Daily Lobo 11/23/2020

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Monday, November 23, 2020 | Vo l u m e 1 2 5 | I s s u e 1 6

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Bella Davis graduates after disrupting New Mexico journalism status quo By Shelby Kleinhans @BirdsNotReal99

Shelby Kleinhans / Daily Lobo / @BirdsNotReal99

Bella Davis graduates fall 2020 with a degree in journalism.

Through a year of pandemic, protests about racial injustice and divisive politics, Bella Davis made it to graduation, leaving behind a massive legacy of reporting in her wake. With a major in journalism and a minor in international studies, Davis is also ending her time as a senior reporter for the Daily Lobo. Davis pursued writing throughout high school but wasn’t sure which path was best for her when she began studying at the University of New Mexico. By the end of her sophomore year, she applied to work for the honors literary magazine Scribendi and was accepted — much to Davis’ surprise. She continued to realize her full potential by becoming the editor in chief for Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review during her junior year. But something was still missing. Davis candidly expressed the discouragement she felt after years of classes in the communication and journalism department. In those spaces, she was confronted by professors who told her that

“in order to be a good reporter, (you) have to be objective and have to remain neutral.” “I’m angry about a lot of stuff, and journalism is a way to confront those things that are so unjust,” Davis said. “Capitalism and white supremacy are not natural systems — they were made, so they can be unmade, and journalism should have a role in that.” Davis found that her pursuit of social justice issues and fighting inequity led her directly to the doorstep of the Daily Lobo. Last March, she approached former Editor-in-Chief Justin Garcia about a piece she wanted to pen about the impact the closure of Student Health and Counseling would have on students for the rest of the spring semester. “Like a lot of people, I kind of just fell into it and fell in love with it,” Davis said about the Lobo. Likewise, the Lobo fell in love with Davis and the wholly unique way that she covered stories, unlike any other news outlet in the city of Albuquerque. Current Editor-in-Chief Alex McCausland spoke about how impressed he was with Davis’ first few articles covering the

protests sparked by the death of George Floyd in May. But what stood out to him the most was Davis’ coverage of the Albuquerque Police Department’s shooting of Max Mitnik which emphasized “specific moments in the body cam footage that highlighted the emotions and experiences of people involved in the situation, instead of just reporting on it like it was a news story.” Daily Lobo copy editor Andrew Gunn recalled his rapid-pace introduction to Davis on the streets of Albuquerque, where the two dodged rounds of sponge grenades and tear gas deployed by riot police at a George Floyd protest in May. Gunn was impressed by her refusal to leave long after other news stations had left the fray and said Davis has “courage, tenacity and a desire to tell the whole story.” “Lots of people were yearning for the type of coverage that (Davis) provides, and I think she came to understand that over time and was more emboldened to express herself freely. To me, that's what journalism is about,” McCausland said.


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UNM graduate Victoria Knight steps into the unknown with an open heart By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716 Balancing three degrees, along with a multitude of extracurricular activities, University of New Mexico fall 2020 graduate Victoria Knight is ready to enter the world with an open heart for new possibilities. Knight is graduating a semester early with a liberal arts major and mathematics and honors minors. Unlike many other graduates, Knight still has her options open for possibilities of the future after school, considering various positions including mechanics. Throughout her time at UNM, Knight said she wanted to settle into the person she was going to be for the rest of her life and really find her own personality, especially after being raised in a military family where they never

stayed in one place for too long. “I really struggled trying to decide what it was that I wanted to become, not necessarily in terms of a job or academically, but in terms of what kind of person I thought I wanted to be,” Knight said. “And I’m still struggling because there is no one answer.” As founder of the Honors College Pathmaker Program, Knight devoted much of her time to the Honors College and the Honors Student Association (HSA), where she served as president for a year and a half. She also received an outstanding honors freshman award and presented at both the 2018 Western Regional Honors Conference and the 2019 National CollegiateHonors Conference. Knight reflected on the car rides spent with friends in the HSA and said those were some of the most memorable experi-

ences in her time at school. “When I think about Victoria, I just think about the way that she greets absolutely everyone ... like she’s never been happier in her life to see them,” close friend Emerald Goranson said. Friends weren’t the only ones helping Knight get through school, as she also lauded her advisors at the liberal arts college, specifically Nancy Diodati-Miller. “I went into her office crying a whole bunch of times, and every time, she would sit down and talk with me and I would just feel so much better after I would talk to her,” Knight said. “I would feel like the world wasn’t ending, which is dramatic, I know, but that’s a part of my personality.” In addition, Knight served as the ASUNM speaker of joint


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Liam DeBonis / Daily Lobo / @LiamDebonis

Victoria Knight graduates fall 2020 with a degree in liberal arts.




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Davis was pleasantly surprised to find her work filled a hole in news coverage of the community. “The reaction from the community was incredible and still blows me away,” Davis said. “I still have people messaging me about the reporting that I did and other reporting from the Daily Lobo (saying that) if we hadn’t been out reporting, they wouldn’t have known what was going on.” In August, Davis secured a fellowship at New Mexico In Depth, an investigative news organiza-



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tion, in a time when journalists are increasingly out of work due to COVID-19. She will continue there until the spring but doesn’t know the finer details of what her journalistic pursuits will look like after that. “I feel more tied to Albuquerque and New Mexico than I have before, and that makes me want to stay here,” Davis said. “I view my reporting as trying to serve my community … and I would love to keep doing that here.” However, Davis will be remembered for even more than just her

transformational reporting for the Daily Lobo. Gunn noted that the same kindness and passion Davis applies to her reporting translates into fiercely loyal relationships with her friends and colleagues. “She has a sort of tenacity at getting at the truth of things … and as a friend that looks like someone who doesn’t have all of the answers off the bat but will help you get to them in a really helpful way,” close friend Ben River said. Claudia Dimond, one of Davis’ best friends, described her hon-

esty, kindness and intense passion for the things she cares about. “I feel like people don’t love to hear this about themselves, but (Davis) is genuinely what a good human is,” Dimond said. McCausland said what he’ll miss most about Davis’ work at the Lobo is her defining quality of passion and said, “When you care enough about what you’re writing about, it comes out in the articles that you produce.” Gunn seconded the sentiment and said he would miss her courage and passion, qualities he said

are a far cry from the status quo of journalism in Albuquerque. Davis has left a profound mark at the University. There’s no doubt that she will continue to inspire a new generation of journalists who value truth and humanity over so-called objectivity and bothsidesism.

to the virtual life that everyone has grown accustomed to during the COVID-19 pandemic. “All of the friends that I have right now, that I made while I was going to UNM, I made because of UNM,” Knight said, elaborating that classes and clubs helped her find lifelong friendships. Knight met one of her best friends, Aida Revilla, during her time with the UNM women’s rugby team. “(Victoria is) super outgoing,

super friendly ... just willing to put herself out there,” Revilla said. “I think that was a quality that I really admired in her.” Balancing classes and activities was one of Knight’s biggest struggles in school, and she said buying a planner was the best decision she ever made, especially since she had never used one before college. “(Balancing everything) was so difficult, and I did really struggle with it, and I definitely did drop the ball

almost entirely with honors things,” Knight said. Knight’s friends, however, dismissed such modesty. Goranson reiterated Knight’s dedication to others, and Revilla talked about how much Knight puts of herself into others, giving even when nobody else is giving back. Smith said Knight “makes everyone feel really important and listened to” when she talks to them. “She’s done so many things and

has helped so many people, and I don’t think that she gives herself enough credit for that,” Smith said. “I don’t think she realizes how many people she’s affected in such a positive way.”

Shelby Kleinhans is a freelance photographer and beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @BirdsNotReal99


council for two years and the cultural director for student special events for one year. She received a distinguishable services award last year through ASUNM. Knight’s partner Addie Smith said Knight does “little acts of service” for others and “sometimes it’s things I didn’t even know I needed or wanted.” Knight attributes her close friendships to UNM and said those close bonds probably won’t change due

Megan Gleason is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

First-generation college graduate Cyanne Garcia aspires to life of music, learning By Sarah Bodkin @sarahbodkin4

Liam DeBonis / Daily Lobo / @LiamDebonis

Cyanne Garcia graduates fall 2020 with a degree in music education.

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University of New Mexico senior Cyanne Garcia is graduating in the fall 2020 semester with a degree in music education and will continue to radiate kindness and a love for music for the rest of her lifetime. As a first-generation college student, Garcia is especially proud that she was financially independent in school. “So much has changed from my first year of college until now,” Garcia said. “That’s been a really nice journey; really hard sometimes, but really necessary.” Garcia balanced odd hours as a desk attendant with UNM’s student housing program but always found a way to remain diligent in school. She said she’s grateful for the job since the unusually timed, yet flexible shifts helped her prioritize her classes and link her to UNM more personally. “I feel more connected to UNM

because of that job,” Garcia said. Garcia’s passion for music and songwriting blossomed when she began attending Hummingbird Music Camp in Jemez Springs, New Mexico at 10 years old. She said that was where she fell in love with music, playing guitar and composing, and she later went on to become a counselor at the camp, which sparked a new love for music education. Garcia initially majored in music performance at UNM but wanted to expand her horizons, eventually switching to music education. “I started writing music when I was 12, and it probably wasn’t the best,” Garcia said with a chuckle. “But I’ve been (composing) for a really long time.” Garcia detailed her experiences as a musician during her year abroad, when she went to England and completed a full songwriting program at the University of Hertfordshire. Paula Corbin-Swalin, Garcia’s


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voice teacher, said it’s typical for students to want different things after they return from studying abroad, but Garcia “had an even deeper sense of what she wanted to do” when she returned. Swalin talked about the challenge that Garcia faced in preparation for her senior recital, which was set to happen during the coronavirus pandemic. With

plans for a traditional performance upended, she had to rehearse and perform her recital virtually. “Song by song, she recorded everything and did an amazingly beautiful job,” Swalin said. Swalin said that she performed remarkably with difficult repertoire, especially considering the unforeseen circumstances she had to deal with.

