NM Daily Lobo 092110

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Mal and Chad


see page 7

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

September 21, 2010

Sex scandal still stings after three long years by Shaun Griswold shaun24@unm.edu

The Chronicle of Higher Education, a national publication, wrote an article about the breakdown of UNM’s shared governance after photos featuring an English professor and several graduate students surfaced on a sadomasochist website in 2007. The Sept. 12 article said creative writing professor Lisa D. Chavez encouraged her graduate students to get jobs with People Exchanging Power, an Albuquerque-based company that acts as a support network for people with sexual fetishes and offers phone-sex services and opportunities to rendezvous with some of its employees. Carrie Cutler, a graduate student in the English Department, said the debacle has left her uneasy about her standing in the department. “There is a lot of mistrust, a lot of suspicion and a lot of anger,” she said. “In this case, there are a lot of people in the department who try to blame the people who are saying there is a problem.” Before the incident, Chavez was Cutler’s dissertation adviser but was dropped when the allegations surfaced. She said her efforts to file a complaint with the University have gone nowhere. University officials didn’t respond to several calls or e-mails since last Tuesday. “I’ve been to the president’s office. I went to the Dean of Students. I went everywhere I could because I was diligently trying to go through the channels available to me. It is not easy for people to pay attention to harassment, at least in my experience here,” Cutler said. Cutler also tried to file a complaint with the Office of Equal Opportunity — UNM’s branch to report allegations of ethical breaches, workplace discrimination and sexual harassment— and complained of a hostile learning and working environments. “They were exceedingly hostile,” she said. A poet, Cutler said an effective creative writing program requires trust between students and their instructors. Without that, she said, she is unable to get the most out of


the program. Her new adviser teaches nonfiction. On the website, Chavez posted under the pseudonym, “Mistress Jade.” Her advertisement said, “Do you want a biker bitch, an imperious goddess or a stern teacher ready to punish unruly students?” In one photo, she posed with then-graduate student Liz Derrington. While Chavez, who still teaches at UNM, was never found guilty of any wrongdoing. Still, three professors filed lawsuits about whether the University followed proper protocol when handling the situation. In an e-mail, Chavez said the situation should have been over three years ago. “It is only a few people who continue to drag down our department by their refusal to let this matter rest,” she said. English professor Sharon Warner was the director of the creative writing program at the time and was one of the first to learn about the allegations after receiving an envelope containing photos from the website and an anonymous letter complaining about the incidents. In 2009, Warner filed a lawsuit against UNM for breach of implied contract, breach of covenant of good faith and retaliation. She also filed complaints with OEO but was unsuccessful. She claimed the administration did nothing to remedy complaints brought against Chavez, and the English department suffered as a result. Warner claims UNM is procedurally required to acknowledge complaints she filed with OEO. Her lawsuit states that there is a Graduate School of Arts and Sciences policy that prohibits sexual relations between students and faculty. “The University needs to solve this problem, for the sake of the students,” Warner said. “They shouldn’t allow this type of dysfunction to continue for years and years. It’s completely irresponsible.” She said her husband has suffered from most of the retaliation. Because Warner is a tenured professor, the University cannot take her salary away but it can take her husband’s,

A gondolier takes a bubblegum break in Venice.

A view from the bar of a coffee shop in Naples

see Scandal page 3

Faiths unite to plan Peace Day festivities by Chelsea Erven cerven@unm.edu

When the United Nations declared Sept. 21 the International Day of Prayer for Peace in 2002, it said the day should be “reminding us that our permanent commitment, above all interests or differences of any kind, is to peace.” That’s why UNM’s Inter-Religious Council (IRC) is putting aside its differences and working together to bring the Day of Peace to campus, said Andrea Schoeny, campus minister of communications for the UNM Aquinas Newman Center. “The IRC coming together on this event is a showing that peace is possible between people,” she said. Today, UN representatives of all religious backgrounds from the IRC will be in tents under the northeast grove near the Duck Pond from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., offering

see Peace Day page 2

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 22

information about the IRC and collecting donations for the Albuquerque Domestic Violence Shelter. Pastor Anne Morawski of the Lutheran Episcopal Student Movement said the IRC will hold a prayer vigil and pass out IRC brochures for each religious group. Schoeny said the prayer booth gives students, religious or otherwise, a chance to offer their prayers, thoughts and wishes for peace, and all peace wishes will be strung up between two trees by the Duck Pond. “It’s important for all people, no matter their religious convictions or ideology, to come together and recognize that peace is something important to the whole human race,” she said. Catherine Loweree, Aquinas Newman Center’s peer campus minister, said this is the first year students are involved in planning the Day of Peace. “This is just really fantastic because all the campus ministries are all so close,” she

A man smokes a cigarette during siesta in Florence.

