Concealed Online Reviews – How To Carry With Confidence, Control and Comfort Here’s what it looks like…
Attitude baby. It’s all about attitude, isn’t it? If you look like you don’t know what you’re doing with that thing strapped to your waist, then you’re already at a disadvantage. REMEMBER… confidence saves lives. For one… YOURS! So how do you GET confidence? That’s an easy one — SKILLS.
Concealed Online Reviews – How To Carry With Confidence, Control and Comfort
Developing the skills to radiate confidence to use your concealed carry when it matters most actually makes you less likely to be put in a position where you have to use deadly force than if you DIDN’T have said skills. And learning how to carry with confidence AND become a confident shooter requires:
Concealed Online Reviews – How To Carry With Confidence, Control and Comfort TRAINING & PRACTICE
Okay, I think we’ve made out point about confidence. Next, let’s talk about… CONTROL Knowing exactly how to control your weapon and draw it effectively from concealment depends on the size of the firearm. Most fall into one of two varieties: holstered firearms or pocket firearms. Each of these basically comes down to size. Holstered firearms will typically be on the larger side. Like this…
Concealed Online Reviews – How To Carry With Confidence, Control and Comfort
These weapons are concealed in a belt holster or holsters that can be worn inside the waistband (IWB) which makes them easy to. cover with a jacket or a longer shirt/blouse.
Concealed Online Reviews – How To Carry With Confidence, Control and Comfort While these types of weapons are a bit harder to conceal, they offer more range, stopping power, and versatility than smaller, more compact guns. Pocket holster firearms, on the other hand, are built for easier concealment and quicker drawing power. This category includes guns like .380 and .25 ACPs and are so small they can often fit in the palm of your hand and can usually be tucked right inside pocket holsters. Like this‌
Concealed Online Reviews – How To Carry With Confidence, Control and Comfort Flexibility is ideal when it comes to pocket holsters and nylon holsters rank among the better materials. Kydex is the way to go if you’re looking for strong retention and solid construction. When it comes to belt holsters, leather offers a classic feel and is the go-to for most in the CCW community. Bottom line: find a holster that keeps your weapon secure, but gives you enough flexibility to draw it quickly. Choosing the right one can mean the difference between life and death.
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