Daily Lobo 5/10/2021

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Monday, May 10, 2021 | Vo l u m e 1 2 5 | I s s u e 3 3

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Nick Romero graduates UNM an accomplished and beloved photojournalist By Shelby Kleinhans @BirdsNotReal99

Nick Romero’s life has been defined by being an unsung hero. Whether as an offensive lineman for his high school football team or as a full-time employee stocking shelves, Romero has felt his vital contributions are often overlooked. However, his raw talent behind a camera put an undeniable spotlight on him, and after a year with the Daily Lobo he’s graduating to leave behind a legacy of stunning work in his wake. Romero has been an avid consumer of media ever since he was young, but a degree in journalism wasn’t always part of the plan. After graduating from CNM with an associate degree in communications and working a full-time job for a few years, he couldn’t help but feel like something was missing. “I just didn't feel like I was making a difference in the world, like I knew that I could. And now I kind of feel like, you know what? Maybe I can make a difference,” Romero said. “And that's kind of

where I’m at now, and I know it’s definitely a much better place.” What Romero never saw coming was that photojournalism would become his speciality. Like many photographers, it all started with a camera. From taking pictures of his beloved dogs to capturing his friends on a semi-professional basketball team, Romero started to gain confidence in his abilities. Romero knew his newfound skills could be useful to the team at the Daily Lobo and had even spoken with the editors about coming on board as a photographer, but staffing changes and technical difficulties stood in his way. Never one to waste good lemons, Romero made lemonade and spent every chance he could independently covering the wide range of protests that started in the spring of 2020. Liam DeBonis, the former photo editor and current copy chief at the Lobo, said he remembers the eventual hiring of Romero vividly. “I just remember him bugging me about getting him hired and before he was hired, I’d see him at protests and I was so happy

when I was able to finally hire him … I only wish we could have hired him sooner,” DeBonis said. Former Daily Lobo managing editor Gino Gutierrez has known Romero for over five years and said he was thrilled to have him join the team. He described enjoying their previous relationship, which was built on jokes like referring to Romero as a “knucklehead.” But working together at the paper allowed him to gain a greater appreciation for the professional side of Romero and his raw talent with the camera. “For every photograph I ever saw him take for any story he took, regardless of if it was news, sports or culture, the human element always came across and the understanding was always there right off the bat,” Gutierrez said. Romero’s eye for good composition and human emotion caught the eye of one of his photography professors, Roberto Rosales. Romero’s work stood out to Rosales on his very first assignment because he went “...above and beyond what was


Shelby Kleinhans / Daily Lobo / @BirdsNotReal99

Daily Lobo photographer and reporter Nick Romero is graduating spring 2021 with a degree in journalism.

Romero page 2

From Shakespeare to journalism, Daniel Ward graduates with two degrees and an unforgettable experience at UNM By Gabriel Biadora & Tina Memarian @gabrielbiadora @DailyLobo

Matisse Fields / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Daniel Ward, a reporter for the Daily Lobo, is graduating with English and journalism degrees this month.

While the Daily Lobo editors were finishing their issues on print night, former culture editor Daniel Ward would finish early and recite Shakespeare across the hall, manifesting both his reporter and thespian sides to life. With a double major in English and in journalism, Ward is stepping out into the professional world to pursue his love of acting and writing. Ward is continuing from the Daily Lobo having completed a successful career as a senior reporter and a prominent tenure as editor of the culture desk. Ward originally sought out journalism as a means of infusing his passion for writing and connecting with people. Media journalism was also a way to support his pursuit towards a career in the film industry. Shortly after graduating from CNM with associate degrees in English and pre-law, Ward found the humble booth of the Daily Lobo at a jobs fair where former Editor-in-Chief Justin

Inside this Lobo GLEASON: Daily Lobo designer Jerome Sena graduates with art and a humble confidence (pg. 2) DEBONIS: Alexandria Wiesel finds her voice and a passion for helping others at UNM (pg. 3)

Garcia wrote his name down. “He was one of the most reliable reporters. I could always count on him to turn in his stories on time. And they were always well written,” Garcia said. “Just reading his stories I could tell he was interested in what he was writing about.” Ward’s initial interest in culture led him to networking with and interviewing artists, performers and international filmmakers to better understand the film industry. “One of the bigger ones that made me super excited was when UMI came to (UNM) to perform. And I was like, ‘This is going to be super cool, I get to interview an artist, she’s kind of famous. And a lot of people kind of know about her,’” Ward said. But to his discouragement, the interview was only conducted over email. Ward would later turn this experience into a learning moment, however. “I wanted it to be a Zoom interview and I wanted to meet her. I started to realize that if I want to get into the field, where I’m interviewing people on a red carpet, or whatnot, I have to do this first,” Ward said. “It’s a slow climb up the ladder of success to get

to where I want to be. And that’s where it starts.” And surely enough, the thespian reporter would cash in on his lesson a few weeks later when he conducted an interview with Spanish film director Jaume Balagueró for a review on his film “The Vault” — a journalism career highlight for Ward. Before working for the Lobo, Ward was a production assistant for the TV show “Briarpatch” in the summer of 2019. However, joining the Daily Lobo team did not stop Ward’s ability to succeed in multiple facets. He also balanced a freelance tutor job along with work at Twisters. Ward currently has an internship at the Santa Fe Film Festival as the director of the cinematic journal. He is in charge of interviewing and writing stories on actors, artists and producers. His interests in film and production were fostered by his parents, who encouraged his early involvement in theater. Ward recalled his first time on set with his father, and said this was the moment he decided he wanted to pursue acting. “[The set] had unlimited snacks


Ward page 2

SCOTT: First-gen grad Jesus Mata explores love of sports journalism supported by family (pg. 4) BROWN: Daily Lobo reporter Hannah John graduates with a clear path toward diversifying journalism (pg. 11)

PAGE 2 / MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021


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required of him,” according to Rosales. It’s no surprise that Romero said his biggest takeaway from his time at UNM was the connections he’s made with people. Every person asked about Romero was as equally impressed with his personality as they were with his photography. DeBonis remarked on Romero’s drive and how he would always volunteer to pick up last-min-



ute photo assignments, turning around great photos in record time. Romero’s “curiosity and tenacity” to boldly cover events stood out to Rosales. And Gutierrez emphasized how Romero is “one of the most caring people I’ve ever worked with.” It’s the winning combination of a great personality and skill set that has enabled Romero to get as far as he has in his young career. What started out as an

internship for the Santa Fe Reporter working on a profile on Youth United for Climate Action has morphed into a fellowship at the paper that Romero will start in June. “I've always been better when I'm just getting thrown into situations and (have) to sink or swim,” Romero said. “So I'm definitely excited. But I think it's also a lot of nerves.” Aside from his nervous excite-

ment, Romero explained he’s open to whatever comes his way, even if that means tackling writing more stories than taking photos. Whether his future includes more coverage of New Mexico United games or protests, DeBonis, Gutierrez and Rosales are all eager to see Romero’s promising career unfold. “Journalism never sleeps and [Romero’s] a person who never sleeps,” Rosales said. “And I

like that, I admire that; I think he’s going to go far because of that mentality.”

mother introduced him to Shakespeare, which has always stood out in his mind. “My mom would teach us Shakespeare in a very unique way,” Ward said. “She would print out paper dolls of the characters in the Shakespeare play, and

then we put them up on these wooden block stands, and then we would make paper plays, and act out the play as we’re reading along and studying.” Moving forward, Ward wants to spend more time with his family, and even hopes to create a

documentary profiling his greatgrandfather’s life. Although this is the end of his undergraduate college education, it is definitely not the end of his success.

contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @gabrielbiadora

Shelby Kleinhans is a freelance photographer and beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @BirdsNotReal99


and food. And I was like, ‘Wow, I can sit around here, wait to get on camera and basically get paid to eat the snacks. This is awesome.’ … And that’s where I was like ‘I want to be an actor,’” Ward said. Ward’s love of theater originated at a young age when his

Gabriel Biadora is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be

Tina Memarian is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo

Daily Lobo designer Jerome Sena graduates with art and a humble confidence By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716 With a creative mind set on exploring new possibilities, Jerome Sena is graduating from the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary arts along with a minor in arts management. Sena is moving on from the Daily Lobo after four years of dedication and commitment in the advertising office, leaving behind a legacy to be filled. With the future coming up quickly, Sena hopes to pursue a career in graphic design, along with freelance illustration work on the side. This is something he found inspiration from at the Daily Lobo. Sena started at the Lobo as a sales intern in 2018 but later took on a designer position. “That was what sort of changed everything for me,” Sena said. “I learned quite a bit doing that, and it pushed me to pursue a career in design in addition to my illustration goals.” Sena has since become a staple for the Daily Lobo advertising team, contributing enormous amounts to the organization. A standout accomplishment was the cover of “Lobo Deals,” which Sena designed. “I don’t think Jerome realizes how important he is in the office … He’s definitely one of the biggest structures in the office,” Jordynn Sills, a close friend and coworker, said. Sena reflected on everything the Lobo taught him and said it helped prepare him for the future. “I also made a lot of really good friends because there’s a lot of peo-

#19-053 2.2020

ple that come and go through the Lobo advertising group so you really get to meet a lot of (different) people and explore a lot about business and marketing and overall just how to be more professional,” Sena said. “I cherish the experience I’ve had.” Sills said Sena underestimates his influence on the office and the people around him, emphasizing his unique personality and his abil-

ity to find something positive in every situation. “Genuinely, he is probably one of the most important people (on the advertising team) and not just because of his job but because of who he is and I don’t think he really realizes that, but he’ll be very missed, that’s for sure,” Sills said. With a naturally reserved personality, Sena said a big milestone

during his time at UNM was becoming more extroverted. “I’m a pretty shy person so definitely just being outgoing and trying to put myself out there was a big challenge that I overcame pretty well,” Sena said. “I think the Daily Lobo — I keep going back to that — but I think the Daily Lobo helped me a lot in coming out of my shell.” In addition to the Daily Lobo,

Avery Rogers / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Jerome Sena, who is graduating from UNM this semester, worked at the Daily Lobo advertising office for four years.

Sena acted as co-president of the UNM Arts Entrepreneurship Club for a brief period of time after being involved in the organization for about three years. Sena said he’s glad that he prioritized his artwork during his time at UNM. “I definitely got a lot of my personal growth from my student job as well as seeking out knowledge and experience on my own time, especially within my art,” Sena said. When the COVID-19 pandemic caused sudden changes at UNM, Sena struggled with motivation and was forced to find new ways to stay on top of his work. Completing school in a virtual environment was especially difficult in a hands-on field such as art, but Sena is ready to graduate, even amid a pandemic. “It’s very intimidating to put yourself out there, especially during this time, because you know the world is very hectic,” Sena said. Sena has always been able to rely on one thing, however, and that’s family. He’s always been close to his siblings as well as his mother. “My mom raised me as a single parent for a large majority of my life and she definitely puts not just me but all my sisters before herself, and she’s the main reason why I am (who) I am now,” Sena said. “She definitely has played a huge role in my life. She’s my rock.” With bright times ahead, Sena envisions himself in a bigger city in the future where he can pursue his dream career of graphic design and illustration. Megan Gleason is the Editor-inChief of the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

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PO @DailyLobo


MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 / PAGE 3

Alexandria Wiesel finds her voice and a passion for helping others at UNM


By Liam DeBonis @LiamDebonis

In her four years at the University of New Mexico, Alexandria Wiesel has demonstrated a drive and passion for her courses and for helping others. From pre-med groups to student publications to volunteer programs, Wiesel formed a community that allowed her to bloom into her earnest personality that was just waiting beneath the surface. Wiesel began as a biology major, and later added a psychology major to her degree track. But her reach extends still further into the

STEM field. On top of her interdisciplinary liberal arts minor, she’s also pursuing a second minor in chemistry — she even sports a shiny silver necklace in the shape of the chemical compound essential to nearly every college student: caffeine. Although Wiesel is graduating in May with her biology major and interdisciplinary liberal arts minor, she will be staying at UNM for another semester to complete her second degree in psychology with a minor in chemistry. Leslie Donovan, a professor at the UNM Honors College who’s been with the University for 25 years, met Wiesel in 2017 when she

was a student in Donovan’s class, “The Legacy of Monsters and Marvels Through the Ages.” Since then, Donovan has worked closely with Wiesel during the pursuit of her interdisciplinary liberal arts minor, and had nothing but glowing things to say for her character. “She’s very personable, very easy to talk to, she’s a great listener,” Donovan said. Donovan added that Wiesel excelled in her honors courses which, she said, already consists of students turning in thorough, highquality work. “Ally has always stood out as even a cut above, even a little higher quality than most,” Donovan said.

