NM Daily Lobo 050213

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Game changer see Page 4

thursday May 2, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Class pays part of students’ startups


Student entrepreneurs create real businesses by Tanya Prather


William Aranda / Daily Lobo The first thing that people see when they walk in the north entrance of the Art Building is a papier mache crucifix Jesus Christ with a black hood over his head. Fine arts major Bradford Erickson created the piece, simply titled Float. He said he doesn’t like to reveal much about his work, and prefers to leave its meaning open to those who see it. “My intention for it is secondary to a viewer’s interpretation,” he said.

Students find fashion in trash by Katherine Luce


Using recycled materials, UNM’s School of Architecture and Planning plans to prove that fashion exists no matter what you’re wearing. Architecture students enrolled in a 400-level studio course will host “Re-Fashion: The Art of Trash,” a fashion show that will showcase unique creations by the students, on Monday night. Nicole Mwei, an architecture

student who is one of the organizers of the event, said students have been working on the garments all semester. She said all the clothes are made of trash and other recyclable materials. Mwei said the event aims to encourage students to not be afraid to wear what they want, because she said fashion is a choice. “It’s really about promoting the idea of design in fashion … (and) making people aware of personal identity through their

Daily Lobo volume 117

issue 151

see Anderson PAGE 6


clothing choices,” Mwei said. Mwei said the event is also a way for the University to celebrate diversity on campus. “We at the School of Architecture and Planning would love to use this opportunity to engage other colleges, departments, and disciplines within the University in an effort to bring students together in a way that celebrates culture, creativity, and community,” she said.

see Re-fashion PAGE 6

Amanda Robinson / Courtesy photo Freshman Alyssa Robinson poses at the Albuquerque Rail Yards in a dress made by Amanda Robinson from a recycled curtain. The dress is one of many looks that will walk the runway Monday.

Inside the

A graduate course at UNM proves that students can start their own business even when they’re still stuck in school. Finance professor Fred Mondragon teaches Management 557, “Launching Your Entrepreneurial Business,” a course that requires students to create a formal business plan. He said students can only stay in the class if he approves their business plan. Once accepted, students are given a $3,500 loan, which comes from grant money, and will be cosigned by an anonymous faculty member, he said.

Get wastypants

Empire state of mind

see Page 13

see Page 14

Aaron Sweet / Daily Lobo A leucistic rattlesnake observes its surroundings at the American International Rattlesnake Museum Wednesday in Old Town. The museum houses about 75 snakes that are often rescued from homes they outgrew, university medical studies or from urban areas. See full story on Page 10.


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How Show PageTwo T h u r s d a y , M a y 2, 2013


to get a summer job

It’s that time of year again — the sun’s back out, classes are winding down and once again your bank account is empty. As classes conclude, large crowds of students are hoping to land summer jobs. Caitlin Henke, career development facilitator for Career Services, shared some insight with the Daily Lobo about how students can stand out when searching for a job.

Step 1: Make connections

Henke said that 70 percent of all available job opportunities exist within networks between people who already know each other, and employers post only 30 percent of openings on job boards. She said that when employers are seeking to hire, they tend to search through their own networks before posting the opening. Making connections is the first step toward getting a job, so be comfortable talking to people. Feel free to continue your job search via online sites, but make new friends and job connections in real life as well.

Step 2: Work on your résumé

Henke said one of the first priorities in job-seeking is an attractive, tailored résumé. Study the job posting, research the company and make connections between the posting’s ideal candidate and the experience and strengths you possess. You should have a tailormade résumé for each position you apply for. Also, have someone proofread your résumé and cover letter, since spelling and grammar mistakes could cost you the gig.

volume 117

issue 151

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Antonio Sanchez Managing Editor John Tyczkowski News Editor Ardee Napolitano Photo Editor Juan Labreche Copy Chief Aaron Wiltse

New Mexico Daily Lobo

~Rebecca Gonzales

Step 3: Look the part

When you walk into a company to pick up a job application and when you return for an interview, it’s important that you look professional. Henke said she suggests a conservative neckline for women, two-piece business suits for men, and business style shoes, which means no flip-flops. Also, she said well-groomed hair and no visible body art is advisable. Essentially, to appear professional is to appear qualified.

Step 4: Ace the interview

According to a recent article in USA Today, many applicants lack basic interviewing skills and etiquette. Henke said giving an interview proper attention can help you stand out from the crowd. She advised applicants to find out who your interviewer will be, to ready your professional outfit and to recheck the location of the interview the day before. The next day, leave early and leave by yourself. During the interview, put your phone on silent. Henke said to make sure give interviewers a thank you note within 24 hours after the interview.

Step 5: Utilize your resources

Career Services, which is located in Mesa Vista Hall, will be open all summer and provides resources for students who seek either a simple summer job or a lifelong career. Give them a visit to practice your interview skills, to start your résumé from scratch and to get one-on-one attention from advisers who can help with any job search difficulty that you have.

Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Thomas Romero-Salas Assistant Sports Editor J. R. Oppenheim Opinion Editor John Tyczkowski Social Media Editor J. R. Oppenheim Multi Media Editor Zachary Zahorik

Design Director Connor Coleman Design Assistants Erica Aragon Josh Dolin Andrew Quick Advertising Manager Brittany McDaniel Sales Manager Jeff Bell Classified Manager Mayra Aguilar

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

3001 Central Ave. NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 www.laprovencenobhill.com

Enjoy Your Graduation Dinner at La Provence!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, May 2, 2013/ Page 3

New WTC almost finished Winds delay installation of World Trade Center spire

by Verena Dobnik The Associated Press

NEW YORK — One World Trade Center already is New York’s tallest building. And when the last pieces of its spire eventually rise to the roof, the 104-floor skyscraper that replaces the fallen twin towers will be just feet from becoming the highest in the Western Hemisphere. Officials had hoped that would happen Monday, but the weather did not cooperate and it was postponed due to high winds. The event will be rescheduled when conditions permit. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey says the spire pieces and a steel beacon will be lifted at a later date from the rooftop to cap the building at 1,776 feet. Installation of the 800-ton, 408-foot spire began in December, after 18 pieces were shipped from Canada and New Jersey. The spire will serve as a worldclass broadcast antenna. With the beacon at its peak to ward off aircraft, the spire will provide public transmission services for television and radio broadcast channels that were destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001, along with the trade center towers. Overlooking the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, the highrise is scheduled to open for business in 2014. The tower is at the northwest corner of the site, which is well on its way to reconstruction with the 72-story 4 World Trade Center and other buildings. Monday’s postponed celebration of the reconstructed trade center was to come days after a grisly reminder of the terror attack that took nearly 3,000 lives: the discovery of a rusted airplane part wedged between a nearby mosque and an apartment building — believed to be from one of the hijacked planes that ravaged lower Manhattan. As officials prepared to erect

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OFF Mark Lennihan / AP photo In this photo taken Friday from Bayonne, N.J., One World Trade Center rises behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. According to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the final pieces of spire will soon be lifted by crane and placed on top of the skyscraper, making it 1776 feet tall. the spire, the office of the city’s chief medical examiner was working in the hidden alley where debris may still contain human remains. The new tower’s crowning spire is a joint venture between the ADF Group Inc. engineering

firm in Terrebonne, Quebec, and New York-based DCM Erectors Inc., a steel contractor. The tallest building in the Western Hemisphere is the Willis Tower in Chicago. The world’s tallest building, topping 2,700 feet, is in Dubai.






Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion Editor/ John Tyczkowski/ @JCTyczkowski


From the web

Online readers responded to the letter “Students need to take responsibility for their learning and education,” published in Tuesday’s Daily Lobo. The author Shelby Perea expressed skepticism and concern about the American education system, which she said emphasizes letter grades and teaching to the test over critical thinking and knowledge. by “Damian” “Nice column. This is actually a very observant technical analysis of some of the core problems with higher education, unlike the usual finger-pointing to ‘the rich and elite’ and how ‘the money is the problem’ in the other column in today’s DL (although he touches on valid points, overall, his angle is horrendous). It’s funny because Shelby is a high school senior and Robert is a UNM alumnus. Now if that doesn’t say something, I don’t know what will. Maybe they should debate.” by “Jed” in response to “Damian” “That would be an interesting debate. Bob Anderson has always struck me as a product of the ‘raised, clinched fist in anger’ wing of the leftist ‘60s and ‘70s. Shelby doesn’t suffer from that handicap. It is very refreshing to hear a high school student mention the problem of apathy and say, ‘Students need to strive for excellence and strive for knowledge.’ Many, like Anderson, insist on fixing all of the blame outside of themselves.” by “Jed” “Good column, Shelby. When I was in high school (many years ago) understanding the concepts, critical thinking and learning how to learn were stressed. We were excited by the prospect and procedures of learning. It is sad to see that attitude waning. As the ancient Chinese proverb says, ‘Seek not so much to know the right answers as to ask the right questions.’” by “Light Not Heat” in response to “Jed” “I used to teach in the ‘80s, and then changed careers. I’ve begun teaching on a limited basis, and what Shelby has written about is spot on, in my opinion. It’s a disservice to New Mexico’s students. I pity these grads when they hit the job market.” by “truthiness” “What Shelby also indicates is the flawed system of equating knowledge with good test taking. As the state’s Public Education Department has been taken over by Skandera and her ‘teach to the test’ mentality, we are going to see more and more students who may be proficient test takers, but not necessarily knowledgeable or critical thinkers.” To join the conversation, go to DailyLobo.com

Letter submission policy

n Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.

Editorial Board Antonio Sanchez Editor-in-chief

John Tyczkowski Managing editor Opinion editor

Ardee Napolitano News editor


Violence shows religion has strayed by Ardee Napolitano opinion@dailylobo.com

After I turned 17, I got my first job as a busboy in the café of some casino up in Española. There, you have two choices: You can choose between doing the day shift or the night shift. I mostly did the night shift because I got more tips at night, especially on weekends when almost everybody who ate in our place was drunk. But whenever I worked during the day, our supervisor made us do a weird task at the end of our shifts. At 2:30 p.m., after wiping all the tables, we were required to carry racks and racks of glasses, and we put a pair on every table. Then, whenever a customer took a table, we were required to stow the unused glasses back in the racks in the kitchen. I never figured out why this was necessary, especially if customers never used the glasses anyway. I tried to tell this to my supervisor. “I don’t care. Do as I say, or thou shalt be fired,” she said, but in a less harsh way. Religion is a lot like my former supervisor. It requires you to do unnecessary things. If you’re Muslim, you shouldn’t eat pork. If you’re Jewish, you shouldn’t drive on a Saturday. If you’re Christian, you shouldn’t f*** another man. And if you decide to be ballsy, just as how I decided to confront my boss, and do these things anyway, you technically become a sinner. That automatically hurts your chances of meeting your virgins in heaven, wherever that is. Plus religion doesn’t just force you to set up then take back glasses on tables you bussed. Sometimes it also makes its followers take the glasses and slam them on somebody’s head. Believe it or not, religion can cause violence. On Sunday, an Albuquerque man, Lawrence Capener, allegedly stabbed a choir leader during a Mass at St. Jude

Thaddeus Catholic Church. Capener told police he did this because he thought the choir leader was a Mason and that the devil was trying to influence churchgoers. He also allegedly stabbed four others during the incident. Luckily, he didn’t kill anyone. He has been charged with aggravated battery. According to The Associated Press, Capener had been attending the church for about three months, and his mother, a Eucharistic minister at the same church, was “very active” in the parish. I think the stabbing is partly religion’s fault. For some reason, Christianity has always demonized underground organizations such as the Masons. Many Christians have evil thoughts about how these organizations are Satan’s minions, sent to post YouTube videos to invade the world. At first I thought people who say such things were just trolling online, but after this incident happened, my faith in humanity faded just a little more. If I have learned one thing from the novel “Angels and Demons,” it’s that the Illuminati came into being after Masons and other men of science gathered to protest the excommunication of Galileo. Galileo was placed under house arrest after he proposed that the sun, not Earth, was the center of the solar system. He turned out to be right, but it took the Roman Catholic Church centuries before it finally apologized to Galileo’s grave. These underground groups were nothing more than protest groups. So if anybody has the right to slam glasses on somebody’s head, it would be the Illuminati and Masons on the head of Christianity — not vice versa. Not to mention the Crusades. Catholics killed many just so Christian powers could take back their Holy Land, which resulted in the wider spread of Christianity around the world and in more priests putting their fingers in people’s mouths to feed them

the Eucharist week after week. And I don’t necessarily want to just focus on Christianity when talking about causing violence. Who can forget about 9/11? Arguably, Islamic extremism caused this tragedy. And as a result, a number of people in different religions hate Muslims now, too. Love was supposed to be the language that religion speaks. As Jesus and Confucius once said, “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.” Instead, I remember reading last year about Palestinian soldiers shooting their guns in the air wildly. “We are killing in the name of God,” they shouted to Israelis. Israelis probably did the same. Bulls***. Despite all these hostile words, I am not ranting that all religious people are waradvocating, Mason-hating, 9/11-causing individuals. It’s just sad when religions repeat their words so often that they forget the real meaning of those words. Religion should never be about just wanting to feed the Eucharist to churchgoers and killing them if they refuse to follow you. Religion should be centered on love, on empathy, on human kindness. And thus, extremism has no place in religion. If you think you’re better than somebody just because you have a different faith, you have a problem. If that’s the case, it’s a lot better to just reject religion, adopt your own humanistic beliefs and live your life as a good person. This way, fewer choir leaders will be stabbed in the world. I sound like a hippy right now, don’t I? I’m not going back to that casino. Partly because I have a problem with authority. Also, I don’t want to just put glasses on tables without any particular reason anymore. I might get too used to it if I do, and I might just end up breaking a glass on the head of that cashier in the Sonic across from the casino. That would be embarrassing.


