Daily Lobo 05/08/2023

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Morales prepares for upcoming advocacy projects

Abrianna Morales has spent her time at the University of New Mexico lobbying for political change and advocating for survivors of sexual violence. She graduates with a double major in psychology and criminology and said she already has big things on the horizon.

Morales plans to stay in the Albuquerque area and continue her advocacy work with the National Organization for Victim Assistance. She also plans to continue her advocacy with the organization she started, Sexual Assault Youth Support Network and her relationship with UNM.

“I’ll be staying here in Albuquerque after graduation to work with NOVA on the launch of the youth advocacy board, and we’re partnering with UNM — among other colleges — to do that. So, I’ll be very much continuing my connection to UNM with my advocacy work,” Morales said. Following graduation, Morales will manage a new program through NOVA that focuses on youth advocacy and assistance. This program is funded by the Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime, which provides victims of crime with additional

resources, Morales said.

“NOVA recently got a grant from the OVC to fund the launch of a Youth Advocacy Corps,” Morales said. “We’re partnering with five universities throughout the U.S. to develop and launch a fellowship for marginalized undergraduate students to become trained as victim advocates and do a year-long paid placement in a community agency as a victim advocate. My role is program manager, so I’ll be in charge of running that for the next three years.”

She will not let her busy schedule prevent her from continuing to lobby for political change, Morales said. Though none of the bills Morales and SAYSN have advocated for around sexual violence survivors passed, she has not given up on making legislative changes for survivors of sexual violence.

“Unfortunately none of the bills that we were advocating for on behalf of sexual violence survivors made it any farther than the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Morales said. “I think that our next step is really interrogating why the Senate Judiciary Committee seems to be the stopping point for a lot of the bills that support survivors in New Mexico.”

During her time at UNM, Morales has had the opportunity to conduct her own research with faculty support. This experience,

Morales said, has been valuable to her and has changed some of her ideas about advocacy.

“The highlights of having been at UNM are the people that I’ve had the chance to work with and meet,” Morales said. “A lot of my undergraduate research has been done with faculty mentors, and as I get ready to graduate and move on, I’m really thankful for all the guidance, and mentorship, and their facilitation of my entering into the world of research and seeing research as a type of victim advocacy or as an extension of the advocacy work that I’ve done.”

Morales said her experiences at UNM have been rewarding and she hopes that others can find inspiration in her advocacy for survivors and work on their own passion projects.

“I’m happy to have made an impact and hopefully help other students in the future make an impact,” Morales said.

Detroit Kallunki is a senior reporter with the Daily Lobo. They can be reached at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @DailyLobo.

Graduate receives Fulbright to teach English overseas

Graduating summa cum laude with a recently acquired prestigious scholarship under her belt, Charlotte Gates received the Fulbright Scholarship and has an even longer list of honors to her name.

Gates served as the German Club president, UNM Presidential Scholar, two-year Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review editor, Conceptions Southwest staff member and a Greek Honor Society member with both Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi.

Gates also completed a nonfiction honors English thesis to cap off her senior year. She will graduate with a degree in English and German with a minor in Honors Interdisciplinary Arts. Throughout her education at UNM, she said she has been rooted in the German community, not just because of her study of the language.

“When I started studying German at UNM, I didn’t even know if I wanted it to be my minor,” Gates said. “I started out just thinking, ‘Okay, I learned this language in high school, I should keep doing it because otherwise what’s the point of doing it for four years?’

Once I got to UNM … I immediately noticed how friendly the entire faculty was.”

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides international study, research and teaching opportunities to students and young professionals. The program rewards under 2,000 scholarships annually worldwide. Gates’ personal scholarship is a yearlong program in Germany, teaching English as a second language, according to UNM’s Fulbright Website.

Last year, Gates said she studied for six months in Heidelberg, Germany and jumped at the opportunity to return to the country with Fulbright after her experience.

“Prior to leaving (for the exchange), I had thought about the Fulbright potentially … but I definitely wasn’t settled,” Gates said. “I didn’t know what I was doing, and then after having that experience of doing an exchange program, I realized ‘Okay, yeah, I’m all in on this.’”

Associate German professor, Katja Schröter, who has worked with Gates during her undergraduate career, attested to the quality of her character.

“What I really like about Charlotte is her “joie de vivre” or “Lebensfreude” and the enthusiasm she brings to everything. I think she’s very inspiring to other

students and she’s always very upbeat,” Schröter said. English has no direct translation for these phrases, but the closest is “soulfulness” or “vitality.”

In the midst of her bilingual pursuits, Gates also completed a creative nonfiction honors English thesis, directed by English nonfiction professor, Greg Martin.

“(Her thesis) explores really difficult, hard truths … and it’s really unflinching,” Martin said. “I think the thing that was remarkable to me was that she would give me 20 pages … and I would say, ‘Do you think you could maybe go deeper than this?’ and each time she’d come back, and it would be transformed and she would go deeper and really explore things that she’d been thinking about (for years).”

In the classroom, Martin said it was a pleasure it was to have her as a writing student.

“She’s so warm and she’s so kind,” Martin said. “She is the person to say the thing in class to the student that is underconfident that’ll make their day … and she’ll mean it. She brings that kindness and warmth into (her thesis).”

Charlotte said her future pursuits are best summed up by her own words:

“I’m not satisfied.”

Gates plans to pursue a mas-

ter’s degree in the coming years, but wants to fulfill her Fulbright exchange and attend the rigorous German summer school hosted here in New Mexico before making any decisions — deciding to go with the flow rather than walk a strict path.

“Charlotte just needs to keep doing what she’s doing,” Martin said. “There’s some students that actually need my advice … but

new mexico
The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895
Monday, May 8, 2023
Volume 127
Jessica Baca / Daily Lobo / @Jessica_Baca_ Abrianna Morales is a graduating senior who is double majoring in psychology and criminology, and created the campus group Sexual Assault Youth Support Network. She poses by the Duck Pond on Friday, May 5. Zacaria Adonicam / Daily Lobo / @ZAdonicam Charlotte Gates is a Fulbright Scholar graduating this semester with a major in German and English. She poses by the Duck Pond on Thursday, May 5. Charlotte isn’t one of them.”
Jordyn Bachmann is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @DailyLobo

UNM graduate celebrates culture through journalism

“The biggest thing about being a journalist is staying true to who you are,” Junko Featherston, a graduating senior in the communications & journalism department, said.

Featherston will graduate from the University of New Mexico with a 4.2 GPA and a degree in multimedia journalism with a minor in Japanese. While in school she interned at New Mexico PBS for producer Lou DiVizio.

She said her time in the communication & journalism department has allowed her to learn and connect with her Okinawan culture after she had previously identified as half-Japanese.

“In reality, I’m half Okinawan, which is the southernmost island of Japan. And, the Okinawan people, they’re a completely different race of people, ethnically. They have their own language, they have their own religion, it’s its own place,” Featherston said. “And I didn’t realize the importance of that until I started researching my own culture through the C&J department.”

Her recent travels have also allowed her to further connect with her identity. On a trip to Hawaii, she began to have conversations, with Japanese people residing there, about Okinawan culture and history. This past January, Featherston traveled to the Ryukyu Islands.

On her trip, she got Hajichi tattoos, which are traditionally worn and done by Okinawan women, including Featherston’s grandmother and great-grandmother. When Japan invaded the Ryukyu Islands, the practice was banned. Many Okinawan people were killed by Japan and the United States, during World War II in Japans efforts to erase the Ryukyuan identity, and forced assimilation.

“One of the biggest lessons I learned was connecting with my

culture and being able to proudly and confidently say what my culture is all about,” Featherston said.

In the C&J department, she wrote and filmed a story about Okinawan dance. In her work, she talks about her experience as she practiced the traditional Yotsutake dance for the first time and spoke with the Okinawa, Kenjinkai studio owner and other Okinawans in the state about keeping their culture alive through dance.

“I did the Yotsutake dance, which is basically one of the most traditional Okinawan dances. I was able to talk with the leader at the Okinawa, Kenjinkai here in New Mexico and I didn’t even know we had a group of Okinawan people here in New Mexico. So, just being able to do that as a class project really opened my eyes to what’s out there,” Featherston said.

Learning about her Okinawan indigeneity, Featherson said, has also translated to reporting she has done on indigenous communities in New Mexico, providing her perspective and understanding.

“They have their own land. Indigenous people are on their land. That’s their land, and then Americans came and colonized. And that’s how it is with Japan, to Okinawa,” Featherston said. “Finding that sympathy and being able to put that in my reporting and making sure that people are accurately identifying what they need to be identifying as, and just being proud of your own culture and being proud of where you come from.”

She first delved into journalism when she joined “Generation: Justice,” a program for New Mexico students to produce a weekly broadcast show on KUNM, a public radio station. Along with the C&J department and working for PBS, Featherston said she has found community and support in journalism.

“I’ve been writing scripts for “New Mexico in Focus,” “¡Colores!” and “Our Land.” And it’s amazing to see these professionals around

me help me with my writing, and it’s good to have also that sense of community,” Featherston said.

Kana Featherston, Junko Featherstons’s sister, said that watching her has been inspiring and also taught her a lot about her identity.

“She’s just really intelligent … and she’s really brought a lot of light to showing us the indigenous side of the Okinawan people, which we didn’t know too much about until Junko started learning about it. So, she just has so much endless knowledge about Japanese culture and Okinawan culture,” Kana Featherston said. “You’ll definitely learn something new from Junko if you were to even just have five minutes of conversation with her.”

Junko Featherston said that her family has been a big support for her during her time at UNM, especially her mother who she traveled to Okinawa with, “just seeing her happy and seeing her be proud of me makes me want to excel even further,” she said.

“You find the truth and then you seek the truth,” Junko Featherston said. “ I feel like that’s the goal for a lot of young journalists right now, is to be able to deliver that truth in your own personal truth. For me, the C&J department has been a way for me to connect with my culture.”

Maddie Pukite is the editor-inchief at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at editorincheif@ dailylobo.com on Twitter @maddogpukite

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Annya Loya / Daily Lobo / @annyaloyadl Junko Featherson, an upcoming graduate in the UNM journalism department, posing in front of the Communications & Journalism building on Friday, May 5.

Alex Maggs aces his senior year

Four years ago, Alex Maggs found himself in the desert, 4,888 miles away from his home in Birmingham, England. Since then, Maggs has grown as a tennis player and a student. He finished the season on the all-conference team for his play in the doubles matches and is graduating with a GPA of 4.06.

Maggs first picked up a tennis racket when he was five years old in an after-school program. He said he tried many different activities, but it was tennis that stuck with him.

“Both of my parents worked so they couldn’t come pick me up straight after school, so there were these extracurricular after-school clubs, and I did different stuff every day … Tennis was the one I would do every week and I really enjoyed it,” Maggs said.

In the fall, Albuquerque hosted a M15 tournament from the International Tennis Federation’s World Tennis Tour. Maggs participated as a wildcard because UNM

hosted the event. Maggs went on to win the doubles section tournament. It was his first professional title as a player, but winning exceeded his own expectations of what he was capable of.

“That was amazing for me,” Maggs said. “That is now one of my greatest memories in tennis so far … in the beginning of the week I did not expect to win it, I was hoping to get some points on the board and get on the world rankings, but definitely didn’t expect to win it … I guess with that mindset and mentality we ended up playing the best match we’ve ever played, probably the best match I’ve ever played.”

The tournament victory opened up more opportunities for Maggs, and he will continue to try to play professionally but plans to be around tennis no matter what.

“Since winning the M15, my mindset has changed and I want to play more tennis,” Maggs said.

“I saw that it was possible to compete in those tournaments and be able to do well in them … The short-term plan is to keep playing professionally as long as I can.

After that I would like to work in

sports — in tennis in some aspect.”

With a 4.06 GPA, Maggs credited his dedication to his parents who pushed him to not neglect his education while still being dedicated to the sport.

“In high school it was a bit of a struggle for me, I won’t lie. I did really well until I was 16 then those last two years I kind of let it slip … For me, I always want to do well in everything I do,” Maggs said. “I wanted to get good grades for myself and also for my parents and my family because they sent me halfway across the world and spent money for me. I wanted to make them proud.”

In high school he started to get scouted by universities, but he came to Albuquerque because of connections made during a tournament.

“The head coach (of UNM) at the time was English, and I met him in the summer, when I was 16, and I actually played against him in a doubles match. There is this tournament every single summer where you represent the country and region that you’re from. So I got to play against him and an actual Lobo, one of his players that was from the same

area,” Maggs said. “I lost the match but he obviously thought I was decent enough.”

Head coach, Chris Russell, commented on Maggs’ growth as a tennis player and as a person.

“Alex has become a very valuable part of what we are trying to become on the court,” Russell said. “His singles improved significantly with an 8-1 team season record. In doubles he was all-conference. He has become an incredible influence on the rest of the team with his mature, positive approach. He is a very hard worker as well.”

Russell also said that Maggs has been invaluable to the team’s culture. He and the team will try to get Maggs to stay after graduation and use his extra year of eligibility that was granted to student athletes who were in college during the COVID-19 lockdowns in 2020.

