NM Daily Lobo 030813

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Nurse elephant


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March 8, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Student fee hike recommended


Board reviewed requests from various organizations by John Tyczkowski news@dailylobo.com

Full-time students could see a $17.40 increase in their student fees next year if the Student Fee Review Board’s recommendations are adopted. On March 1, the SFRB completed its final recommendations and submitted them to the Strategic Budget Leadership Team, which will discuss them over spring break with the UNM Board of Regents. According to a document released by the SFRB, the recommended 3.1 percent increase in student fees for full-time students would result in a total of $570.71 per full-time student, up from last year’s $553.31 per student. The SFRB budgeted $141,060, which would amount to a $6.01 increase per full-time student, for minimum wage increases for student employees in accordance with Albuquerque’s minimum wage increase, enacted Jan. 1. The minimum wage increase was a ballot measure voted into law by a two-thirds majority of voters last November. It raised the city’s minimum wage from $7.50 to $8.50 per hour. According to a spreadsheet released along with the document, the single largest funding increase request came from UNM IT Initiatives, which requested a $61.08 increase per full-time student. The SFRB did not recommend its requested increase, and its funding level from last year — $16.39 per full-time student — was maintained. Lobo Athletics requested a $17.38 increase per student, which the SFRB declined. The SFRB maintained Athletics’ funding at last year’s $131.75 per full-time student. That $131.75 from last year

see Student

Top $194.04

$120 $90 $60 $30

fees PAGE 3


Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Huntington Beach resident “King Todd” stands in the parking lot of a Newport Beach shopping center directing traffic. See photo essay on Page 2.

Racism in Coronado Hall Drawing on black student’s door is cause for worry, investigation

by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

Various African-American student groups at UNM are working on a resolution in response to a racist incident last week in one of the residence halls. On March 1, black student Dominic Calhoun received a racist note on the door to his room in Coronado Hall. The note, which was drawn on his roommate’s dry-erase board, depicted an image of a stick figure man drawn in black ink with a noose leading from the figure’s neck to the word “N****r.” Calhoun, who is an exchange student from the University of California—Santa Cruz majoring

student fee recipients


Athletics Department


Student Health and Counseling





includes the Board of Regents’ $50 increase to Lobo Athletics, which was not included in last year’s SFRB recommendations. Last year, the SFRB recommended an $81.75 per full-time student increase for Lobo Athletics. That amount was the same amount that Lobo Athletics had received the year before last. The organization that received the highest recommended fee allocation for next year is Student Health and Counseling at $194.04 per full-time student, an increase of $2.21 per student from last year. Lobo Athletics is in second place, followed by the SUB, with the board’s recommendation to maintain its $66.02 in full-time student fees from last year. Nine organizations are recommended to receive a student fee increase, including Student Health and Counseling, SUB Repair and Replacement, the Women’s Resource Center, Popejoy Hall, Community Learning and Public Service, African American Student Services, American Indian Student Services, El Centro de La Raza and the Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color. Thirteen different campus services, including Athletics, KUNM, Career Services, the Global Education Office and Recreational Services, are recommended to receive the same funding next year as they did this year. Two organizations received a recommended decrease in funding from student fees: University Libraries’ recommendation was a $108 total decrease and UNM’s Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions/UNM’s Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention received a recommended $390 total decrease. CASAA/COSAP asked for its decrease, which would amount



Recreational Services



Numbers are per student per semester

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 117

Good luck Lobos

Error-free game

see Page 5

see Page 6

in Africana studies, said he did not expect to be discriminated against in a supposedly liberal campus community. “I couldn’t understand why anyone would commit such a heinous act, especially on a college campus,” he said. “Seeing the image made me disgusted by this city and campus. The fact that people think it is funny to draw offensive images is intolerable in all aspects.” Calhoun said he had contacted UNMPD about the incident and that a police officer went to Coronado to ask other residents about the incident. But he said the police officer was unable to interview any student on the floor because the place was like a “ghost town.” Calhoun said UNMPD is not taking the incident seriously. “The fact that the police officer did not knock on anyone’s door is absurd,” he said. “How do you expect to gain any credible evidence if you do not assert your authority as a law enforcer?” The Daily Lobo attempted to contact UNMPD twice on Thursday afternoon but received no response. Don Trahan Jr., senior student program adviser at African-American Student Services, said AASS held an emergency meeting Wednesday night to address the issue. He said the incident is a safety concern for black students at UNM. “It really shocked all of us,” he said. “That jeopardizes the safety of one of our students here on campus. We’re not sure if someone is purposely targeting African-Americans in the University.” Trahan said AASS met on Monday and Wednesday nights with Residence Life, UNM Provost Chaouki

Abdallah and the students who live on Calhoun’s floor in Coronado. He said AASS, in cooperation with the Black Student Union, is working on a resolution to address the issue and whatever disciplinary action against the student who wrote the note will face. He said it is indefinite when AASS expects to finish. Trahan said the note Calhoun received was the second racist incident that happened to an African-American student this school year.

“Seeing the image made me disgusted by this city and campus.” ~Dominic Calhoun UNM exchange student “Approximately five or six months ago, (AASS was) temporarily located at Hokona Hall, and we had a similar incident in which the ‘N’ word had been drawn on a whiteboard in the space that we were temporarily utilizing,” he said. “There was not much follow-up regarding that event. That’s why it’s becoming a concern of ours.” Black Student Union student officer Brandi Wells said the second incident is particularly alarming to African-American students at UNM. “During the civil rights (movement), this act was done against African Americans and this was used as a threat,” she said. “Because this is the second incident that has occurred

see Racism PAGE 3


64 |39

PAGETWO F R I D A Y , M A R C H 8, 2013


Exposing the Occult Weekly Photo Forum

Rest in the West This week’s Exposing the Occult visits Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. While Huntington is known for its surfing and myriad surf shops, the latter is known for its pricey boutiques and multi-million dollar homes.

