NM Daily Lobo 011513

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Likely bedfellows see Page 4

January 15, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Psych exhibit has Scientology roots by John Tyczowski news@dailylobo.com

On Monday, Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) opened a display in the SUB alleging the destructive role of psychiatry in peoples’ lives. “Psychiatry: An Industry of Death” is set up SUB Ballroom B and runs through Saturday. The exhibit consists of 150 feet of display panels interspaced by 14 flat-screen TVs showing short documentaries reinforcing the material on nearby panels. There are 12 such traveling exhibits that tour internationally. According to Roshelle Greer, a CCHR volunteer at the exhibit, CCHR was founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Thomas Szasz, but today it is separate from the church. At the same time, many of CCHR’s members are Scientologists, and most of its funding comes from Scientologist backers as well. But Greer stressed the independence of the organization. “We’re not formally affiliated with the Church of Scientology anymore,” she said. “We’re here to bring awareness about this cause. There’s no other agenda.” Greer mentioned how there have been problems at exhibits in the past involving individuals who disagree with the Scientologist roots of the organization. “We have to have security at events, just in case,” she said. A ribbon cutting ceremony including several speakers was held

Monday evening outside the exhibit. CCHR-New Mexico’s lead investigator, Joel Ervin, spoke about the purpose of the exhibit. “We want to shine the light of truth on psychiatry and its sordid history,” he said. One of the main points of the exhibit is the allegation that psychiatrists profit through mental illnesses by first voting on what should be considered an illness, and then by working with pharmaceutical companies to create drugs for those illnesses. “Psychiatry has repackaged human behaviors as diseases in order to sell drugs,” Ervin said. Ervin also said that the medication used to treat these illnesses often leads to selfdestructive behaviors such as suicide. Pat Mena, author of “You’ll Be Fine, Darling,” also spoke and related her personal connection to the misuse of drugs. She spoke about her son, Anthony Mena, who was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after serving in Iraq. Anthony Mena was prescribed 35 different medications for conditions including sleeplessness and anxiety. Pat Mena said it was this overmedication that resulted in her son’s death in his sleep several months after his diagnosis. The University’s policy on free expression and dissent, found in both the Student Handbook and the

see Psychiatry PAGE 5



Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Snowfall on the Sandias late Monday night. The University declared a two-hour delay for today due to the inclement weather.

High schooler rips adoption ban by Jim Heintz

The Associated Press MOSCOW — A blind Russian high-schooler’s impassioned criticism of the ban on adoption by Americans has added a new and compelling voice to the chorus of condemnation of the law. Since her Jan. 6 blog entry com-

plaining about the ban, written as an open letter to President Vladimir Putin, Natasha Pisarenko has attracted the wide attention of Russian media and, she fears, drawn the disapproving notice of authorities. The adoption ban, which went into effect Jan. 1, is one of the most controversial moves of the first year

of Putin’s third term in the Kremlin. It was enacted as part of a bill retaliating for a new U.S. law that calls for sanctions against Russians deemed to be human rights violators. But critics say it punishes innocent children by denying them a chance of escaping Russia’s often-dismal

see Adoption PAGE 2

Hindus spiritually cleanse in the Ganges Ritual bathing believed to wash away sins by Biswajeet Banerjee The Associated Press

ALLAHABAD, India — Millions of devout Hindus led by naked ascetics with ash smeared on their bodies plunged into the frigid waters of India’s holy Ganges River on Monday in a ritual they believe can wash away their sins. The ceremony in the northern city of Allahabad took place on the most auspicious day of the Kumbh Mela, or Pitcher Festival, one of the world’s largest religious gatherings that lasts 55 days. Festival official Mani Prasad Mishra said nearly 3 million people had bathed by late morning and 11 million were expected to enter the chilly water by the day’s end. Over 110 million people are expected to take a dip at the Sangam, the place where three rivers — the Ganges, the Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati — come together at the edge of Allahabad in North India. There are six auspicious bathing days, decided by the alignment of

see Kumbh

Kevin Frayer

Mela PAGE 5

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

Indian Hindu holy men, or Naga Sadhus, run naked into the water at Sangam, the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna and mythical Saraswati river, during the royal bath on Makar Sankranti at the start of the Maha Kumbh Mela in Allahabad, India on Monday.

issue 80

/ AP Photo

Afrikaans dance!

See you later

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orphanages. Around 20,000 people held a protest march against the measure in Moscow on Sunday that included banners likening Putin to King Herod, whom the Bible says ordered the massacre of Jewish male infants. Pisarenko wrote sarcastically that by signing the law, Putin was “saving children from American evil” and said that Russians rarely adopt disabled children because the country’s medical system is backward and can’t take care of them. “They die because Russia doesn’t have modern medicine,” she wrote. Pisarenko, blind from birth, writes that she has painful personal experience with Russia’s medical inadequacy. She says that although her father detected her blindness within days of her birth, Russian doctors were unable to diagnose it for months. But, she says, she received precise diagnosis and the hope of treatment from German and American doctors. “For Russian doctors, I am a child with an illness of unknown etiology … but in Germany and America I am a patient whose sight the doctors are trying to restore,” she wrote. Concluding her post, Pisarenko called on Putin to

volume 117

adopt five or 10 children with serious congenital disorders. Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted by a local radio station as saying “Of course we will pay attention to such a statement. “This girl is well known to us, she’s known by the regional authorities and by the health ministry,” he said. Pisarenko and her parents have challenged authorities before, according to Russian media, notably when her parents agitated to have her educated at a regular school in her native Rostov-on-Don, rather than sending her away to a school for the blind. She’s now in 10th grade, one year short of graduation under the Russian system. In a later post, she expressed worry that her letter would cause her parents to be called in for questioning by regional authorities. When The Associated Press on Monday asked her father, Nikolai, if Natasha could be interviewed, he said he had been ordered not to comment to news media, but declined to say who issued the order. APTN “Probably, I will regret that In this image from video provided by APTN on Monday, Natasha Pisarenko stands in class at her school in the southern Russian city of Rostov-onI wrote what I think,” Natasha Don. The blind Russian high-schooler’s impassioned criticism of the ban on adoption by Americans has added a new and compelling voice to the wrote in her blog on Saturday. chorus of condemnation of the law.

issue 80

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Alexandra Swanberg News Editor John Tyczkowski Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Juan Labreche Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Multi Media Editor Zachary Zahorik

Design Director Connor Coleman Design Assistants Erica Aragon Josh Dolin Andrew Quick Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

Learn About Learn! Discover UNM Learn — the new official Online Learning Management System. Currently, there are two Enterprise Learning Management Systems in use at UNM: WebCT Vista and UNM Learn. WebCT Vista is being retired and UNM Learn is replacing it. By Summer 2013, WebCT Vista will be phased out and UNM Learn will be the only system. When is all this happening? Starting in Spring 2013, all fully online classes offered by UNM main campus will be in the new system. If your class meets face to face and your instructor uses online tools for managing your grades, quizzes, or other course functions, then your class may or may not be in UNM Learn in the spring – it’s up to your professor. In some cases, you may have classes in both of the systems – but just for the Spring. Starting in the Summer, all classes of all types will be in UNM Learn.

