NM Daily Lobo 013013

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

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wednesday January 30, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Lawmakers start work on Lottery Scholarship by John Tyczkowski and Megan Underwood news@dailylobo.com

UNM students found that when they attended Tuesday’s legislative session, there was very little mention of UNM on what was supposed to be UNM Day, and very little change in topics discussed from previous years. For the second year in a row, students planned to lobby for causes such as Lottery Scholarship solvency, efforts to keep UNM graduates in state and capital outlay projects involving the renovation of University facilities. Students broke into groups to speak one-onone with legislators. But due to the morning roll call of the House and Senate, which required representatives and senators to be present on the floor, many student groups were unable to find legislators to talk to. One group of students managed to talk to Rep. Miguel P. Garcia (D-Albuquerque), a UNM alumnus, about Lottery Scholarship solvency. The scholarship’s funds are expected to dry up by July of this year. “It’s definitely a priority, it’s very integral to pursuing a degree,” Garcia said. “Without it, a lot of kids wouldn’t be able to graduate from college or even go to college.” Senate Majority Whip Timothy Keller (D-Albuquerque), a major proponent of Lottery Scholarship solvency, also weighed in on the issue, saying that legislators are working to draft a bill addressing the issue. Keller said that both parties’ majority leaders are looking to freeze the amount a student receives from the scholarship each year. “Let’s say that when you started, the lottery gave you $10,000. The state would continue to give you $10,000 each year that you’re in school,” he said. “Right now the $10,000 actually changes. So if tuition goes up, then we pay you $12,000, for example. So by the time you graduate, we’re paying you $15,000 because of tuition increases.” Keller said this freeze will keep the scholarship from running out and make universities think twice before instituting tuition hikes. “We think that the lottery is sometimes taken advantage of by universities because it’s basically easy money,” he said. “They can have a tuition increase and the lottery will pay for it.” On Tuesday evening, Representative James White (R-Albuquerque) introduced House Bill 309, also known as the Lottery Scholarship Solvency Program, into the House Education Committee. A hearing date had not been set as of press time. The bill would make significant changes to the Lottery Scholarship structure, effective July 2013, requiring the scholarship maintain a balance of $10 million at all times, as well as mandating additional requirements. In addition, the bill would reduce the amount of time a student has to receive his or her degree while receiving scholarship money from eight semesters to seven. The new guidelines would apply to students who have completed five semesters or fewer as of fall 2013. In addition, the bill would raise the minimum number of credits a student would have to have in order to be eligible for the scholarship from 12 to 15. The bill also contains additional guidelines for students pursuing associate’s degrees and professional certification programs at community colleges. Students who have received scholarship money for two or fewer semesters as of fall 2014 would be eligible for only three more semesters of money while working toward their associate’s degree or toward a transfer to a four-year college. The 15 credits per semester guideline would also apply to these students. For more photos from UNM Day, visit DailyLobo.com.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 90

Aaron Sweet / Daily Lobo UNM students march through the snow to the Capitol Building in Santa Fe for UNM Day to meet face-to-face with their representatives and lobby for their University. Though the most important topic of the day was Lottery Scholarship solvency, other topics included capital outlay and providing incentives for students to work in-state after graduation.

Student creates LGBT program by Antonio Sanchez news@dailylobo.com

UNM student Alray Nelson said an incident of school bullying while he was a junior at Ganado Middle School in Arizona changed his life. “My junior year in high school was the first time that someone called me a fag and I remember during that time, nothing was done, there were no resources. I was questioning myself and it was hard,” Nelson said. “Suicide was an option for me at that time because no one would listen to me.” Nelson, now a senior at UNM, is the founder of We Are One, a nonprofit organization that aims to create safe zone programs to promote a friendlier environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) students in schools throughout the Navajo Nation in Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. Nelson said he is pushing for more school safe zones because there are no school policies for bullying in Navajo Nation schools. He said with a rise in teenage suicides during the past few years, safety zone programs are needed. “I have seen an increase in suicides in Navajo Nation. I’ll never know if any of those students were LGBT or not, we will never know that,” he said. “All that we know from here is that regardless of someone’s sexual identity or sexual orientation, a life is a life.” Nelson’s interest in starting We Are One began after he worked as a student intern for U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in Washington D.C. in spring 2012. He also spent the semester studying at George Washington University, and while he was

there he applied and joined the Young People For (YPF) fellowship, which encourages members to get involved with their community in progressive movements. Nelson said that after speaking to a few members of the fellowship in April, he was able to start his nonprofit organization. Nelson is the only New Mexican student who is a member of the national organization. Nelson returned to New Mexico after spending last week in the nation’s capital to promote his organization at the 2013 YPF National Summit. He was supposed to meet President Obama, but because the president was too busy, Nel-

son presented his organization to representatives Obama sent. Nelson met with his personal mentor Dolores Huerta, who is a recipient of the Medal of Freedom, and the White House Associate Director of the Office of Public Engagement Ronnie Cho. Nelson said he is working with high school principals in Arizona, Utah and New Mexico to implement the We Are One program. Nelson said he is proud that Ganado High School will be the first to implement his program. “It means no student will have to question

see YPF PAGE 2

William Aranda / Daily Lobo Student Alray Nelson, a senior and political science major, founded his own non-profit organization, the We Are One Campaign, which advocates for the LGBT community in the Navajo Nation. Nelson had the chance to travel to Washington to promote his program on a national scale.