Right: A surfer walks away from the surf as the morning sun peeks through the dust of Huntington Beach Pier.

~Photos by Juan Labreche

volume 117

issue 117

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Alexandra Swanberg News Editor John Tyczkowski Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Staff Reporter Megan Underwood Photo Editor Juan Labreche Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Multi Media Editor Zachary Zahorik

Design Director Connor Coleman Design Assistants Erica Aragon Josh Dolin Andrew Quick Advertising Manager Renee Schmitt Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Student fees

from page 1

to a $0.02 drop in fees per full-time student. University Libraries, however, had asked for a $1.3 million increase, which would amount to a $22.29 fee increase per student. Its recommended decrease would result in a $0.14 fee decrease per fulltime student. In the document, the SFRB said it did not believe student fees are the appropriate avenue for University Libraries to seek funding, and that the organization should instead seek funding from the UNM Instruction & General Programs fund, which supports the overall academic mission of the University. Due to the fact that the Sustainability Studies Program


did not submit an application this year, the spreadsheet indicated that it would receive no money from student fees. All of the first-time applicants, including the Veterans Resource Center, the Mechanical Engineering Department’s Formula SAE race car project, the Division of Equity & Inclusion’s Men of Color Initiative, and the Julian Samora Legacy Project were recommended to receive no funding. The SFRB stated in the document there are more appropriate avenues of funding these organizations could pursue, rather than turning to student fees. The SFRB also approved one-

time funding requests from Popejoy Hall, the LGBTQ Resource Center, the Women’s Resource Center, Parking and Transportation Services, El Centro de La Raza and African American Student Services. However, it declined requests from University Libraries, for the reasons outlined above, and American Indian Student Services. AISS’s $10,000 request was to cover travel costs related to student recruitment, a cost which the SFRB stated in the document that it did not feel was appropriate to pass on to students. The Daily Lobo attempted to contact ASUNM for further comment but received no response.

“saddened and angered that any of us is made to feel unwelcome or unsafe. UNM is no place for such activities and the full resources of the University will be brought to bear on making certain that such incidents are completely eliminated.” Student Affairs Associate Vice President Eliseo “Cheo” Torres also addressed the issue in a letter his office sent to the Daily Lobo. In the letter, Torres said he already met with the Dean of Students to discuss possible disciplinary actions to the student who drew the note and that the student who wrote it could be expelled from UNM and referred to UNMPD. Trahan said students should learn

to embrace their differences and should not be afraid to bring up the issue of racism. “It’s an elephant in the room,” he said. “A lot of people are uncomfortable to discuss it, and it does exist. I think we need to use moments like this as a teaching moment.” Calhoun said that although the incident made him feel insecure about the campus, he said he will not let it affect him personally. “This intolerable, heinous act may have caused me to stumble, but some of our greatest leaders have had trying obstacles,” he said. “This is only adding to the motivation needed to obtain my degree.”

from page 1

this school year, we’re not sure what is going on.” Wells said the resolution will be sent to UNM faculty members and various other University bodies, such as the President’s Office, as soon as it’s finished. Trahan said the University is being proactive regarding the issue. “It’s a partnership,” he said. “We all want to make sure that something gets in place so this does not occur again, and have a concrete plan of action and disciplinary actions that follow this kind of behavior.” In his weekly communiqué sent Wednesday, Abdallah addressed the racist incident and said he is

For coverage of Wednesday’s full ASUNM Senate meeting

Go to DailyLobo.com

Friday, March 8, 2013/ Page 3




Friday, March 8, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @AlexSwanberg



Cuba is no paradise for the dictator’s subjects Editor’s note: This is in response to the column “Strong nations rise despite tyrants overseas,” published in Wednesday’s Daily Lobo. In his column, Jason Stafford argues that from an American perspective, perhaps Cuba can be viewed negatively. However, in the larger picture, he states Cuba is doing well for itself. Editor, Mr. Stafford has a remarkable talent for obfuscation and distortion of truth. He does an admirable job of building an entertaining and politically charged narrative. His primary responsibility, however, should be to give a fair account of Cuba’s government. It is too easy to cherry-pick facts about a nation to make it appear wonderful. One might easily point to the high level of college graduates, powerful economy and high social spending in the U.S. and call it a paradise. To do so would, of course, ignore high racial disparities in income, high incarceration rates, government corruption and increasing financial inequality. Similarly, when one depicts Cuba as a land of plenty with high quality of life, one must ignore rampant violations of freedom of speech, assembly and sexuality, along with military interventions in Mozambique, Angola, Namibia, Nicaragua and Venezuela. For all his talk of self determination, Mr. Stafford ignores the stark realities of life in Cuba. It would take a hard-hearted and ignorant individual to defend imperialist U.S. actions in the past, but it takes an equal measure of cynicism and self-delusion to argue that Cuba’s dictatorship amounts to a socialist paradise that represents the will of the people. Castro’s commitment to the popular will was discredited the moment that he canceled elections and replaced rule of law with El Paredón. In a nation supportive of self determination, people would not be victims to reprisals for expression of their will. In a nation supportive of self determination there would not exist such Orwellian crimes as “social dangerousness.” There is no doubt, either, that Cuba existed in a harsh dictatorship under Fulgencio Batista, but to replace that with an equally brutal dictatorship is no solution. Mr. Stafford is right to argue the Cuban people “rose up to shed themselves of tyranny and a government in which they had no representation.” To this day, however, they lack that representation they sought. In a nation with tight controls on media and communication with reprisals against dissidents, the people have no recourse for expression. To quote Bakunin, “When the people are being beaten with a stick, it is little relief to have it called ‘the People’s Stick.’” Roberto Mancha-Garcia UNM student

