NM Daily Lobo 112112

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

wednesday November 21, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

President Frank proposes new budget process New system would tie departments to own revenue by Svetlana Ozden news@dailylobo.com

UNM President Robert Frank looks to change the University’s budget model to a system that would require each department to depend on the money it generates.

UNM mulls new college

Frank said the model, which is called “Responsibility Center Management” (RCM), would change the way money is distributed throughout the University. He said that rather than money being allocated from a central source, schools and departments at the University, such as the College of Arts and Sciences, would use departmental revenue for funding. “The way revenue is calculated,

is it comes from the student credit hours. You get credit for how many student credit hours you create and you get credit for grants and contracts and tuitions. And then how much you have in, if you have endowments and gifts and other things that come in,” he said. “So that creates all of your revenue and then you also track what your costs are.” Frank said departments would be responsible for funding depart-

mental staff and faculty members and overhead for the University, which includes costs for departments that don’t generate revenue, such as the president’s office and the libraries. Frank said the system is simpler than the current budget system in that the new system would track the revenue each department collects and spends. He said that it’s easy to forget how each depart-

ment’s budget was calculated with the current system because funding is allocated for specific reasons, such as a new professor. “Each year we put money in each place, and then over time we don’t remember why we’ve put all the money everywhere,” he said. “And then somebody comes forward and says ‘You know, we need

see Budget PAGE 2


President says public health college would benefit NM by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

As part of his goals as the new president, UNM President Robert Frank plans to establish a College of Public Health that will offer undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees to students. Frank said UNM offers a master’s degree in public health that has been successful but still needs improvement. He said that if the University approves his proposal, it would be the first public health college in New Mexico. “We’ve been running that program for a number of years and it’s been very successful,” he said. “But a college provides … much broader training on public health. This is where we’re planning to go.” Frank said that at 21 percent, New Mexico has a comparatively high rate of uninsured patients. He said a college of public health at the University could address this problem. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 16.7 percent of people in the United States were uninsured in 2009. According to the bureau, about 26.1 percent of people in Texas were uninsured, the highest rate in the country. Florida and New Mexico followed at 22.4 and 21.7 percent, respectively. Frank said that because New Mexico has a diverse population, some people, including undocumented immigrants, do not have enough access to health care. He said many New Mexicans lack basic vaccinations and are more prone to various diseases. “Some parts of our community have high rates of diseases like diabetes and hepatitis C,”

see Public

health PAGE 3

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 66

Natalia Jácquez / Daily Lobo The LGBTQ Resource Center hosted a candlelight vigil at the Duck Pond on Tuesday night to honor transgendered murder victims on the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The vigil featured luminarias to represent transgendered people who have been murdered within the last year. Of the 265 people murdered, five were from New Mexico.

Women’s basketball takes the Rivalry Lobos thrash the Aggies 60-37 at The Pit by Michael Sol Warren sports@dailylobo.com @MSolDub

Defense was the theme of the night for the UNM women’s basketball team, which beat instate rival New Mexico State 60-37. The Lobos held their rivals scoreless from beyond the arc, with the Aggies missing all 18 of their attempted 3s. UNM is off to their first 4-0 start since the 2004-2005 season. That team finished 26-4, setting the mark for best win percentage in school history before falling to

Purdue in the first round of the NCAA tournament. “4-0, that’s fun,” UNM head coach Yvonne Sanchez said. “We’re still a work in progress, and we’re going to be for a little bit, but you’d rather learn your lessons through a win.” The Lobos got out quick in the first half, taking a double digit lead within nine minutes. The gap between the two teams remained the same for most of the half. The Aggies picked up their scoring near the end of the period. The two teams returned to the locker rooms with the score 27-22 in the Lobos’ favor. “There was a stretch where we just didn’t stay poised,” Sanchez said. “They pressed us and we

Last chance

UConn is UGone

see Page 9

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threw the ball away, but in the second half we figured it out.” The first half lead was due in large part to strong efforts by senior forward Jourdan Erskine and freshman guard Bryce Owens. Erskine dominated the paint throughout the half, with four rebounds and two blocks before the break. Owens, who played all 20 minutes of the first half, consistently found open Lobos. She had five assists at halftime. Opening the second half on an 11-4 run, the Lobos took the momentum from the Aggies and never gave it back. Senior guard Caroline Durbin led all players in scoring with 14 points, including a 3-point basket in the second half. The score put an end to any hopes

of an Aggie comeback. “I could feel the momentum,” Durbin said. “Right before that I had missed a three, so when I got it back I knew ‘I have to knock this down’. I feel like it got us going, I think everyone felt energized by it.” UNM outscored NMSU 33-15 in the second period, holding the Aggies to just 4-32 from the field. “We just made sure that we contested shots,” Sanchez said. “We sat on their right hand so they had to go left. Some of our little adjustments hurt them; they rushed their shots and we tried to get the rebounds.”

see Basketball PAGE 5


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PageTwo Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Laptop reported stolen from George Pearl Hall UNMPD was dispatched to George Pearl Hall on Nov. 6 in response to a theft in the drafting department. According to the police report, UNM student Samuel Escoto left his laptop locked in a desk at 3:15 p.m. that day, and when he returned for it at 4 p.m., he discovered the lock had been pried open and the laptop was stolen. According to the report, people can gain access to the drafting department with a key card, but there are no cameras in the area. The report states that theft has been an ongoing problem in the department, but that not all thefts are reported. Information about the laptop was entered into the National Crime Information Center database and the case in considered closed pending further leads.

Cops: violent drunk man arrested by bus stop On Nov. 7, UNMPD responded to a call about a man urinating on the Communication and Journalism Building. Upon arriving, the responding officer was informed that


there were two men fighting at the bus stop at Yale and Central boulevards. The officer gave the men criminal trespass warnings before asking them to leave, according to the report. One man left, and the other, Marty Harrison, ignored the warning and walked toward the building. The officer began to escort Harrison to the police car when he passed out and fell on the grass, so the officer called rescue and had him transported for extreme intoxication.

UNMPD: sofas stolen from SRC loading dock

New Mexico Daily Lobo

unm crime briefs suspect had punched the metal plate above the elevator button in the Yale Parking Structure on Nov. 8. According to the report, the plate was bent so that the lower part had popped out of place. The damage was estimated at about $100. No further information was available at the time of the report.