Super fashion

Joy with toys

see Page 5

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from PAGE 1

themselves and ask ‘Am I alone?’ No student would have to feel unsafe, and all students at my school will know that they have an ally,” he said. “Speaking to a teacher and having them becoming an ally, and having a rainbow sticker on their door or a rainbow flag in their classroom sends a huge symbol for the school, it will impact so many lives and that’s what we’re doing.” YPF Program Organizer William Dennis said Nelson’s work with YPF and We Are One brings to life a Navajo Nation community that has been underrepresented. “With him standing up for the LGBT community and really wanting to educate people who may have never had the opportunity to talk about LGBT issues … the actual work he’s doing in his community is really amazing and will have a great impact,” Dennis said. If you are interested in joining We Are One, head to facebook.com/ weareonecampaign.

volume 117

He wanted to get in those pants UNMPD responded to a call about an unknown suspect rummaging through a pair of pants in an office at the UNM natatorium on Jan. 15. According to the report, the owner of the pants’ office mate spotted the suspect. The witness confronted the suspect, who said he was looking for a professor. UNMPD confirmed through the National Crime Information Center that the suspect gave the witness false identification information. When the owner of the pants returned to his office he found nothing missing from his pants.

Smack talk, face smack reported near SUB According to a UNMPD report, an unknown suspect verbally as-

issue 90

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Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Alexandra Swanberg News Editor John Tyczkowski Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Juan Labreche Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse



saulted a man, then struck the man on the mouth with a skateboard he was carrying on Jan. 17 near the SUB. The case is considered to be closed, pending further leads.

Arson threatened at SHAC, report says Staff members at Student Health Services called UNMPD after a man reportedly said he would burn something down if one more person called him by his real name. The police reported it as a “gender crisis.” According to the report, the man then walked out of the building and punched a the window of a car. Police were told the man and the owner of the car both went back into the building to talk to the medical director, and were met by police when they left again. The owner of the car told police he did not want to prosecute the man for breaking his car window. The man finally agreed to give police his name, but

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Multi Media Editor Zachary Zahorik

RIME BRIEFS had to write it down because he reportedly said it was painful saying his given name.

Computer reported stolen from library On Jan. 19, a suspect stole a small desktop computer from Zimmerman Library. According to the UNMPD report, a man set off the alarm when he left the library, then dropped his backpack and fled. Minutes later, he returned. While he was gone, a security guard opened the backpack and found a computer that was reportedly worth $2,000 in it. The computer was not damaged, except for the property tag having been removed.

UNMPD busts pot party at Lobo Village UNMPD was dispatched to Lobo Village in response to a

Design Director Connor Coleman Design Assistants Erica Aragon Josh Dolin Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

loud party on Jan. 20. According to the report, the officer arrived to find eight people surrounded by what smelled like burnt marijuana. The officer instructed everyone but the two residents to check out with security and leave. The residents told police they had “smoked a couple of joints.” The officer reported that he saw “bits of stems and leaves of green vegetable material” on the counter, as well as a pipe “that appeared to be consistent with those that my training and experience have shown to be commonly used to smoke marijuana.” Both the vegetable material and the pipe were seized, and the officer wrote the residents criminal nontraffic citations. There was no further information at the time of the report.

~compiled by Alexandra Swanberg

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Judge hears ‘Sister Wives’ suit

Wednesday, January 30, 2013/ Page 3

by Paul Foy

The Associated Press SALT LAKE CITY — A federal judge heard arguments on whether Utah can prohibit plural marriage but issued no immediate ruling in a lawsuit by the stars of the reality show “Sister Wives.” Kody Brown and his four wives claim the law is unconstitutional. The family fled Utah for Las Vegas last year under the threat of prosecution. They did not attend the Jan. 17 hearing in Salt Lake City, leaving arguments to a constitutional law professor. “The Browns wanted to show people that a plural family is not a monstrosity,” said Jonathan Turley of The George Washington University. “They don’t commit collateral problems.” Turley said the Browns’ only sin was opening their family to the TLC hit series, which drew the attention of Utah authorities. “The state is saying if you didn’t do this TV show, you wouldn’t have a problem,” he said. “They have a right to free speech and are being prosecuted for it.” The hearing dealt with the legalities of due process and freedom of association. U.S. District Judge Clark Waddoups peppered a state lawyer on why he shouldn’t throw out Utah’s bigamy law. It’s stricter than the laws in 49 other states — most of them prohibit people from having multiple marriage licenses. Utah makes it illegal to even purport to be married to multiple partners or live together. What if Kody Brown kept separate households for each wife, or was just having affairs, the judge asked. “That would not be polygamy,” said Assistant Utah Attorney General Jerrold Jensen. Yet Jensen argued Utah’s unique history of polygamy for more than 100 years has made victims of thousands of girls forced to marry as young as 13, and caused rampant child abuse, with boys “kicked out on the street” to reduce competition for older men seeking multiple brides. He