“Her progression from that freshman that came into my studio that first year to where she’s headed now ... has been a joy,” Swalin said. Garcia’s music isn’t the only thing that stands out about her. Her close friend Chris King testified to her kind soul and hard-working attitude. “Being her friend has really taught me how to sit with some-

body and talk to them about what they’re dealing with,” King said. Swalin said Garcia is “incredibly intelligent” and has a gentle and joyous spirit that translates into her music. Swalin said Garcia’s authenticity makes her stand out as a performer who audiences can trust. Both King and Swalin said it’s clear that Garcia cares deeply

about what she does and that she always wants to ensure she’s improving and doing her best. “(Garcia) will be able to go into the classroom and really make a difference with music,” Swalin said. Sarah Bodkin is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @sarahbodkin4

UNM’s Hanging of the Greens tradition goes virtual By Megan Gleason

“Being under so many restrictions and being under all these health orders of staying inside and not gathering, it forces us to get more creative when it comes to celebrating traditions such as Hanging of the Greens,” Giovanni Gong, a Coronado Hall resident advisor and UNM senior, said. The online events included a luminaria tutorial and history session, a wreath making tutorial and the presentation of the annual wreath to Stokes. In addition, the movie “The Polar Express” was free and available for students to watch all day. “Even though that’s all usually done in person, I’m glad that we continued to keep up these traditions that have a really big impact to students who have attended UNM ... It makes UNM feel more like a home,” Gong said. Students living on campus were given a chance to pick up luminaria supplies from main campus from Nov. 17-19, with a do-ityourself kit containing paper bags and candles alongside biscochitos and hot chocolate mix. Students were encouraged to post pictures of their luminarias

@fabflutist2716 Every year, the University of New Mexico celebrates the Hanging of the Greens, one of the University’s oldest traditions. This year, instead of carolers strolling throughout campus to see thousands of luminarias, the event was held virtually on Nov. 20 due to the pandemic. The University put together a video highlighting some of the activities that happened this year, including a festive song by Something Major A Capella and a short talk on the history of the event given by President Garnett Stokes. “With the ongoing threat of COVID, however, this year is a very different kind of celebration,” Stokes said in the video. Typically, student organizations and clubs put up luminarias during the day so students can enjoy them when they come to life at night. However, due to safety restrictions, luminaria decorations were mostly limited to online workshops.

online for a chance to win prizes from the bookstore, sponsored by UNM Alumni Relations. Gong said decorating Coronado Hall with luminarias “was really fun because there’s not a lot of opportunities to connect with our residents in person, and any opportunity to do that is just a highlight in my book.” “Even if we return to a postCOVID year where we can gather, I think that we should still keep some of the things that we’ve done this year — workshops in person and online make it more inclusive and accessible to everyone across UNM campus,” Gong said. According to the University’s website, the Hanging of the Greens began in 1934 with the music sorority Sigma Alpha Iota (then called Pa-Yat-Yamo) leading students in Christmas carols, which turned into a candle procession in the 1940s and then a luminaria walk in the 1970s. The Mortar Board started leading the event in the 1950s and continues to do so today. Stokes touched more on the history of the tradition in her video, discussing how students

originally started the long-lasting event by gathering greens from the Sandia mountain pine forests and decorating Zimmerman Library and the Student Union Building. “Until we can all be together again, stay safe, stay healthy

and happy Stokes said.



Megan Gleason is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

Shelby Kleinhans / Daily Lobo / @BirdsNotReal99

The handcrafted wreath presented to President Stokes as part of this year’s Hanging of the Greens hangs at the entrance to the President’s House.

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Virtual Uni Nights hosts second Among Us game night

“Imposter” playing at Uni Nights’ second virtual Among Us game night.

By Daniel Ward @wordsofward34 After nearly 70 students attended the first virtual Among Us game night hosted by the Student Union Building in October, administrators decided to hold a second virtual event on Friday, Nov. 13. Even though only about 20 people joined the second game night, the event kept the same positive energy from the first one. Among Us is an online multiplayer game set in a spaceship where players complete tasks while one or two secret “imposter(s)” attempt to kill all the other players without getting caught. Players can guess who the imposter is throughout the game and vote out the crewmate

they believe is acting the most suspicious until they find the imposter or run out of time. The game was released in the summer of 2018 but started getting more popular during the COVID-19 pandemic when students started using it as a way to virtually socialize with friends. Sophomore Sarah Biesterveld said events like this are great coping mechanisms because they help distract students from stressful problems they are dealing with and allow them to focus on something fun and social. SUB events coordinator Anders Flagstad said that with such a good turnout at the first game night, they wanted to give that experience to students again. The first game night featured prizes like gift cards, headphones and Lobo merchan-

Daniel Ward / Daily Lobo / @wordsofward34

dise, but the second game night only had gift card raffles after the SUB closed due to public health restrictions aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus. The second game night had planned on handing out gift packages containing items like pizza socks and sunglasses for everyone that attended, but Flagstad said those will be saved until next semester when it is safer to hand them out. Flagstad said the students who won gift cards would be emailed the access codes so they don’t have to pick them up in person. SUB events like the Among Us game night are funded by the Student Fee Review Board to pay for prizes, according to Flagstad. “I think it’s really cool that we get to give back to students and

they can come to our events and have a fun time and see their money given back to them,” Flagstad said. Biesterveld, won the headphones at the first game night. She said she had already been playing Among Us for over two months and was excited to attend both game nights. “I actually did like the smaller one rather than the big group,” Biesterveld said. “We actually got to stay with the same group and not have to waste time by going into a completely different group.” The participants were separated into two breakout rooms to make game servers less crowded. There were some students who showed up late without knowing how to play the game, with some leaving halfway through.

Victor Martinez / Daily Lobo / @sirbluescreen


Only students that stayed until the end were eligible for the raffle prize drawing. Flagstad said they showed everyone a tutorial video at the start of the first game night but didn’t show it on the second night because most of the students said they had played before in a survey at the beginning of the Zoom meeting. Uni Nights also hosted a trivia game night on Friday, Nov. 20, replacing the Late Night Breakfast normally held at the end of each semester. Daniel Ward is a senior reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @wordsofward34

Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR

Volume 125 Issue 16 Editor-in-Chief Alex McCausland

Data Editor Joe Rull

News Editor Lissa Knudsen

Culture Editor Megan Gleason

Editorial Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Photo Editor Liam DeBonis

Copy Editor Andrew Gunn

Designer Joseph McKee

Multimedia Editor Joseph McKee

Managing & Sports Editor Gino Gutierrez

A letter to the editor published on Nov. 16 titled ‘Structural changes needed to prevent tragic deaths like KUNM news director’ incorrectly referred to unceded Tiwa land as ‘Tewa.’ We apologize for the error. We’re only human. If you see something wrong in print, email editorinchief@dailylobo.com to let us know. Use the subject line “Correction:” so we know it’s important. If it’s a grammar problem we’ll fix ASAP in the online version. If it’s a content problem, the editorial board will determine if a correction, a clarification (printed on page 4) or full retraction is necessary.

Campus Representative Ellie Aikman Advertising Manager Jordynn Sills

Advertising Representatives Jo-Dane Bell JahJett-Lyn Chavez Jacob Griego Aarya Patel Red Santiago

Advertising Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-5656 advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Classified Manager Jerome Sena

Advertising Design Jerome Sena

Classified Representatives Ellie Aikman Jo-Dane Bell

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.




Cherry Reel lives on to spotlight student filmmakers By Shelby Kleinhans @BirdsNotReal99 After a 15-minute countdown to the live premiere on the YouTube channel for the Southwest Film Center (SWFC), the Cherry Reel Film Festival premiered after 7 p.m. on Oct. 14 to a group of over 100 participants. As a precursor to the main event, panelists from IATSE Local 480 — the New Mexico branch of SAGAFTRA — and New Mexico Women in Film gave advice and provided networking opportunities to students in a series of Zoom sessions. The nine-year-long Lobo cinema tradition was made possible by staff at the film center who crafted a social media strategy to maintain student engagement up until the festival, despite the physical challenges presented by COVID-19. LeAnna Walters, executive director of the SWFC for 2020-21, said her team really wanted the festival to be “an outlet for students to have space to share their work together

and for the community to come together and celebrate their work.” Cherry Reel chair Britonya Fleming-Ponce said they “really just wanted people to have a good time, even though it was all virtual.” The lineup for the festival included a wide range of genres, from shorts, romantic comedies and darker experimental pieces, all of which went through a rigorous judging process. “A few different criteria like editing, cinematography and acting … We also definitely judged on a few other things,” Fleming said. “We wanted to get a good variety from all of the films so the festival wouldn’t be so one-noted.” Students who were used to sinking into their seats at the SWFC as the lights dimmed and their work was projected onto the big screen seemed to be quick to adapt to this new rendition of the Cherry Reel festival. “I’m definitely a little disappointed, but under the circumstances it doesn’t matter where it’s shown,” Zong Muas, a junior in film and digital media

arts (FDMA) said. “I’m just happy to show my work.” Muas noted that simply having his short horror film “Happy Anniversary” picked out of the more than 30 submissions was a great honor for him, regardless of the size or location of the festival. Junior FDMA student Dorian Anderson accepted the most coveted prize of the night: the first place award for Best Short Film and the title of “winner” of the Cherry Reel. The documentary that he submitted, “Take the World by Storm” about transgender women performing drag, was confirmed by Fleming to be the only documentary submitted to the festival. Anderson won the award along with director Cesca Segarra and assistant director Violet Collins. “It was a big boost; I was feeling really down in quarantine, and it was a really big morale and emotional boost,” Anderson said. “(The winning announcement) made me really really excited — I was in disbelief and didn’t really know what to say when they announced it,” Anderson said. “I was

Courtesy Photo

Courtesy of ASUNM Southwest Film Center via Instagram.

super shocked, because everyone else’s films were awesome and they showcased the talent at UNM.” Walters echoed the sentiment, explaining how she was impressed with the submissions they received and was “so glad we had so many people show up to support the work of their peers.” Other accolades for best short films included second place winner “Tucker” directed by JoseCarlo Martinez and third place winner “Yucca Lust” directed by Gus Tafoya.

The Best Music Video award went to “YoungSpool/LoveLife” directed by Daveian Serna. The Audience Choice award, which was voted on by participants in the Zoom ceremony, went to “Master Bassist” directed by Alexei Pacholuk and produced by Dana Agatha and J. Keenan Wallace. Shelby Kleinhans is a freelance photographer and beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @BirdsNotReal99
















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Congratulations, 2020 Graduates!

