Daily Lobo 1/11/2021

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Monday, Januar y 11, 2021 | Vo l u m e 1 2 5 | I s s u e 1 7

After establishment, Asian Pacific American Culture Center looks to future By Gabriel Biadora @gabrielbiadora

The Asian Pacific American Culture Center (APACC) is still laying the groundwork for how it plans to serve the Asian community at the University of New Mexico. Formalized last year by the Student Fee Review Board, the APACC was conceived in response to the absence of an on-campus resource center for Asian American students. Directors Jacob Olaguir and Emma Hotz and the APACC Student Board, which includes the current Asian American Students Association (AASA) president Helen Zhao, are now laying the foundation to “create a home and resource center for students of APIDA (Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders and Desi Americans) heritage during their studies at the University,” according to the

funding application submitted in the fall of last year. The emergent APACC, whose directors are currently looking to opt for a more inclusive title, is dedicated to all APIDA students and is seeking to model itself after established resource centers on campus like El Centro de la Raza and the LGBTQ Resource Center. “I hope eventually (APACC) will mirror the same structure and we’ll be able to do a lot of the same things that they’re doing right now like work opportunities, internships, scholarship opportunities and having that sense of community,” Hotz said. Hotz, an Asian American student, insisted on building a community among those of a similar ethnic background to ensure a sense of belonging in college. Olaguir, on a similar note, credited the creation of APACC to a promise he made to under-

represented minorities during his ASUNM campaign earlier last year. “For me, it’s about representation and making sure the University acknowledges us,” Olaguir said in an interview with the Daily Lobo. “Asian students need to be celebrated for their accomplishments and supported during their learning.” Though the APACC would initiate student success services, Olaguir wants the APACC to reach beyond to “(bridge) the gap between all these different cultures and come to an understanding of what it means to build our identity in this nation.” According to UNM’s fall 2020 enrollment headcount, Asian students make up 4% of the student population, but the report fails to account for Middle Eastern and Arab American students who have to classify as white due


APACC page 2

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

ASUNM Senators Jacob Olaguir and Emma Hotz pictured outside Mesa Vista Hall, the future site of the Asian Pacific American Culture Center (APACC).

Will NM legislators abolish qualified immunity? By Nikita Jaiswal @NikitaJswl In the majority of police brutality cases, officers are not criminally prosecuted, and reform advocates contend that is in part because of something called “qualified immunity.” According to Merriam Webster, qualified immunity is “immunity from lawsuits that is granted to public officials (such as police officers) for acts that violate someone’s civil rights if it can be shown that the acts do not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional

see Trump

rights of which a reasonable person would be aware.” Eliminating qualified immunity emerged as a key demand during the protests that have swept the nation demanding justice for victims of police violence. The judicial doctrine is seen as a large obstacle for families of victims seeking justice for their loved ones. According to state legislators who spoke with the Daily Lobo, qualified immunity is expected to be a focal point of debate during the upcoming 55th state legislative session after steps were taken last year with an eye on future reform.

During the first special legislative session held in June of last year, legislators claimed to have responded to constituent concerns by establishing the New Mexico Civil Rights Commision with the passage of a bill by the same name. Since June, the commission has convened and specifically studied New Mexico’s qualified immunity statute. On Nov. 20, the commission made an unprecedented recommendation urging the legislature to enact a New Mexico Civil Rights Act to specify qualified immunity cannot be used as a defense claim in court.

As it stands, in order for law enforcement officers to be convicted of police brutality the plaintiff must show that their constitutional rights have been violated and that the violation is recognized in “clearly established law.” According to the commission, this means that even if a court recognizes that their rights have been violated, the victim will likely lose due to the strict requirements to find a virtually identical case to cite as precedent. The commission’s report points out that qualified immunity “leads to the bizarre

circumstance where, for example, someone who slips and falls on government property can (receive financial compensation) for their injuries, but a person who is denied any number of their fundamental rights under the state Constitution ... cannot.” Barron Jones, senior policy strategist at the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico, said that passing a state Civil Rights Act would allow victims of police violence and their families to seek meaningful redress. The Civil Rights Commission’s recommendation also offers


Immunity page 2

loyalists decry election results at Roundhouse on Insurrection Day page 4

Nick Romero / Daily Lobo / @nicromerophoto

A pro-Trump supporter stands on the street outside of the Roundhouse in Santa Fe, New Mexico as riot police patrol the area.




