Daily Lobo 09/12/2022

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John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

TGRCNM serves to educate through cultural fluency training, advocacy and personal advocacy for individuals and working with businesses and legislature to en sure that New Mexico continues to be a welcoming and affirm ing place for transgender people, according to Trimm.

By Annya @annyaloyaLoya

Participants were offered dif ferent colored beads to represent the reasons why they were at tending the event. White beads represented the loss of a child, red for the loss of a partner, gold for the loss of a parent, orange for the loss of a sibling, purple for the loss of relative or friend, silver for first responders and military, rain bow for LGBTQ+ and green for personal“Everyonestruggle.here has been af fected … if it’s a coworker, a friend,

UNMH hosts Suicide Awareness Week

a parent, and we just want to bring that awareness that you’re not alone in your lived experience, and if you are personally struggling with suicidal thoughts, we are here to help you … We have the resourc es to help you,” Vanessa Roybal, health education consultant and event coordinator, said.

The University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center is honor ing Suicide Prevention Awareness Month by presenting a full week of events for the UNM communi ty. The week was kickstarted with the annual UNM Walk for Suicide Awareness at Johnson Field on Sat urday, Sept. 10.

TGRCNM is a nonprofit orga nization that serves transgender, nonbinary and gender-nonconforming people and communities through education, advocacy and direct services.

Different departments and organizations were present at the walk offering resources for people dealing with mental health issues. Among the participants were Stu dent Health and Counseling, the LGTBQ+ Resource Center, the Vet eran & Military Resource Center, UNM Hospital, Agora Crisis Cen ter and the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico.

see Council page 2

City Council fails to override veto, securing safe outdoor spaces for unhoused

By Zara @DailyLoboRoy

On Sept. 7, 2022, the Albuquer que City Council failed to override a vetoed bill which would have placed a moratorium on safe out door spaces for 12 months or until the amendment of the Integrated Development Ordinance. With a vote of 5-4 for overturning the veto, this project, which will provide temporary occupancy spaces for tents and vehicles as well as access to social services, will remain intact.

UNM football trampled by Boise State 31-14

“Data has shown that trans and queer people have higher inci dences of depression, anxiety and, unfortunately, that leads to a lot of suicidality,” Michael Trimm, TGRCNM executive director, said.

Participants for the UNM Walk for Suicide Awareness grab beads at Johnson Field on Saturday, Sept. 10.

Six votes were needed to override the veto, making for a narrow win for safe outdoor spaces. Among the five council members who voted in favor of the overturn were Brook Bassan, Dan Lewis, Renee Grout,

Clarissa Pena and Louie Sanchez.

Lobos left back Cody Moon gets a sack against Boise State University on Friday, Sept. 9.

Donations from the walk and throughout the week will benefit the Transgender Resource Center of New Mexico. Walk participants who donated $5 or more received a booklet of postcards filled with art made by UNM students.

Daily l obo new mexico The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895 dailylobo.com Monday, September 12, 2022 | Volume 127 | Issue 5

see Prevention page 2

Some opponents of safe outdoor spaces who spoke in public com ment felt that the bill seemed rushed and that additional planning was needed before implementation. However, Councilor Pat Davis said that the SOS program’s initiative in creating operation guidelines has already been helpful in addressing concerns brought up in and out of the“Themeeting.things I saw that I thought were addressing neighbor con cerns, for example, were a mandatory fence with a cover … There’s some separation and pri vacy for the people indoors. I saw, for example, that there were curfew hours … The city’s gonna screen

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @Mackenzid5

Zara Roy is the copy chief for the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at copychief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo

“I want them to know that they’re not alone, that there are people out there who care and are willing to listen, and that people don’t need to feel afraid to reach out to people,” Harrison said. This is only the second year UNMH has hosted the aware ness walk. The Health Sciences Center’s awareness week began with Dr. Elizabeth Lawrence from

to say that the unhoused popula tion “have no respect for anybody else’sCouncilorproperty.”Brook

Bassan said many of her constituents op posed SOS due to safety concerns; she urged the council to override theOtherveto.

community members highly opposed to the override were primarily focused on the city’s in tense housing crisis and difficulties housing unhoused people already; It takes an average of 700 days to get an unhoused person into hous ing from the onset of homelessness, according to Watkins. Community member Bruce Jefferson criticized the lack of compassion from SOS opponents, especially those who characterize all homeless people as criminals, which he said puts them into an unfair box and dehuman izes the entire population.

The next city council meeting will be held at 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19 at the Albuquerque Gov ernment Center as well as streamed via GOV-TV.

“And that includes everything from food access to assistance with name changes, emergency financial assistance, clothing, gender-affirming items, you name it. We provide it,” Trimm said.

“All I ask is, where’s your com passion? I hear people talk about the homeless, we’ve heard a crisis about the homeless, people getting kicked out of their homes because of rent … ,” Jefferson said. “I don’t know what the solution is, but I urge you not to (overturn) this be cause you don’t know if it’ll work because you have not tried it.”

A poster shows date of Suicide Awareness Week during the Walk for Suicide Awareness.

“I visited the Westside shelter and learned about its shortcomings from the people living there and the staff working there. There is no washing machine to wash clothes, the roof leaks and there is a back door that doesn’t open properly that is a fire hazard. It’s also an old prison and still has the excessive fencing and old features that one associates with a prison. It is also 15 miles out of town: there are good reasons why people wouldn’t wan na live there,” Watkins said.

Annya Loya is the news editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be con tacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @annyaloya

residents; people can’t just come in and just sign in and sign out,” Davis said.” They actually have to apply to the city for one of these locations, and they’re screened and matched to a location with the types of ser vices and stuff that they need.”

PAGE 2 / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com OPEN April 1-Nov 1 FRI-MON • 10am-4pm Last ticket sold at Locatedtinkertown.com3:30pm505-281-5233ontheroadtoSandiaCrest Tinkertown MUSEUM The Daily Lobo is digital first! The Daily Lobo will publish new content every day on our website, dailylobo.com, and publish a print issue every Monday! www.dailylobo.com @DailyLobo @DailyLobo @DailyLobo @DailyLobo Awareness from page 1

“It changed (my life) profoundly just because I tried to help him, and I didn’t realize he was in so much pain. Sometimes you don’t realize it, but I volunteer with Agora and I thought I could recog nize (his pain) and it didn’t (help),” Harrison said.

Councilors prepare prior to the Sept. 7 Albuquerque City Council Meeting at the Albuquerque Government Center.

