NM Daily Lobo 041713

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

How many finals did you fail? see Page 7

wednesday April 17, 2013

Who proposed fee Art project aims to save home hike for Athletics? Rundown Las Cruces house attracts ‘Before I Die’ art installation

Student government rep declares shenanigans by Ardee Napolitano news@dailylobo.com

After the Board of Regents raised student fees for Athletics, one member of student government is questioning the transparency of the UNM administration. Graduate and Professional Student Association President Marisa Silva said that during the regents’ budget summit last week, Associate Vice President of Budget Planning and Analysis Andrew Cullen initially misrepresented the Athletics fee increase as a recommendation by the Strategic Budget Leadership Team. Silva said this was not the case. “At the budget summit, (the fee increase) was presented as part of the SBLT’s recommendations, which, when (Cullen) was questioned about it, he backtracked and said that it was a suggestion from Finance and Facilities Committee of the Board of Regents,” Silva said. “But initially, he presented the Athletics increase as an SBLT recommendation, which it was not.” To be eligible for student fee funding, individual departments file an application to the Student Fee Review

Board, which creates a list of preliminary recommendations. The recommendation are then passed to the SBLT, which has the power to change the recommendations, but generally does not. The recommendations are then passed to the regents, which has the final say on the exact amount of student fees each applicant gets. At the budget summit, the regents ignored SFRB and SBLT’s recommendation to keep next year’s Athletics student fee amount the same as this year’s $131.75 per student. Instead, the board increased student fee funding for Athletics by a total of about $900,000, which increased the perstudent fee cost for Athletics by $33.45 to $165.20 per student. Silva said she first heard of the proposal to increase student fee funding for Athletics when Regent Jamie Koch introduced it in a Finance and Facilities meeting on April 5. But she said that until the budget summit, she was not aware of the regents’ decision to act on it. Silva said the SBLT has informally supported SFRB’s recommendations, and ended talks about the recommendations on March 27 before the

see Fee

increase PAGE 2

Athletics fee increase 180


Student fee per student per semester ($)



$131.75 120









School year




Student fee per student per semester ($)




$553.31 540








School year

Inside the issue 140

by James Staley

The Associated Press LAS CRUCES — Unoccupied for decades and left to crumble, an old house sitting on the corner of Hadley Avenue and Tornillo Street shows its age. Gaping holes in the decomposing stucco bear adobe bricks, laid there, according to an official estimate, in 1925. A fire 85 years later damaged what was left of the roof and gutted the back of the home. A group of Las Crucens are hoping to save the deteriorating home in the Historic Mesquite Street neighborhood — one woman even set up a heralded, worldwide public art project in front of the house, trying to bring attention to the stressed structure. And

even though the home’s owner has filed with the city of Las Cruces an application to demolish it, he said he wants to see it restored. The house has been drawing attention for the past weeks because it serves as the site of “Before I Die,” an interactive public art exhibit set up to invite “people to share their hopes and dreams in public space,” according to the website of its creator, Candy Chang. Such chalkboards are set up all over the globe. Lauded as “one of the most creative community projects ever” by The Atlantic, “Before I Die” boards prompt an array of responses. Over the past few days, the boards in Las Cruces have inspired people to share personal goals, ranging from sweet — “have a baby” — to fantastic — “sleep with tigers.”

Others have been vague but vague. Appearing repeatedly Monday morning was “save my people.” Some are political, such as “impeach Obama,” another recurring message. Faith Hudson, an instructor at Doña Ana Community College, said she heard about the “Before I Die” project from a friend. She decided she wanted one here. The location was not a tough decision. “I kind of wanted attention called to that house,” she said. She said the “Before I Die” boards will remain standing for about a month, then Hudson plans to move them to another, undetermined location. One of the first messages written on one of the chalkboards was directed at the old home. Read one of the signs: “Save this house.”

Towne said that when the station anticipated the cuts in the fall, he made sure it didn’t have to furlough employees or make programming changes. “So we took our spending plans and said, ‘What can we either do without or postpone?’” Towne said. Some of these projects included an upgrade to the server room and an automatic door opener to accommodate people with disabilities. Listeners demonstrated support for KUNM during the station’s fundraising week April 6-12. A listener who wished to remain anonymous offered to pay half the sequestration losses, or $6,000. Towne said the listener stipulated that other listeners would have to match that donation, which they did in 90 minutes on Monday morning.