from page


to inaccurate ethnic and racial identification categories. Furthermore, Olaguir hopes the resource center will be able to “(bridge) the gap” between international students, 54% of whom are from Asia as of 2019, and the established APIDA community at UNM. After witnessing the prosperity of other Asian-focused organizations on campus — like the AASA, the Filipino Student Organization (FSO) and the Chinese Student and Scholar Association — Olaguir, who is half Mexican and half Filipino, recognized “a want and a need for community for students



from page

who are Asian.” For Hotz, the growing popularity of AASA was reflective of that need for community as an answer to not only the lack of catered resources for APIDA students but also to her own questions and development in identity as an Asian American. The APACC collaborated with AASA and FSO to help with outreach for their petition to establish the resource center in March of last year. The petition, started by Hotz, has since amassed over one thousand signatures. On top of advocating for the development of academic resources,

the petition noted increased discrimination targeting the Asian community following the COVID-19 pandemic. With lame duck President Donald Trump insistent on blaming China for the coronavirus, there has been a surge in hate crimes targeting Asian Americans, including on campus at the Lobo Village, such as a dorm vandalization last year and a professor’s racist social media profile. “(Discrimination is) very prevalent right now, and that’s something I want to combat with this center — really making sure that students feel heard and recognized but also have a place to

come to if they are feeling those effects,” Hotz said. According to Hotz, the APACC is currently based in the College Enrichment Program but aims to secure its own central location on campus. In addition to securing a permanent space post-pandemic, the APACC is working on several other ground-up projects like establishing a website and connecting with Asian alumni to request donations. The center also plans to expand AASA’s “Big/ Little” program, which pairs underclassmen with upperclassmen in a mentorship program, as well

as host a cultural event in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May. Though the funding was approved, the organization form alized and plans laid, Olaguir argued that there are still steps that need to be taken to fully institute the APACC. “It’s not really established. There’s more work to do, and we look toward the future,” Olaguir said.

be a preset agreement defining circumstances for the dismissal of officers, including how much notice and payment. However, he remains optimistic that the act in some form will be passed this session. During a Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) meeting on Dec. 8, several individuals, including Sheriff Kim Steward and Sen. Steven Neville, R-San Juan, raised concerns regarding the financial burden to counties and smaller municipalities. The commission representatives said that they also investigated the fiscal impact of a state Civil Rights Act, specifically the cost of additional insurance policies, but were unable to quantify the actual costs. Sen. George Muñoz, D-Gallup, also raised concerns at the LFC meeting regarding unnecessary lawsuits against officers, saying that involving counties in needless litigations does not solve the root disciplinary issue for the officers and instead creates larger

financial burdens. Unlike his other Democratic colleagues, Muñoz expressed doubt that a Civil Rights Act bill

will pass in the upcoming session. “This may take a couple years to work out and tweak out and see what happens,” Muñoz said.

Nikita Jaiswal is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @NikitaJswl

Gabriel Biadora is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @gabrielbiadora


reasonable attorney fees to those who prevail in lawsuits. “This creates an access to justice for marginalized people, since civil rights cases are often very expensive to litigate,” Jones said. While the proposed Civil Rights Act would allow victims to recover financial compensation for their losses, it would also expressly prohibit an officer from receiving other forms of punishment — like suspension or license revokement — something advocates say could deter other officers from engaging in future brutality. Furthermore, the commission stated that officers wouldn’t bear the personal responsibility for paying a judgement or settlement even if they were found at fault, raising questions of whether officers would face adequate punishment in the eyes of victims and advocates. Jones said conservative politicians may also push for a termination clause, which would

Liam DeBonis / Daily Lobo / @LiamDeBonis

Black Lives Matter protesters march in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 31, 2020 following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police days earlier.

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Trump loyalists decry election results at Roundhouse on Insurrection Day By Nick Romero @nicromerophoto

On the day the votes from the Electoral College were scheduled to be certified, recognizing Democrat Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, New Mexican supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump took their cars, trucks and horses to the Roundhouse in Santa Fe to protest unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. The Jan. 6 protest came on the heels of a pro-Trump insurrection by far-right radicals at the U.S. Capitol building on the same day. Extremists stormed the halls of Congress and halted the Electoral College vote count with little resistance from Capitol police. The protests in Washington left five dead, and arrests continue to be made with a litany of

