NM Daily Lobo 021411

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

For the love of the game see page 12

February 14, 2011

monday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Area construction results in shuttle detour by Barron Jones

bjones36@unm.edu The City of Albuquerque announced construction plans that will force UNM’s south lot shuttle to use an alternate route. Beginning Feb. 21, all traffic on Yale Boulevard between Avenida Cesar Chavez and Lead Avenue will shut down as crews begin ripping up concrete in order to install a drainage system under the road. UNM Parking & Transportation Services operates up to 10 shuttle buses that relay between main campus and south lot, so the department doesn’t expect many delays, spokesman Brian Kilburn said. He said his department is working with the city to avoid major traffic problems. “We have our finger on the pulse of the situation,” he said. “We will address any delays as they arise.” All northbound traffic on Yale Boulevard, including UNM’s south lot shuttle, will be detoured westbound on Avenida Cesar Chavez. Southbound traffic on Yale Boulevard will be detoured to Lead Avenue. City officials said they expect the project to last about 30-60 days. Area residents and business owners do not share the city’s optimism. Business owner Connie Nellos, of Quarters BBQ and Package Liquors, said the planned closure will hurt business. Resident Karl Swinehart said he is

frustrated by the construction. “Simple tasks such as returning home from work or buying groceries becomes a major project,” he said. Swinehart said he has mixed feelings when it comes to the city’s communication practices. “When I called to complain, I didn’t even get a chance to leave a voice message before the project manager, Patti Watson, returned my call,” he said. “But as far as me receiving prior notice for closures, communication has been very poor.” The construction is part of the Lead and Coal Improvement Project, which according the city website is an 18-month, $26 million project to beautify landscapes and make streets more neighborhood, bicycle and pedestrian friendly. The project stretches from I-25 on the west to Washington Street on the east. Coal Avenue is closed to thru traffic because of construction. Twoway traffic is permitted on Lead Avenue from east of I-25 to Washington. Once construction of Coal Avenue is completed, which officials predict will be in summer 2011, crews will open the street to two-way traffic and close Lead Avenue to thru traffic. Officials predict Lead Avenue construction will be completed by Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo spring 2012. After construction, both Lead Caution tape marks off an exposed pipe at the corner of Bryn Mawr Drive and Coal Avenue. As part of the Lead and Coal Improvement Project, Yale Boulevard will be closed beginning Monday, Feb. 21 for an estimated 30-60 days for construction. The construction will reroute UNM’s south and Coal avenues will once again be one-way streets, according to city lot shuttle. officials.

Senator proposes 16-month window for Lottery by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

The House Education Committee will debate today the feasibility of extending students’ time to apply for the Lottery Scholarship. Opponents of the bill, including ASUNM, said tinkering with the Lottery Scholarship fund is unwise because the fund is facing financial implications that could gut the program. Legislation says high school graduates must immediately enroll in college in order to qualify for the scholarship, but the bill, if passed, would allow students a 16-month period to enroll in college after graduating

high school. The measure’s sponsor, Rep. Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque), said his North Valley constituents pressured him to introduce the language be-

“The important thing is that the Lottery Scholarship is financially sustainable.” ~Rep. Bill O’Neill cause it would give them more time to prepare for college. In its first analysis of the bill, the House Education Committee said giving students extra time to enroll “will allow those that need remedia-

tion time to gain the skills they need to succeed.” The Lottery Scholarship fund is already financially unhinged. Expenditures in 2009 exceeded total revenue by nearly $2 million, according to the Legislative Finance Committee. In its fiscal impact report, the LFC said with slower recipients’ growth and an expected 5 percent tuition increase at UNM and NMSU, the Lottery Scholarship fund could be tapped by 2015. No studies have determined how many students would benefit from the 16-month window or how the extended time would financially impact the Lottery Scholarship fund. The Legislative Finance Committee reported that the fund has raised more than $417 million and assisted more than 61,000 students with their tuition. During that time, enrollment

in the state’s four-year colleges increased by more than 9 percent. O’Neill said he is taking financial concerns seriously and will not support the measure if it will gut the scholarship. “The important thing is that the Lottery Scholarship program is financially sustainable,” O’Neill said. Five-foot buffer for road cyclists Motorists could soon be required to keep a five-foot distance away from cyclists, according to a bill passed by the New Mexico Senate on Friday. Senate Bill 124, sponsored by Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe), would fine motorists $25 if they violated the comfort zone. The Senate approved the measure 20-17. “This bill is aimed to provide more safety for bicyclists sharing roadways with cars and trucks,” Wirth said.

