2022 SCL Regulations - ENG

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The Concacaf Appeals Committee, hereinafter the Appeals Committee, will hear the appeals that meet the requirements that will be said, against the decisions made by the Disciplinary Committee.


The Appeals Committee will apply these Regulations and the FIFA Disciplinary Code, until the entry into force of the Concacaf Disciplinary Code.


The Appeals Committee will reach its decisions on the basis of the documents and the other means of evidence contained in the Disciplinary Committee’s file. The Appeals Committee may additionally, at its sole discretion, also consider additional evidence, including television and video recordings, which it considers relevant.


The parties must notify the Appeals Committee of their intention to appeal the decision, by writing sent within three days, counting from the notification of the grounds for the decision. Said notification must be made via email to the Concacaf General Secretariat, to general.secretariat@concacaf.org with a copy to disciplinary@concacaf.org.


Once the period for communicating the intention to appeal has elapsed, the appellant will have five days to present the formal appeal letter. It should contain the appellant's requests, a statement of the facts, evidence, a list of the proposed witnesses (with a brief summary of the foreseeable testimony) and the appellant's conclusions. The latter will not be authorized to present further documentation or evidence once the deadline for submitting the appeal letter has expired.


Appeals are subject to the payment of a fee of USD 1,000, which must be paid, at the latest, at the time the document is delivered. The appellant must send confirmation of said transfer by email to the Concacaf General Secretariat, to general.secretariat@concacaf.org with a copy to disciplinary@concacaf.org.


Failure to comply with any of the aforementioned requirements will result in the appeal not being admitted.


Sessions may be held with a single member. Decisions will be made by the sole judge or they will be adopted by a simple majority of the members present. In the event of a tie, the president will have the casting vote.



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