Protect factory workers in the chicken industry Editor, Left unsaid in the current Chick-fil-A controversy is any mention of the appalling workload borne by chicken-processing plant workers, most of whom are undocumented immigrants (see QR code). Now, the USDA is preparing to make a bad situation worse by increasing maximum line speeds to a mind-boggling 175 birds a minute. As one of the largest fast-food chicken chains in the country, Chick-fil-A could push the industry to put worker safety ahead of corporate profits. That’s unlikely to happen, however, without public pressure. Kevin Bean Daily Lobo reader

Dr. Peg’s Prescription Keep blood pressure in healthy range to protect your heart, kidneys and brain “If you don’t know your blood pressure, it’s like not knowing the value of your company.” -Dr. Mehmet Oz Q: While shopping at my local supermarket, I stopped by the pharmacy to measure my blood pressure. The machine told me that it was 127/75. Is this a healthy blood pressure? Also, what’s the relationship between blood pressure and cholesterol levels? What can I do to maintain a healthy blood pressure? A: The short answers to your last two questions are: not much, and plenty. But I’m not one for short answers, so pull up a chair. What exactly is blood pressure? It is the amount of pressure that your blood exerts on your blood vessels from within them. You might liken it to air pressure in your tires or water pressure in your pipes. Air pressure is measured in PSI, or pounds per square inch. Blood pressure is measured in mmHg, or millimeters of mercury, because blood pressure cuffs originally used a vertical column of mercury to measure pressure. A pressure reading of 100 meant the mercury column was pushed up against gravity by 100 millimeters. There are two numbers in a blood pressure reading: the top number and the bottom number. Basically they are maximum and minimum readings. The top number, 127 for you, is the systolic blood pressure. This is the pressure present in the arteries during systole, which is the active squeezing phase of the heart’s pumping action. The bottom number,

75 for you, is the diastolic blood pressure. This is the pressure present in the arteries during diastole, which is the inactive, relaxation phase of the heart. What is normal for blood pressure? Pretty much anything less than 120/80 and still standing. Too low is when you pass out because of it. A person’s blood pressure changes throughout the day, depending on many factors. Your blood pressure is lowest when you are asleep and highest when you are exercising strenuously. If your blood pressure always reads between 120-140 systolic and/or 80-90 diastolic, you could have prehypertension, meaning you could be at risk for developing the disease of hypertension, or high blood pressure. In the pre-hypertension range, lifestyle changes such as losing weight and exercising more are often all that’s needed to bring your blood pressure down to normal. If you get repeated readings with a systolic pressure higher than 140 and/or a diastolic higher than 90, you may have hypertension. This is a bad thing. Imagine what would happen if you filled your bike tires with as much air pressure as you put in your car tires. Kablam, right? That’s what happens in your tiny blood vessels if they get too much pressure. The result is damage to all your organs, especially your heart, kidneys and brain. What can you do to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range? Maintain a normal weight. Exercise regularly. Don’t smoke. Limit your alcohol intake or don’t drink.

Minimize your stress or manage it as best you can. Hypertension is sometimes genetic. If it runs in your family, you can decrease your chance of getting it by following the advice above and by getting a professional blood pressure measurement during your yearly physical. Blood pressure and cholesterol are not directly related to each other. High blood pressure doesn’t cause high cholesterol or vice versa. However, they both contribute to the same health problems — heart attacks, strokes, organ damage — and each alone can kill you. It behooves you to keep both blood pressure and cholesterol within a healthy range. Beyond that, cholesterol is a topic for another day. Finally, a word about supermarket blood pressure machines: They may not be exactly accurate. To maximize your chances of an accurate reading, rest first for 10 minutes, then put your bare arm into the machine. If you get worrisome or wildly differing readings in the supermarket, come in to Student Health and Counseling and let the professionals check it. Call (505) 277-3136 for an appointment. Peggy Spencer is a student-health physician. She is also the co-author of the book “50 ways to leave your 40s.” Email your questions directly to her at pspencer@unm. edu. All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous.

From the web Online readers responded to the column “Restricting rights won’t curb violence,” published in Tuesday’s Daily Lobo. In his column, author Christopher Donnelly argues that criminalizing abortion, guns and drugs will not eliminate them from society. User “Damian” “Good job, Chris. It’s refreshing to remain consistent, isn’t it? The problems we face have just begun because our philosophy is completely corrupt. This is due to the fact that people begin with an emotion or what they believe to be true and then seek a cheap Internet search or some opinion from another blog to support that feeling. The drivers of

statism do not seek the truth. They refuse to question their own premises, to look at history or ever seek to find flaws (inconsistencies) in their own beliefs. These irrational emotions are designed by those who benefit from government intervention, statism and fascism; they are those who gain power and wealth by stealing from the principled and honest…” User “phillip howel” “When Jefferson expanded on Locke to offer the principle “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that

among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” he did not qualify whose life was greater than another’s, nor ones liberty is greater than another’s. We jail people who kill another human being because killing (other than in self-defense) is in opposition to the fundamental principle that we have a right to life. Through some convoluted thinking, we have decided a human being whose voice cannot yet be heard is less a human than the born human, therefore denying the unborn their life — this is now acceptable public policy…” Join the conversation at DailyLobo.com.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Friday, March 8, 2013/ Page 5