Report: vehicle in T-Lot stolen on Nov. 12

An unknown suspect stole used sofas, valued at $600, from the SRC loading dock on Nov. 8, according to a UNMPD report. The remaining sofas were brought back into the building. No further information was available at the time of the report.

UNM student Brianne Lucero parked her car in T-Lot on Nov. 12, and when she returned found that her car was missing. According to the report, the UNMPD officer placed an attempt-to-locate on the car and put the information into the National Crime Information Center database. The case is considered to be closed pending further leads.

Elevator panel in Yale structure damaged

Report: fight at Lobo Village leads to arrest

UNM staff member Richard Kozel reported to UNMPD that an unknown

UNMPD responded to a call from Lobo Village from UNM student Chelsea Gauthier about

a domestic dispute on Nov. 14. According to the report, Gauthier said she got into an argument with her boyfriend, UNM student Anthony Hooks. Gauthier said she tried to leave but that Hooks stopped her and threw a 750 milliliter bottle of liquor at the right side of her face. The officer noted in the report that there were no visible injuries. Gauthier told police that Hooks then took her car keys and drove off in her car without her permission. While officers were present, Hooks called Gauthier, and she put him on speakerphone so the officers could hear and record the call. According to the report, Gauthier told him she had called the police, and Hooks said he had a .45 caliber Magnum handgun and was going to shoot himself because he “could not go to jail,” according to the report. Hooks said if he saw any officers he would immediately shoot himself, according to the report. The officer tried to speak with Hooks, but he hung up immediately. Gauthier said Hooks was either at a McDonalds on Tramway Boulevard or at his home. Hooks was arrested on charges unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, battery on a household member and domestic violence, the report stated. ~compiled by Alexandra Swanberg

from page 1

a new Renaissance professor because we’ve always had a Renaissance professor and our Renaissance professor left last year,’ and so you’ve got a lot of complex relationship-based deals.” Frank said the new system would align the University’s budget with the state’s model, which requires the University to keep track of student credit hours for funding in order to focus on student graduation rates. “This model will focus on student credit hours, which are the intervening variable for students graduating,” he said. “So, this model focuses on students graduating just like the state does so they both push the incentives to the right place.” Frank said the University will use the current budgeting system for the 2013-2014 school year, but will run a shadow RCM budget that

volume 117

will help the University understand how the new system would work. “We’re going to run two sets of books. We’ll still run on the old book, but we’ll have the new model, and you can see if we were on this new model, this is how it would have looked it would look,” he said. “A pilot model, if you would.” The Board of Regents would have to approve the new model for it to take effect. Frank said costs to implement the new system have not yet been determined, but that it would include education costs to teach University leaders how to use the system and software costs. But he said the new system should be easy to implement because the University’s data system for the departments is set up in a way that will transfer to the University’s accounting system well. But the new system has caused

issue 66

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Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Danielle Ronkos News Editor Svetlana Ozden Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Adria Malcolm Assistant Photo Editor Juan Labreche

some controversy because University leaders are unsure of how it will be implemented. Faculty Senate President Amy Neel, who sits on the budget steering committee, said the committee has discussed how the system will work at the University. She said the system can be implemented in many different ways, which causes some concern since the exact method has not yet been decided. “I think the thing that’s most worrisome to people right now is that we don’t know how it will work. We’re not even close to deciding how exactly it’s going to work,” she said. “And so that makes people nervous. Uncertainty and change make people nervous.” Neel said the new system would focus on revenue-generating units but fail to look at efficiency and cost centers, such as the president’s office, human resources and Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Multimedia Editor Zachary Zahorik

Information Technologies. She said part of the concern is that the new system may require that departments that generate more revenue help fund departments that generate less revenue. “I think in general you can say that big undergraduate classes are going to probably bring in money because you’ve got maybe a parttime instructor or a teaching assistant teaching them for very low pay and they’re bringing in a lot of tuition dollars,” she said. “And then thinking about graduate classes, we’ve got tenured professors and maybe associate or full-time professors teaching small numbers of students. And those are the kinds of courses that have to be subsidized by the big course, I think that’s the kind of thing we’re thinking about.” Neel said that although there are concerns, the University

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would benefit from the new system because it will provide information that has never been available before, including information about which departments generate money and how much each department costs. She said it will also allow the University to understand how much non-revenue-generating departments cost. Frank said the RCM system was used at two universities he has worked at before, including Kent State University, where he implemented the system as provost. He said people often become nervous. “It’s a new system, everybody’s nervous, they’re all worried that they’re going to go broke or we’re going to lay off people. It’ll all work out,” he said. “We’re a university … we’re not going to stop teaching things we value.”

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.




Guv plans insurance exchange Hot Yoga by Barry Massey

The Associated Press SANTA FE — Gov. Susana Martinez’s administration is moving ahead to establish a state-run clearinghouse to help small businesses and tens of thousands of individuals find affordable health insurance they currently lack. A fight over the exchange, however, could break out in next year’s Legislature. Attorney General Gary King’s office is reviewing whether new legislation is needed to implement a health insurance exchange or whether it can be done as the Republican governor plans, without a change in current law or legislative involvement. The exchange is envisioned as an online shopping center for the uninsured to buy health coverage from a selection of plans offered by insurance companies with benefits tailored to New Mexico. It’s to be ready to enroll people starting next October and under federal law must be fully operating by January 2014. That year, an estimated 55,000 New Mexicans may use it to enroll in an insurance plan. Some states waited for the outcome of the presidential election to make a decision, but New Mexico has been working since last year on an exchange plan. “Overall, we never really wavered from the idea that it needs to be a state exchange,” Human Services Secretary Sidonie Squier said in an interview Tuesday. Under a 2010 law championed by President Barack Obama to expand health care coverage,

Public health

states can run an exchange, leave that task to the federal government or partner with federal health officials. “We wanted to build something that we think is unique to New Mexico and works for New Mexico,” said Squier. A fifth of the state’s population lacks health care, and it’s estimated as many as 250,000 New Mexicans may become eligible to buy health insurance through the exchange between 2014 and 2020.