“As for his effect on our culture, I have not had a team member who leads as well as he has in my 30-plus years of coaching college tennis. He has been a tremendous liaison between the coaches and the team. He shows up every day ready to try and get better. In the process, he brings others up. With-

out his presence and leadership there is no way we would be where we are today,” Russell said.

Maggs said travel is a big part of his life, and he wants to go to Machu Picchu, as well as Singapore — his father’s birthplace. He said he won’t turn down any adventures and wants to see the whole world. Outside of tennis, Maggs enjoys other sports such as basketball.

Maggs said he would have told his younger selt to make the most of everything.

“I would probably tell myself to make the most out of everything, even the bad experiences,” Maggs said. “Don’t let them freak you out too much. Remember them and use them to learn … Things have gotten a lot better for me over time — things were rough at the start for tennis and stuff. Just stay patient, stay resilient, keep working. Enjoy every moment because it’s gone by so fast.”

Thomas Bulger is the sports editor for the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @thomasbulger10

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Jessica Baca / Daily Lobo / @Jessica_Baca_ Alex Maggs is a senior graduating with a degree in business administration and plays for UNM Men’s tennis team. He was given flowers by teammates when he was recognized as a senior on Saturday, April 22.


Monday, May 8, 2023

Lobo editor dedicates college career to truth-seeking

Attending the University of New Mexico as an international student from Juárez, Mexico, Annya Loya Orduno graduates as an awardwinning reporter who has already played an active role and left an impact in New Mexico journalism.

Loya Orduno served as the news editor for the Daily Lobo, interned at the Las Cruces Sun-News and will now go on to work as a journalist for the Deming Headlight through the New Mexico News Fund fellowship.

Writing and taking pictures since she was a kid, Loya Orduno will graduate from UNM, with a degree in mass communica-

tions and journalism and a minor in French.

“It made me so happy … to be able to test myself further as a reporter and continue serving the community that has been nothing but welcoming towards me, and especially making my parents proud because they have given so much for me to be able to be here,” Loya Orduno said.

Loya Orduno was selected as this year’s recipient of the Hank Trewhitt Award for her reporting, awarded by the Daily Lobo Alumni. One piece she submitted, and a story she said stands out to her, was entitled, “Fetishization’s Negative Effects on Women of Color.” She said working on it felt very close to her and it was powerful to cover.

“That was such an impactful article for me because I know that I’ve

been through similar experiences … It’s one of my favorite articles because of how powerful it was to write about it,” Loya Orduno said.

The Hank Trewhitt Award, Loya Orduno said, was rewarding after working for the Daily Lobo since her freshman year.

“Being recognized for my efforts here and winning that award felt so good. It was all very reassuring that I’m doing a good job and I’m going to do an even greater job. I’m going to continue working hard and I’ll be making myself proud,” Loya Orduno said.

Gwyneth Donald, a faculty member in the journalism department, and program manager for the NM Local News Fund, said that when they selected Loya Orduno for the fellowship, her experience in reporting proved her to be a

good investment for the field in the state.

“I think she’s brave and curious and tenacious,” Donald said. “And those are three awesome qualities for journalists … I was impressed that she had never gotten sidetracked since I’ve known her from what she wanted to do. She’s focused.”

Her interest in journalism first sparked in a high school journalism class, which she felt fostered her love of writing while also challenging her to research, understand and report on a variety of topics.

“I took that class and I saw that this is something you can actually do with your life,” Loya Orduno said.

Read the full story online at dailylobo.com

UNM senior leaves a legacy with student publications

During his four years as an undergraduate, John Scott has played a large role in the beating heart that is UNM student publications. He served as editor-in-chief of the Daily Lobo, while he simultaneously worked as the digital editor of Scribendi, an editor of Limina: UNM Nonfiction Review and an artist and creator outside of his studies.

“I started (working at the Daily Lobo) back in fall 2020, and I just applied on a whim,” Scott said. “I had received my camera as a gift from my sister the year before, and I was looking for a way to get experience taking photos.”

Scott initially started as a pho -

tographer for the Daily Lobo , and worked his way up to managing editor, and then took on editor-in-chief.

“When I was managing editor, it was assumed I’d be the one to apply (to be editor-in-chief) and get it, so I applied … but this was around the same time I had been considering applying to be an editor of Scribendi,” Scott said.

The pull of each position made him indecisive for a moment, due to his commitment to the Daily Lobo and his passion for Scribendi

“I consider myself an artist first,” Scott said. “That first year (on Scribendi) was more important for me as a creator, interacting so heavily with other people’s creations and artwork, not only to help me improve what I was doing, but also to help me become more pas-

sionate about art in general.”

Being surrounded by people who shared his passions made applying to be a Scribendi editor an easy decision, Scott said.

This past April, Scribendi published their new issue. It features 41 contributors’ creative pieces, varied lines and textures, and a pink and beige duotone cover designed by Scott, according to Amaris Ketcham, faculty advisor for Scribendi and associate professor at the UNM Honors College.

“John has always been such a pleasure to work with,” Ketcham said. “I really appreciate the high standards that he has when it comes to looking at art and literature … (He looks at) how student art can become elevated to the level of these writers and directors that he loves … It’s really refreshing.”

As of May 1, Scott has officially passed the editor-in-chief position at the Daily Lobo onto his previous managing editor, Maddie Pukite. The two have worked alongside one another this past year, growing close both professionally and personally. As the baton is passed, Pukite reflected on the past year.

“Prior to this year as managing editor, I had never really worked with John in any face-to-face capacity,” Pukite said. “His willingness to communicate and be patient and let people go at their own pace, but also push themselves to be the editor/reporter they know they can be is something John has done really well this year.”

Read the full story online at dailylobo.com

Zara Roy graduates with a pen in hand

Like millions of college students, Zara Roy began her first year of college during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. She said this time it was also the start of something bigger, or the realization of it.

Roy, a psychology major, initially considered a career in clinical psychology until she said she realized that wasn’t what she was meant to do. During her time at the University of New Mexico, she found that she already had something she loved but just hadn’t realized yet.

“I always took it for granted that I was a good writer,” Roy said. “It’s

something that has always been told to me and I’m like, ‘Okay, whatever.’ It got me through English classes and then getting into college. I just realized that the classes that I loved the most were the ones that I got to write in, in any capacity.”

Roy started to explore her writing through Limina, the premiere nonfiction student review of UNM. Despite her first meetings being over Zoom, she said she found a community that understood her.

“It was all over Zoom, which was weird, but I guess most of my relationships (were) over Zoom that year. It felt good to have a group that I could really get closer with,” Roy said.

Volume 127 Issue 35

While she felt comfortable in Limina from the beginning, Roy said she hadn’t fully considered writing as a career path until she was asked to edit content for the first time.

“It was the first time I really felt like I was trusted as an adult or as a person with taste to evaluate pieces of work and writing, and see what I liked and what I didn’t like. And it made me feel like I was good at it, and I could get better at it,” Roy said.

For her own writing, Roy prefers to “go for a more, sort of punchy, fast-paced style,” and to get to the point of her story. Playwriting has become her favorite style and developed into a career path. She also

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief.

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said that romance is her favorite topic to write about, however, not the traditional kind.

“I’ve always had a strange relationship with love and I like stories that portray the weirdness of romance,” Roy said.

Roy served as the 2022-2023 Editor-in-Chief of Limina during her senior year after serving as the managing editor her junior year. EIC was a role that she said despite feeling like she was thrown into, it allowed her to rise to the occasion.

Read the full story online at dailylobo.com

Editorial Staff Telephone: (505) 277-7527

Editor Annya Loya Orduno

Sports Editor Thomas Bulger

Advertising Representatives Natalie Hughes Ahmad Oweis

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Copy Editor Zara Roy & Kelsa Mendoza Multimedia Editor Elizabeth Secor

Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico – Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache – since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history. This statement was developed by Pam Agoyo, director of American Indian Student Services and special assistant to the president on American Indian Affairs, in consultation with the Native American Faculty Council.

Photo Editor Jessica Baca
(505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com
Editor-in-Chief Madeline Pukite
Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @artkenzie Former Daily Lobo News Editor graduates with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and mass communication and a minor in French. She poses in front of Mitchell Hall on Thursday, May 4. Courtesy Photo / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo John Scott was the editor-in-chief of the Daily Lobo and is graduating with a major in English and philosophy. Photo by and courtesy of John Scott. Annya Loya / Daily Lobo / @annyaloyadl Zara Roy, the outgoing Daily Lobo Copy Chief, will graduate from the UNM psychology department. She poses inside the Daily Lobo newsroom on Thursday, May 4.

Gong graduates after deep campus involvement

The University of New Mexico has 425 clubs — Giovanna Gong has played a prominent role in several during her time at UNM.

Gong, a first generation college student, will graduate with a degree in international studies with a concentration in peacekeeping and diplomacy, as well as a minor in teaching English as a second language.

Gong said the clubs and organizations on campus she was involved with were a highlight of her college experience, and provided her opportunities to meet new people at UNM.

“When I step into a new community, I want to get as plugged in as possible … and find things where I feel like my talents are served,” Gong said.

She was a part of Something Major A Cappella, the acappella group on campus, for four years. Music was something that initially drew her to UNM while visiting campus for All-State Choir when she was younger.

“I remember coming to UNM and remembering how beautiful the campus was,” Gong said. “I always loved to sing.”

Gong also served for three years as a Residents Advisor for Resident Life and Student Housing and said that it played a large role in her experience at UNM.

“That’s where I met a lot of my friends that I have lifelong bonds with, and all of us decided to be RA’s because we all loved living on campus,” Gong said.

Leon Vigil — a Hall Coordinator when Gong lived at Hokona Hall as an RA — said that her energy is infectious.

“One of the things that I love about Gi Gi most is her energy. She just has this beautiful energy about her and I think it’s contagious,” Vigil said.

Gong and her family migrated to the United States from Hong Kong, China when she was six years old. But, after shes spent most of her life in New Mexico, Gong considers the state her home.

While in highschool, Gong also worked at her family’s restaurant in Farmington. She said that her education was a priority for her and her family, but her role as the oldest sibling, and first gen student are also an integral part to her identity.

“My parents always really valued academics over everything for both me and my siblings, but it was difficult when I was growing up, having to help out at the restaurant and also take care of my siblings, and still focus on school,” Gong said.

Her family ties influenced her to stay in New Mexico for school, Gong said. She started at San Juan Community College and made her way to being a Lobo. She said she wanted her younger siblings to see her grow and to be an example for them.

Being a part of different communities at UNM allowed Gong to bond with other students, which ultimately helped her get through the pandemic and cope with her mental health in college.

Gong is graduating late due to mental health struggles she had early in the pandemic, having dealth with a new situation, and the pressure from society and her family because she is considered a non-traditional student. She endured a year of major depression.

“I really struggled keeping up with my academics. I really struggled keeping up with my mental health,” Gong said.

During that time, she said she also learned that she has ADHD and the loss of structure during the pandemic made it difficult.

“I’m not ashamed of it. I think it’s another great way for me to just be vulnerable with other people because there is a little bit of a stigma about not following a four year plan,” Gong said.

While she said she did have lot of guilt and shame at first, she learned that everyone’s path is different and to work through obstacles.

“I didn’t think that I would take so long to graduate from college, but all that matters is that I am graduating and I am making it. I had an extra year at UNM and I really enjoyed it,” Gong said.

Gong also worked with UNM Food for three years. She started as a social media marketing intern and is now the event planner. She said that her involvement on campus — including serving as the 2020 UNM Homecoming Queen — made her become the leader she is today.

“If I had any advice for any incoming students, even first year students, is to find what you’re interested in, go to all the club meetings, get involved in organizations, and just take the first step into connecting with a community because I feel like that was a huge part of my success and my enjoyment,” Gong said.

Her future goals consist of working in foreign relations as a service officer and working with local New Mexico non-profit organizations for refugees, Gong said. For now she wants to stay in the US, but could have a possible future in the Peace Corps.

“I am excited for my family to come to graduation next week and see me walk at graduation. They’re really proud and I’m happy that I made it,” Gong said.

Miyawni Curtis is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @MiyawniCurtis

Art books! Teacher materials! Kids books! And more! Our 3,800 square foot store opened in April 2022, fulfilling a long-time desire by the owner to open his own brick and mortar store. We carry greeting cards, collectibles, clothing and jewelry items, and a small selection of CD’s, LP’s, and DVD’s. Quirky Books also proudly displays and sells artwork by local artists! As part of our commitment to the Albuquerque community, we are proud to partner with local organizations to help them raise funds through book donation drives. We’re located just east of the Nob Hill area at 120 Jefferson NE. Stop by and get Quirky!!!

MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 / PAGE 5 @DailyLobo NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO @nekonekoabq
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and subject
Cookbooks! Mysteries! Biographies! History!
Courtesy Photo / Daily Lobo / @DailyLobo Image by Richard Kelleher. Photo courtesy of Giovanna Gong.

