Concept Bespoke Brochure

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WE LCOME At Concept Bespoke we are committed to providing exceptional design, build and maintenance turnkey ser vices to your project. We don’t believe in blanket solutions. For us, ‘bespoke’ is much more than just a nam e – it’s our philosophy.

ABOUT U S Our discerning clients expect the best and our approach is tailored to m atch. From dedicated project teams to extremely stringent quality control procedures, we refuse to accept anything less than perfection. That’s why, whether you’re an architect or designer requiring construction ser vices, a developer looking for design, or a homeowner needing full-ser vice support, we will work with you to f ind solutions that never compromise on quality a nd always exceed expectations. WE ARE CONCEPT BESPOKE. W E D E S I G N , B U I L D A N D M A I N TA I N .

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O UR S TORY OUR FOUNDERS, OMAR AND DAFYDD GOMEZ-EVANS, STARTED CONCEPT BESPOKE IN 2005. From day one, we saw an opportunity to provide a level of ser vice that would stand us apart from our competitors. Where others struggled to deliver even to the most basic of expectations, we chose to innovate, exploring new processes and eff iciencies to deliver outstanding quality, on time and to budget. This approa ch saw us qu ickly win projects for prestigious clients and luxur y brands. As our reputation grew, so too did our portfolio, and in 2008 we secured our f irst high-end residential contract with esteemed luxur y developer Candy & Candy. Today, thanks to our continued dedication to our founding principles, we are the partner of choice for the world’s leading architects and developers. We work with clients who desire an impeccable project journey and an outstanding product.

2005 Ye a r t h e c o m p a n y s t a r t e d .

100% Pro j e c t s c o m p l e t e d w i t h i n the client timescales.

32 8 Nu m b e r o f p ro j e c t s c a r r i e d out to date.

697,000 SQ.FT. Co m b i n e d S Q.F T. o f a l l re s i d e n t i a l p ro j e c t s w e’ v e w o r ke d o n .

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HISTORY A promise to deliver excellence has enabled Concept Bespoke to enjoy rapid and sustained growth.




A significant high-value contract for Wembley Stadium as well as an East London regeneration contract puts Concept Bespoke firmly on the map.

A fitting contract for an Estée Lauder showroom in London is won, whilst a move to develop residential properties sees Concept Bespoke growing rapidly allowing the team to move into their first offices.

The economic downturn creates a need to concentrate on prime and super prime high-end residential contracts. The partnership with Candy & Candy flourishes and Concept Bespoke begins working on full multi-package projects.


2008 2010

The journey begins with brothers Omar and Dafydd Gomez-Evans recognising the need for a construction company focused on providing personalised service.

The relationship with Estée Lauder expands to a nationwide contract whilst residential projects continue to grow. This year, also sees the start of Concept Bespoke’s long-standing partnership with prestigious luxury interiors company, Candy & Candy.

Due to continued growth in residential developments, Concept Bespoke moves to larger premises in Chiswick and invests in joinery machinery to craft truly bespoke interiors for its projects.

2011 Candy & Candy approach Concept Bespoke to develop an aftercare programme for their clients. The service is an instant hit. An increasing desire for bespoke furnishings crafted by the in-house joinery team enables a move to larger premises with a designated workshop.


The in-house Design and Build service is launched and a dedicated furniture production facility is started.



The pipeline for 2018 projects exceeds 2017 turnover and the installation of advanced ERP systems continues to improve efficiencies allowing Concept Bespoke to take on more prestigious projects.


A new brand identity and website is launched to communicate the revered reputation for excellence Concept Bespoke has earned since it launched in 2005.

2015 The continued success of the company sees Concept Bespoke invest in new systems and processes to handle the increasing number of complex and bespoke projects.



Concept Bespoke secures the main contractor role on a multi-million pound project at Eaton Square through their partnership with Candy & Candy. This prestigious contract and growing aftercare service sees Concept Bespoke acquire a Head of Operations to assist with the growing demands of the business.