“We wanted to build something that we think is unique to New Mexico.” ~Sidonie Squier human services secretary Under the federal law, uninsured individuals and families can receive subsidies to reduce the amount they pay for insurance. Small businesses can be eligible for a tax credit to help provide medical coverage for workers. Martinez doesn’t plan to establish a new agency to run the exchange. Instead, the exchange will be operated by the New Mexico Health Insurance Alliance, a nonprofit public corporation established in 1994 to provide access to insurance for small businesses and some individuals. The alliance is funded by an assessment on insurance companies. The state received a $34 million

federal grant for an exchange, with almost $24 million earmarked for a computer system that will be used by uninsured New Mexicans to shop for health plans in the marketplace. The alliance plans to award a contract for the computer system in early January. Squier said the administration doesn’t believe legislation is necessary to implement the exchange because it can be handled through the alliance. However, the attorney general’s office is reviewing whether the Legislature must authorize an exchange and approve changes in law for the alliance to operate it. “We do have some serious concerns,” Phil Sisneros, a spokesman for King, said Wednesday. Martinez vetoed an exchange proposal approved by the Democratic-controlled Legislature last year. She said the measure was premature. State Sen. Dede Feldman, an Albuquerque Democrat, said the alliance’s governing board needs more consumer and employee representation rather than being tilted in favor of the insurance industry. There also are questions whether the alliance’s current mission focuses on a much narrower segment of uninsured individuals than the exchange must handle. Most of the alliance’s board is appointed by the governor. House Republican Leader Tom Taylor of Farmington said Martinez can fix any problems by selecting more consumer representatives for the board. “I think we’re in fine shape,” said Taylor.

from PAGE 1

he said. “There are so many Frank said that earlier this different cultures that live here year, the state Legislature passed that are not equally prepared in a memorandum asking UNM and their immunization statuses.” NMSU to address the need for a Frank appointed Family and college of public health in the Community Medicine Professor state. He said the memorandum Deborah Helitzer to lead the has already gained support from public health college’s planning the Department of Education. process. Frank said he has already Helitzer said that because spoken to members of the 57 UNM faculty members have Associated Students of the master’s degrees in public University of New Mexico health, the University will not (ASUNM) and the Graduate have difficulty finding qualified and Professional Students teachers. She said the college Association (GPSA). He said so will require a new building, far, students have had positive but that a specific site for the reactions about the project. college or a cost estimate cannot ASUNM President Caroline yet be determined because the Muraida said she supports the University is waiting to receive plan for a college of public health planning money from the because it would improve UNM’s Legislature. academic reputation. She said “To get an accredited college that although the project is still takes about five years,” she said. in its preliminary stages, it will “President Frank is going to make students’ diplomas more request planning money from valuable. the Legislature. If we get that “When you look at changing planning money, we are going an aspect of academic curricula, to proceed with development of you really delve into what a a plan.” degree would mean to a student Helitzer said New Mexico does once they leave the University,” MARCH 16, 2011 not have a sufficient number she said. “Bringing a school of of public health workers so the public health to the University is project will strengthen the state’s a value-adding project.” public health workforce. Muraida said that although it “The reason to establish a may be expensive, the project is college of public health is … to a good investment. develop public health workforce “Anytime we’re talking about and reduce health disparities in higher education, we’re talking our communities,” she said. “It’s about investments,” she said. a fantastic opportunity for UNM “It just depends on the kind of and for other universities in the investment. A school of public state.” health is a great investment.”

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10/10/12 3:21 PM

LoboOpinion Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @alexswanberg

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895



Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Vote frequently to get policymakers’ attention Editor, Some of us believe in the strength of our vote and how we contribute to American democracy. Some others don’t. Some others don’t care, a different kind of don’t. As part of the recent election, New Mexico Civic Engagement Partnership, a local domestic nonprofit, in collaboration with UNM students, conducted an exit poll of 198 voters at UNM on Nov. 6. We wanted to learn about the effectiveness of the media before an election and we wanted to understand the voters’ “comfort zone” in terms of candidates and issues. Although nationally, young adults make up 21 percent of eligible voters, and nationally the turnout of this age group was decisive, it was smaller than in 2008. At UNM, the average voter between the ages of 18 and 29 is 20 years old. The vast majority of voters polled are from New Mexico, and 60 percent are women. Ethnicity is predominately Hispanic, and 66 percent of those polled had been contacted in some way up to five times before voting. The dominant source of information for this population is the Internet, followed closely by television. Ninety-four percent felt comfortable about candidates and issues before voting. Interestingly, 70 percent were not eligible to vote in 2008. Of the 52 percent eligible to vote in 2010, only 39 percent did so. This is significant, given the huge shortfall of voters in New Mexico during the 2010 election. The young adult voter in New Mexico cannot risk “invisibility” with candidates and policymakers. Too much is at stake, and there are major concerns in that population about student loan rates, health care, the Lottery Scholarship, education and getting a viable job right out of college. Oftentimes it’s the lack of follow-up that impacts these concerns, but voting does count. Bottom line: Young adults think about their vote almost as much as older voters, but they respond differently to media. Voters between the ages of 18 and 20 are not as aware of issues and candidates, and do no consider themselves engaged with the process of staying informed and actually voting. There is a lot of work to do before 2016. Joe’L Trujillo and Cindy Nava New Mexico Civic Engagement Partnership

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Danielle Ronkos Managing editor

Alexandra Swanberg Opinion editor

Svetlana Ozden News editor

Readers on DailyLobo.com responded to “Missile strikes spark protest,” published in Monday’s Daily Lobo. The article covers the pro-Palestine protest that happened Friday. by “Sam Duro” “Maybe the protesters would stay home if their neighbors were randomly throwing rocks through their windows every now and then on a whim, and then decrying every attempt to make it stop. … Israel is living on its own land, and it oppresses no one. Self defense is not a violation of international law. As for attacking someone with 1,000 times the firepower, that not only


Internet conference smells fishy by Alexandra Swanberg

Each country has its own policy on how free the Internet should be, but the outcome of a conference in Dubai next month might change that. I will speculate for most of this article as to the repercussions of an international organization taking control of the Internet, so before I do, here is a site with a growing list of official documentation, including proposals from attending countries and regional representatives, concerning what those countries and representatives think be done with the Internet: wcitleaks.org At the World Conference on International Telecommunications, representatives to the United Nations will discuss the International Telecommunication Regulations, which date back to 1988. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs, an organ of the UN, published a news release on Nov. 6, stating, “Over 2 billion people are now connected to Internet but digital divide remains wide.” The article describes current Internet use and the gap in how people across the world are able to use it. Folks in the United States can see news, social media sites, Wikipedia and some of the fringier offerings that are there if they dig deep enough. Not every population enjoys every treasure the Internet holds, and the news release included the following to dispel the rumors that the UN would be controlling the Internet: “‘The current International Telecommunication Regulations set the stage for the mobile revolution and the information society — and we are confident that the 2012 ITRs will help usher in the knowledge society,’ the Secretary-General of the UN International