Opponents said the distance requirement was not plausible for rural roads because they are often narrow. Others raised objections that it is an urban problem that should be regulated by cities, not the state. Cyclists in the UNM area praised the measure and said it was important for drivers to pay attention while on the road. “You are already taking a risk when riding your bike in the city,” cyclist Max Handon said. “My friend was hit, and the driver was sending a text. It’s cool to force the buffer, but a lot of drivers are still distracted with stupid things.” Albuquerque already has a similar law to protect bicyclists, but there is no clear fine for violators. No date has been set for when the House will vote on the measure.

Random acts of kindness help students connect by Kallie Red-Horse kallie69@unm.edu

Warm your heart by acting kindly this Valentine’s day. Today marks the first day of Random Acts of Kindness Week, and UNM is celebrating with donation drives for the Albuquerque Rescue Mission and Cuidando los Niños. An act of kindness is something as simple as walking a friend’s dog, Kimmerly Kloeppel, Interim Dean

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 98

of Students said. She said kindness builds a sense of community for students in an age when cyber bullying and isolation are prominent. “It is really important for students to connect with each other,” Kloeppel said. “With the online social networking, students tend to get isolated. Getting out there is another way to connect and keep in touch with people.” The Albuquerque Rescue Mission is asking for toothpaste, shaving cream, men’s underwear, socks


Alumni Relations - 1117 Stanford Dr. N.E. Basic Medical Sciences Building on North Campus in the main lobby Health Sciences and Services Building on North Campus in the first floor lobby Student Union Building on the first and second floors

‘Best day of my life’

Melting the freeze of 3s

See page 2

See page 12

and tissue. Cuidando los Niños is asking for art supplies, diapers, diaper wipes, new children’s socks, underwear, clothes and shoes. Collection bins for the nonprofit organizations will be placed around campus all week. There are both physical and emotional health benefits to altruism, Kloeppel said. “Helpers’ high releases natural painkillers,” she said. “There is a physical change … you feel, kind of a rush. It helps with decreasing

depression and creating a greater self worth.” The emphasis is on this week, but Kloppel said students should embrace acts of kindness regularly. “It would be great if people made this a habit — something that they do all time,” she said. “It creates optimism around so much negativity. Optimism is helpful. It gives us a reason to feel why we are all here.” See examples of acts of kindness on page 5


60 |33

PageTwo Monday, February 14, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo Photo Essay: Islam in Albuquerque A group of Muslims prays toward Mecca at the Islamic Center of New Mexico prior to Jum’ah salat, the Friday’s service. The center is the place of worship for more than 2,000 Muslims in Albuquerque. During the service, an Egyptian man stood up and proclaimed, “Today is the best day of my life,” in recognition of Mubarak’s resignation as Egypt’s president. Robert Maes Daily Lobo

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 98

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Elizabeth Cleary Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Chelsea Erven Alexandra Swanberg Kallie Red-Horse Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Tricia Remark Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac

Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Leah Martinez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Dulce Romero

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, February 14, 2011 / Page 3

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac



Monday February 14, 2011

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Does New Mexico have enough resources in place to cope with extreme weather? Yes



81% Out of 40 responses


Should undocumented residents in New Mexico be allowed to have driver’s licenses? Yes. No. I don’t know.



LETTER ASUNM court wants to make government more accessible Editor, In my year and a half on the ASUNM Student Court, we have not heard a single case. This isn’t to say that we’ve done nothing in this time. The court has provided legislative recommendations that helped make the Senator Accountability Code function more equitably and smoothly. We’ve held mock trials that have trained the attorney general and members of the Steering and Rules Committee in court procedure, and I’ve sat upon a number of advisory panels. We’re working on digitizing our records and putting at least a summary of past decisions online. Unfortunately, the court does not exist simply to hold mock trials. If you don’t know what the student court is (and don’t worry, most people don’t), it is the third branch of the undergraduate student government, along with the ASUNM President and Student Senate. The court is responsible for resolving disputes that arise under ASUNM’s constitution and bylaws. This includes everything from examining how the Senate disperses money to reviewing decisions made by the Elections Commission. This is a broad mandate, and the court could play a critical role in keeping student government accountable and fair. But here is the problem: the court is, fundamentally, a reactive body. For us to take action, somebody has to bring suit to the court. We can’t move on our own. Nobodyhasdonethisinaboutayearandahalf. This means that one-third of the undergraduate student government is not fulfilling its purpose. I am not encouraging students to sue willy-nilly, and I am certainly not alleging that the other branches of ASUNM have committed any actionable wrongdoing. I’m writing this letter because I believe that most people simply don’t know that they have a resource in the court. When people think that they have no check on the actions of their government, they become disenchanted with and withdrawn from the political process. I think that we need to change this. To this end, I and my fellow justices are working to make the court more accessible. The Rules of Procedure should be up on the ASUNM website soon, as well as summaries of at least a few previous decisions. Each court member has to spend at least two hours at the ASUNM Office in the SUB per week. Feel free to drop in during any of these times if you have questions about the court. Our hours are posted by the front desk in the office. Van Snow ASUNM Student Court Chief Justice


