COMTO Accelerate: Winter 2014

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ACCELERATE WINTER 2014 The quarterly newsletter for the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials

President’s Letter PAGE 2

Terrence Hicks Chair, HUB SubCommittee PAGE 3

COMTO National Activities PAGE 4

Calendar PAGE 4


HUB Success Stories PAGE 8

Diversity in Motion PAGE 10

TCRP Ambassador Feature PAGE 11

Celebrating Women Who Move the Nation Awards Breakfast PAGE 12

Welcome New Members PAGE 15

Melvin Clark, Third from left, Chairman and CEO of G.W. Peoples Contracting Company, Inc., joins the construction crew onsite at the Atlanta Streetcar Project

2014: A New Year, A Renewed Dedication to Historically Underutilized Businesses

president’s letter COMTO Family, First let me say Happy New Year. Welcome to 2014. To start the new year, this issue of Accelerate is all about Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs). We have taken the opportunity to feature four of our member firms. Each firm has experienced the challenges faced by many small businesses, yet each has achieved extraordinary accomplishments in their respective field of work. Melvin Clark is founder and Chairman of the nation’s only African-American owned firm which builds railroads across the United States. Helen Callier is founder of a Houston based company that provides technical services primarily in the private sector. Ramji Patel is founder and Chief Executive of Detroit based Somat Engineering. I should also add that Somat Engineering was the 2013 COMTO HUB of the Year. And last, but certainly not least, brothers Jonnie and Marvin Thomas are co-founders of Triunity Engineering which is based in Denver, with offices in Boston and Seattle. In addition to their success, all have unique stories and all are worthy of the COMTO spotlight. This issues also includes an introduction to our new HUB Subcommittee Chairman, Terrence Hicks. Terrence, immediate past COMTO Michigan president, has a long and accomplished history with facilitating opportunities for small businesses and we look forward to his leadership on behalf of COMTO member HUBs. We have also included specific detail about the continued collaboration with the American Public Transportation Association as well as the upcoming events we will jointly host.




Finally, in observance of Black History Month, enjoy the profiles of the African Americans who made major contributions to the world of transportation. Please enjoy this issue and have a phenomenal, happy, healthy and prosperous 2014.

4 Warmest Regards, Julie Cunningham

President & Chief Executive Officer


February is Black History Month 1. Horace King | 1807–1887 | The Bridge Builder 2. Frederick M. Jones | 1892–1961 | Inventor 3. Garrett A. Morgan | 1875–1963 | Innovator 4. Elijah McCoy | 18 44–1929 | Inventor 5. Bessie Coleman | 1892–1926 | First Female Pilot

Terrence Hicks Named New Chair of COMTO’s HUB Subcommittee One would be hard pressed to find someone better qualified than Terrence M. Hicks to take over the chairmanship of COMTO’s HUB Subcommittee. Approved by the COMTO Board to begin his chairmanship on January 1, Hicks replaces Debra S. Wilson, principal of Engaging Solutions, which is based in Indianapolis, Indiana. The Board thanked Wilson for her dedicated service to the Subcommittee and wished her well in her professional pursuits. “The HUB Subcommittee is in good hands with Terrence Hicks at the wheel,” said Wilson, who said her crowning achievement as HUB Subcommittee Chair was leading the organization in development of HUB day in conjunction with the National Meeting and Training Conference. Hicks is President and Founder of Metro Strategies, Inc., in the metropolitan Detroit area. Metro Strategies provides companies and agencies in the transportation industry with strategies and

solutions in such areas as community relations and outreach, training and workforce development. Prior to starting Metro Strategies, Hicks served 15 years in the transportation industry for such entities as the Ford Motor Company, where he was instrumental in developing strategies that built strong community equity in the metro Detroit and developed the “African American Contributions to Ford Motor Company During the First 100 Years” exhibit for the company’s Centennial in 2003; and for the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT), where he served as Director of Business Development. At MDOT he was a key player in the enhancement of several small business development initiatives through the federally mandated Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program. A staunch supporter of COMTO and its many programs, Hicks also served as president (2010 – 2012) of COMTO Michigan, which was selected as “Emerging Chapter of the Year” during his tenure.