Liam DeBonis / Daily Lobo / @LiamDeBonis

“Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review” Editor-in-Chief Alexandria Wiesel flips through a copy of last year’s issue at her office inside Marron Hall.

Inspiration blossomed for Wiesel to make a difference in the world and she decided to set her sights on medical school. “I’m interested in biology and psychology and where those two meet,” Wiesel said. “And I’m thinking of (a career in) neuroscience — specifically neurosurgery.” Wiesel has participated in many different medical-related programs during her time at UNM. One such program is Gift of Life, an organization that helps connect patients in need of bone marrow with potential donors. Wiesel serves as a campus ambassador for the program, working to recruit new people who would be willing to donate the life-saving marrow, should they be a match for someone who needs it. For Wiesel, who said she’s driven by an urge to work “hands-on” in her field, the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent shift to online learning was difficult. Because her high school was online, Wiesel already knew she didn’t like virtual education. Wiesel said one of her greatest challenges after leaving the smaller, more intimate classroom settings of her charter school and her dual-credit courses at CNM was “learning how to learn” in such a massive environment as UNM. Just as she was starting to get into a groove, the pandemic interrupted her progress. “I finally figured out how I study best, which is going to a coffee shop, getting a cup of coffee and sitting there for a couple hours,” Wiesel said. “That was my thing, I finally determined it, I was so excited and then the pandemic hit and they said ‘don’t go outside, sit in your room, find the determination to do it yourself every single day.’ That was just soul-crushing.” While the pandemic was discouraging for Wiesel, she credited her continuing strength to the many extracurricular groups she participates in. She said the Honors Pathmaker Program, a peer-mentoring program for which Wiesel served as a mentor coordinator this year, helped keep her motivated.

“I knew that, if we didn’t pull together, there would be no structure for incoming students and however bad I’m feeling, they’re going to feel it ten times worse,” Wiesel said. “So I said ‘alright, I can’t keep feeling bad every single day, I have a mission to do,’ and that actually helped a lot.” Matthew Goldman, who serves as an event coordinator for the program, has been working with Wiesel to help honors students discover their path through the UNM community. “It’s very fun working with Ally; she is rather lighthearted and can make anything fun,” Goldman said. “She’s incredibly passionate about what she’s doing, whether it’s the Pathmaker program or her other organizations.” Goldman said when they began their roles at the program, Wiesel “single-handedly ensured” that over 500 incoming Honors College students were matched with mentors that could assist them, spending hours pouring over records and Excel files in the process. In addition to the numerous groups she’s a part of, Wiesel currently serves as the editor-in-chief of “Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review,” an annual literary magazine highlighting student essays and other creative nonfiction works. Overall, Wiesel said she has grown a great deal during her time at UNM. She’s found her voice through her many extracurricular activities and volunteer work, as well as through her pursuit of the fields she’s interested in. “I say that making an effort, speaking louder, doing things that I might not be comfortable with — but are still safe — that is an investment in my future,” Wiesel said. “If I want to be a doctor, if I want to succeed in life, I have to do it. I can’t wait for anyone else to do it, and surprisingly enough that took me a long time to realize.” Liam DeBonis is the copy chief at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at copychief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @LiamDebonis

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PAGE 4 / MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021


First-gen grad Jesus Mata explores love of sports journalism supported by family By John Scott @JScott050901

In a year unlike any other, education became a whirlwind of chaos as college students attempted to pursue their degrees amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Not one to shy away from a challenge, Jesus Mata has persevered through the end of his college experience with virtual education, finally making it to the graduation light at the end of the tunnel. Mata, a journalism major and professional writing minor, never really had any sort of interest in journalism growing up. His passion had always been sports. “I wanted to play sports. That was, like, the ultimate goal,” Mata said. “But then, when I got to high school, I realized it was not going to happen for me.” Of course, journalism provides one of the rare intersections between being involved in sports without actually having to play sports. “I’ve always liked how the commentators talked on ESPN. I was a big follower of ESPN and NFL Network,” Mata said. “Then I made the decision after high school that I wanted to be a sports writer and a sports broadcaster.” Mata has certainly made a name for himself in the world of sports journalism at the Daily Lobo. He has frequently reported all sorts of sports-related news. He said some highlights of his time at the Lobo included his story about Jennifer King and being able to talk to

Katie Hnida, as well as his continuous coverage of the UNM women’s basketball team. “That’s what I want to do in the future — (I like) being at the games, in person, and covering those sports,” Mata said. Spencer Butler, a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo, has worked with Mata on multiple stories and attested to his patience and hard work. “He doesn’t get too flustered with much of anything which is, I think, a good quality to have for any (beat),” Butler said. “He’s just a fairly easy-going individual who does the work.” Working at the Lobo has changed Mata for the better. Looking back, he sees the rewards that can come out of hard work. “As I got into sports reporting, I was super nervous,” Mata said. “Eventually, as I saw how the structure worked, I got more comfortable. So (you have to) just apply yourself and push yourself. That’s my main takeaway from working at the Lobo.” While the Lobo has certainly been a major player in fostering Mata’s career goals, it wasn’t the only thing he was involved in. He wrote more than 50 articles over the span of seven months for Deceptive Speed, a college football media platform. In addition, Mata is the current president of UNM’s Society of Professional Journalists, a title he will leave behind once he graduates. Another aspect in Mata’s life that is extremely important to him is his family. “Like a lot of families, we are

very supportive of what we’re doing with our lives, whether it be a life accomplishment or an academic one,” Mata said. Mata is a first-generation college graduate and his father, Jesus Mata Sr., emphasized that Mata graduating college serves as an inspiration for other members of the family to do the same. “Being the first, the whole family is very proud of him,” Mata’s father said. “He’s setting the bar for everybody else and for everyone in the family to follow.” Mata’s sister, Janie Mata, highlighted the significance of the accomplishment of Mata graduating, not only for him but also for his family. “He is the first of me and my brothers to graduate college. I always knew he would be someone important and I see that he’s working his way up to that,” Mata’s sister said. “When he told me that he got the job at the Daily Lobo and when I read his first article, it brought so much joy and happiness to me that he’s doing what he said he’d always do.” Mata hopes to get an internship with ESPN Radio in Albuquerque after he graduates, as well as later move onto graduate school for his masters, ideally at the University of Texas at Austin. Mata highlighted his ambitious goals of working for either ESPN or NFL Network in the distant future. John Scott is the photo editor at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at photoeditor@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @JScott050901

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

Jesus Mata, graduating this semester, displays his story on Jennifer King.

By Victor Martinez / Daily Lobo / @sirbluescreen


By Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR

Volume 125 Issue 33 Editor-in-Chief Megan Gleason

Culture Editor Megan Gleason

News Editor Megan Gleason

We’re only human. If you see something wrong in print, email editorinchief@dailylobo.com to let us know. Use the subject line “Correction:” so we know it’s important. If it’s a grammar problem we’ll fix it ASAP in the online version. If it’s a content problem, the editorial board will determine if a correction, a clarification (printed on page 4) or full retraction is necessary.

Campus Representative Jo-Dane Bell Advertising Manager Jordynn Sills

Advertising Representatives Jacob Griego

Editorial Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Advertising Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-5656 advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Photo Editor John Scott

Copy Editor Liam DeBonis

Designer Joseph McKee

Multimedia Editor Joseph McKee

Classified Manager Jerome Sena

Advertising Design Jerome Sena

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.



MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 / PAGE 5

Congratulations, 2021 Graduates!

Graduate Degrees

The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Spring 2021 Pending degrees

Anderson Schools of Management

MACCT ACCOUNTING David Arp Angela De Avila John Fennelly Kenzy Griffith Nichole Hill Alyssa Inthirath Andrew Kassir Anu Khadka Jenee Madrid Vincent Marquez David Rodriguez Dewayne Saiz Derya Senlik Kurkcuoglu Sarah Spinney Kristen Stoughton Bountouraby Sylla Gerald Torres Joshua Yazzie MBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Ian Aarons Jennifer Alex Richard Barela Daniel Bidal Clark Bird Kharli Brockmeier Julianna Burgarello Cory Carnes Gavin Casias Melissa Castillo Kirsten Chavez Zitong Chen Carmelita Coca Enrique Cruz Torres Andrew Detlefs Nicholas Diaz-Llera Samuel Dickey Lillian Dollins Shannon Dooley John Durkin Cody Dye Tyson Dyer Melanie Elkins Maritza Franco Francis Gaita Kenneth Garcia Jessica Graham Nicole Grundhoffer Yuri Hara Erik Harriger Joshua Hatfield Laura Hatfield Adriana Hernandez Alexis Hernandez Savannah Hoover Maria Angelika Isidro Deepu Jose Dylan Kelly Romero Jennifer Lente Azure Leyba Emily Lint Kanan Mammadli Mikel McKinley Marisa Montes Matthew Mora Reva Morris Zachary Northrup Elizabeth Ongstad Ryan Ortega Skylar Pearson Sam Phan Sara Pichette Pietro Pincelli Izzo Jennifer Raven Nicole Riner Wyatt Robledo Devan Romero Matthew Sanchez Jonathan Schaumberg Cordelia Sisneros Gavin Sleeter Aydan Sparks Robert Taylor Molly Thomas Isaiah Vigil Catherine Weekooty Kyle Wilson Kailey Wulfert Xinyu Zhang Hisham Zurgani MGTCP BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Nathanael Faust-Shucker Yanglin Li MS INFORMATION SYSTEMS & ASSURANCE Lucas Andazola Rachael Beck Ashley Floyd Daniel Hernandez Pooja Manasa Kandalam Anu Khadka Crystal Lujan Jojo Mata Alexander Sanchez Kevin Sandoval James Sinnott Xiaoya Wu Biyao Zhang Weijie Zhao

Graduate Studies

EDD DUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Kathryn Leverett Catherine Montoya Eduardo Nunez Cruz Karen Phillips

EDSPC EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Brent Collom Randall Grillo Kathryn Ramsey GCERT APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Emily Brammer Maria Garcia Tara Johnson Lorena Luevano Stephanie Nessle Rebecca Raymer GCERT EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS Katrina Swapp GCERT MUSIC PERFORMANCE Gabriel Alves Longuinhos Luiz Barrionuevo Charles Cash Carson Nolting GCERT RACE & SOCIAL JUSTICE Damon Carbajal GCERT WOMEN STUDIES Benjamin Abbott Katherine Walker MA AMERICAN STUDIES Ashley Martinez Candice Moya MA ANTHROPOLOGY Tara Beresh MA ART EDUCATION Maria Aragon Christopher Lawrence Hollie Putnam MA CHICANA & CHICANO STUDIES Damon Carbajal Esther Garcia MA COMMUNICATION Pauline Alvarez Karla Ochoa MA COMPARATIVE LITERATURE & CULTURAL STUDIES Lauren Alberti Noah Holt Logan Kottler MA COUNSELING Odalys Andujo Margaret Archuleta Joylynn Armijo Avery Barnard Lizbeth Delgado Rocio Dominguez Laura Hibbs Magda Johnson Brandon Jopek Sarah King Asmaa Mohamed Veronica Salcido Tasha-Ann Townley MA EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Anders Flagstad Ana Patino-Guillen MA EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Amal Ashour Morgan James McKenzie Johnson Tiara Rose Johnson Teresa Taylor MA ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Lynnette Garcia Wendy Harris Kaitlyn Heironimus Cynthia Ives Nicole Juarez-Strawn Melody Magor-Begay Vicki McBride Victoria Miller Jo Platero Sharayah Rivera Rashell Ruiz Sandra Sandoval Guadalupe Vallejos Alexander VonFox MA ENGLISH Michael Hodock Lily Intong Stefan Koekemoer Stacy Lunsford Gabrielle Marquez Jasmine McSparren Ryan Murphy Katherine Walker MA FAMILY AND CHILD STUDIES Irene Cantu Alison Gritchen Holly Mayer MA HISTORY Graham Abney Kevin Elrick Ashley Flores Molly Twite MA LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & SOCIOCULTURAL STUDIES April Chavez Janelle Cole Daniela Collazos Galindo Kelly Davis Vivian Felipe Javier Hernandez Kristin Kalangis Marcos Martinez Elliot Parras Renee Rich Saifunnahar Saifunnahar Rachel Scott Katherine Vaughan MA LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Fiore Bran Aragon