Graduate Degrees

The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Fall 2020 Pending degrees Summer 2020 Awarded degrees

Anderson Schools of Management

MACCT ACCOUNTING Maria Anchondo Kelsy Betancourt Tamanna Chauhan Ruimin Hou Toni Jaramillo Yuheng Liang McDarrell Martinez Fernando Medina Kelsie Nicholson Rebecca Owen Devin Salazar Rebecca Sanford Alex Velasquez Joshua Yazzie MBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Melissa Arellano Perri Avey Brenton Bartley Sebastian Beuchelt Elijah Binasiewicz Brooke Bohannon

Lawrence Bustos Gregory Butz Justin Carmona Madeleine Chee Troy Choman Patrick Chov James Cleveland Rachel Darnell Jenna Davis Madison Dilorenzo Denise Dockendorff Tatiana Estrada Nievez Flores-Adame Cassidy Gallegos Jackquelin Garcia Loren Gastian Peter Gloyd Sara Gold Ever Gonzalez Manuel Grado Sierra Greenlee Stephanie Griego Nick Griffith Veronica Gualeni Donnamarie Hayas Santino Hernandez Marcus Holguin Vlad Ianus Elizabeth Jacquez Amador Brian Keller Derek Kostelecky Wonjae Lee Justin Livengood Davina Lucero Charlene Lucero Alexandra Lutz Justin MacDonald Jaimi Mahto Isaiah Manzanares Aries Marquez Jerick Martinez Elena Martinez Amy Martinez Scott McFall Meghan McQuerry Dante Mileta Isai Navarrete Bhavya Pandey Margaret Peterson Isla Porras Gabriel Psetizki

Daniel Robson Merin Rodgers Aaron Rodriguez Vanessa Romero Kristen Romero Kyle Ryan Matthew Salas Yvonne Salazar Paul Sanchez David Santistevan Seyed Amirhossein Shokrollahi Pamela Silva Colton Snell Urusha Thapa Diane Thomas Liliana Vargas Maxwell Walla Ronald Worley Garrett Wright MBA EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM Celina Aguilar Bryon Aguilar Adriana Anderson Marco Arriaga Elijah Baca Carol Bernhard Pablo Cabrera Scott Cilke Elizabeth Cordova Michael Davis Dean DeBourge Khadijah Fox Justin Gabaldon Scott Goodman Erica Grong Jeremy Hamlin Ronald Hinshaw Savithri Janapareddi Susan Jones Bradley Jones Joshua Lucio Sara Mirza Christian Negre Robert Ortiz Olga Palacios Eric Peterson Lucas Poloni Cordeiro Danielle Rodriguez Justin Valdez

Mariah Vigil Elissa Vigil Amber Webb Zachary Webb Tina Whitegeese Laurie Williams MGTCP BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Miguel Navrot MS INFORMATION SYSTEMS & ASSURANCE Carl Agbenyega Dominic Benavidez Jonathon Gomez Yang Li Esmeraldo Martinez Jonathon McFarlin Joshua McKown Mustafa Momani Madyson Smyer Misaki Tanaka

Michael Bernauer Aubrey Del Rosario Richard Gadomski Cherie Hayostek Marina Miller Shiva Sharma GCERT EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS Lara Broemmer M Denell Eldridge Andrea Medina GCERT MUSIC PERFORMANCE Gabriel Alves Longuinhos Alexandra Robnett GCERT RACE & SOCIAL JUSTICE Nathanael Faust-Shucker GCERT TEACHING ENGLISH Graduate AS SECOND Studies LANGUAGE DOCTOR OF Brenda Bustamante PHYSICAL GCERT THERAPY WOMEN STUDIES Mercedes Breceda Virginia Diaz Luke Chavez Christina Juhasz-Wood EDD MA EDUCATIONAL AMERICAN LEADERSHIP STUDIES Cheryl Ford April Chavez GCERT APPLIED Manuel Criollo BEHAVIOR Joseph Gallegos ANALYSIS Norma Lira-Perez Emily Brammer MA ART Maria Garcia EDUCATION Robin Kelly Soo Hyun Song Lynn Kymes Harold Specter Theresah Napetey Victoria Velasco Travis Quintana MA Russell Smith ART HISTORY GCERT CLINICAL TRANSLATION William Cheek Mandolen Sanchez SCIENCES

MA COMMUNICATION Hyerin Kwon Nicole Rivera MA COMPARATIVE LITERATURE & CULTURAL STUDIES Cole Carvour MA COUNSELING Jacinda Atencio Alicia Dominguez Reyna Garcia Cheyenne Mullan Barry Ore Rebecca Rendon de Gonzales Maria Sanchez MA ECONOMICS Bibek Acharya Bishal Raj Khanal MA EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Leandra Barreras Joseph DeBonis Michael Faulhaber MA EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Amanda Carbajal Lili Dai Katherine Keener William Matthews Marisa Nodine Jordan Slocum MA ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Phoebe Cummins Laura Gryder Haley Henderson Antoniette Jimenez Verushka Noyes Smith Gabrielle Rittikaidachar Pressley Rivord Brittany Salazar Lisa Sebastian China Stuckman MA ENGLISH Moya McGuill

MA FAMILY AND CHILD STUDIES Victoria Nagel MA GERMAN STUDIES Anne Merrill MA LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & SOCIOCULTURAL STUDIES Lindsay Evans MA LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Fatima Del Angel Guevara Devon Lara MA MUSEUM STUDIES William Riding-In MA NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES Micha Bitsinnie MA ORGANIZATION, INFORMATION & LEARNING SCIENCES Bayley Byers Phuonganh McDevitt Cassandra Osterloh Chen Qiu Krista Rundiks Ann Swickard Kellie Tinnin Yonemoto MA POLITICAL SCIENCE Dylan McArthur Florent Severin Nkouaga Angounou Shahjadi Zaman MA PORTUGUESE Miguel Roman MA SECONDARY EDUCATION Deena Aggad

Angela Alderete Eli Antonio Hoang Bui Ryann Carter Michelle Douglas Dean Gessel Guadalupe Hernandez Lisa Hoenigke Jessica Malherbe Raymond Maseman Bobbie Jean McDonough MA SPANISH Miguel Roman MA SPECIAL EDUCATION Emily Brammer Claudia Casiquito Kimberly Ely Ezinne Emma Asonye Jessica Malherbe Lekiesha Martin Theresah Napetey Joey Robledo MARCH ARCHITECTURE Cheyenne Gurule Aashish Sanjay Khandelwal Gabriel Martins Moura Michelle Soave MCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Everett Bigthumb Rajeeb Hazra Kristen James Christopher Mann Frank Tanzillo MCRP COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING Muhammad Hussain Latasha James Seth Tinkle Emily Watson MENG CIVIL ENGINEERING

Jason Aldaz Adam Baros Charlotte Harrell Joaquin Martinez Eric Williams MFA ART STUDIO Hazel Batrezchavez Ragini Bhow Thomas Bruce Kristen Geary Monica Kennedy Cortney Metzger Eden Radfarr Haileyrose Thoma MFA CREATIVE WRITING Mitch Marty Ariel McGuirk Ryan Murphy MHA HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Kayla Ulibarri MLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Diana Couto Vieira Pei Li MMU MUSIC Pablo Betancourt Montes Samuel Brown Charles Cash Melissa Lux Addison Murphree Edwin Parker Jonathan Patton Elma Sanabria Herrera Laura Steiner Nevi Zerkle MOT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Celina Aguilar Rachael Alaimo-Monson Sarah Bocchicchio Sandra Chapman Savannah Chavez Alyssa Gallardo Gabriel Hernandez Carrasco Nicole Herrera

Sarah Herrington Kasey Howington Shelby Jones Anne Lindgren David Michalski Derek Montoya Brendan Moore Ogochukwu Nwagbologu Hannah Robinson Samantha Specht Marissa Swalby Jessica Timchula Alexis Troncoso Anna Welch Timothy Winowich Sandia Wood Katharine Yanda MPA PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Benjamin Ahern Wild Larvingo Alston Layla Archuletta Sierra Donovan Cushing Moumita Ghosh Vanessa Kline Miquella Lopez Brandon Lorenzo Amanda Lujan Blair Manly Rebecca Martinez Lonnie Mitschelen Elva Murillo Edilberto Paulino Reyes Samantha Ragan Rainy Silva MPH PUBLIC HEALTH Jessica Carr Devon Lara Mayvilynne Alice Poblete Maritza Rivera-Montalvo Wenonah Stevens Scott Tarkul MPP PUBLIC POLICY Martha Becerra Ibarra Lauren Hutchison MS ANTHROPOLOGY Megan Cole Jackson Grady











H O U S I N G .U N M . E D U











Congratulations, 2020 Graduates!

MS ARCHITECTURE Jessica Carr MS Biology Pankoj Kumar Das Katrina Derieg Jonathan Keller Andrea Lopez Jacquelyn Mettler Annie Montes Tanner Shea Kimberly Wright MS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Leyla Akhadov Jason Belvin Praneeth Gudoor Daniella Martinez Christian Pattyn Celine West MS BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Aubrey Del Rosario Richard Gadomski Chaselyn RuffanerHanson Rebecca Sena Shiva Sharma Ashvini Vaidya MS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Zane Armijo Geoffrey Courtin Jacob Flack Rebecca Schmitt MS CHEMISTRY Robert Lebrun Jaclyn Parnell Tracey Williams MS CIVIL ENGINEERING Marlon Frank Aguero Injante Risa Gutierrez Tyler Hagengruber Jose Hernandez Claudia Jimenez Arellano Aashish Sanjay Khandelwal Justin Nichols Aljaz Praznik Cassy ScarlottMcClintock MS COMPUTER ENGINEERING Panagiotis Anagnostopoulos Adhitya Bhandarkar Chaitanya Boggavarapu Chongyu Chen David Crowley Ryan Fleming Georgios Fragkos Sean Lebien Naga Sai Prithvi Raj Mamidala Kashif Nadeem Rachel Palmer

Akash Patel Nathan Patrizi Kelly Rael Alexis Rubin Yijie Yu MS COMPUTER SCIENCE Ryan Adams Thomas Adams Lalita Aditya Vishnu Sai Anche Nitin Bhandari Justin Carmichael Joseph Haugh Dipendra Humagain Soheila Jafari Khouzani Shashikant Jagadhane Douglas Keating Trevor La Pay Ashley Mayle Tony Nguyen Kellin Rumsey Hui Sun Vanessa Surjadidjaja Sharat Chandra Reddy Tangella Sahba Tashakkori William Vining Wenjun Yang Rohit Yerramsetty MS DENTAL HYGIENE Gabrielle Sullivan MS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Jordan Anderson Matthew Nellessen MS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Raul Gutierrez Dingming Hu Rahul Jaiswal Rodrigo Llanes Talal Ahmed Malik Braulio MartinezHernandez Benjamin Matins Yuliya Matlashova Andrew Miano Sajay Paruthiyil Troy Powell Neelofar Qasmi Benjamin Reimer Daniel Ruiz Garcia David Sanabria Diaz Oscar Urias Ashley White MS GEOGRAPHY Rowan Converse MS HEALTH EDUCATION Fallon Bader Julia Martinez Tiffany Martinez Brandi Miller Wilson Suen