Daily Lobo photographer Ryan Garcia spent a month this summer in a UNM art history program in Italy. The program offers an inside look at some of world’s oldest and most cherished pieces of art and gives students housing, some meals, a metro pass and other perks. This summer, students lived in Rome and visited Venice, Florence and other cities. However, the program is in need of increased enrollment to continue. Visit oips.unm.edu to apply.

Trapped underneath

Frenzied fixing

See page 2

See page 6


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UNMPD: Students had pot in Coronado Hall

Gun allegedly pulled in parking lot altercation

UNMPD responded to a complaint that three males were smoking marijuana in Coronado dorms Sept. 4 at 1:23 a.m. According to the police report, when the officers entered the dorm room, they smelled a strong marijuana odor. The three subjects admitted to smoking marijuana and handed the officers two bags of marijuana and a glass pipe.

UNMPD responded to an alleged fight at 10:12 a.m. on Sept. 14 with possible weapons in the parking lot located at the 2600 block of Marble Avenue. The victim said after he pulled into the parking lot, a silver Monte Carlo with black rims parked next to him. He said a heavily tattooed male and a female were inside the vehicle, according to the report.


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The victim told police the man in the other car was “mad dogging” him, and he said the suspect thought he was looking at his girlfriend. The two men allegedly yelled at each other for a few minutes. The victim told police he leaned over to the passenger side of his car, and the suspect may have thought he was reaching for a gun. The suspect and the female passenger exited the parking lot, and the victim went inside the UNM Mental Health Center, the report said. When the victim left the MHC, the Monte Carlo returned to the lot and the suspect allegedly

pointed a black 9mm handgun at him. The victim told police that he told the suspect that he didn’t have a gun. According to the report, witnesses said the suspect then exited his vehicle with a bat, yelling that the victim had “pulled a strap on him.”

Man admitted to mental health clinic after outburst On Sept. 12 at 11:49 a.m., UNMPD responded to a property dam-

age complaint at the Mental Health Center. According to the police report, a man seeking help tried to admit himself to the hospital, but the man didn’t meet UNMH’s admission requirements and was released. The report said the man was upset and punched a 2-by-6 foot, double-paned window. The subject allegedly told police he felt like killing himself, and, at that point, the MHC admitted the subject.



Battle to rescue trapped Chilean miners ongoing by Michael Warren Associated Press

SAN JOSE MINE, Chile— Chile’s president said Sunday that his government has done everything within its power to rescue 33 miners trapped underground for 47 days and counting, but wouldn’t venture a guess as to when they’ll be pulled out. Sebastian Pinera spoke as a huge oil industry drill began carving a third escape tunnel that could potentially provide the first way to extricate the men through a half-mile of solid rock. “Today for the first time we have three machines working simultaneously. We don’t know when they will reach them. But we know one thing — with the help of God, they will reach them,” Pinera declared after touring the drilling operation and meeting with the miners’ families. “I can assure you we have done everything possible. We have done our best,” he said. The latest drill, a mammoth 150-foot-tall (45-meter) structure, can pound through 60 to 90 feet (18 to 27 meters) of rock a day. And while the other machines must first bore narrower holes and gradually expand their diameter, the Rig 24 can carve a 28-inch-wide shaft — just wide enough to pull a man through — in a single pass. Its tremendous power increases the risk of causing underground collapses, however, so engineers are aiming it at a point in the mine below where the men are holed up.

