Daily Lobo 12/13/2021

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Daily Lobo new mexico


Monday, D ecember 13, 2021 | Vo l u m e 1 2 6 | I s s u e 1 8

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

First time in 2 years guests allowed at UNM commencements

Classes of 2020 and 2021 invited to graduation ceremonies By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716 For the first time in two years, guests will be allowed at the University of New Mexico commencement ceremonies at The Pit on Dec. 16 and 17. Masks and vaccinations will be required for a majority of attendees. Graduates from the classes of 2020 and 2021 are invited to celebrate after past commencements during the COVID-19 pandemic were either virtual or without guests due to the nature of the pandemic. At the upcoming ceremonies, anyone over 12 years old must provide proof of full vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours, and anyone over 2 years old must wear a mask. Both the undergraduate and graduate ceremonies will be held at The Pit at 6 p.m. on different days so that “the number of people that we would anticipate coming (will be) mitigated,” according to UNM spokesperson Cinnamon Blair. The graduate commencement will be held on Dec. 16 and the undergraduate commencement will be held on Dec. 17. Both ceremonies will be livestreamed. Blair said the University is following COVID-19 trends closely,

Courtesy Photo

Students sit idly on the court at The Pit during the commencement ceremony in December 2019. Photo by Hyunju Blemel.

“taking into consideration public health orders and what’s worked in the past.” The University has been training staff members and volunteers on how to successfully enforce vaccination requirements through aspects like checking vaccination cards and identification. “In organizing the first in-person and public commencement event since 2019, the health and safety of the Lobo and extended communities remains the No. 1 priority. The environment in which we celebrate our

New Mexico’s booming film industry gives grads employment opportunities By Natalie Jude @natalaroni Filmmaking in New Mexico is on the rise, much to the luck of recent college film graduates. With record peaks in funding, direct spending supported by credits and deductibles that are projected to continue growing, University of New Mexico film graduates are set up to find lucrative work in the film industry. “This is where the next Hollywood is going to be and I want to be there while it’s being built. It’s perfect for someone like me who’s looking for work in the film industry and an easy in, and New Mexico is looking for a giant crop of young people to work in the film industry so they can boost the economy,” UNM film student Michael Madrigal said. Madrigal moved from Maryland to take advantage of the numerous New Mexico film benefits and wasn’t the only one. Current UNM

film student Juan Gomez also came to UNM on a scholarship because of the better film opportunities here in comparison to where he used to live in Colombia. In 2019, a total of 40 film projects registered with the state were shot in New Mexico, which is more than double what it was in 2018. So far in 2021, another 30 have been shot in state, though far more were planned and ultimately cancelled due to COVID-19 related restrictions. “We’re now one of the top states in the U.S. for film and television, and we can’t wait to be No. 1,” Alicia J. Keyes, state economic development secretary, told the Santa Fe New Mexican in June after NBCUniversal opened a new studio in Albuquerque. In 2002, New Mexico began offering film tax incentives to productions that provide jobs to local below-the-line personnel, or talent or crewmembers who work day to


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students’ accomplishments will inform the success of future in-person ceremonies,” a Campus Communications email from Dec. 9 read. The COVID-19 policies are subject to change at any time. Any potential changes will be emailed out to students signed up for commencement as well as posted on the UNM graduation webpage. “Everything we’re doing is informing the next step. So we’ve done really well (with) the virtual ceremony then moving to the hybrid in-person

but no guests and now having a full in-person with some requirements around it,” Blair said. Over 900 undergraduate students signed up to attend this semester’s ceremony with approximately 26% being from previous graduation classes that didn’t get a traditional ceremony, and almost 270 graduate students signed up to attend with about 25% from other classes that missed traditional commencement as well, according to University Secretary Nancy Middlebrook. The University is encouraging students to cap their number of guests at six so there will be enough room for everyone. “It’s just such a milestone for our students and their families, something they worked so hard for, so to have it in person is awesome. And last year we moved into the in-person (ceremony) but guests weren’t allowed, so this is the first time where it’s going to feel like a regular graduation, but we’re still taking precautions,” Blair said. Upcoming graduate Alexandria Wiesel already completed her first degree in the spring and is finishing another this semester. She didn’t go to commencement last year since guests weren’t allowed. “I’m also very pleased (that) the

other year is going to be included in commencement because it really means a lot … It’s really a sense of finishing something that you’ve been working so hard on,” Wiesel said. Blair emphasized the importance of what the graduation ceremony means for students, and said “that celebratory mark is something that people don’t forget.” “It is a tangible celebration of an accomplishment. You think about the number of years and hours one works to get one’s degree, whether it’s undergraduate or graduate, and it’s time to invite your family to celebrate with you and your friends,” Blair said. The link to watch the livestream will be accessible at graduation.unm.edu, and will also be streamed on UNM’s official Facebook and YouTube pages. “I’m really really happy for myself and the other graduates of this semester because it really means a lot,” Wiesel said. “It really is a sense of closure and understanding that you’ve done it and you can start doing something else now.” Megan Gleason is the Editor-inChief of the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

Benefits to joining a union after graduation By Madeline Pukite @madelinepukite As many students at the University of New Mexico graduate and enter their respective career fields, the option to unionize will be a question that confronts many of them. Research has shown that workers that are part of a union have better working conditions overall. In the United States, 1 in 9 workers are in a union, according to the Economic Policy Institute. This, therefore, allows their collective voices to speak up for fair working conditions, according to the Institute’s research. Additional research from the Economic Policy Institute shows that strong unions lessen the wage gap from the highest earner to the lowest earner, and union workers tend to earn 13.2% more than non-union workers. Livable wages allow for greater accessibility to workforces or universities, according to Mary Russell,

a member of the United Graduate Workers of UNM, which is one reason the graduate student workers are attempting to unionize at UNM. Research from the Economic Policy Institute showed that racial and gender-based wage gaps are lessened by the work of unions. There are a lot of misconceptions around who unionizes, according to Jason Smith, a UNM professor of history who specializes in labor history. The predominant stereotype is bluecollar industrial jobs dominated by white men, but Smith said the actual breakdown is a lot more diverse. “I think a lot of people who are underinformed ... hear organized labor or unions (and) they think of white men working in industrial jobs like the auto industry, and that certainly was true of the auto industry in the middle of the 20th century. (But) from today's perspective, the working class and people who are active in organized labor has never been more diverse,” Smith said. Time magazine reported a recent increase in unionization because of

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

A sign that reads, “We Demand Better Working Conditions,” is held up at a rally for the grad worker union in September 2021.

the risk of the COVID-19 pandemic. Along with this, they said despite the fact that retail companies are making more in revenue, retail company employees have not seen increases in pay to match. “The Brookings Institution found that 13 of the largest retail companies in the country earned a total of $16.7 billion more in 2020 than they did in 2019, while raising workers’ pay an average of just $1.11 per hour since the start of the pandemic,”


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Correen Talley plans to represent Navajo culture through animation By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716

For undergraduate student Correen Talley, graduation is more than just getting a liberal arts degree — it’s an opportunity to represent her Navajo culture in the real world through her degree focus of digital media and computer animation in the film industry. “I would like to at least try to include my Native American culture more into the films because there’s not a lot that we see today with Native Americans, and I really would love to be a part of that,” Talley said. Talley has loved her time at the University of New Mexico but is ready to move on to the next step in her life. Always defined as a storyteller by her peers, Talley was inspired by Pixar Animation Studios and dreams to work for them one day. “I’ve always loved the Pixar animations and I’ve always wanted to make (art), and (I) love art and telling stories. And I always catch myself making characters or creating stories in my head, so I just thought about, ‘Why don’t I just do

it? Why don’t I be a part of it ‘cause I love it so much?’” Talley said. Talley’s mother, Lisa, said after her daughter took a Navajo-related class at UNM, Talley got a lot more interested in her culture and started asking her father to help her learn their Navajo language. Talley said she found that she “could be a better person within the school and still have my culture.” American Indian Student Services was particularly helpful for Talley, and she often accessed their services during her time at UNM. Talley’s family and friends don’t doubt that her dreams will come to life, and her boyfriend Michael Benavidez said, “Her energy is just nonstop; it doesn’t give up. So if you don’t give up, you will succeed.” “She does not realize how bright her future is going to be as long as she sticks to her goals, and I’m really excited to see it,” Benavidez said. After taking a year off in 2019, Talley came back to UNM in August 2020 — when the University was online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this created many challenges for Talley, she said the community at UNM all “joined together” and she realized she needed to sort out her

priorities in life. “For me, it was mostly my mental health (that was impacted) and me trying to get back to myself and figure out what to do with myself because it kind of put life in perspective,” Talley said. College wasn’t always easy for Talley. There were moments when she wished outside life didn’t interfere with school and she could just focus on her studies without the distraction of other things. “There were times that were hard in my life and I had to really balance that with school and had to make some tough decisions,” Talley said. She didn’t start out as a liberal arts major with this focus originally but knew it was the right one once she found it. “When you see the end (art) product, it’s really satisfying and you feel really proud (of) yourself,” Talley said. Talley is especially proud of a film that included a complete run-through of her animation that she made for her Advanced Maya Production class. “If someone showed me this video that I completed when I first started (UNM), I wouldn’t believe it. I’d be

Film student Gus Tafoya wraps final year at UNM By Natalie Jude @natalaroni With graduation less than a week away for University of New Mexico film student Gus Tafoya, they have come to find peace and success in the process of creating art. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film and digital arts, Tafoya plans to take a break from school and get real-world experience in Albuquerque’s booming film industry. The last year has been a busy one for Tafoya, and while they wrote and produced films almost all on their own time, they have been able to explore their artistry in a variety of mediums and settings. Tafoya has

multiple published films under their belt already, setting them up to achieve their film goals in the future. In 2021 alone, Tafoya released five short films. The COVID-19 pandemic made a significant impact on Tafoya and their art, creating an isolated environment that Tafoya has tried to change in their last semester at UNM. They’ve made a serious effort to collaborate and foster a sense of flexibility and openness through the creative process, which they said has been “super exciting but also challenging.” Tafoya’s thesis project, “A Picture of You in a Thousand Years,” wrapped shooting in early December and is now in postproduction. This project — Tafoya’s final film project at UNM

— will be released into the film festival circuit in 2022. Tafoya’s close friend Caleb Schuh returned to Albuquerque briefly after moving to California to study film and television to work as a crew member for this project “Gus is brilliant — a very good writer, a kind person … What I admire more than anything else, they have this moral compass that is just unshakable,” Schuh said. “I’ve always been a fan. Gus has this way of making these poetry videos, which I think are very cool.” Tafoya’s film “Yucca Lust,” which was a “goodbye poetry video” for Schuh after he moved away, was showcased in the 2020-2021 Santa Fe


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Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @mackenzid5

Correen Talley is graduating from UNM with a degree in liberal arts in digital media and computer animation.

like, ‘Oh my God, I made that? That’s insane,’” Talley said. Working as the classifieds representative on the advertising staff at the Daily Lobo helped Talley progress in the skills she wanted to learn for her future career while also allowing her enough time to focus on her academic studies. “Now I feel like I’m a lot more confident about (my skills), and also know what to look for, what to ask,” Talley said. “It helps me know just a little bit more of where to go.” This learned confidence extends to her family as well when they envision her future. Her father Franklin Talley said she’s always been intelligent and able to pick up

on things easily. “I have confidence that she will do good, whatever comes her way,” Franklin Talley said. Talley’s parents are extremely proud of their daughter graduating and her mother Lisa Talley noted that “she did it all on her own.” “You never know what the future holds but we see a brighter future in her. She’s doing good; she’s doing really good. What I see is what I expected to see in my daughter,” Franklin Talley said. Megan Gleason is the Editor-inChief of the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

Matisse Fields / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Gus Tafoya is graduating this semester with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in film and digital media.