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The Wesley Foundation will make a

Rick Bowmer / AP photo Polygamists Valerie Darger, left, and Vicki Darger, walk from the Frank E. Moss United States Courthouse after a hearing on whether Utah can prohibit plural marriage Jan. 17 in Salt Lake City. said the state has an interest in preventing social harm. Waddoups said the Browns’ 17 children are irrelevant to the case, and Turley argued that sex and child abuse was just as common in monogamous families. Waddoups challenged Jensen on whether Utah was cracking down on a religion. Most polygamists in the state call themselves fundamentalist Mormons, although The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints renounced polygamy more than a century ago. “Every state in the nation has these laws — and not every state has Mormon polygamists,” replied Jensen, who argued that big-

amy was not merely adultery. “I’ll tell you what makes it different — the harm to women and children coming out of a polygamous relationship. We have a history of it in Utah — stories in the thousands.” Turley said Utah has to prove the harm of polygamy, not assert general statements. He argued the exile of young boys was a myth and that Utah was trying to enforce morality. “We’re asking for what Justice Brandeis called the most important constitutional right, the right to be left alone,” Turley said, referring to Louis Brandeis, who served on the U.S. Supreme Court from 1916 to 1939.

Mission Trip over Spring Break, March 9-15, to help with such reconstruction through the Epworth Project. New Orleans is still very much in need of lots of reconstruction, and we hope you want to help. The cost is $275 a person (including food), though if you need financial help it can be given.

Please register by Feb. 15 by calling 323-1251. Call 323-1251 for more info. Thank you very much. We are excitedly looking forward to this trip to help those in need.

LoboOpinion Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @AlexSwanberg



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Letters Arguing without facts is like shooting blanks Editor’s note: This is in response to the letter “Don’t bring your sword of justice to a gun fight,” published in Tuesday’s Daily Lobo. In his letter, Patrick Gallagher criticized a column by Jason Darensburg urging stricter gun control. Gallagher criticized what he perceived to be the columnist’s left-wing agenda. Editor, I am appalled at the biased and unprofessional nature of the letter posted by Patrick Gallagher. He tosses out “liberal” as an insult, even jokes about how justice won’t be able to touch him, because he can just shoot it. “I don’t care to go into too many details regarding my gripes with this column,” he said. That’s because he hasn’t done any factual research to back up his argument. In fact, he has shown no proof to back up any of the claims he’s made. And what claims has he made, other than “liberal” being a bad word? At least Darensburg has all the deaths caused by guns in America to back up his claim; where’s your evidence, Gallagher? All you do is insult Darensburg and call him names, like a 7-year-old bully. I love when stupid conservatives try to act like they’re smart, because it just shows how immature they really are, and how much they don’t care about other people. Isn’t that right, Gallagher? You’d think holding onto a hunk of metal used only to kill things, which in turn will allow people who aren’t supposed to have them to have them, is more important than preventing even one mass shooting? Why don’t you go up to the parents of students at Sandy Hook Elementary School with your guns and say, “Sorry folks, but these guns are more important to me than saving the lives of children.” But with “people” like Gallagher, as long as it doesn’t affect him, it’s not his problem, right?

From the web

Caedmon Holland UNM student

Co-op instills sense of community, comfort Editor,

This is the best part of my day: walking into La Montañita Co-op. Whether it’s here on campus or at the other locations around town, I know that I will be greeted by warm smiles and some truly wonderful discoveries. When you enter, it’s all about good food and good people. Ever since I was a little boy accompanied by my parents, an overwhelming sense of joy has filled my spirit, and quite frankly, filled my stomach, every time I would enter La Montañita Co-op. Where else can you take a trip through delicacies and nutritious treats spanning the globe, from Peru, Ecuador, and all across our local New Mexico farms in less than five minutes? I thought maybe it was all the different people, the kaleidoscope of colors, or the different smells from the fresh produce that changed me; but now that I am a little bit older I know what you are a part of when you step inside La Montañita Co-op: community. Andres F. Lazo UNM student

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Alexandra Swanberg Managing editor Opinion editor