Once this “Plan C” machine reaches the miners, the rescuers will fortify the walls of the tunnel with iron tubing — 23.5 inches in diameter, in 72-foot (24 meter) sections — to prevent it from collapsing around the miners as they are pulled to the surface. Casing the tunnel alone will take eight days, rescue coordinator Andre Sougarret explained. “We have to be very conserva-

tive,” Mining Minister Laurence Golborne said, noting that the third drill was assembled in 19 days, two ahead of schedule. “We are making small advances, but we do not want to generate too many expectations. ... It is scheduled to end the beginning of November, but if we can do it better, we will do it.” Golborne, who accepted a letter the families had hoped to deliv-

er to the president, said he would meet with them to consider their demands for financial and medical help. In all, more than 300 employees of San Esteban mining company have been out of work since the Aug. 5 collapse, and they fear they won’t be paid if the company goes bankrupt. A company official told the employees that it has only enough money to pay them through Octo-

toward the same things, and it’s important to have this dialogue with each other.”

Loweree said the IRC is hoping to do just that. “I hope everyone just takes a

moment out of their day to consider how much of a lack of peace there is in the world,” she said.

from PAGE 1

said. “Our campus houses are all right next to each other. We are all churches, and we all work for and

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 22

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Leah Valencia Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporter Ruben Hamming-Green Chelsea Erven Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

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Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Elizabeth Cleary Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac

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“And what they can do personally to work for peace.”

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and PRINTED BY regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content SIGNATURE should be made to the editor-in-chief. OFFSET All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.



Peace Day

Aliosha Marquez / AP Photo A police officer rides a horse past a banner that reads in Spanish “Go miners!” outside the San Jose mine in Copiapo, Chile, Saturday. Thirtythree miners have been trapped deep underground in the copper and gold mine since it collapsed Aug. 5.

ber, according to Evelyn Olmos, a paramedic in the mines who serves as a union president. “We are stuck in the unknown,” Olmos said. The unions want the government to pay their salaries and benefits for now, give them career training and help in getting new jobs and provide medical exams for the silicosis and other work-related illnesses many miners suffer. She estimated the demands would cost roughly $1.2 million — a fraction of the cost of the rescue. Golborne said the company hasn’t declared bankruptcy yet, and promised that the government will support the miners in the end. But he also said the miners are among 600,000 unemployed Chileans, and “the needs of people in this country are immense.” To that, Olmos had a simple retort: “We are not unemployed.” The trapped miners, whose work includes clearing two cubic meters of rocks an hour from the “Plan B” escape tunnel, are in a very positive mood, “without anger or rage,” Claudio Ibanez, a psychologist who specializes in tending to people in extreme conditions, told The Associated Press. Ibanez is part of a team of six psychologists who speak with the miners by videoconference twice daily. “The worst is now over, and they know it,” he said. “To have made it this far obviously works in their favor.” ___ Associated Press writer Vivian Sequera contributed to this report.

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UNM gets funds to build hospital in Rio Rancho

NM considers emissions cap-and-trade program

Animal shelter to remedy unsafe building conditions

RIO RANCHO — UNM received a federal loan guarantee for more than $143 million to build and equip a state-of-the-art teaching hospital in Rio Rancho. The University is receiving the loan guarantee for the new Sandoval Regional Medical Center from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The 200,000-square-foot medical center will have 68 beds and will be located on 18 acres of land currently owned by the University. UNM regents have authorized a contribution of about $49 million to the project. Once complete, the hospital is expected to support more than 1,500 full-time employees and contribute more than $250 million to the local economy each year.

SANTA FE — The New Mexico Environmental Improvement Board is considering a proposal by the state Environment Department for a new regulation to cap and trade greenhouse gas emissions. A hearing began Monday in Santa Fe and will continue into next week. Under the proposal, the state would be able to participate in a regional cap-and-trade program. However, the state would not implement the program unless there were sufficient greenhouse gas allowances to make trading efficient and costeffective. The proposal also includes a sunset provision that would end the state regulation if the federal government implemented its own program. Despite economic concerns voiced by critics, state officials say it’s imperative to control emissions to limit the potential impacts of climate change on New Mexico.