Concept Bespoke secures the design and build of three exclusive properties in Belgravia allowing the company to expand its headcount further.

In a huge win, Concept Bespoke secures the largest project to date in Regent’s Park. More managerial personnel are recruited to increase workflow efficiencies within the business. The productivity in the joinery division increases by 40%.

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That’s why, each time you embark on a venture with us, we’ll tailor our turnkey solution to suit your needs. We don’t believe in conflicts of interest, leaving you to dip in and out of our services as and when required. DESIGN: Our dedicated design managers oversee talented teams of interior architects and designers who have the expertise to understand design detail and build ability, all harmonised with cost alignment. Whether it’s drafting initial hand sketched plans, producing CAD drawings or full 3D renders and BIM models, we are on hand to quickly bring your project to life. BUILD: Construction is at the core of our business; we apply the same methodical approach to our planning and pre-construction stages as we do to the work itself. Every aspect of the project from design through to build is meticulously planned, either in traditional programming sequence software or 4D virtual build videos. This ensures the processes to deliver on site are carefully considered and planned for from the outset. MAINTAIN: Our custom maintenance packages ensure your property is expertly and securely cared for, giving you peace of mind that your asset is protected right from handover. We will automatically provide you with a comprehensive Maintain Pack upon completion of your property, this will include everything required to maintain your asset. We will also outline supplementary services if required, including management of utility bill payments, postal services, concierge, staffing, drivers and security, to name a few. These services are available to everyone, the only difference being that if we aren’t familiar with your asset, we will survey and meticulously research operation and maintenance manuals to identify your requirements.




De si g n b r i ef

Pre-c o n st r uc t i o n

Sur v ey

Han d -d r a w n p l a n

Bui l d

Pro p o sa l

CAD drawings

Qua l i t y c o n t ro l

In t ro d uc t i o n s

Fu lly t en d er a b l e draw i n g s p a c k

Ha n d o v er

Ma i n t a i n

BI M a n d 3 D mo d el s and ren d er s

Pro p er t y w a l kt h ro ug h a n d ma n ua l s

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DE S IGN A S PA C E S H O U L D B E A S U N I Q U E A S I T S O C C U PA N T. Our skilled desig n t e ams are e x p e rt s i n cre at i ng cohe re nt an d functional d e s i g ns t hat p e r fe ct l y re fl e ct y ou r p e r s onal s t y l e . So, wh eth er you de s i re a room t hat f i t s s e am l e s s l y w i t hi n y ou r existing h ome or req u i re an e nt i re p rop e r t y t o b e d e s i g ne d , y ou can be con f id en t you’ l l b e w or ki ng w i t h d e s i g ne rs w ho w i l l t ake th e time to truly und e rs t and y ou r ne e d s . What’ s m ore , w e’ l l involve you at ever y s t e p of t he p roce s s , e ns u ri ng t he e nd re s u l t is complete l y i n s y nc w i t h y ou r e x p e ct at i ons . Th e f irst step is to d raft a hand d raw n p l an. We’ l l t he n ad j u s t , ref in e and perfect t o cre at e a s e t of CAD d raw i ng s t hat are ready to cost and t ake t he p roj e ct t o t he ne x t s t ag e . In add ition to our i n-hou s e d e s i g n s e r v i ce s , w e can al s o w or k with existing plan s to p rog re s s t he m t o b u i l d s t ag e . Thi s i ncl u d e s supporting designe rs and archi t e ct s w i t h p roj e ct fe as i b i l i t y, value engineering, p rov i d i ng u p -front g u i d ance on p r i ci ng, and procurement su p p or t al l t he w ay t o t e nd e r and b u i l d .