(1926 – 2013)

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COMTO national Activities APTA /COMTO Partnership Continues Collaboration on Behalf of HUBs/DBEs Two years ago COMTO and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) agreed that by working together in specific areas of concern they could make important strides of benefit to both organizations. The two organizations entered into a partnership on a new initiative to focus on issues of concern for Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs). The year 2014 marks a significant milestone as the initiative begins to bear real fruit. “The collaboration with APTA has served to advance the small business community as well as address their issues,” says Julie Cunningham, COMTO President and CEO. “And to see the program bearing fruit so early in the process has energized everyone to work even harder to ensure its complete success.” COMTO works in close association with Fran Hooper, a staff advisor to APTA who is also a member of COMTO. Specifically, four events are planned for this year and include the following: — The APTA Transit CEOs Seminar, to be held this February in New Orleans, will include a session for general managers/CEOs focusing on their roles in creating and maintaining effective DBE programs. Presented with fictitious scenarios involving DBE program issues, a panel of transportation executives will provide reactions and assessments on how to handle the situations. Following the panelists’ comments, the floor will be opened for audience discussion. Phil Washington, CEO of the Denver Regional Transit District, will moderate the session. — An APTA/COMTO DBE Assembly will be held at the 2014 APTA Rail Conference in Montreal in June. The focus of the session will be on DBE joint venture teams — what works, what doesn’t work and lessons learned. — An APTA/COMTO DBE Assembly will be held at COMTO’s 43rd Annual National Meeting & Training Conference in Atlanta. The session will focus on the role of relationship building in DBE programs. — A COMTO Pavillion at the APTA Annual EXPO in Houston, TX, at which COMTO member HUBs will be able to exhibit at cost in the conference exhibit hall, which will provide a way for small DBEs and HUBs to have a presence in Houston in order to meet potential business partners. The conference will also include an APTA/COMTO DBE session titled, “Good Faith Effort: Live of Memorex?” In addition to the four events, COMTO and APTA will continue their joint advocacy efforts during the year. The two organizations will continue to file joint comments before the Department of Transportation (DOT) regarding regulatory and programmatic issues affecting DBEs. In 2014, COMTO and APTA expect to hear from the DOT regarding the re-opening of the Notice of Proposed Rule Making on the DBE program issues as well as their follow-up actions resulting from the DOT Inspector General’s audit of the DOT DBE program. “I continue to be energized by the great things that COMTO and APTA are doing together,” says Michael Melaniphy, APTA President and CEO. “We have accomplished a lot in the last two years and the agenda for the year ahead is an exciting one. In particular I am very pleased that we can enhance the ability of DBE firms to access buyers and potential business partners at EXPO 2014 in Houston. I salute Julie Cunningham’s leadership of our collaborative efforts and look forward to continuing our achievements.” 4   COMTO | Moving the Nation

Calendar FEBRUARY MONTH OF FEBRUARY Garrett A. Morgan Shadow Day Garrett A. Morgan Shadow Day is a national event held by COMTO chapters on a day of their choosing, where they partner with local schools to bring awareness to transportation safety and career opportunities.

MARCH TUESDAY, 11 A View From The Hill 8:30 am – 12:00 pm Capitol Hill Washington, DC COMTO Leadership Team Meetings 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm (Board of Directors & Council of Presidents) The Beacon Hotel Washington, DC

WEDNESDAY, 12 Celebrating Women Who Move The Nation 8:00 am – 11:00 am J.W. Marriott Hotel Washington, DC

JULY SATURDAY, 12 –TUESDAY, 15 43rd National Meeting & Training Conference Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel Atlanta, GA

For Local Events & Activities go to:

COMTO USA Chapters Continue to Support National Scholars Program ATLANTA Lauren H. Solomon Scholarship Luncheon COMTO Atlanta hosted its 2013 Scholarship & Benefit Luncheon in honor of Lauren H. Solomon by awarding two scholarships to Clark Atlanta University students pursuing studies in transportation or transportation-related fields. For the first time the chapter also awarded COMTO Atlanta Grants to a local high school, middle school and elementary school that have programs focusing on S.T.E.M. Programs.

Clark Atlanta University Students

CENTRAL FLORIDA Busy with a Flurry of Fall Activities On October 8, COMTO Central Florida held a Transportation Capital Projects Vendor Fair in conjunction with the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority. The purpose was to reach out to DBEs and small businesses and to recruit new chapter members. Vendors gave presentations on steps companies could take to do business with their agencies. The chapter also recently held a membership luncheon at the Columbia Restaurant in Ybor City. Honored guests included Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Anath Prasad, who provided an update of transportation projects and initiatives affecting the state and the nation. As part of COMTO Week celebrations, COMTO Central Florida held a chapter meeting in November, complete with a Networking Social Hour aimed at member recruitment. Chapter members took part in The Great American Teach-in, where professionals share their career and life experiences with school children. Chapter member Chaz Smith was a big hit at Booker T. Washington Elementary School. In December the chapter had the pleasure of participating as angels and elves for the 2013 Sulphur Springs Elementary School Holiday Gift Exchange. Gifts were given to 650 kids and 100 school administrators and staff! Sulphur Springs has more single mother households than 98.9% of the neighborhoods in the U.S. The neighborhood of Sulphur Springs in Tampa is predominately low income, making it among the lowest income neighborhoods in America with an income lower than 91.8% of U.S. neighborhoods and with 58.1% of the children below the federal poverty line, which makes Sulphur Springs a higher rate of childhood poverty than 98.0% of U.S. neighborhoods.

