Conceaed Online - Tips for keeping the secret of concealed carry

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Tips for Keeping the Secret of Concealed Carry

Some people think the practice of carrying a concealed firearm in public begins and ends with taking a course and becoming certified. Whether you are preparing to get your license or you already have it, the following 6 tips will help you remain concealed.

Gear There are many choices in concealed-carry gear. Just stop into your local firearms store and ask anyone there to walk you through your options. Regardless of which belt or holster you choose, make sure it is high-quality. A gun belt is thicker and sturdier to keep your holster and gun in place. Holsters are personal: Different styles work with different lifestyles. Before you buy, try on a bunch of different brands and styles. Make sure the one you choose is comfortable and functional. As for spare magazines, some people carry them in pockets; others may not carry any at all. I’ve personally found the NeoMag pocket clip works really well for pocket carry. It keeps the magazine in the right place and right position for easy access if needed.


Now that you have all your gear, practice, practice and more practice is in order. Work on your movements: standing, sitting, reaching. Can you sit comfortably? What happens when you stand up? Does the gun move? Practice getting into and out of your car. Did your holster shift? Practice drawing from concealment. Check to make sure your gun is clear of obstructions and follow the 4 firearms safety rules. With your unloaded gun, using all your gear, practice drawing from various positions, wearing different clothing..

Keep the Secret

As a child, it’s was always fun to say, “I know something you don’t know.” (Traditional sing-song voice is implied.) As an adult, you should keep that in mind when you conceal carry. By keeping your secret, you will maintain your element of surprise. Don’t let others know when or how you carry. What if someone asks if you are carrying? “When Strangers Ask If You Carry a Concealed Firearm.” You need to be prepared to answer that question.

Hands Off Be wary of telltale movements. These are movements that would cause a trained observer to know you are carrying a gun. Avoid bad habits, such as constantly pulling your shirt down. Trust that your cover garment will keep your firearm concealed. (Remember, you’ve tested it!) If you are in public and feel something has moved or shifted with your gear, go to a private area and make your adjustments there. Whatever you do, keep your hands off in public. Some people are so obvious that almost anyone could tell they are carrying a firearm. Be more circumspect, and keep everything under wraps.


There is no reason to feel nervous when you are in public. You’ve already trained with your firearm, practiced with your gear and hopefully had someone observe your movements. Before you walk out of your house, ask yourself, “Do I look or act like I’m carrying a gun?” Remember how important it is to keep the secret!

Movement Changing the way you move may help you feel more confident when you carry concealed. If you carrying on your strong side, start training yourself to reach with your weak-side hand. I carry on my right side at 4 o’clock, so I generally reach for everything with my left hand. When you’re at the grocery store, think before you reach…especially if what you’re reaching for is on the top or bottom shelf. For the bottom shelf, don’t bend over; bend at the knees in front of your shopping cart. For the top shelf, I’ll straighten my right arm against my gun and reach with my left. If I have a cover garment that requires my support hand to clear it before drawing, I carry my bag in my strong hand. I drop what’s in my strong hand while I clear my shirt or coat with my support hand. I tailor my movements to my concealedcarry needs.

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