UNMH when she started honor ing National Physician Suicide Awareness Day on Sept. 17. UNMH then broadened the scope of the awareness to suicide in general and altered the format to be one weekUNMlong.will continue honoring Sui cide Prevention Awareness Month throughout next week until Sept. 16 with webinars, observances and a self-care room.

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @Mackenzid5

Zara Roy / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Heather Harrison attended the walk to honor her late grandfather who committed suicide.

Harrison has been volunteering with Agora for a couple of years as a suicide hotline counselor and will continue to do so in order to help more people dealing with the same issues as her grandfather.

The capacity of the Westside Shelter, for instance, is only 600 compared to the 2,000 people in the housing intake system.

Safe outdoor spaces are advan tageous because there is simply not enough space in the current shelters in Albuquerque to accommodate the homeless popu lation, according to Tony Watkins, program director for homeless assistance at the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness.

Many who opposed safe outdoor space development specif ically objected to the idea of having homeless camps built in their own neighborhoods given existing conditions in their areas and the crime they felt it would bring. One community member vehemently opposed a homeless encampment near her predominantly elderly neighborhood and went so far as

Council from page 1

By Maddie @maddogpukitePukite

Maddie Pukite is the managing editor at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at managingeditor@ dailylobo.com or on Twitter @mad dogpukite


Rentals7foot jib Ronin S Kesller Slider

1909 Bellamah Ave NW nekonekoabq

NormanNormansaid.and the other members of the SWFC have big plans for the upcoming semester, including col laborations with other ASUNM student service agencies, accord ing to Emma Harrison, the center’s

things that I love to do, I really need to know my limits,” Norman said.

She aims to do that by com municating with staff about how she’s feeling, opening a dia logue for those conversations, capping her hours she spends dedicated to each organiza tion and making sure she makes decisions based on staff interest.

Southwest Film Center reels in film lovers across campus

“If an idea for Southwest Film doesn’t make me super excited, or make somebody on my staff su per excited, we’re not going to go through with it,” Norman said.

the“(I’m)past. so happy to be working with her. She’s super enthusiastic. (She) has so many ideas for taking Southwest Film Center farther than it has gone in the past and really wants to get more people involved. So yeah, she’s a really great leader. Super welcoming also, and just like, makes it a really fun environment,” Harrison said.

Norman is a film and digital arts major at UNM and an aspir ing director. She often feels there is a need for more female voices in directorial roles as part of the storytelling“Directingprocess.isthe big thing I want to do with my life. I want to

In addition to her position in the SWFC, Norman is a leader with the faith-based student organization Young Life, which she says priori tizes “community, adventure (and) significance.” To manage all of her leadership roles, Norman says she tries to prioritize her mental health.

“It felt like a very small position with Southwest. But, in reality, no position with Southwest is small, and that’s what I learned. And so I fell in love with it,” Norman said.

Rentals7foot jib Ronin S Kesller Slider Tea


Courtesy Photo / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Rylee Norman, executive director of Southwest Film Center. Photo courtesy of the UNM Southwest Film Center.


New executive director screens fresh ideas

Located on the first floor of the Student Union Building, the Southwest Film Center offers free movie screenings and other events throughout the semester to all University of New Mexico students. The center provides film fanatics, like newly appointed SWFC executive director Rylee Norman, a voice within the Associ ated Students at the University of NewTheMexico.SWFC offers students on campus a venue to en joy art house films that may not be showing on other big screens near them, according to Norman. The center also helps to showcase student work.

Harrison also spoke to Norman’s leadership qualities, excitement for the year and ability to take the center further than it has gone in

Rentals7foot jib Ronin S Kesller Slider

Fall in love withwith

“Prioritizing my mental health comes first because I haven’t done that in the past with past jobs … I’m learning that if I want to keep go ing and I want to keep putting my heart into these organizations and


Having heard of the SWFC’s screenings her freshman year, Nor man began to get more involved with the center her sophomore year after being selected as a chair for the Cherry Reel Film Festival. In this role, she worked with staff to plan the festival, find sponsors and judge submissions.

get out there. Women directors have always inspired me since I was young, so that’s like my big thing I want to do … We’ve been notoriously underrepresented, and we still are and I think that that goes along the lines with peo ple of color and film and people with disabilities and film as well,” NormanAlongsidesaid. planning different events with prizes, Norman is cre ating new opportunities for the student film community, includ ing changing the Cherry Reel Film Festival by establishing a Reel Club committee to help facili tate it. The Reel Club is a student club hosted by the Film Center that is focused on viewing and creating“We’refilms.doing it in a totally new format. We’ll have our first Reel Club meeting (on Sept. 16) where we’ll hire the Reel Club Committee, which is a first thing ever. They’ll be a part of the Southwest Film Cen ter staff, but there’ll be a Reel Club president, vice president, projects coordinator and marketing direc tor, and they’ll be the self-sustain ing group of people who love film,”


“I work with a team of students and staff who help me support stu dent filmmakers, student actors, students who just love film (and) the Reel Club. And we give them a voice within ASUNM Student Gov ernment and allow them to make decisions on events,” Norman said.

assistant director.


“I’m really excited personally for the Halloween event that we’re working on planning. We’re doing a collaboration with the Arts and Crafts Center … We’re working on some activities to include … We are thinking we will do a costume con test, which will be super fun, and we’re looking at getting some really cool prizes for that,” Harrison said.



OPINION: UNM needs a new mural and I know where

By Andrew @DailyLoboSowers

Naruto Ramen Naruto Ramen is a restau rant that serves an array of Japanese-style ramen in an up scale environment with bar seating options and a nice menu variety to choose from.

me for years is the area between Zimmerman Library and the Ed ucation Classrooms building.

Mariah Rosales

This area itself is attractive, with nice tall trees, the lovely Col laborative Teaching and Learn ing Building, and Travelstead Hall. The CTLB, which is home to an Einstein Bros. Bagels on the first floor, is a more modern and interesting addition to cam pus, while Travelstead includes a floor-to-ceiling wall of stained glass that looks out onto the walkway. If it wasn’t for the long stretch of tall, featureless stucco walls further south, this would be one of the nicest walkways onInsteadcampus.of looking at these

The walkway running be tween these two buildings is of great importance to the daily flow of pedestrian traffic through campus: the main connection between the pedway and the south side of campus, making it a regular route for students living on campus for moving between their housing and the Student Union

BecauseBuilding.ofthe great regularity with which I take this path, I have had ample time to try and put my

according to Anaya — the inside is decorated with pop culturethemed paintings, with some on the ceiling. There’s even a foun tain near the cashier station.

Chick-fil-A is a great choice for people who love chicken. It’s fast and easy to get to. Alongside Lotaburger, it can be found in the Student Union “(Chick-fil-ABuilding.is)fast and de

licious for between classes,” Anaya said.