John Tyczkowski News editor

Readers responded online to the column “A nation of Honey Boo Boo fans shouldn’t own guns,” published in Thursday’s Daily Lobo. In his column, Jason Stafford outlined the differences between American culture today and how it was when the Second Amendment was created. He uses this progression to argue that not everyone in America should be allowed to own a gun. by “JD” “Ha. There is actually little to no intellectual honesty, sorry intellectual ability, here at all. It is the typical mindless left mantra beginning with the premise “I’m against anything that is supported by the right,” then pick and choose very poorly researched opinions and pretend they are facts to support your position. Jason doesn’t really understand any American concepts, or that the garbage he speaks of is completely inconsistent. For example, these three statements are about as poorly researched as it gets, and are essentially equivalent in their absurdity: 1) “a nation full of right-thinking Americans who also watch Honey Boo Boo.” 2) The paragraph about armed guards is pretty laughable at how contradictory it is. I don’t think he’s smart enough to realize it. He essentially says that armed guards don’t prevent everything, but then concedes they prevent a lot of things. Then he turns into a psychologist and tells us having an armed guard would just make a killer happier for being able to kill another person. So what’s your point dude? Armed guards and police are used to prevent crime, and all of the latest massacres were in gun-free zones, so your point just sucks. 3) Last, and the saddest point is on the Founding Fathers, and I don’t blame Jason for this one, I’ve read and heard it before: that the Founding Fathers are outdated and shouldn’t necessarily be listened to because of slave ownership, etc. I wonder if

Jason has ever tried to understand what the Constitution is all about, if he can see the correlations between the First and Second Amendments or if he just regurgitates those who would like to remove the entire document, those who do actually understand what it means and don’t like it. I would assume that he just doesn’t really understand it and only dislikes “Republicans” and takes it from there. Anyway, Jason is an adult, and I am trying to help him in telling him that he is making himself look like an ignorant partisan. Please, don’t make an ass of yourself Jason, maybe just stick to painting pictures, or doing something a little more playful, maybe make some music, whatever you like to do. Leave the thinking to the adults.”

who is totally ignorant on the topic disgusts me. Thanks.”

by “Brad” “Quote: ‘The majority of the slobs I see with guns couldn’t insurrect their way out of a paper sack with a gun in each hand and a cannon firing from their a**hole.’ This statement says much more about the quality of persons the author sees (Where? Television? Slobville? Liberal Fantasy Land?) than it does about the reality of the millions of lawful and decent gun owners in this country. I suggest the author attend at least one firearms training class or sporting event before posing as an authority on firearms.”

by “Gaia” “So you’re saying that just because people watch trucks skid off the ice or Honey Boo Boo, nobody is allowed to own guns? Do you have any idea how completely stupid that is? Just because some people watch television or wear clothes you don’t approve of does not mean that they should have their Second Amendment rights taken away. I wear a lot of black simply because I hear it suits me. I like my leather pants and knee high boots. That doesn’t mean I’m going to shoot some people just because life got a little tough. Grow up and accept the fact that people get to be individuals today. Nobody will bow down to your opinion because, newsflash princess priss, you are not so precious that people will take you seriously. So yes, go and educate yourself and learn a little tolerance. And then maybe, maybe you can consider writing another article for a paper. But until then, go away.”

by “CodyA” “Jason, have you ever owned or shot a gun? Have you ever taken a firearms safety course? Do you even know the simple mechanics of a firearm? By the language used in this article, I can safely assume the answer to all these questions is no. Please either educate yourself, or f*** off and debate about something of which you have at least a tiny bit of knowledge. I’m all for a civil debate, but debating with someone

by “That Guy” “So your point is that we can’t have civil discourse on this topic because of all of the name calling, while at the same time namecalling those who don’t buy into your statist mentality? Ad verecundiam much? You know, Jason, I’m a little tired of going through my original source documents, written by the men you just pillared, every other week to debunk your ill thought out little diatribes. I want you to recite to me, chapter and verse, where the Founding Fathers committed policy for genocide (a word you dropped far too easily) and disenfranchised women.”

To join the conversation, go to DailyLobo.com.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Fashion Q&A

Victoria Velasco senior, fine arts “I feel like when it comes to fashion I love to mix-match patterns but combine colors. Since I am an arts major, colors just kind of speak to me in different ways.� Velasco said she likes her clothes to be as colorful as she likes her art, like this outfit with mixed patterns and matching colors with her scarf and sweater. Earrings — Charlotte Russe, gift Scarf — Ross, $10 Pearls — gift Sweater — American Eagle, $20 Boots — Dillards, $60 Jeans — American Eagle, $20


Wednesday, January 30, 2013/ Page 5

Favorite trend: “It’s the mixmatching of the patterns, because before it was a fashion faux pas — that you can’t mix patterns — but now it’s coming back pretty hard and pretty well.� Least favorite trend: “I think it might be Ugg boots with shorts. It’s like taking one extreme to the next; it’s like you’re weather-ly challenged.�




4.0000 x 5�



Josh Melendez Freshman, undecided “My dad’s a surgeon, actually, and he’s always best dressed. He’s always looking his best, and I didn’t want to fall into his footsteps, but I always wanted to almost look as good as he did.â€? Melendez said he likes to match or semi-match his wardrobe to look as sharp as his father. Hat — online, $8 Beats — Best Buy, $300 Hoodie — High school, $30 Watch — G-Shock (online), $140 Backpack — Big 5, $60 Jeans — Aero, $11 Belt buckle — somewhere in San Francisco, $30 Shoes — Nike, $110 Favorite Trend: “I love wearing gray; silver’s actually my favorite color. My hat is silver, my car is actually silver.â€? Least: “Plaid shorts, I’m just not a fan of those. You look like you ripped them off a picnic table and just started wearing them.â€? ~Antonio Sanchez Photos by Rachel ToraĂąo-Mark

‘We are these nerds about toys’ Managers seek out unconventional, educational toys

Today’s toys aren’t just marbles, jump rope and jacks: kids can now program solar-powered robots to navigate mazes, turn on the lights or get a snack from the fridge. “Someone programmed the Lego Mindstorm to flush the toilet and say thank you,� said Out of the Blue Toy Store co-manager Cariad Owen. “One of them could draw a replica of the Mona Lisa, because it uses just computer programming. You can make it as complicated as you want.� Out of the Blue Toys, a 23-year-old

like that when I was a kid.� Gallegos said that decades ago, science projects and games were theoretical and couldn’t be realized by the kids thinking them up. But now kids have the tools to make everything. “You would enter these competitions and stuff and see if they would work and see who would win, but it was never anything this cool that you could do yourself,� Gallegos said. “We’d have these hypothetical ideas, but it’s not like you could actually do it.� Gallegos said many of Out of the

see Toy

store page 6

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by Nicole Perez


specialty toy store, carries everything from 10-cent mini dice to the $300 Lego Mindstorm. The shelves are lined with dolls in pink boxes, 3-foottall dollhouses and Mr. Bubble Bathtub Ice Cream Shoppe kits, a toy that makes foam ice cream in the bath. High-tech and solar-powered toys are a fairly new commodity, according to Owen and co-manager Lisa Gallegos. “I’m not sure everything that was out there when I was 5 or 6, but the array of things — science kits for example — there’s just everything you would think of,� Owen said. “I don’t remember having access to anything

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 2/28/13

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Page 6 / Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Toy store

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

from page 5

Blue’s interactive, specialty toys are not available in big box stores. They don’t just follow movie fads, and she said their toys are more long-lasting and safer than many toys from corporations. Owen said some of the dangers of corporate toys include strangulation and choking. “Sometimes I’ll see that at a big box store there’s a huge list of things that have been recalled,” Gallegos said. “There’s been this hazard in glue that hasn’t been tested or something, and that just really freaks me out.” All of Out of the Blue’s products are tested by the managers for safety, durability and age-appropriateness. “We are these nerds about toys and we learn a lot about everything in the store,” Gallegos said. “A lot of parents want to buy games for really young children, and we are like ‘Well, this one’s really more of a cooperation game, waiting your turn, respecting other people.’” Education is innate to all toys, Owen said, because kids learn in all types of situations. “Some people come in and say they want ‘educational,’ but I think everything’s educational,” Owen said. “Play, creativity, having fun, it’s all educational. It helps establish your outlook and how you’re going through life logically.” Gallegos said kids usually don’t even realize they are

learning when they play. Children frequently call Gallegos by phone, and she watches them grow up. She speaks fondly of Andres, a 6-year-old boy who likes dinosaurs. “I’ve known Andres since he was really little — he’s really smart and we have a really great rapport,” Gallegos said. “He still wonders if I know him and I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me right now? Of course I know you, come

on.’ You can tell this kid is really smart and amazing and you’re glad to recommend the things that form his childhood.” Out of the Blue Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday noon to 6 p.m. 2502 Rio Grande Blvd. N.W. OutOfTheBlueToys.com

Sergio Jiménez / Daily Lobo Sean Garcia, 6, smiles as he finally convinces his parents to buy the “Snap Circuits” toy he wanted for his 7th birthday. “Snap Circuits” is one of the many educational toys the Out of the Blue toy shop sells.



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,J 30, 2013/ P lobo featuresLos Angeles Times DailyWCrossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE JANUARY 30, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo Year Zero

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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis


Level 1 2 3 4


Solution to yesterday’s problem.

