Daily Lobo 4/26/2021

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Monday, April 26, 2021 | Vo l u m e 1 2 5 | I s s u e 3 1

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Grad student union held digital rally for Week of Union Action By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716

On April 19, the United Graduate Workers of UNM held a digital rally to kick off “Rally for Recognition: A Week of Union Action” to pressure the University of New Mexico to recognize graduate students’ rights to unionize. The union aims “to resolve long-standing issues over compensation, benefits and job security and to improve education and research conditions.” The organization is currently in hearings with the New Mexico Public Employees Labor Relations Board to win recognition as a union. According to the union website, UNM administration argues that grad students cannot be considered employees and thus are not protected under the Public Employee Bargaining Act. UNM political science graduate student Samantha Cooney said because the union has over 1,000 members, the University is just stalling and wasting tuition dollars. She encouraged rally attendees to email UNM administration “to stop

Nicholas Romero / Daily Lobo / @nicromerophoto

Protesters stand in front of President Stokes’ house on campus at a Grad Union Rally held in January 2021.

this senseless legal battle that we know our union will win anyway.” Joe Ukockis, a history student pursuing his doctorate degree, talked about the recent survey report the union released that describes grad student working conditions and potential solutions. Ukockis touched on a variety of issues, including unlivable wages, inadequate healthcare packages, unpaid

hours and fear to address harassment and discrimination. Ukockis said these lack of benefits “exacerbate institutional inequality.” The MIT Living Wage Project calculates that $23,213 is the necessary amount for a single adult without dependents to balance the yearly cost of “bare necessities,” according to the report. The minimum stipend for graduate workers

is only $14,225 per year. Guest speakers at the rally included: Melanie Stansbury, the New Mexico state representative for the 28th district, Mina Sardashti, member of UNM Committee for Interns and Residents (CIR), Jessamyn Lovell, UNM senior lecturer, Sofia Jenkins-Nieto, member of UNM Leaders for Environmental Action and Foresight (LEAF), and Andrea Haverkamp, president of the Coalition of Graduate Employees at Oregon State University. A letter was also read by Cooney from the National Union of Hospital and Healthcare Employees District 1199NM. These organizations pledged solidarity to the unionization efforts. UNM’s recent tuition increase was brought up by Jenkins-Nieto, who questioned why UNM needs more tuition money when she feels the administration continues to waste money and resources on this unionization battle. “Not only are (grad students) people who deserve a living wage and to be able to live happy fulfilling lives as students and workers, but if they’re working and living in horrible conditions, then that

means undergrad education suffers as well,” Jenkins-Nieto said. “We pay the same tuition no matter if it’s a grad worker or a tenured professor teaching our classes.” An attendee brought up the possibility for a strike near the end of the rally during the Q&A session. Graduate student Kelsey Treviño said a strike is last resort and would be well-planned, emphasizing that grad workers wouldn’t just stop teaching. The rally also brought up the lack of administrative support for the union, and the letter from District 1199NM specifically questioned UNM Provost James Holloway for telling the Albuquerque Journal that the “university recognizes the rights of our graduate students to decide to organize,” and changing course once the unionization efforts actually began. Haverkamp said the student union at Oregon State University suffered similar battles when unionizing because the administration was only “trying to focus on big profits and what they are interested in.” She said this goes against


Grad Union page 2

Prolific LA photographer returns to roots at UNM photo department By Liberty Stalnaker @DailyLobo Mark McKnight is an artist and assistant professor of photography at the University of New Mexico. Working primarily in black-and-white analog photography, the works showcased on McKnight’s portfolio website depict jagged desert landscapes, nude figures, sex acts and cloudspotted skies. “Landscape, body, transcendence, or even the spiritual, the erotic, my identity — I’m brown, Nuevomexicano, but also mixedrace, so I have a complicated relationship to identity — if I had to sum it up with one word, it would be the subjective,” McKnight said, describing the concepts his photography portrays. “As a being in the world, I can only speak for myself. My work is a reflection of my subjectivity, which is, I think, what it is for everyone,” McKnight said. Such work garnered McKnight

