Composers' Digest - Spring/Summer 2011

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Composers’ Digest Spring/Summer 2011

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SMC Traditional Music Showcase


SMC Human “Music” Library and Cryptic


Sound Chamber


The Cottier Chamber Project


Auricle Ensemble


Pure Brass


Musical Bites


Spring/Summer Podcast


Performance Details


Calls for Scores


In The News


Next Issue


It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Spring/Summer 2011 edition of our Composers’ Digest – our fullest and most exciting issue yet! With each release, our members’ news and contribution of material continues to increase and we are delighted that so many of you have exceptionally productive summers ahead! Throughout June, we have no less than 26 performances featuring works by SMC members – the highest recorded to date and I am positive that we can generate at least one performance for every day of the month in the near future. This development has been greatly assisted by The Cottier Chamber Project which is already in full swing following a successful opening weekend. With summer festivals remaining a key focus, we look forward to Pure Brass’ première of Alasdair Nicolson’s The Vanishing at St Magnus, prèmieres of Sally Beamish’s work at Lofoten Chamber Music Festival and BBC Chamber Proms, before turning to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe where we are pleased to announce the return of Cryptic’s Orlando, no less than 3 exciting productions featuring the work of David Paul Jones and numerous performances of Edward McGuire’s music. Furthermore, we are thrilled to introduce Sound Chamber, CMFS’s unique showcase designed to raise the profile of Scottish chamber music ensembles both nationally and internationally. Finally, the summer achieved an excellent start within the SMC following our first members’ reception on 13th May. Thanks to your exceptional support, the event was a huge success, so please endeavour to watch this space for further developments. Christopher Glasgow SMC Administrator

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The Scottish Music Centre is pleased to be hosting some of Scotland’s finest young traditional musicians in an informal showcase demonstrating the healthy state of Scotland’s traditional music scene.

The Scottish Music Centre is delighted to be able to partner with the Scottish Refugee Council this year to celebrate Scottish Refugee Week (June 20th -26th).

The students of the National Centre of Excellence in Traditional Music, based at Plockton High School in the West Highlands, will be performing as part of their annual tour. th

They will be in the SMC on the evening of Monday 20 June, performing acoustically in their various bands. This is a rare chance to get up close to the students and find out what they do, and fingers crossed a session will develop afterwards, so bring your instrument! The Centre teaches accordion, clarsach, fiddle, pipes, piano, guitar, whistle, flute, and Scots and Gaelic song, and all of these will feature strongly on the programme. There are a few other instruments involved as well, though, and there really is something for everybody in the show. Admission is free, but space is limited, so please contact Christopher Glasgow as soon as possible to reserve a place:

We will be hosting a Human "Music" Library where the books are people from all over the world and the stories will come to life through the exchange of dialogue and informal discussions. Come along on Saturday 25th June from 16.00-18.00 to discover all about music from around the world and how this has been an influence on people's lives. From hip-hop artists, to soprano singers, classical guitarists, keyboard players and choirs, we are sure there will be something for everyone to enjoy. If you're lucky you may even have the chance to hear some of this music live!

CRYPTIC Inhabitants: Abandoned and isolated in a derelict building, feral creatures create a growing sense of unease as they seek to reclaim the structures of human civilisation. Over time the creatures become part of nature itself, at times disturbing and thrilling – perhaps these beings were once like us. Inhabitants is a unique fusion of live contemporary dance, sonic art, performance and film, engaging all audiences, not just dance enthusiasts… a chance to experience contemporary dance like never before.

Featured Event: SMC Traditional Music Showcase

CCA, Glasgow // 7th July 2011 // 20.00 // £5 // 0141 352 4900

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The company's work reaches a heady new pinnacle of achievement…

A creative collaboration showcasing Scotland’s chamber music will take place during the Edinburgh Festival on Monday 22nd August at the historic St Andrew’s & St George’s Church in the centre of Edinburgh.