Jeremy Falson David Lindwall Jacqueline Munro Alexandra Villegas MA LINGUISTICS Hunter Brown Julia Remsik Larsen Nicholas Sulier Carol Ways MA MUSEUM STUDIES Jo Fenger MA NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES Zunnee-bah Martin Erla Sagg Cheryl Yazzie MA ORGANIZATION, INFORMATION & LEARNING SCIENCES Laura Arguelles Faith Beagen Rebecca Campbell Kimberly Enriquez Delfido Garcia Daniel Herrera Christopher Larranaga Shawn McGee Brenda Molina Lisa Montoya Constance Murillo Anastasia Rucker Alicia Sanchez Katherine Starr Audra Vigil MA POLITICAL SCIENCE Sila Avcil Margaret Avera Robert McDaniels MA PORTUGUESE Alex Sandro Maggioni Spindler MA SECONDARY EDUCATION Preston Chee Brian Cogburn Adrianna Deuel Jesse Hendricks Victoria Hughes Taylor Jarosz Melissa Johns Laura Llanes Jessica Shepherd Christopher Shepherd Jeremy Weed Vanessa Williams MA SOCIOLOGY Ella Siegrist MA SPANISH Luis Hinojosa Cantu Alex Sandro Maggioni Spindler Sandra Martinez Lopez Rachael Newsom Selena Tran-Jurado MA SPECIAL EDUCATION Sydni Ashworth Janelle Beyerl James Billingham Jazmine Brooks Ashley Graham Ashley Guild Amy Jenschke C Angela Leyba Loviata Mitchell Maymie Mitchell Kyra Mohns Stephanie Nessle Sara Samani Reanna Servatt Rosemary SimmonsHogan Belyse Tibi Erica Tiger Yichun Wang Shian Zhao MARCH ARCHITECTURE Miguel Angeles Njia Blair Katherine Boles Lisa DeMar Samuel Eberle Samuel Fantaye Isabella Grier Maxwell Grummer Geena Gutierrez Jackson Jones Magdalena Kerkmans Martin Luna William Lyons Alejandro Marquez Jacob Martinez Omid Mohseni Tousi Nicholas Morse Rym Naji Chelcie Ospino Natasha Ribeiro Dillon Romero Nicholas Romero Kyle Rowbotham Anita Sandoval Kathrine Schanwald Faul Morgan Smith Michael Stupin Ellen Tucker Akshita Sadhana Valaboju Justin White Hong Yan Tahsin Zaman Faithe Zambrano MCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT D’Andra DeFlora Jesus Hernandez Saurav Jain Gregory Smith MCRP COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING Whitney Phelan Amir Tarighi Roberta Zayas MEME MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING Lawrence Leung

MENG CIVIL ENGINEERING Sharareh Mirzaei Alissa Perea Nicole Trujillo MFA ART STUDIO Amie LeGette Hannah Leighton Amado Pena Andre Ramos Woodard Rachel Taylor MFA CREATIVE WRITING Jennifer Conn Darren Donate Amarlie Foster Seth Garcia Michelle Gurule Jane Kalu Heather Lapahie MFA DANCE Amy Schofield MFA DRAMATIC WRITING Shannon Flynn MHA HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Hassan Ali Seneca Atwood Erik Beilman Maria Cardenas Garcia Julian Espinoza Madeline Freiwald Berenice Lopez Rebecca Scannell MLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Eirini Boutasi Carlos Gomez Teara Herrera Rainelle Miller John Owen Gabriel Raab-Faber MMU MUSIC Shelley Brobst Molly Hill Henry Mankin Law Ana Elisa Portes Lima Rachel Samuelson Daniel Villanueva MOT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Jessica Hafner Jessica Hibben Whitney Hughes Amanda Macewen Asia Martin Marissa Martinez Tasha Owens Serafina Quintero MPA PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Samirah Abdelfattah Roberto Carlos Crystalyne Curley Amanda Dimercurio Norma Dye Amy Haun Chrisaundra Henderson Kelly Kenneth Hollie Lovely Autumn Lucas Haley McGuire Cameryn O’Grady Aaron Ochoa Sophia Romero Stephanie Sanchez Kristen Sandoval Pamela Sedillo Teran Villa Alexandra Willey Roberta Zayas MPH PUBLIC HEALTH Tristen Adams Melissa Christian Nhu Do Jamie Duvall Karaleah Garcia Emily Guerra Melissa Judson Katie Myers Azka Riaz Naru Giselle Quintana Sophie Rouge Brittney Sanchez Alexandra Villegas MPP PUBLIC POLICY Marit Andrews Jessica Hitzman Mary Lopez Gabriella Rivera Emily Wildau MS ANTHROPOLOGY Paige Lynch MS BIOLOGY Katrina Derieg Nicholas Freymueller Matthew Leister Jessie Marlenee Loryn Phillips Ola Weinbaum MS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Jacob Belchak Caleb Belchak Lorenza Friedrich Brandon Hillhouse Ashley Howell Ingrid Lane Carlos Lopez Haley Monteith Ellis Ozakyol Daniel Sanchez Radha Swaminathan MS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Joshua Allers Benjamin Doty Jesse Duran Adam Mang Raymond Montoya Kahlil Stoltzfus MS CHEMISTRY Patrick Riedel MS CIVIL ENGINEERING Abiral Dulal Tyler Hagengruber Eric Robbins

MS COMPUTER ENGINEERING Marlon Frank Aguero Injante Marc Bernard Anthony Chavez ZiRui Huang Jithin Joseph Aman Karra Kavin Kullama Kang Li Hanbin Liu Steven Nery Rui Ou John Saldana Sriram Thotakura Michael Truong Shizhen Yan MS COMPUTER SCIENCE Alyshia Bustos Justin Carmichael Hector Carrillo Cabada Tyler Fenske Aislinn Handley Rahul Kalaiselvan Nicolas Lauve Michelle Louie Mauricio Monsivais Manoj Kumar Nannapaneni Jonathan Robinson Amber Sustaita Sai Aditya Thalluri Micaiah Weiss Jamie Wingo Huijing Yang MS DENTAL HYGIENE Renee Bingman Maria Elena Rojas Andrea Tresner MS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Jesse McGunnigle MS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Dmitrii Andreev Joseph Felix Jacob Giese Alexander Newell Cameron Nichols Austin Owens Joshua Pritts Bhuvaneshwarr Ramalingam Thomas Schmidt Sriram Soundarrajan MS GEOGRAPHY Tammira Taylor MS HEALTH EDUCATION Kandyce Garcia MS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Zacharie Brenden Gabriel Brown Will Davidson Michael Gallegos Jonathan Griffee Teal Harbour Luo Li Jonathan Sanchez Niccoli Scalice Zhaotao Tan MS MUSEUM STUDIES Molly Rannebarger MS NANOSCIENCE & MICROSYSTEMS Murali Manohar Duggina MS NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Justin Davis Juan Dominguez Cain Manzira Melissa Moreno Bobbi Riedel MS PHYSICAL EDUCATION Jared Garcia Brandon Gurule Lydia Hallam Frederick Jenkins Maggie Leahy Vicky Maes Corey Mason Louis Mayer David Otero Jeb Pinckley Chelsea Pitvorec Marah Rogers MS PSYCHOLOGY Samuel Bouquin Alexandra HernandezVallant MS SPEECHLANGUAGE PATHOLOGY Jessica Salgado MS STATISTICS Christina Deffenbaugh MSN NURSING Katrina Armendariz Jovan Ashkapov Lisa Baca Caitlynn Barney Tyler Booth Chad Carson Joseph Castillo Ryan Chavez Lilia Duharte Megan Dunlap-Radigan Lindsy Foust Crystal Gann Adrienne Gillespie Lilia Hill Justin Laird Jordan Lemay Denise Lopez Samantha Matteucci David Morrison Elizabeth Nuanez Alexandre Perrin Emily Rutter Robin Sharples-Ray Staci Smart Alisha Smith Celina Zamora MWR WATER RESOURCES Luke Collis

Nancy McDuffie NURCP NURSING CERTIFICATE Shawnadine Becenti Maryanne Chavez Erin Conklin Kimaoui Tamara Gardner Steve Liu Donyelle Miller Breanna Slaughter PDCERT HISTORIC PRESERVATION & REGIONALISM Magdalena Kerkmans William Lyons Karanina Madden-Krall PDCERT URBAN INNOVATION Justin White PHD AMERICAN STUDIES Benjamin Abbott PHD ANTHROPOLOGY Holly Brause Drew Enigk Olga Glinskii Scott Kirk Marilyn Riggs PHD BIOLOGY Victor Alfaro Larissa Anderson Alesia Hallmark Amalia Parra PHD BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Elizabeth Clarke Henning De May Alexander Hafez Shailja Jakhar Adrian Luna Leon Nicole Maphis Crina Peterson Amber Zimmerman PHD CHEMISTRY Laura Ingersol Yousef Katba Bader PHD COUNSELOR EDUCATION Mary Brammer Chriselle Martinez Arianna Trott PHD EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Shaofan Che Ryan Jackson PHD ECONOMICS Rajan Bishwakarma PHD ENGINEERING Andrew Aragon Nicholas Boynton Arjun Gupta David Hensley Monica Jaramillo Gabriel Shipley PHD ENGLISH Lauren Perry PHD LANGUAGE, LITERATURE & SOCIOCULTURAL STUDIES Eman Bosaad Annette Fiedler PHD MULTICULTURAL TEACHER & CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Kristen Fedesco PHD OPTICAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Mostafa Peysokhan PHD ORGANIZATION, INFORMATION & LEARNING SCIENCES Aaron Anderson PHD PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Shannon Kindilien PHD PHILOSOPHY Graham Bounds PHD PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORTS & EXERCISE SCIENCE Christopher Mellor Roberto Nava Mary Schubauer PHD PHYSICS Matthew DiMario Aidan Grummer Megan Lewis PHD POLITICAL SCIENCE Jared Clay PHD PSYCHOLOGY Justina Avila Gabriela Lopez Rebecca Rieger Brandi Seaman PHD SOCIOLOGY Sofia Locklear Jimmy Valdes PHD SPECIAL EDUCATION Oluwole Ilesanmi PHD STATISTICS Cristina Murray-Krezan Victoria Sieck PMS GLOBAL & NATIONAL SECURITY Sabina Gershon Katie Rodarte Ryan Vogel

School of Law

Daniel Pitcher Sahitya Podila Dominique Price Ryan Price Fermin Prieto Shannen Ramey Niharika Ravichandran Jason Reagor Anita Reta Audrey Rich Juliana Runnels John Salmon Cynthia Sanchez Colleen Sells Mingma Sherpa Alicia Sikora Kyle Stephens Diane Sun Ryan Sun Christine Teng Samuel Thompson Isaac Trujillo John Valdez Carlos Vargas Pavia Myissa Weiss Matt Whicker Hannah Wilcox Michael Williams Lucas Winter Tewodros Wodajo Carly Wujek Joseph Yardman-Frank Yushi Yeap