Aperture’s 2019 Portfolio Prize. The publication noted that in his work, “the body, the physical world and the built environment begin to merge” and that McKnight’s stark portrayal of nude male figures challenged Eurocentric beauty standards and made “straight photography a little less straight.” McKnight was born in Los Angeles, and his mother was the only child in her family to be born outside of New Mexico. As such, McKnight has a long family relationship with the state, a connection he says deeply influences his work. “I don’t know a ton about my family history because my grandfather, as I think many men of a certain generation from New Mexico did, for a variety of reasons, suffer from alcoholism,” McKnight said, explaining that his grandfather severed ties from his family and fled to Los Angeles as a young man in an attempt to flee prosecution for a crime. This intergenerational trauma tied to New Mexico is another subject McKnight said his work covers. McKnight’s introduction to pho-

tography as an art form was almost by accident. “There was an arts requirement in the public school I went to, and I didn’t think of myself as much of an artist. I wasn’t from an ‘arty’ family, and I took photography I think because it seemed like the medium that required the least artistic skill,” McKnight said with a laugh. “And then I ended up falling in love with it.” This love grew as McKnight continued his work, eventually utilizing photography as his primary artistic medium. “I love all mediums but there’s something (magical) about photography. I love images that are at least, at times, slightly surreal, and I think photography’s a great medium for manufacturing other worlds, but also producing images that feel very believable,” McKnight said. “I like photography because I can walk that line. Photography’s where I’m most at home.” Though McKnight says he doesn’t privilege any methods of photography over others, he de-

Inside this Lobo ROGERS: UNM LEAF calls for climate action at Earth Day Rally (pg. 2) SCOTT: ‘There must be other names for the river:’ A sonic call to action (pg. 3) JACKSON: LETTER: ‘Dr. Dennis Jackson of the SHC turns 80 (pg. 4)

Courtesy Photo

UNM associate professor Mark McKnight. Photo courtesy of Mark McKnight.

scribed a special affinity for analog, or film photography. “I think one of the things that I really grew to appreciate is that the darkroom, and working with film — it really forces me to slow down. I think we live in an increasingly very fast world that privileges convenience, and in a world that is image-saturated. I really love meditating over the subject under a dark cloth,” McKnight said, referencing the piece of light-proof material a photographer might use to cover

their head and a large format view camera when photographing. “I love being in the darkroom and reflecting … as latent images materialize on silver (halide) paper, and thinking about what drew me to the subjects I photograph,” McKnight said. Considering his long-standing familial, personal and artistic relationship with New Mexico, McKnight said he was elated


McKnight page 2

GERSTLE, JENKINS-NIETO, HARPER: LETTER: UNM must lead the way in addressing climate crisis (pg. 4) GLEASON: Albuquerque theaters barely surviving difficult season (pg. 5) MATA: REVIEW: ‘Mortal Kombat’ delivers a much anticipated reboot (pg. 6) PUKITE: ABQ protesters gather in wake of nationwide police killings (pg. 7)


PAGE 2 / MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021

Grad Union

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inclusion and diversity and the needs of workers and families. Lovell, a member of the United Academics for UNM, praised the grad workers for going through an intensive process and said working with unions is the only way the administration is going to benefit overall. “We’re the educators. We’re the


from page


knowledgeable ones,” Lovell said. “And they might want to take a note from us.” Sardashti drew parallels between residents and grad students, reiterating that their labor is a significant factor in bringing in money for the University. “The only difference is that UNM recognizes us as residents and em-

ployees for years while graduate workers continue to be treated as students and not the laborers they so clearly are,” Sardashti said. Stansbury reflected on her own time at graduate school and reiterated that grad students make universities functional, expressing how wrong it is that these educators have some of the lowest

salaries in the state. “You all are teaching the next generation of students,” Stansbury said. Lovell said there is no question that the grad union will win, and that now is the time to start organizing what the union will look like when it’s finalized. “Right here, right now, we're making history,” Lovell said. “You

are making history.”