NMEL has been testing UNM Learn in actual classes and student and faculty feedback has been positive overall. So, what’s new in UNM Learn? Here are some highlights: t .PSF DPOUFNQPSBSZ UPPMT t 2VJDL BDDFTT UP EZOBNJD DPVSTF information t $PVSTF NFOV t 0OF QMBDF GPS BMM HSBEFT BOE assessment feedback t .PSF DPNNVOJDBUJPO PQUJPOT Visit learnaboutlearn.unm.edu and link to valuable information and resources for UNM’s new Learning Management System. For questions, email learn@unm.edu.


ONLINE New Media & Extended Learning (NMEL)

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Tuesday, January 15, 2013/ Page 3




Tuesday, January 15, 2012

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @AlexSwanberg



New student regent has long served UNM Editor’s note: This is in response to “Gov. Susana Martinez nominates UNM medical student Heidi Overton to be the new UNM student regent,” published in the Daily Lobo on Jan. 7. Editor, It is with great respect and optimism that we write about the nomination of Heidi Overton as the next student regent of the University of New Mexico. On Jan. 4, Gov. Martinez announced her nomination of Overton as the new UNM student regent. UNM students can feel confident with Martinez’s selection at this crucial and pivotal time in this University’s existence. We have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Overton for six years here at UNM in both professional and leadership positions. Perhaps Overton’s greatest qualities are her passion, intelligence and leadership abilities. Overton has spent a majority of her time here at UNM working diligently to meet the needs of the students not for her own personal gain, but because she genuinely cares about current and future UNM students. Overton has a wealth of knowledge of many UNM student organizations and departments from her time as an ASUNM senator and a member of the Student Fee Review Board. Overton’s unending work as an undergraduate leader earned her the prestigious Clauve Outstanding Senior Award. Overton’s service to UNM did not stop when she completed her bachelor’s degree. She has continued to serve in medical school on several student organizations and also with the GPSA. She is truly a tireless, passionate student leader. Not only does Overton exhibit a serving attitude, but she is also eager to listen. Every Lobo should feel like he or she is welcome to bring meaningful concerns to Overton’s attention. Overton’s office will certainly be a very welcoming place. Student Regent Jacob Wellman has served an admirable term guiding the University while serving the students. His shoes will be difficult to fill. Luckily for the students, Overton is a great successor. She will be a great steward of our University and continue to embody leadership, compassion and vision for all Lobos. David A. Medrano UNM student Chelsea Stallings UNM alumna

Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Alexandra Swanberg Managing editor Opinion editor

John Tyczkowski News editor


Egotism buries our common humanity by Alexandra Swanberg opinion@dailylobo.com

A self-proclaimed Mac fanatic found a picture of a factory worker on his newest device and decided he wanted to find out more about where Apple products come from and how they’re made. This man, Mike Daisey, was featured in an episode of This American Life, a program on NPR. He investigated Foxconn, an Apple manufacturer. He managed to get past the manufacturer’s tight security and interviewed workers about their experiences. Though Foxconn has been taking steps to improve worker conditions, it remains a less than ideal place to work. Child labor was a big issue for a while, one that Foxconn addressed. It addressed rising employee suicide rates by placing nets around the building to catch jumpers. Extremely long hours were another complaint. And people are always waiting at the gates for a job. This is the kind of competition that comes with a globalized society, one with a rising population that’s driven to be the best, to be the richest and to own the most To be the king of what you perceive to be your domain. Some people get to be in this position because they’ve made the right connections, opened the right doors or have inherited money. Others work their way up. However, not everyone who works his or her tail off will become rich. Those who do become rich can be greedy, territorial and seem to think they need more than they actually do. Thus, there are fewer resources for the people who haven’t made it that far. As humans, we need food and water. Shelter is great, and so is love and comfort. Beyond this, we have wants. We have been perceiving wants as needs, and we are in a race to accumulate because of it. I’m concerned about what our country and other parts of the world have come to value. The people who are valued are paid the most, as being in a capitalist society means your worth can be measured in dollars. There are, of course, valued positions in fields such as

medicine and engineering. But why should movie stars and athletes make more than teachers? If we continue to give entertainment priority over education, our world will be comparable to the satire illustrated in the movie “Idiocracy.” This is a world in which you can sit on the toilet in front of a screen with 12 different programs showing at once, a world in which you can get your law degree at Costco. Plants are watered with sports drinks, and die because of it. Water is what’s in your toilet, not something you drink. The movie is hilarious, but it does make you think about the direction in which we’re headed. Let’s put money aside for a moment, because it is only as important as we make it. Truly, money is nothing. It’s paper, and the gold that in the past backed it up is intrinsically worthless. You cannot survive alone on a desert island with a bar of gold. What would you do with your life if money was not important? What if it didn’t exist? How might you live your life differently? The folks at Foxconn would not kill themselves at jobs like that. I like to think the world would be radically different, but really, money is only part of the problem. This competitive spirit has stoked a dark fire in our hearts. If you could record the number of negative thoughts you have in a day, would it outweigh the positive? How often do you criticize yourself and others, or compare yourself to someone else? We are full of insecurities because we’ve come to value cosmetics, the superficial. Money is superficial. So are material objects. What is the point of buying phone after phone after phone, as soon as the latest version hits the market? These things are an indicator of status, and the people who buy into those trends fear that without having these things, they will be nothing. Why let ourselves be defined by what we own? We are so much more than that. There are those who are insecure and crumple because they lack self-worth. Then there are people who develop an overinflated sense of ego, a defense mechanism. Another

defense mechanism is criticizing others with the same faults as you. Anybody who’s spent time in the company of an egomaniac can see right through their show. They don’t actually think they’re that great, but want to make sure everybody thinks of them as superior. As I see it, the root of the problem is that we see each other as different. Truly, we are not so separate. We are a social species and need each other to thrive. When people lived in tight-knit communities, there was not the kind of conflict we see today. When people care for each other, there is prosperity for everybody. It is only when societies become greedy that poverty is prevalent. It’s not natural for us to nourish the animosity thriving in today’s world. Because of globalization, we are at an interesting crossroads in the history of the world. For the first time, we are able to travel the world, to experience different cultures, to know everything there is out there. We need to take the time to understand everybody, to hear one another out. We can either recognize we are in the same boat and behave as such, or we can continue to battle each other in the name of proving our individual superiority. Listening to NPR when the fiscal cliff was looming, I heard two arguments. When I spoke with my Republican uncle, he explained the nuances not discussed in mainstream media. There are points at which both parties can meet. People are not entirely unreasonable. But playing the political game gets in the way of progress. Because once a politician recognizes they can get on board with another party’s ideals, she fears her constituents will perceive this as betrayal. This is the kind of divide that is keeping us in gridlock. Can the world just get over itself? Forget ego, forget your reputation, forget individualism and being superior. Nobody is perfect; everybody is doing what they can to survive. The sooner we learn to get along and recognize what is truly important and necessary in this world, the sooner we can live without fear and insecurity.


New Mexico Daily Lobo


from page 1

Business Policies and Procedures Manual, explicitly says that “the expression of free exercise must be balanced with the rights of others to learn, work and conduct business,� and only speech that “unduly interferes with the rights of others or the ability of the University to carry out its mission is not protected by the First Amendment and violates this policy.� This approach results in a wide breadth of topics that are able to be discussed on UNM property, provided the related organizations do so in a manner that meets the civility definitions laid out in the policy, said Dianne Anderson, director of communications at UNM. At the same time, the process for reserving rooms for events in the SUB, available on the building’s website does not include a review of the content that organizations plan to display or discuss in reserved rooms, Anderson said.