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Emma Trevino Culture Editor @itsemmatr

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Madeline Pukite Beat Reporter @madelinepukite

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Hevyn Heckes Freelance Reporter @H_Squared90

Liam DeBonis Copy Editor @LiamDebonis

Natalie Jude Freelance Reporter @natalaroni

John Scott Photo Editor @JScott050901




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day, receive no cuts of the profit after filming and have little creative say over the project. This would include a lot of new UNM graduates. “I came because I found out about Netflix and the booming film industry here in Albuquerque … It gave me more hope that I’d be able to work one day on real projects,” UNM film student Ella Campbell, an out-of-state student, said. “(The tax incentives) sound great to me. Providing jobs is super important right now, especially for creatives.” Current incentives include a 25-


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35% refundable tax credit for most below-the-line local cast and crew as well as free or reduced training programs to prepare prospective film employees to work on a film set. There is a $50 million cap on credits for each project, but the majority of productions taking place in New Mexico fall well enough below the cap that the credits and deductibles make the provisions valuable to the target projects. UNM has partnerships with many film studios in Albuquerque, which allows students to

find internships and establish connections through that avenue, according to the College of Fine Arts website. “Our alumni enjoy success at renowned institutions such as Lucasfilm, Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) and Telltale Games. Many are instrumental in the growth of New Mexico’s thriving film industry, home of ‘Breaking Bad,’ ‘Better Call Saul’ and ‘Preacher,’” James Stone, chair of UNM’s department of film and digital arts, wrote on the website.

As of 2019, the average salary of an alumnus of UNM’s film department was $21,964 two years after graduation, according to the U.S. Department of Education. In comparison, two highly competitive film schools in America, the University of Southern California and New York University, have average alumni salaries of $29,557 and $30,952, respectively. Though New Mexico’s tax credit is not as expansive as those in California, the cost of filming is far lower, and the New Mexico film

industry spent $623 million — a record-breaking number — during the 2021 fiscal year. “I came here because it seemed like a pipeline into the industry. I love film. I want to do this as a career, and New Mexico is going to be the easiest pathway into what I want to do for the rest of my life,” Madrigal said.

It is clear that the effect of unions has also gone beyond just members, as unions cause positive effects for everyone employed regardless of status with a union, according to Smith. He brought up an example from the 1950s in which better working conditions from unions “did radiate throughout American society” regardless of individuals’ union status. “Workers who were not in a union in the 1950s were better off

because of the workers who were in a union and the gains they were able to achieve in their workplaces,” Smith said. The option to unionize is also prevalent at universities in addition to the workforce. There are more than 60 recognized graduate unions in North America. In Albuquerque, the United Graduate Workers of UNM are fighting for better working conditions and fair compensation. This fight, as well as what they’re

fighting for, is similar to others at various universities in America. “We need dental and vision coverage right now, and we need workers’ protection. A lot of graduate workers face discrimination, harassment, abuse from their advisors, because there's almost there's no effective processes in place to deal with those kinds of workplace issues,” Ramona Malczynski, a bargaining committee member, said. Russell emphasized that unions

allow a diverse variety of voices to be heard. “I think unions are one of the only ways to allow those voices to be fully heard, because the only way they are going to be heard is through collective action,” Russell said.

Tube subscribers that Tafoya works on. This has been in the works for approximately a year with the guidance of director and writer Schuh, who has released both the pilot and a Halloween special. Back in high school, Schuh and Tafoya drew dogs together while attending the Media Arts Collaborative Charter School, and those dogs eventually became the characters of “Wilson City Stadium.” “Since Gus and I would draw the dogs together, it was only natural that we’d work on the show together … These little cartoon dogs that would stand up and walk around — inappropriate things for dogs to do … (It was) a fun thing to do with my friends,” Schuh said.

Tafoya worked as an apprentice with the Harwood Art Center during the summer of 2021 in the second phase of a two-year project called “Camino,” a public art structure built by local artists with the help of paid student apprentices. The designs had been created the summer before, so they worked with a group to lay the concrete and assist in erecting large metal welcome beacons. Through the center they also began designs for next summer’s piece, which has yet to be announced to the public. Also in summer 2021, Tafoya worked on a project that toyed with light projection and live human movement using sensors and projectors through a class at Central New

Mexico Community College with Professor Mamman Rezaee, who also teaches film at UNM. Tafoya said it was meant to encourage thought regarding the physical projection of oneself in conjunction with the actuality of self, where the two versions of self converge and diverge. “Me and my mentor Mamman, we really just worked from (the idea of) someone being dissolved of their body, seeing what’s left behind — not feeling at home in your body and trying to bridge that gap again,” Tafoya said. The support of the wider film community has been key in Tafoya’s exploration of the arts, and his immersion at UNM played no small role

in making it to graduation. “I really like getting to know people and feeling more a part of the community here at UNM,” Tafoya said. Tafoya might return to UNM to earn a graduate degree in dramatic writing or film in the future but currently plans to “step away from school for a while.” In the meantime, Tafoya plans to enter the film industry in Albuquerque with a variety of artistry under their belt to share with the world.

Natalie Jude is a freelance reporter for the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @natalaroni


Time magazine reported. Recently, a Starbucks in Buffalo, New York formed the first union in the history of the chain, advocating for better wages and working conditions. “We’ve done it in spite of everything that the company has thrown at us and we all know it has been an extensive anti-union campaign by Starbucks corporate,” Michelle Eisen, one of the baristas, told the New York Times.



Madeline Pukite is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @madelinepukite


Independent Film Festival and took home third place in the UNM’s 20202021 Cherry Reel Film Festival. “I learned (that) making decisions is the most important thing you can do, whether they're good or bad … You just have to give something the ax and deal with the consequences later,” Tafoya said. “Letting (the consequences) happen and trying not to control it too much is more interesting and more fun.” While Tafoya was ecstatic to be featured in the festivals, “a lot of the magic of it was gone” due to the virtual setting. Another point of pride is “Wilson City Stadium,” which is an ongoing animated series with over 1,000 You-


Natalie Jude is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @natalaroni


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LOBO OPINION I’m so proud to be a Lobo

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Monday, December 13, 2021

Opinion Editor / opinion@dailylobo.com

By Rebecca Hobart @rjhobart

I’m wrapping up my final semester as an undergraduate student, graduating with my Bachelor of Science in environmental science and minor in sustainability studies. I’ve compiled some of my greatest hits because the past three and a half years have been chock-full of enlightenment and enrichment. The University of New Mexico has been an exceptional place to grow up and blossom into my fullest self. I moved to New Mexico from North Carolina to study at UNM without really knowing anyone or anything about Albuquerque, except that it was a beautiful place with lots of sunny days and clear, blue skies. Moving alone to a new state was really special because I got to make new friends and fall in love with a new place and all it offered. These past few years have granted me some of my most affirming and empowering experiences and memories. Though I’ve always stood firm in my interests in climate and energy, I really didn’t know what I wanted to study when I came to school. I major-hopped until I landed on environmental science and didn’t add my minor in sustainability studies until a serendipitous encounter

when an intro course flier in the biology building caught my eye sophomore year. Through these programs, I’ve developed a comprehensive, critical understanding of climate and the environment. I’m knowledgeable on these important issues and feel prepared to continue my work in the professional sphere. Looking back on my time at UNM, I really see the value in not only pursuing higher education, but also living on campus your first year. I met my freshman year roommate online, like many do, came to know one of my best friends from the UNM Honors College freshman orientation and met so many people through campus organizations; with every new friend came a few more. Living in Hokona Hall my freshman year of college was epic and, because it was just a short walk away, I spent countless nights studying and developing friendships at La Posada (back when it was a nearly 24/7 establishment). Some of my favorite memories of college, such as taking a sunrise hot air balloon flight before class or studying complex water issues in the West, wouldn’t have happened if I had stayed in North Carolina. Though I never expected green chile to become a staple of my meals or to see dozens of hot air balloons in the sky on my drives to work, the Southwest and all

of the uniquely New Mexican quirks have been absolutely lovely. It would be remiss not to acknowledge my time at the Daily Lobo and its impact on me. I really encourage students, of any and all backgrounds and writing abilities, to get involved with the paper. As a reporter, I created and worked on a project called “LOBO PRIDE,” a collection of features which sought to illustrate LGBTQ+ existence and resilience through students and faculty at the University. That body of published, widely-shared work was deeply meaningful to me and will likely always be some of my favorites I’ve written. In the past few years, I made this wonderful place my home, and I feel so proud to be a Lobo. I am thankful for my final semester of college being in person — it meant a lot to me to engage with my peers, professors and environment in such a tangible way. I want to continue doing my part to address the climate crisis and my education at UNM has prepared me for that. Whatever forms my work takes throughout my life, I welcome it and know that I’ll always have my experiences at UNM to fall back on. Rebecca Hobart is a senior reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @rjhobart

Is grad school a viable option? By Emma Trevino @itsemmatr With the semester coming to a close comes the inevitable anxiety and uncertainty of joining the workforce. Many students consider graduate school to be a safe option after earning a bachelor's degree because it’s a way to stay in the comfort of academia, but there are several factors to contemplate, such as ultimate career goals, personal fulfillment and the issue of money. A big draw of grad school is more impressive credentials that can be of great help in today’s extremely competitive job market. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic of

the Harvard Business Review said “the most in-demand jobs require graduate credentials, to the point of surpassing current levels of supply.” Chamorro-Premuzic also cited the increasing number of students in higher education as a reason the bachelor’s degree is being effectively devalued. Pursuing a graduate degree can serve to help you reach your career goals. Race Dillon, a Master of Fine Arts student, came to UNM from Seattle, Washington after years of working in a job he wasn’t passionate about. Dillon, who is studying photography, said coming back for grad school was a decision based on wanting to commit 100% to photography. “I felt like I had had (photogra-


phy) as a passion on the side and I felt like I hadn’t really given it the full attention that I wanted to and it’s something that I love,” Dillon said. “I wanted it to be a part of my life more, and so coming to grad school felt like a way to take it more seriously.” The other side of the argument lies with the notion that grad school is a waste of time. With the steady rise of online learning tools like MasterClass, an online program that offers over 100 classes and a starting price point of just $15 a month, grad school is certainly a more costly and time-consuming process. Free online tools like YouTube and Duolingo, a language-learning app that has free and paid options, also might diminish the need for expensive

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

Rebecca Hobart is graduating this semester with a bachelor’s degree in environmental science and a minor in sustainability studies.

higher education. The cost of grad school is in both money and time. If you decide to take that path, it’s best to wait a couple of years, live your life and be positive going to grad school is your best option, according to Dillon. “I would say waiting is a good idea right after undergrad … because it is a pretty huge undertaking to come to grad school,” Dillon said. “Waiting helps you come in more prepared.” The pandemic has wreaked havoc on the economy, and we all know how quickly things can turn for the worse with new variants, shutdowns and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unless you are in an extremely financially stable position or are absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt sure that grad school is your most lucrative choice right af-

By Victor Martinez / Daily Lobo / @sirbluescreen

Volume 126 Issue 18 The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

ter graduation, taking the time to explore other options can save you a world of headaches and seemingly insurmountable amounts of student debt. “If you’re not committed to the subject you’re studying enough to go into debt for a few years, the risk probably isn’t worth the degree,” Chamarro-Premuzic wrote. All of this being said, there are always conditions that make waiting not possible, like family pressure, scholarships, etc., and if you make a choice that turns out to be not right for you, it isn’t the end of the world. The most important takeaway? Just take some time to think about it. Emma Trevino is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @itsemmatr

By Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR Editor-in-Chief Megan Gleason

Sports Editor Matthew Salcido

News Editor Zara Roy

Culture Editor Emma Trevino

Advertising Manager Jordynn Sills Campus Representative Jacob Griego

Advertising Representatives Brenna Henning Natalie Hughes

Editorial Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Advertising Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-5656 advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Photo Editor John Scott

Copy Editor Liam DeBonis

Designer Joseph McKee

Multimedia Editor Shelby Kleinhans

Classifieds Representaive Correen Talley

Advertising Design Correen Talley

UNM Land Acknowledgement statement Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico – Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache – since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history. This statement was developed by Pam Agoyo, director of American Indian Student Services and special assistant to the president on American Indian Affairs, in consultation with the Native American Faculty Council.