opened up it felt like a dream come true, and in some ways I felt like there was no way I could not end up at UNM.” McKnight’s passion for UNM and the task of teaching is one his students clearly recognize. “(McKnight’s) love for photography comes through when looking at our work,” Race Dillon, a UNM

art student and member of McKnight’s current graduate seminar, said. “He offers tough but caring feedback — I say caring because he is sensitive about stifling creativity. He encourages us to produce lots of work and enjoy the process.” Such sentiments were echoed by a former student of McKnight’s, Lacey Chrisco, who is

now an assistant art curator at the Albuquerque Museum. “We take photography for granted these days so it's easy to look at old photographs and not fully embrace how radical they might have been when they were made,” Chrisco said. “Mark always emphasized reading them in the context of their time and understanding how

photography has such potential to imagine the world in new ways. It's that notion that encourages me to keep making photos.”

Megan Gleason is the news editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716


when an opening for a position as associate professor in UNM’s photography department came up. “I had long been a fan of many of the alumni of the program. It has long had a significant and important reputation and plays, I think, an integral role in the history of photography in the United States,” McKnight said. “When the position

Liberty Stalnaker is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @DailyLobo


UNM LEAF calls for climate action at Earth Day Rally By Avery Rogers @DailyLobo

“Divest from polluters, invest in the future,” protesters chanted on April 22 at an Earth Day rally and march at the University of New Mexico. The event was hosted by the campus organization UNM Leaders for Environmental Action and Foresight (LEAF). UNM LEAF is a group of UNM students and staff dedicated to addressing climate change and potential actions to take to lessen humanity’s impact on the natural world, according to the organization’s website. The event started on Johnson Field, where signs were given out and opening statements were made by UNM LEAF’s Director of Operations Kineo Memmer and Director

of Student Outreach Sofia JenkinsNieto. The crowd then split into smaller groups to comply with social distancing and began to march their way further into campus. “Hurricanes, storms and quakes. How much more can we take?” protesters said. The march ended at the duck pond, where groups sat on the grass and listened to members of UNM LEAF present individual experiences that led them to the common goal of advocating for the environment and implementing climate action in their community. “What do we want? Climate action! When do we want it? Now!” attendees called. As part of the rally, UNM LEAF members brought a compilation of 2020-2021 resolutions pertaining to climate change from the ASUNM

and Faculty Senate governments, a letter about the need for UNM to take climate action and a petition with the goal of persuading UNM to update its climate plan. These documents were received by UNM Chief of Staff Terry Babbitt to be later passed on to President Garnett Stokes. “We want UNM to update the climate action plan, divest from fossil fuels, increase opportunities for environmental education on campus, transition to a carbon-and-wastefree campus by 2030 and declare a climate emergency,” Memmer said. “So, we’re here rallying for all of those points.” Avery Rogers is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo

Avery Rogers / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Rally-goers pose with their sign on Johnson Field, where the organization UNM LEAF held an Earth Day Rally advocating for stronger climate action on behalf of UNM.

Avery Rogers / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Avery Rogers / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Speaker Victoria Gonzales (left) poses for a picture as attendees hold up their signs in solidarity with UNM LEAF.

The Daily Lobo is digital first! The Daily Lobo will publish new content every day on our website, dailylobo.com, on our mobile app, and publish a print issue every Monday and Thursday!








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Victoria Gonzales (left) and Sofia Jenkins-Nieto (right) conclude the event and announce an open mic night celebration to be held at Ancora Café and Bakery after the rally.



MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 / PAGE 3

‘There must be other names for the river:’ A sonic call to action By John Scott

@JScott050901 “There Must Be Other Names for the River” greets visitors of the virtual exhibit with this sentence: “The river is the reason we can live in this part of the arid high desert. It’s why there are animals and plants, villages and cities. And it’s drying up.” The exhibition consists of a “22 minute sound performance,” with recordings of six different singers, each embodying streamflow data, numerical data collected to analyze the flow of the Rio Grande, collected from the 1970s to now and into “possible futures.” The audience is given the choice to listen to these recordings simultaneously or individually. The tracks consist only of the one singer interpreting the streamflow data using their voice as well as different audio effects, like distortion or reverb. Marisa Demarco, who worked alongside Jessica Zeglin and Dylan McLaughlin to create the project, described it as “a web-based sound installation” that includes “contextual and historical information about the river.” The project was originally intended to be an in-person exhibit at the University of New Mexico Art Museum, according to the museum’s director Arif Khan. However, the project had to be transferred to a virtual setting due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We did some research and found a web developer who has experience working with arts organizations and artists and it evolved into what this current iteration is, which is a purely web-based art exhibition,” Khan said. The audio tracks are accompanied by an interactive map for visitors to scroll through as they listen to the recordings. The map traverses the Rio Grande, starting at the “Headwaters” and finishing at the “Mouth of the River.” These different locations along the Rio

Grande coincide with the labels of the audio tracks: “Headwaters,” “Albuquerque,” “Below Elephant Butte,” “Juárez/ El Paso,” “Big Bend” and “Mouth of the River.” “That outline of the river that you scroll through, when they performed it live, that was projected onto a wall and slowly cycled through the years,” Khan said. “It wasn’t exactly the same as the website, but that movement through the river was happening even during the live performance.” As the map unravels, differ-

ent environmental and historical facts and events about the Rio Grande appear. Reporter Laura Paskus, in a video on the project’s website, said there’s a difference between the mismanagement of the river’s water then and the effect global warming is having on the river now. “It didn’t dry all the time because there wasn’t enough water, it dried all the time because of how it was managed,” Paskus said. According to Demarco, Paskus’ writing served an important role in

Ryan Dennison performing, 2019. Photograph by Dylan McLaughlin.

Courtesy Photo

the formation of the exhibit. “It motivated me,” Demarco said. “It’s where I found this piece.” After exploring the main exhibition, visitors are encouraged to view the “Tributaries” section of the website where they can submit their own music, recount a memory or story about the river, or even perform a piece of music composed for the project. This section also includes a few different audio tracks from those who have already submitted to the project. “That makes the online installation kind of an evolving album, right?” Demarco said. “It’s something that, over the course of this year, is going to change and be a different collection of music from people who live all up and down the river.” Demarco hopes that this sense of community and memory will motivate people to care about the issues the river faces. “(The Rio Grande has) always been a place I’ve hung out. Most recently, I am grieving the loss of a friend and colleague, Hannah Colton, who also sang a part of the river piece when we did a big Albuquerque choir,” Demarco said. “So I’ve been at the river a lot. I’ve walked it almost every single day since she passed in November. It’s just a place that I go to walk and to reflect and to try to feel better.” John Scott is a senior reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @JScott050901

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The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Monday, April 26, 2021

Opinion Editor / opinion@dailylobo.com

LETTERS Dr. Dennis Jackson of the SHC turns 80 Dr. Dennis Jackson, otherwise known as Den, worked at the University of New Mexico Student Health Center for 40 years. That being the case, he’s somewhat of a legend around Albuquerque; many have visited him for medical advice and know his characteristic look from seeing him on and around campus. Den was born on May 6, 1941 and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. He has five brothers, as he’ll sing-songily tell you the order: Biff, Den, Steve, Robert and Randy. His father, Frank, was also a physician (as was his father before him), and his mother Kathleen a nutritionist. They met at Bellevue in New York City while studying in their respective fields. He can recall historic moments growing

up, like the civil rights marches in Montgomery with Martin Luther King Jr. and play dates at his friend’s house whose nanny was Rosa Parks. Den attended Vanderbilt University for medical school then eventually made his way west to find more progressive culture after a lifetime of witnessing much racism in the south. Den is a published author of his book, “Azure Hearse,” which documents the time between Vanderbilt and his eventual settling down in Albuquerque. As one of Den’s six children, I know his legend extends beyond that wild hairdo and doctor of many. To me, he’s the ultimate family man — unwavering in his love and support for his large kinship. He