Opinion Editor / opinion@dailylobo.com The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895 LOBO OPINIONMonday,September12,20224 Volume 127 Issue 5 The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the Alleditor-in-chief.contentappearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld. UNM Land Acknowledgement statement Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico – Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache – since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history. This statement was developed by Pam Agoyo, director of American Indian Student Services and special assistant to the president on American Indian Affairs, in consultation with the Native American Faculty Council. Photo Editor Mackenzie Schwartz Culture Editor Spenser Willden Editorial Staff Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) news@dailylobo.com277-7530www.dailylobo.com Editor-in-Chief John Scott Managing Editor Madeline Pukite News Editor Annya Loya Orduno Sports Editor Thomas Bulger Copy Editor Zara Roy Multimedia Editor Katrina Estrada





Saggio’s Saggio’s is an Italian restaurant located off Yale Boulevard across the street from the UNM Book store. The scenery is fascinating,

5 and Why: 5 Yummy places to eat Albuquerquearound

Pizza is a nice go-to meal when you don’t know what to eat, and buying it by the slice is helpful when you don’t want too much food. The location is also conve nient, located right across the street from campus.

Katrina Estrada / Daily Lobo / @Katrina_Est4 The restaurant Naruto Ramen is open one evening on Central Avenue.

“I love noodles, and Naruto is right across campus and so good,” AnayaNarutosaid.is located on Central Avenue across from the Commu nication and Journalism building. The location is very convenient for people who can’t drive or don’t want to commute too far off cam pus for a bite to eat.


As a senior at the Univer sity of New Mexico, I have had four years to familiarize my self with our campus. Over that time I have fallen in love with many aspects of our school’s beautiful architecture and land scaping. However, like many other students, I know of a hand ful of areas on campus that don’t necessarily bring me joy. In fact, they do quite the opposite. One spot in particular that has bugged

Albuquerque is a large city filled with amazing places to dine. These five restaurants around Al buquerque are unmissable when considering a place to grab a bite with friends, on a date or alone, According to University of New Mexico junior Evan Anaya. His suggestions might provide you with your next restful break from studying.

Blake’s Lotaburger

There is a Lotaburger lo cation located right here on campus in the Student Union Building, perfect for getting a quick meal before, after or inbetween classes, according to Anaya.

plain, oppressive walls with dis may, I have decided to think of them as the perfect blank canvas — this would be an excellent place to have a new mural commissioned. The right artist could take what was a hor rible eye sore and turn it into one of the most noteworthy places at our University. If I could have my way, both of these walls would become home to new large scale artHowever,pieces. I would like to be a little more realistic in what I ask for. Since it may be difficult to get see Mural page 5

The Blake’s Lotaburger web site will tell you that its chain of restaurants is a New Mexico tradition. A fast food restaurant, Lotaburger serves burgers, chick en and breakfast burritos, among many other things.

finger on just what it is about this stretch that bothers me so much.

As the name implies, all the cows that Grassburger recieve their meat from are grass fed. They also provide gluten-free, vegan and allergy-friendly meals, according to their Locatedwebsite.onthe corner of Juan Tabo and Montgomery Boulevard, Grassburger is a quick 15-minute drive from campus for those look ing to get a little space from the University by enjoying a good meal.Albuquerque is a great place for dining, with local and chain options across the whole city; next time you’re in the mood for a meal, make sure to check out one of the options Anaya recom mended.

Melanye Eaves Natalie AhmadHughesOweis

Unfortunately, this option is not as close to campus as the others, but they still serve amaz ing food if you’re in the mood for healthier alternatives to fast food, according to “GrassburgerAnaya.has some of the best burgers I’ve ever eaten in Al buquerque,” Anaya said.

Mariah Rosales Advertising Staff

Alizay Chavez is a freelance re porter at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @ChavezAlizay

The issue is with the buildings which border it: Zimmerman and the Education building, two buildings which I have no real quarrel with. However, it is the east facing wall of Zimmer man paired with the westward facing side of the Education Classrooms building that ruins this area of campus. On either side of the walkway are two large, windowless, plain stucco walls. These two walls belong to large buildings which close in an otherwise excellent space.

“Their food is really good, and who doesn’t like pizza?” Anaya said. “They sell by the slice.”

Telephone: (505)

By Alizay @ChavezAlizayChavez

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @Mackenzid5

This would allow for the creation of a collaborative mural utilizing a variety of different art styles, with the completed project look ing like an outdoor gallery.

see Cinema page 6

Before the Guild, Henley worked with local nonprofit Basement Films, a microcinema which works to sup port underground and experimental filmmaking. There, he helped turn Basement Films into a federal non profit organization. He found out about the job opening at the Guild through one of his colleague’s girl friends who was a manager there.

If this idea excites you or gives you ideas for other ways to improve campus, we encour age you to submit a letter to the editor with your opinion on our website.

Tucked away in Nob Hill lies a safe haven for Albuquerque cine philes and subculturists alike at the city’s only remaining in dependent art house cinema. Keif Henley, owner of the Guild Cinema, retains the theater’s tradi tion of showcasing an alternative to the mainstream selections of mostThetheaters.Guild Cinema first opened its doors in 1966, quickly shifting their offerings from independent art films to much more lucra tive pornography showings. The theater traded hands in 1971, begin ning again as a revival cinema before shifting back to its independent art

It would also work fine to do one large mural across the entire ty of the wall. One idea that I have when imagining such a mural is a semi-realistic painting of the walkway itself, with Zimmerman Library on the other side. The ef fect would be to turn the wall into a giant mirror which would not only make the space feel much more open but also make it a pro vocative time capsule of everyday life along the walkway at the time of the painting.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 / PAGE 5@DailyLobo Caregivers lead activities, play sports, make crafts, have fun and are good role models for school-age children before and after school. Starting pay is $16.50/hr Associate Directors are in a leadership development position for those who are working toward the position of Site Director. FT or PT. Starting pay is $18.50/hr Site Director leads the day-to-day operations of the program. Starting pay is $22/hr Apply at www.childrens-choice.org/jobs 505-296-2880 Children's Choice Child Care is HIRING Community Event Sunday, September 18th - 2:00pm First Church of Christ, Scientist 500 Richmond Pl NE, Abq, NM 87106 Childcare will be abqreadingroom@gmail.comprovided.(505) 255-7244 For live stream: www.spiritualityabq.com Love your enemies How is it possible to do this? What kind of results can you expect? Come hear a vibrant hour long talk on this important topic by Julia Nesi Tetreau, a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. Check the Coupon Bonanza every Monday! OMG!! Did you see the couponS on page 8 & 9? Did you see the coupons on page 6? Mural from page 4

