Daily Lobo 5/9/2022

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Monday, May 9, 2022 | Vo l u m e 1 2 6 | I s s u e 3 6

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

UNM showcases a range of commencement events By Madeline Pukite @maddogpukite

On Saturday, May 14 at 9 a.m., the University of New Mexico will be holding its in-person commencement ceremony at the University Arena. The ceremony will be only the second ceremony in which guests are allowed back in person since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We're thankful that we can get back to having families and guests there and celebrating our students for this wonderful accomplishment,” University Secretary Nancy Middlebrook said. The event will feature keynote speaker Mark Herman, CEO of Dion's, along with performances by the UNM Brass Choir and the singing of the national anthem by Cameron Smith, a graduate student in the vocal performance program. “I think each ceremony has its uniqueness, but I love UNM ceremonies,” Middlebrook said. Alongside Herman, there are several other people speaking including former Associated Students of UNM President Greg Romero, who is also graduating this year. He said the process of preparing to speak has been a challenge for him knowing he will be alongside experienced people. “So it's really just trying to find that balance of talking to your peers, but also giving a good graduation speech with a message,” Romero said. He also spoke about the excitement of this ceremony being in person, especially compared to graduates who only received a virtual commencement in the past. “It's like (it’s) just another day

when you just watch it online, but once you get dressed up in your cap and gown, you're going to this event. I think it's really, really cool. I think it's a really good experience. I think it's more memorable for sure for the graduating students,” Romero said. Along with the University's commencement at the Pit, several departments and student resource centers host their own commencement ceremonies, including the LGBTQ Resource Center’s Rainbow Convocation and African American Student Service’s Black Graduation and awards ceremony, which took place on April 29 and May 5, respectively. Frankie Flores, the director of the LGBTQ Resource Center, said that hosting the Rainbow Convocation (which will be renamed to “Pride Convocation” starting next year) is a chance to “celebrate trans and queer excellence which so often we don't get to do”. The event was attended by about 70 people, and Flores emceed in drag. “We do have a Pride Convocation because there are some folks who aren't out to their families so they get to have one ceremony where they are graduating as their holistic selves,” Flores said. For queer students who were not able to make the convocation, Flores said to email them to receive a certificate and cords. A complete list of upcoming departmental convocations can be found online. Middlebrook said that while they do offer suggestions and coordinate with individual programs, those ceremonies are planned entirely by their respective departments. For the university-wide ceremony, she also said that a lot of work and

A student holds their graduation cap at Marron Hall on Tuesday, May 3.

people go into planning it. “It's (not just) one person that does it. There are a lot of people that work to make sure that we have a successful event for our students, and we're very grateful for everyone. We have a lot of volunteers that help us during the day of the ceremony,” Middlebrook said. Romero said that he encourages graduating students to attend the

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @mackenzid5

ceremony because it's a chance to celebrate their achievements with their family, friends and peers. “I think this is like the send-off; This is the celebration of your work for the past however many years you've been here at the University. To miss it, I think, is unfortunate because you get one shot at celebrating this and you get to do it with all your peers who are do-

ing the same exact thing,” Romero said. “I think that's a really important part of what it means to go to a university like UNM.” Madeline Pukite is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. They can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @maddogpukite

Students with disabilities struggle to obtain resources in and beyond college By Zara Roy

@zarazzledazzle As graduation draws near, most every senior is working to navigate next steps. Students with disabilities, however, have the unique challenge of preparing to move into a new environment where they may not necessarily have access to resources they have previously been able to obtain through their university. “It definitely sucks to be cut off from those resources because it is really nice to know that there is someone in a position of power that has your back as a disabled person,” graduating senior Micah Glidewell said. Glidewell has been receiving accommodations from the University of New Mexico Accessibility Re-

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @mackenzid5

The UNM Accessibility Resource Center provides accessibility resources for students with disabilities.

source Center since his freshman year and has worked at ARC for the past year. He said that he has been able to do a reduced course load since his sophomore year in order to maintain his scholarships. “Obviously none of us want to

lose complete financial accessibility to college because of something we can’t control,” Glidewell said. While his accommodations are mostly academic based, Glidewell still notes that being cut off from resources can be quite difficult, espe-

cially for students with vision, hearing and movement impairments. Sophie Colson, currently on medical leave from the University and an original member of UNM’s Crip Liberation, was supposed to graduate this spring

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semester. However, after a series of difficulties obtaining appropriate accommodations for her chronic illnesses, she is considering switching schools altogether. Chief among her issues was the school’s inability to provide her required courses in hybrid format, which came especially as a slap in the face as the school proved its ability to utilize this format during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Colson needed an appropriate wheelchair in order to be mobile on campus. The school deems this a “personal service” and, thus, did not accommodate for it. She also needed the ability to take only one course while she was working towards her medical recovery, which the school did not allow; the two courses she was required to take caused a great bur-