Congratulations 2021 Graduates!

Graduate Degrees The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to our publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Fall 2021 Pending degrees Summer 2021 Awarded degrees

Anderson Schools of Management MACCT ACCOUNTING Loren Alaniz Austin Arnold Danielle Burwinkle Jarod Charles Leigh Anne Chavez Shuting Chen Ryan Gorman Norma Henderson Oriana Hernandez Zachary Hess Yu Ke Kevin Kidd Mengfan Li Kellie Oesterling Shikha Patel Warren Roberson Kyle Gabrei Salazar Carissa Stone Alyce Tenorio Gabrielle Villorente Aryn White Ranqi Zhou

MBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Devaraj Aran Riley Barber Jeff Bazanele Morgan Bergman Sabrina Bhakta Cassandra Bookert Meagan Brace James Brown Amber Brown Jacob Brown Jeffrey Castle Laura Cella Wanerh Chen Jessica Christ Kaitlyn Clark Dave Collymore Malori Cordova Adam Crespin Arielle Damore Reese Davies Maria Daw Eric Deblassie Arial Deherrera Ashley DeLara Christopher Dow Veronica Duarte Martinus Bastiaan Dubbelman Melissa Eyenga Ebode Cameryn Floth Katherine Foster Elena Garcia Samantha Gauna Alejandro Goldston Serjio Gonzales Edwardo Gonzalez Deidre Grabke Micah Gray Alexandra Gutierrez Desmond Harmon Moraima Hernandez Monica Hernandez-Lara Madison Hirschman Jonathon Hood Peter Hornbecker Emily Johnson Brooke Johnson Alexandria Jones Tera Kemp

Meghan Keresey Josh Kerr Paul Keyes Alexa Kirton Ingrid Kocher Erica Lee Samantha Linney Madeline Lionbarger Lorenzo Lovato Laura Luu Schylar Malone Delaney Markham Sara Martinez Janae Martinez James McNeely Mariah Megli Nicole Miner Theresa Mitchell Reina Montes Charles Montoya Chesarae Montoya Antonio Mora Natjasa Moya Jacqueline Muller Nikhileswara Reddy Naguru Erik Nelsen Glenn Nicol Prestin Nikolai Daniel Noriega-Lucero Debbie O’Dell Rachel Olson Shailendra Parihar Frances Phillips Autumn Pinard Natalie Pitcher Dylan Poindexter Jenna Price Jazmine Price Alexis Rael Carolynne Ramirez Regina Rendon Molly Rennie Nathaniel Rios Dominique Rodriguez Martin Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Ryan Roman Joshua Romanowski Mikela Romero Bailey Rowe Christopher Sanchez Jessica Santana-Price

Paul Schulzetenberg Abigail Seaver Virginia Severns Lily Shain Karl Siegler Ericka Silesky Rosswell Sinclair Destiny Smith Michael Spafford Hank Spellman Kyle Stapley Cornelius Sutanto Jaren Trost Jia Tsao Bhanu Kiran Tuniki Elisha Valdez Vanessa Vicenti Anneliese Ward Amanda Warr Stephen White Jason Wilby Anthony Williams Elizabeth Williams Cristal Wilson Sarah Zinschlag MGTCP BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Ngoc To MS INFORMATION SYSTEMS & ASSURANCE Ted Arviso Robert Boone Jessica Brabson Crystal Burke Jordan Deen Said El Hamdani Sri Lakshmi Rama Sai Madhuri Garigipati Shiro Ishizu Ian Johnson Gavin Jones Zhongyi Li Kaixiang Liang Zhenhao Liang Dapeng Liu Kyle Mazzei Diane Ottman

Kushal Patel Remengton Pierce Sierra Santistevan Jiarui Sun Jenn Tran Viet Tran Steven Williams Joanna Young MS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Brendan Arms Jason Belvin Martin Pieck Savannah Ponzio-Fay Hannah Russert Cody Young Jannet Zapata

Graduate Programs CERT CHICANA/O STUDIES Rebecca Martinez-Baca DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Nicholas Blonski Anthony Casazza Anthony Chavez Kaitlynn Craig Renee Dupre Lucretia Duran Jonathan Esquibel Joslynn Fletcher Allison Foulk Micaela Gilpin Paige Goodwin Victoria Graff Jane Graham Morgan Kerschen Charles Kettenring Mikaela Lazar Ashlee Lee Ryann Montano Hanna Park Christian Pearson

Alexander Phillips Francesca Picchi-Wilson Nicholas Romero James Schlavin Sara Stromberg Tomas Tafoya Nicholas Zarasua EDD EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Jodi Burshia Reynelle Lowsayatee GCERT APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Shyanne Barrett Jazmine Brooks Janet Chuong Serena Houser Mai Shahin GCERT AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER Lenell Walton GCERT CLINICAL TRANSLATION SCIENCE Nasrin Fatemi Anwar Jackson Jeremy Miller GCERT EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS Jennifer Billingsley Maria Blemel Heather Delair Geralyn Espinoza Crystal Garibay Molly Heavilin Rosemarie Jaramillo Kimberly Jones Alexis Lopez Sherry Luna Cynthia Munoz Lorraine Padilla

Maria Perez-Cocon MA LINGUISTICS Bethany Przybocki Alyssa Romero Brandon Martinez Beth Schiffer Adam Vandegriff Samin Yahyazadehjasour GCERT MA Salma Yeasmin MA MUSIC MUSEUM STUDIES MA PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATION Danielle Griego Allison Balder ENGLISH Kevin Baca Paloma Lopez Mika Hashimoto Lauren Betzen Elizabeth Baker MA David Bommarito Ronald Flores Lopez MA ORGANIZATION, Lily Intong COMPARATIVE GCERT INFORMATION Sammie Livengood LITERATURE RACE & & LEARNING Cynthia Padilla Rodgers & CULTURAL SOCIAL JUSTICE SCIENCES Rebekah Rendon STUDIES Audrey Cooper Cynthia Perez Chavez Camille Le Pioufle MA Melissa Henry Julia Davis FAMILY AND Connor Mang Robert Deaver MA CHILD STUDIES Dawn Delfin Jenna Price COUNSELING Felisa Ingrassia Deena Duran Carielle Bahe GCERT Elizabeth Niewoehner Yuri Findlay Susan Bapty TEACHING Jean Paquin Jesse Gallegos Martinez Ann Marie Benavidez ENGLISH AS Veronica Winsch Stephanie Gardiner Alexandra Deckoff-Jones A SECOND Barbara Gilbert MA Michelle Duggins LANGUAGE Melissa Herrera FRENCH Cindy Figueroa Sara Rodriguez Kaela Holmen Victoria Kapuranis Leigh Ho GCERT Timoteo Lujan Gabrielle Myers MA UNIVERSITY Christine McCarthy Heidi Neff GERMAN STUDIES SCIENCE Chavez Kimberly Santistevan Marisa Pickett TEACHING IN Satyan Patel Krishna Vemulapalli BIOMEDICAL Mary Phibbs MA SCIENCES MA Todd Quinn HISTORY Emily Alden ECONOMICS Susan Seefeldt Casey Brown William Kanagy Robert Hemsath Jessica Cochran Madalyn Wilson-Fetrow Jesse Young Michael Limmer MA MA Jonathan Wright MA EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY LEADERSHIP ANTHROPOLOGY MA Arlene Garcia Brianna Kowalski Belle Cost LANGUAGE, Vincent Graziano Cameron Zarrabzadeh LITERATURE & MA SOCIOCULTURAL MA EDUCATIONAL MA STUDIES POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGY ART EDUCATION Diana Botello SCIENCE Rebecca Martinez-Baca Paul Hunhoff Silvia Castro Michael Flaherty Joshua Lopez Olivia Ortiz Aviva Markowitz MA Rene Palomares MA ELEMENTARY Angelica Rodriguez Elizabeth Sugg SECONDARY MA EDUCATION Turquoise Velarde EDUCATION ART HISTORY Donna Berardinelli Kathryn Chavez Genevieve Hartsock Elizabeth Krantman MA Jackson Larson Kalder Cockrell Sherri McDowell LATIN AMERICAN Patrick Corr David Saiz Merlinda Mexicano STUDIES Renee Osuna Phillip Salazar Benigna Sanchez-Duty Reanna Servatt Cassandra Walters Jessica Zeilman


CONGRATULATIONS CLASS OF 2020 & 2021 Dear Lobos— Congratulations to our Lobo graduates! I’m so proud of all you’ve accomplished, and I can’t wait to see you at an actual indoor, in-person celebration in The Pit for the first time in two years. And what a strange two years it has been. You’ve succeeded during a period of extraordinary challenges and unexpected obstacles, adapting to new ways of thinking and new ways of learning. But it was more than just your classroom environment that changed; your entire Lobo experience was also forever altered. Social events and gatherings that traditionally define college life were scaled back, conducted remotely, or canceled altogether. And yet, as a class, you went through it all together, at each other’s sides and having each other’s backs. Your Lobo experience is defined not only by your academic success, but also your compassion for your community and empathy with each other. I’m confident you will do great things and succeed at whatever it is you choose to do. You’ve been prepared to meet the future head on by great faculty, staff, and administrators—and helped every step of the way by so many others who believe in you. Whatever the future may bring, I know this for certain: We’re always Lobos. And The University of New Mexico will always be here for you. Congratulations graduates! Regards,

Garnett S. Stokes President




Congratulations 2021 Graduates!