men’s basketball

Lobos to face Falcons again by J.R. Oppenheim

assistantsports@dailylobo.com @JROppenheim

Based on Wednesday night’s game, No. 12 New Mexico showed it’s not taking this week off. The Lobos, already the No. 1 seed in next week’s Mountain West Tournament, powered their way past Nevada in their second-to-last regular-season contest. The 75-62 win in Reno, Nev., is UNM’s sixth in a row. The last game of the regular season for UNM (26-4, 13-2 MWC) will be at Air Force on Saturday. “We still have an urgency to win,” UNM junior forward Cameron Bairstow said. “We know what this (Nevada) game means for the NCAA tournament. Even though we’re not playing for a conference championship at the moment, it’s about seeding.” The Lobos reached the 26-win mark for the fifth time in UNM history. Every 26-win season has happened subsequent to the 1995-96 season, and this is Steve Alford’s third 26-win season as Lobo head coach. Junior guard Tony Snell scored a game-high 25 points, netting UNM’s last 10 points of the first half over a 3-minute, 6-second stretch. He hit eight of his 11 field goal attempts, including three 3-pointers. The Lobos led by as many as 16 points late in the game against last-place Nevada (12-17, 3-12 MWC). UNM built that margin using a 17-0 run over a five-minute span, holding a 72-56 advantage with 3:12 remaining. The Wolf Pack was 4 of 10 on field goals in the final five minutes. “To start the second half, the first 10 minutes wasn’t the way we were capable of playing defense,” said Alford,

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Junior guard Tony Snell chats with UNM men’s basketball head coach Steve Alford at the game against Boise State on Feb. 16 at The Pit. UNM faces Air Force in the regular-season finale Saturday. whose team trailed 56-55 before the It was the fifth time this season rally. “The last 10 minutes, it’s almost the Lobos have shot above 50 percent like the team said ‘That’s enough,’ and from the field, and their season-high they cranked up the defense.” 56-percent shooting clip came against Bairstow and sophomore center Nevada on Feb. 2. Alex Kirk both posted double dig“We knew the pressure was off, its in points and rebounds. Bairstow but I was concerned just on what earned his first career double-double our effort, what our demeanor, what with 15 points and 10 rebounds, while our concentration and focus would Kirk got his eighth with 11 points and be,” Alford said. “I told them in the 10 rebounds. locker room how pleased and proud The duo has combined for 95 I was of them because they came out points and 50 rebounds over the focused.” last three games. UNM has not had In its regular-season finale, UNM two double-doubles in a single plays an Air Force squad it defeated game since Roman Martinez and 81-58 on Feb. 6. Since then, Air Darington Hobson did it against Force (16-12, 7-8 MWC) lost five of Colorado State in 2010. seven games. Air Force has averaged In addition to his 10 points, 65.5 points offensively through 15 Lobo junior guard Kendall Williams conference games, giving up 68.1 provided five assists. He now has per game. The Falcons host UNM, 422 career assists, moving past Willie following back-to-back losses against Banks for seventh all-time on the Fresno State and San Diego State, in UNM list. Colorado Springs at 4 p.m. Saturday.

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Ted is an international lecturer for the U.S. State Department and was appointed by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon as a Committee Member to UNiTE, an international network of male leaders working to end violence against women. He is recognized in the effort to create a healthier and more respectful manhood and is dedicated to strengthening community accountability to end all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.

sg o $10.99 lo ob oSavings l $4.76 g Code o#:sofUNM1 o s b g o o s (Student I.D. Discount) bo lob go l go o s Pizzas o os 24”oParty l OPEN! NOW glocation ob at g 4thoand Central s l b Huge Slices o o o St. b Next to Maloney’s o • DINE l os102 4thuntil gOUT osIN o lCARRY o o b Open 3am Thurs-Sat s b g l **DELIVERIES** g s lo go os bo o lo o o o o b s g l b g Skiing o Baseball o s s g bo o l s l Wed-Sat 03/06-03/09 o o g Fri 03/08 o o o o o g @ NCAA Championships vs. UC Riverside 6pm ob o l s g os lob lob go l s s l b in Middlebury, Ver. Sat 03/09 o g o o b go os bo lob o lo go os vs. UC Riverside 2pm g o o s s s Softball l Sun 03/10 bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go Fri-Sun 03/08-03/10 vs. UC Riverside 1pm o @ Husky Softball Classic Isotopes Park o l s go bos obos lob go l go l s go bos obo loin Seattle, Wash. Wed 03/13 g o o o o s o Wed 03/13 l s o l at Arizona State s s l l b b o g o g o o o o o o @ Oregon o o b Fri-Sun 03/15-03/17 b s s b g l b g l g g o o o o o Thurs 03/14 s s at UNLV o l o s l s l b b o o g g o o o o o @ Oregon State o Tues 3/19 o Tues 03/19 os lob lob go l s go os g bos lob lob go l s g os g vs- Missouri St 3pm o vs NMSU 4pm o o o o Isotopes Park o o b o b s l s b g l b g g o g o Lobo Softball Field o o o o s Basketball o os bos lob go l go l s go bos obos lob go l go l s go Men’s Swimming & Diving o o ob Sat 03/09 o s s o os l lo go os l l b b o Thurs-Sat 03/14-03/16 o g at Air Force o o o o o o Wed-Sat o s g 03/13-16 s b lob o l g b lob o l g @ NCAA Diving Zones g g o o o o s s s s - Tournament b ol b ol in Colorado Springs, Colo. o o @ Mountain West g g o o o o o o o b b s ob lo ingoLasl Vegas,s Nev. o l os g os g obos lob o lo go l os g os g obo l Men’s Tennis o o Women’s o o b b s Fri 03/08 s b g l b g l b Basketball g g o o o o o o s s o l o vs. Depaul 12pm s l s l b Sat 03/09 lo o l b o o lo g bo g bo o2pm o o o Air Force o b b Sat 03/09 s vs. g l s g g g g o o o o o s Pit s o l s vs. NMSU 5pm o l s s lo oThe o UNM Tennis Complex b bo lob go l go os g obo obo lob go s go os g obo Tues-Sat 03/12-03/16 l Sat 03/16 o Conference lo West s o os l o os s b o l @ oMountain b ol o g o g g o o o o @ BYU Tournament b b s s b o Vegas, oNev. os lob lo go l s g os g bo ob lo go l s g os g inbLas l l Women’s Tennis o o Good o s to obo lob o lo Men’s go go luck bo lob o lo go os g g g Sat-Sun 03/09-03/10 o Golf o s s s s s l b Basketball, o o g g in Boise, Ida. o Baseball, Men’s o o o Fri-Sun 03/08-03/10 os bo lob go l go o o b b s l s b g l b g o o Thurs 03/14 o o @ Southern Highlands College o o o s o osat California l s o Basketball, l Women’s o os l s b ol b ol o o State Northridge g g Masters g o o o o o o b b s s b g l s b lo g l b lo g g g in Las Vegas, Nev. o o o o o o s s o o b ol b ol Track & Field gSkiing, Sat-Suno 03/16-03/17 g bos bo Women’s os bo o Golf, o ob gGolf, o l Men’s s l s b g l g lo Wed-Sat 03/06-03/09 g @ National Invitational o g o o o o l s s Swimming l s @ NCAA Championships b o lo o l os lob& Diving gino Tucson, goSoftball, osAriz. o o o b s s b g in Fayetteville, Ark. b g bo lobo o lo g g o o o o o Men’s Tennis, Women’s Tennis, s s o os l l s l b b Women’s Golf o o g g o o o o o s &obFieldlob o l Tue-Wed g go 03/12-03/13 Track os lob lob go l s go os gandbo GOOOOOO s @ Dr. Donnis Thompson l b g o o o o o o o b Invitational s s b g l b g lo in O’ahu, Haw. s g os obo o lo o lo go os g bos obo o lo LOBOS! o s l b g b lob o l g g o o o s s b ol o l s go bos g go os g obo lobo o lo g l os obo o lo g os o ob