Virginia Woolf’s glorious ode to a lover, with an original soundtrack by Craig Armstrong and AGF, directed by Cathie Boyd, adapted by Darryl Pinckney and performed by Judith Williams. Orlando opens with the hero as a young man in Elizabethan England, and follows his transformations of fortune, love and even gender in this multi-faceted, century-spanning quest for ‘life and a lover’. A poetic and sensuous journey of self-discovery, ‘the longest and most charming love letter in literature’ transformed into a stunning visual spectacle. St George’s West, Shandwick Place, Edinburgh // 5th – 29th August (excluding Wednesdays) // 16.00 // 0131 225 7001 (from 2 August) // 0131 226 0000 (Fringe)

Featured Production: Cryptic’s Orlando

Chamber Music Forum Scotland, Scottish Music Centre and Enterprise Music Scotland, with investment from Creative Scotland, have joined forces to produce an event designed to raise the profile of Scottish chamber music ensembles and Scottish chamber music nationally and internationally. Since its early beginnings in medieval times, chamber music, also known as the music of friends, has enthralled and inspired countless generations of music lovers. Entitled Sound Chamber, the event will shine a light on the richness of musical talent and eclectic range of repertoire that makes Scotland's chamber music scene so vibrant. The strength of this event lies in bringing Scotland’s performing groups, promoters, composers, festivals, venues, support and development agencies together for an afternoon of bite-sized performances, industry-focused sessions and a comprehensive guide to concerts over the coming year. By inviting national and international promoters and agents to experience first hand the breadth and diversity of Scottish ensemble music making, the inaugural Sound Chamber will place Scottish chamber music firmly on the international stage. Caroline Parkinson, Director of Creative Development, Creative Scotland commented: We are excited to be supporting Chamber Music Forum Scotland with this event, a first for Scotland’s chamber sector. This is a great opportunity to showcase the high

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quality of performing talent we have to offer to a national and international audience, whilst cultivating closer working networks between ensembles.

This is a unique musical event that promises to delight festival goers, engage participants and, in conjunction with Scotland’s support and development bodies, hopes to play a part in reinforcing the future success of a vital part of Scottish musical life.

Sound Chamber will host two public concerts from 14.3015.15 and 18.00-19.15, giving festival goers the chance to hear from four of Scotland’s groups: The Dunedin Consort, Mr McFall’s Chamber, Concerto Caledonia and Auricle Ensemble. Demonstrating the diversity of Scotland’s chamber music scene, the concerts will feature music from the middles ages to living Scottish composers, combining classical masterpieces with medieval Scottish folk, South American tango and the spoken word. The showcase will also promote many other Scottish ensembles that contribute to our cultural life. CMFS has 21 member organisations which include performing groups, festivals, venues and other music organisations and bodies. Sound Chamber recognises the many high quality chamber groups performing regularly to audiences in Scotland and beyond and aims to promote their forthcoming activity on 22nd August. During the afternoon, ensembles, agencies and promoters will join together for discussion sessions and networking opportunities to ascertain the most effective promotional routes in Scotland and beyond. Up for discussion are the key issues relating to the sector, focusing specifically on how Scottish ensembles can grow their audiences across the country and develop international touring opportunities. Delegates will be entertained by Pure Brass, one of Scotland’s finest young emerging brass quintets. Sound Chamber is proud to support the world-class musical talent that thrives in a country synonymous with creativity and originality.

Featured Event: Sound Chamber

THE COTTIER CHAMBER PROJECT The Cottier Chamber Project is an ambitious 23 concert series of performances by professional, Scottish based chamber ensembles. The concerts are taking place in the newly re-opened Cottier Theatre during this year’s West End Festival and form Scotland’s largest chamber music festival. The series is hosted by Daniel’s Beard, who have a residency at Cottier’s throughout the year, and includes an in depth profile of SMC composer member Thomas Wilson (this year is the 10th anniversary of his death) as well as a snapshot of Brahms, an outstanding composer who featured a beard every bit as impressive as Daniel Cottier’s! http://

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The Auricle Ensemble is pleased to announce details of their first composer-in-association, Steve Forman. Steve will be collaborating with Auricle from mid-2011, creating new work as well as representing some of his earlier pieces.