In an email, the anonymous donor said he feels fortunate to have the funds now and then to donate to what he considers to be a worthy cause. “I have always believed that public media is one of the cornerstones of freedom. I was particularly motivated this go-round because of the effect of selfish interests in Washington on the delivery of service to the people of New Mexico,” he said. “The people at KUNM work hard for the people of New Mexico and the people of New Mexico deserve KUNM’s best effort.” Towne said he was optimistic the station would reach its goal of $290,000. However, it fell short with a total of $269,659.25. “The 25 cents thing is pretty funny,” Towne said in an email. The station now has until June to

KUNM struggles under sequester by Alexandra Swanberg

Federal sequestration brings budget cuts for research and other government-funded endeavors here at UNM, and northern New Mexico’s public radio station is feeling some major effects. KUNM lost $12,000 as a result of sequestration — across-the-board federal budget cuts that went into effect March 1. Listener donations helped to make up the difference, though now that the semiannual fundraising week is finished, the station realized it has further to go. According to a message from the Congressionally funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting to all its funding recipients, including KUNM, the sequester that took effect March 1 would cut an estimated 5 percent of KUNM’s funding. KUNM general manager Richard


Race to justice

see Page 6

see Page 4

Daily Lobo volume 117

In this April 1 photo, a chalkboard that is part of an interactive public art project dubbed “Before I Die” stands in front of an old house on the corner of Hadley Avenue and Tornillo Street in Las Cruces.


Total student fee increase


Shari Vialpando-Hill / The Las Cruces Sun-News



61 |32

PageTwo Wednesday, A pril 17, 2013

Fee increase

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Athletics increase was introduced at the Finance and Facilities meeting. She said the increase was confusingly introduced during the budget summit. “It was very cloudy, the way it was presented, and I think that that is something that we as an institution need to work on,� she said. “It should be clear who is making these suggestions and proposals and who is not, and who is ingenious to present one regent’s idea as having come from an entire body.� But Cullen said he did his best to clarify at the summit that the increase was not a recommendation from the SBLT. He said he believes that

volume 117

the decision making-process of the regents was transparent, and that the increase was a reasonable move. “At the regents’ meeting, I tried to make it very clear that it wasn’t the recommendation of the SBLT,� he said. “I think (the regents) are very transparent. Everything was discussed in public meetings and they were very clear on why it was increased.� Silva said the University should be more transparent about its decisionmaking processes. “UNM needs to work on aligning its processes,� she said. “It’s a problem when the transparency is concentrated at the bottom with us students, when we all have to be held at a very

issue 140

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Elizabeth Cleary Managing Editor Alexandra Swanberg News Editor John Tyczkowski Assistant News Editor Ardee Napolitano Photo Editor Juan Labreche Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

high standard of accountability. As you move higher and higher, there’s less transparency.� Silva said she is upset about regents’ decision to increase the fee for Athletics. “I think it’s rash to increase student fees just on Athletics,� she said. “Issuing a 33 percent increase to one applicant is going to be problematic when it comes time to ask students if they’re going to be able to shoulder an additional fee increase to the proposed wellness center.� Recently, the University announced a series of seven proposals for possible renovations of Johnson Center and of Student Culture Editor Nicole Perez Assistant Culture Editor Antonio Sanchez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion/ Social Media Editor Alexandra Swanberg Multi Media Editor Zachary Zahorik

Health and Counseling facilities, which could result in a further increase in student fees. Associated Students of UNM President Caroline Muraida said the regents increased the Athletics fee to reflect the average student fee contributions to Athletics at other Mountain West Conference universities. But she said it was not rational to base the increase just on other athletic departments’ averages because the averages did not take into account all relevant information, such as individual universities’ institutional funding, ticket sales, and other related factors. “Our argument was that their calculation of the MWC was not only

Design Director Connor Coleman Design Assistants Erica Aragon Josh Dolin Andrew Quick Advertising Manager Brittany McDaniel Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

inaccurate but also fairly arbitrary,� she said. “Each of the other universities in the conference has different methods of generating revenue. Just to increase in that sole reason alone is not the wisest business decision.� Muraida said that in recent years, the regents have upheld or made only minor changes to the SFRB and SBLT’s recommendations — except for those involving Athletics. She said the regents have increased student fees for Athletics drastically during the past three years. “The regents have a responsibility to maintain a balanced budget to

see Fee

increase page 3

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

The Wesley Foundation will make a Mission Trip May 11-17, to help with reconstruction through the Epworth Project.

New Orleans is still very much in need of lots of reconstruction, and we hope you want to help. The cost is $275 a person (including food), though if you need ďŹ nancial help it can be given.

Please register by April 19 by calling 323-1251. Call 323-1251 for more info. Thank you very much. We are excitedly looking forward to this trip to help those in need.

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Be a part of what’s next. 3/29/13 12:55 PM


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from page 1

meet its goal by soliciting donations via mail. He said the station doesn’t usually have to do this, and tries to make it a rarity to preserve its public image of fiscal responsibility. “Given the magnitude of the deficit and debt, it’s always going to be an issue,” he said. Towne said funding for public radio has gone up or down 1 percent every year since 1996, but sequestration cuts were a more dramatic reduction than he is used to. “When (presidential) candidate (Mitt) Romney was running, he took a swipe at Big Bird, and he got pounded about it. People support public broadcast, so even though it’s a target, Congress ends up hearing from constituents, ‘No, don’t cut it.’” he said. Dennis Hamilton, director of consulting at Public Radio Capital, said government funding for public radio will always be volatile, regardless of economic conditions.