Anderson Schools of Management

Abbigayle Hanoch Matthew Hanosh Joseph Hanson-Rivera JURIS DOCTOR Gentry Haukebo Felisha Adams BBA BUSINESS Mark Hernandez Isela Anchondo ADMINISTRATION Cristian Hernandez Ethan Arviso Eduardo Hernandez Sydney Abbate Celina Baca Stepan Holis Elayne Abeyta Marissa Basler Jack Holmes Akanchaya Acharya Jennifer Berry Corey Holyan Carlos Acosta Sabrey Blakeney Regina Alarcon-Arenivar Brandt Hughes Jonathan Brown Jeniffer Huizar Chanelle Alarid Kristen Burby Joseph Jansen Lydia Alvarado Ashlee Carrasco Dawson Jariwala Agustin Alvarez Wanerh Chen Laurel Johnson America Alvarez Jacques Chouinard Matthew Jones Luis Amaya Mallory Christensen Noah Jones Hussam Amer Lora Church Odalys Juarez Muskan Amin Robert Collins Andreas Kallas Elisa Anaya Julia Cummings Natalia Kalugina Connor Anderson Amanda Cvinar Habsatou Kapran Damion Apodaca Tony Dalton Joshua Keeney-Lujan Noel Apodaca Royce Deller Nicketa Kirk Jesse Aragon Arianne DePauli Adrian Kowalski Bryce Dorato Francisco Araque Tanner Krauss Adam Eisenberg Justin Armbruester Kaitlyn Krenik Kateri Eisenberg Luis Armendariz Samantha Finlayson Jordan Kress Blanca Armenta Keane Frady Korbin Krupiak Josiah Armijo Paige Gallegos Sabine Lastra Ema Arnold Clair Gardner Abraham Lau Richard Aston Jarrod Greth Hoa-Bradley Le Elias Atencio Alexander Grier Tracy Le Benjamin Axelman Alexandra Gutierrez Timothy Le Cameron Bahrmann Christopher Hall Eric Lee College Joseph Balistreri Frederick Hart Jared Lee Lize Balmaceda of Nursing Vanessa Hidalgo Mark Lee Stephen Barnett DNP NURSING Katherine Holcomb Kyle Lewiecki Kerrie Barney Erin Beverly Savannah Hoover Ian Lewis Alexander Barragan Tina Bui-Burgos David Hughes Prudence Lewis Cailey Bean JoAnne Clinton Sarah Hyde Paul Leyba Verna Begay Sheena Ferguson Justice Irons Jonah Leyva Dominic Beltran David Good Esther Jamison Zirui Li Diana Beltran Brooke Jordy Lori Lelii Rachel Lichtenberger Erick Beltran Connor Joy Karen Nielsen Samata Lingden Andrea Benites Ian Keller Christina O’Connell Ralph Linville Erin Bourgeois Dharma Khalsa Michael Palacio Brianna Borgelt-Gonzales Esteban Llamas Ambrose Kupfer Erica Richards Luke Lobitz Nicole Breese Troy Lawton Shavonna White Regina Lopez David Briones Victoria LeBlancCallie Whittington Katelynn Loughrin Isaiah Brooks-Sena Vialpando Claudia Lucero Burwinkle Isaac Lopez College of Alexander Olivia Lucero Max Bush Alejandro Macias-Urias Pharmacy Savannah Bustamante Daryn Luera McKenna Mains Aaron Lujan DOCTOR OF Bryan Capshaw Erin Marshall Stacey Luu PHARMACY Sarah Carrillo Jessica Martinez Adrian Madera-Maldonado Amanda Carter Beverly Anderson Steven Martz Marisa Maestas Marrisa Casados Parastoo Asgharzadeh Sean Mc Kenzie David Marquez Kristen Case Sarah McLain Ryan Ault Cailyn Marrujo Catrina Castillo Micah McNeil Merissa Begay Kyle Martinez Dimas Castillo Juancarlos Miranda Miel Brown Ariana Castillo-Munguia Victoria Martinez Kori Nau Tesia Buszkiewicz Avery Martinez Andrew Chacon Hannah Neal Branda Chaleunphonh Nathan Martinez Lydia Ninham Meena Chamberlin Krissa Chavarria Cesar Martinez Serrano Emily Nitschke Carlos Chavez Rochanda Chee Zachary Mason Riley Norris Martin Chavez-Borjas Carmelita Coca Taylor Noya Trevor Maus Yuchi Chen Wendy Davis Stephanie Padilla Kimberly Mayer Yue Lin Chen Phillip De Leon Hope Pendleton Jennifer McKee Joseph Chlastawa Allen De Somer Navalyn Platero Brenda Medrano Bautista Eliza Cichocka Madison Denny Kristen Polk Emily Meek Tye Clark Jenna Purpura Chanelle Dockery Diana Mendoza Adva Cohen Dyea Reynolds Beroja Duriqi Jennifer Mendoza-Badilla Bradley Cole Jena Ritchey Hanna Galewaler Brianna Meyer Briana Collins David Rodriguez Brandi Meza Alma Garcia Omar Colon Jari Rubio Taylor Mierzejewski Bianca Gonzales Sarah Contreras Colleen Silversmith Jake Miller Diego Cortez Victoria Gutierrez Daniel Silverstein Cullen Monaco Sean Costello Natalie Herrera Taylor Smith Alexandria Montoya Jared Covell Alex Ho Ransom Smith Vincent Montoya Tyler Crespin Caleb Howard Max Spivak Ernesto Montoya Raymond Crider Thao Huynh Lawson Stiff Jillian Montoya-Cuevas Sonia Cruz Lauren Karl Krista Thompson Jessica Moore Hoai Thuong Dang Daeyong Kwon Lane Towery Huan Dang Kyle Moore Anh Le Anna Trillo Lisa Darrell Steven Morris Itzel Valencia Soria Moochan Lee Wyatt Daskalos Mara Murillo Iridian Valladares-Tuna James Long Lauren Day Deztinee Murphy Paula Vance Robyn Lowsayatee Victoria De Flon Allison Murphy Aaron Villalpando Sean Lujan Derek Dekle Aaron Murrietta Kateri West Joseph Luna Carolyn Delgado Noah Myers Zacary Wilson-Fetrow Adan Magallanes Sambhrant Dhakal Emilio Najera Rachel Wisniewski Carlos Marquez Jessica Diep Victoria Namusavyu Mallory Wolff Alexis Meliniotis Brenda Dominguez muremyi Michael Woods Andres Molina Dominic Dominguez Emily Neal Hailey Zock Ashlee Montoya Jimmy Duong Storm Nelson MSL Conrad Duran Bryce Nelson STUDIES IN LAW Chas Montoya Jonathan Echavarria Isaiah Montoya Brittney Nelson-Cedillo Geri Budenholzer Elliot Eckerman Bryan Nguyen Gavin Nagy Olivia Chavez Ann Eckert Sarah Nguyen Esther Nalamlieng School of Pablo Edgar Mitchell Nunez Duyen Nguyen Amanda Eggen Yesenia Nunez Medicine Erick Orosco Nicolas Eichwald Reese O Farrell DOCTOR OF Kyle Ortiz Erica Elwell Sung Tack Oh MEDICINE Neha Parmar Ansely Emeanuwa Carly Olivarez Tristen Adams Bryan Pesko Seoma Emrys Chase Oppliger William Aragon Hien Pham Isaac Encinias Victor Ornelas Leslie Archuleta Jacqueline Phan Tierney Encinias Anthony Oroyan Alexander Baker Madeleine Rademacher Robert Esquerra Aaron Orsak Venus Barlas Elvira Ramirez-Nicolas Xin Eutsler Adela Ortega Bojorquez Danika Bodmer Carlos Reyes Zach Fabres Isaiah Otero Mitchell Byrd Kyle Robinson Richard Fairbanks Yousef Othman Dominick Byrd Jesse Robinson Morgan Fambro Samantha Otzen Victoria Carpenter Aaron Rodriguez Joseph Faulkner Adam Overstreet Brooklyn Cochrane Elias Romero Joshua Fernandez Logan Owen Antonio Cordova Jennifer Rose Asheli Fierro Denise Pacheco Helen Craft Jacob Figge Renee Salazar Monica Pacheco Jera Davis Alison Flack Karissa Sandoval Julian Padilla Henning De May Lidia Flores-Garcia Meera Shah Daisy Palacios Tyler Dejong Jenny Frame Aydan Sparks Madison Palmeri Kylie Disch Leanne Francis-Valdez Whitney Spear Jacob Pando Tomas Escalona Theodor Francke Jason Parker Erin Stever Melissa Fang Katalina Gallegos Janki Patel Savannah Torres Travis Frazier Joaquin Garcia Vishal Patel Brandon Gehris Thomas Wilson Laura Garcia Kayd Patterson Elyssa Glassheim Kimberly Yeh Adam Gay Tyler Patton Deanna Gonzalez Janvi Ghatalia Bachelor’s Alessia Pellegrino Andrew Goumas Ronnie Glover Amanda Perea Degrees Hannah Groves Abigail Gold Aldo Perez Jaryse Harris The following list is Marissa Gomez Katiana Perner Martin Jurado based on information Nathan Gonzales Alicia Quintana Alyssa Justus gathered from the Danica Gonzales Alejandra Radasa Rachel King Banner database prior to publication deadline. Amy Gonzales Andrew Ramirez Jay Koernke Raisa Gonzalez Given the number of Raymi Reynolds-Lynch Alexander Kruczek Daniel Gonzalez graduates and evolving Dominic Risso Amber Lalla Rachel Gordon status of many Anthony Rivera Katarina Leyba Kaitlyn Griego prospective graduates’ Kristopher Roanhorse Bridgette Love degree status, mistakes Zachary Groves Sandra Robinson Samuel MacDonald and omissions may have Marcus Guillen Alexandra Mang Yoana Rodriguez occurred. Being listed or Prajwal Gurung Tijana Marjanovic Joshua Rodriguez not here has no bearing Celina Gutierrez Benjamin Monge Benjamin Rogers on a student’s official Gabriel Gutierrez Juan Navarro Ryan Romero graduation status. This Jessica Gutierrez Bryce Owen Krystal Rose list currently includes: Jose Gutierrez Madeleine Palmer Spring 2021 Teo Roske Samantha Guy Pending degrees Emily Pearce Keely Ross Jennifer Guzman Summer 2021 Crina Peterson Kyle Rotzoll Lindsey Hale Pending degrees Jonathan Petrillo Michael Royle Shane Hancock


PAGE 6 / MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021


Congratulations, 2021 Graduates!

Anthony Rivera Kristopher Roanhorse Sandra Robinson Yoana Rodriguez Joshua Rodriguez Benjamin Rogers Ryan Romero Krystal Rose Teo Roske Keely Ross Kyle Rotzoll Michael Royle Breanna Russell William Russom Sally Saisa Gabriella Saiz Rachel Salas Allyson Sanchez Jayden Sanchez Micah Sanchez Camila Sanchez Meza Jazmin Sanchez Soto Cameron Sandoval Pranil Sangroula Lindsey Schagh Matthew Schimmel Cole Schoepke Angelique Sedillo Phillip Sena Binod Sharma Jessica Shaw Nilam Shrestha Carlos Simeone Hallie Simoes Yvonne Sitler Slater Sivage Michael Slenes Brooke Sparks Kyra Sprague Isabella Starkweather Erika Tafoya Kyle Tapaha Ryan Taylor Simon Tomberlin Adriana Torrez Tyler Trollinger JohnThomas Trondson Malissa Trujillo Alexis Trujillo BryAnna Trujillo Richard Trujillo Cassandra Trujillo Montana Trujillo Duane Ulibarri Juan Unger Andrew Valdez Victoria Valdez Miguel Valencia Jaqueline Valencia Cortez Vaksu Vanapalli Blanca Vasquez Sergio Velasquez Joseline Venegas Amber Vigil Emily Walker Takisha Ward Brandon Watley Andrew Watson Tya Watts Audra Whetten Tyler Williams Sarah Willis Dustin Woody Peiyao Wu Lucas Wylie Feng Xiao Zhuo Xu Manlu Yang Changye Yao Rekisha Yazzie Bei Yin Yatisha Yoe Michelle Young Adam Youtzy Ajla Zahirovic Nichole Zamora