New Mexico Daily Lobo ap news briefs

Feds allow Hopis to gather more eagles

Biden invites Martinez to Cinco de Mayo event

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The federal government has decided against limiting the number of nesting golden eagles that Hopis can collect from the neighboring Navajo reservation. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had signaled it would place the limit at five. But the agency changed course last week, saying Hopis were concerned about not being able to visit traditional gathering areas. The Navajo Nation also wanted to manage for sustainable populations of the eaglets on its own land. A compact between the two tribes also addresses the gathering. The Fish and Wildlife Service has authorized the Hopi Tribe to collect 40 eaglets this year for religious use. Hopi religious practitioners gather the eaglets each spring and sacrifice them when they’re mature. The birds’ feathers are used in other ceremonies and rituals.

SANTA FE — New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez plans to attend a Cinco de Mayo celebration this week at the vice president’s residence in Washington, D.C. The governor’s office said Wednesday that Vice President Joe Biden invited Martinez to Friday’s event, but the state is paying for the governor’s travel expenses. Cinco de Mayo commemorates an 1862 Mexican military victory against invading French forces. The Republican governor leaves for the nation’s capital late Thursday and will return to New Mexico on Friday after the event. Martinez traveled with Biden to Rome in March as part of a delegation attending the installation of Pope Francis. The governor traces her family roots to Mexico. Her great-grandfather was a general who fought with revolutionary leader Pancho Villa a century ago.

NM health secretary: pot

Robert Frank offers still allowed for PTSD changes for UNM West University of New Mexico President Bob Frank has change in mind for the Albuquerque-based school’s extension campus in Rio Rancho. The Albuquerque Journal reports that Frank believes the 600-student Rio Rancho campus is underused. Frank’s ideas for change at UNM West include offering more bachelor’s degrees at the Rio Rancho campus and using it as a lab to try out new programs. Currently, only a degree in university studies can be obtained at the Rio Rancho campus without traveling to the main campus. Frank also wants UNM West to focus on technology and health.

SANTA FE — New Mexico Health Secretary Retta Ward says post-traumatic stress disorder will remain as a qualifying condition for the state’s medical marijuana program. Ward made the announcement Tuesday. Her decision backed up a recommendation made last year by the New Mexico Medical Cannabis Advisory Board. The board had rejected a petition by an Albuquerque psychiatrist who said there was a lack of scientific evidence proving medical marijuana helped those with PTSD. State law allows citizens to petition the board to add or delete medical conditions that qualify patients for a medical marijuana license.

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The Health Department says there are about 3,700 New Mexicans who used a PTSD diagnosis to qualify for a license. In all, there are nearly 8,900 New Mexicans who have licenses from the department that allow them to purchase medical marijuana from nonprofit growers.

Man swerves to avoid pit bull, hits horse SANTA FE — Santa Fe police say a newspaper deliveryman who was swerving to avoid a pit bull struck a horse the dog was chasing. Police say the horse was badly injured by the truck Tuesday morning and was put down. They say the animals were owned by the same person and it appears the dog wasn’t being aggressive. The owner was cited for having an animal loose in the city.

Search for Farmington lattes nearing an end FARMINGTON — Downtown Farmington’s coffee shop drought could soon be coming to an end, thanks to an effort to cultivate local storefronts. The Daily Times reports the city’s beleaguered downtown has been without a coffee shop since the Bookstore Kafe closed in December. San Juan College and city officials are working on an incubator to allow fledgling retail businesses to grow and a coffee shop could anchor the location, according to the interim head of the San Juan College Enterprise Center. The City Council holds a meeting on May 15 on funding for the project. Rent is expected to cover a large chunk of operating expenses. A historic building donated to the city in November could provide the site for the store-fronts. The incubator is on track to open this summer.

Thursday, May 2, 2013/ Page 5

Arita Porcelain Spring Sale May 1st & 2nd, 10am to 4pm

NE corner of UNM SUB Drawing entry to win porcelain bowl with purchase!


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Need some fun English courses over the summer? take

English 315: Children’s Literature at UNM West: Rio Rancho CRN 22828 June 2-July 26 Mon & Wed 2:00pm-4:30pm

English 295: Wordsworth to EM Forster on main campus CRN 20046 June 3 - July 27 Mon-Fri: 11:40am-12:40pm Dane Smith Hall 233

Page 6 / Thursday, May 2, 2013

news Re-fashion

Win Gas for a Year!

from page 1

According to a press release from the architecture department, students used trash and recycled materials to present a topic they are passionate about. Topics including gender and identity, empowerment, exposure and surrealism will be presented by designers through showcasing clothes at 13 mini fashion shows at the architecture building. Mwei said this project will be beneficial for the participating students who are in their final semester in the undergraduate architecture program. She said that by working on this project, students are applying the skills,


New Mexico Daily Lobo

such as understanding the principles of design and using technical, conceptual, and creative venues, that they would need to succeed after college. Shannon Ricketts, one of the student designers who will present in the fashion show, said the event will raise awareness on sustainability at the University. “It was a whole new way to bring sustainability to light, which is not always a direct focus of our architectural work,” she said. “It presented a bunch of challenges for connection, craftsmanship and, of course, materiality.” Mwei said she encourages

students to attend the event. “It’s a really great way for other colleges and students to know what’s going on,” she said. ”And it’s a great opportunity to see what is happening on the campus community.”

will serve as a marketing venue for various products. He said he plans to launch the company’s website at an event called the “Anti-Prom,” which will be held on Saturday at 7 p.m. in the SUB Ballrooms, with $5 tickets for students and $10 tickets for nonstudents. “We’re focusing on art, branded merchandise, music, as a music blog, live events and then we are currently putting together an original graphic literature series,” Moser said. “So we’re trying to make it a full encompassing culture.” Moser said he first came up with the idea for Beautifully Ugly when he was an undergraduate student. “It’s either drop dead gorgeous or it’s absolutely horrific, so let’s combine the two and make a new genre,” he said. ”Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so we’re

here to push the limits of what is beauty and trying to be original. Our logo is B.U. — Be Yourself.” Moser said the Anti-Prom will count as his final exam for the class. “It’s a concert and a mashup, so it’s Top 40 hits over electronic music, there’s going to be a flavor for everybody,” he said. “The Anti-Prom is my final. If it’s a success then I can pay it back.” Mondragon says the groups in his current class are creating a variety of different businesses, including creating an iPhone app for appointments and reservations, and a sustainabilityfocused consulting firm. He said this is contrary to last semester, when most of his students had focused mainly on a business in the food service industry. “Most of them are making good progress,” he said. “I can’t see any one of them that will crash.”