Fee increase

The key, he said, is for radio stations in the same area or market to get creative about how they can cooperate and collaborate in the interest of making the most out of limited resouces. “The long-term success for public broadcast is finding business models and service models that operate without government subsidies. Now that’s a big challenge. But our responsibility as stewards of these channels is to preserve and protect them.” The game of securing government funds has nothing to do with the relevance of radio in modern times. According to the Arbitron Radio Today 2012 Executive Summary, “about 93 percent of consumers aged 12 years and older listen to the radio each week.” “Radio listening has stayed really steady,” Hamilton said. “People have this assumption that just because there’s new technology out there that this legacy technology will fail. That’s not the case.”

from page 2

UNM,” she said. “But as far as the pattern from the last two years, we saw our (Athletics) fees go up from $88 in fiscal year 2010 to $165 per semester. What we’re seeing is a doubling of contribution to one particular applicant without an articulated explanation of what we’re receiving in return.” According to a transcript of a presentation made during the regents’ budget summit, the regents accepted 25 of the 27 recommendations made by the SFRB this year. In addition to raising the fee for Athletics, the regents decided not to fund University Libraries with student fees, but instead with Instruction and General funding, which is funding provided by the state. Muraida said that she was in favor of using I&G funding for University Libraries. But she said the regents

failed to consider the students’ interest when they approved the Athletics increase. “We ask them to respect the Student Fee Review Board process by honoring the integrity of our policy and allowing students to have the first say in recommending allocations in funds,” Muraida said. “We can only hope for a better process next fall.” Muraida said the SFRB and the SBLT are communicating with the regents about the increase. She said that although the increase seems to be final already, the board will still discuss it at its next meeting in May. Muraida said she urges students to be more vocal about this issue. “I think the more the students know, the more they can be involved,” she said. “And the more we’re involved, the more we’re heard.”

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013/ Page 3




Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ Alexandra Swanberg/ @AlexSwanberg


Letters Unorthodox marriages have Biblical roots, too Editor, I write this letter with slight trepidation, but with a sincere appeal to our sense of compassion, human love and understanding. For as I reflect on the vast array of gaiety that the month of May offers, I am overwhelmed by clouds of social discord. When I think of the Lord of my creation and see the attendant mental, physical and cultural anomalies that mark the wholeness of my being, I think, “A loving God created me, but not with 100 percent perfection.” When I see my lovely brothers and sisters of kindred spirits limited by genetic or congenital defects, I think, “A loving God (deity) shaped that person, but not in the natural pattern of social expectations.” Today, as I ponder why my brothers and sisters are being condemned by society for being who they are — different, but humans nonetheless — my spirit groans within me. Public discourses surrounding samesex marriage should not bring out the worst in us. Rather, the light of human kindness should shine its brightest as we give thought to the realities of our contradictions. Samesex marriage might defy the laws of God in certain religious camps. It does not diminish reproductivity or drain the human pool; countless infants are born yearly without the traditional structures of family settings. In fact, the abusive nature of some parental

Editorial Board Elizabeth Cleary Editor-in-chief

Alexandra Swanberg Managing editor Opinion editor

John Tyczkowski News editor

households inflict more harm than good upon innocent children. In citing certain biblical principles, is it not true that the first child of our “Father” Abraham was not born within the bounds of a marital union? I do not advocate for same-sex marriage because of my fleshly choices. I do, however, advocate for common decency, respect and broader thoughts toward those who desire to be coupled with others of their ilk, outside traditional matrimonial frameworks. We might be able to broaden our worldviews when we acknowledge that those partners just might be our own offspring. May our spiritual minds lead us toward open-mindedness in dealing with this sensitive issue. Reverend Mary E. Woods Daily Lobo reader

SlutWalk neglects role of women in rape culture Editor’s note: This is in response to the article “‘SlutWalk’: Sexual assault is not the victims’ fault,” published in Monday’s Daily Lobo. The article was about “SlutWalk Albuquerque,” in which about 200 people arrived Saturday to speak and hear about rape culture and the objectification of females. Editor, Let me see if I understand: the straightforward message of SlutWalk is that perpetrators, not victims, are to blame for rape. Maybe inarguable propositions didn’t always need proactive PR, I don’t know, but from what I can tell SlutWalk is all about blame, and not about prevention. “You misogynist dolt, if you got your propaganda from an outlet that flatters your intelligence, instead of The O’Reilly Factor, you would know that denouncing rape culture is square one in preventing sexual assault.” Agreed. So who is likely to cast aspersions on a scantily clad young lady? Well, largely, other women. “But attitudes can only precipitate rape when they originate from a potential rapist, i.e. a man.” In that case, culture has somewhat less to do with rape than is being claimed. “Well, people can’t expect to never be judged on their appearance. What you wear partially reflects who you are.” Oh great, that’s a relief. For a second there I thought I was