Zara Roy / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Keif Henley, owner of the Guild Cinema on Nob Hill, stands outside of the theater.

permission to paint on a historic building such as Zimmerman, even the later expansions such as this section of the building, I be lieve it would make most sense to look at the Education Classrooms building for the mural. This wall is also probably best suited for a mural because of its shape. The wall is constructed from large rectangular sections. These sections frame the wall into several different segments — each of which could house its own art piece. If the University wanted to employ multiple artists to work on this project, this could give each of them their own seg ment of the wall to work with.

house roots which persist to this day. Henley started as an employ ee at the Guild in 1997. After six years, in 2003, the previous own ers were primed to sell the theater and wanted him to buy it from them. Though Henley was cash strapped and came from a middleclass family, fate struck when his grandmother received a surprise windfall following the death of a cousin.“Italked to my dad, telling him my tale of woe: that the movie the ater that I worked at that I loved a lot could possibly be going out of business … My dad told me over the phone, maybe to call her and see … I told my grandmother about it and she said, ‘I’m good for that amount. You don’t have to pay me back be cause I’ll probably be dead in a cou

ple of years,’” Henley said.

A blank wall stands on the east side of Zimmerman Library.

By Zara @DailyLoboRoy

“She told me … that she was looking for somebody to work on Mondays and I said, ‘Well, I don’t work Mondays and I would love to work at a movie theater; I’d work for less than minimum wage,’” Henley said.Henley recalls himself and Bay Area experimental projectionist and business partner Peter Con

Local cinema owner showcases independent finds

Andrew Sowers is the cartoon ist for the Daily Lobo. He can be reached at culture@dailylobo.com

For Henley, the primary joy of running a cinema like the Guild is the proximity between the com munity and the theater and the

Kristina Cardoza is one of four other employees at the Guild. She first got involved there in 2019 while working an event for Basement Films held at the Cinema.

UNM football trampled by Boise State 31-14

Zara Roy is the copy chief at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at copychief@dailylobo.com or on Twit ter @DailyLobo

The Lobos lost to the Boise State University Broncos during their second game of the season, put ting their record at 1-1 and 0-1 in conference play.

net 25 yards on 27 attempts.

that. And he’s very hands-on so I mean, of course he’s my boss, he oversees everything that goes on at the Guild. But most nights it’s the two of us selling tickets and slinging popcorn together. He really does it all around here, really makes the Guild what it is,” Cardoza said.

right back with Justin Harris and Moon tackling Holani for a loss of 6 yards and forcing Boise State to Onpunt.the next drive, Kendrick connected on a pass to Wysong on third-and-eight for a first down. Kendrick was then sacked, though, losing 4 yards. Following an incomplete pass, the offense was bailed out by a personal foul on third-and-ten, giving them an automatic first down. Kendrick was sacked again for the third time in the first quarter and UNM punt ed on Boise’s 47-yard line.

Cinema from page 5 heim as having very little business expertise, describing the two as “low-rent bohemian types.”

By Thomas @ThomasBulger10Bulger

Miles Kendrick threw 9-24 but had little protection from the of fensive line, getting sacked six times. Geordon Porter scored the offense’s only touchdown on a 69yardOnreception.defense, Cody Moon was credited with 1.5 sacks and Ronald Wilson had the team’s onlyChristianinterception.Washington ran 100 yards on an impressive kick return, scoring the team’s other touchdown.

The Broncos’ defense did not allow UNM’s offense to get going on the next drive, forcing three incomplete passes with no yards gained. UNM’s defense answered

PAGE 6 / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com COUPONBONANZA EVERYMONDAY WELCOME NEW STUDENTS!$9+Sandwich/WrapSoup&Cookie95 Coupon good at Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Expires 09/18/22 BOXSPECIALLUNCH 2201 Silver Avenue SE (corner of Silver & Yale) 262-2424 5939 4th Street NW Albuquerque 254-2424 5200 Eubank NE Albuquerque 275-2424CAR-MA®TOGOcurbsideservice WELCOME NEW STUDENTS! Vegan and Gluten Free Baked Goods Catering Soy-free,Availablewheat-free bakery Tasty made from scratch menu See our Green & Chef’s Plate Specials Onlinewww.worldvegetariancafe.comCHAIHAPPYHOUR 3-5pmdaily ® OPEN 5am 12am Every Day 2400 Central SE $2.20Save Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 09/16/2022 OPEN 5am 11 pm Every Day 2400 Central SE For only $5.75 Reg. $7.95 GOOD MORNING SPECIAL valid only from 5 am - 11 am Breakfast Burrito with Carne Adovada OPEN 5am 1am Every Day 2400 Central SE $1.65 For only $4.50 Reg. $6.15 FIESTA BURGER (Red or Green Chile, Cheddar Cheese, Onion, & Lettuce) Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 11/11/16 with a regular For only TACO$6.00TUESDAYSPECIAL2 Crunchy Tacos and a regular soda or iced tea WEDNESDAYSPECIAL 2 Carne BurritosAdovada&Fries No necessary!coupon For only $6.00 No necessary!coupon THURSDAYSPECIAL Frontier Pile-Up with red chile or green chile stew For only $6.00 No necessary!coupon $1.65Save For only $5.85 Reg. $7.50 Frontier Coupon One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. Expires 09/16/2022 CHEESEBURGER (Tomato, Pickle, Onion, Lettuce, Salad Dressing & Cheddar Cheese) with a regular OPEN 5am 11 pm Every Day 2400 Central SE


Broncos quarterback Hank Bachmeier threw for a 47-yard gain, putting Boise in Lobo ter ritory. On third-and-1, the UNM defense held the Bronco offense but was unable to contain them after Holani rushed for a gain of 4 on fourth down, which ended the firstOnquarter.thefirst play of the second quarter, Boise’s Latrell Caples caught a pass for 18 yards and scored the first points of the game. Jonah Dalmas’ extra point attempt was good, putting the Broncos see Football page 10

Now, Henley oversees every as pect of the theater, from pub licity to programming to book keeping, as well as running day-to-day tasks like projection, con cessions and ticket-taking.

capability for exchange granted through“Peoplethis.who have been en gaged with the movies we watched and the conversations we have afterwards: that’s really one of the highlights of running a mov ie theater like ours … There’s an exchange of ideas, of energy, of things like that, that I hope go be yond just the monetary exchange,” Henley said.

