Trying To Conceive For 1 Year: Now What?

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Trying To Conceive For 1 Year: Now What? For women who are trying to conceive, it’s pretty much common knowledge that trying to conceive for a full year is recommended before seeking help from a fertility expert. Although anyone who has been trying and getting negative pregnancy tests month after month will say a year is too long to wait! (Note that the recommendation for women over age 35 is to try for only six months before seeing a fertility expert, as women over age 35 have a higher chance of a fertility issue or a problem with trying to conceive.) However, the question remains, what exactly do you do after you have been trying to conceive for a full year with no results? Read on to find out more and what you need to do if this applies to your particular situation!

1. Get A Doctor Involved Of course, this is probably the tip you came here to see. If you have been trying to conceive for 12 consecutive months without any success, it is a good idea to go ahead and make an appointment in order to talk to a doctor. You can start with your regular family doctor, or you might choose to go ahead and make an appointment with a fertility specialist. Either way, go ahead and reach out to your doctor and make yourself an appointment.

This will give your doctor a chance to go over some things with you, make sure that you are doing everything you can to improve your chances of trying to conceive, and also perhaps run some tests or give you some additional tips or ideas of things that might help you. Seeing a doctor at this point in the game is imperative, and can be really helpful to boosting your chances of getting pregnant.

2. Double Check Your Fertility Tracking As you probably already know if you are reading an article about trying to conceive for a year, tracking your fertility and making sure you know when your fertile days are is of the utmost importance.

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