Kumbh Mela

“Psychiatry: An Industry of Death� Monday thru Saturday 9 a.m to 9 p.m. SUB Ballroom B Free

Mark Grace / Daily Lobo Manny Chavez, 23, and his younger cousin Mauricio Lozano watch one of 14 short documentaries at the “Industry of Death� exhibit in the SUB Monday evening. Chavez, a recent convert to Scientology, visited the exhibit put on by Citizen Commission on Human Rights, cofounded by the Church of Scientology in 1969.

from page 1

stars, when the Hindu devout bathe to wash away their sins and free themselves from the cycle of death and rebirth. A sea of humanity assembled on the river bank as people waited patiently for their turn to step into the water. Men in underpants, women in saris and children — naked and clothed — chanted Hindu scriptures as they walked into the water. The bathing process was initiated by religious heads of different Hindu monasteries who reached the bathing points, called ghats, on silver chariots. Some were carried on silver palanquins, accompanied by marching bands. Applause rose from tens of thousands of pilgrims waiting behind barricades as the religious heads set off the ceremony. The heads of the monasteries Albuquerque Daily Lobo - 2c x 3� - 4� x 3�

threw flowers on the devotees as they shouted “har har gangey,� or Long Live Ganges. The biggest spectacle was that of the Naga sadhus, or ascetics, who raced to the river wearing only marigold garlands in a cacophony of religious chants. About 50,000 policemen have been deployed to keep order at the festival, fearing everything from terrorist attacks to the ever-present danger of stampedes of pilgrims. Several squads of police on horseback regulated the flow of pilgrims to and from the ghats. According to Hindu mythology, the Kumbh Mela celebrates the victory of gods over demons in a furious battle over nectar that would give them immortality. As one of the gods fled with a



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pitcher of the nectar across the skies, it spilled on four Indian towns — Allahabad, Nasik, Ujjain and Haridwar. The Kumbh Mela is organized four times every 12 years in those towns. Hindus believe that sins accumulated in past and current lives require them to continue the cycle of death and rebirth until they are cleansed. If they bathe at the Ganges on the most auspicious day of the festival, believers say they can rid themselves of their sins. Tens of thousands of pilgrims slept the night on the vast festival grounds in more than 1 million tents — green, blue, and brown — while many huddled together under trees. Some 20,000 makeshift toilets have been have been erected, while 10,000 sweepers have been deployed to keep the tent town clean.

Tuesday, January 15, 2012/ Page 5


Page 6 / Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Will a longer school year help? by Julie Carr Smyth

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Did your kids moan that winter break was way too short as you got them ready for the first day back in school? They might get their wish of more holiday time off under proposals catching on around the country to lengthen the school year. But there’s a catch: a much shorter summer vacation. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, a chief proponent of the longer school year, says American students have fallen behind the world academically. “Whether educators have more time to enrich instruction or students have more time to learn how to play an instrument and write computer code, adding meaningful in-school hours is a critical investment that better prepares children to be successful in the 21st century,” he said in December when five states announced they would add at least 300 hours to the academic calendar in some schools beginning this year. The three-year pilot project will affect about 20,000 students in 40 schools in Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York and Tennessee. Proponents argue that too much knowledge is lost while American kids wile away the summer months apart from their lessons. The National Summer Learning Association cites decades of research that shows students’ test scores are higher in the same subjects at the beginning of the summer than at the end. “The research is very clear about that,” said Charles Ballinger, executive director emeritus of the National Association for Year-Round School in San Diego. “The only ones who don’t lose are the upper 10 to 15 percent of the student body. Those tend to be gifted, college-bound, they’re natural learners who will learn wherever they are.” Supporters also say a longer school year would give poor children more access to school-provided healthy meals. Yet the movement has plenty of detractors — so many that Ballinger sometimes feels like the Grinch trying to steal Christmas. “I had a parent at one meeting say, ‘I want my child to lie on his back in the grass watching the clouds in the sky during the day and the moon and stars at night,’” Ballinger recalled. “I thought, ‘Oh, my. Most kids do that for

two, three, maybe four days, then say, ‘What’s next?’’” But opponents aren’t simply dreamy romantics. Besides the outdoor opportunities for pent up youngsters, they say families already are beholden to the school calendar for three seasons out of four. Summer breaks, they say, are needed to provide an academic respite for students’ overwrought minds, and to provide time with family and the flexibility to travel and study favorite subjects in more depth. They note that advocates of year-round school cannot point to any evidence that it brings appreciable academic benefits.

“...adding meaningful in-school hours is a critical investment that better prepares children to be successful in the 21st century,” ~Arne Duncan education secretary “I do believe that if children have not mastered a subject that, within a week, personally, I see a slide in my own child,” said Tina Bruno, executive director of the Coalition for a Traditional School Calendar. “That’s where the idea of parental involvement and parental responsibility in education comes in, because our children cannot and should not be in school seven days a week, 365 days a year.” Bruno is part of a “Save Our Summers” alliance of parents, grandparents, educational professionals and some summertime recreation providers fighting year-round school. Local chapters carry names such as Georgians Need Summers, Texans for a Traditional School Year and Save Alabama Summers. The debate has divided parents and educators. School days shorter than work days and summer breaks that extend to as many as 12 weeks in some areas run up against increasing political pressure from working households — 30 percent of which are headed by women. These families must fill the gaps with afterschool

programs, day care, babysitters and camps. “Particularly where there are single parents or where both parents are working, they prefer to provide care for three weeks at a time rather than three months at a time,” Ballinger said. The National Center on Time & Learning has estimated that about 1,000 districts have adopted longer school days or years. Some places that have tried the year-round calendar, including Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and parts of California, have returned to the traditional approach. Strapped budgets and parental dissatisfaction were among reasons. At the heart of the debate is nothing less than the ability of America’s workforce to compete globally. Still, data are far from clear that more hours behind a desk can help. A Center for Public Education review found that students in India and China — countries Duncan has pointed to as giving children more classroom time than the U.S. — don’t actually spend more time in school than American kids, when disparate data are converted to apples-to-apples comparisons. The center, an initiative of the National School Boards Association, found 42 U.S. states require more than 800 instructional hours a year for their youngest students, and that’s more than India does. Opponents of extended school point out that states such as Minnesota and Massachusetts steadily shine on standardized achievement tests while preserving their summer break with a post-Labor Day school start. “It makes sense that more time is going to equate to more learning, but then you have to equate that to more professional development for teachers — will that get more bang for the buck?” said Patte Barth, the center’s director. “I look at it, and teachers and instruction are still the most important factor more so than time.” The center’s study also found that some nations that outperform the U.S. academically, such as Finland, require less school. A 2007 study by Ohio State University sociologist Paul von Hippel found virtually no difference in the academic gains of students who followed a traditional nine-month school calendar and those educated the same number of days spread across the entire year.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Tuesday, January 15, 2013/ Page 7