UNM’s defense was unable to fend off the Broncos for all four quarters, giving up 21 points in the second half. The Lobos were never able to get going on offense: 1-14 on third down and an almost non existent run game, rushing for a

also has a strong connection to the place; he recalled their enthusiastic involvement when the cinema did a fundraiser for new projection equip ment.“Ithink a lot of people like the idea of a ‘Guild Cinema’ even if they can’t attend many movies that we play. They like the idea of a locally owned art house cinema that plays alternative to the mainstream media, the mainstream theater chains and whatnot,” Henley said.

“Just by chance, I was waiting for a ride from my mom after I was finished with all the tasks I needed to do, and I asked Keif if there was anything I could do to help just in that moment, and he said, ‘Yeah, we need someone for Fridays and Saturdays.’ Absolutely not what I meant, but I took him up on that offer and I’m really glad I did,”

“He’s very nice, of course knows a ton about movies and music too, so we have a lot of fun talking about

Recently,said.Cardoza has been de signing the monthly calendar that the Guild prints showcasing their lineup of films for that month. She described Henley as an excellent boss with a genuine interest in film.

For Cardoza, the kind and thoughtful community surrounding the cinema has been one of the high lights of working there for her. Wide swaths of people from all around Albuquerque with varying inter ests flock to the Guild for its unique screenings, according to Henley. The community around the theater

turned the ball to UNM’s 22-yard line. The drive started with Ken drick getting sacked by Boise State’s George Tarlas and Demitri Washington. UNM punted on a fourth-and-14 play. The defense started with Jerrick Reed II tack ling George Holani for a loss of 4 yards. The defense quickly shut down the drive with the Broncos only getting off four plays.

At kickoff, Luke Wysong re

Check out daily species and huge selection of cannabis products! 10am(575)622-79678pm

Ski all season! Lock in your season pass Sipapu.skitoday

Fragments Live Tour w/ O’Flynn All Ages! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

Sunshine Theater

Lewis Black : ABQ Journal Theatre, September DZPlive.com29

Danny Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque! George Thorogood: Kiva Auditorium, September 13 Lewis Black : ABQ Journal Theatre, September DZPlive.com29

Danny Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque!

Event at Chicana/o Studies/SHRI casita backyard!

SWOP out daily and of 10am(575)622-79678pm

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service!

George Thorogood: Kiva Auditorium, September 13 Lewis Black : ABQ Journal Theatre, September DZPlive.com29


2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop

HAPS The Entertainment Guide

Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday! 115 Harvard Dr SE Open: 10am - MIDNIGHT Raw Greens Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop



Hispanic Heritage Welcoming event! Next Thursday 12pm-2pm09/22

Computer Transformers

Happy Hippie Budz

Walk in HIV Testing

Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE

Delivery hours: 9am-5pm

Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107

huge selection

Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 1606 Central Suite 105 505.503.6953

Sunshine Theater Sep 20 7pm Doors

Approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. have HIV. About 13 percent of them don’t know it and need testing. Be Empowered. Know your status! Walk-In Testing Hours 9am-4pm Monday-Wednesday 1pm 7pm Thursday 801 Encino Place Building F

Danny Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque!

4012 Central Ave SE Tues store hours: 11am-5pm

Computer Transformers Your university computer repair shop! Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 1606 Central Suite 105 505.503.6953

Computer Transformers Your university computer repair shop! Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 1606 Central Suite 105 505.503.6953


SWOP Check out daily species and huge selection of cannabis products! 10am(575)622-79678pm 2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort

Sunshine Theater Sep 21 Doors 7pm Clinton Kane, All Ages! Maybe Someday It’ll All Be Ok 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G

Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200

Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday! 115 Harvard Dr SE Open: 10am - MIDNIGHT 266-4200

Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, Closed

Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday! 115 Harvard Dr SE Open: 10am - MIDNIGHT

Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE


Nob Hill Music

Thursday, September 22 12pm - 2pm Hispanic heritage month welcoming event Chicana/o Studies/SHRI casita backyard Appetizers and beverages will be served CLOSEDSundayupServinggoodvibes&greathighsMonday - Saturday 10am - 7pm 505.369.1894 4212 4th St Stop by & say high! Mustmakeapurchasetorecieve$15credit Use this $15 towards ANYTHING in the store! Including FUN summer hemp clothing, hemp hats, AWESOME accessories, CBD tinctures, flower, vape, candy, smoking products and SO much more! 2639 San Mateo 505.433.3761 Monday - Saturday 10am - 7pm rawgreensabq Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505)

George Thorogood: Kiva Auditorium, September 13

4012 Central Ave SE


Test With Truman

Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Wed store hours: 11am-5pm

Happy Hippie Budz


Monday: 8am-noon 801 Encino Pl NE

Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107

Monster Energy Outbreak Tour Presents KennyHoopla with special guest nothing, nowhere. and support from Groupthink All Ages! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

cannabis products!

Take advantage of our delivery service!

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Oct 10 7pm BonoboDoors

Check out our store!

Your university computer repair shop!


Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm Closed Sundays (505) 963-1894

Be Empowered. Know Your Status.

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski

Raw Greens

Buds & Beans 119 Gold Ave SW 8 AM - 2 PM


Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm Closed Sundays (505) 963-1894


Mon: 12pm-5pm

Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm Closed Sundays (505) 963-1894


Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski

Transformers Your university computer repair shop! Mon

Computer - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 Central Suite 105 505.503.6953



Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque! George Thorogood: Kiva Auditorium, September 13 Lewis Black : ABQ Journal Theatre, September DZPlive.com29 Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday! 115 Harvard Dr SE Open: 10am - MIDNIGHT Raw Greens Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE Monday-Saturday505.433.376110AM-7PMFollowusonInstagram@RawGreensABQ Hispanic Heritage Welcoming event! Next Thursday 12pm-2pm09/22 Event at Chicana/o Studies/SHRI casita backyard! Friday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE


Happy Hippie Budz for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm (505) 963-1894