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Shylah Gonzalez

Zach Grant

Emilee Greenhouse

Elisabeth Gutierrez

William Hancock

Jeffrey Hebert

Akram Hernandez

Preston Hollis

Alexandra Honican

Jamshed Jehangir

Emmalee Johnston

Oyuki Komiyama

Stuart Lee

Peyton Linthicum

Rhys Llewellyn

Sheyla Lopez

Joseph Lotz

Victoria Lovato

Yoselin Martin

Agustin Martinez

Alicianna Martinez

Jacquii Martinez

Mark Moreno

Brandon Moya

Farrakhan Muhammad

Sky Willard Cooper Williams

Kali Wilson Brian Yardman-Frank School of Medicine


Welly Agate

Malik Alqawasmi

Jawaher Assed

Dominik Astorga

Erika Baca

Katrina Baca

Kristen Baca

Matthew Barela

Christian Barr

Samuel Bayliss

Jessica Benally

Molly Biggs

Sandra Boettcher

Promise Bood

Dorothy Bowers Wu

Madeline Brown

Nathan Butters


Devin Signs

Edson Tarango

Jose Tello Cordoba

Gladys Theiler

Nathan Vasquez

Hao Vo

School of Law


Blade Allen

Alyssa Aragon

Angelica Aragon

Timothy Baker

Cody Barnes

Mark Blosser

Chase Bodine

Alma Buena

Nina Chester

Josh Choman

Annika Cleveland

Rachel Cochran

Andrew Conticelli

Alexandria Dabney

Tea Davidson

Kristin Dearth

Shawn Degener

Katelyn Dickensheets

William Dunn

Brittany Dutton-Leyda

Karla Esparza

Erin Fitz-Gerald

Justin French

Brandon Gonzales

Barbara Ogushi Rivera

Tristian Ortiz

Rebekah Peoble

Atherton Phleger

Gabriel Remer

Isadora Renner

Malik Rifi Saidi

Fernando Rios

Katelyn Rogers

Kylie Rosabal

Barbara Ryan

Alexis Salas

Molly Samsell

Liberty Sanborn

Ryan Sanchez

Hannah Shotwell

Oliver Stephanz

Randy Summers

Katherine Tara

Carson Thornton Gonzalez

Luke Tingey

Hannah Tompkins

Cheyenne Trujillo

Marcos Trujillo

Irving Valadez

Claudia Velasquez

Jeffrey Vescovi

Deanna Warren

Annie Watts

Gretchen Wendlandt

Kimberly Weston

Christian White

Brooke Wiggins

Lionel Candelaria

Kimberly Chapman-Natewa

Donovan Chase The Bear

Mia Coleman

Ana D’Agrosa

Robert DeBurlo

Alicia DeLeon-Dowd

Qi Dong

Morgan Edwards-Fligner

Luis Espino

River Fine

Ashley Fitzgerald

Kathryne Foos

Evan Fuchs

Joaquin Garcia

Michaela Granados

Xiaoshan Guo

Evan Harris

Emma Hart

Rachel Hassler

Morgan Haynes

Adriana Herrera

Tyler Hough

Krista Houmpheng

Hannah Howse

Connie Hu

Ariel Hurwitz

Fahad Hussain

Imran Kassam

Adam Keaster

Tk King

Christina Kurnik

Sageline Labaze

Hernan Lebensohn

Jennifer Ledezma


Tess Lemon

Matthew Lucero

Lauren Mercer

Jessica Nelson

RayLee Otero-Bell

Johann Pacheco

Brandon Painter

Samantha Paltrow-Krulwich

Andrew Pierce

Veronica Pierce

John Powell

Alyse Raboff

Alexander Robles

Larimar Rodriguez

Korazon Romero

Rachel Ruckman

Savannah Salazar

Jacob Sanchez

Floyd Silva

Kyree Sky

Ali Smith-Fassler

Benjamin Spangler

Kaleb Stevens

Ariana Thompson

Luis Trillo

Alexis Trujillo

Taska van Swol

Samantha Varela

Joshua Vasquez

Devan Vidrine

Shana Vorenberg

Lucia Vulcan

Christopher Welch

Victor Wu

Carrie Anne Zografos



The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status.

Graduate Programs




Victoria Lockamy

Genissa Marentes

Angela Martinez

Julia Sanchez

Kenneth Schwartz

Wendy Valenciano Flores

Monica Velasquez

Cydelia Chavez

Vanessa Bolin

Lauren Brazil

Ariana Castillo Munguia

Brian Cover

Crystal Daniel Rubin De La Rue

Evelyn Fleming-Cavit

Alicia Gallegos

Myranda Gonzales

Huong Grover

Chelsea Hogan

Juli Kittrell

Noah Madrid

Sarah Pagano

Sara Quintana

Shannan Rael

Ludmila Santiago


Phillip Zamora GCERT

Michael Anderson

Brenna Barrera

Katrina Dignum

Samuel Lutz

Lucas Santiago Da Silva

PAGE 6 / MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com Present this coupon for �3.00 off your order! Students always receive 10% off with student ID Plenty of Study Space Free Parking Free Wifi Hours: M-F 8AM - 3PM UNM Science and Technology Park 800 Bradbury Dr SE Expires 5/14/23 WELCOME NEW STUDENTS! Sandwich/Wrap + Soup & Cookie $995 Coupon good at Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Expires 05/14/23 /2022. BOX LUNCH SPECIAL 2201 Silver Avenue SE (corner of Silver & Yale) 262-2424 5939 4th Street NW Albuquerque 254-2424 5200 Eubank NE Albuquerque 275-2424 CAR-MA® TO GO curbside service WELCOME NEW STUDENTS! Vegan and Gluten Free Baked Goods Catering Available Soy-free, wheat-free bakery Tasty made from scratch menu See our Green & Chef’s Plate Specials Online www.worldvegetariancafe.com CHAI HAPPY HOUR 3-5pm daily ® EVERYMONDAY COUPON BONANZA SPRING 2023 DOCTORAL AND TERMINAL DEGREES The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. Graduate Programs EDD EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Marni Goldberg Ana Perea Nadine Torres PHD ANTHROPOLOGY Adam Reynolds Zsofia Szoke PHD BIOLOGY Gregor Hamilton PHD BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Seema Khattri Bhandari David Scieszka Eric Small PHD CHEMISTRY Shiyue Gao Hamed Kookhaee Sangita Paudel Jillian Stafford Rajani Thapa Magar PHD COMMUNICATION Noorie Baig Cassidy Ellis Carrie Mulderink Nana Osei Fordjour PHD COMPUTER SCIENCE Praveen Kumar PHD EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Justin Wilgus PHD ECONOMICS Jesse Kaczmarski Aditi Sarkar Kritika Sen Chakraborty PHD EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS Sandra Leonor Cabrera Moreno Hamzah Kuriri PHD EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Veronica Lane PHD ENGINEERING Zahra Abedi Jorge Iván Canales Verdial Jancoba Dorley Seyyed Ali Ghorashi Khalil Abadi Aubrey Harris Nafis Irtija Rahul Jaiswal Venkatesh Jatla Aaron Overacker Divya Prakash Shawn Priore Bobbi Riedel Fisayo Sangoleye Wenjing Shi Kevin Shipman Adam Thorpe PHD ENGLISH Sunnie Clahchischiligi Todd Cronkhite PHD HISTORY Joseph Hall-Patton PHD LANGUAGE, LITERACY, & SOCIOCULTURAL STUDIES Rachel Meiklejohn Fatima van Hattum PHD NANOSCIENCE & MICROSYSTEMS ENGINEERING Fahimeh Maghsoodi PHD NURSING Siri Gurunam Khalsa PHD OPTICAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Yaser Silani PHD ORGANIZATION, INFORMATION & LEARNING SCIENCES Leah Hardesty PHD PHILOSOPHY Marcel Lebow PHD PHYSICAL EDUCATION, SPORTS AND EXERCISE SCIENCE Gabriella Bellissimo Kelsey Bourbeau Crystle Dorsey Jeremy Ducharme Adriana Lucero Emily Mason Abdulaziz Masoud Denis Schulz Daewon Yoon PHD PHYSICS Jonathan Bainbridge Austin Daniel Samuel Slezak PHD POLITICAL SCIENCE John Wagner PHD PSYCHOLOGY Violette Cloud Benjamin Gibson Marley Russell Elena Stein PHD SOCIOLOGY Celine Ayala Ryeora Choe Yuka Doherty PHD SPANISH & PORTUGUESE Len Beke PHD SPECIAL EDUCATION Monica Asencio Pimentel College of Nursing DNP NURSING Lowell Bautista Alanna Dancis Tolulope Fijabi Rebekah French Lisa Hendle Melinda Mata Adelia Perea Danyelle Romero College of Pharmacy DOCTOR OF PHARMACY Zinah Al Shamari Haya Albazzaz Damon Alvarez Jonathan Arnett Brad Beckmann Xochitl Benitez Kayla Burnett Danielle Chavez Jovena Cleary Lily Doan Andy Doose Elise Drummond Elizabeth Estrada Charlotte Flory Simone Foy Sarah Glover Neil Goel Pamela Gonzales Vani Goundar Rylie Grier Maya Haynes Courtney Hern Brandy Hernandez Dnae Heyborne Brandan Ho Devin Horinek Erena Hovhannisyan Romero Tyler Howse Emily Hudson Stephanie Igharoro Taylor Jojola Ryan Kelly-Romero Nada Kherbik Lydia Krumwiede Peter Le Ryan Lopez Yennhi Mai Bianca Maier Jordan-Nicho Manno Chung-Man Mok Jose Montanez Ahmed Muhyi Nicole Murtagh Lisa Nguyen William Nguyen Sarah Nihart Sajni Patel Lauren Perez Onnica Pino Danielle Rael Larissa Razo Emily Riggs Colton Robertson Elisa Robinson Jared Rocco Desirae Rodriguez Elyas Samadi Eden Santistevan Noah Santistevan Micaela Seazzu Mahya
Sarah Schwenke Dasa Silhova Jimmy Walter GCERT TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Miguel Ayala Salas MA AMERICAN STUDIES Ezekiel Acosta Alexander Pearl MA ANTHROPOLOGY Erika Alvero Koski Becky Baisden Amanda Dobrov Madison Drew Samantha Griego Kaitlin Lewis Kendrick McCabe Nadine Navarro William Skidmore-Farren MA ART EDUCATION Joseph Ortega MA CHICANA AND CHICANO STUDIES Marc Anaya Jerome Chavez Cynthia Garcia Ariana Gonzalez MA COMMUNICATION Inusah Mohammed Ivonne Ramirez MA COMPARATIVE LITERATURE & CULTURAL STUDIES Lea Briere Niko Doezema Christian Rhoads Hpone Tu Matthew Phipps MA COUNSELING Hanno Botha Natalie Day Elizabeth Egelhoff Lauren Gaunt Sabrina Ibarra Saad Khan Michael Lovato Alexis Smith Yessenia Torrez Claire Zepponi MA ECONOMICS Samuel Asare Casey Leek Wilfred Osei Raymond Sena

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Spring 2023 Bachelor’s degrees