MA SOCIOLOGY Callie Dorsey Alyssa Franklin MA SPECIAL EDUCATION Joseph Arrowsmith Kerrie Cantwell Michael Carrasco Janet Chuong Amanda Daniels Alicia Fajardo Brianna Gonzales Andrea Jones Cameron Langner Dora Lavenburg Belinda Lucero Tiffany Medina Deandra Pierre-Louis Micayla Rivera Sara Rodriguez Mai Shahin Shian Zhao MARCH ARCHITECTURE Kristen Madden MCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Luzcenit Acosta Guio Paul Aversano Steven Ramirez MCRP COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING Cordell Bock Maria Held Aurora Munoz Casarrubias Christopher Rivera MENG CIVIL ENGINEERING Ryan Fujii Scott Garcia Curtis Hunt Mariah Smith Guillermo Tarin Tyler Zack

MFA ART STUDIO Juana Estrada Hernandez Calliandra Hermanson Jordan Jirschele Dylan Mclaughlin Felicia Nez Peter Schoenburg Michael Segura S Tanner Slick Jared Tso MFA CREATIVE WRITING Mario Montoya

Sean Gray Mitchell Gruda Felicia Herrera Elizabeth Herring Mayra Jimenez Cassandra Larranaga Molly Lukes Richard Lykins Tyler Mason Matthew O’Toole Lyndsey Riordan Francisco Rodriguez John Schooley

MS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Micaiela Cordova Kaitlin Eversole Ashley Howell Irais Ortiz-Caraveo MS BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Nasrin Fatemi Anwar Jackson Jeremy Miller

MPA PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Megan Belew MHA Cynthia Beyeler HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Kendal Chavez Mary Dorado Felicia Otto Sushmita Ghosh Kira Pelowitz Nancy Gonzales Emily Prebay Nicole Lucero Rebecca Scannell Amanda Lujan Paul Tchiloyans David Sanchez Andres Santiago MMU Karina Todechine MUSIC Ashlee Velasquez Joshua Aguiar Marisa Wagner Elizabeth Baker Rachel Whitt Brian Bradley Ghada Zribi Luiz Paulo Castillo Dourado Freire MPH Isaac Drewes PUBLIC HEALTH David Duarte Margaret Cunningham Mary Jo Fabon Amber Dukes Margot Friedli Carlos Antonio Linares Samuel Kennedy Koloffon Bryce Lopez Wickliffe Omondi Alyssa Porras Daisy Rosero Megan Snow Amy Woolley MS ANTHROPOLOGY MOT OCCUPATIONAL Ruizhe Liu THERAPY MS Desirey Archuleta BIOLOGY Elana Carr-Vallimont Brian Clauss Charlotte Carruth Vincent Cutillas Abigail Contreras Carson Hedberg Joshua Davis Praveen Paudel Zoe Fonseca Emily Reynebeau Jennifer Gragg Brooke Wainwright

MS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Ryan Alcala Atsu Atitsogbu MS CHEMISTRY Ashleigh Begay Jin Zhang MS CIVIL ENGINEERING Lauren Gomez Md Mehedi Hasan Angel Padilla Patience Raby James Woodall MS COMPUTER ENGINEERING Diego Chavez Anthony Chavez David Crowley Amber Disher Mario Esparza Perez Benjamin Fogg Marshall Hundemer Nafis Irtija Jacob Jones Chenxu Liu Rui Ou Fisayo Sangoleye Sravani Teeparthi Phuong Tran MS COMPUTER SCIENCE Kazi Solaiman Ahmed

Raghavendra Neelesh Angaluri Nicholas Barrett Brendan Burke Jose Abel Castellanos Joo Yao Chung Chang Zakery Clarke Jered Dominguez-Trujillo Reuben Fresquez Aayush Gupta Keira Haskins Melody Horn Anupkumar Nagaraj Joshi Vasman Kaur Jacob Marks Aimee Ciane Nyambo Manideep Potluru Jerom Kankalil Ronny Humayra Tasnim Venkata Siva Naga Sai Kiran Veera Jamie Yang MS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Micael Albonico Soisiri Charin MS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Joe Chen Connor Halsey Maren Hatch Erica Hoeffner Bradley Maynard Seth Miller Santiago Monawar Nikhileswara Reddy Naguru John Rose Paula Van Rooy Jamison Wagner MS GEOGRAPHY Sarah Caruana Zhuoming Liu Ellen Loechner Shannon Pepper Jillian Rutherford

MS HEALTH EDUCATION Vanessa Roybal Tara Wolfe MS MATHEMATICS Michael Kutzler Elijah Perez MS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Mohamed Abuhegazy Nelson Amaya Anthony Chavez Kyler Daniel Robert Ficklin Daniel Freelong Jacob Maestas Tim Murphy Aaron Otto Andrew Rizk Daniel Seligman Isaac Seslar Amanda Sterk Shawn Swanson Chad Walde James Youchison MS MUSEUM STUDIES Caitlin Everhart

Natalie Kennedy Karla Puariea MS PHYSICAL EDUCATION Leeanna Coca Abigail Downs Matthew Frost Rodolfo Jauregui Sainz de Rozas Shantel Lucero Keyana Smith Victor Tellez Dimitri Viramontes MS PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT STUDIES Mariah Barnes Patrick Carr Moriah Carty Brittney Coe Keely Dobbs Eston Littleboy Crystal Marquis Jennifer Martinez Matthew Mason Jared McBroom Jordan Pelock Amanda Rodela Holly Sauter Emily Sperbeck John Stanley Arianna Talmadge Sean Wilmot

Nina Cooper PDCERT Jocelyn Gomez HISTORIC PRESERVATION & Chenoa Stilwell-Jensen REGIONALISM PHD Magdalena Kerkmans COMPUTER Kristen Madden SCIENCE Margaret Menache Jeremy Benson PHD PHD AMERICAN COUNSELOR STUDIES EDUCATION Sophie Ell Melissa Henry Heather Sands PHD ANTHROPOLOGY PHD Milena Carvalho EARTH & Daniel Cummings PLANETARY James Davenport SCIENCES Jonathan Dombrosky Marina Martinez Jimenez Rafael Guerra Zoltan Vaci Sara Niedbalski Sarah Phillips PHD ECONOMICS PHD Soumyajit Chakraborty BIOLOGY Kevin Estes Carlos Carrion Bonilla Mengqi Liu Schuyler Liphardt Mohammad Mashiur Heather Mercer Rahman Paris Salazar - Hamm Virginia Thompson PHD EDUCATIONAL PHD PSYCHOLOGY BIOMEDICAL Krystal Ward SCIENCES Emily Alden PHD Mate Fischer ENGINEERING Alexandra Fowler Pavlos Apostolopoulos Lucie Jelinkova Biswajit Bairgi William Kanagy Fei Han Perenkita Mendiola Daniel Heras Murcia Melanie Rivera Roya Hosseinzadeh Ryota Shimada Nasimi Simin Yan Marios Patriotis Jesse Young Gerhard Schoener Dimitrios Sikeridis PHD Krishna Chaitanya CHEMISTRY Jagadeesh Simma Yunjeong Kwon Shreya Vemuganti Amrit Pokhrel Sebastian Vittardi PHD Kunlun Yin ENGLISH Gerard Lavin PHD Annie Lowrance COMMUNICATION David Puthoff Christina Blankenship

MS SPEECHLANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Caitlyn Acosta Janet Adams Brianna Bayardo Hayleigh Carabajal Susanna Cole Victoria Cordova Christie Duhigg Leandra Espeseth Alayna Gamboa Adriana Haeny Jordan Herrera Ann Jaramillo Elaine Kee Holly Knox Jisun Lee Jessica Meese James Murray Nydia Ramirez Alexandra Rivera Erin Stone Sophi Wong MS STATISTICS Jessica Reno MSN NURSING Alicia Bobelu Breanne Clinger Francine Dee Clarissa Garcia Lucia Gomez-Vaughan Anthony Hume Amanda Kester Kaitlin Montano Ann Parmenter Sherryl Polak Kristine Radcliff Angelina Rodriguez Lynn Saavedra Amber Seik Roxanne Witt Vail Woodard

MS NANOSCIENCE & MS MICROSYSTEMS PHYSICS Murali Manohar Duggina Logan Cordonnier Arjun Senthil Kylar Greene Madalyn Wilson-Fetrow Mallory Harris Pratik Kumar MS Yu Chia Lin NUCLEAR Samuel Slezak ENGINEERING Andrew Zhao Malak Bani Melhem MS Karissa Currie PSYCHOLOGY Rowdy Davis Ethan Campbell Dustin Dealy Danielle Sanchez-Combs Gemma Strong MWR Riley Sebastian WATER MS Garima Singh RESOURCES NUTRITION Brigitte Stevens Gerardo Rodriguez Ashley Dunworth Julia Swan

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Congratulations 2021 Graduates!


PHD PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORTS & EXERCISE PHD SCIENCE FAMILY STUDIES Jonathan Houck Tiffany Miner Zachary Mang Andrew Wells PHD LANGUAGE, PHD LITERATURE & PHYSICS SOCIOCULTURAL Christopher DiLullo STUDIES Akram Etemadi Amin Hani Albelihi Stephen Sanders Vincent Case Jeanne Tonelson de PHD Montlaur POLITICAL SCIENCE PHD Eric Griego LINGUISTICS Jessica Jones Josefina Bittar Prieto PHD PHD PSYCHOLOGY NANOSCIENCE & Laura Berkowitz MICROSYSTEMS Karlyn Edwards ENGINEERING Kathryn Fokas Zachary Brounstein Christopher Ford Raju Ghimire Anne Guzman Jonathan Hebert Ryan Harvey Robert Malakhov Aaron Jones David Walwark Kelsey Serier PHD Jeremiah Simmons NURSING Jamie Smith Jenny Landen Adam Wilson Deeann Mulcahy PHD Judy Sanchez SOCIOLOGY Teresa Sellstrom Andrew Breidenbach PHD Alena Kuhlemeier ORGANIZATION, Carmela Roybal INFORMATION & LEARNING PHD SCIENCES SPANISH & Leonel Diaz PORTUGUESE Juliana Todescan-Clark PHD PHARMACEUTICAL PHD SCIENCES SPECIAL Cheng Chen EDUCATION Marwan Alatawi PHD Lenell Walton PHILOSOPHY Lauren Weiss Maya Alapin

PHD STATISTICS Xin Gao PMS GLOBAL & NATIONAL SECURITY Arianna Abrams Elizabeth Encinias Nina LeBlanc Brian Miller Garret Moore Savannah Nelson Amanda Nieto

School of Law

JURIS DOCTOR Caroline Andrews Val Day-Sanchez Jordan Farrell Daniel Jaynes David Kolb Joseph Lugo Brittney Poirier Travis Shimanek Paige Terpstra MSL STUDIES IN LAW Sandra Bello Fabianna Tabeling

School of Medicine

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Dylan Brownell Isabella Cervantes Gabriela Chacon Palma Chrys Djatche de Kamgaing Eliana Garcia Clement Jose Alyssa Justus Katina Kassicieh Jolene Lobo Bridgette Love Paulina Majewska Katie Myers Paul Ratmeyer

Danielle Rivera Adam Rooks Toshiyuki Shiina Hank Spellman Michael Tompkins Lucas Winter

College of Nursing

DNP NURSING JoAnne Clinton

Bachelor’s Degrees

The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to our publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Fall 2021 Pending degrees Summer 2021 Awarded degrees

Anderson Schools of Management BBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jami Abdullah Karen Aguilar Kendall Aguilar Regina Alarcon-Arenivar Jenna Amaya Francisco Araque Yovanna Araujo Diego Arias

Raymond Arquero Dominic Baca Teanna Baca Matthew Baldonado Alec Baldwin Grant Bamberg Karen Barboan Alandra Barreda Kalinda Beach Ian Beckley Raiana Blackwater Sonya Boldt Radeesha Boone Conrad Boyle Charles Briggs Jacob Brown David Burr Matthew Burress Kelly Bynon Kyler Castillo Kyra Chavez Donovan Chavez Yanxu Chen Brennan Chua David Contreras Jonathan Coon James Costanza Benjamin Cote Nicolas Crisman EmmaJean Damon Deion D’Arco Victoria De Flon Kiana De Lara Emaleeann Eckenroth Alan Edgar Stephanie Espinosa Gabriella Estrada Lauren Eustice Breanna Farrell Valeria Fernandez Stefanie Fernandez Renee Fitzpatrick Andrew Flores Matthew Foster Luke Freimanis Antonio Fresquez Trey Gaenzle Shawn Gallegos Denika Gallegos Holly Garand Zachary Garcia Lorena Garcia-Falcon