Re-Fashion: The Art of Trash Monday, 7:30 p.m. The first floor of George Pearl Hall Free

from page 1

But Mondragon said the loans do not fully fund the students’ projects. “All of my teams are not just doing this on the loan,” he said. “All of them have invested some of their own money. Each one of them has contributed X number of dollars to capitalize the company.” Mondragon said if students fail to pay the loan back at the end of the semester, then they fail the class and the co-signer is left to foot the bill. But he said that during the only other time he taught the class, in spring 2012, students didn’t have a problem paying it back. UNM students Andrew Moser and Jared Snyder, who are enrolled in Management 557, are revving up Beautifully Ugly, a business they created along with local disc jockey Wiley Seigley. Moser said his company

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo


The Library Bar & Grill Thursday Ladies Night 8pm-2am Feat. the Infamous booty shake Ca$h Prizes $2.50 Corona and Landshark $3 Jose Cuervo

Thursday Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time!

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball; Never a Cover

Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 9am-10pm; 505-293-3270

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters, and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles, $3 Pints & $5 Liters. Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots and $6 Bombers.

Sunshine Theater *Suicidal Tendencies* *Sick of it All* *Wake the Dead* *Stabbed in Back* Doors @ 7pm Starts @ 8pm $22

SouthWest Book Fiesta May 10 9am-6pm @ Albuquerque Convention Center Free Parking in Convention Center Deck Ticket info @ southwestbookfiesta. com Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time!

Blackwater Music Venue City in the Sea on their way to the Mayhem Festival, with locals: Illumina, Genocide, Isle Of Patmos and Skoll! Doors at 7 pm show starts at 7:30 pm Tickets only $ 10 Imbibe College Night $1 Pabst $1 Fish Tacos DJ Malick 9pm

Quarters 4516 Wyoming NE Burger Special 11am-4pm $5.99 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm $2 pints on selected beers & more Hours: 11am-Midnight; 505-293-1753

Dirty Bourbon Prophets & Outlaws Cover $5

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10




Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball; Never a Cover

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30


Outpost at 25; 7:30 pm A conversation with Outpost founder/ director Tom Guralnick and KUNM DJ Mark Weber


Dirty Bourbon Prophets & Outlaws Cover $5

Imbibe Cinco de Drinko ALL WEEKEND! $3 Mexican Beers, $5 Maker’s Mark & $5 Suaza, $5 Cabo Wabo, $6 Patron & $7 Cazadores Margs Woohabs 6pm DJ Malick 10pm

SouthWest Book Fiesta May 11 9am-6pm @ Albuquerque Convention Center Free Parking in Convention Center Deck Ticket info @ southwestbookfiesta. com

Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 9am-10pm; 505-293-3270

Blues and Brews 2013 5 Bands, 60 Breweries, 3 Hours of Tasting! @ Isleta Ampitheatre General Admission Sampling from 2-5p VIP Extra Hour 1-2p Music Continues until 6p www.abqbluesandbrews.com

Outpost Performance Space Inpost Artspace Reception 7:30 pm Near & Far: Photography by Erin Parker

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-10




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Quarters 4516 Wyoming NE HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm $2 pints on selected beers & more Hours: 11am-Midnight; 505-293-1753 Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time!



The Library Bar & Grill Open 11am for lunch! DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!


Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 9am-10pm; 505-293-3270


Dirty Bourbon Prophets & Outlaws; Cover $5 Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball; Never a Cover

6 8-242



Imbibe Derby Party $5 Maker’s Mark & $6 Mint Juleps DJ Rhino 10pm

e k a S & i h Sus Ko

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close


Blackwater Music Venue A Night of Tyranny and Chaos: With, Madrost, Skoffin, The Conjuring, Those Jerk Offs, The Rot Inn, Bruisers Bruise, and Dead Mary! Doors @ 5:30 Pre Sale Tickets $10 Day of Show $12

Beautifully Ugly’s Anti Prom The Jane Doze Sweekuh Bruneaux @ UNM SUB Ballroom $5 Students $10 Non-students 7pm Doors

The Library Bar & Grill Extended Happy Hour 3pm-8pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!


Quarters 4516 Wyoming NE Burger Special 11am-4pm $5.99 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm $2 pints on selected beers & more Hours: 11am-9pm; 505-293-1753

Thursday, May 2, 2013/ Page 7

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the haps







A conversation with Outpost Founder/Director, Tom Guralnick and KUNM DJ, Mark Weber


Near & Far: Photography by Erin Parker






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Page 8 / Thursday, May 2, 2013

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff Flavors 10pm-Close Outpost Performance Space Geoff Muldaur 7:30pm Folk-blues singer-songwriter—A true original

Sunday Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time! SouthWest Book Fiesta May 12 9am-5pm @ Albuquerque Convention Center Free Parking in Convention Center Deck Ticket info @ southwestbookfiesta. com Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9 Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 12-8pm 505-293-3270

New Mexico Daily Lobo The Library Bar & Grill Now open at 11am DJ Official spinning 9pm-close! Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) Imbibe Happy Hour ALL NIGHT!! Cinco de Drinko ALL WEEKEND! $3 Mexican Beers, $5 Maker’s Mark & $5 Suaza, $5 Cabo Wabo, $6 Patron & $7 Cazadores Margs DJ Rhino 4pm Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball; Never a Cover

Monday Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time! Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 9am-10pm 505-293-3270 Sunshine Theater *Made in America feat. Big Gigantic* *Two Fresh* Doors @ 7pm Starts @ 8pm

La Provence Graduation Week Specials! $1 Off All Beer and $5 Glass Wine 25% Off L’Apres Midi Menu 3-5pm www.laprovencenobhill.com

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30 Imbibe Happy Hour ALL NIGHT!! $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine & $5 Martinis Quarters 4516 Wyoming NE Burger Special 11am-4pm $5.99 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm $2 pints on selected beers & more KIDS EAT FREE with purchase of adult meal (10and under) Hours: 11am-9pm 505-293-1753 Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball Never a Cover The Library Bar & Grill Happy Hour 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers $2 Tacos DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)

Specials ALL WEEKEND! $3 Corona • Tecate

Negra Modelo Dos Equis • Carta Blanca $5 Sauza Hornitos Shots

$5 Maker’s Mark $6 Maker’s Mark Mint Juleps $5 Cabo Wabo Shots $6 Patròn Repo Or Añejo Shots $7 Cazadores Margaritas PRIZES AND GIVEAWAYS ALL WEEKEND!

$5 Students $10 Non UNM SUB Ballrooms 7pm Doors

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo Tuesday Quarters 4516 Wyoming NE Burger Special 11am-4pm $5.99 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm $2 pints on selected beers & more KIDS EAT FREE with purchase of adult meal (10and under) Hours: 11am-9pm 505-293-1753 La Provence Graduation Week Specials! $1 Off All Beer and $5 Glass Wine 25% Off L’Apres Midi Menu 3-5pm www.laprovencenobhill.com

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball; Never a Cover Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 9am-10pm; 505-293-3270


Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time!