Telecommunication Union (ITU), Hamadoun Touré, told participants at the Forum. ‘Simply put, WCIT-12 is about putting information and communication technologies in the hands of all the world’s people.’ Concerning WCIT and the Internet, Touré described as ‘ridiculous’ misleading stories about the ITU or the UN ‘taking over the Internet.’” I would like to think this is the case. One only needs to consider the significant effect social media had in expediting the Arab Spring, or how people tried to use it in the United States to lend momentum to the nationwide Occupy movements. However, the people attending this conference include leaders of countries that do not value freedom the way people in the United States do. Some will argue that international organizations are a tool to facilitate harmonious international relations, but because politics inevitably involves power plays, I am reluctant to think this conference will result in a decision for the benefit of all. I received an email on Tuesday from Vint Cerf, a vice president and chief Internet evangelist for Google. Of the conference he said, “The world’s governments will meet behind closed doors to discuss the future of the Internet. Some governments want to use this meeting to increase censorship and regulate the Internet. Learn more about what’s at stake at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU): Google.com/TakeAction. A free and open world depends on a free and open Internet. And a free and open Internet depends on you.” He also included the Twitter hashtag #FreeAndOpen, if you care to follow the movement. At the website he lists, you can pledge your support for a free and open Internet, although I’m not sure how

makes the ‘Palestinians’ aggressive, but also very, very stupid.”

hope for some hot heads. Innocents are being hurt on both sides.”

by “wickedwitch” “Sam, you need to get an education on some of the history of this issue. Israel did force Palestinians off their lands in 1948 and is still doing so. However, both sides are wrong on their warlike strategies. Two wrongs do not make a right. Hopefully, the U.S. will stop military aid to Israel and help the two sides seek a peaceful solution. This area of the world has been in turmoil since biblical times. Doesn’t seem to be much

by “John Mckinney” “So Palestine fires rockets for weeks at Israel and Israel is supposed to do what, according to these protesters? Move? C’mon. I support Israel. I wasn’t at the protest. More students who were home working on their reading and writing most likely would support Israel than the 30 or so people the Lobo claims to have been 100. This claim of a number comes with no photo and I’ve seen the pro-Israel crowds of last year. Like 30 to 35 people I’d bet is much more accurate than the

Opinion editor opinion@dailylobo.com

From the web

significantly this support will impress the folks in Dubai come Dec. 3. Follow the grapevine online when searching any keyword associated with event, and you’ll find most people are talking about the negative repercussions of taking Internet control from the hands of nonprofit organizations with no government relations and handing it over to representatives from countries all over the world. Anybody abusing power and mistreating the people they rule should rightly be afraid of the Internet. Where would we be without the video from Mother Jones of Mitt Romney badmouthing nearly half of all Americans? Where would we be without WikiLeaks? When the Internet is in the hands of the powerful, it will be all too tempting for them to smear the transparency the public has been trying to establish. We need to know what’s happening in our world, and though there is no one truth we will find on the Internet, regardless of the source, it is important to have all information available to us so that we can make the most informed decisions. This is the foundation of a healthy democracy. I sympathize with the more optimistic members of the UN who are just trying to allow other populations to begin to access the breadth of information available online in other parts of the world. I want everyone to enjoy what we are so privileged to have at our fingertips in the States and elsewhere. I’ve just completely lost my faith in politicians, who have proven over and over again that they will act according to what will benefit them rather than what best serves the public interest. There has to be another way to make sure that others enjoy this privilege, and it does not start with government control over the Internet.

Lobo claim of 100 people, just saying.” by “Summer Speaker” “There were easily 100 folks there. Death to settler colonialism, death to imperialism, death to domination.” by “Damian” “What a horrible thing to say. Are you actually threatening people or are you merely wishing them death? Aren’t you a colonialist as well?” To join the conversation, go to DailyLobo. com




from PAGE 1

Owens continued to efficiently distribute the ball throughout the second half. She finished the game with 10 assists and three turnovers. Owens’ 10 assists are the most since Mandi Moore’s 11 assists versus Wyoming in the 2003-04 season. “Lefty point guards are the best,” Sanchez said. “I think (Durbin) likes the fact that she doesn’t have to score 20 points a game for us to be successful. It has to be balanced for us to be successful, and that’s what we’re going to do.” The Lobos’ next game will be against North Texas in the first round of the New Mexico Thanksgiving Tournament on Friday. The other two teams participating in the tournament are Georgia and St. Bonaventure.

Aggie senior forward Chrissy Fletcher looks to pass the ball as UNM junior forward Deeva Vaughn guards her. The Lobos went on to defeat the Aggies 60-37 in the Rio Grande Rivalry game Tuesday night.


Juan Labreche @labrechemode Daily Lobo

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Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots and $6 Bombers. Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close

Korean BBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30

Imbibe THANKSGIVING DAY Open at 5pm

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Dirty Bourbon Closed for Thanksgiving will reopen for business on Friday November 23 at 5:00pm

Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm DJ Malick 10pm

Dirty Bourbon PreThanksgiving Bash with Nathan Dean & The Damn Band $5

Downtown Distillery $2.75 All Drinks - Every Thursday! Free Games - All the Time! Never a Cover

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Blackwater Music Venue DJ Voodoo Daydream Hip Hop and Dance Music Night

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10

The Library Bar & Grill Thursday Ladies Night 8pm-2am Feat. the Infamous booty shake Ca$h Prizes $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo

Blackwater Music Venue Black Friday Show! Metalcore Night featuring The Untold Hour Supreme Verdict White Witch I’m Infinite

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Absolute Flavors


The Library Bar & Grill Extended Happy Hour 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Dirty Bourbon Nathan Dean & The Damn Band $3 Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close

Saturday Imbibe Happy Hour till 7pm DJ Rhino 10pm Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball Never a Cover Dirty Bourbon Nathan Dean & The Damn Band $3 Blackwater Music Venue Get Your Dance On!! with Buddhafunk Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10 The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am! Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close

Sunday Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)

The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The Best Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons

Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close

Bravo! Cucina Italiana $5 Martini Night

Imbibe FOOTBALL on 5 Big Screens + Happy Hour ALL NIGHT Open 12n-12mid Sunshine Theater *Falling in Reverse* *Enter Shikar* *Letlive* The Thug In Me Is You Tour 2012 Doors@ 6:30pm Starts @ 7:00pm All Ages

Tuesday Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT: $1 Pabst & $1 Fish Tacos DJ Twisted Audo 9pm

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Dirty Bourbon No Cover

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

The Library Bar & Grill Now open at 11am DJ Official spinning 9pm-close!