To Regis te



Page 8 / Tuesday, January 15, 2013

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

South Africa revisits the ‘50s Musical channels “Grease” as part of renewal of Afrikaans culture

by Christopher Torchia The Associated Press

HARTBEESPOORT, South Africa — Do you remember your first kiss? If you have a few years under your belt, maybe you stole it in the back of the movie theater, the projector whirring in the darkness. Or rather, back of the “bioscope,” a word for the cinema in South Africa in the old days. The fantasy world of “Pretville,” a “Grease”-style film musical in the Afrikaans language, celebrates 1950s Americana, the thrill of first love and foot-tapping classics that evoke innocence and discovery. It is also an affirmation of an Afrikaner identity that spent years in the doghouse after 1994 elections and the end of apartheid, the system of white minority rule imposed by Afrikaner nationalists in 1948. And while most of the actors are white, two who are not play authority figures, lampooning the now-discarded racial order. The musical, its creators stress, is joyful escapism, not a whitewashing of South Africa’s tortured history of race relations. As co-producer Paul Kruger noted, “pret” means “fun” in Afrikaans. The movie indulges in rock ‘n’ roll, vintage cars, greasers in sneakers, pin curl hairstyles and swing dresses, lots of pastel pink and blue, and double thick strawberry

milkshakes with extra cream. “I think we’ve been excluded in that whole journey during the ‘50s in South Africa,” Kruger said. He added with understatement: “We were busy with too many other things, too many other politics kept us busy.” The plot is about a farm boy and a town slicker who vie for a beauty’s affection, with assorted side-sagas and a generous sprinkling of flamboyant characters: an aging crooner called Eddie Elektriek who courts an old flame, a candy storeowner with an eye for the guys, a hairdresser-cum-mayor with a goatee and a pompadour, a stutterer in hornrimmed glasses and a pregnancy that fuels fevered gossip.

Boy Lollipop,” and “Skud, Skop en Hop” (Shake, Rattle and Roll) echoes “Great Balls of Fire.” “It’s taking something old, putting something new,” composer Machiel Roets said of pairing Afrikaans with vintage vibes. “Voila! A new recipe.” Afrikaans, the Dutch-based language of the descendants of European settlers, is spoken as a first language by 13.5 percent of South Africa’s 51 million people, according to the 2011 census. Pretville has a strong fan base and English subtitles but it isn’t a cross-over hit. The movie’s promoters say it’s part of a larger revival in the last few years of music and movies in Afrikaans, a language once tarred by its association with apartheid. The film set, which resembles small-town Main Street, is a popular tourist attraction for Afrikaansspeaking crowds that ogle the Hammerstein radio, Nash Metropolitan car, Handy Hannah hair dryer and other props, many bought on eBay and shipped from the United States. Annelie Engelbrecht, who was celebrating her 49th birthday there, and her husband, Pierre, traveled 435 miles from their home near South Africa’s Kruger game reserve to soak up the movie’s aura. The set lies near a mountain range west of the capital, Pretoria. A sign at the entrance announces the

“South Africa finally had a new narrative that they could draw from to make stories, because finally you had black peoples’ stories, colored peoples’ stories. ” ~Lizelle de Klerk actor The feel-good film borrows from Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis and West Side Story. But it’s a whole lotta shakin’ with an Afrikaner stamp. For example, the song “Is Jy Myne” (Are You Mine) is loosely based on “My

see Afrikaans page 9

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013/ Page 9

from page 8

production house: “Hartiwood Studios,� a play on the nearby town of Hartbeespoort, and Hollywood. “We used to go to the films and kiss at the back of the movies. It was really like that in the olden days,� Engelbrecht said. She thought the racial mixing in the movie was “tongue in cheek� because it was unthinkable under apartheid in the 1950s. “Blacks and whites wouldn’t have danced together, I can promise you that,� Engelbrecht said. “That is just the new South Africa.� Actor Terence Bridgett, the campy mayor who sashays around a hair salon, is of mixed heritage. His two assistants, Dyna and Dot, are “The Supremes� of Pretville. Entertainer Emo Adams, who has a Malay background and released an album titled “Tall, Dark & Afrikaans,� plays the police chief, breaking up a fight between the love-struck suitors and tossing them in jail. In a classic send-up, Adams delivers “Elvis the Pelvis� dance

moves in the olive-green uniform of the 1950s South African police. Security forces at that time harshly enforced a growing body of law that enshrined a system of white domination and racial segregation. Blacks lacked political rights, the right to move freely, the right to live where they wanted. They couldn’t, of course, visit “bioscopes� for whites. In 1976, the South African government tried to force the teaching of Afrikaans on schools in black townships, triggering massive protests and a bloody crackdown that ultimately invigorated opposition to white rule. After apartheid, Afrikaans became one of 11 official languages in the multi-ethnic country. R.W. Johnson, author of “South Africa’s Brave New World,� wrote that many Afrikaners felt so guilty about the past that they were reluctant to assert their culture, “in much the same way that after 1945 many Germans became uncomfortable with any assertion of German national identity.� Lizelle de Klerk, a Pretville

actor, remembers shunning her cultural background and helping craft plays in university about “how we hate being Afrikaans,� but now she believes Afrikaners can proudly tell their own stories, whether they are about race or not. De Klerk dreams of performing on London’s West End, but also wants to contribute to South African expression in the years ahead. She is reading a book about the 1990s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which opened a nation’s story-telling floodgates by hearing testimony about apartheid-era cruelty. “South Africa finally had a new narrative that they could draw from to make stories, because finally you had black peoples’ stories, colored peoples’ stories. You heard offenders’ stories. You heard ‘people that were victims’ stories,� de Klerk said. “So it’s a whole new dynamic. But I think we’re moving, slowly moving, forward. And it’s great.�

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Denis Farrell / AP Photo The set of the Afrikaans musical film “Pretville� is photographed from above in Hartebeespoort, South Africa on Thursday. The movie indulges in rock ‘n’ roll, vintage cars, greasers in sneakers, pin curl hairstyles and swing dresses, lots of pastel pink and blue, and doublethick strawberry milkshakes with extra cream.

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Page 10 / Tuesday, January 15, 2013


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Cafe mixes movies and mocha

Juan Labreche/ Daily Lobo Michael Palombo sits at a table in the front window of his cafe. Palombo started Fans of Film Cinema Cafe in October to be a haven for coffee lovers and film fanatics alike. His Twitter account has 23,000 followers, many of whom are independent filmmakers, and he shows independent films once per month at the cafe.

by Megan Underwood culture@dailylobo.com

The small stucco building at 504 Yale Blvd. S.E. once played host to the Albuquerque Occupy movement, a haven for protesters who cried out for more transparency on Wall Street. But, after the group split and the majority of the members moved to (un)Occupy, building owner Michael Palombo decided to turn it into the Fans of Film Cinema Cafe & Coffee House, which now dishes out lattes, pastries and a heaping dose of independent film. “I just have a passion for independent film and I wanted to bring more of that to the public,” Palombo said. “And I guess I love coffee, too.” Palombo started the cafe in October to support his social network called Fans of Film, which raises money and awareness to support independent filmmakers. He is mainly interested in supporting the local and online film communities. He has a Twitter following of more than 23,000 people from

across the globe, about 5,000 of whom are filmmakers. Palombo said he drew inspiration for his business from other cinema cafes, such as the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Austin and the Brew & View in Chicago, both of which he said have been extremely successful. He said these types of cafes provide a more public venue for films that might otherwise never be seen. “The idea of a cinema coffee shop or a cinema cafe is not new, it’s not a new concept, but it‘s nothing like that here,” he said. “The independent film scene here is growing but there isn’t a lot of public support other than film festivals.” Palombo said his interest in film stemmed from his career as a glassblower. With the advent of YouTube, he began filming and posting videos of his glassblowing to publicize his work. Soon, he said he wanted to make videos of other things, and began to work on set with filmmakers. Eventually he even made his own short film “This Ain’t New York.”