Roarke Zimmer

Madeline D’Arezzo Tara Lopez BA ANTHROPOLOGY Alan Danos BAA Brenna Hale ARCHITECTURE Brenna Jennings Galiana Loorem Emily Ashford Kailey McDaniel Thomas Bejcek Emma McGhee Shondeen Benally Sorayah Romero Elizabeth Brage Daniel Rose Tara Briones Evan Sachse Antwan Calabaza William Skidmore-Farren Alesandra Candelaria Cecilia Ward David Dapo Roberto Williams Brandon Dodds Pearl Fischler BA Alejandro Garcia BIOCHEMISTRY Nazanin Gharibi Toluwalase Ilesanmi Winter Gibson BA BIOLOGY Sophie Goetzmann Julia Andreas Toni-Marie Gonzales Nahomi Betancourt Dante Gonzalez William Briggs Amber Grovet Shubham Chadha Richard Handel Maya Dawson Sydney Hanks David Duran Anthony Hernandez Samuel Hafer Samantha Hubbard Brian Lopez Facundo Jaime Bianca Lucero Sean Jarvis Jean Miller Corey Joe Jenna Peterson Young Gyu Kim Natalia Serrano Julian Lopez Steven Severance Victor Martinez Benjamin Sinclair Jacob Martinez Jade Tanuz Anne Martinez BA CHEMISTRY Arthur Modine Denae Candelaria Phuc Nguyen Melanie Cartron Miah Olson Andrew Green Perla Palomino Gabriella Jeantete Richard Parcel Collin Johnson Daniel Quintana Stephanie Resendiz Alexis Ramos Danielle Salcido Luis Rigales BA CHICANA Benjamin River CHICANO Alfredo Rodriguez STUDIES Leila Roth Terrence Baker Vanessa Salazar Sarah Quevedo Jacob San Nicolas Jesse Sanchez BA Bianey Serrano Castillo COMMUNICATION Samantha Spitzer Aubrey Antram Katterine Valencia Soria Brittany Armijo Jamieson Wiggins Tanner Baker Patricia Yamamoto Brandon Behringer Robell Berhane BAEPD ENVIRONMENTAL Hannah Buchanan PLANNING AND Marisa C de Baca Serena Chon DESIGN Marissa Collier Catalina Ambriz Fuad Cuzmar Hamza Awais Selena Delgado Alyssa Castanon Cheyann Duran Niklas Cole Samantha Garni Matthew Denis Claudia Gonzales Alexander Hendren Sofia Gray Brandan Jew Grace Hausenfleck Erin Luther Michael Hawk Esmeralda Mendoza Austin House Bryana Mitchell Hannah John Cameron Neighbor Jerry King Amber Rivera Hannah Labastida Maggie Schneiderman Ashly Letcher Laramie Sorensen Nickolas Macedo Darryl Vallejos Delaney Markham Ines Ware Lauraina Mathews Bernard Williams Hannah Monroe College of Alisa Moortgat Daniel Morales Arts & Bradley Murphy Sciences Langston Murray BA AFRICANA Garrett O’Connor STUDIES Isiah Padilla Timothy Mondloch Brian Parks Ameerah Thomas Alycia Payne BA AMERICAN Tamer Pena STUDIES Joseph Polack Elisa Portillo Justin Allen

School of Architecture and Planning

John Pugh Zane Ralph Michael Renaud Ana-Alicia Reyes Cynthia Salmon Leah Senator Michelle Uranga Lianne Walk Kaylen Weiss Dominic West Joshua Woisin BA COMPARATIVE LITERATURE & CULTURAL STUDIES Jean Stubbs BA CRIMINOLOGY Ellaf Al-Tamimi Brandon Archuleta Nicholas Atencio Trent Ballowe Jonathon Bartleson Rodolfo Becerril Lucas Bohannon Jared Bradshaw Gerald Bush Randy Carrillo Davian Chavarria Bailey Chavez Taylor Chavez Nichole Chavez Elaine Chavez Karina Dominguez James Downs Jacob Gameros Sean Garza Julian Gaspar Adonisedec Gomez Gonzalez Mariah Gordon Seth Guscott Judit Huerta Brittni Ice Kevin Ingram Jacob Jankoviak Candace Johnson Jade Knight Tiana Koppenhaver Jonica Leon Logan Lorey Austin Lozoya Luke Lucero Desiray Maez Cameron Martinez Liliana Martinez Kaylee Maxon Breanna Maxson Jamal Mayhew Alayna Montoya Anahi Munoz Damon Nieto Chris Nieto Hailey Nunez Alise O’Connell Brody Olson Evan Ortiz Denise Parra Allison Pfeifer Jordan Ramkowsky Reed Ridens Brisseida Rodriguez Jorge Rodriguez Ariana Rodriguez Arwa Sabla Tyler Salinas Angela Smith Devon Sparkman Larissa Stickney Natasha Swartz Moutez Thabata Joshua Trujillo Erika Trujillo Malia Vanisi Maria Vielma Victoria Vinsant Kevin Walters Elyse Weingardt Joshua Wilbur

Xiao-Ping Yang Vanesa Zuniga BA EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Lynn Anderson Samuel O’Herron-Alex BA EAST ASIAN STUDIES Johnny Chaleunphonh Dakoda Emberlin Symon Majewski Devin Pacheco Samantha Stroud Allison Thompson BA ECONOMICS Akanchaya Acharya Henry Boone Clara Burgeles Eduardo Calderon Priscilla Chacon Max Derderian Brandon Dokie Aidan Donahue Camillo Dunninger Ian Eshelman Melanie Foucault Zhanna Garfield Zachary Gibson Viktoria Gonsior Meghan Hollingsworth Alain Jacks Diaz de Bedoya Fiona Lamb Marisol Lucero Allan Mai Jacqueline Martinez Matthew Meyer Ana Milan Hinostroza Thach Nguyen Shawn Patterson Gabriela Pineda Dominguez Jackson Savage Raymond Sena Kyra Sprague Justin Starr BA ENGLISH Juri Hakola BA ENGLISH STUDIES Emma Apodaca Domilyse Armijo Julia Bonney Alison Bratkovic Abigail Bromley Anthony Dibisceglie Brenton Dudden Olivia Glanville Kayla Griego Isaiah Guerra Alicia Harris Haley Hewitt Drew Hildebrandt Asa Holcombe Marisol Jaramillo Rochelle Johnson Chad Jurado Andrew Keleher Ian Martin Christopher MartinetQuarles Arianna Medina Marta Meseguer Zapata Blake Moore George Moreno Katrina Ortiz Tania Radinson George Rodriguez Isabel Schuman David Schwartz Rachael Shiver Merrie Smith Annaliese Smith Brice Tyler Melissa Vega Alexandria Wick

BA ENGLISHPHILOSOPHY Lorenzo Anzalone Tyler Duncan Holly Watson BA GEOGRAPHY Anthony Chavez Kiersten Long Samantha Stroud BA HEALTH, MEDICINE & HUMAN VALUES Max Aycock Isabel Aycock Mikaela Bayardo Kody Becenti Maritza Chavez Samantha DeWees Joseph Esquibel Mya Grimes Holly Kastendieck Samyuta Komaravolu Ngan Le Jake Soens Isaiah Soliz Sahana Ummadi Helen Zhao BA HISTORY Nicholas Arellano Sarah Boucher Cheryl Burbank Kyra Burlingame Alexandria Chavez Connor Drebing David Engles Mackenzie Everett Alice Herla Rachel Hidalgo Thomas Kwei Andy Mancha James Martin Macielle Martinez John Matthews KeShell Mickens Marcus Miller-Moore Joseph Page Savannah Payton Christopher Romero Benjamin Yocco BA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Diamar Beltran-Taylor Christian Bur Jeanne Cruz Zoe Curcio Claudia Dimond Natalie Duncan Caroline Dunn Taylor Evans Marissa Flores Bayan Jaber Devin Kelley Ennedith Lopez Arambula Nainika Ravichandran Macey Rose Mary Roseman Kimberly Rupp Michael Sabol Evita Salazar-Behrens Bianca Solis Valentina Stanchi Grafton Stidger Brittany Welsh Julia White BA JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION Haroon Ahmad Brittany AscencioGoldstein Emily Ashby Adam Evarts Shane Farias Jaley Frame Bethany Gallegos

Alexa Haas Jessica Hicks Joshua Jaramillo William Jennings Jesus Mata Rajaa Murai Mikayla Ortega Manuel Romero Nicholas Romero Bodie Russell Sara Saiz Robert Sandoval Catherine Stringam Leah Thaete Daniel Ward BA LANGUAGES Iris Ellenberg Nancy Hernandez Jacob Oder Isabel Saavedra Timothy Vesper Brittany Welsh BA LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Lisette Camarillo Edgar Corona Castaneda Sandra Martinez Silvia Ortega BA LINGUISTICS Dawn Catanach Ximena De Los Rios Patricia Farrell Sarah Grindell Wilho Macneil Nichol Meyer Michelle Ortiz Graciela Poore Julien Reboul BA NATIVE AMERICAN STUDIES Songtree Cordova Sarah Dennison Anthony Dukepoo Pascal Enjady Leah Grover Scott Riley Anastasia Yepa BA PHILOSOPHY Christopher Clawson Matthew Cockrell Miles Donahue Matthew Hohengarten Ian Lubkin Reed Ridens Jacob Ring Jesse Thomas Iona Vernon Lauren Via BA PHYSICS & ASTROPHYSICS Robyn Ulibarri BA POLITICAL SCIENCE Juan Aceves Shannan Becenti Xavier Benavidez Theodore Bickett William Bowen Liam Browning Selah Cantwell Sabrina Chavez Kyle Chicharello Annie Chigbo John Cooke Carlos Cordova Mateo Cuellar Catrien de Boer Samantha Delap Bodee Dewees Rebecca Diaz-LLera Katelin Donovan Mayalyn Durham Stanley Ekeoha Ruby Elizondo Jiovanni Gallegos Helena Gates

James Goodman Solana Granados Nicole Hawthorne Vaughn Hubbard Blythe Hunt Erin James Solomon Johnson Daniel Kim Logan Lathrop Evan Lavin Rudolf Leyba Adam Lopez Joshaua Lujan Abigail Lutz Stefani Madera Lauren Martinez Christopher Mather Todd Moe Salomon Nino David Ogden Rebekah Pacheco Matthew Paschal Mary Pena Solomon Pena Zachery Perez Jasa Pricer Tatiana Prieto Joel Robinson Paige Romero Genevieve Romero Maxwell Ronquillo Jerika Rosas Galindo Theresa Salas Jakob Salazar Tea Salazar Anthony Sanchez Jean Sanchez Daniel Schoellkopf Leslie Sosa Jesse Thomas Taylor Velazquez Julia Whitten Iris Wohrer Trevor Wood Kristin Woodworth BA PORTUGUESE Felipe Jensen BA PSYCHOLOGY Estrella Aguilar Myriam Alcantar Rama Christopher Andresen Shyann Apodaca Heidi Armes Connie Aronson-Wayne Brandy Babcock Lauren Baird Allison Begay Tifah Benally Maya Benia Karinna Bourgeois Dorthe Celine Bredal Haga Karla Bruner Braxton Butler Haylee Butler Alicia Cameron Hannah Cannon Cayla Carr Julissa Carrera Sydney Chavez Kyla Cheama Kristin Church Ellie Clark Allison Clayton Brianna Conkle Marissa Cook Esperanza Cortez Camryn Council Dakoda Crawford Jordan Davis Rubin De La Rue Emily Deater Jaedyn Delacerda Ajesh Desai Duncan Douglas Chamique Duboise Julia Dunkin Kristen Eads

Erin Eggers Rachael Elumba Marena Escobar Una Etsitty Robert Farnsley Romanza Forsythe Brandon Frank Aspen Fresquez Kristine Fuentes Natalie Gabaldon Karina Galarza Yasmine Galbiso Taylor Garcia Alonso Garcia Nicole Geoffrion Parya Gharibi Madeline Gilbert Jeremy Gonzales Tiffani Gonzales Matthew Gonzalez Galven Green Elizabeth Grey Kayla Griego Paul Griego Raquel Guevara Paola Gutierrez Baca Deseree Haley Yvonne Hall Davis Harris Heather Harrison Jesus Hernandez Luisa Hernandez Mary Heron Amalia Herrera Emily Herrera Delaney Hill Madison Hirschman Delila Holston Joanna Houldridge Brittany Huddleston Andrew Huerena Elizabeth Hulett Luisa Hurtado Iglesias Danielle Hutchinson Natalia Iverson Alyssa Jaramillo Ariana Joe Ian Johnson Deni Johnson Claire Karo Sarah King Chris Kingswadd Linsy Knowles Megan Kornreich Amira Krolow Brenna Laverty Laura Leon Benjamin Leyba Jerusalen Lopez Aryana Lopez Cierra Lords Tory Lynch Liandra Maestas Elizabeth Martin Niko Martinez Manuel Martinez Crystal Martinez Jordan Martinez Alyssa Martinez Samuel Mascarenas Maria McCready Elijah Meddleton Grace Melloy Ariana Menchaca Alyssa Meyer Maya Miller Meghan Mirabal Jacklyn Mishos Felicia Mize Ryan Modisette Alexis Molina Kyle Molina Timothy Mondloch Andrea Mondragon Sammi Montano Victoria Montoya Elena Montoya Stephanie Montoya