Bills leave Lottery’s future to chance Making the rounds at the Legislature this session are three bills that could affect current or future recipients of the Lottery Success Scholarship.

by Danny Hernandez

Daily Lobo Guest Columnist New Mexico’s state-run universities’ and colleges’ primary task is educating New Mexicans. Unfortunately, many graduating New Mexico high school seniors have traditionally forgone pursuing higher education because they lack financial resources. This all changed in 1995 when then freshman State Sen. Michael Sanchez (brother of Regent President Raymond Sanchez — who was Speaker of the House at the time) sponsored and got passed a bill creating the Lottery Success Scholarship. The scholarship created a statewide lottery that pays for up to four years of tuition for New Mexico high school graduates who have a passing GPA and attend any of the state’s technical schools, two-year colleges or four-year universities upon graduating. Although definitely a boon to New Mexico high school graduates, the Lottery Success Scholarship is not a panacea of higher education. It does not and was never intended to pay for textbooks, student fees, housing or food. Given the rate at which textbooks, student fees and housing has skyrocketed in recent years, affording higher education is challenging for New Mexico’s youth.

First, the good news. If House Bill 62, sponsored by Rep. Bill O’Neill (D-Albuquerque) is to become law, New Mexico graduating high school students will have 16 months to get their act together or have a job slinging burgers before their scholarship eligibility heads south forever. This bill would extend the time period that students must enroll in college to 16 months after high school graduation. This is a good thing because not everybody is ready for college life straight out of high school, and it would behoove some incoming freshmen to get a little real-world experience before heading back into academia. Unfortunately, the bill was tabled (this usually means “killed”) by the Senate Education Committee. More bad news. Senate Bill 292, sponsored by Sen. Stuart Ingle (R-Portales), would hurt the New Mexican youths with the fewest financial resources. This bill would freeze the amount of tuition the Lottery Success Scholarship would pay for at the rate in place during a student’s first semester. Do you remember how much that was when you first started UNM? Don’t forget the higher fees, while you’re at it. Can you afford the difference? If your answer is “no,” then you might want to speak up.

It gets even worse. Senate Bill 226, sponsored by Sen. William Payne (R-Albuquerque), would make you indebted to the state for Lottery Scholarship tuition if you (the student) do “not maintain academic and other eligibility or drop out of college before graduation.” The bill does not make it clear how dropping out is defined. Does taking a semester or two off for work to scrape together the money to go back to school count? Regardless, I suspect getting extensions will require lengthy paperwork and the thorough shafting of those with other obligations (like a family or health issue). Please note that slightly more than 40 percent of UNM freshmen graduate within six years. That means about 60 percent of undergrads reading this will owe the state money for their unfinished education under this bill. The combination of both freezing scholarship amounts at a first-semester level and the threat of indebting students who don’t complete a four-year degree within an allotted time will create a chilling effect on potential college students who are academically uncertain and/ or lack financial resources to pay for higher education. As always, these students will tend to be those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and are least likely to succeed in the first place — in other words, the people for whom the Lottery Success Scholarship was created. Please call for your legislators to kill these bills.


Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

 Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Elizabeth Cleary News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, February 14, 2011 / Page 5

Beer waste fuels brewing by John Curran Associated Press

SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt.— Before he started “saving the earth, one beer at a time,” all inventor Eric Fitch knew about home brewing was that it could make quite a mess. Once, he accidentally backed up the plumbing in his apartment building by dumping into his garbage disposal the spent grain left over from his India Pale Ale home brew. The oatmeal-looking gunk choked the pipes in his Cambridge, Mass., building, flooding the basement. These days, he’s doing something more constructive, fulfilling the

dream of beer lovers everywhere by recycling the stuff: The MIT-trained mechanical engineer has invented a patented device that turns brewery waste into natural gas that’s used to fuel the brewing process. The anaerobic methane digester, installed last year at Magic Hat Brewing Co. in Vermont, extracts energy from the spent hops, barley and yeast left over from the brewing process — and it processes the plant’s wastewater. That saves the brewer on waste disposal and natural gas purchasing. The 42-foot tall structure, which cost about $4 million to build, sits in the back parking lot of Magic Hat’s brewery, where it came online last summer.