contributing to rape culture. Look, if victims are hesitant to report an attack, it has as much to do with practical, immediate exigencies as it does with shame and misplaced disapprobation. If I report a theft or a nonsexual assault, I’m piling the inconvenience and the (not necessarily, or even usually, malicious) scrutiny of a cold, impersonal bureaucracy on top of my misfortune when all I want is a cup of hot cocoa (or a bottle of vodka) and a bath. Quite often people with serious medical problems (recent victims of rape included) refuse to see the doctor for similar reasons. And a rape victim reporting a rape is as likely to not be taken seriously by other women as by men, especially if she looks better in what she puts on every morning than they and their progeny and the other denizens of the snark pow-wows where they console themselves. As for the facile, self-congratulating XY solidarity at SlutWalk, it’s as likely to be genuine (“Yay me, I ain’ts uh raper”) as it is to come from a sub-rosa DP throat-assault porn addict who’s creepin’ while you’re sleepin’ (“I’m not a rapist, I swear. Stop looking at me”). In any case, because I’m awesome just the way I am — cock, balls, heteronormativity and all — I refuse to be shamed for nothing by ineffective, moralizing, bandwagoning PC busybodies any more than I would condone anyone’s being shamed for a legitimate lifestyle choice, including sexual assault victims. Aaron Cress UNM student

Alford was a hot potato we’re lucky to be rid of Editor’s note: This letter refers to an article published in the Daily Lobo April 1, “Despite Lobo contract, Alford bails for Bruins.” The article was about former Lobo men’s basketball head coach Steve Alford’s decision to go to UCLA rather than sign the 10-year contract with UNM to which he had agreed that week. Editor; Lies, witness intimidation, rape. Iowa basketball under the leadership of Alford. CBS Chicago says: “Eleven years later, too many have forgotten exactly what Alford did in the aftermath of that

(alleged rape) incident in Iowa City on Sept. 6, 2002. The University of New Mexico didn’t care, welcoming him for a desert exile long enough to fade too many memories. None of it appears to matter to UCLA, either.” -Chicago.CBSLocal.com/2013/03/31/ bernstein-ucla-hired-a-scumbag/

My question to you, Daily Lobo, is why are we only hearing about this now from someone in Chicago? Instead of focusing on who signed what contract when, et cetera, we should be grateful Alford left for UCLA. Do you want to be associated with someone like Alford? I suggest the Daily Lobo look into the new basketball coach/millionaire we are hiring. He’s an Alford man, after all. Otherwise, the cover story on the April 1, 2013 issue of the Daily Lobo will be spot-on about the quality of your journalism abilities. Romeo Alonzo UNM staff

Fox News contributor urges killing of Muslims Editor’s note: This letter refers to the two explosions that occurred yesterday afternoon at the Boston Marathon that killed three people and injured about 100 others. Editor, Frequent Fox News contributor Erik Rush got into a Twitter exchange shortly after yesterday’s apparent bombing to declare of Muslims: “Yes, they’re evil. Let’s kill them all.” It seems to me there is no need to look any further than this comment to determine why we human beings are causing so many problems for ourselves in the world today. Robert Gardiner Daily Lobo reader

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Band of Horses was trim, but tame ‘Horses’ show was more dressage than rodeo by Annie Swift

culture@dailylobo.com Band of Horses gives me mixed feelings. Seeing it in concert last week affirmed that, unfortunately. Don’t get me wrong — its unique brand of folkindie-rock has warmed my being on multiple occasions. But the band on stage did not resemble the genuine and raw impression I once had of it. The technical aspects of the show were spot-on. In spite of the less-than-optimal acoustics at the Sunshine Theater, the sound was good and clear. In the middle of the song “Infinite Arms,” from its third and most acclaimed album of the same title, the band used a subwoofer that lit the room with reverberation. I felt the vibrations running through my diaphragm and out my throat, and I liked it a lot. The set and lighting were impeccable, depicting a wooded scene of naked aspens below a colorful and ever-shifting sky. The show, not surprisingly, sold out for this internationally acclaimed band. The musicians played with such precision that it might as well have been playback. Four of the band’s members dressed in cowboy boots and western shirts while the drummer, Creighton Barrett, sported an authentic dirty tank top. The music has a certain southern twang; the getup and

woodland scenery gave it the air of an outdoor festival in the Carolina backwoods. Ben Bridwell, lead vocals and face of the band, sported a fitted black cap and a slightly scruffy beard that made him look like a real good ol’ boy. But I wasn’t convinced. The band didn’t bring the Southern comfort; it brought a cold professionalism that did not translate to the audience’s excited anticipation. The only band member who performed with energy was Barrett, who killed on drums with at least an animated accuracy. After the show I spoke with Blake Hutson, a music major who had traveled up from Las Cruces to see Band of Horses. He has been drawing inspiration from them as an avid listener since the band’s first album, “Everything All The Time,” came out in 2006. He loves Bridwell’s unusual voice, and the band’s unique indie-folk sound. We agreed that it was a well-composed show and that the band played cohesively as a group. However, the band played mostly music from their last album, “Mirage Rock,” which has a distinctly forgettable mainstream feel. We both agreed that we would have rather seen it three years ago in a less polished, more personal and passionate scenario that left the mirage rock out of the picture.

