NM Daily Lobo 020813

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February 8, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

UNM Davie accused of discrimination preps to replace WebCT Anonymous letter accuses UNM’s head football coach of treating black players unfairly

New online system to be phased in by summer by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

Freshman Ada Duran said having to use two types of online coursework systems during the same semester has complicated her academic life. Duran is one of many UNM students caught between the phasing-in of the new UNM Learn online system and the phasing-out of the older WebCT system. “All my assignments are on WebCT, but I actually use both,” she said. “I think either one would be OK, but I figured out it’s kind of confusing in a way because you have to remember what goes with what.” Duran uses WebCT for written assignments but uses UNM Learn for readings. Professors using UNM Learn can post documents and readings directly to the site without requiring students to download PDF files or Word files, as WebCT does. Duran said that although accessing both sites is not a hassle for her, the process might be difficult for some. “I’m a very organized person,” she said, “but I know other people who are not as organized would be confused about that.” She added that she prefers WebCT over UNM Learn. “I find them really similar, but I’ll stick with WebCT, though not because it’s better,” she said. “I would actually stick with WebCT just because I’m kind of used to it.” Because Blackboard, the software developer for both WebCT and UNM Learn, no longer provides updates for WebCT, the switch to UNM Learn is very important, said New Media and Extended Learning (NMEL) Director Debby Knotts. “With the vendor no longer supporting the WebCT product and moving all of their support to the newer product that is covered under our perpetual license, the timing was critical to move to the newer product,” she said. Knotts said NMEL has been planning the transition to UNM Learn for more than two

see Learn PAGE 3

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 97

Daily Lobo file photo UNM head football coach Bob Davie

by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

Various media outlets received an anonymous letter alleging that Lobo head football coach Bob Davie discriminates against players based on their race. The Daily Lobo did not receive the letter, but learned about it at Wednesday’s National Signing Day press conference. Shortly after the press conference,

Lobo athletic director Paul Krebs sent a statement by email that University officials concluded the allegations cited in an anonymous letter were false after reviewing the letter and speaking with Davie. “We firmly believe, based on the information we have and the fact that the letter was sent anonymously, that the allegations are unfounded and untrue,” Krebs said in the email. The letter, which was signed “Sincerely, UNM Senior Football

Players,” also claims Davie penalizes black players more harshly than he does white players. At the press conference, Davie said the letter was nothing more than a farce. He described his reaction as “probably the same reaction that it’s been through my 35 years of broadcasting and coaching, that anonymous letters are anonymous letters. … there’s no reason to defend an anonymous letter; it’s par for the

course. There’s no underreaction and overreaction.” Davie said anonymous letters like the one sent to various news outlets are nothing new to him. “We might be releasing statements every day if we start releasing statements on anonymous letters,” he said. Davie held a press conference regarding the anonymous letter on Thursday but the Daily Lobo was unable to attend.

UNM scientists target tuberculosis Suppression of TB’s effects may assist treatment of HIV and other inflammatory diseases

by Rosario MarroquinFlores news@dailylobo.com

A UNM Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Department team’s research has potentially resulted in a new and more effective way to combat tuberculosis and other inflammatory diseases. In November department chair Vojo Deretic and his post-doctoral researchers published their new research on autophagy in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. Autophagy is the process by which specialized cell bodies eliminate damaged or infected parts of a cell. Their research suggests that this process, which suppresses inflammation, could be useful on a large scale for counteracting

the body’s overactive immune response to tuberculosis. This is because inflammation weakens healthy cells.

“You think it may take the next generation; I think it’s going to be faster than that” ~Vojo Deretic UNM molecular genetics and microbiology department chair

Domestic artifacts

Kings of the mountain

see Page 2

see Page 5

“What we’ve shown is actually that autophagy can get rid of tuberculosis; it degrades it,” said Eliseo Castillo, a post-doc researcher on Deretic’s team. Tuberculosis (TB) is a deadly bacterial disease that has been frequently linked to death in people who have HIV and AIDS. “It’s an opportunistic pathogen in AIDS,” Deretic said, “and worldwide, people die, not because they have (an) HIV infection, but because TB comes with it. It’s the lethal duet, so to speak.” The team is now expanding its research to other diseases that may function similarly to tuberculosis, such as inflammatory bowel disease and Crohn’s Disease. Their research may even lead to a breakthrough in cancer, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis research.