Front, from left: Cheryl Hawkins, Eric Hill, Tina Allen Back, from left: Carla Williams, Chaketa Bibbs

From left: Sabina Mohammadi, Carla Williams, Anath Prasad, Cheryl Hawkins, Tina Allen and Joe Waggoner

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From left: Colorado State Representative Angela Williams, Denver International Airport Director of Operations Ken Greene, Colorado Department of Transportation Executive Director Don Hunt, RTD General Manager and APTA 1st Vice Chair Phil Washington and DRCOG Executive Director Jennifer Schaufele.

COMTO Colorado held a Kickoff breakfast in November to launch a series of events in celebration of COMTO Week. The breakfast featured a panel comprised of state and local transportation agency officials discussing issues affecting the transportation industry at large and COMTO in particular. The breakfast was sponsored by Milender White Construction.

JACKSONVILLE Annual Food Drive COMTO Jacksonville recently held its 6th Annual Food Drive in support of two local agencies, Second Harvest Food Bank and United Community Outreach Ministry. The chapter was hugely successful in obtaining donations.

Annual Toy Drive In December the chapter held its 13th Annual Toy Drive. Toys were provided for more than 90 children in the Sanctuary Walk Apartments.

ABOVE, from left: Mitch Gregory, Marguerite Williams and Cathy Hussain help with the Jacksonville Food Drive

LEFT: Bus filled with gifts for the kids of Sanctuary Walk Apartments

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NORTHERN CALIFORNIA oversaw transit. He served under six mayors and was elected to the office of President or Chairman more than twelve times. Accepting the Pioneer Award on his behalf was Ed Reiskin, current Director of Transportation for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).

Annual Holiday Scholarship and Awards Dinner In December COMTO Northern California celebrated its 10th Annual Holiday Scholarship Awards Dinner and Dance at the Oakland Marriott. The crowd welcomed newly appointed General Manager of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and COMTO member Nuria Fernandez, and bid a warm farewell to VTA’s outgoing General Manager, Michael Burns. The chapter awarded the Pioneer Award to 93 year old H. Welton Flynn, one of COMTO’s very first members. Flynn was the first African-American appointed to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which also

COMTO’s Pioneer Award to H. Welton Flynn was accepted by SFMTA Director of Transportation Ed Reiskin.

The chapter gave the San Francisco office of CH2MHILL its “Employer of the Year Award” for its support and advocacy for COMTO at both local and national levels. CH2MHILL executives Janet Gallegos and Wanda Oliver accepted on behalf of the company. The chapter also awarded scholarships to five college students, three of whom were civil engineering majors, and all of whom have interned with local transit or government agencies.

PHILADELPHIA Successful Youth Symposium

Holiday Drives

COMTO Philadelphia appreciated Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) and Hyundai Rotem for the use of their resources and facilities during their youth symposium in November. SEPTA transported all attendees to and from the Hyundai Rotem facility. Students, representing three City of Philadelphia high schools and two Montgomery County high schools, received great insights into various technical careers associated with transportation. Positive feedback was received from attendees.

The chapter’s annual Thanksgiving Basket Drive provided 100 food baskets with all the trimmings to needy families in the local Philadelphia area. Chapter volunteers came together to pack and deliver the baskets for this worthwhile cause. As part of its Adopt-a-Family Holiday Drive, the chapter provided Christmas toys and clothes for a total of nine families. Four of those families were “adopted” by local groups, including Turner Construction (2), Nilda Rivera-Frazier & Family (1) and the Edward Taylor Coombs Foundation (1).

Philadelphia students take part in COMTO Philadelphia’s Youth Symposium

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hub success stories HUB Members Share Their Experiences Nothing in COMTO’s storied history has provided as much satisfaction as the success stories we hear from small businesses we have helped find their way. In keeping with the theme of this month’s ACCELERATE, “2014: A New Year, A New Dedication to Small Businesses,” here’s an update from four of COMTO’s premier HUB members in which they talk about their achievements and explain the role COMTO has played.

Bradlink LLC

Helen Callier

Helen Callier is the founder and president of Bradlink LLC in Houston, Texas. Bradlink is a technical services firm providing program management, construction management, facilities design and operations/ maintenance services primarily in the public sector. Clients include the Houston Airport System, AECOM, TDIndustries, Xerox and CH2MHill.