Imbibe College Night with $1 Pabst & $1 Fish Tacos DJ Twisted Audio 9pm

Imbibe Happy Hour All Night!! $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine & $5 Martinis

Tomato Assault UNM on May 25th 45% deal on tickets on facebook! Come support the fight against Multiple Sclrosis while having a great time!

Korean BBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30

Dirty Bourbon Chad Freeman Cover $2 La Provence Graduation Week Specials! $1 Off All Beer and $5 Glass Wine 25% Off L’Apres Midi Menu 3-5pm www.laprovencenobhill.com The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The Best Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off Absolute & Absolute Flavors

Thursday, May 2, 2013/ Page 9 Blackwater Music Venue Investments Tour, with special guest: Good Green, Alexia Provenza, Lindy Vision Great night for only $5 Doors 7 pm Kelly Liquor FREE Isotopes tickets with purchase of $20 or more 2270 Wyoming NE Hours: 9am-10pm 505-293-3270 Quarters 4516 Wyoming NE Burger Special 11am-4pm $5.99 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm $2 pints on selected beers & more Hours: 11am-9pm 505-293-1753

What to do on the weekend...?

Orange you glad you checked

the HAPS $2.50 Coronas $2.50 Landsharks $3 Cuervo

Downtown Distillery Free Games - All the Time! 4 PS3s, 10 Pool tables, Ping Pong, and Foosball Never a Cover

The Library Bar & Grill Drink Specials all Night

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Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (except bottled beer and features)

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LoboCulture Culture editor / Nicole Perez / @NicolePerezM


eglected, abused and unwanted rattlesnakes from across the country have found a home at the American International Rattlesnake Museum, nestled among the historic adobe buildings of Old Town. Museum Director Bob Myers said the 75 rattlesnakes housed at the museum — as well as a smattering of tarantulas, tortoises, Gila monsters and scorpions — have come from zoos, animal-testing studies at universities, private breeders and homes that the pets outgrew. “Some people get them in the pet shop and they’re small, but when they get this big, people are freaking out, they don’t have a lot of room,” Myers said, gesturing at a group of turtles. “Some of them can get so big that they’ll destroy your house, but people don’t think about that ahead of time.” Some of the 200 to 250 reptiles that annually pass through the museum are found in New Mexico backyards, but others are shipped all the way from Germany or other foreign countries. “Typically they’re shipped in a wooden crate with either another smaller wooden box inside or a Styrofoam insert that helps keep the temperature from going up and down too fast,” Myers said. “Those packages usually state, ‘Keep from heat and cold,’ ‘live animals,’ that kind of thing. They’re shipped pretty much like dogs and cats are.” Only certain airlines, such as Delta, will ship venomous animals that can’t be sent through the mail. Most of the animals in the museum are venomous, but Myers said nobody has been bitten in the museum since its inception in 1990. The snakes are transferred between cages with hooks and are only handled when they need medical attention. “We’re real cautious, we

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Thursday May 2, 2013


all that slithers by nicole perez photos by aaron sweet

work in pairs and at the end of the night we check each other’s work, check locks, check closures, make sure everything’s in place before we leave,” Myers said. Myers has only been bitten by a rattlesnake once, while handling snakes for a photo shoot for National Geographic, but he said people rarely die from the bites. But he said a negative perception of snakes is still dominant, and he hopes his museum can counter that. “People always leave feeling better about reptiles,” Myers said. “It’s good for the snakes. A lot of the people who come here with the attitude ‘The only good snake is a dead snake’ might leave with a new respect and understanding that these are important predators.” Phil and Connie Whitson,

museum visitors from North Myers said 90 Carolina, said they enjoyed percent of visitors to the museum seeing the snakes in the are from out of town, and about 20 museum but weren’t as fond percent are from foreign countries. of poisonous snakes they saw Although Albuquerque locals are at home in North Carolina. scarce at the museum, Old Town Phil said he used to catch locals wandered in Friday aftersnakes with his cousin “to noon to pick up a rattlesnake DVD, impress the girls” and once offer Myers a piece of pie or just saw a rattlesnake bigger than say “hi.” any housed at the museum. Employee Gabi Tafoya, who “As it was crossing the often works in the museum’s gift road, we tried to run over shop and will begin studying it, but we missed,” he said. medical sciences at UNM in the “Don’t tell animal lovers fall, said she attended elementhat. We don’t like the poitary school next door to the sonous snakes around where museum. we live.” “I’ve known Bob since I But Connie said she loves was in kindergarten,” she said. snakes and researched the “When I was next door we museum before arriving in would take field trips here, Albuquerque. and then we would always “We’re not scared of snakes come over here for the snacks like a lot of people, but if a after school.” mouse ran through, I’d be on She said the museum used top of a table,” she said. to be a lot smaller, but Myers

has expanded it over the course of two decades. Myers said the animals and items displayed in the museum are only a fraction of his snake-related collection, which sits collecting dust behind museum doors. Musical instruments shaped like snakes and snake-related clothing and fine art are just a few of the objects he hopes he can someday show in a larger venue. “I feel like I could easily fill a building between 40,000 and 50,000 square feet with animals and artwork and keep people all day,” Myers said. “I just need to figure out how to get to that point, because that’s a big building, that’s a multimillion dollar building. As much fun as people have with their visits to the museum, it could be ten times the experience.”

Top A Broad-banded Copperhead’s skin lies abandoned in its cage. Snakes can shed their skin multiple times per year. Copperheads are related to rattlesnakes are both pit vipers that have heat-sensitive loreal pits in their face. Bottom A leucistic rattlesnake peers out of its cage in the rattlesnake museum Wednesday. Most of the museum’s reptiles are venomous, and snakes at the rattlesnake museum are only handled when they need medication. They are transferred from cages using tools and hooks.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Aaron Sweet / Daily Lobo Museum Director Bob Myers handles a leucistic rattlesnake on Wednesday. Myers was once bitten by a rattlesnake on during a photoshoot for National Geographic, but he said most people don’t die from the bites.