Mikayla Garnand Christopher Girlamo Ciana Giron Abigail Gold Natalia Gomez-Legarreta Elaina Gomez-Villeda Daniel Gonzales Jarrett Gonzales Amy Gonzales Corina Gorham Daylon Granillo Zachary Groves Jose Guerrero Caleb Guerrero Justin Gurule Marina Guzman Madison Hagel Iris Hale Daniel Hammons Chelsea Henson Armando Hinojosa Caleb Holloway Muyan Hu Ariel Huntress Samantha Ismari Tristan Jerome Diana Jimenez Kevin Joe Suzanne Jones Shawn Kelly-Romero Zane Kesler Evan King Briana Kurdi Ellisen Law Yizhen Li Zirui Li Yuanjing Liao Ralph Linville Lauren Litten Esteban Llamas Isabella Lopez Jeannette Lopez Robert Lubold Viola Lucero Aaliyah Lucero Mariesa Lucero Runfa Ma Steven Macas Kaylee Maes MariaElena Maestas Elijah Malizzo Melanie Maldonado

Molly Mannila Regina Manzo Vanessa Maria Valarie Marquez Philip Martin Zachary Martinez Jeffrey Martinez Johnathon Martinez Brianna Martinez Isaiah Martinez Stephanie Martinez Cesar Martinez Serrano Corina Maynes Ryan McCourt Chance McGilvray Kelsey McKahin Bobbie McMullin Savanna Merrill Taylor Mierzejewski Bethany Mihelich Nolan Miller Christina Mitchler Jacob Molina Diamond Montano Samantha Montoya Monica Montoya Kevin Motola Steven Mullen Tarisiro Muneri Jacob Muniz Mansi Nagin Norma Nanez Joseph Nechvatal Linh Nguyen Frank Novak Dominic Nunez Mitchell Nunez Patricia Oberg Carly Olivarez Janeth Orozco Elisha Padilla Jonathan Ortiz Justin Padilla Tanner Parker Brady Patterson Aldo Perez Nathaniel Perry Iris Pham Suzy Phan Somny Phaybouth Michael Phillips Andrea Phillips

Chase Podzemny Jesus Portillo Matthew Potok Dario Quarello Dominick Quintana Maria Quintana Zane Ration Erica Reule Christopher Reyes Alejandro Rhodes Tara Rivera Claudia Rodelas Jasmine Rodriguez Connor Roe Lorrey Romero Linnea Romero Andrea Roybal Bryana Rubio Madisyn Rue Kyle Ruth Isaac Salazar Saylor Samora Vicky Sanchez Rachel Sanchez Marlena Sanchez Liza Sanchez-Goret Jameson Sander Leanor Sauri Caitlin Scott Estevan Sedillo Tobias Sedillo Angelique Sedillo Phillip Sena Akash Shukla Graham Sides Inez Silva Stephen Silversmith Slater Sivage Alicia Smith Madison Smith Jasmine Smith Christopher Stephens Yvette Tafoya Geneva Tafoya Katelynn Tapia Miriam Tennent Robert Thone Samantha Tideman Antoinette Times Cesare Tonini Edith Torres Octavio Torres

Christian Torres Tyler Trollinger Leslie Trujillo Estevan Valdez Isaiah Valdez Matthew Vance Jacquelyn Vandever Raquel Vasquez Oscar Velasquez Joseline Venegas Alexander Vesely Thomas Vieira Mike Vigil Sunny Wadhwani Jason Walker Josiah Wallschlaeger Keenan Walton David West Audra Whetten Patrycja Williams McKinzey Willis Gabriela Wilson Brandon Winter Jonathan Wright Philana Yazzie Adrianna Ybarra Eric Yellowhorse Yatisha Yoe Robert Young Owen Younkman Kunhao Zeng Binchi Zhang

Kirin Erica Santos Kelsey Santoy Natalie Stephens Raul Villasenor Brooke Williams Lilyanne Wilson BAEPD ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND DESIGN Hamza Awais Francine Bivens Willa Correia-Kuehn Madison Minard Sairis Perez Gomez David Pizarro

College of Arts & Sciences BA AMERICAN STUDIES Paris Blount

School of Architecture and Planning BAA ARCHITECTURE Zachary Apodaca Courteney Begay Hannah Bernhart Jovani Boyd Colton Cox Paul Gonzales Fernando Lujan Veronica Mares Jordan Murrieta Perla Palomino Richard Parcel Jing Qin Markus Rodriguez

BA ANTHROPOLOGY Sydney Broderick Carson Campbell Summer Chavez Stephanie Malan Kayla Parra BA BIOLOGY Nahomi Betancourt Martina Gallegos DeAndria Gallegos Kyle Gonterman Jewel Kentilitisca Isabelle Peterson Elisabeth Preuss Sebastian Salazar Lamas Steve Santos Alicia Vigil BA CHEMISTRY Miranda Balderas December Begay Nicole Jin

Congratulations 2021Graduates GOOD LUCK ON FINALS!

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Congratulations 2021 Graduates!

Sarah Mackin Infania Pimentel Abel Trevizo

Ethan Barker Eugenia Begay Jordan Blair Rachel Bower BA Elijah Bradford CHICANA Pearl Brusuelas CHICANO Madison CastellanoSTUDIES Donovan Janelle Astorga Kristina Chavez Analiese Ellis Shelbie Corey Amanda Garcia Adam Dazzo Gilbert Marquez Lauren Dinnel Nicole Flores BA Andrea Gallegos COMMUNICATION Gabrielle Garcia Alexiss Adams Aaron Gunkel Baneen Al-Tamimi Marisol Hamel Brittany Anderson Tyanne Hawthorne

Gavin Hertrich Hailee Jones Jason Macaron Christopher Martinez Terance Mathis Jordan Montoya Kyrie Osborne Cynthia Perez Johnnie Podsednik Raelynn Ray Scott Reid Christian Rodriguez Wendy Rue Adrianna Salazar Skyler Sanders Spencer Sandoval Jasmine Sigler Stuart Smith

Liberty Stalnaker Christine Tillman Staci Trehern Adrianna Trujillo Nayomi Valdez Karl Zahnle BA CRIMINOLOGY Charvea Aguilar Ellaf Al-Tamimi Jennifer Alcala Annette Bachicha Raul Barraza Rodolfo Becerril Deja Brown Lisandra Castaneda Kendra Chavez-Murphy

Ryanne Coe Marissa Cordell Evan Doll Karina Dominguez Giselle Espinosa Saxon Fleming Omar Gamboa Nancy Guerra Garcia Alyssa Holguin Brianna Johnson Johnny Leyba Savannah Martinez Estevan Martinez Jonathan Moore Brody Olson Modesto Rascon Caudilina Roer

Gabriela Saldivar Julianna Sandoval Aylin Sheehan Elaine Smith Kyra Stevens Natasha Swartz Gabryela Thomas Tyler Timms Sunaiya Trujillo Savannah Vigil-Lujan Taryn Young BA EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Celeste Brown

BA EAST ASIAN STUDIES Rose Consaul Jennifer Dinkel Symon Majewski BA ECONOMICS Luis Alva Diego Arias Abraham Brazil Andrew Chen Brandon Estrada Melanie Foucault Zachary Gibson Dylan Mauldin Roberto Morales

Heath Skroch Khoi Ton-That James Valerio

Tyra Lechner Kassandra Legarda Katherine Love Mitzy Magana Blake Moore Elisabeth Newton Jennifer Ortega Muhajir Romero Kayanna Russo Paul Shinn Tabitha Vaughan Dionna Wright

BA ENGLISH STUDIES Ariel Alexander Emma Apodaca Amy Bath Jasmine Casillas Jessica Coonrod Isabelle Daikhi Miranda De Los Santos BA Devrionzulfrome Guilford ENGLISHAbygail Gutierrez PHILOSOPHY Solana Harris Lorenzo Anzalone Nathaniel Holloway Tyler Proffit

BA FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Jasmine Vialpando BA GEOGRAPHY Leah Atkinson Bailey Cambron Dean Roberts Chancellor Rodgers BA HISTORY Michael Aguilar Nicole Arsenault Karleen Basmajian Edward Benavides

daily lobo HOUSING GUIDE 3














Housing Guide Map



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Congratulations 2021 Graduates!

Maxwell Bush Joseph Cano Alexandria Chavez Taylor Chavez Briana Cutler Margaret Deshler David Engles Frankie Flores Eric Galbiso Ana Gutierrez Rachel Hidalgo Melvin Lucero Alexa Moore Jeremy Ortega Corey Price Jalyn Romero Kelly Salaiz Monte Stamper Darryl Stock Luke Zwiener

Jessica Szabat Ilan Tena Brittany Welsh

BA LINGUISTICS Sara Alkharas Neethi Baskaran BA Jessica Fogel JOURNALISM Kayla Henshaw & MASS Jayce Pezzelle COMMUNICATION Tiani Tillet Ludella Awad BA Johnele Apodaca NATIVE Brandon Carroll AMERICAN Stephen Cyvas STUDIES Lauri Davis Dorothy Garbani-Cicero Cristina Deuel Raeann La Flame Meghan Driscoll Chambreigh Onesalt Hannah Hughes Gina Pistorio-Aikens Christina Jeter

Joseph Mioduszewski Gordon Payne Noah Solomon Britianie Teston Timothy Walsh BA INTERNATIONAL Brandon Weis STUDIES BA Haneen Abdeljawad LANGUAGES Riazullah Alkozai Jessica Zarrazola Dante Cardenas Jeanne Cruz BA Natalie Duncan LATIN AMERICAN Hannah Ferrell STUDIES Bayan Jaber Edgar Corona Castaneda Fabiola Melendez Katherine Ervin Julia Monge Sandra Martinez Caroline Peters

BA PHILOSOPHY Santi Louis Bachicha Israel Benitez Matthew Cockrell Alexandria Fortin Allison Moynihan Mari Ramsbacher Jacob Ring Ryan Tate BA PHYSICS & ASTROPHYSICS Dexter Elliott Charles Schroeder Robyn Ulibarri

BA POLITICAL SCIENCE Sean Anderson Orlando Bencomo Sarah Carpenter Nicholas Crepeau Mateo Cuellar Rachel Culbertson Antonio Dowdy Katelynn Everett Hailey Fortin Jacob Frieden Templeton Richard Garcia Jasmine Uchme Gollette Haleigh Gossett Shaun Grady Dion Hindi Blythe Hunt Carla Law Joshua Leak Naomi Livingston Andrea Loya Estevan Najera Cheyenne Nelson Kelly Ore Alyssa Ortiz Joshua Richards Eliana Roberts Jane Tabet-Kirkpatrick Jordin Tafoya Sonora Vallejos Jackson Wawrzynski Bryce Willis

BA PSYCHOLOGY Elise Aguirre Elliott Alexander Crystal Almeida Aidan Altik Gil Alvarez Christopher Andresen Christopher Andrews Yana Apostalon Addison Aragon Nancy Arnaudville Rocio Arteaga Gabriella Atencio Colleen Austin Shaylyn Baca Adrian Baca Amanda Baquera Silvia Barela Brandon Barney James Beauparlant Felicity Bell Lashanah Benally Aaron Beyer Jaseanna Bitloy Abigail Black Catherine Blackwelder Alma Bonilla Breanna Boyett Cody Burge Vito Calabrese Alondra Calderon Oceanna Camden Shalee Clark

Allison Clayton Dakoda Crawford Natalie Crouch Valeria Cruz-Lanter Elian Damian-Reyes Seth Darling Sofia Demusaj Marissa Dewyer Sarah Doney Benjamin Dorries Lavone Ealy Bianca Encee-Juarez Lesley Estrada Diaz Una Etsitty Margaret Fisher Althea Fleming Tia Ford Desiree Galano Quinn Gallagher Crista Gallegos Carlos Gandarilla Larissa Garcia Mariah Garcia Gilbert Garcia Madeline Gilbert Nicolette Gonzales Zoe Goodrow Emily Gutierrez Michael Guy Ziah Guzman Colton Hall Courtney Heinstein Jessica Henderson