Bradlink continues to serve as a prime for the Houston Airport System Management Project and, along with a couple of partnering firms, oversees billions of dollars in capital

improvement projects, such as the Southwest Airlines Houston International Terminal. The company was named Top Minority Professional Services Firm in Houston for 2013 and Callier was recently recognized during Houston MEDWeek as “Mentor of the Year.” “Our company has enjoyed a wide range of benefits from our COMTO membership,” says Callier. “We receive transportation policy information and information about funding issues, and, perhaps more importantly, we are provided an ideal environment at COMTO meetings in which to connect with large primes and with transit agency decision makers. COMTO helps us stay on top of all market issues so that we can continue to grow.”

G.W. Peoples G.W. Peoples Contracting specializes in railroad and transit construction, rehabilitation, maintenance and repair. It is currently the only African-American owned firm in the country that builds railroads, and the company is certified as a DBE in 30 jurisdictions. Melvin E. Clark, Jr., is chairman and CEO, and has been affiliated with the company since the mid-nineties. Melvin Clark

“One key to our success,” Clark notes, “is an unwavering commitment to recruitment, training and employment of minority and female workers and to giving back to the community.” Recent company projects include ongoing work for the city of Chicago’s Transit Authority (CTA) and streetcar lines in Atlanta and Washington DC. In Chicago, they successfully worked with local community groups, including the Coalition of AfricanAmerican Leaders (COAL) and the Chicago Urban League (CUL), to recruit, train and employ minority and female workers. They also worked on the city’s Red Line Renewal Project, which was completed on-time and within budget. The overall project created 1,500 jobs in a distressed community. Some 29% of the track work was performed by G.W. Peoples, and the company ensured that more than 70% of the workforce on the project were minorities!

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“Importantly, we have been pursuing remedies to correct inequities in the DBE contracting processes,” says Clark. “In short, we believe that actions that limit minority participation to lower profile ‘traditional’ activities are in disregard of the true intent of the DBE program, and we recommend that DBE participation goals be established for each phase of a project and for each discipline, e.g. engineering, track construction, signaling, financial services, etc.” Clark continued, “In addition, DBE goals should be applied to all funds dispersed by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), which currently has no such mandate. A 10% goal for FRA would result in billions of dollars for minority businesses and thousands of jobs in minority communities.” Renee Banks, president of the company, is appreciative of COMTO’s support over the years. “The various conferences, training opportunities and networking events have been invaluable in reaching out and touching others like ourselves — minorities working in all facets of transit and the transportation industry,” Banks continued, “It has been rewarding to our firm on so many difRenee Banks ferent levels, and we have found it gratifying to share in the success stories of other firms and other individuals who are striving to make a difference in an industry that has historically played such a strong role in the progress and civil rights milestones African-Americans have made.”

Somat Engineering

G. Ramanujam

Somat Engineering in Detroit, Michigan, engineers solutions for infrastructure problems, primarily in the transportation and the water/wastewater service industry. The company’s primary niche in the transportation industry is in providing quality geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering services, as well as construction inspection and materials testing services.

In business since 1986, Somat was founded by Ramji Patel, who identified geotechnical engineering as a niche market that was under-served, in general, and under-represented as far as minorities were concerned. Since 2000, Somat Engineering has been led by G. Ramanujam (Ram), who joined the firm in 1989 and was groomed by Ramji to eventually take over. Ram has diversified and expanded Somat’s business while staying true to the company’s core values.

as getting access to key players and decision makers, mentoring from larger firms and from peers, training materials and webinars on technical and business issues, and a fabulous annual conference that gave us a level of exposure we would not have had otherwise.” Ram urges other HUBs to get involved. “HUBs simply can’t afford to wait any longer. We would also advise HUBs that it is not enough to only join COMTO, but it is imperative to commit to and demonstrate active participation in COMTO’s activities, both at the local and national levels.” And just how successful has Somat been recently? The firm was recently awarded a prime contract by the Michigan DOT to provide construction testing services on the I-96 reconstruction project in Metro Detroit. In keeping with its philosophy of advancing the cause of the HUB/DBE/MBE community and giving back, Somat teamed with another local DBE firm for the project.

Somat was introduced to COMTO in late 2011 through Parsons Brinckerhoff, a firm with which Somat has worked on numerous transportation projects.

In addition, Somat was awarded a sizable contract to provide geotechnical oversight, Title VI assistance and construction testing services for the new M-1 Rail Streetcar project in Downtown Detroit.

“We realized very quickly,” says Ram, “that COMTO was the right organization for us due to the many benefits we received, such

Somat’s enviable track record also earned the company COMTO’s prestigious “HUB Firm of the Year” award in 2013.