“In essence, the drugs that we are developing for TB, part of the project for HIV, could work … in any inflammatory disease,” Deretic said. The team has also begun the process of drug development, testing compounds already approved by the FDA. Deretic said final treatments may be developed earlier than expected. “You think it may take the next generation; I think it’s going to be faster than that because we’re focusing on drugs that are already FDA-approved,” he said. “It could be 10 years down the line.” Deretic added that the progress of this research has required minds from different backgrounds.

see Scientists PAGE 3


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PAGETWO F R I D AY , F E B RU A R Y 8, 2013


Exposing the Occult Weekly Photo Forum

Domestic Reliquary “Domestic Reliquary,” a photographic art show featuring work by Daniel W. Coburn, opens today at the 5G Gallery at 1715 Fifth Street N.W. The show runs through Feb. 26. A reception for the show is held at the gallery tonight at 8 p.m. Today’s Exposing the Occult features work from Coburn’s show. Coburn is a graduate student at UNM working toward a Master of Fine Arts in photography. His work is held in many public and private collections including the Mulvane Art Museum, the Albrecht-Kemper and The Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art. Coburn says his artistic body of work “revolves around dark family narratives, gender, suicide and domestic trauma.” The show at 5G contains 24 pieces created through the antiquated salted paper and darkroom process combined with various digital elements. “Domestic Reliquary” uses found images that are meant to supplement Coburn’s own family album and help serve as a “one-of-a-kind” domestic artifact.

volume 117

issue 97

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Alexandra Swanberg News Editor John Tyczkowski Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Juan Labreche Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse




Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Multi Media Editor Zachary Zahorik

Design Director Connor Coleman Design Assistants Josh Dolin Erica Aragon Andrew Quick Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

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from page 1

years, and has slowly implemented the switch from WebCT since the summer. She said NMEL introduced UNM Learn to about 1,700 students last semester, and this semester UNM Learn is going full-scale. She said professors had the choice to keep WebCT or to switch, and that the number of professors using each is split about 50-50. The planning for the switch did not come at an additional cost, Knotts said. The University did not hire outside consultants and kept the people who were involved with WebCT to work on UNM Learn, she said. With WebCT, professors can post text anywhere on the course page and students can receive announcements directly in their email, but according to the website UNM Learn does not yet have that discussion tool, which Blackboard says is in development. “Many love it, others do not,” Knotts said. “There are new feature enhancements that will not be available until summer and fall, which might address some of our parity concerns. Yet


generally we are hearing the new features are providing improved functionality.” These enhancements would include the addition of a discussion tool like WebCT’s, a mobile app and a Facebook-like social media aspect. Knotts said the social media aspect would include a ‘like’ system on UNM Learn similar to the one used by Facebook, where students can like and share documents and readings uploaded by the course’s professor, as well as like and recommend classes they’ve taken. Senior Diana Weber said that although she has gotten used to WebCT in previous courses, UNM Learn is easier to navigate. “I really like WebCT, but so far I don’t hate (UNM) Learn,” she said. “(UNM) Learn is a little bit more straightforward in the way everything is organized. You click on this tab, and everything is there.” Knotts said that UNM Learn will “go fully live” this summer, which she said will allow students to transition smoothly into the fall semester.

from page 1

“We have genetics, biology, microbiology, infectious disease, microscopy … it takes a village to come up with a significant study these days, so you need to be multidisciplinary,” he said. Castillo said that to succeed as researchers, not only do students need to be academically multidisciplinary, but they also need to expand on themselves. “I think you just have to be a renaissance person — you know, not only do science but do the math, do the writing, do literature,” he said.

“If you’re trained by scientists who are trained by scientists, it makes you wonder, are you all going to have the same approach?” UNM offers research opportunities to both undergraduate and graduate students at the University, and Deretic said his research team encourages students to participate in research on campus. “These (scientific endeavors) require both the youthful energy and the old sage kind of view of the big picture,” he said. “That’s when it starts working well.”

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Friday, February 8, 2013/ Page 3




Friday, February 8, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @AlexSwanberg



Macklemore: poppin’ tags and fighting hate Editor, I grew up with parents who taught me that no one should be discriminated against for any reason. Every person has a right to live their life and love whomever they want. I have always been and will continue to be in support of gay rights. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, the newest sensations to reach the top of the music charts, have made a song titled “Same Love.” When I watch this video I am at a loss as to why anyone would want to deny a person this life — a life of love, of marriage, or freedom to be who you are. Kyanne Fields UNM student

Sandy devastation should be call to action Editor, Feb. 6 marks 100 days since Superstorm Sandy slammed into the mid-Atlantic, claiming almost 150 lives, destroying homes and knocking out power for millions. The recovery continues: many families in New York and New Jersey have been unable to move back into their homes, and many who have returned have been struggling through recent cold snaps without any home heating. What will we learn from this? We know extreme weather events such as Sandy and the ongoing record drought are likely to become more severe and more frequent unless we tackle global warming now. And as the president said, ignoring this problem would “betray our children and future generations.” We have solutions, from wind and solar to home weatherization projects. But our leaders must take action. Most immediately, we need President Obama to reject the dirty Keystone XL oil pipeline and to set carbon pollution limits on power plants. The time for action is now, not after another devastating storm. Benjamin Covey UNM student

Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Alexandra Swanberg Managing editor Opinion editor