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DE S IGN A S PA C E S H O U L D B E A S U N I Q U E A S I T S O C C U PA N T. Our skilled desig n t e ams are e x p e rt s i n cre at i ng cohe re nt an d functional d e s i g ns t hat p e r fe ct l y re fl e ct y ou r p e r s onal s t y l e . So, wh eth er you de s i re a room t hat f i t s s e am l e s s l y w i t hi n y ou r existing h ome or req u i re an e nt i re p rop e r t y t o b e d e s i g ne d , y ou can be con f id en t you’ l l b e w or ki ng w i t h d e s i g ne rs w ho w i l l t ake th e time to truly und e rs t and y ou r ne e d s . What’ s m ore , w e’ l l involve you at ever y s t e p of t he p roce s s , e ns u ri ng t he e nd re s u l t is complete l y i n s y nc w i t h y ou r e x p e ct at i ons . Th e f irst step is to d raft a hand d raw n p l an. We’ l l t he n ad j u s t , ref in e and perfect t o cre at e a s e t of CAD d raw i ng s t hat are ready to cost and t ake t he p roj e ct t o t he ne x t s t ag e . In add ition to our i n-hou s e d e s i g n s e r v i ce s , w e can al s o w or k with existing plan s to p rog re s s t he m t o b u i l d s t ag e . Thi s i ncl u d e s supporting designe rs and archi t e ct s w i t h p roj e ct fe as i b i l i t y, value engineering, p rov i d i ng u p -front g u i d ance on p r i ci ng, and procurement su p p or t al l t he w ay t o t e nd e r and b u i l d .

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P R OJ ECT / P O N T ST R EET SW 1 X This prime Chelsea apartment building saw the development of an existing faรงade retention as well as the ad dition of a new super structure. Concept Bespoke carried out major remodelling and full f it out to all apartments and communal areas in partnership with leading London developer CPC. The internal structure of the building was also altered to create two additional apartments. The properties were immensely popular and all six sold before completion.

PROJECT LENGTH 4 0 we e k s.

AREA 2 3 ,0 0 0 S Q.FT.

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P R OJ ECT / P O N T ST R EET SW 1 X This prime Chelsea apartment building saw the development of an existing faรงade retention as well as the ad dition of a new super structure. Concept Bespoke carried out major remodelling and full f it out to all apartments and communal areas in partnership with leading London developer CPC. The internal structure of the building was also altered to create two additional apartments. The properties were immensely popular and all six sold before completion.

PROJECT LENGTH 4 0 we e k s.

AREA 2 3 ,0 0 0 S Q.FT.

SPEAKERS Fu lly int egr a t ed a u dio -v isu a l syst em t o c rea t e a fu lly im m er siv e ex per ien c e.

CORNICING Crafted lo cally to meet a Regency p ro f ile that is in-keeping with the pro perty.

APPLIANCES Spec if ied prem iu m br a n d t o c o m bin e t h e la t est t ec h n o lo gy wit h eff ic ien c y a n d ea se-o f-u se.

COUNTER State-of-the-art marble-based composite for a striking yet resilient surface manufactured in-house.

FURNITURE Besp o ke hand made pieces from our furniture p ro d uction facility and o ther UK p artn er s.

FLOORING Un der flo o r h ea t in g c o m bin ed wit h a n en gin eered so lid wo o d f in ish .

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P R OJ ECT / C H E S H A M P L A C E SW1X Since its completion in 2008, Chesham Place has become one of the most sought after addresses in Belgravia. Concept Bespoke completed the f it out of this 8,200 SQ.FT. duplex apartment, including a mezzanine level, media room and study in just eight months and the property sold within six weeks of completion.


AREA 8 , 2 0 0 S Q.F T.

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P R OJ ECT / TREVOR SQUARE SW 7 An exquisite apartment in one of Knightsbridge’s most prestigious buildings, this property was completely f itted out to provide a three-bedroom penthouse with 280-degree views of London’s skyline.

PROJECT LENGTH 2 8 w e e k s.

AREA 3 ,5 0 0 S Q.F T.

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P R OJ ECT / TREVOR SQUARE SW 7 An exquisite apartment in one of Knightsbridge’s most prestigious buildings, this property was completely f itted out to provide a three-bedroom penthouse with 280-degree views of London’s skyline.