Britni Henry Veronica Hernandez Bentley Holmes Iolo Hughes Mariah Ibuado Toreh Jackson Gary Jaesin Deni Johnson Danya Khweis Brianna Leyba Miranda Lopez Angela Lopez Brenda Lozoya Tiffanie Lynch Robert Maler Jennifer Marquez Ashtyn Marquez Reyna Martinez Taylor Maute Deisha Melendez Erin Melendrez Esperanza Molina Josselin Montellano Contreras Ashley Montgomery Joella Montoya Adrian Montoya Savannah Montoya Gavriella Montoya Y Tierney Colyn Morris Caitlin Mott Jenny Nguyen

Renee Tennison Camryn Tenorio Todd Tomburo Bianca Tran Veronica Trujillo Priscilla Trujillo Morgan Trujillo Katrina Tsosie Evaliz Valladares Leah Vencill Jasmine Vialpando Savannah Vigil-Lujan Nia Walls Cameron Wheatstine Sydney Wood Felicity Woods Tori Worrell Regina Zamora Alexandra Zavala Selene Zuni

Sonya Noyes Morgan Oesterling Dorothy Onikute Catalina Oselio Sequoia Padilla Megan Pellechio Andrew Pena Gabriel Peters Hilary Pierson Caitlynn Pokagon Ashley Pulte Martha Quintana Kayla Reno Evelyn Reyes Jacob Ring Israel Rivera Jacob Rivera Zeydith Robles Miquela Rodriguez Alyssa Romero Nichole Rowan Dalilah Salazar Elisha Salazar Megan Samora Shayla Sanchez Andrea Sandoval Kristi Sauceda Ashlynn Silva Robyn Silverfox Kamalpreet Singh Amber St John Ashley Steudle Jordin Tafoya

BA RELIGIOUS STUDIES Jacob Booth Jessie Fletcher Anne Laun Steven Lucas Annastasia Sewell BA SOCIOLOGY Elizabeth Castaneda Carmen Castillo

Carlos Corrales Roberta Duenas Mathew Dunivan Harrison Fullerton Savannah Gonzales Ana Hernandez Janelle Iboa Ariana Maes-Blea Calissa Matthews Russell Olson Martha Quintana Perla Salinas Katherine Santistevan Jade Summers Kyon Tom Chase Tsinigine BA SPANISH Cindy Flores Natalia Gomez-Legarreta Heidi Lopez-Escamilla Viviana Martinez Gabriela Valverde Karol Vanchaik BA SPEECH & HEARING SCIENCES Maraka Hannagan Carina Jimenez Rayann Mora Jesele Robles Wyndra Salazar Lucas







2.2.22 FOR











THE VIEW ABQ ! s u t i s i v Come

M O C . Q B A THEVIEW SE SPORT ST. N A R T 3 0 0 3 87106 M N , E U Q R ALBUQUE

5 8 1 8 . 2 1 3 . 505

• • • • • • •





Congratulations 2021 Graduates!

BA Cooper Bailey WOMEN STUDIES Aidan Griffin Ebony Booth JuanAlberto LopezNavarro BS Arlacee Luu ANTHROPOLOGY Luna Natoli Justin Muniz Ghislaine Robin Michael Rogers-Oty BS ASTROPHYSICS Ryan Stairs Ryan Stairs BS ENVIRONMENTAL BS SCIENCE BIOCHEMISTRY Miranda Dominguez Lori Fuentes Marissa Garcia Gabriel Lopez Sarah Gorrell Katharine Major Rebecca Hobart Luis Paez Beltran Vishwa Patel Corvid Platero BS BIOLOGY Kyle Aguilar Lauryn Anaya Mohammed Assed Lexi Baca Semranbir Badiesha Dipesh Basnet Elizabeth Berry Lauren Black Deborah Brown Rebekah Calderon Ashton Callahan Perla Carrasco Quezada Jocelyne Castillo Corbin Chaco Kaitlyn Chaves Natalia Chmielenko Mariela Cisco Gisselle Cruz Brandon Davis Juliana DeCore Jennifer Doan Anjali Dvorak JaJa Felix Cody Fielder Christopher Gallegos Tarjani Gandhi Janet Garcia Nodin Gaul Juliet Gilmer Aaliyah Granado Cory Griego Shayla Hanley Montana Henington Gwendolyn HoustonHatton Avital Jaloba Awtar Khalsa Cameron Kunstadt Katlyn Ludi- Herrera Jared Luna Renae Maes Pawel Marcinkiewicz Alegra Martinez Jade McLellan Laurie Milko Matthew Moleres Samantha Montoya Kevin Nguyen Destiny Paiz Michael Parraz Jordan Patrizi Bailey Paul Sapphire Persinger Cristal Rascon Jonathan Renteria Jade Richesin Phillip Romero Isaac Ruiloba Nicolette Sanchez Miranda Sanchez Matthew Schultze Andrea Serna Shelby Showalter Emily Shrock Katherine Sloma Spenser Smith Michael Sotiris Brigette Takeuchi Frances Tayaban Angel Thai Simeon Tiou Brian Torres Santareyna Trujillo Lesly Vega William Wallin BS CHEMISTRY Justin Archuleta Elizabeth Eldred Shaleigh Henry Andrew Neidhart Michael Sands BS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Holly Aikin

BS GEOGRAPHY Aaron Blecha Christopher Girlamo Kendyl Key Erich Kirchhauser William Mehle BSM ATHEMATICS Shyam Adhikari Anish Adhikari Branden Call Patrick Cooper Jonah Johnson Claire Kelly Jillian Martinez Adam Platania Talia Stape Shea Tonkinson Devin Urenda Derya Yenigun BS PSYCHOLOGY Ashanti Antonio Isaac Beltran-Larios Jonathon Call Maegan Carter Juliana DeCore Ariel Fenstermacher Jessica Gallegos Richard Ganster Carlos Garcia Sarah Gorrell Sylvia Guo Carla Hiley Gwendolyn HoustonHatton Rebecca Kinkade-Black Katherine MacCurdy Sapphire Persinger Infania Pimentel Adrienne Sena Aaron Siefert Kathleen Wenzel Alexandria Wiesel Joshua Young BS SIGNED LANGUAGE INTERPRETING Averee Ortiz BS STATISTICS Ming Li Luis Paez Beltran

College of Education and Human Science BS EXERCISE SCIENCE Dominic Tonihka BSED ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Jenise Martinez BAED SECONDARY EDUCATION Martha Diaz Zachary Rose Emily Zamudio BS COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION Savannah CastanedaLovato Grace Conlin Olivia Moss Samantha Sosa Kendrajoi Trujillo

BS EXERCISE SCIENCE Rose Baca Hope Baltzley Thea Benally Amaia Bracamontes Bailey Brion Johanna Briscoe Francisco Castillo Alyssa Correa Avadney GerardOsbourne Holly Hall Leigh James Jared Larsen Denise Layton Victoria Lira Micah Livesay Tina Nguyen Abbi Rael Jovan Roman Marissa Sandoval Jonathan Sierra Kristine Trujeque Iris Vaudrey Alyssa West Mariah Whitehorse

Veronica Varela Tamara Walker

BS FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Aaron Acosta Victoria Archuleta Brandon Barney Angelica Calabaza Natalia Garcia Tia Henderson Cinthia Herrera Anahi Holguin Starlyn Jones Dorianne Ladd Marshall Moore Marquita Nez Riley Pena Anay Solis Rivera Janine Suina

BSCNE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Dominica Bennett Anthony Diaz Jeremy Klar

BS NUTRITION & DIETETICS Sydney Pacheco BSED ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Elena Abeyta Carmen Alejandro Paige Arriza Savannah Brewer Shellie Chacon Chantel Chavez Kaylee Chavez Natalia Chavez Ted De Walt Victoria Elwell Alicia Esquibel Lauryn Gallimore Sonya Gonzales Aline Kamariza Savannah Martinez Haley Miller Paul Moore Jamie Moryosef Mikaela Ortega Rachel Patterson Paola Ramirez Aysha Ready Anna Ritter Katelyn Rock Cameron Savage Christina Sisneros Lorraine Trujillo Clarrissa Tsosie Sokara Tuck Jessica Weber BSED SPECIAL EDUCATION Mikaela Gonzales Aleah Rodriguez

School of Engineering BSCE CIVIL ENGINEERING Nathan Arnold Sam Blaine John Coose Kory Holt Tammy Huynh Benson Long Jonathan Lopez Jakeline Lopez Mendez Carlos Mendoza Andrew Nguyen Geneya Sanchez

BSCHE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Elvia Cruz Garcia Yesica Garcia Jason Heimberger Kassandra Legarda Jose Lopez Zachary Montoya Lauren Ostermann Diego Rodriguez Daneca Varela-Salazar BSCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Oscar Calderon Tena Sara Enriquez Michael Garcia Krystian Gomez Aspen Headrick Rubi Morales Stephen Pack Joan Ramos Monica Riewe Aritza Valles

BSCPE COMPUTER ENGINEERING Derek Davidson Eric Dixon Ahmed Elsawey Charles Ford Jenilee Jao Samim Khan Dinh Nguyen Sean Pluemer Benjamin Rutherford Alexis Sanchez BSCS COMPUTER SCIENCE D M Raisul Ahsan Nicholas Bacon Shane Bramley Pun Bahadur Chhetri Annel Cota Aashish Dhungana Tanner Evans Ryan Goodner Simant Guragai Brandon Harrington Suyog Raj Joshi Rohit Kathariya Tharu Christopher Leap Magnus Lindland Nicholas Livingstone Nicole Martinez Gavin McGuire Jordan Meese Amadaya Michael Mark Perea Safal Poudel Bennett Poulin Carlos Ramos Guereca Shania Salipan Sophia Secrest Mausam Shrestha Brandon Stringham Datenzing Tamang Sean Timm Matthew Timm Douglas Ubeda-Harvey Robert Van Der Leek BSEE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Arman Allahverdi Kimberly Faris Roger Holten Jordan Layman Jacqueline Mirabal Dylan Morrison Yoo Jin Park BSME MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Aaditya Acharya Marcos Alcazar Jesse Apodaca Brittany Arviso Jenai Beal-Permel Trevor Bird Jose Pablo Casasola Colston Chacon Kevin Duron Justin Fleming

Noah Fudge Luke Gray Edwin Guillen Jonathan Hernandez Kushal Kadel Sherjeel Khan Brandon Kirkpatrick Bailey Klitzke Samantha Korfe Chun Yin Lee Nha-Truc Leyva Dylan Marsh Leticia Mercado Dylan Metz Ryan Powell David Rusk Isabella Solorza John White