John Tyczkowski News editor

Dr. Peg’s Prescription The key to a good boner is being stressless and sober Disclaimer: Names and details have, of course, been changed to protect confidentiality. This patient is not real but he is representative of many patients I have seen with the same problem. The nurse’s note said, “Will not disclose.” This happens when the patient doesn’t want to talk to the nurse about their problem, preferring to wait for the doctor. We respect this choice, although what you tell the nurse is as confidential as what you tell the doctor. Still, some people just don’t want to have to talk about it more than once, whatever it is. Often, “will not disclose” means something about sex. Sliding open the door, I saw a young man perched on the edge of the exam table, arms and legs crossed, one foot bouncing. His smile was hesitant, his eye contact brief. I asked him some basic questions to put him at ease. His name was Ethan. He was a law student. He moved here from Maine to go to school and was in his second year. “I’m worried. I think I have a problem. I don’t know; it’s never happened before. See, last weekend, Saturday night, my girlfriend and I were, well, you know…” “Having sex?” I prompted. Sometimes plain speaking works best. “Yeah.” Ethan visibly relaxed a little and proceeded to tell me that everything had started off fine, but after only a few minutes of intercourse, he had lost his erection. He was mortified, and left his girlfriend’s apartment shortly after that. She had been kind about it but he was in shock. “I was wondering if maybe I should get some Viagra or something. Or some tests. What could be wrong?” We talked some more, and Ethan explained that he had been dating his girlfriend for almost a year. Things were going well, he thought. They were happy

together. She was a student too. They were both busy, with full schedules and jobs, but they usually managed a date night on the weekends, and had satisfying sex often. She was taking birth control pills, and they used condoms as well just to be safe. Last Saturday they went out with some friends, had a few beers, and then went back to her apartment. “I don’t know what happened,” he said, grimacing. “I feel terrible.” He worried that he had let his girlfriend down, that she would think he wasn’t attracted to her, that she would see him as less of a man. After all, he saw himself as less of a man. “What kind of guy can’t keep it up? I mean, at my age? I’m only 24.” He wanted to have sex with his girlfriend again but he dreaded a repeat performance. I asked him more details about his health and his life. He is basically healthy. He takes no medications. He has no trouble urinating and he usually wakes up with an erection (that is reassurance that the equipment can function). He eats too much junk food and doesn’t exercise as much as he’d like, both of which he blames on the demands of law school. He doesn’t smoke or use any recreational drugs. Further discussion revealed that he had a big exam coming up, that his grandfather back in Maine was very ill, and that he had consumed more than his usual amount of alcohol last Saturday. “Well, there you go,” I said. “Triple whammy.” Pardon the pun. Stress is by far the most common cause of erectile difficulties in young men. It can be stress in the moment, like the worry that you’ll lose your erection again, or more distant stress, like Ethan’s sick grandfather and his upcoming exam. It’s not like Ethan was consciously thinking of either of those things while he was with his girlfriend, but both were there in the background creating a subtext of anxiety. Add alcohol, the second most common reason for erectile

failure, and the evening was practically doomed from the fourth beer. This happens. It happens to more young men than you might think. When they come to see us in the clinic, we usually ask a lot of questions, do a physical and genital exam to make sure all is normal, and treat with plenty of education and reassurance. If we suspect a physical problem we might do some tests, but for most young men erectile failure is a transient problem — more mental than physical. Alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs and some medications can certainly contribute, and I did advise Ethan to back off the beer a bit, but the main culprit is stress, which is compounded by worry that it will happen again. Having an understanding and supportive partner who will not take it personally is a huge help. It is usually not about them. A partner who reacts with blame or self-pity just makes it all worse. Of course, sometimes the relationship itself is the source of the stress, in which case that needs to be addressed. By the end of his visit, Ethan had uncrossed his arms and was looking at me as we spoke. He said he was going to go make an appointment for counseling to help manage his stress. Then he planned to call his grandfather, call his girlfriend to arrange a date, and go study for his exam. He promised to come back and see me if the problem didn’t resolve. I think he is going to be okay. If you have a problem, SHAC is here to help. Call (505)277-3136 for a medical appointment, (505)277-4537 for a counseling appointment. Peggy Spencer is a student-health physician. She is also the co-author of the book “50 ways to leave your 40s.” Email your questions directly to her at pspencer@unm. edu. All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous.