Triunity Engineering & Management, Inc.

Jonnie Thomas

Triunity, headquartered in Denver, Colorado, with offices in Boston, Massachusetts, and Seattle, Washington, provides engineering, project management, construction management and information technology services to the transportation and utility industries. In particular, they provide systems design to include communications and controls systems and project management/project controls services primarily to transit agencies.

Founded in 2003 by brothers Jonnie and Marvin Thomas, Triunity provides services to transit systems nationwide. Both electrical engineers, Jonnie and Marvin came to the transit industry by different paths. Jonnie moved from the power to transit industry where he served Tri-County Metropolitans Transportation District of Oregon (TriMet) for nearly seven years. Prior to starting Triunity, Marvin Thomas he was a Senior Communications Engineer for LTK Engineering. Marvin served as an officer in the United States Air Force as a Project Manager for nine years where he also received his Master’s degree in Systems Management. On leaving the military, Marvin performed “hands-on” sales for several technology companies. Prior to starting Triunity, Marvin held senior P&L positions at CSC, Vistronix and SIGNAL Corporation providing outsourced IT services.

The brothers’ hard work and sound business sense have paid off. Recent new projects won include providing communications design services for the LA County Metro Transportation Authority, providing engineering design services in Seattle for a 4-station light rail extension, providing oversight and engineering services for the Volpe/Federal Rail Road Monitoring and Technical Assessment project, providing construction and project management services for Colorado DOT’s Region 3 Non-specific Project Construction Management, and providing design services on an upcoming light rail vehicle for TriMet in Oregon. “COMTO has been instrumental in the growth of Triunity,”says Marvin. “The relationships that we have fostered thru COMTO have led to strong friendships and an opportunity to engage other professionals in the transportation industry. The shared knowledge has directly led to business opportunities, which is the life blood of any company. The National Meeting and Training Conference is a highlight of our year. The past several years we have had the opportunity to not only attend but actually present on a few of the panels. The workshops and events provide us with opportunities to learn and network. It is an incredibly supportive organization that really does look to grow HUBs.”

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diversity in motion Aaron L. Davis A member of COMTO Atlanta, has recently joined the Planning & Development Bureau at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (H-JAIA), the world’s busiest and most efficient airport. He is the newest member of the Asset Management and Sustainability Division and will serve as the airport’s Asset Management Planner. Davis enters the aviation industry with more than ten years of combined management consulting and transit experience working on the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority’s (MARTA) Railcar Rehabilitation Program and on the Life-Cycle Asset Reliability Enhancement Program.

Warren Montague Former Chief Transportation Officer for the Southern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, has joined the City of Detroit (DOT) as manager of Mobility, Compliance and Standards. Montague also serves as 1st Vice Chair of the COMTO Board of Directors. Montague is working with MV Transportation in this capacity. He is Immediate Past-President of COMTO Philadelphia and was instrumental in that chapter’s precedent-setting scholarship program, a program that became a template for other chapters.

Stepfone Montgomery Joseph Erves The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) has named Joseph Erves as new Senior Director of Operations. In his 16th year with the Authority, Erves will oversee the administration and operations of Bus and Rail Transportation, Bus and Rail Maintenance, and Maintenance of Way and Mobility. Erves holds a Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology from DeVry University; a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Mercer University and is currently completing a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Mercer University. He is the President of COMTO Atlanta, a member of the COMTO Board of Directors, a Leadership APTA committee representative and a Graduate of Leadership APTA. At COMTO’s 2013 National Meeting, Erves was honored with the prestigious Rev. Jerry Moore President’s Leadership Award.

Ken Middleton The Airport Minority Advisory Council held an Economic Opportunity and Policy Forum December 10th in Orlando, Florida. Ken Middleton, Diversity and Equity Program Manager for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA), was invited to participate in a panel discussion of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Liaison Officer Program and also the Business of Doing Business. The Forum was held at the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. Middleton, a member of the 2014 COMTO National Meeting and Training Conference Program Planning Committee, is a member of COMTO Jacksonville, and he serves on the HUB Subcommittee.

After 31 years of dedicated service, Montgomery has retired from the Staten Island Railway (SIR). Montgomery was the Vice President and Chief Officer of the SIR at the time of his retirement. In November a group of his professional colleagues threw a celebratory dinner for him at the Ketch Restaurant in New York City, which drew a large crowd of well-wishers. Montgomery has accepted a position with Bombardier as the Director of the New York-New Jersey Port Authority’s JFK Airtrain, which Bombardier manages. Montgomery is a member of COMTO New York.