Fitch, 37, is CEO of PurposeEnergy, Inc., of Waltham, Mass., a renewable energy startup company whose lone product is the biphase orbicular bioreactor, which is 50 feet in diameter, holds 490,000 gallons of slurry and produces 200 cubic feet of biogas per minute. Brewers big and small have wrestled with waste issues since the dawn of beer-making. In recent years, they’ve turned to recycling — both as a cost-saver and for environmental reasons. Anheuser-Busch, which makes Budweiser, uses a bio-energy recovery system in 10 of its 12 U.S. breweries to convert wastewater into natural gas that’s then used to fuel the brewing process.

Kindness from page 1

25 ACTS OF KINDNESS 1. Send someone a handwritten thank-you note. 2. Make a card at home and send it to a friend. 3. Adopt a stray animal. 4. Put coins in another student’s parking meter. 5. Buy a cup of coffee for a student or co-worker. 6. Walk your friend’s dog 7. Tell your restaurant server’s manager how helpful he or she was. 8. Volunteer at a shelter. 9. Give blood. 10. Mentor a child. 11. Treat a friend to midweek movies at the SUB. 12. Give a huge tip to someone when they least expect it. 13. Hold the elevator door open for someone on the shuttle. 14. Give up your seat for someone. 15. Have a conversation with a homeless person. 16. Pick up some trash around campus. 17. Compliment a co-worker for their excellence. 18. Babysit for a friend. 19. Give another driver your parking spot. 20. Donate to charity. 21. Tell all your co-workers how much you appreciate them. 22. Buy an inspirational book for a friend. 23. Let someone go ahead of you in line at the SUB eateries. 24. Do something nice for yourself. 25. Smile a lot.

Sweetheart of a deal! Purchase any iPod Touch and receive a FREE $15 iTunes gift card! February 14th-18th.

“Let your voice be heard!” Help formulate 2011-2012 UNM Committee Meeting: Mon., Feb. 14, Noon UNM Student Health & Counseling, Room 234 Info: Beverly Kloeppel, bkloeppe@unm.edu

* * Must attend all sessions

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Page 6 / Monday, February 14, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo men’s basketball

Second-half surge was great, but too late by Ryan Tomari

rtomari@unm.edu Snapped. The UNM men’s basketball team’s four-game conference winning streak was halted Saturday in Fort Collins, Colorado. The Lobos, plagued by a poor first-half shooting performance, fell to the Rams 68-62 for the CSU 68 first time in head coach UNM 62 Steve Alford’s UNM career. Alford, who was 7-0 against the Rams, said UNM is just going through a phase where it simply can’t hit shots. “That makes it hard on us,” he said. “We don’t have a big margin for error the way it is, and when you’re not making shots, it makes it even harder.” The Lobos find themselves in fifth place in the Mountain West Conference, and CSU continues to hold on firmly to the No. 3 spot behind league-leaders San Diego State and BYU. UNM and CSU traded baskets and the Rams had a 14-12 lead, but with 14:24 left in the first half, the Lobos went nine minutes without a basket. During that stretch, the Rams went on a 15-0 run, and with 5:59 left in the half, CSU’s Andy Ogide drilled a free throw to give the Rams a 29-12 lead. Ogide finished with a gamehigh 17 points and had a huge dunk with 3:58 left in the game to put the Rams up 61-55. “We didn’t make shots again

(Saturday), and it really hurt us in the first half,” Alford said. “But we really responded well and did a lot of good things in the second half.” Down 36-22 at the half and by as much as 18 at one point, the Lobos rallied in the second period.

that. We’re too young. We have all the talent, but we can’t wait to turn that switch.” It didn’t help that the Lobos made only 6-of-25 3-pointers to the Rams’ 9-of-21. And when UNM made a second-half run, CSU senior Adam Nigon came up with clutch shots from beyond the arc. Nigon went 4-of-8 from 3-point range for 13 points. Alford said the team needs to play more physically and with a greater sense of urgency. “We have got to work on our toughness,” he said. “I think it’s most of our team. We’ve got to work on a lot of toughness things, because I think that’s what shooting is and just continue to practice very, very hard. We know that we have a very difficult week coming up.”