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Juan Labreche / @LabrecheMode / Daily Lobo Senior guard Jamal Fenton attempts a jumper versus Air Force on Wednesday night at The Pit. UNM travels to Las Vegas, Nev. on Saturday to face UNLV. UNM defeated UNLV 65-60 Lobos’ field goal percentage has by J.R. Oppenheim in the Jan. 9 conference opener doubled to 50.6 percent. assistantsports@dailylobo.com They are 43.1 percent from the and the Runnin’ Rebels are 4-4 in @JROppenheim 3-point line over the last three see Basketball page 6 With their Wednesday night games. That is another significant home victory over Air Force, the improvement from the 33.7 percent No. 15 New Mexico men became they shot in their first 20 games. UNM captured wins over the seventh team in the nation this season to reach the 20- Wyoming, Nevada and Air Force as win mark. They join a list that a result. For a team that established includes Michigan, Gonzaga, itself as a strong defensive unit early Indiana, Arizona, Creighton and in the year, UNM has shown that its offense has come around. Middle Tennessee. Have the Lobos turned the Head coach Steve Alford has guided the program to 20 wins in corner? “I don’t know about that, but I’ve each of his six seasons at the helm, and he’s now reached that feat for said it all along that when we start the 14th time in his career. The making shots, our game will go to program hit the mark for the 26th another level,” Alford said. “What I’m confident about in games time in school history. More importantly, the Lobos where we’re not making shots is proved they are the team to that our guys are tough enough to beat during the second half of stay in games and give it a shot.” Having reached the midway the Mountain West Conference point of the MWC slate, UNM has schedule. First-place UNM (20-3, 7-1 eight games remaining before the MWC) appears to have turned a conference tournament begins corner since its abysmal 25-percent March 13 in Las Vegas, Nev. The shooting performance at San Diego Lobos begin the conference’s State. Since that Jan. 26 loss, the second half Saturday at UNLV.




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Page 6 / Friday, February 8, 2013

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Recruits hope to fill defense gap by Thomas Romero-Salas sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

The Lobo football team’s offense improved mightily last season, but its defensive side was still a cause for concern. UNM sought to address the problem by signing 15 defensive players during National Signing Day on Wednesday. The Lobos signed 24 players, including eight offensive players and two players whose positions have yet to be determined on either the offensive or defensive side. Five of the incoming defensive players are defensive backs, and head football coach Bob Davie said he hopes they can come in and improve a defense that ranked 103rd in the nation in passing defense. Davie also said junior wide receiver SaQwan Edwards will switch to defensive back to help out the secondary. “Obviously he could be a starting receiver on this team next year so that’s a big move, with a lot of

thought put in to that decision by us,

SaQwan, and his parents,� Davie said. “But the defensive back position is

, , 3 ,

Basketball from page 5 GO LOBOS!





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critical, and I think we got some good athletes that will hopefully come in (and contribute).� The defensive line was another issue the Lobos looked to resolve. UNM signed four defensive linemen: junior Brett Bowers, a junior college transfer from Mendocino Community College; and high school students Nik D’Avanzo, Sam Mabany and William Udeh. Davie said Mabany has the most potential among the defensive linemen. “We were on him last spring, and I’m just curious to see how it all plays out with him,� Davie said. “The upside is as high as any player I’ve been around, but it’s just going to take time because he’s so young and so raw.� Before signing day, UNM had only two quarterbacks on the roster: sophomore Cole Gautsche and junior Quinton McCown. In response, the Lobos signed three quarterbacks: junior college transfer Clayton Mitchem, and high school students Lamar Jordan and Caleb Kimbro. Mitchem started 12 games for Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College, completing 58.3 percent

of his passes for 2,435 yards, while throwing 27 touchdowns to 10 interceptions. “We have a junior college quarterback that’s here on campus, which I thought was really critical; and then we have two other quarterbacks coming in, both from the state of Texas and both we’re really excited about because of their style of play,â€? Davie said. “So we addressed the quarterback situation. There’s going to be a lot of competition there.â€? Eleven of the 24 players UNM signed are from Texas, while only one, Romell Jordan, is from New Mexico. Between Davie’s first two recruiting classes, the Lobos have signed 23 players from the Lone Star State. According to ESPN, the Lobos signed four three-star recruits and two two-star recruits. Davie said older players have become a major factor in recruiting.  “You look at (what schools) we beat to get some of these players, and ‌ who beat us to get some of those players we didn’t get,â€? he said. “I think we’ve raised that bar, and I think that’s only going to get better.â€?

are making history of their own. The seniors won their 100th game as Lobos on Wednesday and are two games away from topping the school record set by A.J. Hardeman and Phillip McDonald from 2009-2012. That record could be broken as soon as Feb. 16, a home date with Boise State.

3-pointers. That effort helped the Lobos to a shooting percentage of 48.1 percent. Junior guard Sara Halasz added 11 points, while senior guard Caroline Durbin added 10. UNM held a 36-32 halftime lead. Guard Alicia Leipprandt scored 19 points to lead Air Force (2-19, 1-7 MWC), followed by guard Cherae Medina with 15 and forward Dymond James with 13. The Lobos return to the court on Saturday afternoon with a home game against UNLV. Tipoff is at 2 p.m. The Rebels (8-14, 4-4) come to The Pit after a 72-66 loss to Fresno State on Wednesday.

