CompuCoin Starters Manual

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ___________________________________________ 2 1. What is CompuCoin? _______________________________________ 3 2. How to get your own CPN ___________________________________ 8 3. How to start mining _______________________________________ 10 4. How can CPN have a real world value? ________________________ 15 5. What drives people to invest so much money into cryptocurrencies? _ 17 6. In Summary: What can I do with CPN? ________________________ 19 7. How to profit the most from my CPN? _________________________ 20 8. Do you offer support at CompuCoin? _________________________ 21 Conclusion ________________________________________________ 22

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

1. What is CompuCoin? CompuCoin (CPN) is a cryptocurrency. Even if you have never heard this word before, you may have heard about Bitcoin.

CompuCoin is a B itco in alter native.

The advantages of using CompuCoin over other cryptocurrencies are many, but let’s first dive into some of the cryptocoin’s history and explain some technical bits. Don’t worry; I’m not going to give you a difficult nerd-like lecture that makes your head turn. You don’t need to be a programmer or computer expert to learn what cryptocurrency is about and how you too can use it to your financial advantage. The aim of this beginner’s book is to get you on the road to cryptocurrency success.

So what is cryptocurrency and who invented this gem? Satoshi Nakomoto, a software developer, proposed the first electronic payment system that was purely based on mathematical proof. It became known as Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency. The idea behind this was to produce and make available to everyone a currency independent of any country or central authority. A currency that could only be transferred electronically more or less instantly and with very low transaction fees. This is by far the thing that puzzles people who are new to this concept the most:

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

That it is possible to have a currency with a real value while it isn’t printed like dollars or Euros. That this currency isn’t controlled by anyone. That it cannot be created outside the world of the internet. That everyone with internet connection can produce it.

Cryptocurrency is produce d by pe ople like you and me, who are


co mputers






specialize d so ftware that so lves mathe matical problems.

A good trick to picture cryptocurrency as a global currency is to compare this unique currency with the former US Gold Standard. The Gold Standard was for a very long time a currency that was tied to the USD. As such the Gold Standard was able to set and to influence the value of gold, but also the value of the US dollar. This in turn influenced the value of other currencies around the world.







an d

cryptocurrency : Cryptocurrency is directly tied to the internet. It can only be acquired through the internet. It can’t be controlled by any country of global financial institution. Everyone can produce it.

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Cryptocurrency is in fact the world’s first really free marke t. A decentralize d global currency. The dream o f so many people aro und the wor ld.

Just like you would do with money you put on the bank, cryptocurrency can be exchanged for other currencies, goods or services.









production and circulation? Cryptocurrency is create d out of thin-air thro ugh an ope nsource computer mining system. Similar to a lotte ry and yie lding a commodity like when you would mine for go ld.

Notice that I used the keywords “lottery” and “gold” to draw you a picture of cryptocurrency mining. Let’s clarify this a bit more:

Lottery This refers to the fact that basically your computer is constantly trying to decipher a 64-byte number before anyone else on the mining network does. Each time your computer gets the 64-byte string correct before anyone else, a new block is created and awarded to the miner or pool (group of miners).

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

But this isn’t a normal lottery. This lottery is millions of times more difficult than a normal lottery. That is the reason why miners spend a capital on new hardware for mining. Because the faster your system can mine, the higher the probability you will be rewarded.

That is what we at CompuCoin did: We have made the investments for you, and you can join the pool of miners, for free.

Gold This refers to the fact that only a fixed amount of a certain crytocurrency will ever be created. Just the same as only X amount of gold will ever be discovered on Earth. It’s hence no surprise that cryptocurrency by its nature and scarcity has a very strong tendency to create the opposite effect of that which you are used to when handling your country’s or any other traditional currency.

A cr yptocurrency becomes wor th more as time goes on (finite supply). Traditional

curre ncies




as time

goes on

(infinite supply; centr al banks can print mone y at their discretio n, and they do ).

Now that you know this, doesn’t it make more sense to you to invest in a currency that is finite like CompuCoin, or would you rather take the risk to invest in an infinite currency like the USD?

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________ If you think it through you sure come to the right conclusion: That CompuCoin and not USD holds the future. It’s even possible for you to mine free CompuCoins, or as they are listed on the exchange sites: CPN. Free cryptocurrency, with a real time value added to your CPN as soon as you mined them.

But o f co urse the more CPN yo u have the more exciting it is to use and to trade it, and the mor e people who use and trade CPN, the higher the value of yo ur CPN will rise.