“We saw the real Lobos come out in the second half, but we can’t wait to turn it on like that.” ~Kendall Williams UNM’s Cameron Bairstow hit his first 3-pointer of the season with 43 seconds left that cut CSU’s lead to 63-60. Down 66-62 with 14 seconds left, point guard Dairese Gary turned the ball over, and that sealed the game for the Rams. “We came out kind of flat at the beginning, and we fought our way back,” Gary said. “But being down like that, especially being away from home, is tough to come back to a team like that. It was a tough game and the environment was pretty good.” Gary and guard Kendall Williams had 16 points each. Williams said Saturday’s game was a tale of two halves. “We dug ourselves a big hole,” he said. “We saw the real Lobos come out in the second half, but we can’t wait to turn it on like

Up Next

Men’s Basketball at San Diego State Wednesday 8:30 p.m. The Pit

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo New Mexico’s Kendall Williams dribbles past Colorado State’s Adam Nigon on Jan. 12 at the Pit. The Lobos failed to perform on the road falling short against the Rams 68-62 on Saturday.



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Page 8 / Monday, February 14, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

lobo football KRQE’s Van Tate interviews head coach Mike Locksley on Dec. 3. Locksley finalized his coaching changes and finished up recruiting. Robert Maes Daily Lobo

NFL player’s son lands on roster by Ryan Tomari


Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners!

Almost a week after National Signing Day, head coach Mike Locksley continues to pluck up recruits. The third-year head coach announced Thursday that defensive back Julian Lewis signed with the Lobos. “Julian is a rangy, athletic defensive back with the all the physical tools to impact our program,” Locksley said in a statement. “He has the ability to play a variety of roles and will help us add depth in the secondary. Julian brings experience and a great bloodline to our program.” Lewis spent last season at Citrus College and played for Abilene Christian University in 2009. He played for Pima Community College in 2008.

At Pima, the 6-foot-2-inch, 205-pound secondary member earned freshman All-American honors. Lewis, the son of former NFL player Albert Lewis, played high school football at Shawnee Mission High School in Kansas. Lewis likely rounds out Locksley’s 2011 recruiting class that ranks toward the bottom among other Division I college football schools, according to online recruiting websites like Rivals.com and Scout.com. Scout.com ranked the Lobos’ class 112th out of 120 Division I teams and eighth out of nine schools in the everchanging Mountain West Conference. Rivals.com had Locksley’s class seventh in the conference but doesn’t rank any team outside of the top-50 recruiting classes.

Locksley tweaks coaching staff by Ryan Tomari

rtomari@unm.edu After enduring another off season, head football coach Mike Locksley continues to fine-tune his coaching staff in the offseason. On Thursday, Locksley promoted quarterbacks coach Dan Reeves to offensive coordinator, one of four personnel shakeups that the third-year head coach hopes will lead to a turnaround in 2011. After joining UNM in 2010, Reeves replaced Darrell Dickey, who served as the Lobos’ offensive coordinator the last two seasons. Dickey departed UNM after the Lobos’ most recent unsuccessful campaign, and he has since taken an assistant coaching position at Texas State. Also joining Locksley’s staff is longtime Washington,

D.C.-area head coach Craig Jefferies. Jefferies will coach the wide receivers. Locksley said in a statement that Jefferies is one of the top coaches in the country. “He has shown the ability to develop top-level players, especially at the wide receiver position,” Locksley said. “He is well-respected within the business and is a great addition to our program.” Rounding out the changes, Mike Woodford will coach the defensive secondary, and former secondary coach George Barlow takes over as defensive coordinator, after Doug Mallory vacated the position after the 2010 season. Woodford, a former assistant at Florida and Illinois, coached with Locksley at those stops. “I’ve known Mike for many years and he is an outstanding coach,” Locksley said. “He has a passion for the profession and the ability to help make a difference.”

Men’s Basketball

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, February 14, 2011 / Page 9

lobo women’s tennis

Bouncing from loss to win by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

The UNM women’s tennis team earned a split this weekend. The Lobos fell 4-3 in a heartbreaker to NMSU on Friday before rebounding for a 6-1 win against Montana State on Saturday at the Linda Estes Tennis Complex. “Our purpose statement as a team is to improve,â€? head coach Roy CaĂąada said. “We’ve done that, and we continue to do that. It was important to come back from a tough, heartbreaking loss and rebound, and we were able to do that. I’m very proud of the team.â€? With the match tied at 3-3 against in-state rival NMSU, sophomore Laura Richardson dropped a 6-4, 2-6, 6-1 match to NMSU’s Jodie Williams at the No. 5 spot to clinch the match for NMSU. Still, CaĂąada said he could see positives in the match. “We played with a lot of fight,â€? he said. “We never gave up, and I’m proud of the way we stayed with