Women drop Air Force, host UNLV Saturday Antiesha Brown had a field day Wednesday night against Air Force. Her 26 points propelled the UNM women to a 72-67 victory at the Air Force Academy near Colorado Springs, Colo. The Lobos improved their overall record to 12-9, and their conference record now stands at 4-4. Brown, a sophomore guard, made 10 of her 15 field goal attempts, including five

go s bo loo o l s go bos Women’s basketball vs. UNLV g o o s l b o Saturday o ob o lo s go s g l 2 p.m. g bo o bo lo s g o o o The Pit % & ' ( )

os lob o l go l s go bos b g o o o o l s go bos obos lob go l go g os lobo o lo go l s go bos bos lob The list of upcoming g o o o o s o l o l s s l b o g g Lobo athletic events is published every o o o o s b g b lob o lo go os g o o o week in the Daily Lobo. s s o lob o l go g bos bo lob o l go b s o lo go os g os olo go os g os obo l Upcoming Athletic Events o o o s s b lob o l g b lob o l g g o o o o s s s s l l b b o g o g o o o o Softball ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s go os g bos lob Men’sSatBasketball Thurs-Sat 02/07-02/09 02/09 o o @ Kajikawa Classic @ UNLV go s g obo lobo o lo go os g obo lob o lo g g o s s s in Arizona State s l Wed 02/13 b b ol o o g g o o o o @ Fresno State o o o b b s l Sun 02/10 s b g l b g g o g o o o o o s o l s o l s s l s l b @ NMSU Hotel Encanto b o g o g o o o o o Basketball in Las Cruces, New Mex. ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o lo s go os g bos lWomen’s ob l o g g Sat 02/09 o o o o o o o o g os lob lob go l s go os g bos lob lob go l s g os g vs. UNLV Men’s Tennis - Pit2pm b o o o The o o o o Sat-Sun 02/09-2/10 o b o b s l s b g l b g l @ Oregon o Wedos02/13 o os g os obo lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o lo gvs. Fresno State 7pm o b s s b g l b g l b g g o o o o o o s s o l o l s lo TheoPit Track & Field o l go os g obos obo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go g Fri-Sat 02/08-02/09 sSkiings o os l s o os l l l b b o o g o g hosts Don Kirby Elite o o o o o o b o b l oSat-Sun o02/09-02/10 Invitational ob o l s g s g bos lob o lo go l os g os g obos lob o lAlpine s g o hosts New o Mexico g Albuquerque Convention o o o o b b s s b s b lo g l b o Invitational Center o l os g os g oinbRed loNew Mex. bo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo Good g River, o o Fri-Sat 02/08-02/09 luck to o b s g l s b g l b g g g o Fri-Sat 02/08-02/09 o @ Washington Husky Classic o s s @g Utah bo o lo o lo go Nordic oInvitational os lBasketball, o oos bos lob go l go l s go bos obMen’s o in Seattle, Wash. b s l b g g o o o o o in Soldier Hollow,oUtah o s l s o l o l s s l s l b b o o o bo lo s g obBasketball, go os g obo go Women’s go os g obo lobo o lo g g o o s s o l b ol g bos bo lob o l g bos bo lob Skiing, o o o l Softball, s s g g lo g g o o o sTennis, s o os Men’s s b o lo o lo go os g b o lo o l o o g o o o b b s b lo g ob s g boGOOOOOOO o&l Field!! loTrack o l os g os g obos lob and s LOBOS! l o g g o o o o o o b b s l s b g l b g g g o o bo o lo o l go bos bos lobo o lo go l s go bos To advertise in this special section, s g lo call 277-5656! s g os obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo o b b lo o l os g os g obos lob o lo go l os g g o g os lob lob go l s go os g bos lob b o o o o o




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F ,F 8, 2013/ P lobo features Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE FEBRUARY 8, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo


dailycrosswordEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Year Zero


Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem.

ACROSS 1 Dragster, e.g. 8 Crammed, perhaps 15 Without a clue 16 Having merit, as a theory 17 Sherlock Holmes forte 19 Steve of the Lakers 20 Involuntary movement 21 Find the right words, say 22 1891 self-named electrical invention 26 Lethargic 29 Crew member 30 Computer media 34 Very long time 35 “Nonsense!” 36 Golf course freebie 37 “They’re running neck and neck!” 40 Show to be false 41 Checkpoint demand 42 Dedicatory verse 43 Handy 44 Old-time whaler’s harvest 45 Bit of a disagreement 46 Product introduced as Brad’s Drink in 1893 50 TV doctor 53 Market tracking aid: Abbr. 54 __ mater 57 Advocates for change, and a hint to this puzzle’s circled letters 62 High point of many a small town 63 Like bumpers 64 Bette Midler classic 65 Flirt’s quality DOWN 1 Arm extension? 2 Shortly 3 “The Lord of the Rings,” for one 4 Full of surprises, as a plot

LOBO LIFE Art & Music Gaelle Solal 7:30pm – 8:30pm Keller Hall Classical guitar concert. Roots Revival 8:00pm – 10:00pm Popejoy Hall This production is sponsored by the New Mexico Black History Month Festival Arts and Culture Weekend. the journey of African Americans from West Africa to the present in song, dance, and spoken word.

