REGULATIONS 2022-2023 are not met, such protest shall be disregarded by the competent body. Once the final match of The Competition has ended, any protests described in this article or complaints about the sports procedure followed during The Competition shall be disregarded. 25.11. Concacaf shall pass decisions on any protests lodged, subject to the exceptions stipulated in these Regulations, the Concacaf or FIFA Statutes or any other Concacaf or FIFA regulations. 25.12. Once the winning team of The Competition have been proclaimed, any protest or complaint about the sports procedure followed during The Competition shall be disregarded.
The following infractions will be sanctioned as follows: 26.1.1 Late Submission of Documentation – Teams which submit their administrative documentation after the deadlines outlined in The Competition Regulations and/or Circulars will be fined as follow:
1st Offense USD 2,000; 2nd Offense USD 3,000; 3rd Offense and following USD 5,000.
26.1.2 Late arrival at the stadium - Due to the team’s negligence, including late departure from team hotel causing late submission of the Start List (delays the match preparation and the submission of the start list to the broadcasters & media), will be fined as follows:
1st Offense USD 2,000; 2nd Offense USD 3,000; 3rd Offense and following USD 5,000.
26.1.3 Late departure from the locker rooms – Teams that delay the 1st half or the 2nd half Kick Off, will be sanctioned, in addition to the suspension of the Coach for the next game, as follows: a) b) a)
1st offense If 1 minute or less USD 2,000; If 2 minutes or more USD 3,000. 2nd Offense If 1 minute or less USD 3,000;