What Defines a HUB? COMTO Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs) membership includes Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), Airport Concession DBEs (ACDBE), Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women Business Enterprises (WBEs), Veteran Business Enterprises (VBEs), and Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises (DVBEs) that: 1) supply goods and services to the transportation industry; 2) provide professional consultations services; 3) engage in the construction of transportation facilities; and/or 4) provide professional management services. Dues for this group are reduced to assist small businesses who are certified as any of the categories listed in the first sentence. Gross sales or billings must be $250,000 or less. If higher, the regular “Private Business” dues schedule prevails.

To become a member today, go to: 10   COMTO | Moving the Nation

Tcrp ambassador Inez Evans Shows Agencies How to Do More with Less Inez Evans is Chief Operating Officer for Metro/Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority (SORTA). She’s also an Ambassador for the Transit Cooperative Research Program, otherwise known as TCRP. Ambassadors help their industry peers understand the full scope of TCRP sponsored research, which provides the latest developments in advanced technologies, innovative management techniques and best operating practices. To fulfill their mission, Ambassadors travel across the country attending various national, regional, state, and local conferences. Evans is one of 18 TCRP Ambassadors. “I truly believe in the TCRP Program and have used its research throughout my career,” Evans said, noting her more than 20 years of experience in transit. She is currently responsible for all Metro fixed-route and Access paratransit bus operations, fleet maintenance and facilities, which employ about 674 employees. “I find so many people just don’t know about this funded research that TCRP conducts. This is a free program. What I try to let others know is that we’re not out here alone. We’re facing the same issues that are absolutely key today, especially as many systems are doing more with less,” Evans said. For newcomers just entering the workforce, Evans sees TCRP research as critical. While new reports are issued regularly, many of the older ones are what she calls “foundational” documents.

They show innovative strategies and tactics that have been used by others. They provide agencies to contact. “I sometimes call and ask where are you today and what’s changed since the report was issued?” remarked Evans. Evans uses TCRP research for her own reports, culling the necessary data she needs. The work is already done, she noted, so there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. “Driver fatigue is the number one issue for transit systems today. There are reports on how some are dealing with this. TCRP is just so relevant.” TCRP is a joint effort between the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). COMTO manages the Ambassador Program. TCRP Ambassadors generally serve for two years. However, the application process is year round. To learn more about the TCRP Ambassador Program and/or to apply, please contact COMTO National at

ABOUT TCRP TCRP research products, such as reports, syntheses and legal research digests, are available online as well as in hard copy. There is no cost involved to request or download reports. Search and download at


New Search Features for Our Members If you haven’t been to the Career Center lately, here are some of the latest features that are now available: — Members have the ability to search through all postings, as well as all resumes, listed on the website. — Members can subscribe to postings so they receive an update anytime there is a change to that posting. — Members and non-members can post job listings for 30 days. The posting fee for members is $250.00 ($350.00 for non-members). — Members can search using several different criteria, including department, salary, location, and position.

To view the most recent listings, please visit:

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Celebrating Women who move the nation

A Breakfast Annual Awards Ceremony COMTO’s Celebrating Women Hosted by the Conference Of Minority Who Move theOfficials Nation Awards Breakfast Transportation Honors Nationally Prominent Women Wednesday, March 13, 2013

As part of its celebration of Women’s History Month, COMTO is excited to recognize 8:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. and advancing America’s transportation the contributions of women who are leading infrastructure by hosting Celebrating Women Who Move the Nation (CWWMN), an JW Marriott Hotel awards breakfast at the J.W. Marriott in Washington, DC. Mark your calendar for 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW March 12 and plan to join us.

Washington, DC 20004

“COMTO is very excited about this year’s class of honorees. They are extraordinary women with amazing accomplishments. I look forward to celebrating each of them in March.”

SponSorShip opportunitieS — Julie Cunningham, President and CEO

This year’s honorees constitute a veritable “Who’s Who” in the industry and represent almost every mode of transportation:

Jacqueline Hinman, from CH2MHILL, recognized for her work with Industry

Barbara Gannon, PhD, from GannonConsult, recognized for her work in Academia

Supervisor Catherine M. Hudgins, from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, recognized for her work in Public Transportation

Shelby Scales, from the Airport Minority Advisory Council, recognized for her work in Advocacy Andrella Kenner, from CI² Aviation, recognized for her work in Aviation Diane Babineaux, from the Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, recognized for her work with Labor The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson, Congresswomen, 30th District, Texas, recognized for her work in Legislation

Karen Rae, from the New York State Governor’s Office, recognized for her work with State Government Susan Kurland, from the U.S. Department of Transportation, recognized for her work with the U.S. Government Tracey Bessellieu, from Parsons Brinckerhoff, who will receive the Shirley DeLibero Award

CH2MHILL has provided corporate support for the CWWMN awards breakfast.