PAGE 8 / MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com HOUSING GUIDE daily lobo 1 PMS GLOBAL & NATIONAL SECURITY Alexya Alvarez Alec Harrison-Little Anthony Saldana Evan Sena Yvonne Trujillo Anderson School of Management MACCT ACCOUNTING Loren Alaniz Alandra Barreda Nicole Biller Thomas Bitsoi Rosa Brasmer Max Bush Anthony Castro Katie Christianson Jill Eaton Mercy Ebute Richard Goke Elaina Gomez-Villeda Ryan Gorman Jared Lee Sheyla Lopez Domenic Lucero Taylor Moyer Jessica Ramirez Darlene Trujillo Jaqueline Valencia Cortez Clayton White MBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Carlos Acosta John Adams Kirsten Andersen Devaraj Aran Alicia Armijo Deda Austin Kolten Baca Alexander Barragan Sean Begaye Christopher Bobert Chase Bohannon Ken Bottari Bartholomew Bowman Cole Burke Tuesday Cooke Reece Donihi Camillo Dunninger Tim Epling Shelanie Ethredge Xin Eutsler Marissa Fabozzi Caitlin Fattor Camila Fernandes Da Silva Charlotte Flory Marcos Fraere Gabrielle Gallegos Shay Gardner Adam Gay Haley Gibson Krista Gray Gloria Gutierrez Joey Gutierrez Aaron Hime Sydney Imus-Hanlon Catherine Johnson Laurel Johnson Odalys Juarez Aidan Kelly Mikela Kull Shondiin Lewis Kryisa Long Elijah Lopez Cierra Lords Justin Lucero Megan Lucero Karlee Maes Alice Main Karla Maldonado Jamy Malone Connor Mang Adriana Martinez Alonzo Martinez Desmond McDermott Joni McPherson Polin Messmer Silvia Munmun Trevor Nickless Juan Oliveros Estevan Padilla Julian Padilla Amanda Perea Christine Phan Emily Riggs Glenn Roberts Krystal Rose Marlon Sadler Alexandria Sanchez Camila Sanchez Meza Gavin Santiago David Scieszka Monet Segura Michael Slenes LeAndra Tafoya Toby Tafoya Megan Tetreault Salena Vela Garrett Vigil Kaycia Voorman Alexander Walther Brooke Williams Jovahn Williamson Jonathan Wright Zhuo Xu Manlu Yang Changye Yao Andrew Zampini MBA EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM Brandi Abousleman Alma Aguilar Ali Ahmed Douglas Alden Gladys Andazola Kaseem Baker Sarah Balkey Oceana Black Elk Russell Bower Christopher Brennan Kayla Brown Joseph Candelaria Kristin Carl Esther Carmona Eric Chang LeAnn Chavez John Cole Erin Dibble Dora Dominguez Kerri Dufault Roxanne Farfan Erin Gallegos Dawn Gerencer Matt Gogel Joseph Gonzales Andrea Guereque Laura Hall Lisa Hernandez Isaiah Holtry Jeffrey Huminik Jon Lanctot Gloria Legarda Robert Leitch Haisen Li Arthur Lucero Carrie Lucero Tasha Lujan Kathleen Madden Charlotte Madueno Joseph Martin Rodney Martinez Sheila Mendez Jeanette Moore Erica Morgan Casey Mortensen Tanya Jo Oates Ivan Olay Erika Palmaffy Karlett Parra Harold Pope Judy Ramirez Tomas Rodriguez Michelle Romero Casias Heather Rosson Olivia Rubio Antoinette Sabedra Miriam Sargent-Shearin Scott Smith Sarah Soliz Blake Stephens Samantha Torres Feliz Vigil Hammam Yahya MS CYBERSECURITY & BUSINESS ANALYTICS Amrita Adhikari Shaikh Ahmad Kirsten Andersen David Atherton Ruby Baker Abhijeet Bhatta Brianna Borgelt-Gonzales Tannor Brown Daniel Castellano Hyekyung Clark Dalton Dennington Bria Hartsfield-Gothard Alain Jacks Diaz de Bedoya Joseph Ladino Domenic Lucero Kyle Martinez Miranda Martinez Franziska Morrow Kevin Mulcaire Emilio Najera Bao Nguyen Jorge Ortiz Lauren Pascoe Joselinn Rascon Yasmina Rousan Pavan Kumar Sheelam Nilam Shrestha Jason Slocum Scott Smith Steven Spencer Arthur Tafoya Nathaniel Taglialegami Minami Tanaka Katherine Tarin Edith Torres John Waid Julie Watts Emmanuel Yela Zac Zagar MS INFORMATION SYSTEMS & ASSURANCE Sydney Norris Brett Reynolds Dylan Thompson MS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Brandon Baca Chantel Bishop Sariah Bujanda David Burr Ryan Bustamante Jesse Campbell Allen Chavez Richard Dickinson Camillo Dunninger Brandon Dyer Rene Forsythe Jaclyn Gallegos Kristina Gallegos Danielle Garcia Heidi Harvey Jaden Herrera Jason Hick Raquel Jaramillo Diana Jimenez Jamie Kretz Jhoniq Lentsch Raimee Lim Abriana Lujan Analisa Martinez Wendy Melka Amber Monnet Hannon Jason Montoya Yolanda Pelzer Baylee Rawson Peyton Robinson Teri Segura Amanda Sena LeAndra Tafoya Reyan Tuck Jonathan Vega Julie Watts Stephen Wiest Melissa Zelic School of Law MSL STUDIES IN LAW Mason Blinstrub Rachel Taylor
The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. Anderson School of Management BBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Destiney Abeyta Sebastian Alcaraz Dimitrios Anastasiadis Adrian Anaya Elise Anaya Sofia Angel Miranda Archuleta Paule Shannon Atangana Essomba Julia Avila Luis Avila-Montes Amy Baca Daniele Bacchin Jonah Ball Dominik Barela Alejandro Baros Sonja Baur Jorge Becerra Huizar Sherrilynn Begay Juan Benitez De Luna Abdulla Berdimuhammedov Kane Billy Angela Boggus Connor Bowdoin Devon Brown Jaden Brown Odelle Brown Samuel Bush Alexya Cappello Nilda Cardenas Jada Carter Esperanza Chavez Faith Chavez Felix Chavez Kamryn Chavez Stephen Chavez Cael Chavez-Kerr Loretta Chee Abigail Coe Chyana Conniff Adrian Copeland Mckenzie Cordova Jerrod Corley Erica Cornell Sydney Creighton Nazan Crosbie Katelyn Dallas Jeffrey David Andrew Davis Juan De Dios Juarez Kiara De Los Santos Javier Delgado Zane Denoyer Erik Diaz Luisa Diaz Kyle Dods Evan Dougan Mariah Eaton Elliot Eckerman Dhara Eizaguirre Victoria Encinias Gerardo Escobedo Janet Esparza Omar Estrada Cole Evans Ricardo Falcon Josiah Fernandez Karla Figueroa Justin Flebbe Briana Flores Fernando Flores Emerald Fowler Nicholas Fresquez Garrison Fry Steven Galan Antonio Garcia Desiree Garcia Genie Garcia Jason Garcia Kristianna Garcia Julia Garza Sadaf Gauba Filomena Geruntho David Geuss Elyse Goff Sophia Gonzales James Gray Faith Gresham Jacob Griego Ana Guadian Kamryn Guillen Isaak Gutierrez Marvin Gutierrez Noah Gutierrez Qutaiba Hameed Shelby Haney Rosecelia Harrison William Hauck
MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 / PAGE 9 @DailyLobo NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO 1 2 Housing Guide Map 1 Residence Life 2 Lobo Rainforest 2 BROADWAY HOUSING GUIDE daily lobo Melanie Hentschel Natalie Hernandez Marcus Herrera Matthew Hoisington Anthony Holzmann Justin House Mateo Iliohan Harry Jamharian Madison Jaramillo Sammie Jimenez Anthony Johnson Leah Jones Kali Juvinall Robert Kammerer Lina Katba Bader Kirstin Keller Edward Khader Christian King Warren Kinsel Zack Kolkmeyer Yaroslav Kozachishin Ronald Ladue Ashley Leonen Napat Lertsadwattana Kenneth Levandoski Charlotte Rose Levine Alan Li Jared Long Carlos Lopez Elizabeth Lopez Jeannette Lopez Sara Lopez Rury Lopez-Carrera Daniel Lucero Keeshawn Lucero Ysmael Lucero Thien Luu Kieron Magee Alexander Maggs Jacob Maldonado Dominic Mantelli Teresa Manuelito Zachary Mares Andrew Marschall Megan Martin Chante Martinez Cortez Martinez David Martinez Devon Martinez Giovonni Martinez Isaiah Martinez Justin Martinez Michael Martinez Reyna Martinez Samantha Martinez Makella Matier Jessica McCurdy Noah McDonald Laura Medrano Lorenzo Medrano Taylor Melendrez Jazmyn Melero Dominique Mendoza Jove Messenger Nicole Miera Dariana Miramontes Celeste Molero Callirgos Shirley Mondragon Angelo Montoya Isaiah Montoya Zachary Moore Tucker Morris April Mullins Nolan Murphy Kai Nakamura Kellen Nee Jennifer Nguyen Khoi Nguyen Marco Nuanez Adrienne Ontiveros Eliver Orozco Ellie Ortiz Jasmine Ortiz Kristian Otero-Talent Aaron Overstreet Ahmad Oweis Isaiah Padilla Daniel Parra Kaylee Paz Brenden Pepin Daniella Pitts Cody Polen Andrew Potter Joshua Quezada Julia Quezada Javier Quinonez Annette Quintana Justin Rael Dasha Rajunas Courtney Rakers Luis Ramirez Elizabeth Ramsell Joshua Randall Jayda Rhodes Garrick Rhodus Nayyer Rimi Madeline Rivera Kade Rockett David Rodriguez Giselle Romero Lorenzo Romero Rachel Romero Selena Romero Jeremy Rose Andres Ruiloba Annie Ruiz Cassandra Ruiz Kathryn Rupprecht Kacey Ryan Jason Saenz Aragon Chris Salazar Uriah Sanchez Christ Sathoud Paige Satterlee Kassidy Seale Parker Sebastian Laura Shaw Jordynn Sills-Castillo Kole Simmons Jessica Snow Victoria Sobieski Christian Solis Vivian Spates Arthur Steinkamp Ramya Stevens Jacob Strmiska Christy Sturgill Leon Ta Christopher Tapia Joseph Toledo Andrew Torgerson Diego Trujillo Richard Trujillo Roxanne Tsethlikai Uriel Urquijo Dimitri Valdez Josue Valdez-Palafox Rafael Valle Moino Jesus Vanchaik Emiliano Velazquez Aguirre Adam Vellani Royce Waconda Zachary Weiss Joshua Wilbourn Stephanie Wilson Devin Wolfel Emily Wood Mason Woods Wei-Jen Yu Stephany Zarate Vazquez Jose Zuniga College of Arts and Sciences BA AMERICAN STUDIES Sarah Gehrke Sidelko Nicklas Pascetti BA ANTHROPOLOGY Kayla Abeyta-Lopez Maxwell Bode Jonathan Cain Harper Correia-Kuehn Addirose Downs Nckayla Duran Angel Garcia Rebbeckah Griego Allison Jones Rose Messec Roberto Rios Travis Thompson Trinity Varley BA BIOLOGY Manar Al-Nouman Krystal Bartholomew Daisy Chen Jade Dawson Matthew Garringer Sameen Jawadi Melanie Jun Michael Machalinski Andrea McDonald Jordan Meskimen Armstrong Devin Munson Aaron Nicodemus Shai Nootenboom Eryn Ormesher Savannah Romero Seth Romero Melissa Salas Bianca Soto Adrienne Swindle Alexander Vasiliou BA CHEMISTRY Marina Alvarado Maria Gabaldon-Parish Hailey Gonzales Maleah Isaacson Randall Jeung Catherine Lacey Sean Maez Diana Nguyen David Radloff C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Elijah Stamper