“I like to make things, and the independent film seemed like the ultimate thing to make,” he said. “I was turned on to film like I was turned on to glass.” Once a month, Palombo holds a screening at the cafe, which boasts its own in-house minitheater with a large screen, projector and seating. On Dec. 21, Palombo showed “The 420 Movie,” written and directed by independent filmmaker James Blackburn. In addition to the screenings, he also displays in the cafe works made by local artists, and periodically holds art auctions. He said that because he’s an artist, he thinks it’s important to support not only film, but art in all mediums as well. “All the arts are part of film, music, visual art. I mean every art goes into film, ultimately, at the end,” he said. “It’s about promoting the arts through film.” In addition to providing a local venue for artists, Palombo said he felt the University district needed a new,

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013/ Page 11

The Weekly Free

Your freedom is gone once again, so get used to it. If you’re going through freedom withdrawals, check out this week’s events.





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Karaoke, bean bag toss and board games? T-shirt giveaways, buttons, a raffle and snacks? You heard right, it’s UNM’s Uni Night and the theme is barbecue. The idea is it’s a chance to escape the frosty winter. The event runs from 8 to 11 p.m. in the SUB.



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Zuni map artists gather to explain why they make map art and what the art is supposed to express. According to the event listing, the discussion will include themes such as boundaries, ownership, time and Zuni knowledge. The event starts at 5:30 p.m. at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center at 2401 12th St. N.W.

Yes, it’s another film in the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Library system’s Books to the Big Screen series. “Sense and Sensibility” plays at 11 a.m. at the main branch at 501 Copper Ave. N.W. The film features Hugh Grant (hubba hubba), Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson, and follows the tale of two sisters’ trials of love, adapted from the novel by Jane Austen.



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If you like being told what to do with your life by a life coach, or are genuinely inspired by life coaches, then this is for you. Life coach Heidi Howley will explain how to live with more joy and fun. The event is at 6 p.m. at the White Horse shop at 3420 Lomas Blvd. N.E.

Thanks to Martin Luther King Jr., entrance to national parks is free on Monday. It’s probably not one of the outcomes he was expecting from his civil rights service work, but I’ll take it. Carlsbad Caverns is one of the many national parks in New Mexico that will be free, so now’s your chance to see it. You can access the caverns via elevator from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., or through the natural entrance from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The park is at 727 National Parks Highway in Carlsbad. ~Nicole Perez

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Page 12 / Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Students direct 1-act plays Festival at the Vortex showcases trio of challenging plays by Nicole Perez

culture@dailylobo.com UNM student and budding theater director Stephanie Grilo has come a long way since her first directing gig in high school, in which she didn’t even plan out the lighting before the performances. “I literally sat in the light booth with my director during the first performance and told him what I wanted,” she said. “He was basically improvising on the spot for me. That’s something I had to learn: that you have a paper tech, you sit and talk about what qualities of light you want — directional lighting, key lighting, stuff like that.” Grilo directs a one-act play — “Soft Dude,” by Joe Pintauro — in the Vortex Theatre’s production of a series of one-act plays titled “I Wanna Hold Your Hand.” The other plays in the production are Anton Chekhov’s “The Marriage Proposal” and Tennessee Williams’ “The Lady of Larkspur Lotion.” Grilo said she now knows that lighting is one of the many areas to which a director has to devote his or her attention. Grilo, a former cheerleader and athlete, said she never imagined doing theater as a career. But after getting involved with the art form in middle school, she said it’s similar to sports. “Theater is psychologically complicated and it takes a lot of work. It’s similar to sports too, in that you’ve got an ensemble in a show, you’ve got a team of players,” Grilo said. “You all have to work together to win. In theater it’s not necessarily competitive, but there’s definitely integrity that you’re trying to strive for in a production.” Grilo said she was quickly drawn to directing because of the skill sets it requires. “I like being an acting coach, and I like getting my actors to a place where they feel like they’re





Courtesy Photo The Vortex Theatre’s s production of a series of one-act plays, “I Wanna Hold Your Hand,” runs through this weekend. out of control of themselves and they break the barrier,” she said. “It’s growth, and I love watching that happen before my eyes.” But she said working with actors can also be the most difficult part of directing. “The hardest part is actually getting your actors to do what’s in your mind,” Grilo said. “It’s a big communication thing; having similar vocabulary is very helpful. I had an actor who I’d never worked with before, and we didn’t have the same system of language, so we were a little lost in translation at times. But that’s something that all directors ever have had to deal with.” One-act plays typically range from 10 to 40 minutes, so one might assume they are easier and less time-consuming to direct than full-length plays. But Matthew McVey Lee, president of UNM’s student production company, SCRAP, said one-acts have their own challenges. “In a one-act you have to make really strong choices,” Lee said. “Directing, you really have to pay attention to the character development and make sure the characters are immediately evident to the audience, and that they can understand the rising action, the purpose of the story. You don’t have a lot of time to beat around the bush.” Both Grilo and Lee applied

for “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” through the Vortex’s Young Directors Program, which gives young directors the chance to work with a professional company. Lee will direct Chekhov’s “The Marriage Proposal.” Lee said the plays that make up “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” span multiple eras and genres, but they are still tied together by a common thread. “Each of the plays builds with people in a relationship where there may be a certain amount of yearning in the relationship and obstacles,” Lee said. “‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand’ is indicative of a desire to not just reach out and hold somebody’s hand, but also the characters’ yearning to create or improve their relationships.”

I Wanna Hold Your Hand Friday and Saturday 7:30 p.m. Sunday 2 p.m. The Vortex Theatre 2004 1/2 Central Ave. S.E. $10 students, $18 general admission Call (505) 247-8600 or visit vortexabq.org to reserve tickets


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, January 15, 2013/ Page 13

Pet caiman guards drug stash by Terry Collins

The Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO — Authorities in Northern California made a snappy discovery during a routine probation check: An alligator-like reptile named “Mr. Teeth,” who was apparently protecting a stash of marijuana. When Alameda County Sheriff ’s deputies entered the Castro Valley home Jan. 8, they not only found 34 pounds of marijuana valued at an estimated $100,000, but also the 5-foot-long caiman inside a Plexiglas tank guarding it in a bedroom. Caimans are usually found in the wetland regions of Central and South America. They’re considered close relatives of

alligators. “We get guard dogs all the time when we search for grow houses and people stashing away all types of dope. But alligators? You just don’t see that every day,” Sgt. J.D. Nelson said Thursday. The reptile’s owner, Assif Mayar, was arrested that day and later charged with one count of possessing marijuana for sale. Mayar, 32, did not enter a plea during his arraignment in Alameda County Superior Court. He is being held in jail on $20,000 bail and is due back in court on Jan. 15. He could also face citations from the California Fish and Game Commission, including possession of an exotic animal without a permit.

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Mayar told deputies he got the creature to commemorate rapper Tupac Shakur’s 1996 death. “We have come across alligators before, but nobody can remember one this big and situated in such close proximity to act sort of as a sentry to the marijuana,” Nelson said. Officials at the Oakland Zoo said Mr. Teeth died Jan. 9, a day after it was seized by county animal control officers. The caiman was very sick when it arrived at the zoo’s veterinary hospital, zoo spokesman Nicky Mora said Thursday. “The veterinarian said he came in with a poor prognosis and was unresponsive when he arrived here. He passed away overnight,” Mora said.