Alexis Morales Caitlin Mott Sarah Moulton Cing Muang Angelica Munoz Ariana Munoz Trevizo Hannah Neville Shannon Newell Binh Nguyen Maximilian Niedenthal Paul Orr-Salazar Catalina Oselio Jordyn Palma Jennifer Pastrana Zoe Peters Hannaiyah Pickett Zoe Pinckley Stephanie Portillo Brice Proctor Martha Quintana Bailey Ramirez Dania Rasheed Olivia Reddington Darcie Regalado Sandra Renteria Aida Revilla Alondra Reyes Evelyn Reyes Jacob Ring Emily Roach Caroline Roberts Kristen Rodriguez Sara Rogers Angel Romero Richard Romero Krystal Rose Victoria Rosenberger Ysela Ross Alexandria Rotach Liany Ruiz Nakia Russ Stephany Rutledge Theresa Salas Maria Salazar Kaylee Salazar Alexxus Sanchez Erik Sanchez Devin Sanders Joanne Sandoval Sarah Schell Tarin Schott Brian Schurter Samantha Scoville Tristan Scumaci Bianca Shavers Hana Snyder Francesca Son Brandy Spicher Wyatt Starr Shelby Swope Jack Teeters Maira Tena Addison Thames Valerie Thomas Laurel-Maya Thomas Antonio Trujillo Jacquelyn Trujillo Ruben Trujillo Katrina Tsosie Christopher Upton Jaclyn Valdez Stephanie Velasquez Celeste Villasenor Nikki Waseta Nakala Watson Victoria Waymire Giselle Weiss Nicolas Wilson Shelby Yara Makeisha Yazzie Kalei Yepa Erdem Yildiz Chloe Zimmerman BA RELIGIOUS STUDIES Ian Carrillo Miles Donahue Maiya Johnson

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MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 / PAGE 7

Congratulations, 2021 Graduates!

Amanda Vallo Chase Weaver Catherine Westbrook Tia White BA SPANISH Alexandra Camacho Yurina Douglas Alvarez Cindy Flores Elizabeth Gallo Livia Hensley Whitney Hooper Viviana Martinez Diana Martinez-Nava Marcela Mendoza Mario Pena Munoz Jorge Redruello Sanchez Jorge Salcido Morales Karol Vanchaik Karina Veleta Nichole Zamora BA SPEECH & HEARING SCIENCES Paige Archuleta Caitlin Baca Hope Bodewaldt Marissa Brown Tomas Chavez Erin Coho Evan Crockett Samuel Dennison Patricia Dentinger David Diaz Aguirre Emmaline Duvall Maria Escalera Erica Fischer Marisa Francisco Reyna Gallegos Ysabel Garcia Mikalah Garcia Faiza Gauba Ayzzar Gurrola Taylor Heckroth Bridget Hillsey Tiana Holmon Mark Johnson Juanita Johnson Elizabeth Martinez Jaysen Moreno Agnes Paijebo Jobilyn Ramirez Jesele Robles Joy Romero Diana Sandoval Gurrola Araceli Sarmiento Veanna Thomas Alicia Trujillo Vanessa Viramontes Sophia Wade Sarah Walther Clarissa Yancey BA WOMEN STUDIES Avery Bachman-Rhodes Abigail Hurt BS ANTHROPOLOGY Kandyce Chavez Madeline Dunn

Alexandria Frey Alexandra Harris William Ifere Marina Lemly Elizabeth Medina-Romero Justin Muniz Deanna Rhodes Kathryn Sokolowski Sarah Taylor Abigail White BS ASTROPHYSICS Taylor Cramer Kyle Kennard Nicolas Litza Trevor Olive BS BIOCHEMISTRY Hannah Ahr Abigale Aldrich Joy Armendariz Megan Barber Benjamin Blanco Richard Dang Andrew Dao Sean Thomas Delica Christian Doyle Jessica Embry Tristan Franco Jaclyn Gallegos Leslie Garcia Eric Gomez Ariana Gutierrez Nicholas Hall Demesia Hidalgo Alexis Holguin Connor Houdek Brittany Humphrey David Hunter Steffi Jones Miranda Juarros Tadashi Kondo Isaiah Kongsvik Kim Le Bernadette Le Nguyen Jordan Lee Brittney Love Morgan Lucero Tristan Massey Selina Montoya Michael Nguyen Gonzalo Orona AnaLisa Ortiz Viet Phan Corvid Platero Abduljawad Popal Taylor Portman Hilary Post Elizabeth Raby Xavier Robinson Braylin Rodriguez Devin Rollins Richard Romero Aaron Romero George Ryan Orion Sanchez Robert Savage Aaron Sellers Ryan Shaffer

Cassandra Shafike Jaida Smith Andrew Spradlin Hannah Straight Lily Taichert Kimberly Tirado-Fuentes Talyia Torres John Torres Robbie Trujillo James Uhrich Calista Weiss Stacey Wommack Julissa Zambrano Zhi Zhang BS BIOLOGY Megan Agena Patrick Aguilar Maite Aguirre Bethany Alvarez Nola Amburgey Christabel Ameyaw Baah Francisco Aragon Jade Archuleta Makayla Avendano Madeline Baca Matija Barrett Makayla Beach Susanna Bejarano Jeffrey Booker Matthew Bossert Natasha Browne Kate Browning Matthew Bublis Alexandra Call Alexandra Camacho Montserrat Camarena-Leija Lara Carrica Marina Casiano Ruiz Ashlea Castleberry Andrew Cayaditto Felix Cerna Evita Chee Mariela Cisco Holly Clark Shi’Daisha Colosimo Brandon Constand Lizbeth Contreras Emilio Crespin Tyler Damron Chase De Guio Gabriella Dionisio Deborah Dominguez Brooke Dunn Justin Farello Alina Federico Colin Findley Ashlee Flores Jamie Foreman Emily Fry Flora Gallegos Edward Gallegos Jessica Gallegos Emanuel Garcia Butheina Ghweir Elizabeth Glover Javier Gonzalez Andrew Green Mankirt Grewal Roxana Gutierrez Jazzel Gutierrez

Shayla Hanley Alexis Henderson Vincent Hiep-Vo Whitney Hooper Andrew Hua David Hughes Dan Huynh Savannah Ibarra Mohammed Jaber Jacob Jaramillo Hannah Johnson Jarett Jones Rileigh Jordan Lakeisha Kee Danielle Land Shelby Langley Kenneth Le Emma Lindemann Noelia Loya Zarlish Mall Gwendolyn Maly Amanda Marbourg Autumn Martinez Monique Martinez Aidan Martinez Laura Martinez Anejelique Martinez Kristen Maus Gabriella Maxson Emily McManus Marian Means Marta Meseguer Zapata Lynn Midani Isabelle Monroe Agus Naidu Erik Neal Janessa Negron Kiera Newman Thuy Nguyen Stephanie Nitschke Stephanie Olivas Silvia Ortega Michael Ortega AnaLisa Ortiz Roni Parrales Andrea Pasmay Karishma Patel Rishi Patel Kayla Patterson Mario Pena Munoz Thuy Pham Tiffany Quynh-Tram Pham Karly Phillips Alina Pillmore Danielle Quevedo Anna Maria Quintana Roshna Rajan Reshma Rajan Eileen Renteria Antonella Riega Megan Rivera Bryce Roberts Isaac Rodriguez Richard Romero Shannon Ross Joel Ruiz Velasquez Alexander Sanchez Elizabeth Schifris Dhyana Severson Amanda Solnitzky

Daniel Stearns Wyatt Stevens Ryan Stumbaugh Victoria Suazo Thitirat Techapun Angel Thai Jennifer Tinnin Danielle Trujillo Christopher Trujillo Jennifer Valdez Quinton Valencia Liliana Vega Cyrill Mariand Ventura Michaela Vigil-Lujan Nghia Vo Matthew Weinstein Jessica Whitham Alexandria Wiesel Daniele Wiley Jillian Woodruff Chenwu Xiao Jayme Yazzie Maryssa Young Kaitlyn Zbylut Raven Zellers BS CHEMISTRY Matija Barrett Veronica Graven Ryan Grimm Fernando Guerrero Samantha Longley William Wilson BS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Holly Aikin Daniel Campos Robert Garringer Ana Johnson Nastassia Markin Catherine Ruev BS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Sharon Chavez Joshua Espen Austin Hoskinson Danielle Pierce Jacqueline Rodriguez BS GEOGRAPHY Patricia Bittinger Leah Boley Manuel Guerra Bryan Landry Heyashrom PachecoChino Simeon Scanlon BS MATHEMATICS Shyam Adhikari Luis Calderon Reyes Natalie Chang Andrew Coffey Heidi Darsey Zachary Garcia Anna Granquist Aaron Legits Trevor McVeety

Andres Rigg Kimberly Rivera Daniel Torres Daniel Torres-Chaparro BS PHYSICS Robert Beattie-Rossberg Daniel Berenger-Russell Andrew Coffey Tyler Hilbun Yankang Liu Josef Sorenson Adam Yanez BS PSYCHOLOGY Hanna Alley Mark Alvarado Hayley Babbitt Luciana Branda Christina Brito Mariah Brown Grace Cairo Holly Clark Cole Davis Ashley Decastro Robert Trevor Divett Jade Dukeminier Brooke Dunn Paulina Duran Emily Fry Flora Gallegos Danielle Garcia Marissa Garcia Emanuel Garcia Elizabeth Glover Emerald Goranson Mankirt Grewal Andrea Griego Alexis Henderson Carla Hiley Alexis Holguin Dana Jose Michael Joseph Dasie Kent Kylee Kiraly Araceli Lewis Marsha Lucero Katherine MacCurdy Gwendolyn Maly Tristan Massey Alan Merida Stephanie Nitschke Shyanne Nourse Maria Cecilia Oroyan Michael Ortega Kiaira Patterson Brenden Pitcher Roshna Rajan Victoria Renteria Antonella Riega Brenna Riley Carolina Rodriguez Daniel Rose Joel Ruiz Velasquez Heather Savage Victoria Suazo Antonio Tabullo

Bernardo Ubaldo Seixas Cyrill Mariand Ventura Rachel Walters Kristen Woody Joshua Young Jarod Yun BS SIGNED LANGUAGE INTERPRETING Krista Baca Georgia Dukes Patricia Farrell Brianna Gomez Desarae Gonzales Alyssa Harrison Elizabeth Helf Ariana Jauregui Natalie Mascarenas Kendra Rael Rachel Stormont Kaelin Tonrey Jacqueline Trujillo Alyssa Valdez BS STATISTICS Sophia Archibeque Jason Cox Samuel Hafer Pratap Khattri Markel Poore

College of Education

BAED SECONDARY EDUCATION Brittany Bahe Micheala Burch Alesia Camacho Karla Campos Nicholas Christman Madai Cisneros Emilia Garcia Litzia Gonzalez-Orozco Emiliano Maestas Sarai Maldonado Cardoza Marteena Martinez Ashley Munoz Maria Payne Jacqueline Redhouse Isela Rendon Guadalupe Reyes Anthony Ruiz Matthew Sandoval Myrtha Sebastian Brenna Valencia Eric Van Dyck Jack Ware Karina Zavala BS ATHLETIC TRAINING Gabrielle Atencio Alexandra Belliotti Keliana De Neef Rhea Florez