Zane Stone-Dudney

Isabella Tafoya

Martha Yiftheg BA


Marisol Chavez

Tianna Chavez

Madalyn Everett

Tara Falce

Helen Lee

Kasey Lenning

Ian May

Emmanuel Ohiri

Alejandro Orozco

Kianna Parr

Julia Rodriguez

Samantha Sena

Syed Murtaza Ahmad Shah

Alexander St Charles

Cori Walker

Nathaniel Walter

Matilda Whitelock BA



Nikita Jaiswal Wyatt Langell Mia Lobitz Lucia Martinez

Cristian Martinez Delgado BA HISTORY Henry Ahlefelder

Reaghan Allison

Etienne Allred Danielle Avalos

Fiona Mae Balasuit Oliver Cooney-Martin

Noah Crawford

Nic Estrada

Dillon Gibbs

Sabina Griebel Henry Hammel

Joshua Hamner

Wes Koppin Emily Macdonell

David Mesh

Connor Miller Nicholas Ortiz

Danilo Padilla

Francisco Raby-Mondragon

Andrew Schumann

Luke Sheppard

Savannah Archuleta

Justine Collister

Brigid Driscoll

Junko Featherston

Rayes Gallegos

Jindy Garfias

Taylor Gibson

Jesse Jones

Aldo Jurado

Annya Loya Orduno

Emily Mensay

Abigail Taylor

Madison Tedrow

Elise Thorner

Andres Torres

Joey Wagner BA


Munia Omer

Dylan Tovery BA


Jordyn Bachmann

Jake Crews

Hanmin Kim

James Marti

Jadin Moore




Cheyenne Begaye

Janessa Bowekaty

AJ Garcia Jordan Meskimen


Lloyd Padilla

Clayton Platero

Priscilla Quintero

Rosemary Reano

Eldrick Toya BA


Gabriel Charlie

Erin Cohen

Jacob Hobson

Chanse Miller

Elijah Padilla

Matt Rowe

Zane Shirley

Andrew Sowers BA


Ilan Adler Jaffe

Miranda Archuleta

Mya Barrens

Eliza Bierle

Shondiin Billy

Brissa Chilton-Garcia

Jay Cook

K’Wani Raquel Cortes

Giselle Delgado Ordonez

Elizabeth Dodson

Brandon Durr

Nic Estrada

Anya Hammond

Hannah Harlow

Peter Jones

Sophia Jones

Roah Khweis

Genea Kiesling

Joshua LaFayette

Charles Leaton

Erika Macsaveny

Thomas Martinez

Nicholas Mascarenas

Maryna Mathews

Martin Melendrez

Jackson Mills

Alexis Montoya

Paul Montoya

Ayami Nakanishi

Alejandro Orozco

Andres Perez

Alexis Pierce

Karla Poblano-Rodriguez

Alexander Pulido

Andrew Schumann

Desiree Sedillo

Danger Varoz

Miranda Velarde

Nathaniel Walter

Libby Zamora BA


Asil Abdelrahman

Gabrielle Aguilar

Jordyn Ahlgrim

Luz Alaniz Reyes

Alyssa Aragon

Emmett Asencio

Gabrielle Atencio

Rebecca Atkin

Kylie Awelagte

Kaija Bales

Tina Banh

Ginger Bauman

Desbah Begay

Aja Bell

Michael Bergamo

Courtney Black

Marie Blackwell

Suzanne Bradley

Eden Bragin

Katya Brink

Mariah Brown

Veronica Bruder

Saffron Buehler

Alice Burk

Ashley Camacho

Josie Carpenter

Trinity Carrillo

Areli Cervantes

Jade Charles

Megan Chavez

Velanie Chavez

Nicholas Cobos

Victoria Cooper

Imani Crawford

Laika Darling

Lucinda DeNatale

Matthew Dillard

Madison Dilley

Eusabio Dominguez

Marvin Encinias

Ashley Espinoza-Lopez

Bonita Ferus-Ivanis

Adrian Flores

Josette Ford

Cassandra Francisco

Maria Gabaldon-Parish

Priscilla Gallardo-Chavez

Faith Garcia

Isabella Garcia

Saniya Ghadi

Vanessa Gualeni

Edward Gutierrez

Iris Gutierrez

Grace Haller

Karely Hernandez

Miranda Hernandez

Sara Hernandez

Sarahi Hernandez

Amy Hernandez Marquez

Delaney Hill

Alisha Hovis

Carmen Hudson

Gabriel Hurtado

Mariah Jake

Ashley Jaramillo

Marian Juarez

Lizelle Khieu

Daniel Kirchner

Michaela Kittredge

Kelly Kittrell

Fiona Knight

Shaun La Ve

Sophie Laborwit

Brianna Lajeunesse

Alisia Lee

Joshua Long

Victoria Lopez

Paola Lopez Alvarez

Shannon Lord

Juliana Lovato

Rachael Macernie

Monet Martinez

Valerie Martinez

Grace McCleave

Alexandra McQuarrie

Ashley Medrano

Ariel Melero

Sofia Miranda Sorrentini

Joey Mok

Leana Montoya

Mariquita Montoya

Hailey Montoya-Gomez

Marcos Morales

Lena Mwithi

Alexandro Nevarez


Christina Norton

Brigid O’Brien

Jennifer Ortega

Liceidy Parra

Jailyn Parra Dominguez

Jessica Perez

Kimberly Perez

Rafa Pina de Pena

Aspen Poole

Anusha Poudel

Taylor Raney

Yasmeen Rasheed

Tessa Rasmussen

Denalia Redd

Andrew Robertson

Renee Robledo

Aaron Rodriguez

Erica Rodriguez

Liliana Rodriguez

Echo Rogers

Jessica Romero

Mikaela Romero

Gabriela Rosales

Zara Roy

Raquel Salazar

Autumn Sanchez

Mikayla Sanchez

Sarah Sandoval

Brittany Santistevan

Brandon Shong

Claire Skinner

Rory Smith

Tucker Smith

Liliana Spurgeon

Daniel Stanton

Camryn Stoecker

Alicia Tafoya

Arika Tafoya

Kirsten Tansey

Seth Terry

Crystal Thomsen

Jassamyn Thornton

Emily Ure

Ethan Van

Kathelijne van Bennekom

Adrian Veruete-Maya

Enhui Wang

Chandler Watkins


Sugey Aguinaga

Lynae Andrade Blanca Banuelos-

Karla Diego

Brenda Elias Danielle Flores Joseph Fredrickson Brian Garcia Galvez Hevyn Heckes Elizabeth Jorgensen Margaret Klug Sophie Laborwit Anna Linn Ambrielle Lopez Emily Lucas Evan O’Connell Roberta Olea Juliana Reyes-Ordaz

Gladis Moreno

Zitlaly Mota

Good luck with finals, Lobos!

PAGE 10 / MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com HAPS The Entertainment Guide Monday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Monday: 8am-noon 801 Encino Pl NE Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com for more showings! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Duke City Herbs Please consume responsibly Cannabis is for use only by adults 21 and older; keep out of reach of children; not approved by the FDA to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. FDA has not evaluated this product for safety, e ectiveness, and quality; do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery while under the in uence of cannabis; there may be long term adverse health e ects from consumption of cannabis, including additional risks for women who are or may become pregnant or are breastfeeding. 4012 Central Ave SE Abq, NM 87108 (505) 750-0158 • www.dukecityherbs.com DukeCityHerbs Now O ering... Delivery Services! Home of t he better gram prices Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Check out our store! 4012 Central Ave SE Mon: 12pm-5pm Rain Tree Meditation Retreat, Sittings Group & 1-on-1 Dialogue Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com Tuesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE Sunshine Theater May 16 Doors Open 6:30 pm Chelsea Grin* Carnifex with Left TO Suffer* Ov Sulfur All Ages! Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Tues store hours: 11am-5pm Rain Tree Meditation Retreat – June 24-July1 Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com The Historic Lobo Theater Happy Hour 4pm-6pm 25% off all food & drink! Doors Open at 4pm 3013 Central Ave NE Wednesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312 Sunshine Theater May 17 Doors 7pm Lacuna Coil* The Birthday Massacre* Blind Channel* Edge of Paradise All Ages! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Wed store hours: 11am-5pm BA CHICANA AND CHICANO STUDIES Christy Frederick Dulce Saldivar BA COMMUNICATION Chad Alexander Addison Barnes Talullah Begaye Nicolai Bell Landrick Brody Christopher Cade Micah Chavez Kennedy Chavez-Silver Violet Collins Abigail Cooper Ayana Cordova Franzine Duenas Luis Estrada Samantha Gair Esperanza Gallegos Kelsey Gates Brooklynn Gray Jade Hopkins Jennifer Jenson Ian Kee Sebastian Kirchner Kailey Koger Cameron Mancha Emma Mannal Megan McBride Timaris Montano Lenora Neu Jess Newman Justin Olson Vanessa Padilla Zachary Parisi Melo Rendon Omar Reyes Christine Rivera Christopher Robbins Marisa Romero Elias Sanchez Teresa Schaub Jack Silverman Veronika Simko Samantha Soto Tanya Torres Zennie Tran Bheira Ugalde-Becerra Grace Valenzuela Madison Villareal Taylor Watts Natalie Whitt Masahiro Yamada Yazmin Yanez BA CRIMINOLOGY Emmett Asencio Rachel-Ann Borja Gabriel Ceniceros Nicholas Clark Bill Dickey William Dietz Samantha Fohrman Isabella Garcia Noelle Garcia Nadia Gonzales Haley Haro Nitzy Hernandez Dominguez Rachel Hess Dua Hussain Naomi Jimenez Roah Khweis Eileen Kircher Tylec Kohlrust Zoe Kranz Anissa Lamb Alexa Loya Carrillo Leola Magallon Serina Martinez Dora Martinez Meraz David McDowell Alyson Mullings Hannah Naljahih Selena Orona Andres Ramirez Pablo Ramirez Candelario Ruiz Nevaeh Sedillo Chance Shanks Matthew Theiler Kolbie Tolino Bariah-Rose Zamir Isziah Zuni BA EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Brittany Griego BA EAST ASIAN STUDIES Jemima Lewis Troy Sikorski BA ECONOMICS Alexis Amodio-Cardwell Adrian Balderamos Shreyanshu Bhatt Nicholas Deprest Cecelia Flewelling Alexandro Garcia Kaleb Kendall Kasey Lenning Caleb Martin Luis Medina Joshua Miley Connor Miller Noah Montano Mario Quintana Brian Record Augustus RintalaMacLeod Uriah Sanchez Zachary Smith Brandon Tafoya Evan Watry Emerson Williams Chloe Wolne Silas Wyatt Luis Ybarra BA ENGLISH STUDIES Ariel Alexander Gia Arellano Sara Aslami Robin Babb Christian Calloway Abby Campbell Jaron Chavez Andrea Chin-Lopez Grace Drew Samantha Erreguin Katie Fields Karina Franco Perez Ravyn Garcia Charlotte Gates Ariana Green Sierra Martinez Calista Monzingo Natalya Mora Jessica Rose Nunez Jaquelin PachecoMarquez Taylor Parsons Angelina Pompeo Elizabeth Raaff John Scott Nikki Sjoblom Christian Walker Ethan Ward Jocelyn Ware BA ENGLISHPHILOSOPHY Benjamin Ramirez BA FRENCH Paul Neville BA GEOGRAPHY Rylli Millsap-Campbell Emma Torraca Jones Jenelle Audrienne Torres BA GERMAN Alex Self BA HEALTH, MEDICINE & HUMAN VALUES Alyssa Ammerman Oluoma Edeh Andres Garcia Bryan Garcia-Burciaga Darrian Greenwood
Kyle Wheeler Madi Willis
Julia Young Elizabeth Zellner BA SOCIOLOGY
Janae Cameron Idalia Campos
Torie Temple Yami Villalba Paredes
Marissa Weldon BA SPANISH Diana Alvarez Jimena Herrera Cabrera Emma Jurado Alex Kauffman Sonia Macias Rodriguez Diana Magallanes Monica Montano Joseph Montano-Pilch
SPEECH & HEARING SCIENCES Anna Acosta Adelina Adams Kaiya Anderson Bryce Atherton Elyse Chavez Aliya Epstein Baylee Harper Olivia Hemenway

4012 Central Ave SE Fri store hours: 11am-7pm

Rain Tree Meditation Retreat – June 24-July1 Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com

The Historic Lobo Theater Happy Hour 4pm-6pm 25% off all food & drink!

Doors Open at 4pm 3013 Central Ave NE


Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Sunshine Theater May 13 Doors Open 7pm Aaron Watson with special guests Chancey Williams and Jenna Paulette All Ages! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102

Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service! Delivery hours: 2pm-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Thurs store hours: 2pm-7pm

Tantra Night Club & Da One Hookah Bar Now Open Every Saturday! 2 Clubs in 1! 11pm-3am 211 Gold Ave SW

Rain Tree Meditation Retreat, Sittings Group & 1-on-1 Dialogue Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com

The Historic Lobo Theater Happy Hour 4pm-6pm 25% off all food & drink! Doors Open at 4pm 3013 Central Ave NE

Sunday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Rain Tree Meditation Retreat – June 24-July1 Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com


Rain Tree Meditation Thurs Weekly Zoom mtgs Sitting, dialogue Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com The Historic Lobo Theater Happy Hour 4pm-6pm 25% off all food & drink! Doors Open at 4pm 3013 Central Ave NE Thursday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com for more showings! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm 4012 Central Ave SE Thurs store hours: 11am-7pm Rain Tree Meditation Thurs Weekly Zoom mtgs Sitting, dialogue Nondenominational 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com The Historic Lobo Theater Happy Hour 4pm-6pm 25% off all food & drink! Doors Open at 4pm 3013 Central Ave NE Friday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312 Sunshine Theater Check out sunshinetheaterlive.com for more showings! (505) 764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Duke City Herbs & Bake Shop Take advantage of our delivery service! Delivery hours: 9am-5pm
HAPS The Entertainment Guide
The Historic Lobo Theater Doors Open 10am-2pm
Central Ave NE Sunshine Theater May 14 Doors Open 7pm Grandson & K.Flay Present: I love you, I’m trying tour with De’Wayne All Ages! 120 Central Ave SW, 87102 Rain Tree Nondenominational Meditation Center
profound silence the world unfolds in you, through you, as you. Retreat Sittings Group & 1-on-1 Dialogue 505-281-0684 MeditationNM.wordpress.com OPEN EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT!!! 11pm - 3am Tantra Nightclub & Da One Hookah Bar ABQ’s Hottest 18+ Entertainment Venue!!! 211 GOLD AVE SW - DOWNTOWN ABQ TWO CLUBS IN ONE!!! Brand New JBL Sound & Chauvet Lighting Systems!!! Two Dance Floors - 1 Club Music & 1 Hip Hop!!! Hookah Bar With Premium Shisha Chill Zone With A Pool Table $5 Cover B 4 12 - $10 Cover After 12 $5 Cover All Night With VIP Membership 211 GOLD AVE SW - DOWNTOWN ABQ Approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. have HIV. About 13 percent of them don’t know it and need testing. Be Empowered. Know your status! Walk-In Testing Hours 9am-4pm Monday-Wednesday 1pm-7pm Thursday 801 Encino Place Building F Visit our Website! www . dailylobo . com