ACROSS 1 Net help pages, briefly 5 County counterpart, in Canterbury 10 Boring 14 Longtime Stern rival 15 Little bits 16 Baltic capital 17 New Orleans team confused? 20 __ Who 21 Little bits 22 Silly 23 Musical quality 25 Chooses 26 New York team punished? 31 Fail to mention 32 Picky eaters of rhyme 33 Different 36 “Network” director 38 Old West mil. force 39 Andrea Bocelli, e.g. 41 Half a fly 42 More than a sobber 45 Small or large 46 Indianapolis team stymied? 48 Loads to clean 51 Person in a sentence, say 52 Convention pinon 53 Heroic poems 56 “Homeland” airer, briefly 59 San Diego team upset? 62 Hardly friendly 63 Go on and on 64 Take on 65 Golf rarities 66 Fur fortunemaker 67 Football positions DOWN 1 Punch source 2 Indian nursemaid 3 Being alone with one’s thoughts

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By Kurt Mengel and Jan-Michele Gianette

4 IRS ID 5 TV drama about Alex, Teddy, Georgie and Frankie Reed 6 Vagabond 7 News piece 8 X-ray units 9 Linguistic suffix 10 Pickled 11 Purple __: New Hampshire state flower 12 Word with travel or talent 13 Underworld 18 Zippy flavor 19 Most nasty 24 Bone: Pref. 25 NH summer hours 26 Quite a blow 27 Tall runners 28 Footnote ref. 29 Mount Narodnaya’s range 30 __ orange 33 Thin paper 34 Nap 35 Slave Scott

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 Like many omelets 40 “Mi casa __ casa” 43 Gore and Hirt 44 Stock market VIP? 46 Casual wine choices 47 Not bad, not good 48 Modern witch’s religion


49 For this purpose 50 Old, as a joke 53 Goofs 54 Exam sophs may take 55 Colon, in analogies 57 Sheep together 58 Keats works 60 Org. concerned with greenhouse gas 61 Ally of Fidel


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LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Wednesday, January 30, 2013




Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

Announcements Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. Call: 277-3013. Chat: www.agoracares.org PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

Health and Wellness


ATHLETIC? NEED TO be more buff? buff.hanslinux.net

Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets


2.2 miles to UNM, close to Rapid Ride, convenient freeway access, quiet community w/ pool, covered parking & on-site laundry MOVE-IN SPECIALS

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale


268-8686 5700 Copper NE

sandiaproperties@gmail.com www.sandiapropertymanagement.com


NOB HILL 1BDRM apartments. $490/mo +electricity, $250dd. No pets, free UNM parking. 505-850-9749.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

QUIET, CLEAN, AFFORDABLE 1BDRM $590-$600/mo, utilities included. 2 blocks to UNM, no pets. 262-0433. UNM NORTH CAMPUS1BDRM $525/mo. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

Announcements UNM IS RECRUITING women with asthma for research study. If interested, please contact study coordinator at 925-6174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud. unm.edu EDUCATION MAJORS (UNDERGRADUElemenATE/GRADUATE Degrees). tary, Secondary, Special Education. Regional Accreditation. NMPED Approval/ Licensure. Tuition Commensurate with UNM. Wayland Baptist University (Albuquerque Campus). 2201 San Pedro Dr. NE (505-323-9282) mccall s@wbu.edu http://www.wbu.edu/col leges-in-albuqueque/education12-13. pdf PARKING 1 BLOCK south of UNM $100/ semester. 268-0525 or 269-9896.

FOUND LOST KEYS corner of Vassar and Contitution. Keys with Pink Care bear and E/Z Splitz. Contact mmar ti91@unm.edu with other descriptions.


Campus Events Coffee & Tea Time 9:30am – 11:00am LGBTQ Resource Centee

ATTRACTIVE STUDIO 1 block south UNM, full kitchen, 1BA, large main room, new/remodeled, appliances. $475/mo, $200/dd include utilities. No pets. Move in special. 268-0525.

ON THE EDGE... of downtown 802 Gold Ave SW. 1BDRM with ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. Across from Silver Ave. Flying Star and Robinson Park. Gated, safe, courtyard, laundry off-street parking. $625/mo with $150dd. Please call Greg at 305-975-0908 or on-site Kimberly 505-203-5365.

NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $680/mo. 505-610-2050.

1700 Indian Plaza Dr.

Features • Studios, 1 Bedrooms & 2 Bedrooms • Swimming Pool • Fireplace/Dishwashers • Walk-in closets • On-site laundry • Gas Heat

Newly Remodeled!


WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. STUDIOS, 1 BLK UNM, $455-$475/free utilities. 246-2038. www.kachina-prop erties.com UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM=, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $420/mo +1/4utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm.edu PARADISE HILLS: TWO rooms, full bath, hotspot, cable TV, safe quite neighborhood, Rapid Ride nearby, W/D, shared kitchen. Gorgeous views. No pets. $550-$650/mo. Smaller rooms for $300 and $400. Orlando 459-5528. NEAR UNM. QUIET studio with garage, hardwood floors, new windows. No smoking/pets. $550/mo. 255-2491.


