK, Jesper, Van AELST, Peter, AALBERG, Toril, STANYER, James, LENGAUER, Günther, BERGANZA, Rosa, LEGNANTE, Guido, PAPATHANSSOPOULOS, Stylianos, SALGADO, Susana, SHEAFER, Tamir y REINEMANN, Carsten (2012): “Political Information Opportunities in Europe: A Longitudinal and Comparative Study of Thirteen Television Systems”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(3), pp. 247-274. QUIRING, Oliver y WEBER, Mathias (2012): “Between Usefulness and Legitimacy: Media Coverage of Governmental Intervention during the Financial Crisis and Selected Effects”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(3), pp. 294-315. TWORZECKI, Hubert y SEMETKO, Holli A. (2012):“Media Use and Political Engagement in Three New Democracies: Malaise versus Mobilization in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland”, The International Journal of Press/Politics, 17(4), pp. 407-432.

Information, Communication & Society NIELSEN, Kleis (2012): “Recognizing the role of technologists in old media organizations’ development of new media technologies”, Information, Communication & Society, 15(6), pp. 959-978. BRUNS, Axel (2012): “How long is a tweet? Mapping dynamic conversation networks on twitter using gawk and gephi”, Information, Communication & Society, 15(9), pp.1323-1351. International Communication Gazette ALMASKATI, Nawaf A. (2012): “Newspaper coverage of the 2011 protests in Egypt”, International Communication Gazette, 74(4), pp. 342-366. TSAN-KUO, Chang, SOUTHWELL, Brian, HYUNG-MIN, Lee y HONG, Yejin (2012):“A changing world, unchanging perspectives: American newspaper editors and enduring values in foreign news reporting”, International Communication Gazette, 74(4), pp. 367-384. KLEINEN-VON, Katharina (2012): “Europe in crisis? Testing the stability and explanatory factors of the Europeanization of national public spheres”, International Communication Gazette, 74(5), pp. 443-463. Van DALEN, Arjen (2012): “The people behind the political headlines: A comparison of political journalists in Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain”, International Communication Gazette, 74(5), pp. 464-483. HANUSCH, Folker (2012): “The visibility of disaster deaths in news images: A comparison of newspapers from 15 countries”, International Communication Gazette, 74(7), pp. 655-672. International Journal of Public Opinion MATTHES, Jörg, HAYES, Andrew F., ROJAS, Hernando, SHEN, Fei, MIN, Seong-Jae, DYLKO, Ivan B. (2012): “Exemplifying a Dispositional Approach to Cross-Cultural Spiral of Silence Research: Fear of Social Isolation and the Inclination to Self-Censor”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 24(3), pp. 287-305. LANG, Kurt (2012): “What is this Thing we Call Public Opinion? Reflections on the Spiral of Silence”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 24(3), pp. 368-386.

Journal of Communication KIM, Hyun, BIGMAN Cabral A., LEADER, Amy E., LERMAN, Caryn y CAPPELLA, Joseph N. (2012): “Narrative Health Communication and Behavior Change: The Influence of Exemplars in the News on Intention to Quit Smoking”, Journal of Communication, 62(3), pp. 473-492. SHULMAN, Hillary C. y LEVINE, Timothy R. (2012): “Exploring Social Norms as a GroupLevel Phenomenon: Do Political Participation Norms Exist and Influence Political Participation on College Campuses?”, Journal of Communication, 62(3), pp. 532-552. NIR, Lilach (2012): “Cross-National Differences in Political Discussion: Can Political Systems Narrow Deliberation Gaps?”, Journal of Communication, 62(3), pp. 553-570. KNOBLOCH-WESTERWICK, Silvia (2012): “Selective Exposure and Reinforcement of Attitudes and Partisanship Before a Presidential Election”, Journal of Communication, 62(4), pp. 628-642. YAN, Changmin, DILLARD, James P. y SHEN, Fuyuan (2012): “Emotion, Motivation, and the Persuasive Effects of Message Framing”, Journal of Communication, 62(4), pp. 682-700. NAGEL, Friederike; MAURER, Marcus y REINEMANN, Carsten (2012): “Is There a Visual Dominance in Political Communication? How Verbal, Visual, and Vocal Communication Shape Viewers' Impressions of Political Candidates”, Journal of Communication, 62(5), pp. 833-850.