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

PAGE 12 / MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com The Daily Lobo is HIRING Advertising Representatives to sell advertisements for the paper. Contact Daven at 277-5656 or email daven@unm.edu for more info Must be a student enrolled in at least 6 credit hours. This is what you’ve been looking for! Experience Great Pay On Campus Jordyn Munoz Makenna Muzio Genessa Ortiz Jacqueline Papp Stanley Pickett Abigail Proctor Emily Rawson Sierra Raymond Ava Rupp Desiree Sanchez Jasmine Sena Olivia Sieders Savannah Silva Sydnee Swafford Rachel Vest BA WOMEN STUDIES Brianna Bjerke Brady Steele BA WOMEN, GENDER & SEXUALITY STUDIES Rivala Garcia Brooklyn Woods BS ANTHROPOLOGY Kristen Benson-Spangler Jacob Dunwoody Jennah Groves Chloe Lauer Morgan Sainz BS ASTROPHYSICS Michael Bess Stephanie Hansen Cameron Lamar Simon Matin Samuel McGinnis Virginia Stone BS BIOCHEMISTRY Diana Alvarez Deneily Arreola Ortiz Xander Augustson Reagen Barragan Wonseok Cha Ruth Clark Ana Danh Nikita Dougan Andreas Dunaway Salvador Filerio Annmarie Garcia Flora Goldberg Alissia Haagenstad Mohammad Haneef Annika Jansen Vanessa Krajeck Marianne Gale Lachica Levi Maes Kyle Martin Kimberly Martinez Ryne Martinez Stefanie Mayfield Christopher Mazon Chloe Melloy Nicolas Monk Veronica Montoya Zitlaly Mota Anam Nadeem Vineet Narayanan Colin Nguyen Uyen-Trang Nguyen Andreana Nourie Prina Patel Omar Rachidi Alaoui Alice Rindestig Sjoberg Isaac Rodriguez Vincent Romero Alexia Romo Nina Rosen Andres Salinas Erika Shatz Carissa Summers Sheymah Thabata Toai Ton-That Gloria Torres Alejandro VazquezMercado Victoria Wilson Teagan Yan Epherem Zerai BS BIOLOGY Ilan Adler Jaffe Kiran Aguilera Sadaf Ahmadi Benjamin Aldrich Irvin Arroyo-Torres Maria Behrend Claire Benton Vanessa Brock Khadijah Burke Cristina Burns Karina Bustillos Bryan Calderon Xavier Cardona Edgar Carrete Ashley Chelius Isabella Chiavetta Andrea Chin-Lopez Brendan Clark Paul Clark Samuel Cochran Patricia Cruz Karol D’Aquino Shynell Dawes Carly Debevec Diego Demmon Ian Despain Tyler Didier Simon Doneski Jessica Doolittle Burton Sandra Dorr Mallory Elster Danielle Ensberg Deena Faidi Ashleigh Feldbusch Erick Fernandez Rayna Flores Alexandria Forrester Isaiah Garcia Lujane Ghweir Sydney Gilbert Nathan Gonzales Isaiah Griego Jazmine Gurule Juan Gutierrez Kiera Hanley Sierra Harris Edymar Hernandez Kai Hollenberg Katie Hopkins Dua Hussain Isaiah Iniguez Maleah Isaacson Ashley Iturrios Jacob Jaime Joylyn Jake Katie James Leigh James Caroline Jamharian Kevin Jones Anum Kassam Gregory Kehoe Jacquelyn Kellin Javier Kelly Roman Mohammed Khan Shayna Kymes Ashley Loehn Cindy Loya Sarah Maestrejuan Sean Maez Christian Martinez Rowan McKenzie-Park Shane McQueen Mariel Medina Jose Antonio Mendoza Helena Mieras Alena Moldan Ashley Morales Samantha Multari Vanessa Olivera Ryan Ozatalar Trace Perrin Flor Quintana Valentina Rael Dominick Revelli Olivia Robinson Yelci Rodriguez Taryn Roe Brian Romo Emily Saavedra Benjamin Schrandt Mark Shilling Deandra Sisneros Jeanine St George Heather Starkey Scott Stebbins Kaitlyn Stewart Rebeka Sultana Damaris Tarango Alvidrez Karen Terrazas Cassandra Tobin Gelyn Topacio Christopher Trocha Gabe Vasquez Edmundo Venturanza Macy Vereb Elizabeth Walker Branden White Rebekah Wilson Priscilla Zamorano BS CHEMISTRY Patricia Cruz Diego Demmon Kaelin Gagnon Mariposa Gonzales Shelby Haney Nisali Piyasena Jalen Rahter Johannah Shendo Geoffrey Smith Joseph Upton Alyssa Vallejos Alana Yoon BS ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Raven Alcott Anistasia Baca Anna Linn Kineo Memmer Joseph Nguyen Maria Noriega Chacon BS GEOGRAPHY Charley Allen Haley Boyd Gabriel Saiz Chantell Victorino BS MATHEMATICS Myriam Allred Steven Archuleta Nicolas Berkopec AJ Brody Dominic Cordova Rozesh Gautam Alix Hailey Samantha Hayden Ethan Krammer Ronald Linhardt Michael Mente Kioshi Morosin Santiago Saenz Shelby Smith Caleb Swayden Pratyush Kumar Yadav Abigail Yarin BS PHYSICS Maria Daniels Ayden Gottlieb Samantha Multari BS
Katie Abrego-Lozano Dara Alter Adam Amato Leigh Archuleta Jonathan Armijo Preva Balencia Vanessa Brock Noah Calvert Christina Casaus Conner Cummins Seth David Natalie Duran Rebekah Espinoza Bryan Garcia-Burciaga Nadia Gonzales Bethany Griego Carla Hiley Katie James Matraica Jim Jessica Jones Emily Kuehn Amanda Li Cinthia Mendoza Carmen Monohan Lauren Natalia Elise Montoya Abrianna Morales Isabel Nunez Nicole Patrizi Trace Perrin Haley Prather Juliana Preuss Noah Romero Nina Rosen Makina Rush Samantha Sonustun Adrienne Swindle Alana Tobias Christina Walker BS SIGNED LANGUAGE INTERPRETING Isabella Bonura Catalina Casaus Julia Flores Ashley Marshall Renee Rose Ralynn Skeets Michael Varangis BS
Vineet Narayanan Tristen Orndorff Carlos Ortega-Lujan Meilin Zheng College of Education & Human Sciences BAED
EDUCATION Dany Alfaro Angulo Jacob Ankrum Ariana Aragon Jamie Calderon-Torres Nohemi Carrillo Gurrola Kateri Daw Izri Duran Gregory Escamilla Brandon Fiaseu Nicholas Henderson Ruby Hernandez Mark Herrera Daniel Jaramillo Shaun Koning Joseph LaPointe Victoria Mora Yvonne Munoz Nathan Ormsby Nemiliztli Ortega-Trinidad Ysabella Perea Arin Peywa Victoria Pino Jordan Puentes James Quintana Christopher Rambaldi Savanna Sedillo Tasha Toledo Phillip Warren BS ATHLETIC TRAINING Joshua Chavez Mario Jaramillo-Wellito Valerie Mishos Santiago Morillon BS COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION Shadany Bruce Racquel Bunion Savanah Duran Alexa Medina Jamie Nagel Maria Romp Leticia Vigil Liana Vigil Luke Wilson BS EXERCISE SCIENCE Islam Almahdawi Isaac Baldonado Kaelin Begay Shenoah Begay Danielle Bell Grace Bradley Tiahna Caldwell Konner Davis Jade Dawson Samantha Debevec Anissa Frederickson Jared Fuller Audryanna Gonzales Nicole Grumblatt Selena Herrera Victoria Jamharian Ariel Josafat Gracelyn Larkin Vincent Luna Madison Martinez Jiles Masiclat Jordan Merrill Vanisha Neha Anny Nguyen Jessica Ojeda Luc-Andre Pierre-Louis Alexis Riach Kyra Romero Marah Rosato Shandy Simpson Ashley Soto Patia-Ann Storey Esperanza Varoz Cassidy Walker Chelce Yazzie BS FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Kelsie Benson Samantha Gallegos Paityn Houghtaling Julia Lopez Deborah Montana Jaleesa Reano Leticia Topa Drew Veach BS NUTRITION & DIETETICS Jaime Avila Anup Dean Arlin Diaz Torres Heidi Disbrow Jacqueline Edaakie Rachel Flicker Kimberly Jaramillo Kelsi Keys Tori Kirby Brooke Martinez Edward Oropesa Guinevere Ottesen Debrilla Ratchford Anthony Romero Angelica Sabol Patricia Sanchez Serena Sanchez Maria Smith Noah Tafoya Angelique Yannoni BSED ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Jessa Abel Ashley Apodaca Marsha Buell Amanda Burks Patricia Cachini Alyssa Castillo Tristan Cervantes Christina Curliss Madison Driscoll Tori Fabian Xandria Figueroa Alyssa Garza Calandra Greth Aylin Grijalva Makayla Hieb Bouthina Issa Jennifer Liester Samantha Medina Dominique Montanez Jacob Muller Alfredo Munoz Sara Mynyk Janessa Otero Brooke Palmer Daniel Recovo Jenna Reeder Michelle Rich Taylor Robles Linda Rodriguez Stephanie Smith Athena Stedman Hunter Talley Sabrina Trujillo Amanda Weathers Carter Williams Devyn Wong Jennifer Zevenbergen BSED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Yohana Asmerom Austin Consla Amber Haughton Natalya Wallet BSED SECONDARY EDUCATION Rocio Chavez Leonard Click Heidi Goodmann Zyla Layugan Ly Le Jessica Petty BSED SPECIAL EDUCATION Olivia Argueta Elizabeth Barzaga Laguna Povi Becker Melissa Bennett Kathryn Capener Victoria Coverdale Taylor Gordon Amanda Gutrich Sarah Hamel Edgar Hernandez Leslie Hernandez Priscilla Montoya Itzel Olivas Michael Padilla April Rubio Jared Salcido Georgiana Stucker Micah Welch College of Fine Arts BA ART EDUCATION Estefany Arevalo Janelle Barela Nayeli Cuna Elizabeth Hunt Marissa Mascarenas Carlea Seidlitz Atom Vigil BA ART HISTORY Cara Haynes Ornelas BA ART STUDIO Esther Barela-Hudgell Mateo Leon Benjamin McCormick Christina Norton Jessica Rose Nunez Dominic Ochoa Jhoana Perez Lopez Hadassah Robbins Erin Scott Ruby Ta BA DANCE Laura Hu Miranda Marselle Chloe Mendoza Madison Olguin BA FILM & DIGITAL ARTS Jose Bedolla Renata Bonney Christopher Chavez Erika Chavez Xela Ciocca Nell Decker Elias Glickman Jewel Goodhart Ian Harrison Alejandro Jaramillo Timothy Kim Jett Loe Lorenzo Lopez


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Thomas Bulger Sports Editor @ThomasBulger10