them until the end.� UNM came out with vengeance on its mind against Montana State, winning the doubles point convincingly and gaining victories at the No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 and No. 6 singles spots. “We came back Saturday so hungry for that win,� sophomore Michaela Oldani said. “It showed how much we wanted it, and we fought hard for the 6-1 win.� Oldani, a native of Scottsdale, Ariz., was a 6-7, 6-3, (10-6) winner against MSU’s Jennifer Coll. But it was the Lobo from Palm Desert, Calif., Kristin Eggleston, who defeated the Bobcats’ Andrea De La Torre 6-3, 6-4 to clinch the win for UNM on Saturday. “I won the first set pretty handily,� Eggleston said. “But I went down love-three and had to battle back in the second set. There was no way that I was going to lose, so I stayed focused and came back and won that set, too.� UNM improved to 5-3 overall. Meanwhile, NMSU is 3-1 and


MSU is 1-3. CaĂąada said he is looking for good things from his team for the rest of the season. “We are playing with a lot of heart and a lot of determination,â€? he said. “At this point in the season, that’s a good thing. We are working hard, and we are improving every weekend, which is very encouraging to see. And I like that we just don’t want to give in.â€?

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lobo track and field

Injury-ridden Walker leaps ahead by Cesar Davila

hendrix@unm.edu So far in 2011, illnesses, injuries and even the cold weather can’t slow down the UNM track and field team. The Lobos had another positive performance Friday during the Don Kirby Invitational at the Albuquerque Convention Center. Much like last weekend, De’Vron Walker’s accomplishments headlined the meet. After breaking the school record in the 60-meter hurdles last week, Walker shaved 14 hundredths of a second from his fastest time, finishing in 7.94. “I came in here today with that mind-frame and that mentality,� he said. “I got the school record last week, broke my own record. Let’s see if I can do it again this week.� Walker has been plagued by injuries and said he is still only 8590 percent healthy, which, if true, could mean more broken records in the future. Head coach Joe Franklin acknowledged that Walker was sick coming into the race, but just

kept going. “He has done great this whole year,� he said. “It shows you how determined he is.� Walker wasn’t the only runner to break his own record. Precious Selmon, who competed in the 60-meter hurdles for the women, ran a time of 8.41 to break the school record she set in December 2009. That impressive run in the preliminary rounds helped her to reach the finals, but she struggled in the final heat and finished sixth. Selmon said her remarkable start but disappointing finish will motivate her for the conference championships in late February. “The bulk of my hamstring actually caught the hurdle as I was going over,� she said. “In the 60, if you hit a hurdle, it’s over.� Even with the broken records, the Lobos managed only one firstplace finish in all events. In a field with powerhouses Texas, Stanford and Ohio State, UNM’s Gabe Aragon came away with a win. For the first three laps of the 800meter race, Aragon stayed in second

place and in the final lap he accelerated. He beat teammate Sam Evans to get there. “I had a lot left for a kick at the last lap,� he said. “So that was a good sign.� Franklin said he is content with how his team has performed against tough competition, regardless of outcome. “It shows that they care,� he said. “They want to run with the best, and they’re doing it, which is great.�

Up Next

Mountain West Conference Championship Feb. 24-26 Albuquerque Convention Center

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Page 10 / Monday, February 14, 2011

lobo features



Mexico Daily Lobo

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SUN, WHENEVER YOU MISS ME, Look up to the Night Sky. Remember, I’m like a star; you can’t always see me, but I’m always there, MOON.

STUDENTS WHO PAY out of pocket for education expenses may qualify for a refund up to $1000.00 even if you are not employed! At H & R Block we stand by our work! Located across from Johnson Field on Central & Princeton. 505268-8205.

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WITHOUT THE SPARK OF YOUR Life, There’s only Darkness in my Heart, So Please Always Stay By My Side Emily Laura Rhoades Clark HAPPY BIRTHDAY -17- Gabriella Happy Valentine Day Carmella Gabriel Loves Deborah CHIQUITA! HAPPY VALENTINE’S Day again! You know what they say, time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana ;) - Novio <3

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HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Chloe’! You are one amazing girlfriend and I couldn’t ask for anyone better. I love you baby! Always, Me <3 I LOVE YOU Jerreth -STMG ANA MARIA, WILL you be my Valentine? I love you! Your babe, Edgar!