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

2. How to get your own CPN



star t









CompuCoin Walle t installe d and co nnecte d to the internet.

A child could do it: Get your free CompuCoin (CPN) wallet at Download it at and execute the file. Install it as suggested on the installation screens. You are ready to go.

Mining is done for you, o n auto-pilo t. You do n’t nee d to be at ho me or yo u don’t need to lo ok at it. CPN will be loaded to your walle t every time yo ur wallet conne cts to a matching se t o f algorithms

Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? Now you probably ask:

What does it cost me? Here’s the Secret:

Your CompuCo in Wallet and mining for CPN costs you no thing at all.

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

Here’s another secret:

You can buy CPN now. We go t our cryptocurrency already accepted by and liste d o n the biggest specialized exchange sites and yo u will see its value increase ste adily. CPN will yield a great re tur n on any investment.

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

3. How to start mining Start up your CPN Wallet. First you need to make sure you can send and receive, so you need to make sure you don’t lose your address. Just like you have a personal postal address, this string of ciphers and characters is you very personal CPN address. You can’t use or trade your CPN without it. Make a special folder on your computer, call it compucoin, CPN or anything else and make sure you include it in your regular backups. On your CompuCoin Wallet Panel, go to the tab Receive and export the address you see there to store it in your special folder.

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

It’s recommended you also keep it safe somewhere offline. As soon as you have CPN in your wallet, do a regular backup of this too.

Now you can start mining. In the top bar of your panel you have Help. Hover over it and you see a dropdown with on top Debug Window. Open the Debug Window and go to Console.

You will see an address bar on the bottom. To start mining, just type these 2 words: setgenerate true Press enter on your keyboard. The line setgenerate true will show up on top.

___________________________________________________________ ŠCompuCoin

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You are ready to mine CPN!

The only thing your walle t needs to mine CPN fo r you, is interne t co nne ction. Mining will continue for as lo ng as yo u don’t shut down your wallet or yo ur inter net connection.

How to restart after being disconnected Mining sto ps the moment yo u disconnect yo ur walle t from the interne t, hence it will sto p when you shut down your walle t, your interne t connectio n or your pc.

To restart, first reconnect to the internet and start up your wallet. On the bottom of your panel you will get a note : Synchronizing with network...

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Depending the period of time the wallet has been disconnected, the synchronisation process can take a few up to several minutes.

If the synchronising doesn’t star t up automatically you can do this manually by clicking on the orange arrows o n the right hand bo tto m of the panel.

Once the synchronisation is done your panel will have a green tick and little red dot on the right hand bottom to indicate that your wallet is connected and ready to go. Now open up Help again, got to Debug and open up Console. The only thing you need to do now it to enter again the line setgenerate true give a hard return on your keyboard and there you go again, you are mining CPN to your CPN Wallet!

___________________________________________________________ ŠCompuCoin

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

4. How can CPN have a real world value? As cryptocurrencies continue to be mined they begin to create more value since more and more people begin to own them. You can kind of think of them as collectable stamps or fine wine. The longer you hold onto these items, the more value they tend to take on as more and more people begin collecting them while their scarcity increases. The biggest hurdle to take when you want to turn this into a real currency value is that you can’t take your stamp collection to the car dealership and trade it for a car. Your collection doesn’t represent a universal means of exchange like cryptocurrencies or a credit card. You have to go through the painstaking process of finding a buyer in order to turn your stamp collection into money.

With cryptocurrency the process of collecting up to selling goes very different. People worked hard for months, even years, to mine these things, investing time, hardware and energy in the process.

This is where the initial value of the currency is bo rn, since time and mo ney was used to create the m.

Put yourself in the shoes of a miner: You invest time, money and brainpower into mining these coins against thousands of other people around the planet. You’re not just going to give them all away for free. Everyone wants to get their money back from an investment, so people ___________________________________________________________ ©CompuCoin

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

started exchanging their cryptocurrencies for different things including currencies like the US dollar and the Euro. In return this allowed new people outside of the mining ring to collect and exchange their cryptocurrency, thus the currency began to grow which started to create a networking effect. Right now, while you are reading this manual, normal everyday people are exchanging cash for cryptocurrencies. Because they see it as a great investment opportunity that can’t be taken away from them by controlling banks or governments.