DID YOU KNOW? Government Contracting Classroom Government contracts can offer significant opportunities for small businesses, but selling to the government requires a very different approach than selling to the commercial sector. Small Business Administration (SBA) has created a series of free online contracting courses designed to help prospective and existing small businesses understand the basics about contracting with governmental agencies. So whether you’re

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just getting started or looking for ways to compete more successfully in the government contracting marketplace, check out the courses at the link below. Before entering some courses, you will be prompted to complete an online registration form. The registration process is simple, asks only a couple of questions, and will take less than a minute to complete. To learn more about small business contracting opportunities or to take the SBA online classes, please visit the following link:

Black History Month Recognizes Transportation Pioneers Horace King 1807 1807--1887 “The The Bridge Builder Builder” Former bridgesinin Georgia, Formerslave slave who who built many bridges Alabama Mississippi, and rebuilt Georgia and Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, Mississippi andmany rebuilt bridges in South Carolina and Alabama. many bridges in South Carolina and Alabama.

Archibald Alexander 1888 -1958 Designed the the Tidal TidalBasin BasinBridge Bridgeand and the Designed the Whitehurst Freeway in Washington, DC Whitehurst Freeway in Washington D.C.

•Rebuilt a bridge g in Columbus in five months •Built Built the Bryant Street Bridge in Columbus in 1858 (now the 13th Street Bridge). After the destruction of the Bryant Street Bridge by flood in 1862, built a bridge at Franklin Street (14th Street).

Tidal Basin Bridge

Whitehurst Freeway

Big Red Oak Creek Bridge, built around 1840

Pioneers The 93rd, 95th and 97th Engineer General Service Regiments Faced with harsh conditions and harsher

Granville T. Woods 1865 -1910

Invented the multiplex telegraph, which Invented the multiplex telegraph, which allowed for allowed for the tracking and communication tracking and communication of moving trains. trains ofthe moving trains.

Faced with harsh conditions and harsher discrimination, helped discrimination, helped to build the Alaska Highway. A bridge to build the Alaska Highway. A bridge on the highway was on the highway was renamed the Black Veterans renamed the Black Veterans Recognition Bridge in their honor.

•In 1887 he patented the Synchronous Multiplex Railway Telegraph, which allowed communications b t between train t i stations t ti and moving trains.

Recognition Bridge in their honor.

•In I 1888 d developed l da system for overhead electric conductingg lines for railroads

Landrow Bell Landrow invented a safer smokestack for steam train Invented Bell a safer smokestack for steam train engines in 1871 in 1871. engines • Bell’s invention helped to prevent fires caused byy flying y g sparks and cinders from small smoke stacks making train stacks, travel much safer.

Garrett A. Morgan 1875 -1963

Designed a Designedthe theAutomatic AutomaticTraffic TrafficSignal, Signal, a precursor to today’s traffic precursor p to today’s y traffic light. g light.

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Bessie Coleman 1892 -1926

First First African African American AmericanFemale FemalePilot Pilot • She earned her license on June 15, 1921 from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale • Taught other black women to fly, gave lectures and performed at flying exhibitions

Elijah McCoy 1844 - 1929

Elijah McCoy 1844 - 1929

A mechanical engineer and inventor,engineer McCoy's highAAmechanical andand inventor, McCoy's highmechanical engineer inventor, McCoy’s quality industrial inventions (especially his steam quality industrial inventions (especially his steam high-quality industrial inventions (especially his engine lubricator) were the basis thebasis expression the steam engine lubricator) werefor the for the"the engine lubricator) were the basis for the expression "the the real McCoy," meaning the real, authentic, or the high-quality expression “the real McCoy,” meaning real, real McCoy," meaning thething. real, authentic, or high-quality authentic, or high-quality thing. thing. •

Frederick M. Jones

• McCoy's first invention (1872) was a revolutionary way of McCoy's first invention (1872) lubricating steam engines was a revolutionary way of without having to shut them lubricating steam enginesdown - this automatic lubricator saved an enormous amount of without having to shut them time and effort in transportation down - this automatic lubricator and d iin iindustrial d t i l production. d ti

saved an enormous amount of time and effort in transportation and d iin iindustrial d t i l production. d Pioneer ti Images Courtesy of Georgia Department of Transportation

1892 -1961

Patented an controlling device to Patented anair-conditioning air-conditioning controlling device aidaid in the transport of perishable food – usedfood in to in the transportation of perishable — in trucks patented t used trucks k and d rail il cars.and Al Alsorail patented tcars. t d Also th the gas engine i the gasand engine starter andfora internal control device for starter a control device internal combustion combustion engines engines

Accelerate your career today

Meredith C. Gourdine 1929 - 1998

His work in gas dispersion developed techniques for His work in developed techniques dispersing foggas fromdispersion airport runways. for dispersing fog from airport runways.