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MY LOVE GOES OUT to Robbie Rodriguez from UNM’s Business School. Hope Your day is Great!! From the one & only who loves you, your Asian. MOM, DAD, VAL, & BOBBY. I am so blessed to have you as my family. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Announcements NEED SOME HELP working things out? Call Agora! 277-3013. www.agoracares. com.

NATE, I LOVE you so much!!! It’s been a great 4 years. Happy Valentine’s day. Love you forever, Ashley! MIKEL, YOU’RE THE MUSIC in my life. I Love You Pumpkin! - Mom

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Fun Food Music FREE BRIDAL SHOW. Feb 20. 1-4pm. Dillards-Cottonwood Mall.

Lost and Found RING FOUND. STAINLESS-steel, Johnson Field in December. Call to identify. 270-5598.

Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

BROCK, YOU MAKE my heart go pitterpatter. I love you! Happy Valentines day! Love, Kelsey

MUCHO AMOR TO the gorgeous and fabulous Marqui Williams from tu hermana fantastica! SHELBY, I LOVE you so much! You’re my best friend and I can’t wait to marry you. Happy Valentines Day! Love, Ashleen. MO & IAH, You both mean the world to me, and my heart would break if we were no longer friends -Teddy Bear

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WALK TO UNM, Beautiful spacious, 2BDRM, W/D hookup, den. $675/mo. 299-8543, 379-7349.

LUIS O DELGADO - Thank you for everything you have done. I promise to dedicate the rest of my life to you.

3BDRM, 2BA, UPGRADED, hardwood floors, granite countertops, dishwasher, disposal, w/d, large fenced backyard, off street parking, pets allowed. 321 Stanford SE. 362-0837. $1,075/mo, $1,100 dd. Avail now.

MANUEL, EN ESTE DIA tan especial solo queria recordarte que te amo con todo mi corazon. Karla. JEREMY, I LOVE YOU More Than Words Can Say. Happy Valentine’s Day! -Leah TERESA, I LOVE you more than Shrek loves Fiona! I love you! - Luke HEY SEAN, I love you hun. <3 Kayte.

WALK TO UNM MED/LAW SCHOOL. Newly remodeled with HW floors. W/D. Very clean, lovely. 2BDRM, 1BA +office. $1100/mo, $500dd. No pets. Cibola Realty Services 792-4162.

Rooms For Rent

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THANK GOD FOR all I missed cause it led me here to this! Happy Valentine’s Day my fiancè! I love you Blueberry Muffin!

HEY I LOVE YOU BB! Have a Happy Valentine’s Day, Okay. Love Tof.

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UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma for asthma research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact Tereassa at tarchibeque@salud.unm.edu or 269-1074 (HRRC 09-330).

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Qualified applicants should have some experience working with children, be skilled in both music and dance curriculum for children and able to provide musical accompaniment. Must provide own instrument

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Too busy to call us during the day?

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.


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Women’s Veteran Group Starts at: 12:00pm Location: UNM Women’s Resource Center, 1160 Mesa Vista Hall There is no question, women vets have special needs and this is a place where we can network to make sure those needs are met.

The People Before Profit Film Series Starts at: 6:30pm Location: SUB Theater This weeks film is Water Wars which will have a post film discussion led by Prof. Daniel Schwartez of the UNM Sociology Department.

UNM Howl Raiser Meeting Starts at: 3:15pm Location: Lobo Lair, Office 1045 Join the Howl Raisers and help us discuss upcoming athletic events and on campus promotions.

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Event Calendar

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12 Monday February 14, 2011

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Sports editor / Ryan Tomari

sports@dailylobo.com / Ext. 131


Practice made perfect in Bobcat trouncing by Cesar Davila

hendrix@unm.edu All those season-long inconsistencies were inconsequential Saturday. In its best performance of the season, the UNM women’s basketball team shot 53 percent from the field and 42 percent from the 3-point line on the way to a 86-53 rout over Colorado State at The Pit. Head coach Don Flanagan said he had been waiting for the Lobos to put on a shooting exhibition. “Finally we had a good UNM 86 shooting night,” 53 CSU he said. “This is the first time I’ve seen this team play like that.” The Lobos had their secondhighest scoring output of the season led by freshman Jasmine Patterson, who scored a career-high 23 points, including seven 3-pointers, one shy of the school record. Patterson said the basket seemed bigger than usual. “We played beyond relaxed today,” she said. Flanagan said everything was falling into place for Patterson. “Jazz was shooting from way out there,” he said. “She’s one of the most confident players that I’ve coached.” From the start, the Lobos jumped out to a 16-0 lead, thanks in part to senior Jessica Kielpinski’s inside shooting. Kielpinski finished with 14 points, and her interior presence complemented Patterson’s outside stroke. After a quiet first half offensively, senior guard Amanda Best came alive, scoring all of her 13 points in the second half. Best also snatched 10 rebounds, tallying her second double-double of the season. She led the team with seven assists. Flanagan said Best has become more of a distributor. “I think she’s starting to understand what we need from her,”