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Page 6 / Friday, March 8, 2013 $2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Lobos crush La Salle 17-4 by Thomas Romero-Salas

UNM baseball head coach Ray Birmingham gives a thumbs up after the Lobos defeated La Salle 17-4 on Wednesday at Isotopes Park. The Lobos didn’t commit an error during the game for the first time all season.

sports@dailylobo.com @ThomasRomeroS

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It took the Lobo baseball team 10 games, but it finally happened. A 17-4 defeat of La Salle University on Wednesday at Isotopes Park was the first time this season UNM did not have an error in a game. On the year, the Lobos (4-6) have committed 23 errors. Head coach Ray Birmingham said it’s about time the team put together a complete defensive performance. “It was exactly what we were cheering about — no errors,” he said. UNM was ahead 5-0 after scoring four runs in the first inning and one in the second. La Salle cut the deficit to three with two runs in the top of the fourth. The Lobos answered with three runs of their own in the bottom of the fourth to push their edge to 8-2. The Explorers (2-7) added another run in top of the fifth when sophomore infielder Mark Williams hit an RBI groundout. In the bottom of the sixth, senior outfielder Luke Campbell, junior outfielder John Pustay and senior shortstop Alex Allbritton each tallied an RBI to give UNM an 11-3 advantage. Shortstop Kevin Baron had to take the mound for La Salle in the bottom of the eighth after freshman pitcher Collin McGowan gave up

Rachel Toraño-Mark Daily Lobo

an RBI single to UNM center fielder Josh Melendez. Baron walked sophomore outfielder Tyler Kamtz; then up came third basemen DJ Peterson. On the first pitch, Peterson hit a three-run shot to left center field for a commanding 16-4 lead. Pustay added the last run for the Lobos on an RBI single for the final score of 17-4. Sophomore Alex Real made his first start at catcher for the Lobos on Wednesday and said the squad has the potential to be great if it can stop the errors. “Defense is so huge in the game, and we’re always going to put up the runs,” he said after a four-hit, threeRBI performance. “Our offense is always going to be there, but if we can keep up the defense, too, we’re going to be dangerous.”

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Men’s & Women’s Basketball!!!




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Student Publications Board is now accepting applications for

Best Student Essays 2013-2014 Editor This position requires approximately 10 hours per week and entails supervision of a volunteer staff. Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or download an application at: pubboard.unm.edu/best-student-essays/ Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Friday, April 5, 2013. Term Of Office: Mid-May 2013 through Mid May 2014 Requirements: To be selected editor of Best Student Essays you must: Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable.

For more information call 277-5656.

The University of New Mexico Student Publications Board is now accepting applications for

UNM’s Student Art and Literature Magazine Conceptions Southwest 2013-2014 Editor This position requires approximately 10 hours per week and entails supervision of a volunteer staff.

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Junior pitcher Anthony Consiglio was the winning pitcher for the Lobos after tossing 1 2/3 innings, allowing two runs on three hits with two strikeouts and a walk. Junior starting pitcher Jonathan Cuellar had his longest outing of the season going 3 1/3 innings, giving up one run with two hits, four strikeouts and three walks. UNM employed seven pitchers total with freshman pitcher Drew Bridges throwing two shutout innings. Starting today and continuing through the weekend, UNM will face UC Riverside (7-5) in a fourgame series at Isotopes Park. The Highlanders have won four straight games and defeated Loyola Marymount 6-4 on Tuesday.

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 3/31/13

Applications are available in Marron Hall Rm. 107 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, or download an application at: pubboard.unm.edu/conception-southwest/ Application Deadline: 1 p.m. Friday, April 5, 2013 Term of Office: Mid-May 2013 through Mid-May 2014 Requirements: To be selected editor of Conceptions Southwest you must: Have completed at least 18 hours of credit at UNM or have been enrolled as a full time student at UNM the preceding semester and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.5 by the end of the preceding semester. The editor must be enrolled as a UNM student throughout the term of office and be a UNM student for the full term. Some publication experience preferable.