Joshua Garcia Samer Mabrouk Sydney Mitsui Caitlin Shell Michael Trauba BS COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION Antonia Anderson Tifah Benally Kianna Casias Hoa Farnell Precious Goodhart Paige Maxwell Amalia Nunez Veronica Padilla Andrea Patterson Jakeem Paul Katelin Plummer Cassandra Reed Ava Yelton BS EXERCISE SCIENCE Lizette Amaya Adela Castaneda Joel Castellano Laura Castro Herrera Nicolette Clark Maya Dawson Dominic Donio Matthew Flores Sage Galloway Bryan Green Rebekah Gridley Sonia Gunkel Garrett Hanson Aubry Hershberger Kevin Keys Caleb Lafler Nickolas Lomonaco Hayley Lucero Brianna Martinez Tyler Mertens Natasha Munday Vivian Navarro Erinn Ostic Christina Padilla Katarina Rasinski Elizabeth Reyes Brenna Riley Monika Rivera Corey Roberson Isabella Rosazza Kayla Schatz Koran Sherman Kody Smith Quinn Truyol Samantha Urban Dominic Vaughn Miriam Vinnedge Madison Virostko Maxwell Walker Hannah Warren BS FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Hana Adent Ciara Campos Destiny Felix

Rainna Heggenberger Samantha Hopkins Rachel Kullman Amberley Luna Bobbi Morris Paloma Munoz-Neri Larissa Romero Jacqueline Sanders BS NUTRITION & DIETETICS Esmeralda Barajas Farleigh Carson Lauren Church Gabriel Diaz Emily Dinwoodie Natalie Ebler Michaela Eckstein Isabel Gonzales Mayson Hollinger Sean Langlois Dylan Langlois Brian Lopez Dylan Lucero Melanie McBride Hannah Pangallo Monique Rivera Calvin Romero Dominique Romero Spirit Rae Silva Adrian Smiel Shoshanah Totzke Katia Velasquez BSED ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Kodie Aceves Fatima Amaya Isabel Atencio Christina Baca Lisette Candelaria Edith Cardenas Nallely Carmona Emma Cassady Gabrielle Chaply Katelyn Clark Cierah Clowe Esli Corral Rocio Cuevas Sarah Dadey Jaquelin Dominguez Skye Dorato Ivet Duran-Reyes Christina Gallegos Michelle Gonzales Aurora Gray Dillon Greene Karah Hagengruber Ashley Hendrix Sarah Hering Naima Hurain Fareeha Kamal Gada Khalaf Kaitlyn Kirk Neykar Kotyk Julia Lind Porsha Lindsay Marissa Lopez

Vanessa Lujan Emily Marchetti Shyanne Martinez Sierra Medina Alisha Montoya Charles Montoya Alexa Morgan Yael Morgan Jamie Moryosef Jackie Newey Vianca Nunez Rachael Pine Melissa Richards Kiersten Rockett Jenna Romero Emma Rutland Thalia Sanchez Bambee Sarracino Veronica Silva Scout Stringer Justin Succo Rachel Trujillo Sokara Tuck Jadyn Vigil Marissa Vigil Michaela Vigneau Jinxian Zheng BSED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Derek Metzgar BSED SECONDARY EDUCATION Nicole Chavez Nhi Do Gildardo Gabaldon Leslie HernandezTerrazas Lisa Justice Isaiah Lang BSED SPECIAL EDUCATION Griffin Burgos Taunnah Garcia Gillian Green Jim Largo Alyssa Martinez Gabriela Sandoval James Silva Emma Tercero Joann Vega

School of Engineering

BSCE CIVIL ENGINEERING Carl Abadam Bassam Abou Yassine John Adams Trevor Amestoy Evan Babcock Quentin Benioh Lucas Bierig Taylor Busch Maria Cruz Shamas Din

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PAGE 8 / MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021


Congratulations, 2021 Graduates!

Benjamin Gallegos Coleen Geraghty Jeffery Grey Matthew Hydrusko Mariel Jones Nirajan Joshi Haley Ormsbee Jenae Robertson Brian Ruiz Jessica Soto Abinash Upreti Raquel Valdez Oliver Valdez Tamara Walker BSCHE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Mustafa Al Khazraji Gema Alas David Arnot Ashley Bowman Mayra Caldera Rafael Castro Anthony Chavez Luke Denoyer Hoi Doan Jessica Domrzalski Nicolas Dowdy Pholopater Faltas August Finke Alycia Galindo Emily Ganley Lynna Giang Rachel Habing Sara Hasan Kelsie Herzer Ju Young Kang Brandon Kennard Cory Kershaw Yebin Kim


Joshua Kovach Sonji Lamichhane Rose Yesl Lee Trent Llewellyn Jonathan Lloyd Gabriela Lucero Collin Lunn Rachel Mixon Zachary Montoya Hao Nguyen Mekalah Padilla Christina Patsalis Durante Pioche-Lee Mariah Pioche-Lee Matthew Powell Paul Rademacher Elizabeth Rivenbark Hannah Robinson Kimberly Rogge-Obando Jarrod Ronquillo Robert Sanchez Colman Sandler Brenda Savage Olivia Schollenberger Samantha Siska Carly Strickland Dijar Sylejmani Gabriella Tafoya Ashley Tafoya Rebecca Tafoya Kyle Troche Sergio Valora Sandoval Benjamin Vanotteson Matthew Vigil Bryan Weaver BSCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Noah Chacon Miguel Garcia Brandon Monroy

BSCM CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Dominica Bennett BSCPE COMPUTER ENGINEERING Richard Briggs Ryan Brown Christopher Carpenter Isaac Carrasco Janner Conde Timothy Haar Delaney Heileman Charles Helmich Sean Kelly Zane Kominek Frank Lora Ian Lubkin Eva Nunez Isabella Obermeier Cesar Ornelas Alejandro Ruiz Aguilera Luis Sanchez Alexander Shoham Ivan Trujillo Alan Valadez Arredondo Skyler Valdez William Wagner Gregg Whitford BSCS COMPUTER SCIENCE Robin Acosta Jose Andazola Benjamin Anker Nicholas Bacon Roy Claudio Ryan Cooper Connor Frost Shreeman Gautam

Tanner Hunt Amun Kharel Luis Martinez Jacob McCullough Matthew Melendy Mario Morford-Oberst Zachary Morrell John Ng Mariah Pacheco Craig Parry Arlin Pedregon Quezada Annica Roos Hoyt Sampson Ankit Shah Christopher Shelton Alan Shen Biraj Tiwari Colton Trujillo Marcus Trujillo Victor Valverde Jacob Varela Ronald Wood Rachel Young BSEE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Abdullah F O A M Alenezi Alexander Armijo Mario Avila Gabriel Baca Rena Berdine Sydney Billingsley Nathan Burt Nathan Davey Jacob Debari Alexander Glick Noah Jackson Georgia Kaufman Jack Kramer David Krawczyk

Sara LaTouf Trujillo Ken Le Ricardo Lujan Dante Orona Yang Daniel Preissler Khandoker Rafa Islam Daniel Roper Robert Stroud Russell Teodoro Maxim Vitkovsky Alec Wyatt Matthew Zemlick BSME MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Samrat Adhikari Marcos Alcazar Matthew Aragon Malerie Baeza Jenai Beal-Permel Eric Benfield Ansel Blumenthal Felicia Brimigion Dylan Casey Ming Ho Chan Joshua Chavez Sara D’Angelico Ethan Darwin Enrico Del Frate James Deprez David Didonato Marvin Frank Micah Gonzales-Sedillo Luke Gray Antonio Griego Rio Hatton Jeremy Holder Anthony Lobato Nelson Longmire

Noah Lucero Kevin Maresca Emilio Martinez Riley McCarthy Jose Molina Villalba Jaiden Norton Steven Oliverio Felipe Pena Michael Perrin Donato Piroscafo David Porteous Daniel Record Jennifer Restrepo Matthew Roach Cayman Rogers Sydney Roth David Rusk Isaiah Sanchez Vincent Santino Ranjan Sapkota Tony Sapradit Ethan Schmidt Carolina Shaheen Samundra Sharma Christopher Torres Mathew Tosh Genai Troy Blake Upton Jordan Whitson Natalie Yonemoto BSNE NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Phat Doan Matthew Gervasi Josiah Hindera Dalton Irvin Daniel Lente Dean Lopez

Mekiel Olguin Jonathan Ortega Alexandria Ragsdale Tara Robertson Gregory Ryba Michael Tanguay Flora Valdez-Lopez Dylan Weatherred

Dylan Wray BA FILM & DIGITAL ARTS Stevanna Allen Samantha Aragon Christopher Balderas Zachary Baros Jodie Calhoun Sinjn Cortes College of Eric Hillmeyer Amelia Hoffmann Fine Arts Noah Kerner BA ART Victor Mangiacapra EDUCATION Christopher Miller Michael Kennedy Andrew Mirabal Ana Palma Savannah Montes Joshua Richardson Victoria Olmos Sirena Schabert BA ART HISTORY Yvette Ortiz Aliyah Reese Sarah Cordova Clayton Rimbert Maureen Doherty Shannon Shimada Angela Le Quieu William Silverman Cassidy Maisel Vaughn Trujillo Magdalena Sterling Urgyen Yonjon Tamang Faron Stout BA BA ART STUDIO INTERPatrick Baca-Chandler DISCIPLINARY Reese Bice ARTS Bridey Caramagno Austin Anderson Lauren Chiri Roman Aragon Chenjera Floyd Savannah Castillo Jacob Gutierrez Collette ChouinardKailah Heller Couch Kathryn Jackson Wanashe Frank Sarah McHarney Parker Hubbard Mira Misleh Joseline Mendoza Aaron Rivera Galen Nolan Remy Sinega Claire Plymale BA DANCE Ariela Schmidt Lydia Krebbs Jerome Sena Evelyn Mendoza James Snyder

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Eric Hurbina Adrianna Jenkins Blaise Koller Joseph Mendoza Briana Moreno Jacob Nunez Consuelo Ortiz Rosalinda Pacheco Tiffany Redford Michael Schultze Sam Snell Joshua Wiercinski BFA DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY FOR PERFORMANCE Anna Henderson Tori Whisler BFA FILM & DIGITAL ARTS Kyle Alarid Jorge Almaraz Curtis Althaus Sophia Broussard Jarod Buell Carl Cox Enhui Cui Andrew Duran Drew Gonzales Edgardo Gonzalez Alexander Jack Randy Kelsey David Lawrence Emilio Medina Miranda Miller Gabrielle Ortiz Alexandra Peterson James Redoblado






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Housing Guide Map



1 Residence Life 2 The View Abq 3 Lobo Rainforest


Apartments WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. 505-843-9642. Open 6 days/week. BLOCK TO UNM, clean, quiet. 1BDRM starting at $660 includes utilities. No pets. 209 Columbia SE. 505-255-2685, 505-503-0795.




MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 / PAGE 9



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PAGE 10 / MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021


Congratulations, 2021 Graduates!