LAS CRUCES — Animal-rights groups are praising a decision by the City of Las Cruces to spend up to $120,000 overhauling an air circulation system that exposed animals to disease-filled air. Three staff members from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals visited the Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley shelter in early July. They later presented a report to the animal shelter board that was critical of the shelter’s ventilation system and the unsealed concrete blocks and floors, which can harbor disease. City Councilor and animal shelter board chairman Miguel Silva says the board has been aware of the problems and noted that the goal is outlined in a strategic plan for the shelter. Silva admitted the ASPCA coming in prompted the city to move faster in making repairs.


from PAGE 1

she said. Her husband, Teddy Warner, filed another lawsuit against the University shortly after his wife filed hers in 2009. He claims the University retaliated against him by cutting his pay by 20 percent because of his wife’s activities, a cut that is burdensome when compounded by legal fees. “We’ve spent more than $50,000 on lawyer fees,� he said. “The University doesn’t care how much they spend because they are spending taxpayers’ money.� Teddy said the University told him two weeks after his wife complained to OEO that permanent

non-grant funds he received from the school would be removed when his contract expired. Professor Diane Thiel also filed a lawsuit in 2009 against the University, in which she claims the administration mishandled the investigation and should instead have allowed faculty to reach a ruling on Chavez’s fate. “Upper administration’s refusal to forward this matter to an objective Faculty Ethics Committee, despite more than 16 faculty formally requesting this procedure, in line with University policy, is a glaring example of the lack of shared governance at UNM,� Thiel said.

She said the complaints are too serious to ignore and claims this was a case of professor and administrative abuse. “This matter involves the underlying principles of our profession being violated in numerous ways and in a very public way — continuing retaliation against those willing to stand up and speak,� she said. Chavez attacked the accusations lobbed at her and said the issue is closed. “This is all part of a campaign of lies and misrepresentation. The complaints against me were thoroughly investigated by UNM, and I was cleared,� she said.

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac



Tuesday September 21, 2010

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LETTER Social norms repress men’s desires for sexual exploration Editor, One of America’s best-kept secrets is the multitude of bisexual men. I met a gay Anglo who had been in the Navy. I asked him how it was being gay in the Navy. He said, “Not bad, except there was a married Chicano who picked a fight with me.” Later the two of them happened to be at the same party. As the night wore on, they got it on — in sex! As the morning approached, the married Chicano went home to his wife. Later, he returned to the gay Anglo for more sex. The gay Anglo asked him, “If you had these feelings for me, why did you pick a fight with me?” The married bisexual Chicano answered honestly, “I could not let my friends know.” If you have a male friend who gets off on telling anti-gay jokes and insulting, threatening or beating up gays and bisexuals, take him aside one-on-one and tell him, “You had better stop persecuting and putting down gays and bisexuals. Some people will eventually wonder why you are barking so loud. What are you trying to hide? Why is this a big deal to you?” Many males who yell “faggot” at others who have sex or want to have sex with males, but they do not have the balls to say so. Some males are terrified of their own hidden, repressed desires for male sex — scared if they tried it once with a male, they would enjoy it so much that they would want to continue getting it on with men. If it were not for the terrible taboos from religion, family, friends and society, most if not all men would be strongly sexually attracted to at least one man during their lifetime and would enjoy sex and romance with him. Sex between men would become as popular as baseball, basketball, soccer, wrestling, etc. If I am sexually attracted to a man married to a woman and if he is sexually attracted to me, I hesitate to have sex with him. Two hurdles: I do not want him lying to his wife and getting in fights with her because of me if she does not know about and accept his bisexuality. Many married men feel they have a right to have sex with other women or men, but they demand their wives to have sex with no other men or women under the threat of violence or divorce. I want any bisexual man I have sex with to be honest and fair with his wife. No lies and no double standard! I would not give up my strong romantic attraction to certain men for all the money and fame in the world. Don Schrader Community member





LETTERS Tolerance for cheating devalues college degrees Editor, I had strong mixed feelings last week when seeing the Daily Lobo’s headline, “Plagiarism up, punishment down.” Part of me resigned myself to it and part of me winced and said, “That better not be true!” I’m a 56-year-old scientist coming back to finish a Ph.D. in order to teach out my autumn years. And in my lifetime, I’ve seen it: The signal that someone was capable of original thought went from high school diploma to bachelor’s degree to master’s. Part of that has been a surging supply of college graduates, and part of it really is devaluation. Most companies I’ve worked with don’t even put your résumé in a folder unless you have a master’s degree.

