2022 Concacaf W Championship – Regulations

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2022 Concacaf W Championship – Regulations

23.5. Media Violations – Including but not limited to the following – 23.5.1.

Fines ranging from USD 1,000 USD - USD 6,000 USD depending on the severity of the offense:


Coach and/or players not attending mandatory media activities.


Photographer or film crew inside the locker rooms or video recording violations including live video streaming.


Non-compliance with minimum media standards


Negative comments about the match officials or Concacaf. Includes comments to media which can be constructed as negative regarding the competition, match officials, Concacaf, etc.

23.6. Minimum standard Violations – 23.6.1.

Fines ranging from USD 1,000 USD - USD 6,000 USD depending on the severity of the offense:


Non-compliance with match protocol


Inappropriate behavior from players and team officials


Unsporting and discriminatory conduct


Non-compliance with Competition Regulations

24. APPEALS COMMITTEE 24.1. The Concacaf Appeals Committee shall hear appeals eligible to be lodged against decisions taken by the Disciplinary Committee. 24.2. The Concacaf Appeals Committee will apply the FIFA Disciplinary Code until the entree into force of the Concacaf Disciplinary Code (when it will apply subsidiarily). In particular, the Concacaf Appeals Committee will conduct any appeals procedures in accordance with the FIFA Disciplinary Code. 24.3. The Concacaf Appeals Committee shall reach its decisions on the basis of the documents and other means of evidence contained in the Disciplinary Committee’s file. The Concacaf Appeals Committee may additionally, at its sole discretion, also consider additional evidence, including television and video recordings, which it considers relevant. 24.4. Decisions pronounced by the Appeals Committee are final and binding.


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