FREE RENT THROUGH 3/15. Female roommate needed to take over Casas del Rio lease, Feb-May. Rent is $511/mo. Call or text 505-573-1656.

TURBO DIESEL JEEP Liberty. 4WD 4 cylinder 26mpg. Bronze 1 owner all service records. 108k. Replaced timing belt warrantied. $11k obo. 505-359-1546.

ROOMMATE WANTED-3 rooms available in convenient, 2 min walk to campus, house.International, grad, or mature, students preferred.$400+ split utilities. Email lcala00@unm.edu

1992 4X4 TOYOTA Truck 35k on engine and transmission. Too many new parts to list. 4 cyl 22re engine. $ 8,900 obo 505-359-1546.

ROOMMATE WANTED. SPACIOUS 3BDRM/2BA. $475/mo includes utilities and internet. 7-blocks from campus. Call me 505-469-9416. TAKEOVER LEASE: $540/MO. Studio, great amenities, no deposit, email mrober06@unm.edu N.E. HOME, Quiet Carlisle area, parks, bike trails, N/S female only, graduate student preferred, application and lease required.$350/mo. +1/2 utilities. 805-698-5817. CONVENIENT, CLEAN, UBER charming room on Gold Street. $425/mo, includes utilities. Living with one full time UNM student. Call and leave message, 575-502-0234 and jherrer12@unm.edu

IMPROVE YOUR PERFORMANCE. Your scooter can keep up with traffic. Kits installed starting at $350. Loboscooter 200-0486.

ROOM IN CASAS Del Rio available, Call Sam at 505-916-7064 as soon as possible for information if you are interested.

Noon-Time Concert Series 11:00am – 2:00pm SUB Atrium

Greek Life Greek Week Meeting 5:15pm – 6:00pm SUB Isleta Greeks Against Drunk Driving 12:00pm SUB Luminaria

Lectures & Readings On the Road to Discovery 1:00pm – 2:00pm Dudley Wynn Honors Center Forum Troy Lovata, Honors College,

LOBO VILLAGE ROOM for rent for male student. Call 575-770-5708 for details.



“Higher Education’s Role in Implementation of Common Core State Standards in Kentucky.” 1:00pm – 3:00pm Garcia Honda Auditorium in George Pearl Hall The College of Education Presents Education Expert Dr. Robert L. King. The talk is free and open to all. A Critique of Contemporary Comparative Methodology in Cross-cultural and Cross-species Research 12:00pm – 1:00pm 100 Castetter Hall Dr. Randy Thornhill Presents

Sports & Rec Women’s Basketball vs Wyoming 7:00pm

CDL DRIVER NEEDED. PT, weekends, pay DOE. Send resume to paul@trol leyusa.com NATIVE SPANISH SPEAKER wanted for private classes. Perfect for graduate student. dirttank75@hotmail.com NEED STUDENTS FOR summer postions. Paid training and summer housing provided. Please email evare la@pinnsec.com for more info. MAIMONIDES SLEEP ARTS & Sciences (MSAS) is a privately owned sleep center offering advanced care and innovative services for patients with complex sleep disorders. We are currently seeking a motivated, committed individual for a sleep technician position. Applicants must be computer literate, able to touch type at least 40wpm, and have excellent phone and patient care skills. Most of our technicians work two consecutive nights (11 hour shift) along with two days (8 hour shift) per week. However, flexible day and night shifts are available. New sleep techs must be able to work some weekend shifts. Nonregistered technicians and graduates of accredited sleep programs are encouraged to apply, but experience as a sleep tech is not required. If you are interested in applying, please email your resume to jkrakow@sleeptreatment. com.

HIRING: SUPERVISOR/ PIZZA/ cooks, counter help/ delivery drivers. Experience prefered, not required. Apply, 102 4th St. 243-2536.

DANCERS WANTED AS entertainers for parties. Nights, weekends. Same day pay. 505-489-8066. Privatedancersn m@gmail.com

!!!BARTENDING!!! $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.100.

BE IN MOVIES. No experience needed. Up to $300/PT. 505-884-0557. www. A1StarCasting.com

PERFECT JOB FOR college student! Caregiver needed for disabled working man living near Cibola HS. Dressing, cleaning, and laundry. No experience needed, no lifting. PT, M-F, 6-9:15am, $130/wk. Call 319-6474.

WANTED CUSTOMER SERVICE representitives . Pay $8.50/hr Full and PT job. Work available immediatly. Sumbit resume to prince_123@comcast.net Call 505-260-2310.