Journal of Political Communication HABEL, Philip (2012): “Following the Opinion Leaders? The Dynamics of Influence Among Media Opinion, the Public, and Politicians”, Journal of Political Communication, 29(3), pp. 257-277. Journal of Political Marketing ZVULUN, Jacky (2012):“The Single Transferable Vote and Voter Turnout in the 2004 Local Elections”, Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), pp. 123-142. PARKIN, Michael (2012): “The Impact of Multimedia Technology on Candidate Website Visitors”, Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), pp. 143-164. JONES, Michael D. y JORGENSEN, Paul D. (2012): “Mind the Gap? Political Advertisements and Congressional Election Results”, Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), pp. 165-188. TORRES, Ivonne M., HYMAN, Michael R. y HAMILTON, J. (2012): “Candidate-Sponsored TV Ads for the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election: A Content Analysis”, Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), pp. 189-207. PARKER, Brian T. (2012): “Candidate Brand Equity Valuation: A comparison of U.S. Presidential candidates during the 2008 Primary election campaign”, Journal of Political Marketing, 11(3), pp. 208-230.

Media, Culture & Society SAHA, Anamik (2012): “‘Beards, scarves, halal meat, terrorists, forced marriage’: television industries and the production of ‘race’”, Media, Culture & Society, 34(4), pp. 424-438. TANG, Lijun y SAMPSON, Helen (2012): “The interaction between mass media and the internet in non-democratic states: The case of China”, Media, Culture & Society, 34(4), pp. 457471. CHIGNELL, Hugh (2012): “BBC Radio Four’s Analysis and the Third Way”, Media, Culture & Society 34 (4), pp. 488-497. AGIRREAZKUENAGA, Irati (2012): “The role of the media in empowering minority identities: Basque-language radio during the Franco dictatorship (1960s–1976) and their influence as identity catalysts”, Media, Culture & Society 34(4), pp. 498-509. KATZ-KIMCHI, Merav (2012): “Screening science, producing the nation: popular science programs on Israeli television (1968–88)”, Media, Culture & Society, 34(5), pp. 519-536. SOURBATI, Maria (2012): “Disabling communications? A capabilities perspective on media access, social inclusion and communication policy”, Media, Culture & Society 34 (5), pp. 571587. MAUERSBERGER, Christof (2012): “To be prepared when the time has come: Argentina’s new media regulation and the social movement for democratizing broadcasting” Media, Culture & Society 34(5), pp. 588-605. ZELIZER, Barbie (2012): “How to make meaning of hand-wringing after scandal”, Media, Culture & Society 34(5), pp. 625-630. POWELL, Alison (2012): “Democratizing production through open source knowledge: from open software to open hardware”, Media, Culture & Society, 34(6), pp. 691-708. SHUMOV, Moses: “Immigrant journalism, ideology and the production of transnational media spaces”, Media, Culture & Society, 34(7), pp. 815-831. CHIN, Yik Chan (2012): “Public service broadcasting, public interest and individual rights in China” Media, Culture & Society 34(7), pp. 898-912. News Media & Society MARKMAN, Kris M. (2012): “Doing radio, making friends, and having fun: Exploring the motivations of independent audio podcasters”, New Media & Society, 14(4), pp. 547-565. GILMORE, Jason (2012): “Ditching the pack: Digital media in the 2010 Brazilian congressional campaigns”, New Media & Society, 14(4), pp. 617-633. DAVIS, Katie (2012): “Tensions of identity in a networked era: Young people’s perspectives on the risks and rewards of online self-expression”, New Media & Society 14(4), pp. 634-651.