Emma Difani / Daily Lobo UNM’s Amanda Best keeps the ball away from Colorado State’s Meixandra Porter on Saturday at The Pit. The Lobos routed the Rams 86-53, and Jasmine Patterson chipped in 23 points. he said. The Lobos also understood what needed to be done on defense. A big part of its success, UNM forced CSU into 16 turnovers, which turned into 21 Lobo points. UNM also held CSU to 39 percent shooting. Up big late in the game, the Lobos continued to take every possession seriously.

With a 26-point lead in the middle of the second half, Kielpinski turned the ball over. CSU had a two-on-one fast break, but junior Porche Torrance hustled down the court to block an easy would-be layup. That play, Flanagan said, was indicative of the Lobos’ play Saturday. “Everybody played well,” he

said. “I didn’t see anyone that went out there and had a bad game.” The Lobos, 9-13 overall and 7-3 in the Mountain West Conference, hope this game leads to a strong finish. Best said Saturday’s game is a sign of things to come. “Right now is where you want to peak, at the end,” she said.


Women’s basketball vs. San Diego State

Tuesday 6 p.m. The Pit


Coach leads sweep of Utah, has fun doing it by Brandon Call bcall@unm.edu

Junfu Han / Daily Lobo UNM’s Cristin Anderson watches the softball sail away after swinging in a game on March 6 against Baylor. The Lobos have started the season strong after a three-game sweep over Utah Valley this weekend.

Don’t remind the UNM softball team how it fared last year; it has already forgotten. Under former head coach Ty Singleton, the Lobos went 11-37 overall and 1-14 in Mountain West Conference action in 2010. Centerfielder Kerry Hodgins said that the Lobos and new head coach Erica Beach aren’t concerned about last year. “If we mess up, our coaches tell us that we messed up, but then that’s that,” she said. “Our coaches emphasize that it’s over, and it’s time to move on. It’s time to focus on the next play. It’s time to put the past behind us. Our coaches don’t dwell on the past, and we shouldn’t dwell on it, either.” Beach has stressed a can-do attitude, and with a 3-0 sweep over Utah Valley during the weekend, the Lobos have already equaled their number of home wins from a year ago. The first-year head coach said she is emphasizing having fun, which was evidenced by the joking and laughing coming from the Lobo dugout Saturday and Sunday. “Playing softball is no longer like a job or something our players don’t want to do,” Beach said. “They’re excited to step on the field now. It’s fun,

and they want to be there. Just instilling that passion is the biggest impact we’ve made.” That passion hasn’t been lost to junior utility player Jessica Garcia. “We’re seeing the ball really well, and one through nine is stepping up for us,” she said. Holding true to Garcia’s words, UNM showed marked improvement offensively, notching 33 hits and 24 runs in three games over the weekend. But the Lobos shined most defensively, making one diving play after another to rob batters of hits. “That’s the defense we are seeing in practice,” Beach said. “We play with a lot of energy, and we cover a lot of ground. It was a lot of fun seeing the team show that capability off for the fans.” To get the Lobos to practice as they play, Beach said she is shifting her team’s focus. “We expect more day in and day out,” she said. “We make them work harder than they’ve ever worked before. We work hard in practice so that games are easy, and so that games are fun.” Best of all, Beach is realistic about a turnaround. Shifting the mentality of a struggling program won’t be an overnight job. She said it will take countless hours of hard work and dedication. “Our goal is to take each game as it comes,” she said. “We can’t look ahead.

We can’t focus on the past. We just have to stay in the now. We want to focus on the next seven innings we have to play, and the next three outs we’re about to make.” True to form, Lobo softball this season won’t be about the wins or losses. It will be about improvement. And with just six juniors on a roster of 16, Hodgins said, there’s plenty of time. “We know we’re a young, inexperienced team,” Hodgins said. “But that’s the best part. Us juniors have two years with the program. We look at it as if we’re going to be seniors for two years.” If this weekend is any indication, the Lobos are paving the way for a better year. “I know what these girls are capable of,” Beach said. “I just want to see them be successful with all the work they’ve put in. I wanted them to see results, and I couldn’t be happier with the way we’re starting out the season.”


Softball vs. Baylor Friday 3 p.m. Waco, Texas

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