Splattered and snotty Smith Plaza isn’t as macho as you might think Editor, I’m writing to let you know that it’s OK to swallow. I know you’ve seen them: thick, bubbling pools of saliva and mucus glistening cheerfully in the sun. They’re almost pretty, these miniature oases in the vast desert of Smith Plaza, twinkling multicolored and bright. Just think of the world in miniature that exists in these pools. The vast microscopic ecosystems of bacteria, viruses

Staff member echoes concerns of negative sports coverage Editor, I agree with Joanne Michaelsen (about the Daily Lobo’s lack of volleyball coverage). What

Why? In part, because institutions that once left cheating sophomores whimpering outside the gates now graduate them in the lower quartile of their classes. Large class sizes make policing difficult, while the Internet encourages plagiarism, and financial and social pressures blur the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable behavior. So, a policy that was once “No Tolerance” is now “Three Strikes” — as if cheating was like accidentally exceeding the speed limit. It takes me 30 minutes to get to school in the morning, and I’m not cheating for more than 25 of them. No, cheating is a conscious act. But all cheaters rely on the majority not to cheat — that’s what makes cheating work. They’re free-riders. And like other sociopaths, cheaters don’t see it as their own fault, like accidental speeding. As a UNM instructor, I’ve reported cheaters, and I’ve been satisfied with the deans’ response. I want cheaters to be punished the first

time. Because even if Joshua Chappell (the student quoted in the article) is right that cheaters ultimately fail, they hurt others on the way. Most of my 100-level students struggle to pass (or, occasionally, fail) their courses without cheating. A “Three Strikes” policy means that a significant fraction of their classmates may be doing better than they are by cheating. The fact that cheaters fail by their senior year does not make the honest 100-level student feel any less like a chump. “Three Strikes” cheapens the honest students, their educational experience, and, ultimately, their degrees. Believe me — in other areas I’m considered a radical, but academically, I guess I’m oldschool. Bring back “No Tolerance.”

and undigested food particles struggling for survival in an unrelenting and harsh environment. Out in the sun these will surely dry up and die. So why put them through this torture? Keep them where they belong. Swallow! I write this to you, spitters, and ask you, why? Why do you spit during your daily trek to class? Is this expulsion of saliva meant to be a noisy tribute to your raw stud-liness and unshakable magnetism? Or perhaps a little announcement to let everyone know you’re there and that your saliva glands and sinus membranes really do work. Truly, spitting and hawking up these big, swimming gobs is profoundly disgusting. I hate walking across campus to class only to be

regaled by the sounds of heaving, hacking, choking. What’s worse is to come across the finished product lying there malignantly on the sidewalk. So I ask you, beg you, to please spare us your bad manners and disgusting habits. We really don’t care to see the contents of your mouth or the half-digested bits of breakfast scattered on the pavement. So please swallow it all down, every last bit. Savor the taste, and revel in the glory of knowing that you possess at least some inkling of common courtesy.

a disappointment. I picked up Monday’s Daily Lobo and saw nothing from the Lobo staff about the volleyball team winning the Tampa Hilton Garden Inn Tournament (3-0). Only because the Frontier Restaurant congratulated the Lobos did most readers found out about the win. You cover a losing football team that has only one win in two years and write

nothing about a team that went to the NCAA tournament last year and won 20 matches the last two years. Conference play starts this Thursday night at San Diego State. Shame on you.

Dave Dixon UNM Ph.D. candidate

Christine Meadows UNM student

Fred K. Rose UNM staff member

Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea


Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Leah Valencia News editor

 Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 / Page 5



Page 6 / Tuesday, September 21, 2010


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Robert Maes / Daily Lobo The Duck Pond is one of six major areas on main campus that will be beautified as part of ASUNM’s annual Fall Frenzy. More than 300 volunteers will remove litter and foliage to maintain the campus.

by Antonio Sanchez


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As New Mexico’s luscious greens give way to crisp palettes of autumn gold and ginger, ASUNM rushes in with a program set about beautifying the campus. Fall Frenzy, a community-building event held this Friday, aims to spruce up UNM by planting flowers and trees around campus. Entirely volunteer-based, the event is reliant upon groups of people coming together for a good cause, said Julia Carrion, project director for Community Experience. “It’s a great opportunity for student groups to get some visibility on campus,â€? she said. “It’s a good event that brings the community together, because everyone is coming from all these different groups to work together for this one goal or one project, so it kind of unifies the student body.â€?Â