Courtesy of Alameda County Sheriffs Office In this photo released by the Alameda County Sheriffs office, an alligator named “Mr. Teeth” is seen after it was discovered in a home in Castro Valley, Calif., on Wednesday. Authorities say the alligator, apparently used to protect a stash of marijuana inside the home, has been taken to a zoo.

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Critics divided over royal portrait by Raphael Satter The Associated Press

LONDON — The Duchess of Cambridge seems to like her first official portrait, which is lucky for the artist. Many critics don’t. Paul Emsley’s portrait of the former Kate Middleton shows the 31year-old royal against a dark background, her lips pursed into a wry smile, with an ethereal light against her face and hair. Her pale complexion brings out the fine lines under the eyes, and the light adds a hint of silver to her rich brown hair. Shortly after the portrait was unveiled Friday at the National Portrait Gallery in London, critics began grousing. “It’s a great, great opportunity missed,” British Art Journal editor Robin Simon said. “The best thing you can say about it is that she doesn’t actually look like that.” In a telephone interview, Simon said that Kate’s nose was too large and that the painting drained the duchess of her sparkle. Kate “transmits a sense of joie-devivre,” he said. “This is dead, dead, dead.” Guardian arts writer Charlotte Higgins picked up on that theme, saying the portrait had a “sepulchral gloom” about it. “Kate Middleton is — whatever

Fans of Film

Sang Tan / AP Photo A newly commissioned portrait of Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, by artist Paul Emsley hangs at the National Portrait Gallery in London on Friday. you think of the monarchy and all its inane surrounding pomp — a pretty young woman with an infectious smile, a cascade of chestnut hair and a healthy bloom,” she wrote in a post to her newspaper’s website. “So how is it that she has been transformed into something unpleasant from the ‘Twilight’ franchise?” Emsley told reporters at the opening that it was always going to be

tough painting Kate, who sat for the portrait last year, before she became pregnant. “A person whose image is so pervasive, for an artist it is really difficult to go beyond that and find something which is original,” he said. “You have to rely on your technique and your artistic instincts to do that and I hope I’ve succeeded.” Royal portraits tend to veer between the staid and the controversial. Lucian Freud’s 2001 portrait of Queen Elizabeth II remains a particularly notorious example, with some describing the heavy, severe painting of the monarch as deeply unflattering and others calling it groundbreaking. In fairness to Emsley, some artists had praise for his work. “I liked it, very much so,” said Richard Stone, who has frequently painted members of the royal family. “So often with official portraits they can be rather stiff and starchy, but this has a lovely informality about it, and a warmth to it.” In any case, Emsley appeared to have won over his most important audience. Kate, who was with her husband, Prince William, at the gallery earlier Friday, called the portrait “just amazing.” William liked it too, saying it was “absolutely beautiful.”

from page 10

different kind of coffee shop. He said the Yale location is ideally situated between CNM and UNM, and that the neighborhood is on the rise. “There’s only two coffee shops in the neighborhood, and they’re always overcrowded and have created their own animosity around themselves. A lot of people either hate Winning or hate Satellite,” he said. Former owner of Burning Paradise video store Kurly Tlapoyawa said Palombo’s business is not only a vital resource for the community, but also provides a great

model for other businesses. “There’s really no other venue in town that offers a cafe and microtheater,” Tlapoyawa said. “We need stuff like this to keep Albuquerque a cool place to live.” Tlapoyawa said Palombo provides people with more entertainment options by offering the community a place to get together and watch independent film. “There’s this lack of choice,” he said. “People are hungry for good stuff, not just the same pablum that they’re spoon-fed by the mainstream

studios. They want new, interesting, underground things. And when you take that away, all you’re left with is basically garbage.”

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Page 14 / Tuesday, January 15, 2013

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TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects.

2/1 ZUNI AND Central. Rent $250 +

2BDRM, 1/2 BLOCK from UNM. Very

3BDRM, 1BA, BASEMENT, W/D, big lot,

Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

light maintence work. Students only. Please contact 505-401-5347 or abqrents@yahoo.com

nice. Off-street parking. Utilities paid. No pets. $685/mo. 505-897-4303.

with stove and refrigerator. $1000/mo + $400dd. Does not include gas or electric. 2 blocks from UNM. 505-881-3540 or 505-720-1934.

FEEL BETTER AT Agora. Call:277-

3013. Chat: www.agoracares.org



5 minutes from campus! 1700 Indian Plaza Dr.

Features • Studios, 1 Bedrooms & 2 Bedrooms • Swimming Pool • Fireplace/Dishwashers • Walk-in closets • On-site laundry • Gas Heat

Newly Remodeled!



and dishwasher, garbage disposal, FP, energy efficient windows, refrigerated air. $725/mo +gas and electric +dd. Cats okay. Available February 1st. 621 Monroe NE. 550-1579.

ATTRACTIVE STUDIO 1 block south UNM, full kitchen, 1BA, large main room, new/remodeled, appliances. $485/mo, $200/dd include utilities. No pets. Move in special. 268-0525. UNM/CNM

STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. FEMALE AND LOOKING for a bedroom to rent? Then look no further! At Lobo Village, a bedroom is available for a female student (sophomore or above) to rent through August. If you move in now, your first month will be paid for! If interested please email: Brittany MA22@aol.com

HILL 1BDRMS apartments. $490/mo +electricity, $250dd. No pets, free UNM parking. 505-850-9749.

1BDRM $515/mo. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

1BDRM, 3 BLOCKS from UNM, Presby-




DOWN 1 “The __ of the Ancient Mariner” 2 South African lilies 3 Powerful person 4 BP takers, often 5 “Look at that!” 6 Let fall 7 Determined to have 8 Emergency gear 9 Has obligations 10 On a need-toknow __ 11 Whippersnappers’ opposites 12 Lecherous sort 13 Dutch South African 19 Calamine target 22 Pastoral places 24 Meeting with an atty. 25 Something to talk about 29 River in Hades 31 Dimwits 33 Popular dunker 34 Caught in the act 35 Train engine sound


new mexico

new mexico

Gareth Bain




ACROSS 1 Gun barrel cleaners 8 Be audibly sad 11 Poetic planet 14 Steel foundry input 15 Grounded flier since 2001 16 British lav 17 *Wanted poster picture, usually 18 Traces of gunpowder, e.g. 20 Big bird 21 *Well-positioned driver at Indy 23 Crib part 26 Volleyball divider 27 Biol. or geol. 28 Five-term sen., say 30 Coolers in windows, briefly 32 Med. care providers 35 *Sailboat built for speed 40 Before, in poems 41 Uriah was one 42 Female political refugee 44 Cycle starter 45 *Board meeting VIP 47 Rowdy bunch 49 Trains above the road 50 Fr. holy woman 51 Jug handle 53 Addams family cousin 55 Indian tourist destination 58 With 65-Across, a cappella group, and what the starts of the answers to starred clues comprise 62 Hosp. areas 64 Behind the eightball 65 See 58-Across 68 Chocolate shape 69 Kimono closer 70 Set free 71 Barnyard enclosure 72 1/60 of a min. 73 Tweezer target


terian. Hardwood floors, beamed wood ceiling, new windows. 114 Sycamore. $585/mo. +utilities, +dd, cats okay. NS. Available now. Call 505-550-1579. AFFORDABLE-



Remodeled one bedroom apartments. $500-$575/mo +util. Pets OK. Singles. 266-4505. NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $680/mo. 505-610-2050.