50/50 Raffle $10 a ticket 1 in 600 chance of winning up to $3000 For more information or to purchase tickets, please email us at ewb@unm.edu Drawing - May 18th Table in the SUB Wednesday & Friday 9-3 Proceeds go to Engineers Without Borders-UNM Chapter You don’t have to be present to win


Wednesday, April 17, 2013/ Page 5


Page 6 / Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo

SabakuCon comes to ABQ by Justin Brough


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Where can you speak to avid fans of cartoon shows in between a ramen-eating contest and a Japanese rock concert? Where else but Sabaku Con? Last weekend, Sabaku Con (Sabaku is Japanese for “desert”) brought anime and video game fans together for a three-day celebration of nerd-dom. The convention drew in more than 900 attendees for its inaugural event. Convention Chairman Greg Fennell, who has directed similar conventions in Arizona for the last five years, said the local reception was better than expected. “The excitement factor of a new con really stood out,” Fennell said. “Since we have well-established anime cons here in Arizona, it was nice to see a crowd so energetic for a new convention.” Sabaku Con, held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, featured guests Troy Baker and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, voice-over actors with credits in “Naruto” and “Ghost in the Shell,” respectively. Sabaku Con featured nonstop programming Friday and Saturday between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 a.m. On Sunday, the convention closed at 6 p.m. The convention’s events included a costume contest, a Japanese fashion show, a rock concert, a rave dance, an exhibitor’s hall of artist and retail booths, a maid café and dozens of fan-hosted panels. Panel topics ranged from educational (“Breaking into the Industry,” “Know your Japanese Meme”) to competitive (“Amateur Voice Acting Competition,” “Anime Jeopardy”) to ridiculous (“Ramen Warrior,” “Whose Line is it Anime?”) Costumed attendees crowded the hallways during convention hours, stopping every so often to pose for photographs. K’Dawn Butler, one such attendee, made — from scratch — a different costume to wear for each day. Butler said cosplay, short for “costume play,” where fans dress up to represent fictional characters, makes the convention that much more fun. “You can just prance around in your costume that you worked so hard on and someone will say, ‘Oh

Sophomore, Kenya Musegades, 20, poses for a portrait in full costume as “Yoko” from the Japanese anime television series “Gurren Lagann.” Musegades said Sabaku Con, a conference held in Albuquerque last weekend for anime and video-game fans, was the seventh convention she had participated in. Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo

that’s my favorite character,’” Butler said. “And you can just talk with them about that character or series for God knows how long.” The exhibitor’s hall featured several local and out-of-state vendors offering anime-themed merchandise. In addition, dozens of artists in all different styles had their art and craftwork available for purchase. James Perry II, a former Albuquerque denizen, was at Sabaku Con this weekend to sell his artwork and promote his original manga “Orange Crows.” Perry also had a collection of prints for sale featuring fan art inspired by anime shows “Cowboy Bebop” and “Adventure Time.” Perry has been attending conventions for the past two years. “You get to meet a lot of people with similar interests,” Perry said. “It’s a nice escape from the outside world.”

UNM student Kenya Musegades spent most of Sabaku Con as a host in the Tsuki Mochi Maid Café. The café offered patrons coffee, tea, and desserts. The maids also performed choreographed dance routines and skits each session. Musegades said there was never a dull moment at the convention. “I go to cons because I love cosplaying and getting into character,” she said. “I also enjoy all the awesome people I meet. I’ve met lifelong friends from going to cons.” During the closing ceremonies, Fennell announced that Sabaku Con will be returning next year around the same time. Attendees were ecstatic at the news. “On our way out, I was stopped about a dozen times by people thanking me for putting on the show and showing their excitement for coming back next year,” Fennell said.

dailylobo.com @dailylobo



, A 17, 2013/ P lobo features Los Angeles Times DailyWCrossword Puzzle FOR RELEASE APRIL 17, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo


age 7


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis dailycrossword

Year Zero


Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem.

ACROSS 1 Insectivore’s meal 5 Toppled tyrant 9 Circus chairman? 14 The “Aeneid,� for one 15 Squeegee, e.g. 16 Layer to worry about 17 Cutting-edge brand? 18 Yoked team 19 Spa wear 20 *“Jolene� singer 23 Tax shelter, briefly 24 Place for a date 25 Hibiscus plant’s family 27 Once in a blue moon 30 Little bit 32 Weight Watchers meeting need 33 Software with crop and marquee tools 36 Vintner’s vessel 37 Illicit exam aids, and places where the first parts of the answers to starred clues can be found 38 Egg cells 39 Baked snacks often dipped in hummus 42 Bond-Bond link? 44 Easter flowers 45 Death Valley, for example 46 Oscar winner Charlize 48 Salty seven 49 Though 50 *Rush hour jam spots 56 Medicare insurance segment 58 Breakfast chain 59 Many a blog post 60 Backspace through text 61 Word heard in 37-Across 62 Low card 63 On the say-so of 64 Furry sci-fi creature 65 Glasses, in ads