This year’s projected 300 participants will plant flowers at the Duck Pond, Alvarado, OĂąate and Hokona halls. They’ll also plant trees at Farris Engineering Center and create a mulch walkway at Central Avenue and University Boulevard all before Homecoming week. Since a better-looking campus is something to rally over, Carrion said, Fall Frenzy is a bonding experience. “I think it connects, not only the students to each other, but the students to the campus itself,â€? Carrion said. “For instance, if you plant the flowers at Fall Frenzy, you plant the bulbs around the Duck Pond, and in the spring you’re walking by and you’re like, ‘Oh, I planted that flower.’ So it’s kind of cool that you have that connection to the physical university.â€? Tim Mousseau, this year’s Fall Frenzy executive director, said this year’s crew looks to outdo past cleanup excursions. He said all early indi-

cations point to a successful event. “Based off sign-ups so far, we have more volunteers signed up than we ever have before at this point in time,â€? Mousseau said. “We have everything already funded. We’ve had a lot of people come to support us with donations from the community. That’s taken care of a lot of worries.â€? Mousseau said he is most excited to see the group’s progress and finished products. â€œI’m really looking forward to the visibility of the projects. We’re doing projects in a lot of places that are a lot more visible to the UNM students. They can actually see the impact we’re making,â€? he said.

Fall Frenzy

Friday 9 a.m. Cactus gardens near the Duck Pond 277-0106

Words you never learned in spanish class: Ya las di – lit. “Now I gave them.â€? As in, “Now I gave both buttcheeks.â€? ÂżEntendido? Ok, it’s a colloquial expression to say that one has worked as hard as possible, and is now too tired to continue to work.


Ejemplo: â€œÂĄEstaba bailando toda la fiesta! Ya las di, no puedo bailar mĂĄs. Voy a dormir.â€?

The Daily Lobo is always looking for help with its Spanish. E-mail Culture@DailyLobo.com

Look for Mini Coups every Monday during the summer in the Daily Lobo.

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MID WEEK MOVIE SERIES This Week’s Feature:

Writer? Get published.

Are you a writer seeking recognition for your work? Best Student Essays is UNM’s premiere nonfiction student review. We are seeking essays, research papers, memoirs, foreign language, and any other type of nonfiction for our Fall 2010 issue. For submission forms, look in past issues of BSE, visit Marron Hall Room 107, or visit our website at unm.edu/~bse. Follow directions on form. Cash awards offered for first, second, and third-place selections. If you have already written your essay for class, then why not submit for a chance to win cash? Publication can be yours. Info: Best Student Essays, Marron Hall 229, bse@unm.edu, unm.edu/~bse, or 277-5656 x155.

Deadline: October 8

Get a child in free with a paying adult!

SUB Theater - Rm 1003 Tues, 9/21 - 5:30 pm Wed, 9/22 - 7:00 pm Thurs, 9/23 - 3:30 pm

UNM Students $2.00 UNM FAC/Staff $2.50, Public $3.00 For complete schedule:http://movies.unm.edu

Next Week: Grown Ups

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, September 21, 2010 / Page 7


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Page 8 / Tuesday, September 21, 2010


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ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and confidential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

Announcements Announcements Fun, Food, Music Lost and Found Miscellaneous Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. MATHEMATICS/STATISTICS TUTOR. BILLY Brown. You CAN Succeed in Math! Get Help Early. 20% discount through September. PhD. wel bert53@aol.com, 401-8139.


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WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Duplexes 1BDRM 3 BLOCKS south of UNM. $550 +utilities. 720-1934 or 881-3540.

Houses For Rent IMMACULATE TWO BDRM study furnished house. Las Lomas. 2CG, 3mins to UNM, no smokers or pets. $1400/mo. 842-6229. 3BDRM HOUSE FOR rent South Valley. Big lot, fence for horses, extra parking for vehicles, gas & electric. Price $850/mo +utilities. 720-1934 or 8813540. 2BDRM HOUSE FOR Rent. W/D, FP, in close barrio three blocks from UNM. $850/mo. 720-1934 or 881-3540.