$590-$610/mo, utilities included. blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433.


3BDRM, 1/2 BLOCK from UNM. Utilities

paid. Off-street 505-897-4303.



TO UNM. Large, clean, 1BDRM, $550/mo, includes utilities, no pets. Move in special! 255-2685.



apartments. 1 block south of UNM move in special, utilities paid. Call for details 268-0525/ 255-2685/ 269-9896.

STUDIOS, 1 BLK UNM, $455-$475/free utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-prop erties.com 1BDRM, 1/2 BLOCK from UNM. Utilities

paid, off-street parking, $530/mo. 505-897-4303. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Houses For Rent UNM FACULTY HOME (Altura

PK). Ideal for UNM Faculty/Staff. Cathedral ceilings, spacious, 4BDRMS/2.5BA, hardwood floors, 2CG and more! $1300/mo. 517-347-3063.


Minutes from campus— All bills paid! 1410 Girard Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

Features • • • • • • •

Furnished studios Free Wifi Swimming Pool Dishwashers Walk-in closets On-site laundry Newly Renovated

Call to view! 505-266-8392

LOVELY LARGE 3BDRM. Walking dis-

tance to UNM. 1814 Gold. Parking. W/D hookup. $950/mo. 299-2499.


Indian Schoool/Carslie. 1926 Bryn Mawr NE. Perfect for UNM faculty. $350,000 obo. 505-205-3699.

Duplexes 2BDRM, 1BA, 780 sqft. Off street park-

ing. $730/mo, includes utilities. No smoking, no pets. 302-A Girard SE. 505-270-0891.

Rooms For Rent 2 FEMALES WANTED to take over

Lobo Village leases ASAP. By pool/gym. Dec/Jan rent paid. Call 310-528-8687. STUDIOUS

FEMALE ROOMMATE needed $345/mo +utilities 3BDRM/2BA, Large walk-in closet, two female roommates, cover lease, safe, nice, 15mins from UNM. 303-947-9927. ROOMMATE

WANTED. SPACIOUS 3BDRM/2BA. $475/mo includes utilities and internet. 7-blocks from campus. Call Ava 505-469-9416.


over Casas del Rio lease. Jan. rent paid, will also pay Feb. $511/mo. good situation Call or text 505-573-1656.



Page 16 / Tuesday, January 15, 2013






January Free 505-814-8164.

Email interesbearing@aol.com





share a 3BDRM shared bath. Rent is 520/mo, utilities included. If interested please call 1-505-310-1529.

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

to share 3BDRM/2BA big house. Stanford and Kathryn. Fully furnished. $495/mo utilities included. Call Natalya 505-453-4866. FEMALE



Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets


ROOMMATES WANTED, $325/MO for one room and $375/mo for second room. Text Becky at 907-6139.

Vehicles For Sale

CASAS DEL RIO $511/mo. Need a female to take over lease ASAP. Includes wifi, cable, elecricity, TV. Located on campus. Will pay first months rent, text 505-366-3245.

FOR SALE SATURN 2 door. Reliable,


good sound system. 1,000. Call or text 505-414-7557.

FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $420/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers


from UNM. $425/mo, includes utilities, W/D, and Wifi. No pets. 505-206-6466.

teacher. Tues & Thurs 10am-6pm Must be 18, certified in adult/infant CPR, & have the 45 hr child dev.course/equivalent. Send resumes to BabyFarmABQ@Aol.com

at Lobo Village. $519/mo includes wifi/cable. Call/text Tori 505-908-8495 for more details.


ROOMMATE NEEDED! Beautiful home at The Villas. Call or text Caitlin at 913- 575-6530.


!!!BARTENDING!!! $300/DAY potential.

BE IN MOVIES. No experience needed.

dit) textbook. $80. hardo@unm.edu

No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.100.

Up to $300/PT. 505-884-0557. www.A1StarCasting.com

surance and free UNM parking. LoboScooter: 804-7713.

5 MIN WALK from campus. Master

room . $325/mo + gas, water. No pets. Available january 1st. Lease at least 5 months. Call 505-414-9823.

Computer Stuff DESIGN JET 500 Printer, 42”, Excellent

condition. 575-758-8101.

1 ROOM IN a 2BDRM house. Half block

from UNM. Includes utilities (cable, wifi. gas, electricity). Comes with bicycle. Perfect for exchange student. 505-4806909.

For Sale 1986 OLDS CUTLASS. 62000 mi. 6cyl.

N.E. HOME, Quiet Carlisle area, parks,

ing handsome well defined fitness model type male for appearences in a local dinner theater production. Feb. 117, 2013. Good pay for right guy. Construction worker wardrobe will be provided. Send stats and headshot to be considered. Pay is $25-45/hr DOE. Contact sirknightadam@yahoo.com


RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION STARTING at $899. No registration and no in-

THE YMCA IS looking for School age

Childcare staff for our afterschool programs. Experience in childcare is required. Must be 18 years old, and be able pass a drug test, background check and fingerprint check. To apply for this position, send your resume with references to dlarson@ymcacnm.org or go to our website www.ymcacnm.org DATA ENTRY - For Pharmaceutical Re-


UNM Monthly Blood Drive 9:00am – 4:00pm SUB Mall South of SUB/Statues Sound/Bus Area



Student Groups & Gov.


Coffee & Tea Time 9:30am – 11:00am LGBTQ Resource Center

Christians on UNM Tue, January 15, 10:30am – 1:00pm SUB Scholars

Japanese Language Club Weekly Meeting Tue, January 15, 4:00pm – 7:00pm SUB Mirage-Thunderbird

International Medical Delegation El Salvador Meeting Tue, January 15, 7:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Cherry/ Silver

College Republican Weekly Meeting Tue, January 15, 7:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Sandia


student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. FOR DISABLED adult. Daily. Saturday and Sunday 2 hrs am, Tuesday and Wednesday 2hrs pm. Prefer 8AM and 6PM, flexible on exact times. $10/hr. Nursing students preferred. 292-9787.


PART-TIME EVENT assistant for local festivals, 10-20 hrs/wk. Min. wage. Must be 21+. Send resume to marne@feelgoodfestivals.com

TITLE: INTERN PART-time Temporary ADV NO 13046 EXPIRES 2/3/13 Starting $8.00 to $12.00 Hourly. Position summary: Perform field inspections primarily during early morning and/or late evening hours and on weekends. An On-Line Application Process can be accessed at www.abcwua.org/jobs TUTORS NEEDED LOOKING for College students to tutor in 24 APS schools. Flexible hours 7:30-3:00 MTH. Starting salary $9.50/hr Contact: Lucy Ramirez ramirez_lu@aps.edu


Helpline’s Spring training! Application Deadline: February 8. Apply early, Apply now at AgoraCares.org

AHL Year Round Garden Supply NM’s original Indoor Garden Supplies Indoor Grow Store • hydroponics Celebrating 20 years • indoor grow lights in 2013 • and organics!

1051 San Mateo Blvd SE • 255-3677 www.ahlgrows.com

Q-LESQUE- A Local Production is seek-

AT,PW,PB,AC. New tires. Service records. A nice commuter car. $4900. 620-2239.