MS MATHEMATICS Nicholas Abel Marshall Brandenburg Ryan Bridges Patrick Denne Kyle Henke Patrick Lank Ari Rappaport Justyna Sotiris MS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Ryan Beauchemin Spencer Bickett Christopher Buksa Breanna Cunningham Andrew Haug Chase Kayser Marshall Klee Joshua Nowlin Casey Ottesen Matt Robinson Carter Sanford Timothy Santos Sonya Schultz Allie Snyder Erika Yegerlehner MS MUSEUM STUDIES Monica Naranjo MS NANOSCIENCE & MICROSYSTEMS Ramon Asiain Martin Neal Wostbrock Yang Yang MS NUCLEAR ENGINEERING James Evans Andrew Hahn Melissa Moreno Aaron Overacker MS NUTRITION Parasto Baghae Pour Rebecca Lamoreux Nancy Perez Suzanne Porter-Bolton Karen Roop MS PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Alexa Argyres Anslem Omeh MS PHYSICAL EDUCATION Casey Figueredo Breanna Macha Trevor Mayschak Joseph Sorce Jeffrey Wilson MS PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT STUDIES Vanessa Acosta Brooke Barnes Katy Barton Bailey Bergman

Magen Clayton Benjamin Clifford James Crum Lindsey Kolikant Lauren Lien Francis Malaj Justin Martinez William Mithoefer Jeremiah Moreno Daniel Peralta Crystal Vasquez Kelli Watkins Sierra Zimmer MS PHYSICS Bobby Middleton MS PSYCHOLOGY Meredith Blackwell John Madden Bradley Robert MS SPEECHLANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Savana Ancelet Eileen Armes Shannon Balue Shannon Bowman Victoria Chavez Katlyn Ferguson Brenna Fisch Tawnee Garcia Leticia Gomez Jenna Marie Gomez Quinn James Hollerbach Hailee Jofs Isaac Jones Sofiya Krasilshchikova Sarah Martinez Miah Martinez Shauna Murray Amanda Ortiz-Alvarez Lauren Salm Danielle Schaumburg Caroline Stapleton Jenna Stoff Arthur Taimanglo Caitlin Talbott Jennifer Tassaro Sandra Vasquez Montana Warner Cassidy Wilder Caroline Yamashiro MS STATISTICS Ye Jin Choi Xinmin Chu Brandon DeFlon Kelli Kasper Elizabeth Mayer Leah Puglisi MSN Nursing Cipriano Botello Yessenia Carrete-Sanchez Patricia Fernandez Katie Hale Valerie Parks Adelia Perea Lesleigh Perez Monica Schmit Jennifer Schneider Viviana Skaggs

Jonathan Skiles Stacy Urioste Carmen Vigil MWR WATER RESOURCES Rose Afandi Hannah Burnham Monika Hobbs Adrian Marziliano Bradley Meyer Griffin Nuzzo Kirena Elana Tsosie PDCERT HISTORIC PRESERVATION & REGIONALISM Kelly Davis PDCERT URBAN INNOVATION Emily Watson PHD AMERICAN STUDIES Dina Barajas Marthia Fuller Matthew Irwin Christina Juhasz-Wood PHD ANTHROPOLOGY Matthew Schwartz Geneva Smith PHD BIOLOGY Kelsey Cook Ryan Heimroth Lijun Lu Julie Spencer PHD BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Eduardo Anaya Henning De May Cristabelle De Souza Muskan Floren Selina Garcia Kymberly Gustus Jason Joyner Johnny Kenton Srijana Pokhrel PHD CHEMISTRY Khadanand Kc Deepak Kunwar Huayu Zheng PHD COMMUNICATION Cecilia Cholka Joseph Flores Jeffrey Hoffmann Hannah Long PHD COMPUTER SCIENCE Diksha Gupta William Schonbein PHD COUNSELOR EDUCATION Gene Crofts Diane Lacen Tanupreet Suri

PHD EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Benjamin Burnett Wesley Clary Ryan Jackson Kristen Rahilly Jacob Thacker Jordan Wostbrock PHD ECONOMICS Michael Hensley Jake Organ Disha Shende PHD EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS Maria de los Angeles Giraldez Elizo Ann Leming PHD ENGINEERING Mohiuddin Ahmad Mohamed Attia Abdelrahman Aref Manish Bhattarai Rohan Choraghe Cherie Devore Gangadharan Esakki Eric Hamke Derek Heeger Kevin Irick Florencia Monge Andrea Scmhidt Nishchay Sule Luis Valbuena Reyes Carmen Villalobos Daniel Wakeford Shu Wang PHD ENGLISH Leandra Binder Loyola Bird Dalicia Raymond PHD FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Hadeel Al-Essa PHD LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & SOCIOCULTURAL STUDIES Therese Baca-Radler Amanda Parker PHD LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Martina Nebbiai PHD LINGUISTICS Kay Beers Tim Zingler PHD MATHEMATICS Oleksii Beznosov Anastassiya Semenova PHD NANOSCIENCE & MICROSYSTEMS Godwin Amo-Kwao

Paul Gieri Lingyao Meng PHD NURSING Badurakada Sunil Santha De Silva Melanie Phipps Frances Ricker Karen Webb PHD OPTICAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Hanieh Afkhamiardakani Ning Hsu Ke Huang Junwei Meng Esmaeil Mobini Souchelmaei Behshad Roshanzadeh PHD ORGANIZATION, INFORMATION & LEARNING SCIENCES Sharon Schaaf PHD PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORTS & EXERCISE SCIENCE Bryanne Bellovary Christopher Frankel Zidong Li PHD PHYSICS David Amdahl Mohamadreza Fazel Monica Sanchez Barrantes Savin Shynu Varghese Samantha Wallace PHD POLITICAL SCIENCE Alexis Adams PHD PSYCHOLOGY Justina Avila Gabriela Lopez Rebecca Rieger Brandi Seaman PHD SOCIOLOGY Marian Azab PHD SPANISH & PORTUGUESE Marina Todeschini PHD SPECIAL EDUCATION Abdullah Alatawi Jesse Hall Yi Ling Lin Robert Shauger PHD STATISTICS Anastasiia Kim Kellin Rumsey PMS GLOBAL & NATIONAL SECURITY

Arielle Mattes David Sbarge

School of Law

JURIS DOCTOR Jessica Aguirre Jessica Arreola Kristan Burns Aaron Cress Hannah Gutierrez Ian Jump Rachel Kelchner William Lusk-Claiborne Bradley Odegard Morgan Porter David Rhee Dylan Rhinehart Margie Rutledge Taylor Weary MSL STUDIES IN LAW Jennifer Johnston

College of Nursing

DNP NURSING Marcia Cowen Maude May Radcliffe Myers Erica Newfield Mary Perez Shavonna White

College of Pharmacy


Bachelor’s Degrees

The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Fall 2020 Pending degrees Summer 2020 Awarded degrees

Anderson Schools of Management


Hannah Abreu Walter Aguirre Joel Aguirre Regina Alarcon-Arenivar Rakan Alduaijy Ayah Alrumaih Jesus Alvarado-Martinez Ruben Alvarez Sergio Alvidrez Sarah Andrews David Apodaca Steve Aragon Lorien Aragon Pablo Aragon Herrera Brittani Archibeque Marissa Archuleta Ariana Argueta Joseph Armijo Tyrone Austin Crystal Avila Halimah Awawda Alyssa Baca Marissa Baca Aaron Bachicha Pablo Barragan Monashay Beard Kendra Beauford Verna Begay Kyle Begay Jesus Sonny Belleza Leland Benn Prakat Bhatta Varun Bisht Ashley Blasy Jason Boxum Rodea Boyd Chuck Brehm Thomas Breneiser Taylor Bridge Michael Brown Isaac Buck Cristina Campa Jade Casey Martha Castaneda Anthony Castro Luis Ceja Marques Chaleunphonh Karen Chavez Alexandra Chavez Cecil Chavez Donovan Chavez Jacob Chavez Teyonna Cheromiah Samuel Choy Eliza Cichocka Tye Clark Adam Clark Brian Coffey Zulai Cole Charlton Collado Maya Contreras Joseph Cook Jaime Corona Alyssa Curley Arielle Damore Nicholas Davis Victoria De Flon Sasha De La Cruz Derek Dekle Elizabeth Delgado Berlinda Denetso

Nolan Di Greco Thinlay Dolkar Daniel Dominguez Denisse Dominguez Alejandro Donovan Brandon Dudley Ethan Duff Serena Duran Said El Hamdani Seoma Emrys Whisper Evans Christine Evans Jocilyn Eylicio John Faverino Kennedy Feltman Tiffany Ferrell Graciela Fierro Andrew Flores Cameryn Floth Suzanne Flynn Gabriel Fuentes Holly Gallegos Iris Garcia Gabriel Garcia Ana Garcia Gabriel Garcia Diana Garcia Ryan Gately Steven Giles Jose Gomez Muniz Jose Gonzales Iris Gonzalez Raquel Grant Micah Gray Michael Guardiola Audrianna Gutierrez Jacob Haman Zachary Harper Stephen Haskie Zach Hays Jacobi Hearn David Hernandez Adriana Herrera Roscoe Hill Noah Hill Justin Hohn Caleb Holloway Caillean Holmes James Horsechief Keith Hubka Jeniffer Huizar Stephanie Hullender Phung Huynh Melissa Iturralde Saenz Alyssa Jakes Eva Caroline Emelie Jansson Tristin Jaxon Andres Jiron Adrianna Johnson Brian Johnson Jennifer Johnson Avery Johnson Merlin Johnson Gavin Jones Isabel Jones Wyatt Jurish Anna Kassay-Padilla Kennedy Kessler Ashish Khatri Zachary Kimber

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Congratulations, 2020 Graduates!