Danielle Cannon Stephanie Carlquist Stephanie Carman Shyanne Castle Celeste Chavira Lise Chenevert Danayara Childress BFA Cole Clafton INTERShalee Clark DISCIPLINARY FILM & DIGITAL Nathaniel Cordova Carla Couture MEDIA Julia Crowley Patrick Cooper Autumn Cruz Garrett Julian Quan Dang Elotario Trujillo Misti De Anda Wynn Wink Moran Melissa DeBoer BM Diana Delrio-Tsosie Michelle DenetclawMUSIC Livingston Erika Lovato BSNE Laura DeSantiago Stephen Schulz NUCLEAR Aitiana Diaz ENGINEERING Kylene Drake-Shadron Alexandria Ragsdale Eloise Alton Duncan Flora Valdez-Lopez Katrina Duran BS Laura Edwards Ashley Eklund EMERGENCY Dustin Engels MEDICAL Shannon Farney SERVICES BA Heather Farquhar Natalie Barbara ART EDUCATION Ramon Figueroa Alexander Caird Michael Kennedy Teresa Fisher Chase Overgaag Nakita Fluhman Alexander Romero BA Amanda Francis ART HISTORY BS Stephen Fultz Johnny Macas RADIOLOGIC D’Ana Gabaldon Erin Montano SCIENCES Melisa Galindo Jessica Rueda Simran Bhakta Samantha Gallegos Larry Blackwell BA Jude Gallegos Yvonne Castillo ART STUDIO Kimberly Gallegos Alyssa Gallegos Bridey Caramagno Nicholas Galluzzi Minghui Guo Macy Clements Lubia Garcia Eric Pantoja Christian Flaco Kimberly Garcia Jamie Ruddick Abigail Howe Angelique Garcia Andrea Schulte Mckenna Roberts Melissa Garcia Jeremy Seymour Katiana Torres Jesse Garcia Theodore Springer Brenna Garcia BA Mayra Tena Alexandra Garduno DANCE Carlee Trombley Sarah Garner Sarah Groth Condola Garrett BSDH Virginia George BA DENTAL HYGIENE Lauren Giannini FILM & DIGITAL Rachael Armijo ARTS Amy Golden Caleigh Arrington Dorian Anderson Maria Gomez Lola Freitas Dominic Banghart James Gonski Michelle Johnston Carlos Barboa Alexis Goode Selena Maldonado Anthony Chavez Ankitwana Graham Shelby Porter Christopher Del Mar Abra Granata Seitz Krista Sharp Aaron Forster Leah Gray Abraham Simmons Nicholas Galvan Elke Guenther Michele Sweeney Desiree Joseph Gaby Gutierrez Monique Tremblay Cody Murray Leslie Hailey Augustin Tafoya Maria Cecilia Haoson BSML Mateo Wells Kevin Hauck MEDICAL Magdalene Witt Emily Haynes LABORATORY Alexander Heitz-Canales SCIENCES BA Reginald Henry Dana Hart INTERNallely Hernandez Bianca Lueras DISCIPLINARY Natividad HernandezMikayla Mendoza ARTS Cruz Helen Shu Austin Anderson Jenna Hijar Lauren Smith Amber Carrillo AnneMarie Holcomb Wendy Trevizo Elena Heiss Brianna Hopkins Rosalia Olivas Robyn Howe Allyson Perea Lucky Hustead Clare Iralu BA Tina James MUSIC BSN NURSING Zandra James Morgan Ifversen Lexus Adler Arielle Jaramillo Joseph Mysza Victoria Alford Sandra Jimenez Lydia Nelson Margaret Allen Nicole Johnson Daniel Yzquierdo Karina Almanza Abigail Johnston BA Noemi Alvarez William Jones THEATRE Marlie Apperson Rebecca Juarez Mikayla Ellis Ellen Becka Apura Jacob Justice Mason Archambeault Melissa Kaduri BFA Allie Armstrong Matthew Keith ART STUDIO Victoria Artiaga Sat Kartar Khalsa Nicole Anderson Victoria Atencio Olivia Klein Abdiel Beltran Annette Baca Chengjui Kow Marcos De Jesus Jenneth Bacon-Divers Larissa Larranaga Margaret Farrell Kaitlyn Baker Heather LeDoux Amity Hibler Ana Balaskovits Trisha Lendrum Marley Hidalgo Rebecca Baldonado Monica LeRougeEric Hurbina Madeline Barela Benavidez Garrett Julian Rebekkah Barela Sananda Lobe Jillian Landolina Julio Loera Robert Lopez Andazola Erin Barreras Aubani Bell Jazmin Lowery Abygale Lowman Forest Bello Savanna Lucero Christian Solis Jaimee Benson Arissa Lucero Hiroshi Sutter Brianna Bertain Katlyn Ludi- Herrera Elizabeth Wilkinson Patricia Bilbro Taylor Lusk BFA Denise Bontly Tristin Madril DESIGN & Dawn Boozer Moriah Maitlen TECHNOLOGY Andrea Briones Patricia Mares FOR Hannah Brown Evey Markham-Sandoval PERFORMANCE Raya Burg Marissa Martinez Brittany Chato Xochitl Calderon Angelique Martinez Donna Resendez Rebekah Calderon Maria Martinez BFA FILM & DIGITAL ARTS Emily Cates Enhui Cui Nicholas Sandoval

School of Medicine

College of Fine Arts

College of Nursing

Kjersten Mathsen Meghan Matteson Katherine Matthews Charity Mbuya Claudia McCrory Omar Mendoza-Loya Kathryn Messier Amanda Miller Rachel Miller Trevelynn Monk Summer Montoya Matthew Montoya Steve Moore Nina Morales Jessica Moreland Miranda Morrison Celina-Marie Moya Duane Mullen Cheryl Murdie Hannah Navarrette Sandy Nguyen Thuy Tien Nguyen Naomi Nguyen Jennifer Nicka Chelsea Norton Ryan Nunez Laura Ornelas Destiny Orr Roxanne Ortega Gabriella Pacheco Crystal Padilla Michelle Pantoja Kyler Parkinson Monique Patula John Peifer Mara Penfil Juliana Pennington Grisel Perez Libni Perez Luis Lyndsi Pino Clarissa Pitts Kelly Plymesser Davit Poghosyan Laney Polk Rachel Porcher Mara Preciado Mary Price Lacey Prokop Analisa Puett Shayla Quintanilla Yawana Ragin Yvonne Ramos Kristi Rardin Shayna Rascon Jovanni Rel Kristin Riboni Andrea Rice Damyon Richardson Samantha Rivera Jessica Roach Hillary Roberts Bridgette Rodgers Bianca Rodriguez Roberto Rodriguez Savannah Rodriguez Carina Rodriguez Mendoza Allyson Romero Victoria Romero Rachael Romero Mackenzie Ruiz Jimenez Anella Russo Adrian Saavedra Mitzi Salazar Ashley Sanchez Brian Sanchez Rachel Sanchez Jessica Sandoval Samantha Sandoval Ashlee Santos-Martinez Margaret Schaefer Coleen Schafer Amy Seeds Nicole Sena Haley Serrano Larissa Shirley Ferrin Skartwed Katrina Smith Irene Solano Alaina Stenberg Morgan Stephens Amy Stokes Joseph Szymber Maria Tafoya Hannah Talley James Tang Kimiko Tanoue Bridget Tapia Kevin Taylor Madison Taylor-Hayden Nicholas Thiery Brandon Thompson Alyx Tilley Brandi Tillman Gyla Patricia Tipgos Taylor Torres Mikayla Torres Kendra Tortalita

Mayra Trivizo Ashley Trujillo Anselem Umeh Lauren Valdez Michael Valeriano Jeanette Vallecorsa Stephen Vann Kasaundra Vaughn Ashley Vigil Matthew Vigil Dominic Vigil Graciela Villalobos-Rios Madelyn Villanueva Ryann West-Bojen Kourtnee White Antawn Wood Danielle Wosick Diane Yazzie Sammy Yousif Jennifer Yurkovich Christine ZabawaHamilton Erika Zambrano Randell Zamora

College of Pharmacy BS PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Zinah Al Shamari Gladys Aragon Robert Baca Arianna Baros Mariah Bernal Hannah Boisvert Brianna Bustretsky Jovena Cleary Makhaila Esquibel Simone Foy Kirstin Green Rylie Grier Devin Horinek Nada Kherbik Yennhi Mai Marissa Martinez Kathryn McNeil Denise Marie Mendoza Helen Ngo Ngan Nguyen Nicholas Olivas Venessa Padilla Sajni Patel Merissa Perea Vince Quiroz Danielle Rael Sara Roach Atif Samadi Tomanda Sandoval Parisa Soltanifar Eleazar Torres Hao Vo

College of Population Health BS POPULATION HEALTH Cody Aguilar Jenene Akkad Maria Garber Erin Ham Madeline Jacoby Jewel Kentilitisca Lianna Maldonado Jules McCabe Alan Rodriguez Jasmine Russell Alexis Willis

University Libraries & Learning Science

Ryan Brophy Jordan Bur Tristan Calderwood Trista Caldwell John Carrillo Tony Collier Jessica Corona Bennie Cruz Shelby Deyapp Dorian Dixon Carlos Duran Sisy Fernandez Kevin Fetzer Frank Fogarty Josh Foley Robert Fox Andrew Garcia Jesse Garcia Maria Garcia Amanda Garley Jorge Gonzalez-Turcio Richard Guzman Holly Hall Saturnina Hines Brianna Inman Evelyn Jenkins Trenton Jennings Alan Jiang Lavelle Jones Charles Kellogg Devyn Kennedy Adrienne Kunstadt David Lepre Delino Lewis Michael LoVett Shaddrick Lowery Elizabeth Luchejko Aaron Makil Katrina Maloney Angel Martinez Gary Martinez Hannah Sara Mathews Keith McGee Ahna Mee Sophia Milcevski Augustine Montoya Michael Montoya Aubrey Montoya-Nodine Victoria Mount Monica Moya Alexandra Murphy Joey Noble Megan O’Brien Janae Padilla Victoria Panana Patrick Peek Gabriela Perez Maya Perez Austin Perez Madison Peterson Melinda Pineda John Poling Stephanie Porter Cameron Price Craig Procopio Sarah Richard Caitlyn Rivera Ahdohny Routheni Amanda Rubio Lance Russell Claire Rutland Joshua Sampson Cecille Sanchez Carla Santos Felisha Sargent David Scranton Lupe Silva John Smallwood Talia Stape Payton Strambler Correen Talley Robert Taylor Christina Thomas Benjamin Thorpe Carmelita Valdez Karissa Valdez Daron Vigil-Scott Sarah Weschler Sofia Ximenez-Byrne BISI INTEGRATIVE STUDIES & INNOVATION Kathryn Armstrong Kyle Irving

BS INSTRUCTIONAL BLA TECHNOLOGY & LIBERAL ARTS TRAINING James Arenella Mario Garcia Taamer Fasheh Meryl Fateman Anthony Gomez Lorraine Griner BA Angela Hazelet LIBERAL ARTS Tami Henri Melanie Aguilar Nizoni Loiselle Romeo Alonzo Gabriela McGivern-Plaza Alec Aragon James Miller Tatiana Ascevez Anthony Rhoads Keanu Baca Maria Torres Morgan Bailey Mauro Woody Samantha Bench

University Studies

Good luck on finals, Lobos!





The Entertainment Guide


Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk-in HIV Testing Monday: 8am-noon 801 Encino Pl NE Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Make an appointment to see what we have! (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106

Sunshine Theater Jan 31 Doors Open 7pm Hinder: Winter Tour 2022 Ages 21+ (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave Albuquerque, NM 87102

Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Mon-Thurs 11am-6pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106

Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-10pm Happy Hour 3-6pm, Mon-Fri (505) 219-2001

Enchanted Circle Brewing $5 half-dozen wings dine-in special Happy Hour 4-6pm Open 12-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Visit Meow Wolf 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–8PM (505) 395-6369

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505) 255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Tuesday Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-10pm Happy Hour 3-6pm, Mon-Fri (505) 219-2001 Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Make an appointment to see what we have! (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106 Enchanted Circle Brewing $6.95 / 2 Tacos dine-in special Happy Hour 4-6pm Open 12-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Sunshine Theater Dec 14 Doors Open 7pm Yngwie Malmsteem: Parabellum Tour All Ages! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Enchanted Circle Brewing $5 Plain-Jane burger dine-in special Happy Hour 4-6pm Open 12-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Mon-Thurs 11am-6pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106

Wednesday Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Make an appointment to see what we have! (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106

Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-10pm Happy Hour 3-6pm, Mon-Fri (505) 219-2001

Thursday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk-in HIV Testing Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-10pm Happy Hour 3-6pm, Mon-Fri (505) 219-2001 Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Make an appointment to see what we have! (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106

Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more shows! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87102 Luther House Shared Meal in front of Luther House Every Wednesday 5 pm Following the shared meal, at 6 pm, we offer a variety of Liturgical & Spiritual practices

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505) 255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk-in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505) 255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more shows! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505) 255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Mon-Thurs 11am-6pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106

Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Mon-Thurs 11am-6pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106



Know your status. Be #LoboProud


3106 CENTRAL AVE SE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 • • • • •

Canvas Printing Cotton Rag Paper Photo Enlargements Banners Y Mucho Mas

/masksymas MasksYMas.com

Happy Hour 3-6pm, Mon-Fri

Test with Truman. (505) 272-1312 Walk in HIV testing hours: Mon. 8 a.m. - noon Tues. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs. 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Charcuterie. Wine and Craft Beer.