PROJECT LENGTH 2 8 w e e k s.

AREA 3 ,5 0 0 S Q.F T.

SKYLIGHT Reac tive glazing to max im ise light and maintain c limate co nt ro l.

S TA I R C A S E Ha n dm a de wit h o a k a n d Fren c h po lish ed o n sit e.

GL ASS FLOOR Tr iple gl a z ed st r u c t u r a l gla ss flo o r to maxim ise m u lt i-st o rey light .

S E AT I N G Hand f inished mar ble setting cr afted to house sofa.

FURNITURE Co m m issio n ed din in g t a ble h a n dm a de in -h o u se.

ACCESSORIES Cho s en by in-house inter ior dresser.

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P R OJ ECT / R E G E N T ’ S PA R K NW1 A former Ministr y of Defence off ice on the in ner circle of Regent’s Park, the developer commissioned Concept Bespoke to fully design and build the premises from the ground up. The property was completely stripped out, had vast structural alterations to facilitate a stair and lift core as well as a complete f it out.

PROJECT LENGTH 52 w e e k s .

AREA 1 1 ,0 0 0 S Q.F T.

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BUILD C O N S T R U C T I O N I S AT T H E C O R E O F OUR BUSINESS. Before work starts we’ll go through extensive planning and pre-construction stages. From completing or assisting with planning permissions to procurement strategies, our expert team is on hand to pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure ever ything is in place. Our pre-construction ser vices and systems allow us to negate future time and cost issues, this is crucial to project deliver y and managing client expectations. Once work begins, the build will be carried out by our in-house tradesmen and a select few subcontractors. Dedicated Project and Site Managers will oversee the build and be in regular contact with your Business Relationship Manager as well as our Cost Control Managers to keep you up to speed on how ever ything is progressing. We want to make sure you are satisf ied with our ser vices at ever y stage and are happy to meet face to face or host project walkthroughs to ensure you are up to speed on how ever ything is progressing. We also have an online project management system and you are welcome to login at any stage to gain access to live project data. We pride ourselves and reputation on completing stress-free builds on time and to budget. Concept Bespoke carries out projects from single units as small as 1,000 SQ.FT. with a budget of £350,000, to multi-unit developments exceeding 25 units and £55 million. We also work on private estates extending across acres of land. We can work to any scale.

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JOINE RY CONCEPT BESPOKE CUSTOM CRAFTS FURNITURE IN THE HEART OF LONDON. Our promise to deliver a superior f inish means outsourcing to a third-party manufacturer isn’t an option. We prefer to custom build furniture in-house at our state-of-the-art London workshop, where a team of skilled and passionate craftsmen work tirelessly to ensure designs are executed flawlessly. Whether you have an abstract concept or a complete design, we’ll transform your commissions into high-quality, one-off pieces, each benef itting from the ver y best materials sourced specif ically for the project. The prestigious nature of our developments means our team are particularly skilled at delivering high-quality pieces of f itted furniture such as kitchens, dressing rooms, wardrobes, media rooms and wine cellars, to name a few. We’re also experts at crafting individual statement pieces including tables, chairs, cabinets, credenzas and sofas, adding the f inest details and embellishments when needed, such as gold, bronze and silver inlays, luxur y silk fabrics and hand-car ved glass panels.

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P R OJ ECT / E AT O N S Q U A R E SW 1 W This Grade II Listed Building is a stunning examp le of Georgian architecture in the centre of sought-after Belgravia. In partnership with a London developer, Concept Bespoke was commissioned to implement full design and build ser vices to create one of the most desirable properties in Londo n. The fo ur-storey property comprises six bedrooms and includes a leisure suite and staff accommodation.

PROJECT LENGTH 5 4 we e k s .

AREA 9,0 0 0 S Q.FT.