made sure us kids always knew the value of our cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, parents and siblings. He’d take us south every summer to see everyone in Alabama and splash at the beach in Florida. If he saw wrongdoing, he would loudly call it out, whether it be racism, homophobia, houselessness; he has long lasting friendships with many houseless folks around Albuquerque for whom he always makes it a point to give money and have a chat. These days, Den lives a quiet life in retirement with his loving partner Karen and their little dogs. He frequents Frontier restaurant with his regular order of green chile stew and reads all the papers every day. Karen volunteers her time at the local animal shelter, and they always

have animals in most need of care in their home where they tenderly nurse them back to health and make sure they get adopted. I feel incredibly lucky to have such a dad as Den. He always tells me he loves me and he’s saved my life more than once — most notably, twice: in the summer of ‘98, while walking home from the Student Health Center together, he stopped to chat with his friend on her bicycle in front of the SUB. A loud crack came out of the sky, and without knowing what it was, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the ground, saving me from half a cottonwood tree that spontaneously broke off its trunk in a rare occurrence called Summer Limb Fall. The second time, a Delta 737

plane was flying us back from Alabama through Dallas-Fort Worth and the landing gear failed. Everyone on the plane panicked as we went down, except for Den, who instructed the passengers to sit down, buckle up and shut up. He was hailed in the Journal for his heroic acts in getting everyone off the plane safely to the bunker that day. And so he’s gotten so many of us safely to our next destination, time and time again. Happy 80th, dad. You promised to stick around for my daughter Luella’s 21st birthday in 21 years, and to that I’ll hold you true.

6. Make climate awareness a part of our teaching curriculum. 7. Fund research projects that attempt to solve the climate change problem. 8. Divest from investments in fossil fuel production and invest in renewable energy companies. 9. Help people who work in the fossil fuel industry to develop the skills necessary for a zero-carbon economy. UNM must show leadership in

overcoming our carbon addiction. We can be leaders in addressing this existential crisis. If not us, who? If not now, when?

Chandley Jackson

UNM must lead the way in addressing climate crisis The climate crisis will not be solved unless we make changes — personal, social, economic and political. We know that if we continue to burn fossil fuels, temperatures will rise to unacceptable levels within our lifetimes. Indeed, New Mexico is already in a megadrought, and forests are disappearing due to wildfire, drought and beetle infestation. So far this year, we have received less than half of the normal precipitation.

What part can UNM play in addressing the climate crisis? Here are a few suggestions: 1. Stop burning natural gas to produce electrical power, heat and cool the campus. By redesigning our Ford Utility Building and Yale utility plant to use only renewable electricity, provided by PNM or by a community solar project, for campus utilities, we will reduce campus-generated

greenhouse gases. 2. As our fossil-fuel burning vehicles end their lives, purchase only electric, zero-carbon vehicles, including campus buses. 3. Install electrical vehicle chargers in campus parking lots. 4. Install more solar panels on buildings for both electrical generation and for heating. 5. Expand upon the composting program at La Posada for all UNM food needs.

By Victor Martinez / Daily Lobo / @sirbluescreen


Walter Gerstle, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering Sofia Jenkins-Nieto, UNM Student Raina Harper, ASUNM Senator

By Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR

Volume 125 Issue 31 Editor-in-Chief Alex McCausland

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News Editor Megan Gleason

Culture Editor Megan Gleason

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Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

PO @DailyLobo


MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 / PAGE 5

Albuquerque theaters barely surviving difficult season


By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716

Local theaters in Albuquerque continue to scrape by as closure remains constant due to state safety mandates. Along with the continuous loss of employees, many local theaters are now relying on virtual operations and new sources of funding to prevent a permanent shutdown. New Mexico is currently operating under a county-by-county tiered color-coding system that’s dependent on the amount of cases per 100,000 inhabitants, as designated by the New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH). The levels are red, yellow, green and turquoise, each with varying levels of restrictions. Theaters, which are considered a large entertainment venue, may reopen with public audiences at a 25% capacity when counties hit the green level. Bernalillo county is currently at the yellow level, which only allows theaters to operate without a physical audience at a 25% maximum capacity in order to record or broadcast, according to the NMDOH. Because of this, local theaters in Albuquerque, such as the Guild Cinema and the Albuquerque Little Theatre (ALT), have turned to online streaming as a solution. “Fortunately we were situated so that we could keep producing even though we don’t have live audiences,” Henry Avery, executive and artistic director of the ALT, said. However, not all audiences are satisfied with virtual theaters. Caitlin Kelly, a local actress, said part of this is because theater depends on physical community. “It’s hard to differentiate yourself in a virtual way as a theater because there are only so many ways you can present theater virtually … One of the incredible things about theater in the first place is the connection between audiences and actors, and you lose a lot of that communication