Campus Events Cultural Connections Beading Workshop 2:00pm – 4:00pm American Indian Student Services FAFSA Fridays 9:00am – 3:00pm 1119 Mesa Vista Hall - American Indian Student Services Free drop-in assistance is available in completing the 2013-2014 FAFSA application for collegebound seniors and degree-seeking students. Campus Safety Forum 10:30am – 1:00pm Plaza Atrium NODA Conference 4:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Ballroom C, Lobo A & B

Lectures & Reddings Public lecture 1:30pm – 3:00pm Honors Forum By Athletics/American Studies candidate, Dulcinea Lara. Paleoseismology; Has it Reduced Seismic Hazards, and if not, How Do We Change Course?

Measurement of Hawking Radiation in the lab 4:00pm – 5:00pm Room 125, Dane Smith Hall Presenter Dr. William Unruh (Univ. of British Columbia), discusses the radiation Hawking predicted would be emitted by black holes.

Meetings Latino Information Session 12:00pm-12:30pm Mesa Vista Hall Rm.1157 Calling Rising Latino Leaders to Create Change Women Empowerment: Develop Global Leadership 2:00pm – 3:00pm Women’s Resource Center

Sports & Rec Track hosts Don Kirby Elite Open 9:00am – 4:00pm Albuquerque Convention Center

Student Groups & Gov Student Coalition for Diversity 12:00pm – 2:00pm SUB Fiesta A & B Biology Undergraduate Society 12:00pm – 1:00pm SUB Alumni Community Experience Meeting 2:00pm – 3:00pm SUB Mirage- Thunderbird

Lobos Love St. Baldricks 3:00pm – 4:00pm SUB Acoma A & B

5 Put away for later 6 Constellation near Scorpius 7 Sikhism, e.g.: Abbr. 8 Dispassionate 9 The Bell System was one, briefly 10 First Burmese prime minister 11 Newsreel word 12 Footnote abbr. 13 Simple race of fiction 14 Bad impression? 18 Voter’s dilemma, often 23 W.C. Fields persona 24 Turner in films 25 In other words, in other words 26 Ancient Jordanian archaeological city 27 Expressed wonderment 28 It’s sharp and flat 31 Exclusive 32 In a way, slangily 33 Bad fall 35 Henri: s’il vous plaît :: Heinrich : __

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

36 Ristorante order 38 One delivering the goods 39 Secular 45 River leaper 47 Roots (for) 48 Splurge 49 “Curb Your Enthusiasm” role 50 Attention-getter 51 Frigid planet in “The Empire Strikes Back”


52 Frozen treat 55 Cry from one eagerly raising a hand 56 Father of Phobos and Deimos 58 Mil. mailroom 59 Radio frequency regulating org. 60 “So that’s what’s going on!” 61 Tom Hayden’s ’60s org.

Campus Calendar of Events

2:00pm – 3:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 122 Presented by James P. McCalpin, GEO-HAZ Consulting, Inc.

Graduate Resource Center 2:30pm – 5:30pm SUB Cherry/ Silver


By Jeffrey Wechsler



age 7


Camperinos Meetings 5:00pm – 7:30pm SUB Scholars

Theater & Films In the Family 7:00pm SUB Theater Southwest Film Center

Saturday Art & Music Suzuki Lab School Recital 12:00pm – 1:00pm Keller Hall UNM Chinese Spring Festival Gala 5:00pm – 9:00pm Continuing Education Center Hosted by Chinese Students & Scholars Assocociation. New Mexico Philharmonic: Celebrate Valentine’s Day 6:00pm – 8:00pm Popejoy Hall Celebrate Valentine’s Day a few days early with a cosmopolitan romp through the Cole Porter songbook. Thien Pham, Voice and Josh Rupley, Piano 6:00pm – 7:00pm Keller Hall Joint Student recital. Performance of Die Winterreise.

Campus Events NODA Conference 8:00am – 5:30pm SUB ALOT/NSBE Student Achievement Workshop 11:00am – 4:00pm SUB Mirage- Thunderbird Joanne Bodin Book Event 12:00pm – 1:00pm UNM Bookstore

The author is here to speak about and sign copies of her novel Walking Fish and poetry collection Piggybacked.

Sports & Rec Track hosts Don Kirby Elite Open 9:00am – 4:00pm Albuquerque Convention Center Women’s Basketball vs UNLV 2:00pm The Pit

Student Groups & Gov Peacepal Youth Service Summit 9:00am – 4:00pm SUB Game Development Club 11:00am – 1:00pm SUB Scholars Comedy? 1:00pm – 7:00pm SUB Alumni Pokemon Club UNM 12:00pm – 2:00pm SUB Cherry/ Silver Anime Club Meetings 4:30pm – 8:30pm SUB Fiesta A & B, Lobo A & B UNM Mind’s Eye Meeting 7:00pm – 11:30pm SUB Santa Ana A & B 3C Gamers- Cool Collectible Card Gamers 6:00pm – 11:00pm SUB Luminaria