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P R OJ ECT / E AT O N S Q U A R E SW 1 W This Grade II Listed Building is a stunning examp le of Georgian architecture in the centre of sought-after Belgravia. In partnership with a London developer, Concept Bespoke was commissioned to implement full design and build ser vices to create one of the most desirable properties in Londo n. The fo ur-storey property comprises six bedrooms and includes a leisure suite and staff accommodation.

PROJECT LENGTH 5 4 we e k s .

AREA 9,0 0 0 S Q.FT.

CHANDELIER Han d made to order by a team of British ar tisans.

WA L L C O V E R I N G Fin e silk wa llpa per so u rc ed fro m a lea din g design h o u se.

CABINETRY On e-o ff bo o kc a se desk t h a t a lso c o n c ea ls c lim a t e c o nt ro l a ir -c o n dit io n in g.

IRONMONGERY Bes po ke han d les made in a Britis h fo und r y.

FLOORING Handlaid mar ble marquetr y with b rass inlay.

RUG Handwoven and c ar ve d t o o u r bespoke design.

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P R OJ ECT / E AT O N M E W S S W 1 W A private family commission to take two mews properties in the heart of Belgravia and implement design and build ser vices including the retention of one faรงade, the demolition of another, and the building of a basement. This project also included a full f it out to create two premium properties that are connected with concealed openings providing flexible living and guest arrangements.


AREA 4 ,10 0 S Q.F T.

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P R OJ ECT / C L A B O N M EW S SW 1 X A private family commission and a traditional build contract to turn a 2,200 SQ.FT. two-storey mews house into a f ive-storey home with a duplex basement and a mansard roof extension. The faรงade and floo rs were completely rebuilt and all areas of the home fully f itted out.

PROJECT LENGTH 49 we e k s.

AREA 5 ,5 0 0 S Q.F T.

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M A IN TAIN WE ARE HERE TO CARE FOR AND P R O T E C T Y O U R P R O P E R T Y. Our maintenance and aftercare packages are designed to give you the assurance that your investment is in safe hands. Due to our personalised approach to designing and building properties, we nurture excellent relationships with our clients. Therefore, it is no surprise that most choose to continue their journey with us, commissio ning our maintenance ser vices for the long-term management and up-keep of their luxurious new homes and investments. Each client is afforded a dedicated maintenance team consisting of a manager and crew of experienced engineers. We understand the importance of seeing the same team of people during regular visits to your property. For peace of mind we also have a 24/7 maintenance and security hotline. Our maintenance ser vices include absolutely ever ything required to maintain your property; we go above and beyond to offer full supplementar y ser vices. We can take care of payments of utility bills and receive parcel deliveries, giving you peace of mind that even the smallest of details is being taken care of. It goes without saying that your privacy and security are paramount. That’s why, regardless of your requirements, you can be conf ident that any maintenance works are carried out discreetly with the utmost respect to your property and with minimal intrusion. And, because your security is paramount, we’ll never allow a third-party engineer into your property unless we are in attendance. We also offer full-time staff ing assistance and have maintenance operatives stationed in buildings across the capital for organisations, institutes and corporate clients.

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PROJECT / CH E S H A M P EN T H OUSE SW1X Since its completion in 2008, this property has become one of the most sought after addresses in Belgravia. Concept Bespoke was commissioned to deliver the design and build contract to completely strip, remodel and extend this existing penthouse providing a unique property with almost unparalleled 360-degree views of London’s sky-scape.

PROJECT LENGTH 3 7 w e e k s.

AREA 5 ,5 0 0 S Q.F T.

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P R OJ ECT / A D A M A N D E V E M E W S W8 A logistically and technically challenging project to create a new building at the end of a garden in this leaf y mews just off Kensington High Street. This complicated build required new construction techniques to overcome the obstacles of the project. Concept Bespoke carried out the majority of contract works including post-planning design, construction and interior design. The end result was a three-bedroom, three-bathroom home spread over three floors which sold during the f inal stages of its f it out.


AREA 2 ,8 0 0 S Q.F T.