‘anti-venom is good stuff ’ by Nicole Perez

culture@dailylobo.com Bob Myers, director of the American International Rattlesnake Museum, was once bitten by a rattlesnake when he was handling snakes in a photo shoot for National Geographic. “It felt like a tingling sensation in my hand, and within five minutes I had swelling in my arm up to the shoulder,” Myers said. “Some pain, not the most severe pain I’ve ever experienced, but it wasn’t much fun.” Myers said he immediately went to the hospital where he was treated with anti-venom. “A lot of people think that rattlesnakes, their bite, is going to be lethal, but it’s very rare that someone dies from a rattlesnake anymore. Anti-venom is good stuff,” he said. Myers said the photographer was so freaked out they never finished the photo shoot, and it was never published. As a result of the snake bite, Myers said he now has firsthand knowledge of how snake toxins can affect the body, which has enhanced his knowledge of the animal overall. “It’s not the ideal way to learn

about these dangers, but it’s a sure way you’re going to pick up some information you might not have otherwise,” he said. Despite the known dangers, Myers said he has always had a fascination with snakes and reptiles, ever since he was a little kid. He grew up in New Mexico and searched for desert critters whenever he could. “In my dad’s words, I had the reptile gene in our family,” Myers said. “It came naturally. I didn’t read a book one day and suddenly I had this new fascination; it was always there. Nobody else in my family has a particular interest in reptiles.” He first worked with rattlesnakes while attending NMSU, where he helped conduct a survey of the Chihuahuan desert. A high school science teacher for six years, Myers eventually got sick of teaching and decided to open the museum on May 5, 1990: “Snako-de-Mayo,” as he calls it. “I think every kid, with very few exceptions, at some time early on has a fascination for reptiles and/or dinosaurs,” Myers said. “One in a million kids might not go through that phase, and some of us who went through that phase never got beyond that.”

Thursday, May 2, 2013/ Page 11

Page 12 / Thursday, May 2, 2013


New Mexico Daily Lobo


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, May 2, 2013/ Page 13

Cheap grad gifts abound What do you get for the college graduates who have everything, now that they have their bachelor’s degrees? If your friends are moving on to the job market, you’ll want to get them something meaningful to remind them of all that was good and bad — and ugly — about UNM life. But it’s best to leave the generic diploma frames and gift cards to the aunts and uncles. Here are some cheap, alternative gift ideas for the red robes of 2013, courtesy of the Daily Lobo.

A beer

It’s classic. It works. Take your pals out to Brickyard or Carraro’s for a final taste of student ghetto spirits. You can wax reminiscent or use the occasion as an excuse to act like irresponsible youths one last time before your friends have to answer to their grown-up diplomas.

Free labor Although you may have already helped them move multiple times, you can still use graduation as an opportunity to say, “Don’t worry — I’m happy to help.” Even if you’re not, your friends will appreciate the gesture. Just make sure you don’t play the “you owe me” card later, lest you spoil the sentiment.

One last meal swipe

Why not take your pals to LaPo for a graduation meal? Oh yeah — that’s why.

A job

Finding a job is hard, and finding a career — is harder. So get your feelers out there and make the job search easier on your chums. Hit up contacts for possible openings or offer a discerning look at your friends’ résumés. If nothing else, you can help them find temporary “pay your bills” jobs while they look for their dream careers.

A picture together

Sure, it’s cliché, but sometimes simple is best. Why not immortalize your time at Red Rally or Fiestas in a sweet frame? Coming up short on UNM memories? Hit up Star Wars Day at 11 a.m. tomorrow in the SUB and make some new ones. Use a Polaroid camera for an antique touch — or just to make them feel old.

Netflix membership

Instant streaming is pretty much an entertainment necessity nowadays, so topping off someone’s Netflix membership is almost the same as giving cash, but with Netflix you can constantly badger your friends about the TV shows they haven’t watched yet.

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of equal or lesser value Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 05/31/13

Aaron Sweet / Daily Lobo

Annual Teaching Ceremony 2:00pm – 4:00pm SUB

UNM Chamber Orchestra 7:30pm – 8:30pm Keller Hall $8/6/4.

Arita Porcelain Spring Sale 10:00am – 4:00pm SUB Drawing entry to win porcelain bowl with purchase!


Campus Calendar of Events Awards

Army ROTC Awards Ceremony 3:30pm – 4:30pm SUB Ballroom C

Campus Events

Smoothies • Frappes Iced Coffee • Latte Mocha

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 05/31/13

LOBO LIFE Arts & Music



by Justin Brough


Undie Rock ‘n’ Run 8:00pm – 10:00pm Johnson Field

Email events to:


2013 Critical Theory, Activism and Social Transformation Lecture 4:00pm – 6:00pm SUB Ballrooms

Room 125, Dane Smith Hall “On growth and form: geometry, physics and biology (Please note the special date)” presented by Dr. Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (Harvard University).

Anthropology Colloquium Series 4:00pm – 5:00pm Hibben 105 “In the Teeth of the Neanderthal Debate” presented Debbie Guatelli-�Steinberg

‘Liberalizing Illiberal Liberalism’ 6:00pm – 9:00pm College of Education Presented by Charles W. Mills, Northwestern University. A dinner and conversation.

Lectures & Readings

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Workshops Sleep Eazzz Workshop 4:00pm – 6:00pm SHAC Learn how to improve your sleep habits and avoid sleep-interfering activities. Each workshop is one complete session.

More events on the Daily Lobo Mobile app or ww.dailylobo.com

Page 14 / Thursday, May 2, 2013

SHOGUN JAPANESE RESTAURANT Best Sushi Best Service Best Taste Lunch

Lunch Bento $8.95-$9.95 Mon-Fri: 11:30am-2pm Sushi lunch $11.45-$13.45 Sat: 12-2:30pm 3310 Central Ave SE (505) 265-9166

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

NYC landmark may be for sale The Associated Press

NEW YORK — A legal challenge to an ambitious plan to let the public buy shares in one of New York City’s most famous landmarks — the Empire State Building — was cast aside on Tuesday in a ruling by a Manhattan judge. Judge O. Peter Sherwood rejected arguments by a small group of current investors in the building that the initial public offering would violate state law. The ruling stems from a longrunning dispute over plans by real estate magnates Peter Malkin and his son Anthony to offer the public shares in their holdings in Manhattan and Connecticut, including the 102-story Empire State Building. The offering is expected to raise $1 billion for a new company called Empire State Trust Inc. Some of the country’s marquee buildings, including the General Motors building in New York and the Embarcadero Center in San Francisco, are owned by publicly traded companies. But the IPO

for the Empire State Building is viewed as a rare chance for investors to own a piece of history — an iconic Art Deco skyscraper visited by millions of tourists each year and featured in films like “King Kong” and “Sleepless in Seattle.” When the Empire State Building changed hands in 1961, the buyers sold 1,100 shares at $10,000 per share to help finance the deal. Some of the 3,300 investors were ordinary New Yorkers who pulled together just enough cash to buy partial shares. The Empire State Building’s controlling investors have said they are close to getting approval of 80 percent of the smaller shareholders for the public offering — the percentage needed to go forward. “We are pleased by the court’s ruling and are proceeding with our solicitation with the intention of closing as soon as we reach the approval threshold,” said Hugh Burns, spokesman for Malkin Holdings. “The fact is that far more investors support this transaction than oppose it. We are focused on delivering the majority what they want as quickly as possible.” There was no immediate comment from the plans’ opponents, but their lawyers have said they would appeal if the ruling went against them. Before Tuesday’s ruling, a small group of holdouts had challenged a provision that would allow the Malkins to buy them out for $100 a share if they voted against the plan. The proposed public offering values the shares at more than $300,000 each. A lawyer for the plaintiffs had argued that the provision was being use to coerce the holdouts into switching their votes, and that they deserved fair value for their shares no matter how they voted. Attorneys for the Malkins countered that the provision was well within the law, and intended to keep a small minority from dictating the future of the property. Sherwood’s ruling says the plaintiffs had wrongly sought to assert so-called “appraisal rights” that normally apply to deals involving mergers or consolidations.