Spenser Willden Culture Editor @spenserwillden

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Jessica Baca


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Deyna Marroquin-Medellin Maxwell McGrael Taylor Provo Jonathan Rivera Tatiana Roache Jake-Paolo Romero Eric Salazar Noel Seiler Carlos Steele Darian Taylor Esteban Veleta Logan Wahl Morgan Willie Jonathan Wright BA INTERDISCIPLINARY ARTS Sergio Alvarado Sara Bolden Sedes Cawley-Whiddon Skyler Detrana Abiona Howell David Martinez Bennett Riley Molly Rosenshein Joshua Schorr Sebastian Vaughan BA MUSIC Reia Gray Daniel Hernandez Maxwell McGrael Elsa Mota Laura Quintana Cyrinthia Richards Margaret Rincon Vincent Thomas BA THEATRE Daniel Freeman Sarah Kalm Collin Romero BFA ART STUDIO Ellie Aikman Jessica Baca Heather Bergerson Chloe Brennan Ravi Buschman Lucien Guy Asjann Hentsch Andrew Jogi Dakota Martinez Santiago Meyer Prescott Moore Briana Moreno Ava Moss Lucia Noll-Upshaw Katharine Troche Arriana Trujillo Anran Zhang BFA DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY FOR PERFORMANCE Taylor Dancil Diego Garcia Pearl Modine BFA FILM & DIGITAL ARTS Bryanna Acosta Nicholas Apostalon Amariah Aragonez Raina Bailey Jaden Chavez Sebastian Chavez Adam Clemena Justice Conkle Samuel Fleig Britonya Fleming Ponce Camille Franklin Lillianna Fraschilla Wendy Gaytan Marin Lucas Gonzales Dylan Haworth Henry Hoffman Devin Holloway Ryan Howe Hailee Hutton Maliaq Kairaiuak Avery Layfield Skip Ledger Dominick Levy Lien Maatta Jaydin Martinez Zachary May Araceli Ramirez Keira Redhouse Sophia Rendon Evelyn Romo Calida Salazar Katrina Sanchez Aiyana Shuler Bella Spilotro Johannes Theisen Jazmin Vasquez BM MUSIC Lauren Rodriguez BME MUSIC EDUCATION Rachael Baca Chris Bailon Victoria Barreras Ethan Delora Jennifer Manteufel College of Nursing BSN NURSING Victoria Aguirre Miranda Ahlgrim Lizbeth Amador Vanessa Araiza Cordova Jazmin Arciniega Elisa Ashford Gabrielle Baca Swann Baca Alyaa Barakat Robert Binyon Julia Black Kaitlin Bode Ismael Bolivar Emma Brueckner Lynae Buckley Madison Burk Emily Butler Philip C De Vaca River Calderon Ahtziri Caro Jenean Carpenter Erika Carrasco Sybil Pierre Casilac Hansel Cervantes Alexandra Chacon Jasmine Clark Jimmy Cole Kevin Colter Stephanie Cordova Brandi Davis D’Ayn Degroat Lillian Dirlik Jennifer Edmundson Ambar Espinoza Angeles Alyssa Fernandez Clarissa Fernandez Hailey Funk Saige Gallegos Martha Gandarilla Natalie Gannon Olivia Garcia Eduardo Garcia-Melero Marissa Gold Eileen Gonski Anastasia Gonzales Jamison Gonzales Jaelene Gutierrez Kylee Hamilton Daniel Hamlin Melissa Heika Jessie Hernandez Leah Hiatt Shinae Hoskie Tatiana Howe Alyssa Jackson Gomez Nicole Jacquez Jacqueline Jagers Brianda Jaramillo Steven Jensen Dustin Jojola Alexandra Jones Ciara Jones Angel Kent Melinda Krause Stephanie Landers Duyen Le Matthew Legits Erica Lucero Sarah Lucero Madison Lujan Paige Lyons Joseph Mangum Diana Marentes Arvizo Tiffany Marez Faviola Marin Alayna Martinez Alyssa Martinez Johnny Martinez Lorena Martinez Rebekah Martinez Valerie Martinez Laticia McCabe Adelina McCoy Lyndsay McDermott Shea McInerney Miranda McNealy Analyse Merlino Marinda Miller-Jaramillo Randy Miranda Mike Mitchell Macy Montano Pilar Montero Citlalli Montes Rico Alec Montoya Kristy Morgan Hilwah Muhsin Christy Natewa Thomas Nayder Janessa Negron Veronica Nestrick Kimberly Nguyen Thanh Nguyen Suzzan Nieto Kasey Niggel Ashley Olson Ariel Ortega Elisha Padilla Kevin Parkinson Mike Paxson Christina Peralta Ricardo Perez Rachael Pfaff Michelle Pisto Michelle Posey Danielle Quinones Amanda Quintana-Flores Vivian Rascon Lauren Rice Perla Risueno Jorge Rivera Arely Rivera-Mendez Daniela Rodriguez Jorge Rodriguez Juliette Rohde Avery Rohwer Alexia Romero Jadyn Romero Mikaela Roos Mariana Rosas Evelyn Rouse Kelly Roybal Marisol Saavedra Kassie Sadler Angelina Sanchez Isabella Sanchez Kristal Sanchez Alex Sanders Jessica Scheidt Kali Schreifels Julian Sierra Amber Smith Kayli Stewart Corrina Strever Kyle Tabor Alejandro Talamantes Jennifer Talbert Sage Taylor Alexis Trejo Shoshanna Tsosie Erin Twitchell Erin Ungeheier Audra Van Arsdale Raymond Van Why Sofia Vandenkieboom Chase Verzello Bridgette Vigil Garrett Wade Jessica Walker Grace Widner Reece Wiggins Blair Wilkins Libby Williams Jon Wintheiser Brooke Wishard Harmony Wright Ranle Xu Altomare Nancy Zarate-Leyva Grayce Zayas Morgan Zuniga College of Pharmacy BS PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Maraya Esquibel Nathan German Leslie Gonzales Ryan Kelly-Romero Samantha Maxwell College of Population Health BS POPULATION HEALTH Breana Abeyta Evelyn Alvarez Edgar Arevalo Deshawna Begay Paula Bustillos Zohie Cardenas Serena Cumber Leslie Favela Alice Gutierrez Rado Josoa Gurleen Kaur Bryana Montoya Tekoa Snyder Janeth Soria Kimberly Toya Jacob Villalobos Brenna Willison Zoey Zhen Taylor College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences BS INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY & TRAINING Ivan Arellano Christal Baca David Carnes Ricardo Carreon Santiesteban Patricia Pacheco Sonja Perrault Javier Resendiz Tara Rodarte Kristi Sanchez Katelyn Winter Honors College BA HONORS INTERDISCIPLINARY LIBERAL ARTS Spenser Willden School of Architecture + Planning BAA ARCHITECTURE Roberto Alarid Daniel Archuleta Allison Arend Hannah Bernhart Manoj Bhukar Adela Borjas Jose Castillo Alix Chavez Lauren Chavez Brendan Coops Sushil Darjee Jennifer Dominguez Hernandez Kayla Duncan Edgar Enriquez James Funnell Brianna Galindo Briana Garcia Taylor Garcia Connor Gates Irfan Gillani Pateton Gonzales Zane Hall Joshua Harder

@DailyLobo @DailyLobo
We provide access to the latest diagnostic technology and advanced treatments and therapies, while delivering an unparalleled patient experience, and quality care to the community. Be part of
C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023

Miles Harris Kelsey Hathaway

Carlos Hernandez

Fatima Hersi

Shane Johnson

Zaina Katba Bader

Elizabeth Kemp

Amanda Lin

Dwayne Lopez-Burton

Joseph Lutz

Trevina Martinez

Jacob McCoy

Pedro Medina

Mayra Monge

Ashwan Moquino

Lilyanne Nunez

Diego O’Neill-Maldonado

Marrisa Parras

Aayushi Patel

Stephen Quintana

Andrea Santiago

Hannah Smith

Jessica Solis

Rebecca Tresise

Victoria Trujillo

Julian Valdespino

Quinn Vance BAEPD



Mackenzie Bailey

Eleanor Blankenship

Cathy Buya

Cameron Calhoun

Haley Collins

Stephanie Dodd

Sean Labarbera

Dylan Martin Davin Nelson

Martin Roybal

Hampton Smith

Liam Strader-Monaghan

Zachary Trischitta

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 2023 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Julian Perez

School of Engineering



Dominic Archuleta

Amabilis Baca

Mario Carrasco

Annalise Chacon

Nathaniel Gallegos

Denae Giersch

Jessie Gilliam

David Goering

Jennifer Lopez

Oscar Morales Gomez

Emily Moylan

Remson Ramos

James Rawson

Ossiris Sanchez Rodriguez

Bailey Thompson


Luke Hill

Vasileios Grigorios


Aeneas Lucero

Isaiah Martell

Brian McCollum

Cyrus McCormick

James Morris

Ben Ogden

Francis Julian Oroyan

Noah Pantoja

Abigail Pribisova

Christopher Reynolds

John Ringer

Alejandro Sandoval

Anthony Sharma

Calvin Stahoviak

Ruby Ta

Aaron Talamante

John Tran

Andrew Valdez BSEE


Natasha Bernal

Keith Bova

Tzion Castillo

Keegan Chavez

Christopher Dankocsik

Daniel Joseph Garcia

Jake Gonzales

Grant Guttromson

Tawhida Kabir

D’Marco Marquez

Yoo Jin Park

Davyn Pierce-Montague

Andrew Rodriguez

Maria Roman

Arianna Santamaria


Mckayla Snow

Kaveh Varyani

Siyi Yu BSME


Jason Alberto

Solomon Atcitty

Zully Avila

Daisy Belmares-Ortega

Alexander Bender

Zachary Bernius

Jonathan Chavez

Andres Collazos Galindo

Taylor Cross

Connor Davis

Joseph Erwin

Kasandra Escarcega


Damian Garavito

Jesse Garcia

Matthew Garrett

Amadeus Gonzales

Ethan Hands

Trazon Jimerson

Bryan Kendall

Michael Kiesling

Alexandra Kozai

Joshua Kreth

Dylan Lerch

Carlos Loera

Ana Love

Madison Lund

David Martinez

Lourdes Martinez

Chad Nathe

Jay Oczon


Final Exam Schedule for Spring 2022

Angela Patterson

Agustin Paulino

Luis Emilio Payan


Addison Portman

Abraham Ramirez

Wilson Ramirez Chabur

Levi Reyes Premer

Christopher Rice-McClure

Jacob Romero

Elias Rosales Zaragoza

Carlos Ruiz

Dylan Russell

Carlos Salazar

Meghan Schroeder

Kevin Simms

Tyler Talbott

Loren Telles

Cameron Thomas

Tristin Zimmer BSNE



Erik Boldt

Nicholas Borrego

Sergio Cruz

Shane Evans

Justin Hamil

Asha Jayakumar

Ethan Krammer

Ashley Machado

Ryan Pena

Schuyler Tyler

School of Medicine




Cory Beal

Rayna Beck

Christian Bonillo

Hannah Brown

Sasha Burlingame

Amisha Choudhary

Makala Davidson

Creston Gallagher

Jennifer Gendzwill

Luis Gonzalez

Cory Land

Matthew Lovato

Shykah Marquez

John Medley

Megan Meeks

Alexandra Pena

Peggy Prostano

Miranda Rivera

Kyra Romero

Chase Sluga

Olivia Velazquez

Dale Williams



Ruben Archuleta

Chelene Ceja

Theresa Chavez

Jenna John BSDH


Sarah Bell

Kaelee Blend

Marissa Cadena

Micaylah Cavanaugh

Corina Chavez

Tabithia Cochran

Montoya de Bettignies

Maria Diaz

Jacquelin Diaz-Bilbao

Anh Khoa Duong

Jeffrey Ferrill

Kacie Fine

Rodrigo Galicia

Gresian Ganem

Jordan Grenfell

Katy Harlow

Audrey Johns

Lisamarie Jones

Sarah Kendall

Isabella Lara

Sophia Middaugh

Angelica Pena

Joel Perez

Melissa Quintana

Alyssa Ramos

Hallie Reyes

Karina Rodriguez

Jessica Rodriguez-Cuna

Lauren Romero

Olivia Rupprecht

Marissa Smith

Taylor Stiff

Sydni Sullivan

Brandice Tabor

Olivia Telles

Alisha Turner BSML


Krischzelle Nicole Camello

Julia Descheneau

Erik Eloy Fuentes

Chloe Garcia

Matthew Maldonado

Jessica Perea

Zarafshan Popal

Nicolas Shedden

Stella Shoultz

Noelia Topete

University Studies



Daisy Aguilar

Josiah Allick

Kristy Allocca

Tiffany Angel

Mark Aragon

Alanna Armijo

Lindsy Armijo

Kaitlynn Biassou

Erika Bloom

Trevor Broska

Darryl Bryant

Shelton Caldwell

Berenice Chacon

Good luck with finals, Lobos!

Please recognize that students take multiple exams and that many of these are offered at specific times in observance of the final exam schedule. If you do not wish to follow this exam schedule, it is important to provide students with a broad window of time for exam completion (12 hours or more) so that you are not creating an exam time conflict for them. Best practices for exams in remote contexts include providing students with a broad window of time for completion, practicing the exam taking conditions with the students, and providing a way for a student to communicate with the instructor if their internet connection fails during the exam.

NOTE: Exams by the faculty inclement weather, scheduling, weather projections and student's needs.


May 8-13, 2023




Use this listing to determine the final exam schedule for your class. Exams will take place in the rooms in which the individual classes have been meeting, unless otherwise announced Exams for lab times of a section may be given during the week preceding finals week or at the time period listed below during finals week.