Dirty Bourbon Crown Royal Maple Launch Party with Nathan Dean & The Damn Band $2

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)


The Library Bar & Grill Drink Specials all Night

Imbibe FOOTBALL on 5 Big Screens + Happy Hour ALL NIGHT

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Bravo! Cucina Italiana $3.95 Bar Bites and $5 Drink Specials 3-7pm and 9-close

Sunshine Theater *Born of Osiris* *Unearth* *Obey the Brave* *The Contorntionist* *Wolves at the Gate* Doors @ 6:00pm Starts @ 6:30pm

Wednesday Imbibe BIGGEST BAR NIGHT OF THE YEAR With Happy Hour ALL NIGHT Korean BBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, andFoosball Never a Cover

The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am

Dirty Bourbon West Coast Swing Dance Lessons starting at 6:30pm $5 Cover

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Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Absolute Flavors


Page 8 / Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo

men’s soccer

‘Underdogs’ to play Huskies Junior midfielder Michael Calderon, center, celebrates with freshman midfielder Ben McKendry, left, and sophomore defender Matthew Gibbons after scoring a goal against Virginia on Sunday at the UNM Soccer Complex. The Lobos play at Connecticut in the third round of the NCAA tournament on Sunday.

Saturday Appointments Available

Student Fee Review Board 2012-2013 Meeting Schedule Application Available

November 12

Application Workshops

November 29 9:00AM-10:00AM November 30 1:00PM-2:00PM

Deadline for Application Due in the ASUNM Office by 5PM

December 17


January 10,11,12

Juan Labreche @Labrechemode Daily Lobo

by Christian Naranjo sports@dailylobo.com @cnaranjo7

UNM men’s soccer head coach Jeremy Fishbein said he’s fine with the Lobos being the underdog against Application available online at: asunm.unm.edu Connecticut in the third round of the NCAA tournament. Associated Students of the University of New Mexico Student Union “We got a great challenge ahead of us,” he said. “I think one of the exciting 1016, MSC03 2210, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New things is that we’re the underdog. In Mexico 87131-0001 our mind we’re not the underdog, but it’s a little bit different pressure.” Phone: 505.277.5528, Fax: 505.277.5287 UNM (17-3-1) will take on the University of Connecticut (16-3-1) on Sunday at Morrone Soccer Stadium in Storrs, Conn. UConn has won 37 straight home games since it lost in the 2009 Big East tournament. Following a demanding 3-1 victory versus Virginia in the second round last Sunday, UNM must deal with a top-level team for the first time since defeating then-No. 2 UCLA on Aug. 24, Fishbein said. “I really like our chances moving forward in getting to play a great team in UConn It’s a pretty intriguing go ” he…said. matchup, s o Senior lo goalie Victor Rodriguez will ob return o l lineup following g tobthe osstarting go os his one-game NCAA suspension o s o l ofgolast year’s third-round bo lob gbecause o s against o l s NCAAogame - South Florida. g

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November 26

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Rodriguez has not surrendered a goal in the eight games since Oct. 12. The Las Cruses native said he has had no difficulty getting back in the groove of being a starter. “I’m prepared. If I had to play today, I could do it. I haven’t lost any confidence in myself,” he said. “It’s a different challenge playing against some of the top players in the nation. I can’t wait.” UNM hopes to extend its NCAA tournament run further than in 2011, when it reached the third round before losing to South Florida 6-5 in a shootout. The last time the Lobos passed the Sweet 16, the squad made the finals against Maryland and lost 1-0 on Dec. 11, 2005. Senior midfielder Levi Rossi said the experience of last season’s tournament loss will only assist the Lobos in high-pressure situations. “Last year was the first time we were a high-profile team trying to live up to high expectations. We were never in this situation before,” he said. “This year, we’ve been there and we know what it’s going to be like. We know what the atmosphere will be like and what a shootout is like in the Sweet 16.” The Huskies’ top players include junior forward Mamadou Diouf, who has delivered 14 goals this season, and

Big East goalie of the year Andre Blake with a .5 goals against average and 11 shutouts in 2011. Fishbein said Connecticut is unlike any opponent New Mexico has faced this season. “Their attack is very good, very similar to ours. That being said, they haven’t scored many goals and they’re a hard team to figure out,” he said. “They have a fantastic goalie. He has great range and athleticism, but that being said, I think he’s too aggressive sometimes. You can’t let his athleticism become a factor.” Rossi said although the team will miss the Duke City, there are some benefits to playing a NCAA tournament game on the road. “I like that we have zero distractions and we only focus on soccer,” he said. “Our crowd is helpful, but sometimes there is pressure when there is a lot of support. I really like that we will play at nearly sea level coming from high altitude. I think it can be an advantage.”

Men’s soccer at Connecticut Sunday 11 a.m.