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By Howard Barkin

DOWN 1 Abacus slider 2 __-the-minute 3 Miss 4 “Grey’s Anatomyâ€? prop 5 Like more absorbent paper towels 6 Workday alarm hr. 7 Copycat 8 “La Vie Bohèmeâ€? musical 9 Carrier to Oz 10 __ dye: foodcoloring compound 11 *Residence in a park, often 12 Start of el aĂąo 13 Sat through again 21 New Haven’s biggest employer 22 Skips 26 Some cellphones 27 Invitation abbr. 28 Trendy berry 29 *Rickety wheels 30 Uses FedEx 31 “Flashâ€? gatherings

Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

33 “Je vous en __�: “Please� 34 CBer’s “Your turn� 35 Former time 37 Sturdy material 40 Go public with 41 Knock into next week 42 Composer Sibelius 43 Strongly maintains




45 “Spiritual Solutions� author Chopra 46 Go-go personality 47 Pays heed to 48 NFL highlight reel technique 51 Hourglass figure? 52 Deice? 53 Beef, or a fish 54 Joint with a cap 55 Netherworld river 57 “Cats� initials

Get your name out there with the Daily Crossword



LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 8 / Wednesday, April 17, 2013

DAILY LOBO new mexico

DAILY LOBO new mexico


BLAKE’S LOTABURGER TEAM InterFALL 2013 ENGLISH Program In Korea UNM ID CLASSIFIED PAYMENT view Day, April 17, 2013!!! Store #29 lo(EPIK). $1,600-2,500/month + housing, ADVANTAGE INFORMATION cated at 7520 Lomas Blvd. NE will be will not need to sign a lease and the airfare, medical insurance, paid vacaPhone: Pre-payment by Visa, Discover, • 30¢ per word per day for five or more Come to to Marron show Pre-payment by Visa or Master •• Come MarronHall, Hall,room room107, 131, show •• Phone: hosting a team interview day fromMasterCard month of May will be free. Please call tion. Must have BA degree. Deadline: or American is required. consecutive days without changing or your UNM IDID and receive FREE classiďŹ eds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. your UNM and receive acan special rate 11AM4PM where you stop by, ap505-793-2266 for more details! Sometime in May **this date is tentative Call 277-5656 cancelling. inofYour Space, Rooms for Rent, or any For 10¢ per word in Personals, Rooms or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or ply, and interview for open positions in•• Fax could change by depending Faxand or Email: Pre-payment Visa, Discover,on • 40¢ per word per day for four days or Sale Category. for all Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax isadrequired. text, FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to take East Side locations! MasterCard or American Express circumstances**. Please visit the less or non-consecutive days. dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Fax ad text, and catergory over Lobo Village lease. Room avail- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING website www.epik.go.kr to 277-7530 • Special effects are charged addtionally: PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job.ore-mail classads@unm.edu. email to to classiďŹ eds@dailylobo.com able immediately, $519 a month inDEADLINE logos, bold, italics, centering, blank lines, Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. person: Pre-pay bybycash, •• In In person: Pre-payment cash, check, money PRODUCT DEMONSTRATORS. WE cludes utilities. Willing to pay applicalarger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard • 1 p. m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. need dynamic people to speak ordirectly tion fee and $100 off ďŹ rst months rent. EL PINTO RESTAURANT is hiring forAmerican Express. Come by room 107 in Come room 131 in Marron Hall from withbyconsumers and set appointments. Noah 505-488-1251. CLASSIFIEDS ON THE WEB the following positions: server, host,Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 8 a.m. 5 p.m. No to sales, just appointments You must UNM Publications busser,Student and all kitchen positions. Apply• Mail: Pre-pay by money order, in-state check, www.dailylobo.com be comfortable talking to in-state the public. : Pre-pay by money order, • Mail MSC03 2230 WANTED THIRD ROOMMATE to share in person Monday through Thursday be-Visa, Discover, MasterCard or American Hourly pay plus success Must check, Visa, MasterCard. Mailbonus. payment, 1 University of New Mexico • All arates include both print 4BDRM house with and two online musicians. Mail payment, ad text, dates and tween 2pm and 4pm at 10500 4th St.Express. have a professional appearance and be ad text, dates and category. Albuquerque, NM 87131 editions of theutilities. Daily Lobo. $416/mo+ 5 min bike ride from NW. Download an application at elpinto.catergory. able to work weekends. No visible UNM. Available immediately. E-mail com/employment-at-el-pinto / Women tattoos or piercings except ears. Call jwbell1@gmail.com and minorities encouraged to apply. GO 505-250-6256. LOBOS!! FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north camPERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. PROJECT ENGINEER NEEDED:Conpus. $420/mo +1/4 utilities. High speed Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. struction Management or Engineer gradInternet. Pictures available. Gated comuate needed for FT position with local munity. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm. TEACH MIDDLE SCHOOLERS in Santa company. Travel is required. Please edu Fe, serve through AmeriCorps! 2 year email resume to info@victorcorpnm. commitment, full time, bachelors recom or download application at www. quired. $1900/month stipend, generous For Sale victorcorpnm.com. Call Mark with any beneďŹ ts package, professional developquestions, 505-771-4900. ment. No license required. www.citi ADIDAS BLACK BIKE helmet. Stylish! VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPzenschools.org/fellowship Never been in accident. Size: Large/ExTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary tra large. Snell CertiďŹ ed. Tell Mama you THE LIBRARY BAR & Grill is hiring for student preferred. Ponderosa Animal are protecting your college brain. $20. ALL positions. Looking for enthusiastic Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. interestbearing@aol.com people, eager to work in a fast-paced UNM ADVISOR/CONSULTANT SCHEDenvironment, with HUGE earning opporROLLER BLADE HELMET, Black. Inline ULE classes graduation: $50 Two(2)tunity! Will train! Apply in person at skating protection. Never been in acciHours / rogersaul007@aol.com 312 Central Ave SW. dent. Size: Large/Extra large. Protect 275-9713. your university thick skull on the cheap! PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. STUDIOS, 1 BLK UNM, $455/ free util. SEEKING A WEBSITE developer for a $20. interestbearing@aol.com Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. 246-2038 . Ask Lobo free month spestart-up.Contact 505-238-8767. cial as well as summer lease programs. 3 PIECES BROYHILL furniture. Solid Jobs On Campus !!!BARTENDING!!! $300/DAY potential. www.kachina-properties.com wood, 40 y/o, original 1960’s style. InNo experience necessary, training cludes two large dresser mirrors, very 2BDRM/ 1BA. ACROSS from CNM on HELP WITH STATS 145. $15.hr-/+ provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.100. heavy. $150 for all. If interested e-mail Hazeldine SE. $590/mo. $500dd. $35 bonus based on effectiveness. interestbearing@aol.com WORK ON HORSE farm, cleaning, feedfor application fee. Cats ok. 450-6407. 505-359-1546. ing, and other chores. 4 hrs/ day, UNM PH.D. GRAD gown, hood, and $10/hr. Mornings, more work possible. 2BDRMS, FREE UTILITIES! 313 Girard Work Study Jobs pam excellent condition. $150. 505-280-4849. SE. 246-2038 www.kachina-proper 505-362-7665. ties.com ; Ask Lobo special! RESEARCH ASSISTANT, EDITING and PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. writing and all kinds of presentation MONGOOSE MOUNTAIN BIKE seat, Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. Rooms For Rent aids. Also, tutoring and help with attainblack with yellow trim. Includes aluing improved focusing and concentraPERSONAL CARE. DISABLED Nob Hill minum seat post and red reector. $20. FEMALE WANTED TO take room midtion skills. Retired college professor resident and her cat need reliable, quiet interestbearing@aol.com May/June-July. 7 min walk to UNM, with very moderate rates. Call Phyllis at live-in. Will train. Send resume to $400/mo+utilities. 3 BDRM/2BA. Con908-488 or 503-7143. Carmela at mbcchavez@yahoo.com THE MEDICAL LABORATORY Scitact sdlandry@unm.edu ences Student Society will be holding a bake sale at the HSSC plaza from 121BDRM RENT$295+UTILITIES IN 1pm, April 22-24. Please come out and 4bdrm house. 3month min takeover support our program. lease for previous occupant. Washing$1625 (7/22 to 8/5) ton/Menaul. UNM is 10min drive. No TV INSIGNA 24â€? screen, LCD. Bought TWO WEEKS SPANISH EMERSION TO TLAXCALA pets. UNM student preferred. Call Tyler in early February 2013, used only 3 505-220-4646. Groups of 4 months. Price is $120 (exible). Available end of April. Contact A Safe, Clean, and Colonial city ROOMMATE WANTED TO share 505-720-5685. epages@unm.edu INCLUDES: 3BDRM house with male and female *Roundtrip transportation college students $317/mo +utilities. LoBREAD MAKING MACHINE Panosonic. *Secure dorm rooms with bathroom cated near Constitution and Eubank. Make yummy hot bread instead of tor*Three archaeological tours For details call 505-804-0747. tillas. Put in the mix and out comes the *Day trip to Puebla gourmet style bread. $50. Email ANY FEMALE INTERESTED in taking *Local Spanish/English speaking escorts (3 ½ hrs daily) interestbearing@aol.com over a single dorm lease at Casas del Contact: Felix Pacheco 505-833-0662 Rio for the Spring of 2013 contact me at MOVING SALE- PRO massage table felixapacheco@msn.com 505-920-0257. $250, music gear ampliďŹ ers,cymbals,-

UNM IS RECRUITING women with asthma for research study. If interested, please contact study coordinator at 925-6174 or e-mail tarchibeque@salud. unm.edu

SWAP LAST YEAR’S corduroys for this year’s tank-tops at the Sustainability Expo, Tuesday April 23rd 10am- 2pm. Call 575-654-5618 for more info.

STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting Friday April 19, 2012 at 3pm in Marron Hall Rm 131.

QUIZ FOR A Cause trivia contest sponsored by Geeks Who Drink, to beneďŹ t scholarship fund of UNM Environmental Law Society. $5 donation to participate. Sunday, April 21, 8:00 p.m., at O’Neill’s Irish Pub, 4310 Central SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108.