PAGE 14 / MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com
Use the listing below to determine the final exam schedule for your class. Exams will take place in rooms in which the individual classes have been meeting, unless otherwise announced by the instructor. A change in the final exam day/time may only be made with the approval of the Instructor's College Dean. Notification of approval must be received by the Scheduling Office before April 8, 2022. Exams for lab times of a section may be given during the week preceding finals week or at the time period listed below during finals week. Students having conflicts with this exam schedule must notify the appropriate instructor before Friday, March 25, 2022. Week of May 9-14, 2022 IF YOUR CLASS IS: MATH 1220, 1240, 1250, 1522 and 316 BIOL 2110, 2410 and ME 306 F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <2999* F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <2999* MATH 1350, 1430, 1512, 2531 and 314 IF YOUR CLASS MEETS: MWF 8:00-8:50 a.m. MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m. MWF 1:00-1:50 p.m. MW 12:30-1:45 p.m. MWF 2:00-2:50 p.m. MWF 10:00-10:50 a.m. MWF 11:00-11:50 a.m. MWF 12:00-12:50 p.m. MWF 3:00-3:50 p.m. MW 4:30-5:45 p.m. MW 2:00-3:15 p.m. MW 5:30-6:45 p.m. MW 6:00-7:15 p.m. MW 7:00-8:15 p.m. TR 7:00-8:15 p.m. TR 8:00-9:15 a.m. TR 9:30-10:45 a.m. TR 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. **Saturday only courses meet on the last Saturday of the semester for their exams, not the Saturday beginning Finals Week. R 4:00-6:30
4:30-7:00 p.m. M 5:30
T 5:30
T 4:00-6:30
4:30-7:00 p.m. W 4:00-6:30
4:30-7:00 p.m. TR 6:00-7:15 p.m. TR 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR 3:30-4:45 p.m. TR
p.m. TR 12:30-1:45 p.m. TR 2:00-3:15 p.m.
or later
or later
*All sections numbered below 300 for Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spanish and Portuguese. SAT 8:00-10:45 a.m.** SAT 11:00 a.m.-1:45 p.m.** W 5:30 or later R 5:30 or later M 4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. Scheduling, Office of the Registrar, University of New Mexico
Jaan Yang BSCHE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Esteban Baca Veronica Berry Cooper Bryan Melinda Bunyard Cross Caputo Cameron Carugati Ryan Chavez Stoney Denetclaw Carl Esperanzate Shantae Gallegos Christine Gleicher Samuel Grosso Cynthia Guerra Mia Heredia Delia Hernandez Tyler Kendall Jane Keth Abdulghani Mohammed Samuel Morenikeji Ngoc Nguyen Van Nguyen Marian Olewine Emily Robinson Julian Rojo Chase Thompson Johanna Tsala Ebode Zachary Weinreich Kali Wolf BSCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Josh Cordova Beau Crawford Luke Kastendieck Servando Medina Matthew Sanchez BSCNE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING Brian Delgado Mario Heredia Emma Marquez BSCPE COMPUTER ENGINEERING Issiac Baca Sudhan Bhandari Tiamike Dudley Kevin Emig Michael Felix Elexis Panas Hieu Quang Eric Rizk Nikko Ruiz Brandyn Solano BSCS COMPUTER SCIENCE Mike Adams Yash Bhardwaj
Chauhan Mike
Kunj Bhavsar
Singh Gill
Jackson Chant Tavian Combs Pedro Delatorre Andres Delgado Leroy Diaz-Sanchez Dylan Ditzenberger Leah DiVincenzo LaTascya Duff LaTora Duff Alejandra Dykstra Darion Faulkner Diana Franco Joel Gallegos Diana Garcia Cuna Esteban Garza Anthony Gorham Greg Gustavsen Karlann Harms Ella Haynes Edward Henry Marina Hernandez Genie Holmes Vanessa Hoover Amanda Hosbach Jaelen House Joshua Howell Terrell Hudson Cassandra Huneau Antonio Hunt Adolfo Iturralde Chloe Jimenez Tu Le Sandra Marroquin-Evans Briana Martinez Kristy Martinez Rosario Matlock Shaiquel McGruder Brianna Mize Donovan Murphree Joseph Murphy Kira Murphy Natasha Navarrete Katherine Osborne Deylan Pigford John Poling Michelle Powell Paula Prim Ivan Rios Jeffrey Rogers Robert Rogers Ishtar Rosario Medina Braydon Runion Michelle Salinas Kevin Schuldt Jonathan Shodean Charles Simon Brandon Smith Therese Smith Kala Sorensen Reed Spenrath Amanda Thompson Andrea Valdez Elizabeth White Makiya Zunie-Campbell BISI INTEGRATIVE STUDIES AND INNOVATION Ashly Fleming Spencer Goodwater Karlann Harms Sevin Vogele BLA LIBERAL ARTS Lynn Judkins
MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 / PAGE 15 @DailyLobo NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO crossword sudoku Level 1 2 3 4 May 1st issue puzzle solved The ways to use your #1 UNM news source! Scan QR Code to download FREE APP @DailyLobo /DailyLobo @DailyLobo Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis FOR RELEASE OCTOBER 11, 2016 ACROSS 1 __ and flows 5 Stepped heavily 9 __ Rica 14 Pitcher’s goof 15 Inflatable mattress prefix with Bed 16 Colorado ski mecca 17 Muslim denomination 18 Not fatty, as meat 19 Lease again 20 *Artsy Lower Manhattan neighborhood 23 Car owner’s premium pmt. 24 American of Japanese descent 25 Dieter’s catchword 27 Sweat unit 30 Originates (from) 33 Like morning grass 36 Title for Doubtfire or Dash 38 Site of Arizona’s Red Rock State Park 39 Rocks in bars 40 Set in a den, slangily ... or, initially, what can be found in each answer to a starred clue 42 Gratuity 43 Dessert with a cherry 45 Refreshing retreat 46 Wines that usually go well with beef 47 __ seat: advantageous spot 49 In couch-potato mode 51 France dance 52 Up to one’s ears (in) 56 Architect I.M. __ 58 *Drug bust calculation 62 Throat ailment 64 Modest skirt 65 Writer Jaffe 66 Video game pioneer 67 Region 68 Sullen 69 Makeover place 70 Camera attachment 71 Bay Area cop gp. DOWN 1 “Barnaby Jones” actor Buddy 2 Persian faith 3 Utter joy 4 Glide past on the ice 5 Anklebones 6 Movie spool 7 Verbal 8 Name on a Trump card? 9 Untroubled 10 Suffix with fruct11 *Panel decision that’s not unanimous 12 “The Hunger Games” extra 13 Picnic invaders 21 “C’est la __!” 22 Turns sour 26 Help 28 UMass town 29 Hip-hop Dr. 31 Oklahoma’s “Wheat Capital” 32 Drains of strength 33 Phonograph record 34 Quito’s country: Abbr. 35 *Became a YouTube sensation 37 N.Y. and Calif. 40 Dramatic downturn 41 Wire service letters 44 Corporate alias abbr. 46 Bounty hunters’ goals 48 Of the skin 50 Where a Brit may powder her nose 53 Unlikely to get excited 54 Dawn 55 Listened to 56 “This is your brain on drugs” ads, briefly 57 Singer James 59 Irish name for Ireland 60 Xanadu 61 Spanish aunts 63 Suffix with ranch Monday’s Puzzle Solved By Janice Luttrell 10/11/16 ©2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 10/11/16 May 1st issue puzzle solved STAY INFORMED! Subscribe to our email newsletter. Delivered to your inbox: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday! Stay in the loop on all the news and entertainment around UNM! Subscribe NOW! DAILY L OBO new mexico A Wonderful World: Keep Dreaming by Christopher Tran


DID you know that you can place FREE ads in this classifieds category? Ads


Paid Summer Opportunity!






We have a collection of about a dozen original songs as well as several professionally produced recordings that have an overall folk-rock or Americana sound, with pop and country influences.

Our lyrics are spiritually centered with non-partisan political themes, including anti-authoritarian, anti-war, anti-technocracy, and conspiracies Classic liberals, libertarians, and conservatives will identify with our values.

If you are interested in an audition in May or June, please respond by email to brian@roundhousewriting.com.

If you have links to audio samples of your past work, please include them in your email message.

T he DAILY LOBO is hiring students NOW!

Freelance Reporter

Duties and Responsibilities: Responsible for writing stories as assigned by Daily Lobo desk editors (news, culture, sports).

Required Knowledge, Skill and/or Abilities: Communication skills.

Preferred Knowledge, Skill and/or Abilities: Writing and reporting skills.

Freelance Photographer

Duties and Responsibilities: Take photographs to illustrate stories in the Daily Lobo

Required Knowledge, Skill and/or Abilities: Knowledge of digital photography. Communication skills.

Preferred Knowledge, Skill and/or Abilities: Knowledge of Adobe PhotoShop.

Advertising Intern

Duties and Responsibilities: Sell display advertising for the Daily Lobo newspaper. Establish relationships with clients, contact and maintain accounts, and serve as a general marketing specialist for a variety of businesses. Communicate professionally with clients over the phone, e-mail, and in person. Seek out new clients to advertise with the Daily Lobo. Create advertising proposals for current and prospective clients. Working with clients, design thumbnails of ads to be created by advertising production staff. Schedule ads in accounting software. Handle payment transactions, including entering transactions in acccounting software and submitting cash and checks to the accounting office. Input client information and contacts into accounting software. Proof ads on a daily basis.

Required Knowledge, Skill and/or Abilities: Good customer service skills. Experience in sales. Must exhibit strong organizational and communication skills, both oral and written.

Preferred Knowledge, Skill and/or Abilities: Proficiency in Word and Excel. Experience in a deadline situation.

For more information, call 505-277-5656.


visit unmjobs.unm.edu.

PAGE 16 / MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO dailylobo.com CLASSIFIED INDEX Announcements Announcements Auditions Fun, Food, Music Garage Sales Health & Wellness Legal Notices Looking for You Lost and Found Services Travel Want to Buy Your Space Housing Apartments Condos Duplexes Houses for Rent Houses for Sale Housing Wanted Office Space Rooms for Rent Sublets For Sale Audio & Video Bikes & Cycles Computer Stuff Pets For Sale Furniture Textbooks Vehicles for Sale Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Internships Jobs Wanted Volunteers Work Study Jobs DAILY LOBO CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED RATES 7 days of online advertising, and 1 day of print, for 85¢ per word per week. Graphics can be added to print and online publications for $24.99 per week. Special effects are charged additionally per line: bold, italics, centering, blank lines, larger font, etc. Color is available for 85¢ per line per day. Logos can be included with text: Black & white is $5 per day. Color is $10 per day. STUDENT ADVERTISING Come to Marron Hall, room 107, show your UNM ID and recieve FREE classifieds in Your Space Rooms for Rent, and For Sale category. Limitations apply. Student groups recieve a reduced rate of 20¢ per word per issue in the Announcements category. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 1 p.m.. business day before publication. ON THE WEB Rates include both print and online editions of the Daily Lobo. PAYMENT INFORMATION Pre-payment by cash, check, money order, Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover is required. PLACING YOUR AD Phone: 505-277-5656 Fax: 505-277-7530 Email: classifieds@dailylobo.com In person: Room 107 in Marron Hall. Web: www.dailylobo.com Mail: UNM Student Publications MSC03 2230 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131 classifieds@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com 505-277-5656 Announcements CLEARHEADEDNESS. COMPETITIVENESS. CRYPTOCURRENCIES. HTTP://UNM.NU Lost and Found HEY LOBOS! DID you know that you can place FREE ads in this classifieds category? Ads must be 25 words or less. To get your free ad, email classifieds@ dailylobo.com from your UNM email or come by Marron Hall room 107 and show your UNM ID. www.WritingandEditingABQ.com Services PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 505-569-2626 (Text Only); 505254-9615 (Voice Only). www.WritingandEditingABQ.com
STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. Telephone and internet tutoring available. 505-401-8139, welbert53@ aol.com Rooms for Rent FULLY FURNISHED HOME to share. 3 miles from UNM. Near parks, bike trail. Carlisle and Comanche. No smoking or alcohol. W/D. Application and background check. $575/mo. +dd.
5817. AVAILABLE 1 ROOM- studio/ 1 bath without kitchen, 2 blocks from UNMSOM. New refrigerator. No pets/ no smoking. 13 month lease. $815/mo, +utilities $75. princetonabq@gmail.com Photo DAVIDMARTINEZPHOTOGRAPHY. COM
must be 25 words or less. To get your free ad, email classifieds@ dailylobo.com from your UNM email or come by Marron Hall room 107 and show your UNM ID. Jobs Off Campus ALAMO NAVAJO SCHOOL Board, Inc. Is seeking applicant for Director of Administration Finance Director Facilities Manager EMT-Basic or Intermediate Alcohol and Drug Counselor Child Adolescent Social Worker Dental Assistant Head Start Teacher (2) Early Head Start Teacher Adult Learning Parent Involvement Instructor Special Education Teacher (2) Elementary Teacher (2) Reading/Math 180 Teacher Assistant Science Teacher Math Teacher Our organization requires background investigation as required by law. ANSB, Inc. offers benefits package including medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance. ANSB, Inc. gives Navajo/Indian Preference to qualified applicants. To request for a position description or an application please call Human Resources at (575) 854-2543 ext. 1300 or email lapachito@ansbi.org or mgarro@ansbi.org.
have invested tens of thousands of dollars to
independent project to this point and have a business and marketing
producer with 10+ years of industry experience and a professional writer are recruiting members for a new band based in Albuquerque! We
get this
We Are Seeking:
for two to three advanced- or expert-level musicians to round out our band lineup,
male and female vocalists, guitarists,
and a
members are aged 18 to 24 and are compensated for their time in the recording studio Members will share in concert and merchandise revenue.
We Are:
a team of students on campus who produce the student newspaper and its media products.
To apply
any of
Business and accounting — The business manager and office manager keep track of bills and funding for the paper. The two are not students. They keep the paper running. Advertising — There two sections: classifieds and display. They bring in 94 percent of the budget. The paper’s size depends on how many ads are sold. Ad production — This department has one employee who designs and lays out ads for each paper. This person is trained in graphic design. Reporter — Section editors assign reporters stories to write for the paper. Reporters cover assignments in culture, sports and news. Sports — This desk is in charge of covering University athletics and is published two or three times a week. It has game stories as well as features on student athletes. Culture Arts, entertainment and music can found in this section. Campus events are covered as well as offcampus events. It runs two or three times a week. Photo Whether it’s football game, a concert or a burning building, photographers accompany reporters on assignments help project a visual understanding of the story. Opinion — Students, faculty, staff and Daily Lobo readers express their opinions through this section. Letters, columns, cartoons and editorials are published it every day. News — This desk covers on-campus news andfers profiles and features on people the UNM community. Production Every story and photo is placed on the page by two or three designers each night. They’re here until 3 a.m. to make sure the paper is visually appealing. Delivery Every morning, students deliver the paper to stands on campus and around the UNM community using bicycles and vehicles Readers — The last step in our adventure brings us you. You are the reason we put the paper out each day. Web Before the Daily Lobo hits the newsstands, is published on theternet every morning at about 6 a.m. Readers can receive a copy in their e-mail, or they can view on Web site. We also a ediwho maintains the site and keeps it updated throughout the day, posting blogs, audio clips and breaking Associated Press news stories. Editing Every story edited by the reporter, desk editor, copy editors, managing editor and editor in chief. The process starts 3 p.m. and can take until 3 a.m. JULY 27-AUGUST 13, 2006 PAGE 17 NEW MEXICO DAILY LOBO ngg!!! Call ClassiFieds TODAY ! Its quick and Its just that simple. 277-5656

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