For more information call 277-5656.

The missing clue numbers in this puzzle grid are intentional and part of this puzzle’s theme.

F , M 8, 2013/ P lobo featuresLos Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE MARCH 8, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo


dailycrosswordEdited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Year Zero


Level 1 2 3 4

ACROSS 1 Perennial Oscars staple 6 Canoeist’s challenge 11 Game with pelotas 13 Maria __, the last House of Habsburg ruler 14 They’re found in bars 15 Most comfortable 16 Breed canines? 18 “Peter Pan” character 19 Erase, as from memory 24 Ukr., once 25 Honey Bear portrayer in “Mogambo” 26 Like some labor 28 Emotionally strained 30 Cabinet dept. created under LBJ 31 Prevent that sinking feeling? 34 Intertwines 36 Pygmalion’s statue 37 Course number 38 Touched 39 “A Tale of Love and Darkness” author 41 Native Coloradan 42 Financial Times rival, briefly 45 Best Picture of 1954 46 Train with dukes? 47 “I hate to interrupt ...” 49 Strasbourg’s region 51 In a defensible manner 54 Biological reversion 58 Newborn raptors 59 Progress by directed effort

Solution to yesterday’s problem.

DOWN 1 Retiree’s attire? 2 Knock 3 “Revenge of the Sith” episode number

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku



Bianca Morales, Voice 5:30pm – 6:30pm Keller Hall Junior Student Recital. Classic Albums Live 8:00pm – 10:00pm Popejoy Hall The Beatles’ “Abbey Road.” Orlando Madrid, Saxophone 8:00pm – 9:00pm Keller Hall Senior Student Degree Recital.

Campus Events

Sports & Rec Men’s Tennis vs Depaul 12:00pm Lobo Tennis Club Baseball vs UC Riverside 6:00pm – 8:30pm Isotopes Park

Student Groups & Gov.

2012 AISES Regional Conference 1:00pm – 10:00pm SUB Ballroom C

Lectures & Readings Human Rights Symposium 2:00pm – 3:30pm Zimmerman Library Human Ecologies of Ethnicity, Race and Memory in Human Rights Discourse Earth & Planetary Science Colloquium Series 2:00pm – 3:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 122 “Toward Accurate Interpretation of Speleothem Carbon Isotope Ratios” presented by Dan Breecker, University of Texas, Austin. Philosophy Colloquia Series 3:30pm – 4:30pm Mitchell Hall 102 “Intellectual Autonomy” presented by Allan Hazlett, The University of Edinburgh.


Japanese Club Benkyokai) 11:00am – 2:00pm SUB Plaza Atrium




By David Steinberg and David Phillips

4 Café reading 5 Peace Nobelist two years after Desmond 6 Time-traveling Doctor 7 Shut (in) 8 Pupil controller 9 Swarms 10 Scoreless trio? 12 Formation meaning “neck” in Greek 13 N.Y.C. country club? 17 Broke ground 19 Important greenhouse gas 20 Co-tsar with Peter I 21 TV cook Deen 22 Prominent instrument in “Paint It, Black” 23 British nobleman 27 Biblical cover-up 29 Snack in un bar 30 Leggy wader 32 Couldn’t get enough of 33 American rival 35 “It’s Impossible” crooner

Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

36 Watches with wonder 37 Sci-fi writer Frederik 40 Legal orders 42 River phenomena (or what literally happens six times in this puzzle) 43 Harvest sight


44 Tower-building game 46 Cut off 48 Suburban symbol 50 Pasture newborn 52 __ canto 53 Mil. ranks 55 Prefix with propyl 56 It might be original 57 Boulder hrs.


Campus Calendar of Events

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium 4:00pm – 5:00pm Room 125, Dane Smith Hall “Engineering the interaction of light with matter and sound at the wavelength scale” presented by Marcelo Davanço (NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology).

Arts & Music

Chemistry Seminar 4:00pm – 5:00pm Clark Hall Room 101 Presented by Ken University of Florida.

age 7



Biology Undergraduate Society 12:00pm – 1:00pm SUB Scholars UNM Operation Smile 12:45pm – 1:45pm SUB Cherry/Silver Community Experience Meeting 2:00pm – 3:00pm SUB Scholars Lobos Love St. Baldricks 3:00pm – 4:00pm SUB Lobo A & B GPSA 2:30pm – 5:30pm SUB Trail/ Spirit The Beatles Talk 5:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Lobo A & B Pre-Veterinary Society Meeting 5:30pm – 7:30pm SUB Luminaria

Camperinos Meetings 5:00pm – 7:30pm SUB Scholars University Students Russian 6:00pm – 7:00pm SUB Cherry/ Silver


Theater & Films Cinema Fridays: Women’s Herstory Month 12:00pm – 1:30pm Women’s Resource Center “Maid in America,” this documentary takes an intimate and emotional look at the lives of three Latin American immigrant women in Los Angeles who’ve left their own families behind to earn a living cleaning other people’s homes and caring for other people’s children. Pillowman 7:30pm – 9:00pm The X Theater A dark comedy about the loss of childhood, the effect of art and the odd fairy tale.