ROOM FOR $200/MO +utilities. 8x10 room, house is located on Lomas and Juan Tabo. Call Jordon @ 505-9341843. SHARE 2BDRM,1BA house. San Mateo/Lomas area. Must be: quiet,N/S,Respectful/clean, gay + cat friendly. Grad student/prof, Lg term pref. $350/mo utilincluded. 265-2281.pm. QUIET FEMALE STUDENT wanted to share nice 3BDRM, 2.5BA home. 10 mins from campus. $400/mo, w/utilities included. (505) 490-1998. ROOM FOR RENT in 3BDRM/2BA home near Montgomery/Eubank. $450/mo includes util, w/d, wifi, Direct TV, pet friendly. $200dd. 235-8382. BEAUTIFUL/MODERN DOWNTOWN CONDO-Looking for responsible female roommate to share. Furnished. $395/mo + half utilities. 505-429-0479 or downtownabqcondo@gmail.com Come see for yourself!

PREGNANT? NEED HELP? The Gabriel Project offers monetary and emotional support to all pregnant women regardless of circumstance. Free pregnancy tests and ultrasound. Call 505-266-4100.

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

ENGLISH TUTORING: $13/HR; Document editing: $3/page. Call Sarah Rehberg 352-6125.

Your Space


FICTION WRITING GROUP FORMING. MFA candidates and graduates, published authors, and other proven writers please contact S Fitzgerald at 898-8175. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting Friday, September 24, 2010 at 3:00pm in Marron Hall Rm 131. NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES of fast-food restaurants. You’re invited to take an online survey designed to test your feelings of your workplace and co-workers. Logon to: http://www.surveymonkey. com/s/23DF8Y3 LONELY? LOG ON To www.Spirituality.com

Fun Food Music GLOW KICKBALL IS here! Co-ed leagues start in October. Ages 18+. Start your own team today! For info go to GLOWKICKBALL.com or call 505750-1880!

UNM 3BDRM $1050/MO. 897-6304. CLOSE UNM/ DOWNTOWN. 1BDRM $350/mo +utils. Singles. 266-4505. STUDIOS 1 BLOCK UNM, Free utilities, Refrigerated A/C. $445/mo 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com 1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows, light and bright. 114 Sycamore. $575/mo +utilities, +dd, cat okay. No smoking. Call 550-1579. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. 1BDRM REMODELED APARTMENT SE/UNM area- $475/mo +dd. utilities not included. No pets. 255-4517.

Vehicles For Sale OLDER LUXURY VEHICLE. 1993 Chrysler Lebaron LE sedan. 194K, runs reliably. $1000. 294-8593. 580K CASEBACKHOE, 2WD, re-built transmission,closed cab, good tires, new glass! SERIAL#: JJG0012882 **READY TO WORK** ASKING $15,500, OBO. Call 505-550-0881 or 575-760-3023

Apply online at www.go.enterprise.com Competitive Salary plus bonuses or contact: Yvonne Aragon Excellent Benefits Package phone: (505) 830-8948 Competitive Salary plus bonuses email: yvonne.aragon@erac.com

Excellent Benefits Package Management Trainee Competitive Starting Salary Excellent Benefits Package

SECRETARY FRIDAYS 1-5pm, $8/hr, experienced, references required. Near Washington and Zuni SE, across Highland High School. 254-2606. OVERNIGHT YOUTH ADVOCATE needed for New Day Safe Home. Must be 21, be able to pass background check and have experience with the target population. Email resume to speter son@ndnm.org or visit ndnm.org ASSISTANT/AIDE NEEDED BY bookman/spiritual director. 15-30hrs/wk. 2555860. HELP NEEDED GETTING Kit Assembly Trailer Business started. $10/HR, 3-7HRS of work in: Excel price charts, dictation, website setup. 264-8166.

Jobs Off Campus WALK TO MED, Law & Altura Pk. 4BDRM/2BA House, updated, fenced yard. $1,325/mo. 259-0253.

MILLIONAIRE SEEKING LADIES- room - board, allowances, inheritanceships. 265-4345.

Houses For Sale


ALMOST NEW HOUSE in SW Heights. Unique 3BR, 2BA floorplan. Spacious corner lot. Priced to sell. MLS # 692577. 836-0124.