Live stream on NCAA.com

bo lob o lo go os o s l b g bos The list of upcoming o o bo lo s g g o o o s o l s Lobo athletic events is published l b g bo o o o bo lo s g g g o o every week in the Daily Lobo. o os lob o l go l s go bos bos lob lo go os g os obo lo o lo go os o o b Upcoming Athletic Events s g bos lob o lo go l os g os g obos lob o o ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o l s go os g Skiing l Men’s Basketball o lo g bo g bo o o o o b b Fri-Sat 11/22-24 s l s Fri 11/23 g g g o o o o s lo go os s lo go os l l b Nordic @ FIS/Super Tour b vs Idaho 8:30pm o o o o o o o o b s in West Yellowstone, Mont. Sun 11/25 ob lob go l s g os g bos lob lo go l os g os g obo l Sat-Sun 11/24-25 o o o vs Portland 6pm o o o o b b s g l s b g l b g g g o o o o o o Alpine @ NorAm s Wed 11/28 s o l o l s s l l b b o lo o lo g g o o o o o o b o in Loveland, Colo. b vs Mercer 7pm s s b g b g g o o o o o s o l o l o l os g os obo s s l l b The Pit o g g o o o o o b b s s b g lo b go l b Men’s Soccer lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo Women’s o Sun 11/25 Basketball @ Connecticut s g bos lob o lo go l os g os g obos lob o lo go l os g os g o-Fri-Sat 11/23-24 o b in the third round of the lo go s g bos lob lob o l s go s g bos lob lob o lhosts sthe Thanksgiving o s NCAA Tournament Tournament o g o g g o o o o o o o o o b os lob lob go l s g os g bos lob lo go l s g os g bos lob Fri 11/23 o o Texas7pm Volleyball gNorth go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go bos lob lob o lo s go vs. s Sat -11/24 s Wed 11/21 o o g o g o o o o o o o o o b Consolation o b b 5pm s l s b g l b g l g o @ Wyoming g o o o o o o s o os l o os l b ol os lob o l go l s Championship go bos 7pm o g g Fri 11/23 o o o b b s s b g l b g o @ Colorado State o os g os obo lluck loThe Pit bo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o loGood g to o o o o b s g l s b g l b g l g g o g o o o o s s bo o lo o l os loos lBasketball, go bos bMen’s ob go l go l s g bos obFootball s g bo lobo o lo Sat 11/24 g o s o State s o Basketball, s s bo o lo o l@ Colorado bo o lo o l Women’s o g o g g os o o o o o b b s s b g l s b g l b g g g o l lo Skiing, bo o lo o lo go os bos oboFootball, go bos bos lobo o lo o o s s g l b g lo g Volleyball o o s and b lo go os g s Soccer, l s g os obo o lo o lo goMen’s o o o o o o b s s b g l b g b lob o l s g os obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo g o o g os lob lob go l s g os g bos lob lo go l s g b o lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go bos lob s o g To advertise in this special section, bo lobo o lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s call 277-5656! o go os g obo go os g obo lobo o lo g s s b ol b ol go os g obo lobo o lo lo g s sg s l b o g o o o o o l b g ob os ob sg

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Wednesday, November 21, 2012/ Page 9


Lobos aim to break .500 in season closer vs CSU Carrier may beat UNM season rushing record

by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

A battle of two rebuilding sub.500 teams doesn’t usually make for an important football game, but don’t tell that to first-year UNM head coach Bob Davie. “They’re (Colorado State) trying to get their program established, and make no doubt about it, it’s a big football game,” he said at his final weekly press conference of the 2012 season on Tuesday. UNM faces CSU on Saturday in both teams’ season finale. The Lobos stand 4-8, 1-6 MWC and are on a five-game losing streak, while Colorado State is 3-8, 2-5 and has won two of its last four games after starting the year 1-6. First-year CSU head coach Jim McElwain said he’s impressed by the way Davie has turned around the Lobo football program. “This will be a game versus a team that has done an amazing

job. You watch how New Mexico is playing under coach Davie,” McElwain said. “I really am looking forward to Saturday’s game.” UNM has the fourth-best rushing attack in the nation, averaging 314.9 yards per game. Junior running back Kasey Carrier has tallied 1,410 rushing yards, and is 41 yards away from breaking the UNM all-time season single mark set by DonTrell Moore in 2003. “It does mean something to me; just coming from what we’ve been doing in the past, it means a lot,” Carrier said. “But it starts up front with the offensive lineman because they’ve come a long way as a unit.” Davie said the offensive line is the main reason for the team’s rushing success. “Throwing the ball isn’t really an option,” he said, “and not only are you not doing it in a new scheme, you’re doing it with guys who didn’t have a whole lot of success running the football, you’re doing it in front of a whole ball park that knows you’re running the football.” The Rams rank 104th in

the nation in rushing defense, allowing an average of 208.4 yards per game. CSU gave up a season-high 459 rushing yards in a 42-21 loss at Air Force on Sept. 29, but McElwain said the team has defended the run better since that game. “One of the things our guys have done is taking to heart what it means to do your job and be responsible for your assignment and your discipline of playing it,” he said. “The attack we’re seeing this week causes you to make sure you’re sound and disciplined. This is a great challenge because they’re doing a great job on offense.” CSU counters with a twoheaded rushing attack with junior Chris Nwoke and freshman Donnell Alexander combining to average 124.5 yards per game. Davie said the toughest part about facing the Rams will be their home-field advantage. “The biggest thing that concerns me is that they’ve been so good at home — they’ve won two Mountain West games at home,” he said.

Adria Malcolm / @adriamalcolm / Daily Lobo Kasey Carrier looks up to see the referee’s call after Nevada player tackled him on Saturday at University Stadium. Carrier needs 41 more rushing yards to break the single-season rushing record.

Football at Colorado State

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Page 10 / Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Paradise Jam champs net Alford’s 130th win by J.R. Oppenheim

assistantsports@dailylobo.com @JROppenheim

It’s difficult to call the fourth game of the season a “must-win situation,” but the UNM men’s basketball team made an early statement against a nationally ranked foe late Monday night. Junior guard Kendall Williams scored 15 points during the U.S. Virgin Islands Paradise Jam championship game, leading the Lobos to a 66-60 victory over No. 21 Connecticut of the Big East Conference. He had 52 points and 11 assists during the tournament’s three games, earning MVP honors in the process. “I just wanted to carry some leadership with this team. I’m glad it was noticed,” Williams said. “I was able to distribute a little bit really with the turnovers down. An MVP is a personal award that reflects the team.” UNM has won 12 of its last 13 regular-season contests against teams in the six power conferences — Big East, ACC, Big 10, Big 12, SEC and Pac-12. The Big East is considered one of the best basketball conferences in the nation. The Lobos handed UConn its first loss of the young season. Steve Alford reached victory No. 130 as UNM’s head coach, becoming the school’s alltime wins leader during his first six years of tenure. He has 438 wins in 22 years as a head coach, and he has a 13-6 record against ranked teams while with the Lobos. “We told the team today during walkthroughs that our program has done a lot in a very short time,” Alford said on Monday. “One hundred thirty wins to date — we’ve won a lot of games.” The Lobos (4-0) overcame early struggles and a poor shooting percentage en route to the title. They finished the game with a season-low 39.6 percent from the field, hitting just 19 of 48 shots. UNM missed its first nine field goal attempts, a skid snapped by guard Jamal Fenton at the 13:11 mark with four points. The senior