Visit us

PAGE 8 / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com HAPS The Entertainment Guide 3904-B CENTRAL NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM STEVE@NOBHILLMUSIC.COM87108 Buy & Sell Records, Tapes, CDs & Musical Gear 3904-B CENTRAL NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM STEVE@NOBHILLMUSIC.COM87108 Buy & Sell Records, Tapes, CDs & Musical Gear 3904-B CENTRAL NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM STEVE@NOBHILLMUSIC.COM87108 Buy & Sell Records, Tapes, CDs & Musical Gear NEW LOCATION ! 3904-B CENTRAL SE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87108 Cute art & local handmade goods UNM Students get 10% off with student i.d. Located at the corner of Central & Edith! Tues-Fri: 10-6 | Sat: 10-4 514 Central Ave SE  @squidly.store DailyLobo-Squidly-2x3-Ad.indd 1 8/16/22 4:29 PM Raw Greens Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE Monday-Saturday505.433.376110AM-7PMFollowusonInstagram@RawGreensABQ Thursday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7PM (505) 963-1894 Sunshine Theater Oct 27 Doors 7pm Max & Iggor Cavalera with Bewitcher, All Ages! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Buds & Beans 119 Gold Ave SW 7 AM - 4 PM Frontiers in Science SPEAKER SERIES Frontiers in Science: A universal method for detecting disease Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellows present September 15 | 5:30-7 p.m. Crossroads Bible Church Los Alamos, NM September 16 | 5:30-7 p.m. New Mexico Museum of Art Santa Fe, NM Learn how our own immune system inspired a new, universal approach to diagnosing emerging infectious diseases with Harshini Mukundan. Coffee Shop and Craft Toast curioustoastcafeBar10% o with student I.D. Great place to study! Sun 9 - 2 • wed-Sat 8 - 2 Duke City Herbs responsiblyconsumePleaseCannabis is for use only by adults 21 and older; keep out of reach of children; not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated this product for safety, e ectiveness, and quality; do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the in uence of cannabis; there may be long term adverse health e ects from consumption of cannabis, including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding. Holi ic Herb Shop 4012 Central Ave SE Abq, NM 87108 (505) 750-0158 • www.dukecityherbs.com Duke City Herb Shop We Deliver! MOnday-Friday 10am-midnight 115 Harvard Dr SE (505) 232-2432 4:20pm - 7:10pm me visit us forom HappyHour chebahut @ chebahut@ ChebaHutSubs Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Thurs store hours: 11am-7pm Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, 87108 Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200 Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm SWOP Check out daily species and huge selection of cannabis products! 10am(575)622-79678pm 2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G


pm 1606

Los Alamos National Laboratory in Science: Speaker Series universal method for detecting

Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday! 115 Harvard Dr SE Open:10am - MIDNIGHT

Hispanic Heritage Welcoming event! Next Thursday 12pm-2pm09/22

Take advantage of delivery service! Delivery hours: 2pm-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Thurs store hours: 2pm-7pm

The Entertainment Guide

Danny Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque! George Thorogood: Kiva Auditorium, September 13


Stop by for a & grab some food or pastryhouse-madetopair! bnbabq 119 Gold Ave SW cOfFeE tEa lEmOnAdE BeEr WiNe

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE

Hispanic Heritage Welcoming event! Next Thursday 12pm-2pm09/22

Event at Chicana/o Studies/SHRI casita backyard!

115 Harvard Dr SE Open: 10am - MIDNIGHT

Sunshine Theater Oct 16 7pm Doors Teddy Swims, All 120www.teddyswims.comAges!CentralAveSW,87102

Buds & Beans 119 Gold Ave SW, ABQ, NM 87102 8 AM - 4 PM


Frankie Valli: Kiva DZPlive.comDecemberAuditorium,2

Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200

Computer Transformers Your university computer repair shop! Mon - Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 1606 Central Suite 105 505.503.695

Lewis Black : ABQ Journal Theatre, September DZPlive.com29


Celebrating David Bowie: Kiva Auditorium, November 11

THE TAYLOR PARTY: TAYLOR SWIFT NIGHT, Ages 18+ 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop

Danny Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque!

Frankie Valli: Kiva DZPlive.comDecemberAuditorium,2

Happy Hippie Budz Visit us for Hippie Hour! 4212 4th St NW, 87107 Mon-Sat 10AM-7Pm (505) 963-1894

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski

Sipapu Ski & Summer Resort Ski all season! Lock in your season pass today, Sipapu.ski

Event at Chicana/o Studies/SHRI casita backyard!

Luther House Where All Are Welcome! Progressive. Inclusive. Evolving. 1805 Las Lomas Rd NW, 87106 (505) 615-2688

Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm

Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE Wed-Sat:(505)737-7017SW8am-2pm

Squidly Designs Find us at The Rail Yards Market! 777 1st Street SW 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Check out daily species and huge selection of cannabis products! 10am(575)622-79678pm 2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G

Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 (505) 764-0249



2720 Central Ave SE Suite F-G

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Fri store hours: 11am-7pm


Event at Chicana/o Studies/SHRI casita backyard!

115 Harvard Dr SE Open: 10am - MIDNIGHT

Raw Greens Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE

Raw Greens Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE



Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200

Los Alamos National Laboratory Frontiers in Science: Speaker Series A universal method for detecting NewSeptemberdisease16|5:30-7pmMexicoMuseumofArtSantaFe,NM

Nob Hill Music Visit our NEW LOCATION! 3904B Central Ave SE, Thurs-Sun 12PM-6PM (505) 266-4200

Curious Toast Cafe Come study and try our cafe! 718 Central AVE (505)737-7017SWSun:9am-2pm

Buds & Beans 119 Gold Ave SW, ABQ, NM 87102 7 AM - 8 PM

Hispanic Heritage Welcoming event! Next Thursday 12pm-2pm09/22


Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl 505-272-1312NE

Check out daily species and huge selection of cannabis products! 10am - 8pm, (575)622-7967

Sunshine Theater Sep 17 7pm Doors

Buds & Beans 119 Gold Ave SW, ABQ, NM 87102 8 AM - 8 PM

Squidly Designs Find us at Downtown Growers Market! 810 Copper Ave NW 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday!

Sunshine Theater

Check out daily species and huge selection of cannabis products! 10am(575)622-79678pm

Cheba Hut Happy Hour from 4:20pm - 7:10pm everyday!

Danny Zelisko Presents Performances in Albuquerque!

Raw Greens Your Local Joint! 2639 San Mateo BLVD NE

Celebrating David Bowie: Kiva Auditorium, November 11

Bobby Wooden ran for a gain of 15 for another first down. Jones ran for 8 yards, putting UNM on Boise State’s 28-yard line. This was fol lowed by Kendrick getting sacked for a loss of 9 yards. With three seconds on the clock, George Steinkamp’s 48-yard field goal at tempt was no good. Boise State ended the first half up 10-0.

Simpson recovered the ball in the end zone, scoring a touchdown. Dalmas’ kick was good, putting UNM down 17-0.

Another Boise State penalty on the next drive gave UNM a first down, but Kendrick was sacked again on third down with UNM unable to get any momentum going on offense. UNM defense stopped another drive behind a sack by Moon, though. On third-and-12, Kendrick threw an incomplete pass, but an eventual 50-yard punt put Boise State on the 14-yard line.

in the first three quarters of the game but thought the defense eventually gave in during the fourth

Christian Washington ran for 100 yards on the kick return, though, scoring a touchdown for the Lobos. With the extra point, UNM was downHead31-14.coach Danny Gonzalez said postgame that he thought that the blocked punt changed the momentum of the game. He praised the defensive play

The Broncos started the third quarter receiving the ball on the 25-yard line. UNM’s Moon and Harris sacked Bachmeier for a loss of 7 yards and, on third-and-11, he threw an incomplete pass to end the drive. Kendrick then got sacked twice on the same drive and was unable to get a first down.