Theater & Films In the Family 7:00pm SUB Theater Southwest Film Center

Email events to: calendar@dailylobo.com

Sunday Greek Life Greek Week 12:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Ballrooms Phi Sigma Pi Brother Meeting 1:30pm – 5:30pm SUB Lobo A & B Phi Gamma Delta Meeting 3:00pm – 5:00pm SUB Cherry/ SIlver Phi Gamma Delta Weekly Meeting 6:30pm – 11:30pm SUB Mirage- Thunderbird

Meeitngs Regents Meeting 8:00pm – 11:00pm SUB Ballroom C

Student Groups & Gov International Medical Domincan Republic 3:00pm – 4:30pm SUB Fiesta A & B World Affairs Delegation Meeting 4:00pm – 5:30pm SUB Mirage- Thunderbird

Theater & Films In the Family 1:00pm SUB Theater Southwest Film Center

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Friday, February 8, 2013



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MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. wel bert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. CUT YOUR CELL phone bill by 50%. Keep your same phone & number. www. tashaarmijo.shopacn.com / www. nickarmijo.shopacn.com / 505-7951923. / George. jarmigo18@gmail.com PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

Health and Wellness ATHLETIC? NEED TO be more buff? buff.hanslinux.net

Travel SILVER HAIRED GENT seeks attractive coed as companion for exotic vacation. Moscow/ Sochi? Bangkok? Rio? Let’s decide together. fsu_traveller@yahoo. com

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ON THE EDGE... of downtown 802 Gold Ave SW. 1BDRM with ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. Across from Silver Ave. Flying Star and Robinson Park. Gated, safe, courtyard, laundry off street parking. $625/mo with $150dd. Please call Greg at 305-975-0908 or on site Kimberly 505-203-5365.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

SKY MANAGEMENT, INC. 1117 Girard Blvd SE 2/1. $695/mo, $100 security deposit with valid student ID OAC. All utilities included. 362-6151. See skyabq. com / 332-2722.

Announcements UNM IS RECRUITING women with asthma for research study. If interested, please contact study coordinator at 9256174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud. unm.-edu EDUCATION MAJORS (UNDERGRADUATE/ Graduate Degrees). Elementary, secondary, special education. Regional accreditation. NMPED Approval/ Licensure. Tuition Commensurate with UNM. Wayland Baptist University (Albuquerque Campus). 2201 San Pedro Dr. NE (505-323-9282) mccalls@wbu.edu http://www.wbu.edu/colleges-in-albu querque/education12-13.pdf FREE BIRTH CONTROL for a year. Albuquerque Clinical Trials is studying a new type of low dose investigational birth control pill that uses hormones similar to those already in your body. If you’re sexually active woman between 18 and 50 and qualify for this study, you may receive at no cost. -Study birth control medication for a year. -Study related care. -Reimbursement for time and travel. For more information, contact Jessica at 505-224-7407 ext.222.

QUIET, CLEAN, AFFORDABLE 1BDRM $575-$600/mo, utilities included. 2 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in Special. 262-0433. UNM NORTH CAMPUS - 1BDRM, $495/mo. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. BLOCK TO UNM. Large, clean, 1BDRM. $575/mo, includes utilities. No pets. Move in special! 255-2685. ATTRACTIVE 2BA 1BA 2 blocks south of UNM. New carpet, vinyl appliances, DW. $765/mo includes utilities. $300 DD. No pets. Move in special. 268-0525.



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UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate consultant: 243-2229. ATTRACTIVE STUDIO, 1 block south UNM, full kitchen, 1BA, large main room, new/remodeled, appliances. $475/mo, $200dd includes utilities. No pets. Move in special. 268-0525. 2 BLOCKS FROM UNM. Remodeled 1bdrm apartment. $550/mo includes utilities. 505-670-5497. SKY MANAGEMENT, INC. 3425 Gibson Blvd SE 2/1. $450/mo. $100 security deposit with valid student ID OAC. All utilities included. 610-1130. See skyabq. com / 332-2722. NEAR UNM/ NOB Hill. 2BDRM, 1BA like new. Quiet area, on-site manager, storage, laundry, parking. Pets ok, no dogs. 137 Manzano St NE, $680/mo. 505-610-2050.

Duplexes 2BDRM, 1BA, 780 sqft. Off-street parking. $730/mo, includes utilities. No smoking, no pets. 302-A Girard SE. 505-270-0891. STUDIO IN DUPLEX. $420/ mo, all utilities included. Private yard, includes W/D. Near Coors and I-40 exit. Call Larry at 505-688-8561.

Houses For Rent NEW 3BDRM/2BA/2CG,1925 sqft. with loft townhouse. $1,350/mo +$1,000dd. Frig, W/D, water/trash included. Call Adrian 505-610-3323. 3BDRM 2BA FIREPLACE, big closet, living room, W/D, refridgerator and stove. Fenced yard. 2 /2 blocks to UNM. $1200/mo + $400 deposit. 505-881-3540 or 505-720-1934. BEAUTIFUL HOME, 3BDRM, 1.75BA, 1250 sqft., hardwood floors, garage, AC, W/D, alarm system with monitoring, 10 minutes from UNM, San Mateo/Candelaria, $1100/mo includes water + $1000dd, NS preferred, no pets. 505-715-7316.

