CNME Editor Mark Forker managed to secure an exclusive interview with Maya Zakhour, Channel Director, Middle East, Africa, Italy and Spain at NetApp, and Sam Johny, Business Unit Manager at Ingram Micro, to discuss the nuances involved with digital transformation and the growing demand for hybrid cloud and data services.
C 20
OVID-19 has
technologies in order to keep
disrupted and
the show on the road.
fundamentally reshaped how we
However, digital transformation, despite its
work, when we work, where
huge benefits, isn’t without
we work and everything else
complexity, but the biggest
in between. However, one
problem appears to be when
direct consequence of the
it comes to strategy, and as
global pandemic has been
Maya Zakhour points out there
the exponential growth
isn’t a one size fits all solution
and acceleration in digital
when it comes to digital
transformation across the
Middle East. Enterprises quickly
“I think it has become very evident that many
recognised that they needed
businesses have taken the
to adopt and integrate new
wrong approach when it comes to digital transformation. Digital transformation is going to look
At NetApp, we characterise digital transformation (DX) as a strategy of enabling business innovation based on the incorporation of digital technologies into operational process, products, solutions, and customer interactions.” OCTOBER 2020
Maya Zakhour Channel Director, Middle East, Africa, Italy and Spain at NetApp