As part of the Enterprise Music Scotland Residency Project, Pure Brass has had the unique opportunity to work closely with SMC composer member Alasdair Nicolson on a new commission for Brass Quintet. The process has been collaborative from the outset and after workshops and meetings the group are extremely pleased with the resultant work, The Vanishing.

Steve's career has taken him from Los Angeles where he worked as a session musician, to Glasgow where he is currently finishing a composition PhD at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. With particular interests in ethnic forms and world percussion instruments, he also became known for combining digital sampling with live percussion, and has created many special percussive effects and sequences for the screen. He has worked on many soundtracks and with hundreds of artists around the world including David Bowie, The Beach Boys, James Taylor and Pink Floyd.

Pure Brass will première The Vanishing at this year’s St Magnus Festival on the 19th June in a concert of contemporary works for brass alongside works of Gabrieli in St Magnus Cathedral from 10pm. Pure Brass will be based at the festival for its entire duration, launching the programme on the Scrabster-Stromness Ferry and giving recitals and community performances across the islands. The visit is part funded by EMS and the quintet are extremely grateful to their support and further investment from Creative Scotland and The PRS Foundation for making this possible.

Featured Ensemble: Auricle Ensemble

Featured Venue: St Magnus Cathedral

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Gareth Clemson:

Sally Beamish:

Gareth’s Trumpet Can Roam for Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet, Violin, ‘Cello and Percussion was Highly Commended in Category G of the iCompose National Composition Competition in partnership with the National Galleries of Scotland, Drake Music Scotland, Roland and Linn Records.

From 10th – 22nd June, Sally makes her annual teaching visit to the St Magnus Composers’ Course in Orkney, where the London Sinfonietta and Scottish Chamber Orchestra are resident, performing a number of her orchestral and chamber pieces alongside quite a few other works by Scottish composers. Early July witnesses the première of her string quintet featuring Double Bass, at the Lofoten Chamber Music Festival and July 25th sees the world première of her third quartet at the Cadogan Hall given by the Elias Quartet as part of this year's BBC Chamber Proms. The Elias are no strangers to Scotland and indeed their second fiddle player Donald Grant, an equally celebrated folk fiddler, hails from Roy Bridge. Donald's traditional playing was partly the inspiration behind the composition of this quartet entitled, Reed Stanzas, much of which was composed on the Isle of Harris. Sally’s substantial dramatic work based on the seven deadly sins section from Langland's 14th Century Piers Plowman, will receive its première with actor Samuel West and crack contemporary music ensemble, Psappha at this year's Lake District Summer Music Festival in August. This is presented in an innovative translation by Phil Hind. Subsequent performances take place in Hatfield House, Herts, and the University of Manchester. Throughout the summer she is also scheduled to work with the American jazz sax star Branford Marsalis, aiming to bring to fruition, a long-standing collaborative project utilising Branford's Quartet and string orchestra.

The Clearing, his work for solo Viola, based on a wood engraving by Zhenya Matysiak will receive its première on Tuesday 9th August at 12:30pm at St Andrew’s and St George’s Church, Edinburgh as part of a recital by Lawrence Dunn and Gilmour McLeod. Robert Crawford: Métier’s latest release (February 2011) features the work of Robert Crawford alongside that of John Veale (1922 – 2006). Crawford’s Clarinet Quintet (1992) is beautifully played by Linda Merrick with the Adderbury Ensemble who are then joined by John Turner for the Elegiac Quintet in memory of Robin Orr. Orr returned to Scotland in 1956 as Gardiner Professor of Music at The University of Glasgow and commissioned Crawford’s String Quartet No.2 the following year under the terms of the McEwen Bequest. This quartet is included with No.1 (1949) and No.3 (2008) on Delphian’s forthcoming release with The Edinburgh Quartet and, in celebration of the 60 year span covered by these works, the composer’s fourth quartet was completed on 10th December 2010, his 86th year. Also included on the above Métier release is the piece originally written for Recorder and Viola, but now adapted

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for Recorder and Clarinet, Three Two-part Inventions, which are played, by John Turner and Linda Merrick.

The soundtrack to Strange Bird Zirkus and All Or Nothing Dance Theatre’s Spokes, touring throughout the UK and appearing at the Fringe, includes original material together with early recordings of David’s song cycle Palmstar Poppy.