INSTRUCTORS NEEDED for Black belt Karate, Cheer, Hip-Hop & Jazz Ballet. Teach ages 4-15. 1 night/ week, great PT pay. 505-899-1666.

flex Gym. Early afternoon hours available. Duties include: Membership sales, club maintenance, and cleaning. Fun and casual work environment. Stop by either club location to fill out application. Send any questions to info@powerflex gym.com

grammer for part-time work. Applicant needs experience with html, javascript/jQuery, ColdFusion, PHP SQL/MySQL. References. Contact Paul at 505-890-8501.

search Company. Competitive Pay, Part-Time Position, Flexible Hours. Must be proficient with computers and type at least 55 words per minute. Background in healthcare or pharmaceuticals a plus. Great opportunity to advance knowledge in these fields. Please email resumes to jobs@abqct. com.

Call Sam at 505-916-7064 as soon as possible if you are interested.

HIRING PT FRONT Desk staff for Power-

NON-PROFIT LOOKING for website pro-

ARE YOU READY to join a dynamic sales team that is leading the way to a digital future? The Albuquerque Journal is currently looking for a multimedia ad vertising consultant to handle print and digital sales, find new advertisers, and maintain and grow existing accounts. The ideal candidate will have several years of sales experience, be knowledgeable about print and online media, and know how to prospect for new advertisers. But most important, this person will have the desire and aptitude to learn and grow – to learn about advertisers’ needs, to learn about new advertising opportunities, and to grow and become a great sales professional. Job duties include selling advertising into ABQJournal.com, our other digital products, special sections and, of course the Albuquerque Journal. This is an entry-level position that can lead to greater opportunities in the future. Salary plus commission/bonus. Bachelor’s degree in related field preferred. Please email resumes to hr@abqpubco.com

ROOM IN CASAS Del Rio available!

SMALL WAREHOUSE 600 SQFT. I-25 and Comanche, 14ft. ceiling, 10ft. OHD $400/mo Call Greg 688-0682.

WANTED ROOMMATE TO share Broadstone apt., female, serious student, n/s, clean, mature, friendly. $350/mo. Text 208-993-7141.

Seeking people to teach enriching skills to children ages 6 – 12 after school. We want fun-loving people who can plan and teach short classes on: photography, math games, painting, science, guitar, drawing, karate, dance, drama, sports, etc. Classes typically meet once or twice per week, for an hour, at one or multiple schools. Pay up to $20 per class session depending on education, expertise, and experience. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:00 T-F. Call Jeff at 505-296-2880 or email jeff@childrens-choice.org

Jobs Off Campus

able. $519/mo. Easy access to everything. Jan to Aug 2013. Must be a girl; Please contact me ASAP. Call or text 708-552-1085.


1700sqft 3BDRM 2BA house w/carport & garage, Lomas & Carlisle. Call/Text 513-673-8704 or Email bille@fuse.net


SEEKING PROFFESIONAL MOTIVATED, organized, highly skilled individual with great attention to detail and ability to multitask for a PT position in a busy NS office. Please fax resume to 505-242-2633 or e-mail to staff@jgen trylaw.com

Office Space

GRAD/MED STUDENTS - nonsmokers,

13 TEMPORARY NURSERY Workers. Tender Lawn Care, Spicewood, TX. From 2/01/2013 to 12/01/2013. Planting, weeding, fertilizing, watering plants, shrubs, trees, using hand tools/gardening tools. Operate tractors, equipment to fertilize, harvest, spray plants. Move containerized shrubs, plants, trees using equipment. Clean work areas, maintain grounds & landscaping. Haul, spread topsoil, other materials. Employer guarantees ¾ of total work hours for contract period. $9.88/hr plus OT $14.82/hr. Worktools,supplies, equipment, provided at no cost to workers. Housing provided at no cost to workers, including US workers who cannot reasonably return to their permanent residence at end of work day. Transportation to worksite provided by employer. Apply at your State’s nearest Workforce office or 501 Mountain Rd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87103. 505-8431900, using job order # TX6869549.

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR staff to provide homework help and activities in our before and after school programs in NE & NW ABQ. PT, Mon-Fri, $10.50/hr. Apply online at www.campfireabq.org or in person at 1613 University Blvd NE. EOE


Casas Del Rio. Willing to pay one month rent. $511/mo. Quiet and brand new. Great roommate!! Call/text 505-366-3245.

4th and 7th grader. Monday-Friday, 3-5:30pm. Transportation to the house, oversight for snack, chores, and homework. Contact Beth Landon at beth.landon@live.com or 503-705-2955.

1BDRM IN A 4BDRM house, 1 block

FEMALE NEEDED TO take over lease

FEMALE NEEDED TO takeover lease at

Child Care $10/HR. AFTERCARE IN Old Town for a

campus map) Excelent. 4BDRM dtudent-home with housekeeper; 1/vacancy fully-furnished; utilities included; $535/Mo. 300dd. Ask for “Well” 505-918-4846.

GREAT 1BDRM FOR rent, starting Jan-

uary 1st-July. Wonderful location, 1 block from UNM. Quiet, responsible, roommates and quiet neighborhood. $327/mo. Female preferred. If interested please call my cell at 505-304-5866.

miles, automatic transmission, not salvage, in good overall condition. $2000 OBO 505-814-9422.

four school aged children looking for help in the mornings and after school. Job responsibilities would include driving, helping with homework and some light cooking. Times would be roughly 7:00-9:00 am and 3:30-7:00 pm. Please call 842-8597.

1BLOCK OFF-CAMPUS; (i/j-18 on main-


Lambda Chi Alpha Weekly Meeting 5:00pm – 11:00pm SUB Fiesta A & B

machine. $50. Email interestbearing@aol. com BREAD

PROF’S “CAR” SINCE 2004, 150cc red. Kymco motorscooter. Never mechanical problem or crash. Two helmets included. $1200. Contact: dwald man@thesystemmd.com. Works great even in cold.

Rooms available in shared fully furnished home 3 minutes walking distance to UNM. Quiet neighborhood, serious students only. Rooms from $400. Please call 505-610-1142.

For Sale

Greek Life

OBO. 4 doors, new tires, please call 505-225-0945.


Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale

Campus Events


opportunity, food forest, chickens, goats. Furnished Quiet Student House. $350+ On Bus and Bike to UNM. call: 459-2071 Move-in ready! NS/ND.



bike trails, N/S female only, graduate student preferred, application and lease required.$400/mo. +1/2 utilities. 805-698-5817.


all. Email for pics/if interested interest bearing@aol.com



Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fax • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Express. Come by room 107 Come by room 131 in Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

3 PIECES BROYHILL furniture, $150 for

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Hiring for 2013 Spring Semester $12/hour @ 10 hours/week UNM’s STEM UP Program is hiring Peer Mentors for the 2013 Spring Semester. If you meet the following qualifications and you want to mentor prospective and new transfer students from CNM, we want you. Go to UNMJobs, posting number 0817979. 1. Current STEM Major at UNM: Astrophysics Engineering Biochemistry Environmental Science Math Biology Nutrition Chemistry Earth & Planetary Physics Science Statistics 2. Prefer a CNM-to-UNM Transfer Student, but will accept applications if applicant took one or more classes at CNM. 3. Have a minimum 3.0 GPA overall. 4. Mandatory One Saturday-a-Month Trainings (8 am to 12 noon).

Events of the Day

Things to do on campus today.

Want an Event in Lobo Life? * Events must be sponsored by a UNM group, organization or department * Classes, class schedules, personal events or solicitations are not eligible. * Events must be of interest to the campus community. 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on the “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page 4. Type in the event information and submit!

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