Workshops Campus Workshop: Biodiversity & Indigenous Peoples 8:00am – 5:00pm UNM Law School Room 2404 Convention of Biodiversity, the Protocol of Nagoya, and the protection of traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity. Cultural Connections Beading Workshop 2:00pm – 4:00pm American Indian Student Services

Saturday Arts & Music Music Is... 12:00pm – 1:00pm

Keller Hall UNM Music Prep School presentation celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the school. Featuring the UNM Childrens’ Chorus. New Mexico Philharmonic: Rachmaninoff and Ravel 6:00pm – 8:00pm Popejoy Hall

Campus Events 2012 AISES Regional Conference 8:00am – 3:30pm SUB

Sports & Rec

Arts & Music The Black Watch & Band of the Scots Guards 3:00pm – 5:00pm Popejoy Hall The Pipes and Drums of the Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland join the Band of the Scots for one spectacular performance.

Meetings Regents Meeting 3:00pm – 8:00pm SUB Ballroom C

Men’s Tennis vs NMSU 12:00pm Lobo Tennis Club

Sports & Rec

Women’s Basketball vs Air force 2:00pm The Pit Baseball vs UC Riverside 2:00pm Isotopes Park

Student Groups & Gov. Simon Charitable Meeting 9:00am – 2:00pm SUB Lobo A & B



Game Development Club 11:00am – 1:00pm SUB Alumni

Theater & Films Pillowman 7:30pm – 9:00pm The X Theater A dark comedy about the loss of childhood, the effect of art and the odd fairy tale.

Baseball vs UC Riverside 1:00pm Isotopes Park

Theater & Films Pillowman 7:30pm – 9:00pm The X Theater A dark comedy about the loss of childhood, the effect of art and the odd fairy tale.

Look for events on campus over Spring Break at


Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com




new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico

SEEKING FEMALE ROOMMATE. Small house blocks from campus. 2 rooms available: $500 or $375 /mo. all utilities included. WiFi, cable, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Email cwalker@unm. edu for pics/info.

Find your way around the Daily Lobo Classifieds

N.E. HOME, quiet Carlisle area, parks, bike trails, N/S, female only, graduate student preferred. $350/mo. +1/2 utilities. 805-963-4174.


Housing Apartments Co-housing Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Property for Sale Rooms for Rent Sublets

For Sale Audio/Video Bikes/Cycles Computer Stuff Dogs, Cats, Pets For Sale Furniture Garage Sales Textbooks Vehicles for Sale


CARLISLE QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD, parks, bike trails, N/S, female only, graduate student preferred. $300/mo. +1/2 utilities. 805-963-4174.

STUDIOS, 1 BLOCK UNM, $455-$475/ free utilities. Ask Lobo free month special! 246-2038. www.kachina-proper ties.com

FARINA ALTO PIZZERIA is opening in the North East Heights! Hiring experienced servers, bussers, hosts & cooks. Apply online at farinaalto.com

1/2 BLOCK TO UNM. Spacious 2BDRM. Private yard. Walk-in closet. $825/mo +gas/electric. No Dogs. 256-0580.

!!!BARTENDING!!! $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.100.

WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. 2 BEDROOMS, UTILITIES included 313 girard SE. $755/mo. www.kachina-prop erties.com. 246-2038. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate consultant: 243-2229. BLOCK TO UNM. Large, clean, 1BDRM. $575/mo, includes utilities. No pets. Move in special! 255-2685. UNM NORTH CAMPUS - 1BDRM, starting at $585/mo, includes utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

ON THE EDGE... of downtown 802 Gold Ave SW. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. 1BDRM. Across from Silver Ave. Flying Star and Robinson Park. Gated, safe, courtyard, laundry, off street parking. $605/mo with $200dd. Please call Greg at 305-975-0908.


A NICE 1BDRM (house), 504 1/2 Columbia S.E. (rear). 5 blocks to UNM, look in windows. $575/mo. 266-3059.

WANTED: STATISTICS TUTOR. Graduate level. (March 25 to May 1st). 2 or 3 times per week. Salary is reasonable. Call Joe at 505-450-1949.

1 BLOCK UNM 1BDRM duplex skylights hardwood floors driveway parking $525/mo. Includes water, electric 299-7723.

WIN AN IPAD3!! And support the students of EMS. Raffle ticket for sale in the SUB Wednesday and Friday from 10AM-4PM!

Services STRESSED ABOUT JOB? School? Life? Call. 277-3013. Chat. www.agoracares.org PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

Health and Wellness

2.2 miles to UNM, close to Rapid Ride, convenient freeway access, quiet community w/ pool, covered parking & on-site laundry 6 Month lease: $700-$720



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Condos 2BDRM, 1BA, 780 sqft. Off-street parking. $700/mo, includes utilities. $300dd. No smoking, no pets. 302-A Girard SE. 505-270-0891.

Duplexes NEAR NOB HILL. Large 1BDRM; hardwood floors, updated kitchen and bathroom, W/D, yard, off-street parking. $575/mo. 271-9686 home, 934-4331 mobile. BRAVHART1.ZEALFORLIFE.COM FREE BIRTH CONTROL for a year. Albuquerque Clinical Trials is studying a new type of low dose investigational birth control pill that uses hormones similar to those already in your body. If you’re sexually active woman between 18 and 50 and qualify for this study, you may receive at no cost. -Study birth control medication for a year. -Study related care. -Reimbursement for time and travel. For more information, contact Jessica at 505-224-7407 ext.222.

Apartments QUIET, CLEAN, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM, $575/mo, utilities included. 2 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in Special. 262-0433. ATTRACTIVE STUDIO, 1 block south UNM, full kitchen, 1BA, large main room, new/remodeled, appliances. $475/mo, $200dd includes utilities. No pets. Move in special. 268-0525.

Houses For Rent 3BDRM 2BA FIREPLACE, big closet, living room, W/D, refridgerator and stove. Fenced yard. 2 /2 blocks to UNM. $1200/mo + $400 deposit. 505-720-1934 or 505-881-3540. GATED DELUXE UNIQUE 2BDRM penthouse for two people. $900/mo. 415 Vassar SE. 266-7422.

