Specific requirements will depend on your state, but the majority of states require that you take a class of some kind. This could be anything from 15 or more hour classroom and range training course to a couple of hours learning your state's laws.
More recently, though, you may have the option to complete your training requirements from the comfort of your own home - online. At present, only Virginia offers such an option, but it could very well extend into other states before long, particularly those with lower legal requirements when it comes to training or showing that you know how to use your firearm. To get online training, you must find a company who has a website offering the class. Simply sign up, usually paying by credit card or PayPal, and you will be granted access to the training modules. These usually consist of video instruction, and may come with written instruction.
After taking in all of the information, you will be required to pass a test. It is generally the case that you will need 15/20 to pass the test, but most questions will be multiple choice, and generally not too difficult, especially if you paid close attention during the lectures online.
If you receive a passing grade on the test, you will be instructed to print off a page that has your details on it, stating that you have completed training that meets Virginia's state requirements. Print this form out and send it in with your application. While you may indeed take this online course if you live in Virginia, it is seemingly used very regularly by those people who live outside of Virginia who wish to receive their non-resident Virginia Permit to Carry a Concealed Handgun. Because Virginia's permits are recognized in many states, it may be easier for a person to obtain a Virginia permit than a permit from their home state, and this may be the best way for someone to carry concealed legally, if their home state has much more stringent laws.
Learn More: https://www.concealedonline.com/ https://www.concealedonline.com/what_state.php https://vimeo.com/204636435 https://concealedonline.wordpress.com/category/conceale donline-com-reviews/ https://www.concealedcarry.com/product/onlineconcealed-carry-permit/