Maryam Koohi Brandon Korf Mark Devang Kumar Jennifer Langdon Antonio Lara Simone Large Malia Lee Jennifer Lee Ryan Lewis Ian Linford Circe Darren Lizer Esteban Llamas Santiago Llanes Faron Logan Jeannette Lopez Elizabeth Lopez Laura Lozano Veda Lucero William Lucero Ernest Lucero Joshua Lujan Sydney Lukes Breanna Manley Geovanni Marquez Todd Martin Giovonni Martinez Andrea Martinez Joshua Martinez Monroe McClarren Ryan McDaniel Lizbeth Medina Aquilino Medrano Douglas Membreno Alexis Mendez Jose Merino Zachery Mikoloyck Thomas Miranda John Mitchell Ilen Molina Cullen Monaco Diamond Montano Stephen Moore Nicole Moore Ryan Mora Rebecca Morales Breann Morris Alyssa Morton Emmanuel Munoz Gustavo Munoz Marc Nasr Nicholas Nez Dung Nguyen Tuan Nguyen Soren Norman Julio Nunez Brian O’Neil Eric Olguin Juan Oliveros Ever Orozco Citlalli Orr Michelle Owens Denise Pacheco Jordan Pacheco Ryley Padilla Navin Pandey Shikha Patel Logan Paulson Sam Pavlakos Scott Pelletier Angela Perez Christopher Perez Joshua Pino Leslie Plata Deven Price Erica Proudfoot Zhanshuo Qiang Alyssa Quiroz Alejandra Radasa Miguel Rael Rebecca Raley Jessica Ramirez Ellie Rangel Elizabeth Rees Ashtyn Reese Stephen Reynolds Sarah Rippberger Ryan Rivera Anthony Rivera Mariana Rivera Sandra Robinson Mariah Robinson Kyle Rockbridge James Rodriguez Eric Rodriguez Yoana Rodriguez Rachel Romero Dominic Romero Cherish Romero Stephen Rone Casey Ross

Kassen Roth Heriberto Rubi Christen Saam Eric Saavedra Sally Saisa Shawn Sanchez Eva Sanchez Jericho Sanchez Steven Sanchez Christaan Sanchez Arlene Sanchez Marissa Sandoval Desiree Santillanes Cameron Scholl Kaytlyn Scholl Miranda Sedillo-Carrasco Binod Sharma Stevanna Shirley Aliyah Shutiva Nicholas Sigmon Jordan Silva Samantha Silva Rosenaldo Sitges Wimberly Slim Kayla Smead Jacob Smith Adam Smith Noka Spencer Jordan Staveley George Steinkamp Karla Strite Sosa Bibu Subedi Wei Tang Daniel Teahan Donna Tenorio Morghan Thomas Dylan Thompson Natasha Torres Adam Torrez Michael Trotter Leslie Trujillo Christopher Trujillo Kandace Tsosie John Twohig Megan Vandergriff Alejandra Vassallo Francisco Vigil Pablo Viramontes Brody Wade Takisha Ward Evan Warehime Amanda Warner Tya Watts Audra Whetten Joshua Williams Hayden Wilson Samuel Wilt Tory Works Lucas Wylie Philana Yazzie Keith Yeager Kristen Yellowhair Cody Young Adam Youtzy Angel Zawahri Xiaorong Zha Zhuoer Zheng

College of Arts & Sciences

Niko Ruiz Tevakatogia SalanoaTuioti John Sanchez Skyler Sanchez Emory Schwanitz BACHELOR Sophia Spizzirri OF ARTS Margaret Stuart Miranda Urrea Africana Studies Kendall Vote Beth Glenn Anneliese Ward Miracle Luster Destinee Warrior Cedric Roberson Lauren Weaver American Studies Nancy Canales Navarrete Chelsi Weber Shantayle Wilder Celina Pena Julia Zarate Anthropology Xinyi Zheng Melanie Anderson Criminology Sarah Arrowsmith Jazmine Anderson Tess Canino Rigel Baron Caroline Hanawalt Larissa Bernal Sean Jackson Kahil Berry Solomon Martinez Jeremy Cadman Aidan Miolano Bret Cervantes Fiona Shaffer Michael Del Frate Marisa Welling Isabelle Elrick Clayton White Giselle Espinosa Taylor Willes Dajon Frazier Biochemistry Jose Galaviz Toluwalase Ilesanmi Joan Gallegos Patrick King Sean Garza Biology Emma Ghormley Elias Aguilar Jourdan Gonzales Christopher Ahn Brandon Harrell Zoe Castro Ty Hunt Morgan Jackson Kimberly Ibarra Andra Lucero Allyson Irra Justine Martinez Rose King Sophia Montoya-Andrews Alexa Kirton Mario Moreno Ashlinn Lucero Alyssa Rubio Bianca Martinez Jessica Smith Ashleyrae Martinez Anya Toya Dennise Martinez Linda Tran Alexandre Mendoza Thannia Vasquez Alexander Michael Samaria Wiggins Janice Montez Chemistry Savanna Montoya Kevin Forte Jesse Moorhouse Maria Cecilia Oroyan Sidiki Mudada Celia Munoz Chicana Chicano Charles Nieto Studies Brenna O’Brien MacDonell Rose Calvano Roxanna Olivares Analiese Ellis Daniel Perez Rodriguez Odalis Pacheco Destiny Ramirez Yazil Rodriguez Manuela Ramirez-Cruz Communication Nancy Rocha Alexis Allison Keith Suder Mayra Aragon Christopher Taddoni Jordan Baca Sabrina Tafoya Bethany Bentley Dylan Tat Selena Bersosa Lydia Tetreault Saez Daniel Blanchard Asmah Thabata John Brotz Antonio Trigo Trace Bucey Jonathan Troup Kathryn Cannella Steven Trujeque Christian Castaneda Rhea Verma Alissa Chavez Shannon Paige Waldorf School Josselin Chun Cojom Devin Werner James Church of Brianna Zubia Davenport Architecture Darlen Earth & Planetary Kelly Esquibel and Planning Andrew Garcia Sciences Alexis Alejandro Madison Garrett BAA Asa Kearns Madeline Gauna ARCHITECTURE Heaven Lucero Kyle Gonzales Jordan Barretto Connor Mattocks Mark Grace Kylie Biddle Holly Wilkie Morgan Gutierrez Kaleb Bourne Kayla Heston East Asian Studies Daniel Bustos Duyen Huynh Laura Luu Andres Delgado Magaly Jimenez Symon Majewski Dean Estrada Dennis Jones Julianne Wong Garrett Harder Anthony Jones Ryan Kieffer Economics Magdalena Karns Raquel Pacheco Niraj Adhikari Shane Lesley Erick Rodriguez-Guzman Austin Aguinaldo Sylvia Markham Jose Vizcarra Riley Barber Shelly McLaughlin Melanie Foucault BAEPD Tracy McReynolds Victoria French ENVIRONMENTAL Joshua Medina Zhanna Garfield PLANNING AND Klarice Medina Tanner Groff DESIGN Kylie Mitchell Nathan Isaacson Catalina Ambriz Adrian Montoya Connor Johnston Hamza Awais Giovana Montoya Sarah Kienzle Francine Bivens Alisa Moortgat Jackson Kniebuehler Aveann Bousek Eduardo Moreno Barraza Maggie Maestas Kailani Gorman Bradley Murphy Thomas Miller Stevie Lowrey Sarah Ortega Andrew Minella Mikayla Ortega-Speight Auriella Ortiz Jordan Moats Jahro Parrish Alexia Reyna Jacob Moya Alessandra Rossi Megan Richards Hugo Patino-Cano Bernard Williams

Matthew Quintanilla Joshua Romanowski Christopher Sanchez English Studies

Sall Ahmadian Damon Alvarez Dustyn Bordeau Cameron Cates Brenna Cecil Sarah Durand Josh Escandon Brandon Funk Winona Haury Alexandra Hefner Michael Johnson Kathryn Kvasnak Ivy Lewis Katherine Love Lindsey Lucas Isabella Montoya John Moya Sarah Munson Mateo Quintana Joshua Sanchez Savanna Sanchez Laura Schoenfelder Patrick Sinclair Anabelle Torres Summer Vigil


Adalida Baca James Corveddu Antonio McClelland Family & Child Studies

Omaury Washington French

Sofia Macias Alina Tapia Geography

Henry Dunlap Kiersten Long Adrian Marez Lauren Pease Gilberto Valerio

Health, Medicine & Human Values

Divya Rajput History

Eamon Bisbee Griffin Carty Alexandria Chavez Samantha Cooney Mackenzie Everett Sydney Garcia Lena Guidi David Jaramillo Robert Johnston John Matthews Jonathan Melodia Jacinto Montoya Matthew Nelson Ryan Ritter Isabela Rodrigues Thomas Shaw Holly Shires David Tafoya Nicolas Wulf

International Studies

James Belles Diamar Beltran-Taylor Vera Casaus Pedro Cuevas Blanco Sean Gardiner Devin Kelley Richard Kirschner Kailey LaClare Audriana Martinez Audrey Maxey Orlando Munoz Caroline Peters Jesse Rivera Vanessa Tapia Erica Teagle Brittany Welsh Megan Weston Xinyu Zhuang Journalism & Mass Communication

Brittany AscencioGoldstein Jennifer Cordray Stephen Cyvas Isabella Davis Gabrielle HockstraJohnson Davida Hollis Annemarie Miles

Dalton Padilla Mariah Perry Benjamin Robb Keely Scheffler Languages

Shannon Brown Isaac Brown Miko Serna Jenna Ulibarri Brittany Welsh Linguistics

Sara Alkharas Michael Apodaca Isaac Brown Gabriel Chacon Nyna Dunning Kayla Henshaw Anthony Humetewa Damien Lopez Native American Studies

Luke Brunettoburd Songtree Cordova Thelessia Hemstreet Eileen Mitchell Deidre Otero Philosophy

Nathaniel Callaway Patricio Chacon Christopher Clawson Alexander Hamilton Kameron Kennedy Ksenia Klepitskaya Jacob Ring Jordan Vick Physics & Astrophysics