Fun Food Music

ON THE EDGE... of downtown 802 Gold Ave SW. ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED. 1BDRM. Across from Silver Ave. Flying Star and Robinson Park. Gated, safe, courtyard, laundry, off street parking. $605/mo with $200dd. Please call Greg at 305-975-0908. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate consultant: 243-2229.

2.2 miles to UNM, close to Rapid Ride, convenient freeway access, quiet community w/ pool, covered parking & on-site laundry 6 Month lease: $700-$720

from $199-$600

ABQpartyspace.com 250-5807




268-8686 5700 Copper NE

PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA.

MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. 401-8139, welbert53@aol.com ?BACKPACK BUSTED? ABQ Luggage & Zipper Repair. 1405-A San Mateo NE. 256-7220.

MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED in Lobo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Village apartment for summer only. You RATES

Graduation Parties

LOOKING 4 A tutor Math, Science, French, Arabic, German, English; affordable. 296-6284.

New Mexico Daily Lobo



WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood oors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efďŹ ciencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

Guided-Escorted Travel to Mexico This Summer

brass snare + stands.email for pics details sky1@unm.edu

TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799.

MAGIC THE GATHERING Trading Cards. Contact for card lists and pricing. tonyliu@unm.edu

NOT IN CRISIS? In Crisis? Agora listens about anything. Call: 277-3013. Chat: www.agoracares.org

VALEO COMPLETE PURPLE Yoga Pilates kit. Includes mat, leg stretching white strap, 2 blocks still sealed in plastic, black strapped carrying bag. For $20. interestbearing@aol.com

Your Space WANTED:DATE FOR PDT formal. Requirements: Intelligent, gorgeous, athletic woman named Cassandra, with a free evening on April 26th. RSVP with Ceagan if interested.

Jobs Off Campus BLAKE’S LOTABURGER TEAM interview day!!! Thursday, April 18, 2013, 11AM - 4PM at 3806 Montgomery NE, Albuquerque (near Carlisle). Apply and interview for many open positions!

Apartments UNM NORTH CAMPUS - 1BDRM, starting at $510/mo. Clean and quiet. No pets. 1505 Girard NE. Move in special! 573-7839.

SUMMER SALES AND Leadership Internship. 157 year old exchange program for students of all major and classiďŹ cations. Average UNM student makes $8,600 per summer. Call Patrick 575-644-6462.

QUIET, CLEAN, AFFORDABLE, 1BDRM, $575/mo, utilities included. 2 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in Special. 262-0433.

LOBO LIFE Arts & Music

Mathias Iff, Cello 1:00pm – 2:00pm Keller Hall Master of Music Degree Recital. Jazz Combos 7:30pm – 8:30pm Keller Hall Directed by Glenn Kostur. $8/6/4.

Campus Events Coffee & Tea Time 9:30am – 11:00am LGBTQ Resource Center Indian Bread 11:00am – 3:00pm Maxwell Museum Courtyard $5 Oven bread, baked fresh in the Maxwell’s horno. Indian tacos & more by the Edaakies of Isleta Pueblo.

Campus Calendar of Events

Lectures & Readings Brown Bag Seminars (Biol. 502) 12:00pm – 1:00pm 100 Castetter Hall “A Phlogenetic Analysis of the Anolis Pentaprion Species Group� presented by Julian Davis. Poetry Series 12:00pm – 1:00pm UNM Bookstore Featuring Hakim Bellamy & UNM Poetry Students and Friends.

Sports & Rec Baseball vs NMSU 3:00pm Lobo Field

Student Groups & Gov. NM Graduate Prof Students 8:00am – 5:00pm SUB

International Medical Delegation to Brazil 8:30pm – 10:30pm SUB Sandia Chinese Culture Club 3:30pm – 5:30pm Ortega Hall Lab 2 Bound 5:00pm – 7:00pm SUB Alumni Nourish International 5:30pm – 6:30pm SUB Scholars Soka Gakkai International Buddhist Association 5:30pm – 6:30pm SUB Thunderbird Kiva Club General Meeting 6:00pm – 7:30pm SUB Fiesta A & B Navigators Meeting

6:00pm – 10:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B Queer Straight Alliance 7:00pm – 9:00pm SUB Acoma A & B

Theater & Films Django Unchained 4:00pm & 7:00pm SUB Theater Mid Week Movies Food Film Series 12:00pm – 1:30pm Mitchell Hall Room 101 “Farmageddon�

Workshops Writing & Statistics Lab, Walk-In Consultations 5:00pm – 7:00pm Graduate Resource Center Get help on writing your research papers, thesis/dissertation etc.

Happiness 101: The Art & Science of Well-Being Workshop 3:30pm – 5:00pm SHAC Gives an overview of why it is so hard for humans to be consistently happy and what you can do to increase your daily happiness levels. Each workshop is one complete session.

Email events to: calendar@dailylobo.com

Preview future events on the Daily Lobo Mobile app or ww.dailylobo.com

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