Gabriel Saavedra Nicholas Sandoval Tessa Tange Drake Terrill BFA INTERDISCIPLINARY FILM & DIGITAL MEDIA Ryan Allison Daniel Atchison Laura Christian Aubrey Closson Emille Domschot Manasseh Endwarrior Thomas Harwood Mauricio Herrera Megan Kamauoha Felina Martinez Jack Moser Jared Provencio Rylee Schademan Elotario Trujillo Evan Wainwright Myah Wilmarth Alan Yasuda BM MUSIC Shane Corwin Andreas Landstedt Kaitlyn Norman Christopher Orphal Stephen Schulz BME MUSIC EDUCATION Agustin Arredondo Natalie Bonelli Gilbert Chavez Antonio Dailey Mark Gallegos Justice Hawley Brianna Joyce Samantha Mendez Allison Moore Luis Varona

School of Medicine


David Chavez Brooke Chesley Garrett Clark Jacob Danemann Gabriela Gabaldon Corey Garcia Jackson Harris Patrick Harris Magda Hernandez Canaca Maison Hooten Raymond Jee Caitlin Knowlson Ivona Luettgen Elle Mascarenas Raymond Montano Veronica Nestrick Hieu Ngo Jaron Elijah Schmitz Maya Stephenson Jeffrey Swenson Karl Walker Stephen Warren BS RADIOLOGIC SCIENCES Perla Hernandez Gabriel Holguin Jennae Lucero Viviana Ramirez Paula Sedillo BSDH DENTAL HYGIENE Nayelli Acosta Caleigh Arrington Glori Bowman Pamela Burroughs Renee Carrica Olinka Clay Troy Marisol Diaz Jennyfer Estrada Najera Basma Faris Reyna Hermosillo Constance Hilbun Linna Hu Oseghiwe Idiake Kandice Lewis Lynne Mullally Thao Nguyen Jennifer Pacheco Noemi Padilla

Crystal Perez Quynh-Nhu Pham Robin Prewett Kerima Setra Hideaki Suzuki Anna Trujillo Diana Vega Thomas Volk Grace Walker Demetra Wenberg Stephanie Westerman BSML MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES Khadijah Al Hallal Quincy Billie Patricia Dewalt Bianca Lueras Lesley Nevarez-Casas Frozan Popal Kaylie Shingle Vanessa Velez

College of Nursing

BSN NURSING Peter Adolphson Lizette Amaya Michael Apodaca Christine Aragon Lindsey Aragon Marissa Archuleta Corina Baca Ashley Ballantyne Kenneth Barncastle Gary Barragan Lauren Benavidez Darby Benfield Anne Berry Islena Best Kristyn Bilak Cami Black Xavier Bradley Maegan Britt Isabela Brooks-Vega Cindy Brunacini Jaycey Burgess Jill Burns Elizabeth Cabral Silva Maritza Cabrera Anjelica Caldwell

Amanda Candelaria Natalie Cardenas David Carmona Shanelle Catron Elizabeth Charlie Catera Chavez Celine Chretien Amorray Cobos Malinda Cody-Harry Savannah Contreras Michelle Cooper Laura Coya Garcia Briana Cuestas Lauren Davenport Megan Davis Connie Deering Allegra Delgardo Sharmayne Delgarito Charlene Drake Jenna Duarte Megan Duckett Taylor Duffy Melanie East Katharine Egli Alyssa Ellison April Encee Gregory Ewan Shannon Farney Samantha Feil Leslie Foltz Synneva Foster Kailey Fragua Lacey Franzen Veronica FrischmannLucero James Gallegos Amanda Garcia Renee Garcia Janelle Garciduenas Jamie Gianardi Verona Gomez Karla Gomez Moreno Nicole Gordon Ruby Grajeda-Chavez Claudia Granados James Grant Briana Groten Alexis Guardian David Gustilo Karla Gutierrez Roselle Gutierrez

Sarah Ham Lauren Hancock Jerrod Hartenberger Alexander Heitz-Canales Jennifer Herrera Jeremiah Hinkley Gina Holguin Tamera Holyan Matea Hoover Jane Huynh Theresa Iardella Laura Iboa Naseem Jafari Kathryn James Joshua Jaramillo Zachary Johnson Robyn Johnson Adam Karig Norah Kissell Dominique Landeau Victory Larson Stephanie Laughlin Audrey Leber Paige Leslie Victoria Linn Sizhu Liu Jamie Livingston Brynn Lobato Joseph Loehner Angelica Lopez Monica Lucero Quiterita Lucero Ashley Lucero Lauren Ludberg Amanda Luna Rochelle Macias Renee Makvandi Megan Marquez Isaiah Martin Jasmine Martinez Dominique Martinez Abigail Martinez Rachel Martinez Ana McElroy Lauren Miranda Norma Molina Skye MomadayMcKinney Melissa Montez David Montoya Madison Mosher

Faith Myers Ashleigh Namm Chinenye Ndiulor Valerie Nells Jennifer Nielsen Alison Noriega Nicialia Nunez Nnaedozie Ohaegbulam Scotty Olson John David Ortiz Maddisson Pavey Marissa Perry Angela Phillips Stephanie Pickup Alexis Ramsey Jordan Richards Aleya Rivas Tammy Robbins Brittany Romero Karen Ruiz Jasmyne Salazar Sadie Sanders Lillian Sarmiento-Hren David Schmiderer Courtney Schmidt Caleb Sciarrillo Taylor Scott Janie Shorty Abibatu Sillah Alicia Silva Rozalyn Snyder Lila Sommers Daisy Sosa Sierra Stapleton Ashlynn Steffensen Shauna Sulima Kristal Summers Randall Taylor Andres Tenorio Kristen Terlesky Miranda Thompson Tiffany Torres Mayra Trivizo Kirsten Tsosie Stephanie VanCuren Jesenia Varela Brieonna Walker Tialana Watts Adam Weinberger Daniele Whalen Cobin Willie

Iahlayah Wolfe Laura Wolfe Jennifer Wolff Alexandra Zilli

BS INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY & TRAINING Eric Barros College of Douglas Population Ashley Gabrielle Pierre-Louis Health Kaylin Sanchez BS POPULATION Candace Zappia HEALTH University Jenene Akkad Studies Kayla Armijo Shantika Begay BA LIBERAL ARTS Brandon Bennett Alex Abeyta Aurelia Chavez Romeo Alonzo Sydney Conlon Maria Anchondo Weini Frezghi Landeros Riley Hammon Jacob Aragon Mohammed Jaber Belinda Arguello Nidhi Kanabar Tatiana Ascevez Pablo Lasso Bernice Atso Govinda Lingayat Tristan Austring Jion-Jain McGee Byron Bell Suzanna Metcalf Sierra Benegas Karina Miramontes Kaylee Britt Zoe Myers Anabel Bueno Irum Nadeem Abril Calderon Jaylene PereyraTristan Calderwood Hernandez Jessica Corona Lynsey Pinto Victor Corpuz Aanchal Pradhan Shelby Deyapp Natalie Robson Jordyn Diaz Alan Rodriguez Karla Dominguez Natalia Serrano Jamari Drake Jacob Silva Lilia Farris Stephany Strahle Sara Fernandez Thomas Suarez Leo Fitzsimmons Milo Taylor Matthew French Erica Thomas Amanda Garley Jessica Veleta Erica Gavaldon Karina Veleta Briana Gonzales Clayton Yazzie Jordan Gray College of Emmanuel Greene Alyssa Hamlin University Eileen Haws Libraries & Amelia Hellberg Gustavo Hernandez Learning Gabriella Herrera Science Derek Holt

Jaclyn Taylor Inclan Rebecca Jacobs Kyle Jarvis Samantha Kosel Annamaria Kostarellis Sarianna Kuuttila April Lahi Kyle Landers Braden Laumbach James Lewis Alicia Ley Alexandria Lopez Jonah Lopez Gloria Lopez-Rodriguez Adasmin Lozano-Arvizu Chelsea Marshall Emalee Matthews Keith McGee Faith Melendez Jeanine Miller Victoria Mount Monica Moya-Buszek Stephen Murray Chrishawna Nickols Maximiliano Padilla Jheri-Marisa Patterson Mayra Pazos Lucas Perez Gabriela Perez Bryan Phillips Stephanie Porter Abhinav Prasad Nilima Prasad Breanna Rodriguez Andrea Rogers Arianna Romano Celina-Marie Rosales Brenda Rosales Coria Gabriel Roybal Marco Roybal Iris Ruiz Kimberly Salazar Allison Salazar Jacinto Sanchez Michaela Sanchez Bethany Sankot Kiana Spencer Emma Spotts Steven Stanard

Collin Storms Akane Takada Allan Taylor Robert Taylor Benjamin Thorpe Emery Toehe Natalia Tritica Katherine Trujillo Andrew Trujillo Gabriel Trujillo Hunter Tucker Madeline Villalba Skylar Wallace Sofia Ximenez-Byrne BISI INTEGRATIVE STUDIES & INNOVATION Kyle Baca Alec Garcia Joshua Murillo Joseph Quinn Tomas Teel Zachary Ward BLA LIBERAL ARTS Gary Allee Kathryn Armstrong Joseph Concha Shawn Fricke Anthony Gomez Adrian Greeley Lorraine Griner John Harari Angela Hazelet Sheila Henke Tami Henri Corey Hightower Nizoni Loiselle Addryll Nance Peter Nieto Helena Pike Michael Swalby Andres Torres Adam Tupler Giselle Weiss Mauro Woody










H O U S I N G .U N M . E D U







MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021 / PAGE 11

Daily Lobo reporter Hannah John graduates with a clear path toward diversifying journalism By Jaden Brown @DailyLobo

Matisse Fields / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo

Hannah John, graduating this semester, hopes to represent Native Americans in future journalism.

With a mind set on making a difference for Native Americans, Daily Lobo reporter Hannah John is graduating from the University of New Mexico with a major in communications and a minor in Native American studies. Even through the COVID-19 pandemic, John has remained a fighter for equality in the face of cultural challenges. With the future in mind, John has her sights set on bigger and better things, including the pursuit of a successful career in journalism with a focus on heightening the representation of her Native American culture in news media. “I noticed that there’s a lack of Native journalists,” John said. “That’s why I’m going into (journalism), that’s why I applied to the Lobo and that’s why a lot of my stories are also Native-centric.” John has written stories for the Daily Lobo tackling topics like the termination of the affordable housing agreement for students from Navajo Nation at UNM Rainforest and the impact of Native American voters. John said that oftentimes when Na-




Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk-in HIV Testing Monday: 8am-noon 801 Encino Pl NE

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Tuesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk-in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Wednesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Saturday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Sunday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

tive Americans are written about by non-Natives, it can be “misrepresenting, to some extent.” “That was one of the things I loved about writing for the Lobo,” John said. “I got to represent myself and my people.” Raised in the Navajo Nation near Gallup, New Mexico, John previously attended UNM’s Gallup branch to finish her general studies and other prerequisite coursework. She’s been living at Lobo Rainforest since she started attending UNM’s main campus in 2019. Like many other students, the arrival of the pandemic and the transition into a COVID-safe environment created its fair share of challenges for John along her journey. “The transition initially was pretty difficult,” John said. “From my point of view, I would say that online classes are much harder than classes (in person).” John prefers face-to-face education compared to taking classes virtually, and the unexpected transition to virtual education at UNM proved to be an added challenge to John’s overall experience. Because of this online setting, a great deal of students from other cities and states who were living on campus

chose to go back home and attend classes remotely. John, however, chose to stay near UNM because internet accessibility is more difficult to come by in the Navajo Nation. “She was on campus literally all the time and the majority of the time, she was by herself,” Deianira Mason, a close friend of John’s, said. As an already highly motivated and self-guided student, John was still able to adapt quickly and efficiently to the new world that we’re living in. The upcoming graduate utilized a multitude of tools to avoid falling behind in school, including time management skills and the use of electronic calendars to keep track of her schedule. John intends to utilize her writing experience and education to gain employment or an internship at a mainstream news outlet, whether it be for a news channel, a newspaper or an online publication. She hopes this step in her career will get her “foot in the door, and we’ll see where it goes from there.” Jaden Brown is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo

The Entertainment Guide


Know your status. Be #LoboProud

Thursday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk-in HIV Testing Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Test with Truman. (505) 272-1312

Walk in HIV testing hours: Mon. 8 a.m. - noon Tues. 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs. 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.


PAGE 12 / MONDAY, MAY 10, 2021


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FRONTIER RESTAURANT OPENINGS available. Starting at $12/hr. Cashier/ Bussing positions. Day, night, weekends. Food discounts and benefits. Will work around your schedule. Apply in person after 2PM. 2400 Central SE. CAREGIVER POSITION FOR the top workplace 8 years in a row! Looking for someone who enjoys working with kids and believes that play is an important part of childhood development. Positions available for part-time and fulltime during the summer. Apply online at www.childrens‑choice.org NOW HIRING, STARTING pay $10.50

/hr. After 90 days, eligible for an increase. No experience required, training is available. Must have reliable transportation. Send email of interest to Al Dismuke (adismuke@ccjs.us) or call 505-659-5209.


OPENINGS AVAILABLE Starting at $12/hour

Cashier/Bussing Positions Day, Night, Weekends. Food Discounts and Benefits Will work around your schedule.

Apply in person

2400 Central SE

The small print:

Each ad must be 25 or fewer words, scheduled for 5 or fewer days. To place your free ad, come by Marron Hall, Room 107 and show your student ID or email us from your UNM email account at classifieds@dailylobo.com

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