Robyn Ulibarri

Political Science

Jordan Anderson Andrew Aragon Natalie Avitia Nicholas Baca Kearstin Baros Antoine Bremond Daniel Brnjic Aaron Cecenas John Cooke Rebecca Diaz-LLera Kelly Dougherty Andres Esquivel Adam Gammill Alexandra Garcia Shonn Greengrass Jeremy Griego Robert Grilley Jack Hart Valentina Horlander Jessica Kapi Daniel Klause Natalia Korenev Anamika Kotiar Timoteo L’Esperance Benjamin Loukoumidis Yolanda Lucero Austin Lujan Mariah Martinez Nicolas Monnheimer Marcos Montoya Vincent Moya Morgan Muir Simone Nunez Aaron Padilla Alexis Padilla-Torres Claire Rainwater Hannah Saavedra James Schaeffer Julia SchneiderMontgomery River Shields Gabriel Stacy Carlos Tena Belle Thomas Perla Torres Baeza Kirstyn Valencia Randy Vargas-Lopez Pauline Wayland Pre-Psychology

Ryan Modisette Psychology

Amenah Adi Kayla Apodaca Kunihiro Araki Julia Baca Ashlee Baca Leslie Bailon Molinar Isabella Baker Gustavo Barrientos

Arlene Bellamy Tyra Borrego-Lopez Karinna Bourgeois Hanna Boyer Renee Brinson Jared Buffington Caitlyn Burks Raelynn Cachini Alondra Calderon Samantha Campos Heather Carleton Jessica Castillo Phylicia Castillo Valerie Chacon Zachary Chavez James Clemens Kristin Coontz Jessica Cordova Angela Cox Dakoda Crawford Alexandria Crawford Shantel Cruz Jordan Davis Samuel Davis Shannon Dickinson Cassandra Dierks Erica Dimond Jason Diz Jamie Douglas Eileen Dragt Mason Dumars Michael Engelhardt Elizabeth Eversole Adrianna Eylicio Matthew Faulkner Amanda Fingado Erin Fogarty Kevin Forte Joseph Fragua Devin Franklin Kirsten Gallegos Eddie Garcia Andrew Garcia Taylor Garcia Elena Garcia Ximena Garcia Anthony Garcia Lucas Garcia Cardenas Madeline Gilbert Tate Goldhammer Laura Gomez Julian Gonzales Daniela Gordillo Martinez Rayanna Griego Julia Griego Raquel Guevara Rhiannon Gurule John Gurule Mareya Gutierrez Kimberly Hatathlie Anwar Hawsawi Benjamin Hefter Destiny Hendrickson Rachel Henke Jasmine HernandezMorris Justin Herrera Kerri Huchton Gwendolyn Joysen Karenbir Kalouria Christina Kaskabas Alexandria Kent Chloe King Linsy Knowles Jhoniq Lentsch Nicholle Lopez Karla Lopez Baez Sarah Lovato Rachel Lucero Charles Lucero Sarah Lucero Megan Lucero Brynn Lucero Jonel Lucero-Martinez Olivia MacQuigg Hailey Mader Chastidy Madrigal Belem Marentes Justin Martin Jahkairah Martin Nadya Medina Grace Medwetz Amber Mendoza Elena Montoya Briana Montoya Karla Morales Kentrail Moran AnnaMia Mourning Ty Murphy Victor Nelson

Cassandra Nickels Sarah Nikolai Norvin Notah Destinie Otero Faten Oweis Brittany Padilla Diana Perea Josephine Pett Karely Pillado Monica Ponce Chloe Ponsardin Aajah Rael Mika Reichert Adriana Reyes Villa Kayla Richards Lila Richardson Jacob Ring Sophia Rodrigues Carmen Romero Angel Romero Mariah Romero Stephen Rone Vannessa Ruelas Ana Ruiz Nakia Russ Dominic Saiz Ana Sanchez Rachel Sanchez Vail Sanchez Mollie Santiago Devin Segura Kara Seifert Evan Sena Isabella Shoats-Weaks Jessica Smith Stephen Sommerville Trevor Spahr Chamonix Strange Gwenievere Tai Kelli Taylor Alex Thornhill Amanda Torraco Paulina Trillo Zamarripa Jenna Trujillo Angelina Valdez Elizabeth Van Ness Annabella Veenstra Alice Vernon Stacy Warden Anastasia Weitz Christopher Williford Karlie Wilson Briana Winn Leah Yu Patrick Zamora

Rishi Patel Madison Paulk Michael Pendleton Anastasia Pittis Speech & Hearing Rene Raymond Sciences Cassaundra Roback Gabriela Baca Gabryel Rodriguez Dominique Braniff Desirae Cavazos-Arechiga Marcello Rodriguez Victoria Roy Isabel O’Brien Michael Rutherford Victoria Rivera Alexander Sanchez Alfredo Zamora Jasmine Schmidt Julia Zarate Zachary Smith BACHELOR OF Brayden Steinbock SCIENCE Yasmin Tan Anthropology Fatima Torres Megan Gutierrez Breanna Trujillo Heather Hendrickson Jonathan Tyrrell Avrey Montoya Jenna Ulibarri Ethan Parker Jennifer Valdez Jason Shelton Chelsea Varney Timothy Vanzeben Mercedes Vigil Nghia Vo Astrophysics Samantha Ward Prescott Farley Megan Wilkie Trevor Oliver Susan Sapkota Chemistry Jeremy Badgett Biochemistry Matija Barrett Sean Castillo Elizabeth Eldred Alexandra Dominguez Heather McClurg Sophie Eckel Alejandro Reyes Javier Leo Kelsi Machado-Mendivil Earth & Planetary Michaela Martinez Sciences Jaqueline Mayfield Abigail Axness Phoebe Nichols Jade Comellas Irenio Ortega Dominic Galaviz Whitney Owens Robert Garringer Jun Park Nuha Islam Resha Rajkarnikar Ryan Larosa-Lopresti Luis Ramos Anthony Maestas Brandi Rodarte Joshua Parks George Ryan Sarah Rysanek Robert Schrock Brady Spears

Alisha Scott Karol Vanchaik Neal Walstrom


Marissa Almanza Richard Apodaca Elizabeth Archuleta Valerie Armijo Mohammed Assed Jasmine Baca Matija Barrett Sara Carmona Talia Carreon-Trimmer Lizbeth Contreras Natalie Correa Religious Studies Dallin Covey Kelsey Martin Callie Crespin Tiara Vigil Shannon De La Garza Sociology Anthony Dilucente Emily Ahrend Steven Do Angelique Alires Aryanna Dominguez Carmen Castillo Dakota Duran Alondra Castillo Autumn Eros Sarah Caswell Kevin Forte Nicolena Ceccacci Alyssa Freund Samuel Cowles Monique Gallegos Emily Crall Andrew Garcia Sierra Dunn Samantha Garcia Isaac Fernandez Julian Garcia Arely Guerrero Jennifer Gibson Diego Guerrerortiz Lindsay Goodall Marcos Montoya Jared Griego Carlie Napoles Shayla Hanley Mariana Rivas Ryan Hansen Lexxus Salazar Roman Harvey Natalie Smead Michael Holzmann Casey Thompson Marie Hughey Kyon Tom Nikki Huynh Amanda Vallo Samera Issa Brandon Vorse Kiana Jahn Taylor Wells Kia Jaramillo Taylor Williford-Archuleta Katerina Johnson Spanish Jarett Jones Alice Alderete Lakeisha Kee Jose Ayala Salas Christopher Keihl Yurina Douglas Alvarez Reiley Kelly Nicole Eaves Roxanne Lester Alejandro Fernandez Chandler Livingston Katrina Gallegos Kimberly Lopez Monique Gallegos Zahra Malak Yesenia Garcia Naiyma Martin Lydia Gutierrez Cierra McIntire Rachel Hanselmann Adrian McOwiti Aldo Ingram Cene Mendoza Lawrence Martinez Ekaterina Navrotskaya Harvey Monroe Luke Nez Melisa Pita Sosa Thuy Nguyen Maria Salazar Goldie Okoye Peyton Sarson Brianna Padilla

Environmental Science

Sherele Brooks William Hammond Adam Trujillo Samantha Wolf Geography

Brandon Bourassa Tyler Eshelman Michael Gurule Hector Lara Devin Muzzey Aleena Nevarez Onno Rademaker Seth Ridenour Mathematics

Amanda Damazyn Nicole Feist Ellen Lindland Soufiane Nour Adam Peters Dinip Rijal Jonathan Swinger Patchen Toser Whitty Physics

Lucas Lujan Brady Spears Duncan Weeks Psychology

Cassidy Acord Elizabeth Archuleta Jasmine Baca Laura Borawski Jade Dukeminier Isaac Dunwoody Sophie Eckel Caleb Eckenroth Samantha Garcia Gabriella Herczeg Megan Hull Samera Issa Kimberly Lopez Annamarie Martinez Heather McClurg Anastasia Menkhaus Macaffrey Nelson Goldie Okoye Luis Pulido Hailey Sikorski Sharon Tafoya Jennifer Trujillo Zachary Villasenor Rachel Walters Joshua Young

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DAILY LOBO new mexico





Congratulations, 2020 Graduates!


Secondary Education

Natasha Denny Alyssa Jeantete Maria Montoya Brenda Ortiz Sean Roark Brenna Valencia Emily Zamudio BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Community Health Education

Grant Atencio Lynnae Rael Gabriella Ruiz Makayla Weist

Jauni Mejia Jenny Nguyen Reyhaneh Nouri Jessica Parascandola Amanda Patten Trevor Soiles Raquel Threlkeld Physical Education

Miranda Fernandez Steven Guerrera Mikayla Hernandez Liam Tart

Special Education

Hannah Baca Zayan Esparza MaKayla Howard John Little Katelyn Nicholas

School of Engineering

Isaac Heflin Elijah Johnson Jarett Jones Kenneth Lucero Matthew Melendy Daniel Miller Venkat Muthyapu Alexander Pagan Arlin Pedregon Quezada Farhang Rouhi Christopher Salinas Nathan Schaefer Sandesh Timilsina BSEE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Fehan Almutairat Saad Alsubai Rena Berdine Judith Brewer Rajani Budha Ryan Colvin Jonathan Daniels David Kirby Jalen Lee Zonglin Li Kuo Liao Joshua McKenney Siraj Sagga Landon Schmucker Caleb Shinault Jessica Smyth BSME MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Abed Bataineh Duy Bui Mateus Cabanlong Daniel Casas Wayde Charging Hawk Will Davidson Neel Debgupta Ishwor Dhungana Karl Foster Orlando Andres Garayburu Caruso Anish Gautam Toby Gomez Joaquin Herrera Matthew Holly Lucais Martin Savanah Medina Aaron Otto Abhaya Paudel Elijah Penny Ryan Pope Jens Pursche Jennifer Restrepo Daniel Seligman William Stanopiewicz Bryan Steiner Joseph Tira Gabriel Trejo Jacob Valdez BSNE NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Lauren Crabtree Flora Valdez-Lopez