NOB HILL 1BDRM apartments. $490/mo +electricity, $250dd. No pets, free UNM parking. 505-850-9749.

Rooms For Rent

STUDIOS, 1 BLOCK UNM, $455-$475/ free utilities. 246-2038. www.kachinaproperties.com

ROOM IN CASAS Del Rio available. Call Sam at 505-916-7064 as soon as possible for information and if you are interested.

1BDRM, SMALL TOWNHOUSE. Safe, gated, Juan Tabo & Central. Rapid Ride close by. Perfect for quiet, female. N/S. $400/mo. Including utilities. $200dd. Available 3/1-6/30. 332-0515. LOBO VILLAGE FOR female student Aug 2013 to Aug 2014. Contact 520-227-7394. WANTED ROOMMATE TO share Broadstone apt. female, serious student, n/s, clean, mature, friendly. $350/mo. Text 208-993-7141. TWO LIBERAL, COMPOSTING, 420 friendly engineering students seek likeminded roommate. 1.5 miles from campus off Carlisle. $350/mo +utilities. Email emking522@gmail.com FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED. 3BDRM/2BA + garage. Altura Village Gated Community. Utilities/internet included. $475/mo. Email bkarler@unm.edu ROOMMATE WANTED. SPACIOUS 3BDRM/2BA. $475/mo, includes utilities and internet. 7 blocks from campus. Call 505-469-9416.

!!!BARTENDING!!! $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.100. MAIMONIDES SLEEP ARTS & Sciences (MSAS) is a privately owned sleep center offering advanced care and innovative services for patients with complex sleep disorders. We are currently seeking a motivated, committed individual for a sleep technician position. Applicants must be computer literate, able to touch type at least 40wpm, and have excellent phone and patient care skills. Most of our technicians work two consecutive nights (11 hour shift) along with two days (8 hour shift) per week. However, flexible day and night shifts are available. New sleep techs must be able to work some weekend shifts. Nonregistered technicians and graduates of accredited sleep programs are encouraged to apply, but experience as a sleep tech is not required. If you are interested in applying, please email your resume to jkrakow@sleeptreatment. com. BE IN MOVIES. No experience needed. Up to $300/PT. 505-884-0557. www. A1StarCasting.com

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. SOCCER COACH, EXPERIENCED! Great PT pay, 3-5 hours, Saturdays. Youth ages: 4-12. 898-9999. CDL DRIVER NEEDED. PT, weekends, pay DOE. Send resume to paul@trol leyusa.com LOOKING FOR FIT, reliable, professional, Brand Ambassadors for demos and promos for a fun new Tea company. Need to be at least 18 years old and a fast learner. Pay is $20-25 per hour depending on experience. Email resume and picture to cynthia@fronter atalent.com

Volunteers VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Agora Helpline’s Spring training! Application deadline: February 8. Apply early, apply now at AgoraCares.org

ROOMMATES WANTED FOR a 3BDRM, 1.75BA home. 1,400Sq ft. 12 minute drive from campus and 40 minute bike ride. Please email vtrack 16@msn.com if interested.

Office Space


SMALL WAREHOUSE 600 SQFT. I-25 and Comanche, 14ft. ceiling, 10ft OHD + 600 SQFT yard. $450/mo. Call Greg 688-0682.

Can’t get enough of movies? Are you a major social media guru? Then here’s your chances to score an internship with Reelz. If you are a student currently enrolled in a department that offers “TV/Movie/ Media” internship eligibility, apply for an internship with one of the nations fastest growing TV networks.

Computer Stuff 2011 MAC BOOK Pro 8.1. 13-inch display, 2.3GHz i5 processor, 4GB RAM, 320GB Storage, OS X. Very lightly used. $675. 515-4473.

Send your application to


DELL WINDOWS 7 laptop for sale for $45. Great condition! Black, lightweight. Microsoft office included. 505-366-3245 or destinycrocker@live.com

For Sale SELMER AS-500 alto saxophone. Comes with case, pad saver, neotech strap, goldenstone mouthpiece. $900. 505-450-9542. THREE STONE PLATINUM band lab made diamond engagement ring. 2.61 carat total. $200 for info email firefox mk@msn.com YAMAHA STUDENT TRUMPET, mint condition $300. Conn alto sax (student model) $300. Yamaha Tuba used $1,750. Jimi 480-7444.

Jobs Off Campus ASSISTANT NEEDED - By St. Pius. A fun, outgoing, punctuational and friendly student needed to help UNM college grad. nm_specialist@yahoo. com CUSTOMER SERVICE JOBS $17-$25 and more per hour now hiring PT/FT. www.PaidReps.com

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