Across from UNM! 115 Harvard SE, Albuquerque • 505-219-2001 • saltandboard.com

HAPS @DailyLobo


Thursday (cont) Visit Meow Wolf 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–8PM (505) 395-6369

Luther House Thursday Centering Prayer 12:00-1:00pm at the Duck Pond Enchanted Circle Brewing $10 Steak Dinner dine-in special $5 Martinis Happy Hour 4-6pm Open 12-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Friday Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369 Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-11pm Happy Hour 3-6pm, Mon-Fri (505) 219-2001 Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Make an appointment to see what we have! (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106 Sunshine Theater Dec 17 Doors Open 6:30pm lovelytheband Conversations with Myself About You Tour 2021 All Ages (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave Albuquerque, NM 87102 Luther House Join us to learn, discuss & take action on theological issues At the SUB ( Lower Level North Entrance) 12:00-1:00pm Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505) 255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Fri & Sat: 11am-7pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106 Enchanted Circle Brewing Stand Up Comedy Show 8pm Happy Hour 4-6pm Open 12-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Saturday Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more shows! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87102 Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369 Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Weekends open: 12:00pm-6:00 pm (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106


The Entertainment Guide

Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Fri & Sat: 11am-7pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106

Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-11pm (505) 219-2001

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more shows! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Enchanted Circle Brewing Open 12-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Salt and Board 115 Harvard SE, Suite #9 Open from 11am-10pm (505) 219-2001


Home-Gently Used Furniture Moving Out? Donate your furniture and we can pick it up! Moving in? Come See Our stuff Weekends open: 12:00pm-6:00pm (505) 361-7179 208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106

Masks Y Mas Find the best holiday gifts this season! Sun 12pm-5pm facebook.com/masksymas 505-256-4183 3106 Central Ave. SE, 87106 Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Visit Meow Wolf 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–8PM (505) 395-6369 Enchanted Circle Brewing NFL Sunday Ticket $1 Beer Flights Open 11-9 505-433-2642 6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, 87106

Moving Out? Can’t take it? We’ll pick it up!




Welcome Home! Hope. Opportunity. Mindful. Empowerment.

208 Dartmouth Dr. NE 87106 (505)361-7179


Monday – Thursday: Hours Vary Open Friday & Saturday: 11-5 pm Closed Sundays or by appointment


Luther House

All are welcome! Progressive, Inclusive, Evolving.

wednesday evening shared meal 5pm Enjoy food and fellowship in the front yard of Luther House each Wednesday evening wednesday night liturgy 6pm Following the shared meal on Wednesday evenings, we offer a variety of liturgical and spiritual practices thursday centering prayer We offer a time of respite and centering prayer each Thursday at the Duck Pond. 12:00pm-1:00pm. Learn a variety of ways to pray and ground yourself in your faith friday people’s theology at the SUB Join us on Friday’s 12:00pm-1:00pm, just outside the SUB (lower level, north entrance) to learn, discuss, and take action around contemporary theological issues

North of Dane Smith Hall 1805 Las Lomas Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87106 505.615-2688

Follow Us: @LutherHouseNM Email Us: Lcmunmcnm@gmail.com

December 2021 Special Events

Coming Soon DEC 13-15


DEC 13-15


3:30 PM 8:15 PM

DEC 16 8 PM

DEC 17

10:30 PM

6 PM

DEC 17-22 5:30 PM

DEC 18 10 :30 PM


DEC 30 12 PM

3405 Central Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM

505.255.1848 www.guildcinema.com

DEC 17-22


3 PM, 8 PM














Olivia Moss graduates with love for community By Zara Roy

put into place. So COVID has really allowed us to be on campus,” Moss said. @zarazzledazzle Moss said the direct outreach Olivia Moss is a University of on campus was an interesting New Mexico student graduat- learning opportunity for her, and ing with a Bachelor of Science in she enjoyed being able to gain a health education. After moving to broader perspective. New Mexico from Colorado, Moss “We got a lot of insight from found a home in Albuquerque and those conversations: the ones that plans to continue immersing her- weren’t the praises, the ones that self in the community she’s found were kind of negative … I didn’t a love for. have any choice in that mandatOriginally from Denver, Colo- ing conversation, but it’s nice to rado, Moss came to UNM on a be thinking of both sides and why scholarship and has since fallen (people were) against this at first,” in love with the culture and land- Moss said. scape of Albuquerque. As a foodie Sami Sosa, a senior majoring and social butterfly, Moss enjoys in community health education, New Mexican food and loves ex- met Moss through their mutual ploring the city’s restaurant scene work in the Lobo Prevention Pack. with friends. Knowing that her Sosa said Moss was the seniorfamily is just a phone call away, most member of the group when Moss plans on staying in New she joined and was impressed by Mexico for the near future. Moss’ leadership skills. Moss characterizes herself as “She felt comfortable enough very empathetic, drawing her walking up to someone who moods from those around her. wasn’t wearing a mask, and she’d “I love being around people, kindly give them a mask and say, and I think that’s how I gain my ‘These are our protocols for UNM, Final Final Exam Schedule for Fall Exam Schedule for2021 Fall 2021 energy,” Moss said. if you don’t mind putting your of December 13-18 13-18 Moss is grateful that she spent mask on.’Week Week December … (She) was of usually her final undergraduate semesters professional enough and respectUse the Use listing below tobelow determine the final exam forbe your class. Exams takewill place in place roomsininrooms whichinthe individual classes have listing to determine final exam schedule for your class. Exams take which the individual classes have as the senior student ambassador forthe fulschedule enough to able to get themwill the Lobo Prevention Pack Program, to put mask on A orin put been meeting, unless otherwise announced by the instructor. A change thetheir final exam day/time may onlymay be only madebewith thewith approval of the of the been meeting, unless otherwise announced by their the instructor. change in the final exam day/time made the approval a College studentDean. COVID-19 mask overbetheir nose, even they Instructor's Notification of approval must received by the ifScheduling Office before 5, 2021.5,Exams lab times Instructor's College Dean.prevention Notification of approval must be received by the Scheduling OfficeNovember before November 2021. for Exams for lab times team. She said she’s never felt more didn’t agree with it,” Sosa said. of a section may be may givenbeduring week finals week at the period having having of a section given the during thepreceding week preceding finalsorweek ortime at the time listed periodbelow listedduring below finals duringweek. finals Students week. Students involved on campus than she does Still, the pandemic created a conflictsconflicts with exam schedule must notify appropriate instructor before Friday, October 29, 2021. with this exam schedule mustthe notify appropriate instructor Friday, October 29, 2021. now,this despite the pandemic, and lot ofthechallenges for Moss before as

a highlight of her year was when a student, especially last semester Please recognize that students take multiple exams and thatand many theseofare offered at specific times intimes observance of the final exam Please recognize that students take multiple exams thatofmany these are offered at specific in observance of the final exam the Lobo Prevention Pack received when “we hardly knew anything” schedule. If you do not wish to follow this exam schedule, it is important to provide students with a broad window of time for exam schedule. If you do not wish to follow this exam schedule, it is important to provide students with a broad window of time for exam UNM’s Lucy Outstanding Pack about COVID-19. John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901 completion (12 hours more)orso that so youthat are you not creating an exam time conflict for them. Best practices for exams in remote contexts completion (12orhours more) are not creating an exam time conflict for them. Best practices for exams in remote contexts Award in June. “I didn’t even have my vaccine Moss is conditions graduating this from UNM a degree in community “COVID really me April There was practicing definitely include providing students withallowed a broad of time for completion, theOlivia exam taking withsemester thewith students, and with providing include providing students with awindow broad until window of … time for completion, practicing the exam taking conditions the students, and providing health education. to do my internship … We were a big hurdle of anxiety of coming a way for a student to communicate with the instructor if their internet connection fails during the exam. a way for a student to communicate with the instructor if their internet connection fails during the exam. so she can walk with her boyfriend and I want to walk with him; I want able to hand out masks and pro- back in person,” Moss said. andscheduled friends. toatwalk with all by ofupon my friends that tective equipment to students. Though Moss is graduating this NOTE: Exams for classes meeting at times other than those listed below will be scheduled during the week ofweek finalsof atfinals a time agreed upon NOTE: Exams for classes meeting at times other than those listed below will be during the a time agreed by “Since my freshman year, we’ve I’ve made these years,” Moss said. This semester we’ve focused on semester, she plans to walk in the the faculty and students. Notification must bemust sent be to the Office before 5, 2021.5,If2021. postponed due to inclement themember faculty member and students. Notification sentScheduling to the Scheduling OfficeNovember before November If postponed due to inclement After graduation, Moss hopes a lot of policies and protocols to spring commencement ceremony gone through everything together, weather,weather, exams will be rescheduled at the end of finals in week an arrangement that seeks best address University classroom scheduling, exams will be rescheduled at the end ofweek finals in an arrangement thattoseeks to best address University classroom scheduling, weatherweather projections and student's needs. needs. projections and student's




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Thursday, December 16 Thursday, December 16 Monday,Monday, December 13 December 13 Monday,Monday, December 13 December 13 Monday,Monday, December 13 December 13 Monday,Monday, December 13 December 13

12:30-2:30 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 3:00-5:003:00-5:00 p.m. p.m. 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.




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to receive her Master of Business Administration at UNM. Though still unsure about career paths, Moss is interested in hospital administration. Moss said she feels pulled in two different directions; she very much enjoys her work in the health sector, but she also feels drawn to the social nature of her sales job, and is considering marketing as a career path. “I don’t know what the next step is in my life, which is kind of crazy, but at the same time, I’m okay with it, I think,” Moss said. Currently, she volunteers with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, where volunteers are matched with children they mentor and create connections with. Moss has made very strong bonds with the young girl she mentors in the program. “We met when she was 10, and she turned 13 two weeks ago, so it’s been so fun to watch her grow up over the years,” Moss said. After seeing Moss act as a guiding but understanding force to others in the Lobo Prevention Pack, Sosa envisions a bright future for her friend. “She has this trait about her where she really likes to take charge. She really likes to be a leader, but she’s also really kind and really friendly,” Sosa said. No matter what direction her career path takes her, Moss hopes to remain involved in her community. Zara Roy is the news editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @zarazzledazzle


Use this listing to determine the final exam schedule for your class. Exams will take place in the rooms in which the individual classes have been meeting, unless otherwise announced Exams for lab times of a section may be given during the week preceding finals week or at the time period listed below *All sections numbered below 300 for Foreign and Literatures, Spanish Spanish and Portuguese. *All sections numbered below 300 for Languages Foreign Languages and Literatures, and Portuguese. **Saturday only courses onmeet the last of the semester for theirfor exams, the Saturday beginning Finals Week. finals week. **Saturday only meet courses on Saturday the last Saturday of the semester theirnot exams, not the Saturday beginning Finals Week. during Office of the Office Registrar, University ofUniversity New Mexico of the Registrar, of New Mexico




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