LOOKING FOR SOMEONE responsible to house/dog sit on an as needed basis. I live in the downtown country clubneighborhood and travel often many times at the last minute. Would involve last minute calls for dog visits and some overnights. Basically making my home your home when I am not here. Looking for the right person for a long term situation. Convenient to UNM. 259-9468.


FUTON-HARD MAPLE frame/futon/cover. Excellent Condition. $125.00 238-9526.

Rooms For Rent

CUSTOMER SERVICE JOBS $17-$25 and more per hour now hiring pt/ft. www.PaidReps.com

$400/MO, UTILITIES/INTERNET INCLUDED. 3 miles from campus. Contact: tdiver@unm.edu or text 505-850-4147.


Houses For Rent

Jobs Off Campus

CASAS RIO TAKEOVER lease, male preferred, 3 roomates. Electricity,cable, fully furnished. Shared BA, twin beds community game room and gym. Call 505-795-4192.

For Sale

3BDRM, 1BA, BASEMENT, W/D, big lot, with stove and refrigerator. $1000/mo + $400dd. Does not include gas or electric. 2 blocks from UNM. 505-881-3540 or 505-720-1934.

1/4 ACRE TAOS county unit 9, north of the hwy 64 and 5 miles west of the Gorge bridge. $1200 obo 505-359-1546.

ROOMMATE WANTED. FURNISHED room in spacious, clean NE Heights home. $395/mo +utilities. 417-6888.

BEAUTIFUL CONDO! 2 BDRM, 2.5 BA. 5 min from UNM. $900/mo. 505-379-8100.

2BDRM, 1BA, 780 sqft. Off street parking. $730/mo, includes utilities. No smoking, no pets. 302-A Girard SE. 505-270-0891.

Property For Sale

UTILITIES/ INTERNET/ FURNITURE/ laundry/ some food - $450/month. 9 minutes bus to UNM, 17 minutes bike. Clean, quiet. NS/ND. LGBTQ and international ok. 459-2071.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551.

Volunteers VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Agora Helpline’s Spring training! Application Deadline: February 8. Apply early, Apply now at AgoraCares.org

YAMAHA STUDENT TRUMPET, mint condition. Conn alto sax (student model). Tuba used $1,750 $300. Jimi 480-7444. IPAD 1 FOR sale. Excellent condition, no scratches, comes with case, and charger - $225. Call 505-310-9213. MUSIC GEAR 4 sale; amplifiers Roland electronic drum set, Washburn Acoustic electric guitar, Zildian cymbols, brass Piccolo snare and stands. 505-359-1546.

Vehicles For Sale 1988 TOYOTA LANDCRUISER FJ62 Automatic, 35inch tires like new, Runs strong, Old Man Emu 4” lift, ARB bumper, CB radio, Clean interior $3k firm. 505-503-9115.

LOBO LIFE Anthropology. Part Lectures series.


Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Space, Rooms for Rent, or any For 10¢ per word in Personals, Rooms • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fax • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Express. Come by room 107 Come by room 131 in Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.

5 minutes from campus!

BLOCK TO UNM. Large, clean, 1BDRM, $575/mo, includes utilities, no pets. Move in special! 255-2685.

FEMALE AND LOOKING for a bedroom to rent? Then look no further! At Lobo Village, a bedroom is available for a female student (sophomore or above) to rent through August. If you move in now, your first month will be paid for! If interested please email: Brittany MA22@aol.com

Lost and Found

CUSTOM WEDDING CEREMONY, $129 Nondenominational weddings and commitment ceremonies. “YourWeddingLady.” 505-865-8433.


MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139.



new mexico

new mexico

New Mexico Daily Lobo

The Pit

Student Groups & Gov.

Christians on UNM 10:00am – 1:30pm SUB Scholars National Student Speech-Language Hearing Association 10:00am – 11:00am SUB Thunderbird- Mirage Navigators Meeting 6:00pm – 10:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B Meet the Mormons 6:00pm – 8:00pm 1601 Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd West of the University and MLK intersection Food, games and info Mock Trial Club Meeting 7:00pm – 9:30pm

Events of the Day

Things to do on campus today. SUB Scholars International Medical Delegation to Brazil Meeting 8:30pm – 10:30pm SUB Fiesta A

Want an Event in Lobo Life?

1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on the “Events” link near Queer Straight Alliance Meeting the top of the page. 7:00pm – 9:00pm 3. Click on “Submit an Event ListSUB Mirage- Thunderbird ing” on the right side of the page Theater & Films 4. Type in the event information Argo and submit! 4:00om & 7:00pm SUB Theater

* Events must be sponsored by a UNM group, organization or Public Forum on UNM Area department Transportation Improvements * Classes, class schedules, 12:00pm – 1:00pm personal events or solicitations are SUB Lobo A & B not eligible. Public forum on near/long-term * Events must be of interest to the transit, land use, and parking campus community. strategies. Meetings

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