BSCE CIVIL ENGINEERING Rena Aragon Celina Adame Hailey Beach John Adams Alexandria Chavarria Saud Alajmi Bryan Cutler John Coose Emily Ertle Victoria Coronado Ramiro Flores Natalie Gayoso Elijah Gidlow Gabrielle Lucero Garrett Hanson McKinley Millsaps Amber King Travis Moe Joseph LaLonde Dante Padilla Karina Miramontes Kevin Parish Tyson Mosqueda Jenae Robertson Maritza Navidad Steve Sharifi Michael Nguyen Luke Soens Lindsay O Roark Lynette Torrez Makayla Romansky Abinash Upreti Jessica Sanchez Tamara Walker Gabrielle Sanchez Odey Yousef Lucia Sandoval Oliver Schultz BSCHE Jessica Selgado CHEMICAL Jake Theis ENGINEERING Amber Vialpando Mutasim Al Rashdi Jonathan Ward Saad Alsaadi Family & Child Dale Antonio Studies Anil Basnet Ashley Apodaca Kelsie Herzer Kiryn Dennison Dylan Mitchell Francina Diaz Milan Rede Deanna Dooley Aspen Shafer Jasmine HernandezBSCM Morris Skylar Levens-Thompson CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Chelsea Montano Alexandra Brown Arthur Pacheco George Palomino Chyanne Quintana Josiah Tipton Nutrition & Dietetics Jacob Turcotte Melissa Chase Edgar Vargas-Hinojos Meagan Hoover Jared Vigil Rylee Matheson Bethany Wells Cynthia Perez BSCPE Aspen Wilks COMPUTER BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE IN Samipya Bhattarai EDUCATION Hani Nikith Devarapalli College Elementary Education Amber Disher Bryston Bowannie of Delaney Heileman Chantel Bowannie Charles Helmich Fine Arts Alexandra Campa Delbert Toshio Herrera Katelyn Clark BACHELOR Brandon Hill Kellen Denny Marshall Hundemer OF ARTS Alexander Doyle Jaesic Olguin Art History Alain Duarte Shulav Rawal Anastasia Gumbiner Amanda Garcia Edwin Rodriguez-Ocampo Art Studio Gabrielle Garcia Haley Brant Hannah Greenblatt BSCS Mauricio Chavez Angelina Herrera COMPUTER Debbie Ellzey Michelle Holley SCIENCE Chenjera Floyd Alan Horne Florentino Barrientos Jessie Holt Emily Laverty Zakery Clarke Anna McConnell Hannah Mader Tyson Craner Catherine Nevera Marissa Martinez Zachary Fleharty Taylor Sheffer Amy McKinney Sean Hanly Exercise Science

Film & Digital Arts

Johannah Casebolt Solomon Catanach Jessica Stone Kyle Yazzie

Interdisciplinary Arts

Sarah Schirato Mark Smith Media Arts

Ashley Gallegos Abigail Soledad Aguirre Music

Victoria Hagenloh Emily Sanchez Nathaniel Sandoval Jillian Tibbetts Mitchell Weber Theatre

Ryan Cook Hanna Cooper Austin Dennis Samantha Gonzales Zachary Heise Zamora Page Aris Zaffer BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Art Studio

Savion Agnew Garth Arbuckle Christopher Clavio Katherine Conley Mackenzie Glassco Xena Gurule Ian Hucke Blaise Koller Jiayi Liang James Loftus April Martinez Marshall Maycumber Julia Reeder Robyn Rozelle Shannon Smith Sergio Stryker Felicia Tafoya James West Anhua Xu

Design & Technology for Performance

Joel McKenzie Jewlyssa Melendez

Film & Digital Arts

Andy Garcia Topiz Hines

Interdisciplinary Film & Digital Media

Carlynn Alarid Chase Bohannon Jessica Davis Manasseh Endwarrior Tyler Miller Terrel Velsor BM MUSIC Kimberly Claassen Sarah Griego Xiaoru Huang Sarah Serna BME MUSIC EDUCATION Mark Gallegos Cyanne Garcia Spenser Gomez Nelson Justin Trujillo

School of Medicine

BS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Alexander Caird David Chavez Raymond Jee

Bri Kocurek David Muller Eric Wigley BS RADIOLOGIC SCIENCES Anwaar Abdelrahman Alicia Evans Jessica Goodman Marlene Munoz Taylor Shoemaker Maleo Tsosie Jessica Wiseman BSDH DENTAL HYGIENE Regina Andreas Isis Au Catherine Brew Teresa Caraveo Meena Chaharlang Katherine Chavez Amanda Collins Whitney Compton Lois Delara Christina Duong Cecilia Frey Lara Galassini Daveri Huber Morgan Huff Krystle Kologie Monique Lopez Andrew Margarit Raquel Munoz Angelica Rael April Rios Barbara Rios Shaheen Rizvi Angelica Sanchez Kaeley Sargent Janelle Smith Deira Solano Quintero Darby Tharp Brittany Tripp Nora Vences Ortiz Vanessa Venegas Austyn Williams BSML MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES Cristina Aceves Ariana Angeles Bethany Benner Natalie Correa Frederick Trazon Diaz Stephanie Ferrel Arely Jurado Wendy Lyles Jeanette Medina John Nguyen Stephanie Robison Heather Sharpe Lindsey Shultz

College of Nursing

BSN NURSING Chaunte Abe Brian Abel Courtney Ackerman Elizabeth Adelman Maria Alford LeeRoy Allen April Alphord Iris Amezcua Genevive Aragon Tranette Baca Matthew Baca Felicia Baca-Griego Crystal Baker Bryannah Barela Sabry Barreras Hanzell Batoon Dolores Beames Allison Begay Jana Benad Shadi Bidmeshki Victoria Bitonel Margaret Blanchard

Isabel Bolivar Karmela Bower Fiona Breslin Jesica Bruton Carly Buhr Jeremy Burn Sarah Burnett Jill Burns Deirdre Burns-Mclay Philip C De Vaca Abel Caballero Elida Cabrera Jessica Campbell Nicolette Campbell Sandra Cano Aspen Carpentier Brian Carter Daisy Castor Kelly Cata April Chacon Kelly Chavez Sarah Chavez Andrea Chavez Dawn Chavez Branch Angela Cincotta Melissa Clark Cassi Cole May Pearl Cornelio Azalea Corrales Cory Corwin James Cunningham Elisa Davidson Kiyoko Davis Tiffany De Santos Stephanie Decker Anna Diaz Olivia Dimas Pema Dolma Raina Dominguez Hanna Doyal Kirsten Duran Susan Edwards Joline Ehde Stacy Elliott Cecilie Elliott Lauren Farfan Hanna Fitzgerald Devonna Flory Leila Frederick Matthew Fredriksen Anthony Free Jessica Frew David Gallardo Alexandria Garcia Adanech Gebre Sarah Gillespie Sophia Gonzales Jessica Gonzalez Kristy Gonzalez Nicole Gordon Christina Graves Armendariz Nicholas Greathouse Lawrence Green Lilly Kaya Green Julia Griego Alecia Grimes Shelby Grube Arminda Hamilton Chelsea Hardy Emily Haynes Amanda Hedgepeth Ulisa Hernandez Kristena Hernandez Mikayla Hernandez-Boyd Rachel Herrera Nathan Herring Jennifer Herring Jessye Hildebrandt Michael Hill Michalina Homka Lydia Hurt Kristina Jacques Erica Jaramillo Sofia Jensen Zachary Johnson Peggy Johnson Seungyeon Kang Nava April Keeland Hannah Knudsen Cassandra Kolenc

Marissa Lappin Johanna Lee Trey Lengstorf Emily Ley Ciera Lint Elizabeth Loney Julieann Lopez Patrice Lopez Annemarie Lorenz Jasmin Loya Julieanna Lucero Julie Luera Roxanne Luna Joy Lyle Morgan Lynskey Patrick Jason Macana Mariah Madrid Kassandra Madrid Monica Madrid Ornelas Kelly Maes Desiree Maldonado Victor Manriquez Danuta Marczyk-Teschner Klarissa Marquez Caitlin Martinez Paul Martinez Gemini Martinez-Kline Morgan McCann Terri McCartney Claudia McCrory Peggy McNally Mariah Megli Michael Megorden Jacob Meijers Valerie Meintzer Alhondra Melton Deveer Menchaca Olivia Mermejo Jenny Miller Marissa Mireles Monique Montoya Lindsey Moses Caitlin Murphy Chelsea Nelson Jade Nguyen Alison Noriega Seth Nyce Gregory Ochoa Jazmin Olivas Alondra Ortega Eseohe Osunbor Marycarmen Payan Suzanne Payne Alicia Pegues Liane Pellegrini Carmen Pena-Hernandez Stephanie Perales Yvonne Pickett Lauren Platero Allissa Presnell William Price Grace Prochnow Melanie Provencio Danielle Pyles Misty Quam Theresa Quesada Rayette Quintana Helene Quintana Kyline Rael Dina Ramirez Loya Lora Ramsey Stephanie Ransom Melissa Ratliff Aurezo Razmi Megan Rede Elena Ricci Bethany Rinderknecht Noreen Rizvi Steve Robson Vanessa Rocco Jonna Rodriguez Stephanny Rodriguez Lindsey Rodriquez Candice Romero Zachary Rowley Camille Roybal Brianna Rudolph Adrian Saavedra Ashley Sais Olivia Salinas Sarah Samora