On the first play of the fourth quarter, Holani caught the ball for a touchdown. The extra point was good, putting Boise up 24-0. Ken drick threw to Porter for a 69-yard touchdown, finally putting UNM on the board and, with a success ful extra point attempt from Luke

Aaron Rodriguez’s punt was blocked and the Broncos’ Andrew

Football from page 6 upWith7-0.

PAGE 10 / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com spotlight 812 Retro is a vintage shop specializing in genuine vintage and mid century items from the 1950’s, 60’s, and 70’s. I love antiques, oddities and other cool junk too. 812 Retro o ers custom design photography sets as well as rental props for photography and film productions. Located near campus, you can find the most unique knick knacks, furniture pieces, as well as the rack of hand-picked clothing items! Stop by and receive a 10% discount with a valid UNM ID. Find us on Instagram, Facebook, and Etsy! moved!We’veThrift Store P A W S Come in & find a treasure! 50%OFFwithUNMID!*couponcannotbecombinedwithotheroffers* 1830 Juan Tabo Blvd 505.544.7776NEOPEN : Wed, Thur & Sat 10am-5pm Thank you for shopping at PAWS Thrift Store and for supporting our mission to care for cats who have outlived their owners. We have a wide selection of new and used items for adults and their pets. MidMod • Junk • Design 145 Jackson St NE Friday & Sat : 10am - 4pm Sunday : 11am - 4pm FacebookFindpresentedwhendiscount10%validUNMIDisuson&Instagram812Retro@retrogurlpics 12601 Central Ave NE (505) 761-9818 4501 Silver Ave SE (505) 254-1778 Thrift Store Shop & Donate TuesdayDonation9am-5pmSaturdayPickup(800)728-7825 Albuquerque’s Newest Used Bookstore 120 Jefferson St. NE • 505.492.2948 OPEN Mon – Sat 11-6 Come check us out!

On the following drive, Boise State was called for a pass interfer ence, giving UNM the first down.

Whenquarter.asked about his touch down, Geordan Porter said it was good, but that UNM was ultimately still losing. Going forward, he said that the key to be ing more competitive will be the preparation going into the week: watching film and getting more reps in during practice.

The Lobos next play in Albu querque against the University of Texas at El Paso Miners on Satur day, Sept. 17 at 6:00 p.m.

Thomas Bulger is the sports edi tor for the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @thomasbulger10

Drzewiecki, UNM was down 24-7. On defense, Wilson intercepted a pass, putting UNM on their own 3-yard line. This was followed by a UNM false start, though, mov ing them back to the 1-yard line. UNM’s offense was unable to get the first down and punted on fourth-and-9.TheBroncos then ran their way down the field on the next drive with three first downs, ending in Riley Smith catching a pass in the end zone for a Boise touchdown.

the Lobos back on offense, running back Sherod White ran for 21 yards and a first down. Ken drick ran for 7 yards on a scramble and, on fourth-and-1, Nate Jones was unable to pick up the yard, re sulting in a turnover. The defense made quick work of the Broncos, only giving up 3 yards on their next drive.Starting the drive on the 5-yard line, the Lobos were unable to make any progress and were forced to punt. Boise State’s Bach meier started their drive with a pass to Billy Bowens for a 41-yard gain. A holding call lost the Bron cos 10 yards and, on third-and-18, Lobo Donte Martin forced an in complete pass in the end zone. Dalmas’ 48-yard field goal was good on the next play, though, pushing Boise State’s lead to 10-0.

3/8/18 ©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 3/8/18 crossword sudoku Level 1 2 3 4 August 29th issue puzzle solved August 29th issue puzzle solved

@LiamDebonisCopyLiam@mackenzidsEditorDeBonisEditorAnnyaLoyaFreelanceReporter@annyaloyadlZoePerlsFreelanceReporter@zoeperlsMadelinePukiteBeatReporter@madelinepukiteJohnScottManagingEditor@JScott050901 Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis FOR RELEASE MARCH 8, 2018 ACROSS 1 Vaccine pioneer Salk 6 Biblical verb 10 Sever, with “off” 13 “The Good Wife” wife 15 Irrawaddy River locale 16 Hubbub 17 Grilled sandwich 18 *Hobbyist’sbroadcastingequipment 20 Checked out 21 Gather 23 Domestic sock eater? 24 Storied climber 26 Little limb 27 *Drama in the Nielsen top 10 four times during the ’70s 32 Special __ 35 Mets modifier of 1969 36 Noggin 37 Case in grammarLat. 38 Twit 39 Cuts and pastes, say 41 Trellis climber 42 Corner PC key 43 Expert 44 Mysterious girl on Things”“Stranger 46 “Zip it!” 47 *Ball of fire 49 “No __!”: “Sure!” 51 Lose one’s coat 52 Moves to the melody 54 “__ SeaWorldEncounter”:show 56 Shakespearean“Youaswell?” 60 *“Oh boy, it’s starting!” 62 First words 64 Muffin grain 65 Believe 66 Wind bladesfarm 67 Like some grins 68 People 69 Liquid starredanswershintischemicalwhoseformulaahomophonictothetoclues DOWN 1 Zinger 2 Body brandwash 3 Largest singledigit square 4 Genreincorporatingelementsoffunkandhip-hop 5 Transgression 6 “LOL” 7 “Right away!” 8 Dickens boy 9 Taxing successfuland 10 Coventry rider 11 Dog that licks Garfield 12 Low-quality 14 Where occurconnectionsmissedmany 19 MLB’s D-backs 22 2003 holiday film 25 IV lead? 26 Bouffant feature 27 Flame-hairedvillaininDisney’s“Hercules” 28 Mennonite sect 29 Super gathering,Bowle.g. 30 Mediterraneanvacationisland 31 Zoo doc 33 “The Games”Hungerland 34 __ pad 40 Barely lit 41 Blood feud 43 List of notables 45 Soap chemical 48 Defenseadvisory gp. 50 __ whiskey 52 Thing to put on 53 Put on 54 Look bad? 55 Slendercylinders 57 BudweiserClydesdales’pace 58 Shredded 59 TASS country 61 Many years 63 “Spring the trap!” Wednesday’s Puzzle Solved By