Andrew Cruickshank: Andrew’s score for Clarinet, Double Bass and Piano, specially recorded for Plutôt la Vie’s By the Seat of Your Pants has been praised as an integral part of the performance, inspiring many of the visual gags, establishing the comedic pace and setting the tone of easy-going humour with its cool jazz rhythms and occasional classical digressions. The production would not have been the same without it. (Mark Fisher, theatreSCOTLAND)

Stephen Deazley Stephen’s chilling and haunting new opera, The Sleeper, asks the question, what happens to society when our most human needs are denied? Welsh National Youth Opera invites you to walk into this nightmarish world and follow the story as it unfolds around you from 15th – 18th July at the Coal Exchange, Cardiff. Rarely will you feel so up close and involved in the action of an opera.

David Paul Jones: David and The Paper Doll Militia (USA) have teamed up for an exciting new collaboration in contemporary aerial theatre directed by Ben Harrison. The production opens in Santa Fe, New Mexico on 3rd June with subsequent performances in Oakland and San Francisco before arriving at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

Finally, Grid Iron present his solo project What Remains, also directed by Ben Harrison at the Fringe.

John Maxwell Geddes: Paragon Ensemble performed an outstanding selection of virtuosic pieces for wind in celebration of John’s 70th birthday on 5th June at West Kirk of Helensburgh and on 6th at the University of Glasgow. The programme was filled with every musical trick in the book – from Tom and Jerry’s artful antics; serene solos – including the magical Callanish; hornpipes and sea shanties from Davey Jone’s Locker and raucous theatrics depicting the absurdities of Quango. Two remarkable new quintets also received their première – Waka inspired by ancient Japanese verse forms and a set of Scottish Folk Songs.

Edward McGuire: In a concert dedicated to John Maxwell Geddes, Thomas Wilson and Eddie himself, the Scottish Guitar Duo will première the composer’s Summer Stars on 20th August at St Mark’s, Edinburgh as part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Also at the Fringe, The Whistlebinkies perform his Highland River and Inner Sound on 26th August, followed by Fong Liu’s (Harmony Ensemble vocalist) performance of New Shanghai Nights on 27th at Canongate Kirk.

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SPRING/SUMMER PODCAST Following the announcement of Cryptic’s Orlando at this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe and numerous other exciting projects for 2011, we thought it was only fitting that the company’s Artistic Director Cathie Boyd feature as our next guest. Tune into this enlightening interview on the SMC homepage or access it directly at:

Profile: Cathie Boyd was born in Belfast and studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. She founded Glasgow-based music theatre company Cryptic in 1994, and has co-produced and directed all Cryptic productions to date. Her work has included numerous international collaborations with several Commissions from Tramway, Glasgow, the Singapore Arts Festival and Aldeburgh Music Festival and has been presented at festivals in Europe and throughout the Americas. Directing credits include Britten, Bryars, Dzinitis, Gounod, Kurtág, Kyriakides, Haddow, Holt, Marta, MacDonald, Neil Martin, Reich, Sciarrino, Shostakovich, Stockhausen, Talbot, Varèse and Viñao.

festival, Beckett Time in 2000, celebrating the life, work and inspiration of Samuel Beckett by presenting artists from Japan to Belgium and France to Brazil. In 2009 she created Cryptic Nights a monthly programme she co-produces at CCA Glasgow supporting cutting edge emerging artists. Cathie also directed the openings of the Royal Museum of Scotland, Glasgow’s Imax Cinema and Science Centre and the Glasgow City Halls with the BBC SSO. Her film work includes: Optical Identity with the T’ang Quartet, screened at the Adelaide Film Festival 2009 and Rewind with music by Craig Armstrong, at OUTFEST in LA 2009, Melbourne and Brisbane Queer Film Festivals 2010, Philadelphia Q-Fest and Festival des Nouveaux Cinémas 2010. Cathie’s awards include Outstanding Young Person Award, Junior Chambers of Commerce 2003, European Woman of Achievement for the Arts 1999, NESTA Fellowship and an Edinburgh Festival Fringe First for her production Parallel Lines in 1996. We would like to thank Cathie for her participation and wish Cryptic all the best for their future productions!