role player saw his first action of the season in the tournament finale after serving a threegame suspension for an NCAA impermissible benefits violation. After the sluggish start, UNM held a 3027 lead at halftime and led by as many as 10 points in the second half. After UNM’s holding a 53-44 lead, UConn (4-1) scored 11 straight points to regain the lead at 55-53. A 3-pointer by sophomore guard Hugh Greenwood kickstarted a 9-0 run and gave the Lobos a lead they did not relinquish. Much like the season opener against Davidson, free-throw shooting came through when needed. UNM did not miss a foul shot against UConn, sinking all 21 attempts. Through four games, the Lobos are shooting 84.6 percent from the line. Of Williams’ 15 points, 13 came in the second half after missing his first five attempts. Junior guard Tony Snell joined Williams on the alltournament team after he scored 11 points in the final. Greenwood scored a season-high 12 points with seven rebounds, while sophomore center Alex Kirk netted 10 points. The Lobo bench came up big with 18 points, shooting 5 of 9 from the floor. The bench also pulled down 10 rebounds, provided three assists and made two steals. “That’s what we hang our hats on: We’re deep. We play together,” Greenwood said. “When one guy is having a rough night, we can count on the other guys to keep that fire up. Everyone contributes.” UConn had three players reach double figures, led by junior guard Shabazz Napier’s 23 points. Sophomore guard Ryan Boatright added 12 points, and freshman guard Omar Calhoun netted 10 points. From the field, the Huskies made 23 of 54 (42.6 percent). UNMreachedthetournamentchampionship game with earlier wins over Illinois-Chicago and George Mason. UConn defeated Wake Forest

AP File Photo Sophomore guard Hugh Greenwood attempts a pass against Davidson on Nov. 12. The Lobos won the Paradise Jam on Monday by defeating Connecticut 66-60 in the championship game. and Quinnipiac in earlier rounds. The Lobos return to The Pit this week for a four-game home stand, beginning Friday against Idaho. Action resumes Sunday against Portland and Tuesday against Mercer. “I’m really happy for us. It’s a great start to the year to get a tournament under our belt,” Williams said. “Now we get to go home for a couple games at The Pit.”

Men’s basketball vs. Idaho 8:30 p.m. Friday

vs. Portland 6 p.m. Sunday The Pit

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ednesday 21,ovember FOR RELEASE NOVEMBER 2012

21, 2012/ Page 11

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem.

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ACROSS 1 Unit price word 5 Gets ready to travel 10 Game where 3Down are used 14 Org. concerned with privacy laws 15 Pasta product suffix 16 Aroma 17 Ticket remnant 18 Speed __ 19 H-hour relative 20 Cartoon quittingtime shout 23 Lay into 24 Group of four 27 “__ Misérables” 29 “Odds __ ...” 30 J. Geils Band record label 31 Swaddling clothes wearer 35 Fins wearer 38 Three-time A.L. batting champ Tony 40 Letters before a pen name 41 Cardiologist’s insertion 42 Bookmarked link, say 45 Soup can painter Warhol 46 Schubert’s “The __ King” 47 Gaming cube 48 Four-song discs, briefly 50 Sound system 52 Venetian marketplace 57 Phone line difficulty … and what literally appears four times in 20-, 35and 42-Across 61 Word from the flock 63 “Today” anchor Hill 64 Good listeners 65 Barber’s nape sprinkle 66 Starter course 67 Stake in a pot 68 It’s not a true story 69 “__ Dream”: “Lohengrin” aria 70 Harbor skyline feature




By Gary Cee

DOWN 1 Class that requires little effort 2 Play the role of 3 Certain pro’s selections 4 When repeated, an enthusiastic shout 5 Table tennis tools 6 Field 7 Brush partner 8 Gearshift topper 9 “My Way” singer 10 Dramatic noshow 11 Roulette bet choice 12 Mauna __ 13 Cook in oil 21 Be unwell 22 Good ones don’t go unpunished, so they say 25 Change for the better 26 Below the belt 28 “Eek!” inducer 29 Take down a peg 31 Pitney’s partner 32 Colorful warning, often 33 Evangelical hot spot

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

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34 Señora Perón 36 Hawaiian strings 37 “Make __ good one!” 39 Put two and two together 43 Bishop’s jurisdiction 44 Goes viral, say 49 [Not my typo] 51 Italian alternative 53 Mr. T’s group


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CLEAN 1BDRM, FREE UNM parking, no pets. 4125 Lead SE. $490/mo +electricity. 850-9749.

NEWLY REMODELED STUDIO & 1BDRM apartments available for immediate move-in starting at $515. Select studio apartments are furnished and include all utilities paid, plus free Wi-Fi. Location is within walking distance to the UNM campus. Holiday move-in specials offered. Availability going fast so don’t delay. We will be waiting for your call. 505-255-6208.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.


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AFFORDABLE- UNM/ DOWNTOWN. Remodeled 1BDRM apartments. $525-$575/mo +utilities. Singles. 266-4505. MOVING OUT OF dorms? Our Studios with free utilities, closest to UNM. 505246-2038. “ask dorm special” www.kachina-properties.com

Condos 3BEDROOMS AND 2BA/ 2CG. 2 Living areas. 1600sf. Near Girard and Indian School. $1290/mo +utilities. No pets. Call 280-0997 for more information.

Duplexes 3BDRM, 2BA, W/D included, fenced backyard, off-street parking, granite countertops, hardwood floors. 321 Standford SE. $1,155/mo $1,200dd, 362-0837.

Houses For Rent 1100 SQUAREFOOT TOWNHOUSE. 2BDRM, 2 BA., 2 CG Near Juan Tabo and Montgomery. $950/mo + utilities. No pets. Call 280-0997. 2BDRM 1BA HOUSE 900 sqft. Hardwood floors, off-street parking. $730/mo includes gas, tenant pays electricity. Preferably NS, pets ok. 301 Princeton SE. 270-0891. 7 BLOCKS TO UNM. Remodeled 3BDRM 2BA, 2 living areas, W/D, house remodeled, $1275/mo +$850dd. Available January 1. 712 Princeton SE. 210-479-8972.

Houses For Sale $215K, 1348 VASSAR NE, Albuquerque. Campus cutie! 3BDRM/2BA/1CG. Kellie, Pargin RE 9912758.

Rooms For Rent FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share a 3BDRM/2BA house with two other female students. Serious, n/s, clean, mature female preferred. Call Jessica, 505-977-7766. STUDIOUS FEMALE ROOMMATE needed $345/mo +utilities. 3BDRM/2BA, two female roommates, take over lease, safe nice location. Call 303947-9927. FEMALE WANTED TO take over Lobo Village lease sarting in December or January (early as possible). $300 of first month. Text Anna: 505-249-7102. LOOKING FOR MALE Roommate to take over Lobo Village lease for Spring 2013. Call 399-9797.