FIELD AND FRAME: 25% Off all tapes (video) and gaffers (B&W, colors). Through Sept. 30th up to 50% off rentals over $500: cameras, lighting, grip, projectors, all media recordable cards. 265-5678.

TOTALLY REMODELED HOME. Indian School/San Mateo. 3 BDRM, 1 BA, Sgl att garage, fenced yard. kristinfox.com, click “featured listing”, 249-4040, Keller Williams Realty, MLS #679791.

Rooms For Rent SEEK QUIET AND responsible rommate to share 2BDRM house, 2BA. 10 minute walk to UNM, quiet neighborhood. Indian School/Carlisle. $500/mo, utilities/parking included. (917)513-4119. ART MAJOR/GRAD STUDENT wanted to share 3BDRM house 3 blocks from UNM. Quiet, cats ok. $375 + 1/2 utilities. Wireless & cable. Chris (505)4104197.

27” RCA TV w/remote for $70 and 19” clear picture Toshiba w/ DVD & VCR attached for $110. Call 944-6221 if interested and for pics.

Computer Stuff 13 IN MACBOOK $700 obo. 2.16 Ghz 2GB Ram. Snow Leopard upgraded. Includes all original packaging. Please contact Eugene @ 505-450-9429.

Pets TWO FEMALE CHINCHILLAS w/ cage from Petsmart for $200. They come w/ food/ toys. 944-6221 if interested/ for pics.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

GRAPHIC DESIGN / PREPRESS Fastpaced, efficient. Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Mac & PC. Spot & full color. Salary DOE. Apply at 4505 Menaul NE, M-Th 1-5pm.

COMPANIONS/CAREGIVERS NEEDED TO work with seniors in their homes. Assist with the activities of daily living. Rewarding employment and good experience, particularly for nursing students. Training provided. Flexible schedules. Must have reliable transportation and be able to pass rigorous background check and drug screen. Apply on-line at www.rightathome.net/albuquerque.

TALIN MARKET IS now hiring for all positions: stocker, cashier, receptionist, barista, and seafood department. We offer great benefits and competitive pay. Come pickup an application at 88 Louisiana Blvd SE @ the corner of Central and Louisiana.

HELP WANTED: NEW Mexico Dancewear is looking for a mature, part time professional Sales Person for a permanent position. Call 292-2747 for an interview appointment.

WE ARE IN need of a female model spokesperson between the ages of 2128 for our adult co-ed sporting organization. Contact for more information. nm_specialist@yahoo.com

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IT HELP NEEDED for Small Business(es). Please send resume to te.resume@hotmail.com

S H I P P I N G / R E C E I V I N G / F R O N TCOUNTER POSITION AVAILABLE parttime. Nob Hill. Bring Resume: 4014 Central Ave Se.

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HAVE YOUR PARTY at Salsa-Baby.com 505-908-0771.

1 BDRMS, 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Clean, quiet, and affordable. 301 Harvard SE. 262-0433.

Garage Sales ANNUAL YARD SALE at peace center. 202 Harvard SE. Saturday 9/25, 8-4. 268-9557.


VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com

STRONG, STURDY WOODEN coffee table for $40. Please call 944-6221 if interested.

INTERNSHIP - NIGHT Manager needed for Childcare Center 3-11pm. Must be ECE student or have significant childcare experience. This will ideally lead to a FT position. Please send resume to: te.resume@hotmail. com

STOLEN: YELLOW DENALI road Bike. July 6, 4-5 PM Police are looking for witnesses.Shimano pedals. Blue tape. Soft Seat. New back tire. Reward: 934-5659.


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Child Care

NEED YOUR COMPUTER fixed? A+ Cert. Tech. Focus on customer service. $25/ hour. Diagnostics always free, so call today! 505-220-9967.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers Work Study Jobs

For Sale SMALL, NEW REFRIGERATOR for sale. Black color, $90. Please contact Dulce at davitia@unm.edu or (505)9276194.

CAREGIVERS FOR TOP Quality afterschool child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun, and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Must be able to work Wednesdays 12PM – 5PM in the Fall. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org Work-study encouraged to apply.

BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235.



Your Space Rooms for Rent For Sale Categories

Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Pets For Sale

Furniture Garage Sales Photo Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

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