LARSSON, Anders y MOE, Hallvard (2012): “Studying political microblogging: Twitter users in the 2010 Swedish election campaign”, New Media & Society, 14(5) pp. 729-747. SILES, Ignacio (2012): “The rise of blogging: Articulation as a dynamic of technological stabilization”, New Media & Society, 14(5), pp. 781-797. THOBURN, Nicholas (2012): “Ceci n’est pas un magazine: The politics of hybrid media in Mute magazine”, New Media & Society, 14(5), pp. 815-831. DYLK, Ivan B., BEAM, Michael A., LANDREVILLE, Kristen D. y GEIDNER, Nicholas (2012): “Filtering 2008 US presidential election news on YouTube by elites and nonelites: An examination of the democratizing potential of the internet”, New Media & Society 14(5), pp. 832-849. LÖBLICH, Maria y WENDELIN, Manuel (2012): “ICT policy activism on a national level: Ideas, resources and strategies of German civil society in governance processes”, New Media & Society, 14(6), pp. 899-915. CHEN, Nien-Tsu N., DONG, Fan, BALL-ROKEACH, Sandra J., PARKS, Michael y HUANG, Jin (2012): “Building a new media platform for local storytelling and civic engagement in ethnically diverse neighborhoods”, New Media & Society 14(6), pp. 931-950. TANEJA, Harsh, WEBSTER, James G., MALTHOUSE, Edward C. y KSIAZEK, Thomas B. (2012): “Media consumption across platforms: Identifying user-defined repertoires”, New Media & Society, 14(6), pp. 951-968. ÖSTMAN, Johan (2012): “Information, expression, participation: How involvement in usergenerated content relates to democratic engagement among young people”, New Media & Society, 14(6), pp. 1004-1021. Nordicom Review MELIN, Magareta (2012): “Doing the Right Thing: Passion, Politics and Plurality”, Nordicom Review, 33(1 sup.), pp. 35-42. THOMAS, Pradip Ninan (2012): “Public Sector Software, Participatory Communications and Social Change”, Nordicom Review, 33(1 sup.), pp.77-90. ALFARO MORENO, Rosa María (2012): “Is it Possible to Generate Development Starting from Communication?”, Nordicom Review, 33(1 sup.), pp. 91-104. Public Opinion Quarterly PRIOR, Markus (2012): “Who Watches Presidential Debates?: Measurement Problems in Campaign Effects Research”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 76(2), pp. 350-363 YENGAR, Shanto, SOOD, Gaurav y LELKES, Yphtach (2012): “Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Identity Perspective on Polarization”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 76(3), pp. 405-431.

McDONALD, Michael P. y TOLBERT, Caroline J. (2012): “Perceptions vs. Actual Exposure to Electoral Competition and Effects on Political Participation”, Public Opinion Quarterly, 76(3), pp. 538-554. Rhetoric & Public Affairs PARRY-GILES, Shawn, J. y BLAIR, Diane (2012): “The Rise of the Rhetorical First Lady: Politics, Gender Ideology, and Women's Voice”, 1789-2002, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 15(2), pp. 565-600. DILLIPLANE, Susanna (2012): Race, Rhetoric, and Running for President: Unpacking the Significance of Barack Obama’s “A More Perfect Union” Speech”, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, 15(1), pp. 127-152. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social ZURUTUZA, Cristina y GARCIA, Carmela (2012): “Las elecciones europeas de 2009 en la prensa aragonesa”, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 67(1), pp. 1-22. CANGA, Jesús (2012): “Nacionalismo e ideología en la prensa vasca a través de la guerra de Malvinas”, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 67(2), pp. 271-291. VAZQUEZ, Montserrat, FERNANDEZ, Ana-Belén y PEREZ, Jesús (2012): “Comunicación electoral universitaria a través de la web 2.0”, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 67(2), pp. 394-413. Telos FERNANDEZ del MORAL, Javier (2012): “La tercera y definitiva brecha digital”, Telos, 91, pp. 6-8. GARCIA, Jaime (2012): “Identidad híbrida en la era 'post-PC': Movilidad y cambio social”, Telos, 91, pp. 89-95. ROCA, Genis (2012): “Redes sociales e identidad digital: ¿Qué dice la Red de ti?”, Telos, 91, pp. 96-98. SANCHEZ, Sergio (2012): “Tendencias pan-europeas en gestión de identidad digital: Ciudadanía y Administraciones Públicas”, Telos, 91, pp. 99-104, CASTELLO, Araceli y ROS, Vicente José (2012): “El uso de Twitter para la comunicación de la responsabilidad: Acciones medioambientales”, Telos, 91, pp. 116-130. ORTEGA, Félix (2012): “¿Una comunicación política sin ciudadanía?”, Telos, 92, pp. 6-8. BERALNGA, Inmaculada (2012): “Nuevas ágoras de la democracia posmoderna: las redes sociales on-line”, Telos, 92, pp. 118-126. Zer FERNÁNDEZ, José, SÁNCHEZ, Cristina (2012): “Retos de la profesión publicitaria: aportaciones desde la planificación estratégica”, ZER-Revista de Estudios de Comunicación, 32, pp. 51-71.

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