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

5. What drives people to invest so much money into cryptocurrencies? Because it’s like gold, or more accurately, the Gold of the Internet. Since ancient times gold is a highly valued commodity and has been used as a currency all over the world. The reason for this is not only its scarcity. The other defining factor to give gold its worth and value is trust. As long as people trust gold to have, to keep and to increase its value, it will be valuable and sought after as investment.

You may now ar gue that the pr ice of gold goes up and down as all currencies do. Sure it does, but the key factor here again is trust.

If the price of gold goes down a bit, investors just wait to trade with it, or they cease the opportunity and buy more of it. Why? Because in the end, despite market fluctuations, gold is always a secure investment. Because of its scarcity any temporary drop in value will be corrected automatically.

Exactly the same happens with cryptocurrency. As long as people trust that this currency has value, people will continue to invest in cryptocurrencies. The more since cryptocurrencies use opensourced software. This makes it impossible to put it under any central control with corrupt bankers and politicians mingling in.

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Cryptocurrency, like CompuCoin, is all about really smart people working for free to keep it running and to give other people the opportunity to get their share. Given all the problems we see in world economies, it’s no surprise that people are rapidly beginning to lose faith in conventional legal tender like the EUR and USD.

Governments have demonstr ate d that they can seize your bank-accessible assets if necessary. With a crypto cur rency like Co mpuCoin this is no t possible . Nobody has access to yo ur funds. Your CPN cryptocurrency wallet is essentially yo ur o wn bank.

It’s in fact similar to the idea of people stuffing cash into their mattresses, except that this is a lot more profitable and accessible.

And what is e ven more e xciting: You can perso nally add to the




own bank by inviting others


joi n

CompuCoin, to mine CPN, to use , to buy and to trade CPN. Your CompuCo in Wallet is your pr ivate go ld mine, but instead of having to keep it a secre t in or der to ge t the most profits out o f it, you e ar n even more whe n yo u invite o the rs to jo in you.

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

6. In Summary: What can I do with CPN? You can mine CPN 24/7 if you want. You can buy more CPN. The most exciting part of having a CPN wallet is the trading:  You can exchange CPN against any other cryptocoin at exchange sites.  You can pay with cryptocoins at many online shopping points.  You can exchange all cryptocoins against dollars or Euros at exchange sites.

How much CPN can I mine and how many can I buy? You can mine unlimited CPN of those that are available on the internet and you can buy as much as there are available on exchange sites. The only thing you need to take in mind when you mine for free CPN, is that mining is a random process. Each day will give different results and results also vary during the day. One moment you will mine all at once several coins. Another time you’ll mine a few. Some days you don’t mine any. While it’s not an overnight process to build up your free CPN wallet, it will happen for you just as it happens for everyone else who uses our great system. You can be sure of it that you too will get your share of free CPN available and you too will be able to start trading with your CPN wallet.

If you want to go faster, now is the time to be an early adopter! Invest a little in buying CPN and watch the value goes up by the day. Early bir ds always run aw ay with the bigge st pr ize!

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

7. How to profit the most from my CPN? As it goes with all currencies, exchange rates change depending the markets. Start mining with your wallet right now. Download it today. As an early adopter of CompuCoin, you will also have the advantage of being able to invest a little and earn a lot.

As CPN increase s in value yo u will able to incr ease your profits too, hence the best time to buy and build up your wallet fast is r ight now.

You can put exchange offers on our CompuCoin forum and you find links to exchange sites on our website, at

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CompuCoin Starters Manual ___________________________________________________________

8. Do you offer support at CompuCoin? Yes, we sure do. We want to help you any way we can with building up on CompuCoin fortune. You can post on our support forum. You and chat with experienced miners and traders on our forum. We have also a contact email address if you need a personal conversation with our support staff. Download your wallet: Join our Forum: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Google+:

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Conclusion I hope this manual brought some clarity and gave you some insight in this exciting new world of a currency with unlimited possibilities. So go for it now. Dive into the world of cryptocurrencies with CompuCoin because I honestly don’t think cryptocurrencies are going anywhere. Download your wallet right now: It’s been four years since the birth of cryptocurrencies and there still haven’t been any major issues with it. Just massive growth spurts and typical market corrections. I’m trying to picture myself how the financial world may look like some 5 to 10 years from now. By that time cryptocurrencies will be part of our daily life if they really do take off and I’m sure they will. This new type of currency is too great an opportunity to let go and I’m really excited about the possibilities waiting for all of us.


Christina Solberg Marketing

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