Peter Morgan / AP Photo This April 30 photo shows New York’s 102story Empire State Building in midtown Manhattan, which was completed in 1931.

“The applicants are not entitled to assert any appraisal rights because the transaction is neither a merger nor a consolidation as defined in the Limited Liability Company law,” the judge wrote. Earlier this year, Sherwood gave preliminary approval to a $55 million settlement in a lawsuit brought by shareholders who sued over tax and other issues. Final approval could come at a hearing scheduled for Thursday.

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T , M Puzzle 2, 2013/ P lobo featuresLos Angeles Times Daily Crossword FOR RELEASE MAY 2, 2013

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Level 1 2 3 4

Solution to yesterday’s problem.

ACROSS 1 Turn near home 6 Boxers’ sounds 10 __ Said: Suez Canal harbor 14 Watson’s creator 15 Veggie that leaves a purple stain 16 Playfully roguish 17 NUTS 19 End of an old boast 20 It’s après aprèsmidi 21 Part of the inn crowd? 22 Elevator stop 23 Spike TV, once 24 BOLTS 26 Sells out 28 Dive into, as a pile of correspondence 29 Take into custody? 30 County bordering Galway 33 NUTS 39 Heavy load 40 “Hill Street Bluesâ€? regular Veronica 42 Red choice 47 Advice-andconsent body 48 BOLTS 52 Felix or Morris, e.g. 53 Pal of d’Artagnan 54 Squeal 55 “How the Other Half Livesâ€? author Jacob 56 Dutch burg 57 NUTS AND BOLTS 59 Differently 60 Money guru Orman 61 Name on a bottle of Pleasures 62 Sinks out of sight 63 ’80s-’90s tennis star Korda 64 Farm machinery giant DOWN 1 To the stars, in mottos





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By Matt Skoczen

2 Olds luxury model 3 Owing to 4 11-Down, e.g., briefly 5 Royal flush part 6 Britcom with Edina and Patsy 7 Run over 8 Upscale handbag 9 Canonized gp. 10 1904 Nobelwinning physiologist 11 Camden Yards player 12 Dr Pepper alternative 13 Desire 18 Fed. investigator 22 Monk’s address 24 Snap, in ads 25 Half a little train? 27 Bain de Soleil abbr. 30 The Beatles and the Stones, e.g. 31 Sun Devils’ sch. 32 Timeline nos. 34 “__ problem!� 35 Jazzman Baker 36 Kal __: Iams rival

Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

37 Make gaunt 38 Merchant 41 Thoughtful words 42 Goes after 43 Unimportant 44 Overcome with shock 45 Scholarship founder 46 Many “Star Trek� characters, briefly


47 Billboard, say 49 Thing to resolve 50 Composer who wrote piano transcriptions of Beethoven’s nine symphonies 51 Evil look 55 Climb 57 Psychic letters 58 “How I Met Your Mother� narrator



Page 16 / Thursday, May 2, 2013 Announcements


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Condos 3BDRM/2BA LUXURY CONDO 1 CG and parking space for rent in Rancho Mirage Condominium complex. Rent is $1100/mo. Call 505-238-6395 or 505417-0668 if interested. Rent negotiable.

Housing Wanted SEEKING SUMMER HABITATION while completing a research project in Albuquerque running late May to mid August 2013.Only me and 2 dogs-my family for 12 years- very well trained. I am up from Las Cruces-excellent references- will house sit or rent. Call


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Sarah Romero

733 GARDENAS SE 2BDRM 1BA and newly remodeled, new appliances, large shed. UNM area $1000/mo refrences and application required call 505-262-2490.

Rooms For Rent FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED for Lobo Village, mid-May-August 2nd. Willing to pay lease changeover fee, plus $100 off June’s rent. Please call/txt 505-490-9317. MALE ROOMMATE WANTED for Lobo Village. Mid-May to August 2nd. Normally $519/mo. Offering $400/mo. Will pay the $200 lease changeover fee. Aaron 702-809-9451. LOOKING FOR A female to cover a Lobo Village lease during the summer. You only pay $300/mo! I’ll pay the rest! Contact Gloria at 505-321-8738. ROOM AVAILABLE IN 3BDRM/2BA house. Move in mid May available until August 1. May paid, $400/mo +utilities. 7 minute walk to UNM. Female preferred, contact sdlandry@unm.edu N.E. HOME, quiet Carlisle area, parks, bike trails, N/S, female only, graduate student preferred. $350/mo. +1/2 utilities. 805-698-5817. FEMALE ROOMATE WANTED ASAP, 3BDRM house close to UNM, across from Football Stadium, $400/mo. Call 505-225-0945. WANTED THIRD ROOMMATE to share a 4BDRM house with two musicians. $416/mo +utilities. 5 min bike ride from UNM. Available immediately. Contact jwbell1@gmail.com / 505-307-1896. LOOKING FOR GIRL roommate in lobo village from end of may-august. Willing to pay one month rent. Roommates are clean. Close to pool. Contact 310-5298344. AVAILABLE ROOM AT Lobo Village, from May 18 to August 1, I will pay the rent of May. You can text me at 505814-9274. All amenities included. Close to the pool. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $420/mo +1/4 utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm. edu LOBO VILLAGE - Female, $519/mo, May and June FREE, call/text 505-8148164. FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north campus. $420/mo +1/4 utilities. High speed Internet. Pictures available. Gated community. Access I-40 & I-25. tkuni@unm. edu UTILITES/INTERNET/FURNITURE/LAUNDRY/SOME FOOD $450/mo. 9 min bus to UNM, 17 min bike. Clean, Quiet. NS/ND. LGBTQ & International ok. 459-2071. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED ASAP: friendly student, shared with 2 females. 3BDRM/2BA house 2.7 miles from UNM. $405/mo +1/3utilities. Call/Text Meagan 505-803-4994, Samantha 505553-3632. MALE ROMMATE NEEDED to take over short term lease in Lobo Village from the first of June to end of July. Parking and summer transportation included, as well as access to the pool and hot tub. $800 for two months instead of $1040 Contact me at 505-573-3915 or mwel marz@gmail.com LOOKING FOR ONE female to take over Lobo Village lease. Will pay for May’s rent. $519/mo. cmenso01@unm. edu ROOM TO RENT, in a 3BDRM/2BA house. Close to UNM, Carslie and Constitution. $500/mo, utilities included. Text Kaitie with question. 459-7583.