Bryson Schritter Jason Sharp Brandon Shook Patricia Sims Heather Sosa College of Garret Speer Population Kiana Spencer Timothy Stanley Health Daniel Strones Jarred Sylvester BS Lana True POPULATION Derek Trujillo HEALTH Alexander Vainikolo Hope Johnson Alicia Varela Eleni Morris Peyton Williams Joseph Wisneski University Alanna Young College BISI BA INTEGRATIVE LIBERAL ARTS STUDIES & Sarah Adeky INNOVATION Liliana Amaya Maria Anchondo Landeros Felipe Mendoza Andrew Antoniolli BLA Frank Aragon LIBERAL ARTS Allonzo Armijo Cody Baker Daniella Batoon Miles Cargas Leyanet Bonet Caryn Dannenbaum Walter Calderon Zufall Joseph Caliendo George Davis Gin Cantrell Patricia Dodge Kyle Carboneau Jeanette Dominguez Bryson Carroll Dominick Dudder Adrian Carver Peter Emker Cheri Chavez Taamer Fasheh Ian Clark Olivia Good Voice Marron Cooney Lorraine Griner Emma Crowder Tami Henri James Cuffee Karen Houser Mayra Delgado Juan Juarez Shelby Deyapp Victoria Knight Dorian Dixon Jaquan Lyle Alejandra Dykstra Priscilla Martin Verallen Edwards Desiree Martinez Anna Evanitz Walter Martinez Francine Ferguson Kelsey Mayne Timothy Frazee Sarah McCory Michael Fuller Mireya Najera Jose Garcia Rami Newman Daniel Gassoway Stephanie Pope Natell Geronimo Ishmael Rowe Taylor Grady Richard Sakiestewa Gabriela Guajardo Bethany Sankot Abraham Gurrola Christie Schwengler Jeanette Gutierrez Michael Swalby Alexandre Harrell Kasey Trujillo Timothy Harris Dylan Trujillo Erin Hendrick Tess Tsethlikai Jeffrey Holdcraft Angelique Vargas Derek Holt Marcus Williams Kritsana Hoonsan Sabrina Wolfe Chrisden Hosey Adam Wood College of Josiah Jensen David Zavala Jeffrey Jones Pharmacy Danny Kaminski University BS Lindsey Kay Libraries & PHARMACEUTICAL Jocelyn Kempisty Clay Latham SCIENCES Learning Jennifer Linnell Haya Albazzaz Sciences Andrew Lovato Damon Alvarez Jeremiah Lucero Jonathan Arnett BS Israel Martinez Lydia Boisvert INSTRUCTIONAL Trisha Mather Emily Bransford TECHNOLOGY & William McCulloch Kayla Burnett TRAINING Dakota Meza Tesia Buszkiewicz Kayla Bryant Mia Montanez Lily Doan Steven Carleton Emma Nicholson Andy Doose Rosanna Davalos Alexander Nielsen Elise Drummond Jamaal Davis Steven Nodine Charlotte Flory Rudy Keith Brandon Parrado Erena Hovhannisyan Janice Leach Liane Pellegrini Aaron Koslow Anthony Sanchez Anastasia Perez Peter Le Adrian Todacheene Matthew Poffel Janalee Livingston Lisa Torres Hannah Quintana Bianca Maier Amanda Vital Tyrel Redding Kaydee Mego Andrea Reyes Ordonez BS Chas Montoya Angela Rivera TECHNOLOGY William Nguyen Geneziz Rodriguez Lauren Perez & TRAINING Danica Rowan Onnica Pino Amanda Moore Amber Salazar Larissa Razo Sherrie Woody Allison Salazar Jared Rocco Elena Sanchez Jaselynn Sanchez Shannon Sanchez Lily Sanders Joshua Santos Kyle Ric Santos Elizabeth Sanya Christina Claire Sarabillo Matthew Sarazin Stephanie Sayre Sara Scarpholt Hannah Schultz Jereika Sena Eliza Serna Michael Serrano Dawn Shoultz Jasmine Shubert Kathleen Smith Sarah Snippen Crystalynn Spain Susan Speed Andreanna St Pierre Jaden Steadman Connor Steelman Shana Strahle Patricia Studerus Delaina Tafoya Alyssa Tafoya Amy Tafoya John Takeuchi Miguel Tarango Marisol Tarango-Nevarez Sherry Tat Paige Thompson Paige Torres Kassily Torres Stephanie Torres-Cuevas Christina Trivino Tanya Trujillo Anna Trujillo Kirsten Tsosie Sarah Turk Suzette Valencia Danielle Varro Satya Vatti Chesney Villa Alysia Walsh Elice Wang Telena Watchman Adam Weinberger Megan Whetten Megan Whitehouse Alexandra Willis Deana Wilson Frank Wott Lisa Yang Diane Yazzie Oguljan Young Rinad Yousef Raquel Zapata Manjarrez Alexandra Zilli

Joslynn Rowin Raul Salazar Renee Salazar Noah Santistevan


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ACROSS 1 Corrosive compounds 6 Dog in “The Thin Man” mysteries 10 Pork serving 14 Heath-covered wastelands 15 Fish tempter 16 What the little hand shows 17 Corporate world meal 19 Otherwise 20 Guys-only gathering 21 Lawyer: Abbr. 22 Artificial 24 Took a load off 26 Helps with the holdup 28 Manning of the NFL’s Giants 31 Instruction on a Steinway 36 Four times a day, in an Rx 37 Early Peruvians 38 Continental cash 39 Turn loose 41 Fry cook’s woe 44 Light bulb, in comics 45 Motionless 47 CD-__ 48 Political head 51 Obstinate beast 52 Back of the boat 53 Sky safety org. 55 Historic Spanish fleet 58 Eden dweller 60 Rope source 64 Aretha’s genre 65 “The Maltese Falcon” actor 68 Voice below soprano 69 Defib specialists 70 Disney mermaid 71 Burns or Byron 72 Pair of performers 73 CFO’s monetary report, and a hint to this puzzle’s four longest answers DOWN 1 Bandstand boosters 2 Small water bird


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

11/23/20 5/29/17 November 16th issue Saturday’s Puzzlepuzzle Solvedsolved

By Gail Grabowski and Bruce Venzke

3 Nebraska neighbor 4 Bottom-of-thebarrel stuff 5 Ukr. or Lith., once 6 Touch the edge of 7 “Oye Como Va” group 8 “__-Tac-Dough”: TV game show 9 Walking obediently, as a dog 10 32 pieces and a game board 11 Havana “Hi!” 12 Force out 13 Chief exec 18 Ancient Romans 23 FedEx assignment: Abbr. 25 Capital of Samoa 27 Ordered (around) 28 Provide with gear 29 Singer Ronstadt 30 Thumb twiddler 32 More in need of a rubdown 33 Kama __: Hindu love guide 34 Tiered cookies 35 Societal expectations

©2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

40 Reacts to being ravenous 42 Like better 43 Big name in razors 46 “No, No” Broadway gal 49 Since Jan. 1, on pay stubs 50 Jumped 54 Now, in Nogales 55 Rush job letters

11/23/20 5/29/17

56 Caramel candy brand 57 Volume-off button 59 Flak jacket, e.g. 61 Whistle-blowing Brockovich 62 Talking TV palomino 63 __-mell: disorderly 66 Outback avian 67 Once around the track

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Internships IN TEACHING? The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque Public Schools, and The Albuquerque Teachers Federation are seeking recent graduates to participate in a yearlong Albuquerque Teacher Residency Partnership (ATRP) that will lead to full New Mexico licensure as an elementary or secondary teacher. Selected candidates will receive a stipend to help cover tuition, books, fees, and associated living costs. The program will begin Summer 2021. For more information, please visit coehs.unm.edu/atrp and contact the ATRP Project Assistant, Allison, at amoch@unm.edu. Application should be uploaded to coehs.unm. edu/atrp by January 15th, 2021. INTERESTED

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LOBO LIFEMonday-Sunday, CampusNovember Campus Calendar of Events 23-29, 2020 Current Exhibits Sweet Release: Recent Prints from Tamarind’s Workshop Online Exhibitiom An online exhibition of recent Tamarind lithographs highlighting moments and accounts of release—of energy, expectations, control, or constraint. Included in Sweet Release is a special focus on prints by recipients of the Frederick Hammersley Artist Residency. Go to https://tamarind.unm.edu/ to view. The View From Here: Tamarind at Sixty and Beyond Online Exhibition An online exhibition celebrating Tamarind’s 60th anniversary, including lithographs by various artists who have collaborated at Tamarind Institute during the past sixty years. Tamarind is a division of the College of Fine Arts at UNM. Go to https://tamarind.unm.edu/ to view.

MONDAY Student Groups & Gov. Ignite with Lobo Catholic! 6:30-8:00pm Newman Center

Meetings Survivors Writing Together 2:30-4:00pm Zoom Meeting

A journaling support group for those with a current or past cancer diagnosis. Discover the healing power of writing to express thoughts/feelings. No writing experience needed; spelling and grammar don’t matter. In partnership with Cancer Support Now. Email ACureton@salud.unm. edu to request the invitation.


IV breast cancer with a group of peers with the same diagnosis. Open to patients and their family and/or friends. Nurse Navigator present for group. Good Clinical Practice Lab C 2:00-4:00pm Zoom Meeting In Lab C, learners will identify and analyze protocol violations and deviations. Go to the dailylobo. com “Events Page” for the sign up link.

Campus Events

Student Groups & Gov.

Rapid HIV Testing 10:00am-2:00pm LGBTQ Resource Center Free and anonymous HIV testing through the New Mexico Department of Health. Results are available twenty minutes after the test.


Lutheran Campus Ministry Group 5:00-7:00pm Luther House, across from Dane Smith Hall Lutheran Campus Ministry is a student faith community that welcomes diversity, questioning, and honest relationships. During this COVID pandemic, we are gathering students virtually for worship, faith conversations, and fellowship.

Campus Events


IRBNet Workshop 2:00-3:00pm Zoom Meeting Go to the dailylobo.com “Events Page” for the sign up link!

Stroke Support Group 4:00-5:00pm UNM Hospital, Fifth Floor, Neurology SAC Unit Conference Room Connect with other stroke survivors and their families to learn more about stroke, share your experiences and become inspired to move forward.

Better Together - A Support Group for Stage IV Metastatic Breast Cancer 1:00-2:00pm UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center A supportive environment to your explore feelings and concerns surrounding a diagnosis of Stage

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

THURSDAY Lectures & Readings

STEM Speaker Series 3:00-4:00pm Zoom Meeting Go to the dailylobo.com “Events Page” for the sign up link.

Student Groups & Gov. Sprechtisch 7:30-10:00pm Joe’s, 108 Vassar Dr SE We meet in a friendly atmosphere to practice speaking German.

Want an Event in Lobo Life? 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on the “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page 4. Type in the event information and submit! * Events must be sponsored by a UNM group, organization or department * Classes, class schedules, personal events or solicitations are not eligible. * Events must be of interest to the campus community. * Events must not require pre-registration.

How do you know what’s happening on campus?

This is it! Lobo Life Calendar appears in print two times weekly plus is available 24/7 online at dailylobo.com.

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