Jobs Off Campus VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. WANTED CUSTOMER SERVICE representatives. Pay $8.50/hr FT and PT job. Work available immediately. Submit resume and hours available to work to prince_123@comcast.net / Call 505-260-2310. CAREGIVER/ CNA WANTED for disabled woman. PT AM and PM. 3-4 days/wk. $10-$14/hr, DOE. Email attendant2012@yahoo.com



Phone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate MasterCard Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Space, Rooms for Rent, or any For 10¢ per word in Personals, Rooms • Fax or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text, MasterCard or American Express is required. less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or ad text, and catergory to 277-7530 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Fax • Special effects are charged addtionally: e-mail classads@unm.edu. or email to to classifi eds@dailylobo.com DEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, person:Pre-payment Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: cash, check, money larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. American Express. Come by room 107 Come by room 131 in Marron Hallinfrom CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. UNM Student Publications www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay money order, in-state check, Pre-paybyby money order, in-state •• Mail MSC03 2230 Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All rates include both print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory.


Announcements Auditions Event Rentals Fun, Food, Music Health and Wellness Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space

New Mexico Daily Lobo

PT RECEPTIONIST FOR law office. $10/hr to start. Work hours 8am-12pm M-F. Email resume or letter of interest to ktm@morrisseylewis.com LIMITED TERM PART-Time TutorChemistry Program (0601633 ) ACE Responsibilities: Assists students individually or in small groups in the review of course material, solving of problems and preparing for tests. Coordinate and/or conducts workshops and study groups for students. Maintain a weekly schedule of available hours for student appointments for content course and/or learning strategies in tutoring. Maintain instructional materials collections, (textbooks, calculators, software, etc). Coordinate and/or conduct marketing activities such as class visits and new student orientations. Provide point-of-use guidance to users in selecting materials to fit their individual learning needs. Serve as communication link and faculty liaison between their school and ACE. Assist Learning Center Supervisor with recruiting, screening, hiring, orientation, mentoring and retention of part-time, peer (student) and/or volunteer tutors. Assist workshop facilitators with accurate and timely data collection and analysis. Mentor new tutors to include providing feedback through tutor session observations. Assist with coordinating and conducting staff training in tutoring techniques, learning styles, adult learning theory and tutoring students with special needs. Other responsibilities are: participating in required tutor training sessions per term or term break; staying current with CNM’s texts, materials, and policies; and providing supervision in the absence of a Learning Center Supervisor. Team or Task Force participation is encouraged as well as participation in CNM opportunities for professional growth and development. Participation in the New Mexico Education Retirement Act (NMERA) is required of each CNM employee. To ensure compliance with federal and college requirements some mandatory training must be completed for this position. Salary: $11.52 per hour. Requirements: Successful completion of 30hours of post-secondary course work to include General Chemistry I & II, Organic, and Biochemistry or equivalent. Transcripts verifying these specific courses are required at time of application; official transcripts are required at time of interview. Demonstrated verbal and written communication skills and human relation skills with a diverse population. Ability to relate one-to-one and in small groups utilizing a variety of tutorial methods. Computer literacy. Deadline for application: 03-21-2013 BY 5PM. For part-time faculty that work a minimum of eight (8) contact hours per week, Central New Mexico Community College provides an excellent benefit package that includes: a pension plan, health, dental and vision insurance, disability and life insurance. A complete job announcement detailing required application documents is available at jobs. cnm.edu or at CNM Human Resources 525 Buena Vista SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106. VOCALIST NEEDS KEYBOARD/ guitar player. All genres of music. Paid position for gigs. Females preferred. Teri 505-730-2933. LOOKING FOR EVENT Intern for local festivals 10-20 hrs/wk. Minimum wage. Must be 21+ and have car. Send cover letter, writing sample and resume to marne@feelgoodfestivals.com SOCCER COACH NEEDED. Great PT pay, 3-5 hours, Saturdays. Youth ages: 4-12. 898-9999.

Rooms For Rent FURNISHED ROOM IN 2BDRM/1BA house 15min walk to UNM. $350/mo includes utilities, W/D, wifi. 505-235-6048. WANTED ROOMMATE TO share Broadstone apartment, female, serious student, N/S, clean, mature, friendly. $350/mo. Text 208-993-7141.

ROOMMATE WANTED;SERIOUS clean student, shared w/2 females. 3BDRM/2BA house 2.7 mi from UNM. $405/mo + utilities. Call/Text Meagan 505-803-4994 or Samantha 505-553-3632. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $420/mo +1/4 utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm. edu SEEKING FEMALE ROOMMATE. Small house blocks from campus. 2 rooms available: $500 or $375 /mo. all utilities included. WiFi, cable, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Email cwalker@unm. edu for pics/info.

For Sale FORD 2003 TAURUS V6 Sedan. Excellent condition. New breaks, starter, battery, and power steering system. Great deal at $3750 OBO. Call 401-0520. THREE STONE DIAMOND engagement ring. Detailed Metalwork Platinum Band. Lab made stones. Round cut. Two side stone, 0.56ct each. Center stone, 1.49ct. 2.61 carats total. Size 5.5. Great condition. $200. Contact Firefoxmk@msn.com 3 PIECES BROYHILL furniture. Solid wood, 40 y/o, original 1960’s style. Includes two large dresser mirrors, very heavy. $150 for all. If interested e-mail interestbearing@aol.com

BREAD MAKING MACHINE Panosonic. Make yummy hot bread instead of tortillas. Put in the mix and out comes the gourmet style bread. $50. Email interestbearing@aol.com

Vehicles For Sale JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA 1989 4.2L automatic, 68,932 miles, $2,470. Call 505-465-4925.

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