in a virtual setting,” Kelly said. Avery said 85% of the ALT’s funding comes from ticket sales, so the business has turned to relying on funding from grants and patrons to continue operations. “We’ve applied for everything that we could and we’ve been very fortunate in what we’ve been able to generate through the grants, through the donations. So we’re still there,” Avery said. Keif Henley, the owner of the Guild Cinema, also said grants and patron donations have been extremely helpful in running the cinema. “We’re limping along and we’re burning into our savings a little bit but we’re not in a danger zone thankfully,” Henley said. “But we can’t do this forever.” However, there was so little money coming into the Guild Cinema that Henley had to lay off not only the other three employees that worked there, but also himself. He currently continues all virtual operations for the business without pay. Avery said the ALT’s cut down on their staff as well. “A lot of us are working more than we did when we were still just producing shows in the theater because there’s a lot of work involved with the online presentations, with going after the grants and seeking funds,” Avery said. “Putting all this together — it’s a lot of work, if not more than we’re normally doing.” Another avenue local theaters are exploring is virtual education settings, Kelly said. Kelly brought up the Vortex Theatre, which hosts the New Mexico Shakespeare Festival. The organization is using that in-depth knowledge from the festival to virtually teach students about Shakespeare during the pandemic. “It’s through show and not just tell,” Kelly said. Avery said in the 91 years that the ALT has been open, there hasn’t ever been a situation that has required a closure of this length. However, Kelly remains positive that theaters will persist, adding that this isn’t the first

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

The Albuquerque Little Theater, located off of Central Avenue and San Pasquale Avenue, has remained closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

plague that has impacted theaters. “We as actors and directors and the people who want to make those stories come alive can persevere through; it’s just (that) we’re in the thick of it,” Kelly said. “That’s hard to see a lot of the time.” Henley questioned what makes movie theaters different from gyms or churches when considering what can open in the pandemic. In accordance with the state’s Public Health Order on April 23, churches are now allowed to operate at 100% capacity regardless of the NMDOH color-coding designation. The new order came after a recent Supreme Court case which struck down COVID-19-related health restrictions for houses of worship, according to KRQE. “If health officials are allowing these other things to be open at some capacity, I kind of feel like movie theaters could be included in that,” Henley said. Henley compared going to a movie theater to riding an airplane,

where everyone is facing one direction in a small space for an extended amount of time. “One advantage we’ve got is everybody’s facing the same direction and you shouldn’t be talking during a movie, unless it’s the Rocky Horror Picture Show or something like that, which I don’t think is going to happen for a while,” Henley said. Once counties reach the turquoise level, the NMDOH will allow theatres to operate at 33% capacity. Henley said the Guild has been installing a new filtration system to assist in preventing the spread of COVID-19. In addition, the ALT has been planning future productions with minimal staff involvement. According to the Wall Street Journal, movie-goers are excited to go back to movie theaters, especially as they begin to reopen around the nation. The Associated Press reported that theaters have already reopened across the na-

tion, but New Mexico is one of the last states to delay openings. “I think there’s going to be a part of the population that’s going to be really eager to start going out again, if they haven’t already. I think movie theaters are one of the things that are missed, and I’m not saying that just to bolster business; I think that’s true,” Henley said. “Across the board, I think a lot of people miss going to the movie theaters. They’re tired of being cooped up at home.” Still, Henley said he would rather open when it’s safe, not just legal. “There’s going to be a part of the population that’s not going to feel safe going out, and so I think virtual cinema is going to be here for a while,” Henley said. Megan Gleason is the news editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

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PAGE 6 / MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021