Cathie has much experience with technologies in performance and was made a Fellow of NESTA to develop the visual staging of music through new software which led her to direct live visuals for Stravinsky’s Firebird with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and festivals across Europe. She recently developed a Living Canvas – a new interactive tracking technology in collaboration with the Digital Design Studio at the Glasgow School of Art. As a producer she created an international multi arts

Featured Artist: Cathie Boyd

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Monday 6th June; Verona, Italy:

As you will have already read, this is an exceptionally busy summer for our members and our record number of forthcoming events featuring their work highlights this perfectly…

Featured Composer: Oliver Searle Work: Catch for 15 Pianos

Wednesday 1st June; City Halls, Glasgow:

The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Edinburgh Quartet Featured Composer: Thomas Wilson Work: String Quartet No.3

Featured Composer: Richard Greer Work: Leaving the Lighthouse Friday 3rd June; Verona, Italy:

Monday 6th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow:

Tuesday 7th June; Lansdowne Church, Glasgow:

Featured Composer: Rory Boyle Work: 160 Fingers (16 Pianists at 8 Pianos)

Arctic Winds Featured Composer: John Maxwell Geddes Work: Three Scottish Dances

Friday 3rd June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow:

Thursday 9th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow:

The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Auricle Ensemble Featured Composer: Thomas Wilson Work: Incidental Music Suite

The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Daniel’s Beard Featured Composers: Martin Dalby, John Maxwell Geddes, Edward McGuire, William Sweeney, Thomas Wilson and William Wordsworth Works: Sequence in Sorrows; The Hoolit (arr. McGuire); Elegy; Nine Days; Clarinet Sonatina and Three Pieces; Dialogue

Saturday 4th June; St Bride’s Church, Glasgow: David Hamilton Featured Composer: Rory Boyle Work: Toccata for Organ Saturday 4th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow: The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Red Note Ensemble Featured Composer: William Sweeney Work: The Poet Tells of His Fame

Friday 10th June; Pommerfelden, Germany: Stefan Grasse Trio Featured Composer: John Maxwell Geddes Work: Three Bavarian Dances

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Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th, Saturday 18th, Wednesday 22nd – Saturday 25th June; Ripley Town Hall, Harrogate; The Greystones, Sheffield; The Green Hotel, Kinross; Sneaky Pete’s, Edinburgh; Captain’s Rest, Glasgow; CeolMor, Inverness; Bank Street Gallery, Kirriemuir:

Wednesday 15th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow:

Buzz Records present: Devil’s Left Hand Tour Featured Composer: Dave Arcari Sunday 12th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow: The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Pure Brass Featured Composer: John Maxwell Geddes Work: The Reform of Rank Bajin th

Monday 13 June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow: The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Daniel’s Beard Featured Composer: Edward McGuire Work: Horn Trio Tuesday 14th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow: The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Scottish Flute Trio Featured Composers: Kenneth Dempster and Edward McGuire Works: St Kilda’s Parliament; Scottish Dances and Western Light

The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Dieci Featured Composers: Ronald Stevenson and Thomas Wilson Works: A Medieval Scottish Triptych; Ave Maria & Pater Noster and There is No Rose Friday 17th June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow: The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Artisan Trio Featured Composer: Thomas Wilson Work: Piano Trio Sunday 19th June; The Mackintosh Church, Glasgow: Music at The Mackintosh presents: Scottish Reed Trio Featured Composer: Oliver Searle Work: Dalriada Tuesday 21st June; Cottier Theatre, Glasgow: The Cottier Chamber Project presents: Daniel’s Beard Featured Composer: Thomas Wilson Work: Complementi Thursday 23rd June; Glasgow Royal Concert Hall: Glasgow Schools Symphony Orchestra Featured Composer: Edward McGuire Work: Scottish Dances on Original Themes

Featured Composer: Dave Arcari

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Thursday 23rd June; Skaill House, Sandwick:

Monday 25th July; Cadogan Hall, London

St Magnus Festival presents: Flutes en Route Featured Composer: Rory Boyle Work: Fl(ut)ing

BBC Proms present: Elias Quartet Featured Composer: Sally Beamish Work: Reed Stanzas

Wednesday 29th June; RSAMD, Glasgow:

Sunday 31st July; St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh

Summerfest III Guitar and Percussion Featured Composer: Rory Boyle Work: Canonic Irritation

Michael Garrett Ensemble Featured Composer: Michael Garrett Work: Braw Lad o’ Gala Water Op.192; Canzona for Violin and Piano with ‘Cello Obbligato Op.182; Fantasia Duo for Two Violins Op.231; Four Songs Without Words for Piano Four Hands Op.10Ap; Impromptu for Soprano Saxophone, Piano and Double Bass; Lacunae of The Night Op.142; Refrain de Danse Oriental for Wordless Soprano and Ensemble Op.167; Three Pieces for Violin and Piano Op.220; Three Preludes for Violin and Piano Op.229; What’s In The Air? Song for Soprano with Female Vocal Backing and Ensemble

Thursday 7th July; CCA, Glasgow: Cryptic Nights presents: Inhabitants Friday 15th – Monday 18th July; Coal Exchange, Cardiff: Welsh National Youth Opera present: The Sleeper Featured Composer: Stephen Deazley Saturday 16th July; Kloster zum Heiligen Kreuz, Rostock:

Raphael Kempken and Stefan Grasse Featured Composer: John Maxwell Geddes Work: Before Winter Winds Friday 22nd July; Burg Rabenstein, Sophienhoehle, Franconian Switzerland: Stefan Grasse Trio Featured Composer: John Maxwell Geddes Work: Three Bavarian Dances

Featured Ensemble: Elias Quartet

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We continually endeavour to feature the majority of worldwide music competitions and calls for scores on our website. Although these frequently apply to music students and/or recent graduates, many of our posts cater for our entire composing membership:

Below is a selection of our key contemporary/classical headlines published over the last two months. Full cuttings can be located on our website: Scottish Chamber Orchestra: A chamber that has outgrown its home

Film Music and Instant Composition – Transatlantyk Film and Music Festival

BBC SSO thinking big with its new season

Deadline: 20th June 2011

Red-hot, passionate season for the Scottish Symphony Orchestra

12th Electroacoustic Composition Competition – Musica Viva Deadline: 30th June 2011 The Respighi Prize – Chamber Orchestra of New York

Scottish composer Alastair Stout creates big music in a small church Creating a kids’ opera is a devilishly tricky task Alice in Wonderland: The final Page


Deadline: 30 June 2011 IVME Belgium/Flanders vzw International Composition Contest Deadline: 20th August 2011

Composers fight for St Andrews University accolade Greater cooperation could be the best way of ensuring classical music lovers continue to get value for money BBC Proms announces last night celebrations in Scotland Musicfest 2011: Advanced composition course Robbie Thomson talks to about Inducer, his Cryptic Nights project with Sarah Milne and Jack Wrigley As his primate opera version of 'the Scottish play' returns to Scotland, Alexander McCall Smith talks about how his African experiences have led to a string of successes

Featured Event: Transatlantyk Film and Music Festival

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Perth Festival classical music preview: A world-class programme awaits Brand new classical music show for babies from Reeling & Writhing


August 2011

Violinist Benedetti seeks maestro for Raploch project Michael Elliott appointed new RSNO Chief Executive Double honour for Scottish composer James MacMillan Glaswegian composer James Dillon given top classical music honour for BBC SSO première James Clark and Maya Iwabuchi appointed Leaders of the RSNO Pupils record sounds for 'St Abb's Symphony' Scots mausoleum with longest echo hosts Kronos Quartet Opera for babies to open at Manchester International Festival

Composer Members: David Dorward, Robert Crawford, William Wordsworth, Shaun Dillon, Thomas Wilson and John Maxwell Geddes

If you would like any material published on our website or in our next edition, please contact our Digest Administrator: Featured Production: Scottish Ballet’s Alice

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