Mackenzie Schwartz Photo Brian Thomas

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 / PAGE 11@DailyLoboNEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO The ways to use your #1 UNM news source! Scan QR Code toFREEdownloadAPP /DailyLobo@DailyLobo @DailyLobo NobFresh.Simple.Local.(505)266-06073222SilverAveSEHillCrepeEscape 10% OFF with UNM ID! Real Estate Agency in Albuquerque, New Mexico LEGACY 3BD 2BTH $----------3BD 2BTH $----------704 Santa Fe Meadows Dr $1,260/moNE 2BD 1BTH $1,250/mo 917 La Veta Dr NE 3BD 2.1BTH $1,250/mo 403 Chama St NE 3BD 2BTH $----------2BD 2BTH $1,390/mo 3209 Wingate Meadows Dr NE RENT FOR RENT FORFORRENTRENT2BD 1.1BTH FOR RENT @DailyLobo Follow us on Twitter! @DailyLobo John Editor-in-ChiefScott@JScott050901MadelinePukiteManagingEditor@maddogpukiteZaraRoyCopyEditor@zarazzledazzleMackenzieSchwartzPhotoEditor@mackenzidsThomasBulgerSportsEditor@ThomasBulger10SpenserWilldenCultureEditor@spenserwilldenAlizayChavezFreelancePhotographer@ChavezAlizay Katrina @H_Squared90@gabrielbiadoraGabriel@MintyMcGraelMaxwellElizabethMultimediaEstradaEditor@Katrina_Est4SecorBeatReporter@esecor2003McGraelFreelancePhotographerBiadoraBeatReporterHevynHeckesFreelanceReporterAnnyaLoyaNewsEditor@annyaloyadlGabrielSaizFreelanceReporter@Gsaiz83

PAGE 12 / MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBOdailylobo.com Announcements CLEARHEADEDNESS. COMPETI TIVENESS. HTTP://UNM.NUCRYPTOCURRENCIES. www.WritingandEditingABQ.com Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 505-569-2626 (Text Only); 505254-9615 (Voice www.WritingandEditingABQ.comOnly). Jobs Off Campus CANONCITO BAND OF NAVAJOS HEALTH CENTER INC. NOW HIRING! CBNHC offers a competitive salary, benefits package and a great team environment. Various positions available. Check out www.CBNHC.org/ jobs for application and job description. The hours of operation are Monday – Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Twelve paid holidays off. 100% Employer Paid Benefits. If you have any questions please email Humanresources@cbnhc. org CBNHC is a Navajo Preference/ Native American Preference Employer. CAREGIVERS/DIRECT CARE STAFF to assist adults with disabilities with daily living skills. No exp required. Mon-Fri shifts: $14.25 per hour for direct care duties. Sat.-Sun shifts: $0.25 per hour direct care duties shift differential. $11.50 per hour trainings, meetings and other activities than direct care: Hiring immediately at in-person interviews. Call (505) 814-4765 to schedule yours! If hired, receive $10.00 Starbucks gift card! Apply online for immediate consideration on Providence Support Services, Inc’s website signBenefitshttps://providencesupportservices.comatfulltime:pdtraining,$1000onbonus,health,dental,vision, supplemental insurances, 401K with match, PTO. Benefits part time: pd training, $500 sign on bonus, PTO. *Sign on bonus: must meet attendance requirements for 120 days. REQUIRED: valid NMDL, clean driving record, proof of education, drug test, background check and be 21+. LOOKING FOR HOTEL gift shop sales associates to fill part time and full time positions in one of our seven locations. Send your resume to: heath@santafesterling.comDURANCENTRALPHARMACY is hiring a part-time weekend retail associate for the gift shop. Apply by emailing your resume to receiving@duransrx.com AnnouncementsCLASSIFIEDINDEX HealthFun,AnnouncementsAuditionsFood,MusicGarageSales&WellnessLegalNoticesLookingforYouLostandFoundServicesTravelWanttoBuyYourSpace Housing HousingHousesApartmentsCondosDuplexesforRentHousesforSaleWanted Office Space Rooms for SubletsRent For Sale Audio & Video Bikes & VehiclesComputerCyclesStuffPetsForSaleFurnitureTextbooksforSale Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on WorkJobsInternshipsCampusWantedVolunteersStudyJobs DAILY LOBO CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED RATES 7 days of online advertising, and 2 days of print, for $1 per word per week. Graphics can be added to print and online publications for $24.99 per week. Special effects are charged additionally per line: bold, italics, centering, blank lines, larger font, etc. Color is available for $1 per line per day. Logos can be included with text: Black & white is $5 per day. Color is $10 per day. STUDENT ADVERTISING Come to Marron Hall and show your UNM ID or send your ad from your UNM email and recieve FREE classifieds in Your Space Rooms for Rent, and For Sale category. Limitations apply. Student groups recieve a reduced rate of 20¢ per word per issue in the Announcements category. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 1 p.m.. business day before publication. ON THE WEB Rates include both print and online editions of the Daily Lobo. PAYMENT INFORMATION Pre-payment by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover is required. PLACING YOUR AD Phone: 505-277-5656 Fax: 505-277-7530 Email: classifieds@dailylobo.com In person: Room 107 in Marron Hall. Web: www.dailylobo.com Mail: UNM Student Publications MSC03 2230 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131classifieds@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com 505-277-5656 Looking for GroupFacilitatorsSessionStudy To inquire, christine.ragsdale@aps.eduemail: NOW CallKitchenHIRING!HelpNeededMorning/EveningShiftusformoreinfo!505.916.03312027YaleBlvdSE 107 Tulane Dr SE Mon-Fri 9am-4pm(505) 265-5678 Grip Rentals - Suction Cup car mount Discount on $4300Students/staff,Rentals/ExpendablesschoolemployeesForsaleCanonCinemaC300&C500forsaleand$5700...oneEFlensincl.14mm,8mm,70-300mm(1incl.) > > FieldFrameand Check out FREEtheClassifiedsforStudents! Hey Lobos! Categories Your VehiclesAudio/VideoRoomsSpaceforRentBikes/CyclesComputerStuffPropertyForSaleForSale For TextbooksPetsPhotoGarageFurnitureSaleSales Thesmallprint:Eachadmustbe25or fewer words, scheduled for 5 or fewer days. To place your free ad, come by Marron Hall, Room 107 and show your student ID or email us from your UNM email account at classifieds@dailylobo.com STAY INFORMED! Subscribe to our email newsletter. DAILY L OBO new mexico SubscribeNOW! Or DAILYLOBOtext to 22828 to started.get Delivered to your inbox: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! Stay in the loop on all the news and entertainment around UNM! Follow us on Instagram @dailylobo

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