‘Mortal Kombat’ delivers a much anticipated reboot By Jesus Mata

@JesusMataJr99 This review contains spoilers Fans of the innovative video game franchise have been eager to have someone take another chance on making a live action film since the release of the original in 1995. The wait is now over as “Mortal Kombat” is available in the U.S on HBO Max and in theaters as of April 23. The film serves as an origin story, setting up character arcs for Hanzo Hasashi (aka Scorpion), Bi-Han (aka Sub-Zero), Jax and a newly added character to the franchise, Cole Young, a descendent of Hasashi. The movie still keeps up the same story that everyone has followed throughout the games — the champions of Earthrealm have to fight and defeat the champions of Outerworld in

order to save Earthrealm. The film had a decent amount of fighting and gore to help keep you engaged and interested, but felt limited in regards to the amount of characters that appear in the film. “Mortal Kombat” also features Sonya Blade, Kano, Lord Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Mileena, Nitara, Reiko, Kabal and Goro, but there are many more characters that the sequels, if any, can explore. I’ll give the filmmakers the benefit of the doubt and wait for potential sequels to satisfy this aspect of the franchise, because there’s a litany of other characters that need to make an appearance. Another big missing component is the game’s main protagonist, Johnny Cage. Not only is Cage missing from the film, but it feels like they replaced him with this new character, Young. While the filmmakers wanted to take a different direction than what everyone was used to, Young feels out of place, and it turns more into a movie where the oth-

er characters help him find his “arcana” (special unique powers) rather than focusing on the tournament itself. I appreciate what they are trying to do because it helps people get introduced to the franchise, but it left me wanting more. This movie does a good job with the fighting sequences, as they don’t look fake or awkward, but characters saying phrases like “fatality” or “flawless victory” felt out of place and unnecessary. Overall, the movie was enjoyable and the potential for sequels gives the filmmakers a chance to expand on the story and other characters even further. If you're a newcomer or fan of the franchise, this is a good choice for home viewing, but it’s not a movie where I’d feel like I got my money’s worth if I saw it in theaters. Jesus Mata is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @JesusMataJr99


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Mortal Kombat poster. Courtesy of IMDB.

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MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2021 / PAGE 7

ABQ protesters gather in wake of nationwide police killings

Madeline Pukite / Daily Lobo / @madelinepukite

Protesters gather in the area where Claude Trevino was shot by the Albuquerque Police Department (APD). Trevino was shot by police officers in February of 2021.

By Madeline Pukite @madelinepukite On April 17, close to 80 people gathered at the spot where Claude Trevino was fatally shot by the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) in February to protest against police brutality. This protest was called in light of the recent fatal shootings of Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo by police. Both of these

killings sparked mass protesting in both Brooklyn Center, Minnesota and Chicago, Illinois. The event was hosted by Millions for Prisoners, Albuquerque Save the Kids and ABQ Mutual Aid. The first speaker, a community member who went by Arianna, began the night by calling for a moment of silence to honor the victims of police brutality. “I call it an invocation because I think those people's spirits are still with us, and they're willing to do the work that we're do-

ing, even if we can't see them,” Arianna said. Throughout the night, many speakers called for the abolition of the police, with individuals arguing that the community can support and protect itself without the fear the police inspire. “People get a little mixed up with abolition (by) thinking it's all about police in prison. But it's actually about what's missing,” Selinda Guerrero, a lead organizer, said. “And what's missing is a healthy community that does not need those systems.”

Other groups that attended included: Bernalillo County La Raza Unida, Fight for Our Lives, Albuquerque Showing Up for Racial Justice, Fronteristxs, National Asian Pacific American/ Pacific Islander Women’s Forum Albuquerque and Free Them All Coalition. In an interview with the Daily Lobo, Guerrero said she found it necessary to host this event because the community needed a place to gather and heal. As a mother of six children, she is “afraid every day for (them).”

“We knew our community needed a healing space,” Guerrero said. “But we've worked, we've been watching the trauma that's been going on this week in the trial happening for George Floyd and then Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo … It is a neverending cycle.” Madeline Pukite is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @madelinepukite

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