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PROJECT / H Y D E PA R K G AT E S W 7 A complete f it out of two adjoining Victorian townhouses in this exclusive central London location. Concept Bespoke carried out design and build ser vices for a comprehensive overhaul and full f it out of these three-storey townhouses. The redeveloped properties included extended f irst floor s, envelope upgrade, outdoor living space, lifts and media rooms.

PROJECT LENGTH 4 3 we e k s.

AREA 1 2 ,0 0 0 S Q.FT.

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CONCEPT BESPOKE TA L E N T PROJECT MANAGEMENT We don’t underestimate the value of being able to speak to the same contact throughout a project. Therefore, from day one of working together, your personal Business Relationship Manager will be your first port of call. Your Business Relations Manager will have a detailed knowledge of your project at every stage, liaising with your Project and Site Manager to ensure they can advise on any queries you may have. We have in-house departments for all aspects of design, build and maintenance. We aren’t layered with management, we just have the right people, in just the right numbers, to ensure we are reactive enough to manage fast-paced projects efficiently.

CONTRACTORS AND CRAFTSMAN We vet and train every craftsman and contractor we work with to guarantee our high standards are adhered to and our ethos is shared across the entire team. In addition, we employ Finishing and Quality Assurance Managers to meticulously inspect each project at specific phases. And, because we’re perfectionists, our Directors personally make regular visits to each site and are available to discuss any project as and when required.

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Whether you have a property that could benef it from development and require joint venture partners, or you are an investor looking to prof it from the capital’s property market, we are able to take on all elements of the development from initial sourcing of land and property, through to due diligence procedures and cost analysis. In addition, we can harness Concept Bespoke’s design and build ser vices at competitive discounted rates before providing access to the capital’s agents for eff icient exit.

HOW IT WORKS: Land and property owners approached or vice versa Specif ic deal viability and project feasibility studies carried out Due diligence with legal, accounting and planning team Investors notif ied and offerings made Business plan f inalised Final stages of deal negotiation and contracts drawn up Acquisition made Development commences Fortnightly progress updates 70% into build completion exit is lined up with agents Sale Capital return and prof it share We will put in place controls that allow us to manage risks associated with typical property investments. With goals aligned, Concept Bespoke f ixes discounted prices on the design and build to mitigate fluctuations on spend bolstering the business plan projections. Whether our investors are looking for a flat rate return or annualised, each deal is specif ic to the property and those involved. We will ensure ever y possible element of uplift in the property is utilised and all planned expenses are limited to the constraints of the exit strategy in order to maximise return. Average investment returns are expected between 12 and 36 months depending on the size of development. It is not unusual for some of our investors to be offered early exit upon the later stages of development depending on the investor and agreed structure. Typical returns range from 11% to 25%.

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WHY CH OOS E US O U R W O R K I S C O N S I S T E N T LY R E C O G N I S E D B Y O U R C L I E N T S , S U P P L I E R S A N D S I M I L A R LY ALIGNED COMPETITORS, AS THE BEST IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. We’re driven by quality and a meticulous attention to detail to ensure that ever y aspect of ever y project is completed to our exemplar y standards – ever y time. What’s more, at Co ncept Bespoke, you won’t f ind the usual constraints associated with working with traditional contractors. That’s because we take a truly flexible approach to ever ything we do. Whether you’re an architect requiring construction ser vices, a developer looking for design, or a homeowner needing full-ser vice support, if you have a dream for a project, we’ll go that extra mile to deliver it with absolute zero risk. We deliver projects to the highest standards in record time by simple strategic overlapping of trades and activities. We often have our design stage 70% complete by the time we are half way into construction. Our flexible strategy and stringent Health and Safety and Quality Assurance procedures ensure a 30% head start to completion on most of our competitors and enables our design team and clients the flexibility to work in tandem with construction. And, because our professional in-house team take care of ever ything, you won’t need to spend time managing contractors or liaising with suppliers. Instead, you will have the assurance that your project is being expertly handled by our professional teams with only one common goal in sight.

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