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14   COMTO | Moving the Nation

welcome new members ARIZONA Brenda Gutierrez Kevin Hockett Tanesha Vaughn ATLANTA Guan Ellis Duel Riley Kerry Williams AT-LARGE Ryan Daniel AUSTIN Anthony Tappin Aldemar Villamarin BIRMINGHAM Christy Howard

BOSTON Marie Breen Jared Hite Ryan Hutchins Bonnie Murphy Lori Nelson Dion Stubbs CENTRAL FLORIDA James A. Bradford Sandra Morrison Maritza Rovira Forino CINCINNATI Frank H. Bowen DALLAS Patrick Aliu Ron Hill Robbie Thompson

KANSAS CITY Whitney Morgan MARYLAND Mark Cherry Patrick Davis Luther Dolcar Bruce Gartner Brandon Hewitt William Johnson Fabian Lewis Randy Reynolds Dhirendra Sinha Janiece S. Timmons MIAMI Marion Pratt MICHIGAN Whitney N. Davis Deveron Q. Sanders Cyrill Weems NEW JERSEY Duane D. Myers NEW YORK Frank A. Mesa NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Maurice Brewster Richard Fuentas Isidro Jimenez Shanon Matthews

CREATE. ENHANCE. SUSTAIN. Ranked #1 in Transportation by Engineering News-Record, AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance and sustain the world’s built, natural, and social environments.

PHILADELPHIA Christin Adams Rashan C. Brooks Sierra Jackson Ibrahim Kargbo Michelle D. Raye Diego Rincon John S. Williams SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Jesse Bryant Lamicia Butler WASHINGTON, DC Thomas Dominique Lilita Stewart Fawn Thompson Janice Vieira

Winter 2014 | ACCELERATE   15

Dr. Carter G. Woodson 1875 – 1950 “Father of Black History”

Black History Month The celebration of African American history in our nation was spawned by Dr. Carter G. Woodson when he created Negro History and Literature Week. In the 1970s the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (now called the Association for the Study of African American Life and History) changed that to Black History Week, and in 1976, the organization extended the week to a month-long observance.




Robert H. Prince, Jr. Transit Business Development Director Vice President, AECOM Boston, MA

Mary Ann Collier Director of Operations Swayzer Engineering, Inc. Dallas, TX

1ST VICE CHAIR Warren Montague Manager of Mobility, Compliance & Standards Detroit Department of Transportation Detroit, MI

2ND VICE CHAIR Lester Woods, Jr. External Civil Rights Director Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) Jefferson City, MO


IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Roosevelt Bradley President and CEO United Brake & Clutch Service, LLC Miami Lakes, FL

Freddie Fuller, II Regional Sales Manager Cubic Transportation Systems, Inc. Arlington, VA John M. Lewis Chief Executive Officer Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority Orlando, FL Dianne T. Mendoza, PhD DBE Officer/Director of Equal Employment & Business Opportunity Programs VIA Metropolitan Transit San Antonio, TX Adiele Nwankwo, PhD Senior Vice President Parsons Brinckerhoff Americas, Inc. Atlanta, GA

COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS REPRESENTATIVES Renee Edwards Technical Services Administrator Dallas Area Rapid Transit Dallas, TX Emille Williams Manager of Engineering Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority Philadelphia, PA


Accelerate  is a quarterly newsletter published

Mr. Joseph Erves Director of Rail Maintenance Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority Lithonia, GA

1875 I Street, NW, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20006



by the Conference Of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO)

Administrative Office 12100 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130 Reston, VA 20190 703.234.4072 | Articles may not be reproduced without the publisher’s written permission. Publisher: Julie A. Cunningham­­­ Editor: Bill Carney © 2014 All Rights Reserved


COMTO Vision Statement

Debra F. Carter Managing Director The Dynasty Consulting Group, LLC Bowie, MD

To see the diverse faces of America equally reflected in all levels of the transportation industry.

Shirley DeLibero DeLibero Transportation Strategies, LLC Milton, MA A. Bradley Mims The Ravens Group Lanham, MD

COMTO Mission Statement To ensure a level playing field and maximum participation in the transportation industry for minority individuals, businesses, and communities of color through advocacy, information sharing, training, educational, and professional development.

COMTO Objectives — — — —

embership Growth and Retention M Training, Education and Professional Development Advocacy and Public Awareness Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUBs)

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