3BDRM 1.5BA. Near UNM. Share with 2 awesome roommates. Utilities, internet, and cable included. W/D. NP. $435/mo. End of May, early June. 505-974-7476. IN QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD near Constitution and Carlisle. 15 minute walk, 5 minute bus ride from campus. $425/mo + 1/3 utilities. Grad/professional student preferred. mwilli05@unm.edu AVAILABLE ROOM AT Lobo Village, from May 18 - August 1, will pay May. 505-814-9274. All amenities included. Close to the pool. LOOKING FOR GIRL roommate for 2BDRM apartment near UNM on Vassar DR. $350/mo + utilities. Very quiet, calm and responsible environment! munguiar@unm.edu text 505-203-4299. 1/2 OFF FIRST month. 2BDRM apartment near Roosevelt park. $575/mo. $500 SD, $35 application fee. No dogs. 450-6407. QUIET MALE STUDENT only. Large furnished basement room. Share kitchen, BA. $390/mo, includes utilities, wifi. 5/17/13. 243-0553.

Pets FREE KITTENS LOOKING for good home. 9 weeks old. 505-795-2835.

For Sale

LARRY’S HATS Best hats for any occasion. Bowlers • Fedoras • Top Hats Vintage Women’s Jewelry 3102 Central Ave. SE


ROLLER BLADE HELMET, Black. Inline skating protection. Never been in accident. Size: Large/Extra large. Protect your university thick skull on the cheap! $20. interestbearing@aol.com VALEO COMPLETE PURPLE Yoga Pilates kit. Includes mat, leg stretching white strap, 2 blocks still sealed in plastic, black strapped carrying bag. For $20. interestbearing@aol.com ADIDAS BLACK BIKE helmet. Stylish! Never been in accident. Size: Large/Extra large. Snell Certified. Tell Mama you are protecting your college brain. $20. interestbearing@aol.com 2 TICKETS TO see Taylor Swift in concert with Ed Sheeran on May 25 in Dallas, TX. Tickets in section 218. Price is $300 for pair. Call 505-363-6667. BREAD MAKING MACHINE Panosonic. Make yummy hot bread instead of tortillas. Put in the mix and out comes the gourmet style bread. $50. Email inter estbearing@aol.com MONGOOSE MOUNTAIN BIKE seat, black with yellow trim. Includes aluminum seat post and red reflector. $20. interestbearing@aol.com 3 PIECES BROYHILL furniture. Solid wood, 40 y/o, original 1960’s style. Includes two large dresser mirrors, very heavy. $150 for all. If interested e-mail interestbearing@aol.com DECORATIVE CANDLE HOLDER. Multicolored glass used with tea lights. Polished rocks in small wooden base for a romantic mood setting night. Pictures available $5. interestbearing@aol. com

New Mexico Daily Lobo Child Care CAREGIVERS, GROUP LEADERS, assistants, enrichment instructors, for topquality after-school and summer program. There are a wide variety of shifts and jobs available, but only a select few will be hired. Play sports, teach enrichment classes, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 296-2880 or visit www.childrens-choice.org / Work-study encouraged to apply. CAREGIVERS AND ASSISTANTS for top-quality after-school and summer child care program. Play sports, take field trips, make crafts, be goofy, have fun and be a good role model. Learn, play, and get paid for doing both! $9/hr plus paid holidays, paid planning time, paid preparation time, and great training with pay raises. Apply at 6501 Lomas Blvd NE, 9:30 – 2:30 M-F. Call 2962880 or visit www.childrens-choice. org ; UNM Work-study encouraged to apply.

Jobs Off Campus 51 YEAR OLD quad in wheelchair looking for help, 15 minutes in AM same at PM. Hope for experience, but can train, easy. Live downtown on Lomas. 832-621-5232, message. PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. PT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, 1520 hrs/week. Small firm in NE ABQ seeking a well organized, computer proficient administrative assistant. Excellent English language skills and flexibility to work a few hours on Saturdays for copy-editing required. Send resume, available hours, and hourly rate required to drcsolutions@gmail.com

FALL 2013 ENGLISH Program In Korea (EPIK). $1,600-2,500/month + housing, airfare, medical insurance, paid vacation. Must have BA degree. Deadline: Sometime in May **this date is tentative and could change depending on circumstances**. Please visit the website www.epik.go.kr NW ALBUQUERQUE & Rio Rancho: Blake’s Lotaburger team interview Day! Stop by the Blake’s Lotaburger at 6550 Paradise Blvd NW Albuquerque between 11AM-4PM on May 6 to submit an application and be interviewed for available positions in NW Albuquerque and Rio Rancho including crew member, shift manager, assistant manager, and general manager. SUMMER SALES AND Leadership Internship. 157 year old exchange program for students of all major and classifications. Average UNM student makes $8,600 per summer. Call Patrick 575-644-6462. PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202. TALIN MARKET IS now hiring all positions: cashier, customer service, wait staff, kitchen assistant, stocker. Please pickup an application @ 88 Louisiana Blvd SE. VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST/ Kennel help. Pre-veterinary student preferred. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881-8990/ 881-8551. WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be financially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly confidential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-217-1169.

MALE PERSONAL ASSISTANT neededfor semester. Bookman/spiritual director. Flexible morning hours. 505-2555860. saintbobrakoczy@aol.com

SIGN FLIPPER EMPLOYMENT. Free training. 505-440-8116.

!!!BARTENDING!!! $300/DAY potential. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520 ext.100.

FALL 2013 TEACH and Learn in Korea (TaLK) sponsored by Korean government. $1,300~400/mo. (15hrs/wk) + airfares, housing, medical insurance. Must have completed two years of undergraduate. Last day to apply: 5/31/13. Please visit the website www.talk.go.kr

LEGAL ASSISTANT FOR Criminal Defense Attorney in fast-paced office. Office and Excel. BA/BS preferred. Good experience for anyone interested in law or grad school. 1 YR commitment required. Email: paralegal@jrobinslaw. com no later than May 31st. Position begins Aug. 1st. PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202.

PERFECT FULL TIME Summer Job. Alpha Alarm. 505-296-2202.

Volunteers VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR Agora Helpline’s Summer training! Application deadline: June 15. Apply early, apply now at AgoraCares.org

Guided-Escorted Travel to Mexico This Summer $1625 (7/22 to 8/5) TWO WEEKS SPANISH EMERSION TO TLAXCALA

Groups of 4

A Safe, Clean, and Colonial city INCLUDES: *Roundtrip transportation *Secure dorm rooms with bathroom *Three archaeological tours *Day trip to Puebla *Local Spanish/English speaking escorts (3 ½ hrs daily) Contact: Felix Pacheco 505-833-0662 felixapacheco@msn.com

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