Wednesday Art & Music

After UNM: Built and Un-Built Work of SA+P Alumni 8:00am – 5:00pm George Pearl Hall Gallery Dancing With The Dark 10:00am – 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE The first exhibition about Joan Snyder’s adventurous approach to printmaking, a medium in which she has worked extensively for over forty-five years. The Transformative Surface 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE Features innovative new media, video, and sound works of art by nine faculty artists from the departments of Art; Art History and Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media, and six guest artists.

Campus Events Indian Bread Sale 11:00am – 3:00pm Maxwell Museum Courtyard Oven bread, baked fresh in the Maxwell’s horno. Indian tacos &

CASAS DEL RIO $511/mo. Need female to take over lease, includes wifi, cable, elecricity. Located on campus. November rent payed, ready to move in. 505-550-6268. MALE ROOMMATE WANTED for Casas Del Rio. Call/text 505-553-4884. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 3BDRM/2BA, close to campus Girard and Gibson. $340 a month +utilities. Call Lilliam 713-480-3432. 2 ROOMMATES WANTED. Female, NS, students, no pets. Share a fully furnished 3BDRM house near Wyoming and Menaul. Wireless, DirectTV. Utilities, W/D included. $400/mo +$50 nonrefundable cleaning fee. 505-250-4601.

Dancing With The Dark 10:00am – 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE The first exhibition about Joan Snyder’s adventurous approach to printmaking, a medium in which she has worked extensively for over forty-five years. The Transformative Surface 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE Features innovative new media, video, and sound works of art by nine faculty artists from the departments of Art; Art History and Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media, and six guest artists.

UNM IS LOOKING for adult women with asthma less than 56 years old for a research study. If you are interested in finding out more about this study, please contact study coordinator at 9256174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud.unm. edu

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS? Advertise in the Daily Lobo! Students make great volunteers! Give us a call today! 505-277-5656 Or email classifieds@dailylobo.com

Vehicles For Sale 2003 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS , fully loaded. 127k. Excellent condition.35 MPG. $3,700. Contact Dana at 9331782.

Jobs Off Campus !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.


LOCAL ALBUQUERQUE COMPANY seeking a full time hourly Digital Marketing Coordinator to handle a variety of web tasks along with some marketing projects. Responsibilities include creating and managing weekly email marketing promotions, website deals and specials, and implementing various marketing projects. Some Saturdays required.

Brazilian Wax

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BRAZILIAN WAXING BOUTIQUE Full Body Waxing • Microderm Facials • Spray Tanning EASTSIDE 2910 San Mateo Blvd Abq., NM 87110 505-217-5508

WESTSIDE 10200 Corrales Rd Abq., NM 87114 505-922-0WAX(0929)

SANTA FE 1544 Cerrillos Rd Abq., NM 87505 505-989-4WAX(4929)


Happy Thanksgiving! Art & Music

After UNM: Built and Un-Built Work of SA+P Alumni 8:00am – 5:00pm George Pearl Hall Gallery

SPRING 2013 ENGLISH Program In Korea (EPIK). $1,600-2,500/month plus housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation. Must have BA degree Deadline: Sometime in November **this date is tentative and could change depending on circumstances**. Please visit the website www.epik.go.k

USED CONN FRENCH horn (student) $175. Jimi 480-7444.

Student Groups & Gov.

Art & Music


MOVING SALE! BIRD song used books1708 Central SE-20% off-Nov 20 thru Dec 29-gift giving solved! 268-7204.



EXPERIENCED PARALEGAL. FLEXIBLE part or full-time. Knowledge of personal injury, bankruptcy law, quickbooks pro, wordperfect, a plus. Spanish speaker preferred. Send resume to fax 247-1120 or email to injury505@gmail.com

TUTORS NEEDED. LOOKING for College students to tutor in 24 APS schools. Flexible hours 7:30-3:00 MTH. Starting salary $9.50/hr Contact: Lucy Ramirez ramirez_lu@aps.edu

For Sale

more by the Edaakies of of Isleta Pueblo. $5

Greeks Against Drunk Driving 12:00pm – 1:00pm SUB Luminaria


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Space, Rooms for Rent, or any For 10¢ per word in Personals, Rooms • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fax • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Express. Come by room 107 Come by room 131 in Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

BLOCK TO UNM. Large, clean, 1BDRM, $550/mo, includes utilities, no pets. Move in special! 255-2685.

NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $650/mo. 505-610-2050.

sandiaproperties@gmail.com www.sandiapropertymanagement.com



new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Saturday Sports & Rec

After UNM: Built and Un-Built Work of SA+P Alumni 8:00am – 5:00pm George Pearl Hall Gallery Dancing With The Dark 10:00am – 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE The first exhibition about Joan Snyder’s adventurous approach to printmaking, a medium in which she has worked extensively for over forty-five years. The Transformative Surface 10:00am - 4:00pm UNM Art Museum 203 Cornell NE Features innovative new media, video, and sound works of art by nine faculty artists from the departments of Art; Art History and Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media, and six guest artists.

Sports & Rec

Theaters & Films

Men’s Basketball vs Portland 6:00pm The Pit

Theaters & Films Annie 2:00pm – 3:30pm Popejoy Hall Comic strip heroine takes center stage.

The Nutcracker Ballet 7:00pm Popejoy Hall Put on by the New Mexico Ballet Company, also an oppotunity to donate to Toys for Tots.

The Nutcracker Ballet 2:00pm – 3:30pm Popejoy Hall Put on by the New Mexico Ballet Company, also an oppotunity to donate to Toys for Tots.

Annie 7:30pm Popejoy Hall Comic strip heroine takes center stage.

Want an Event in Lobo Life?

Sunday Art & Music

Women’s Basketball vs North Texas 5:30pm The Pit Thanksgiving tournament. Georgia & Saint Bonaventure Men’s Basketball vs Idaho 8:30pm The Pit

Women’s Basketball Championship 7:00pm The Pit Thanksgiving tournament. Georgia & Saint Bonaventure

Sports & Rec

Paula Corbin Swalin, soprano 3:00pm – 4:00pm Keller Hall

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on the “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page 4. Type in the event information and submit!

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