federal charges facing the rioters. New Mexico House GOP leadership issued a statement condemning the protests in the U.S. Capitol. However, New Mexico Congresswoman-elect Yvette Herrell voted against certifying the election later in the evening after the Capitol building was cleared and secured. As the day progressed, the Roundhouse was evacuated as a precaution as hundreds of people gathered in front of the state capitol. Tables were set up in front of the doors of the Roundhouse with petitions to impeach Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and far-right propaganda was handed out reiterating Trump’s misinformation that the presidential election was stolen. Some crowd members held signs with messages of “stop the steal” and “cheaters never win”

alongside numerous Trump 2020 flags. The messaging from the crowd was consistent with that from Trump, spreading misinformation about the results of the 2020 elections among other QAnon rightwing propaganda and baseless conspiracy theories. One of the few participants of the rally who agreed to speak to the media, who declined to give his full name, said he heard about Wednesday’s rally through a tweet sent out by the Piñon Post, a pro-Trump blog. “People are questioning and needing confirmation on how the vote went … and that's why people are here, as they feel they are not being heard,” Jared said. Many election protesters at the Roundhouse were seen with firearms and dressed in full military garb. About four had AR-15 military-style rifles with hand-

guns as they “watched” over the proceedings. Toward the end of the rally, tensions escalated as Trump supporters had a skirmish with counter-demonstrators. New Mexico State Police were called and on scene with the Santa Fe Police Department to deescalate the situation, staying until tension dissipated and the crowd dispersed. Some members of the crowd continued their demonstration up the road to the Governor's Residence, but the majority of the crowd dispersed and left the Roundhouse peacefully as the evening creeped upon them. Nick Romero is a staff photographer and freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @nicromerophoto Nick Romero / Daily Lobo / @nicromerophoto

FAR LEFT: Trump supporters gather on the streets outside of the Roundhouse in Santa Fe, New Mexico on Jan. 6, 2021 to protest the certification of Electoral College votes by Congress. LEFT: New Mexico State Police were put on standby and lawmakers were evacuated as a pro-Trump protest escalated outside the Roundhouse. ABOVE: Armed Trump supporters were among the crowd protesting outside the Roundhouse.

By Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR


By Victor Martinez / Daily Lobo / @sirbluescreen

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.




Wuerffel Trophy awarded to UNM football player By Spencer Butler

@SpencerButler48 Teton Saltes, an offensive lineman for the University of New Mexico football team, was presented with the Wuerffel Trophy during the Home Depot College Football Awards on Jan. 7. The trophy is given to an individual that “best combines exemplary community service with athletic and academic achievement.” Saltes is the first individual to win the award from the Mountain West Conference and the first UNM player to be given a major award in the history of Lobo football. After graduating with a degree in political science and Native American studies, Saltes spent his senior season with UNM while enrolled in the School of Law, spending his free time giving back to both the New Mexico and South Dakota communities. In South Dakota, Saltes volunteers with the Oglala Sioux Tribe Sweetgrass Project, which works in suicide awareness and prevention. Saltes also volunteers with Oglala Lakota schools, where he speaks with children on the struggles they face in life — especially on the reservation — and on bullying. While in New Mexico, Saltes has been a part of the BEAR Program (Be Excited About Reading), serving as a peer mentor and working with youth in the summer, on school breaks and through an online program in improving reading skills. Although the awards show was done virtually, Saltes was still

Sharon Chischilly / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Teton Saltes (right) celebrates with Adebayo Soremekun at a game against Sam Houston State in August 2019.

able to receive the award from the Tow Diehm Football Complex on UNM’s campus. UNM football head coach Danny Gonzales praised Saltes for the singular achievement. “Teton is a tremendous young man who is very deserving of being named the winner of the Wuerffel Trophy,” Gonzales said. “He is a selfless young man who has dedicated himself to speaking out on behalf of children, suicide prevention and

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many other causes.” Gonzales also praised Saltes for still working with the many causes he’s passionate about during the 2020 season, in which the Lobos played the entire season in Nevada due to COVID-19. UNM athletics director Eddie Nuñez contributed his own commendations as well. “What a tremendous honor for Teton to be receiving the Wuerffel Trophy,” Nuñez said. “What he has done by serving others off the

field, in his community as well as in New Mexico, through his leadership, his impact and his humility is a true example of being a servant leader.” UNM assistant athletics director of communications Frank Mercogliano also praised Saltes for his work in both New Mexico and South Dakota. “Teton’s entire education at UNM has been geared to change the law for the betterment of a race of people,” Mercogliano said.

While the formal presentation of the award was postponed due to the pandemic, the presentation will be shown at the 52nd Annual All Sports Association Award Banquet on Feb. 20, 2021, in Niceville, Florida. Spencer Butler is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @SpencerButler48




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