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den to Colson. “I got an A in every honors class that I did, so I was working incredibly hard, and I was very dedicated to it, and I was almost instantly forgotten about. And my physical ability to show up to a class shouldn’t take away a whole world of opportunities that I had previ-

ously had access to,” Colson said. Colson remarked that while the job market is also not very accommodating, many degreerequiring career fields often have better accommodations than a university, with the caveat that students with disabilities must first make it through the harsh

university environment. Glidewell does note that accommodations don’t end after college; ARC itself contracts out interpreters and other services for their students, and he encourages those who are worried to contact their accommodation specialist. Still, the pressures of conforming to workplace standards

in a society which stigmatizes disability is a tough challenge for many. “Going into an industry, I do need to be more careful about my boundaries and my limits and, in order to keep my job, I may have to hide aspects of my disability and how it affects me because it could backfire and be viewed in a nega-

tive light,” Glidewell said. Zara Roy is the news editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @ zarazzledazzle

Graduating ASUNM president leaves lasting legacy By Zara Roy

@zarazzledazzle As the curtains draw closed on the final undergraduate semester of 2021-22 for retiring Associated Students of the University of New Mexico President Greg Romero, he still maintains the same passion and love for the school as he did when he first began his term. Still, he is ready to graduate with a liberal arts degree and a wealth of leadership experience. Romero came to the University with the intention of focusing strictly on his academic pursuits with little time for putting himself out there, but this plan soon fell by the wayside when he joined Alpha Tau Omega his freshman and sophomore years. This opened the door for him to join other oncampus projects like LoboThon and Emerging Lobo Leaders, his first foray into ASUNM affairs. “When I was in ELL, one of the current senators came to the class and was like, ‘I’ll be running for Senate; I was curious if anybody else was.’ I didn’t even know what Senate did at the time and I was like ‘I’ll run for Senate.’ It was probably kind of a bad decision at the time, but it worked out really well and I really enjoyed it,” Romero said. Romero’s imminent liberal arts degree has concentrations in business and theater; he switched from a business major after taking theater courses for the first time in college and realizing he had a passion for the stage, much to his surprise. “In high school I did every sport you could think of: football, basketball, baseball … it was actually kind of the same thing though, when I did theater, the acting part of it. It was very adrenaline-y, kind of, and that’s what I liked about it,” Romero said. Krystah Pacheco, current vice president of ASUNM, came to

Zara Roy / Daily Lobo / @zarazzledazzle

Retiring Associated Students of UNM President Greg Romero poses outside of his office.

know Romero as a tremendously effective leader in her time as director of communications in his cabinet. Pacheco said that, under Romero’s leadership, she was granted a solid mix of clear goals and creative liberty in her work. “Greg in particular, he has a lot of ideas, and I think his drive allowed him to get them done this year, especially all of his goals like working with alumni, initiating an ASUNM rebranding, connecting with different areas of student life, working with every resource

center this year. I think Greg just has the drive to do what he wants and get it done,” Pacheco said. Being ASUNM president is a “24/7 gig,” according to Romero. Leaving the position is bittersweet, but he is also excited to take a break and move on to new frontiers in his education, working on his Master of Business Administration part time at UNM and indulging in his interests in film, basketball and, most of all, spending time with friends. He has also already received several

job offers which he is considering for part-time work. Romero said he is very happy with the work ASUNM has been able to get done in helping recoup after last year’s almost-exclusively virtual semester which halted student activities and school tradition. Pacheco credits Romero and ASUNM Vice President Ryan Regalado with forging a new groundwork for the organization that she and new ASUNM President Ian May can easily build off of.


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“I think Greg has really shaped the future of ASUNM, especially now that we came back from COVID … alongside with Ryan, they really kind of changed the culture of how we approach things, and I think laid a lot of good groundwork for mine and Ian’s administration to hit the ground running,” Pacheco said. Pacheco highlights Romero’s keen ability to see situations, accessibility and willingness to listen from multiple perspectives as some of his defining qualities as a leader. “Greg is just also one of those people where you just feel very comfortable to approach him,” Pacheco said. “He’s a familiar face and I don’t think he realizes the impact he’s had, especially this year with reshaping ASUNM and doing our rebranding.” Romero said that he has made many connections in his time in the position which have served him not only in providing him with networking opportunities but also in helping him to understand the complex community that makes up the University and solidifying his love for the school. Above all, he is grateful for the many kind faces he has encountered who have helped him achieve his goals with open arms. “I really put myself out there here at UNM, which I didn’t think I was going to do, but I was always met in the middle. It was never me reaching for something and it was unattainable; there were people along the way from every year I’ve been here (where) I would express an interest and they were like, ‘Let’s help you get there. Let’s make this happen.’ I’ve always felt very supported by everyone here at the University; it’s probably my favorite part about UNM,” Romero said. Zara Roy is the news editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @zarazzledazzle

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UNM grad helps writers and refugees By John Scott @JScott050901

Hot off the release of the 2022 edition of “Limina: Nonfiction Review,” former editor-in-chief and University of New Mexico graduate Indica Simpson has been busy celebrating her hard work and looking forward to her post-graduation plans. Simpson, graduating with a bachelor's degree in international studies and a double minor in Arabic and peace and justice studies, left her home town of Fallon, Nevada with her heart set on studying medicine at UNM. After her first year, though, Simpson realized that this wasn’t the field for her. “My focus was in international disaster medicine and so then I kind of just switched it up to the policy side of that because I thought I think I would be able to save more lives preventing the wars from happening rather than treating people (affected by) war,” Simpson said. During her sophomore year, Simpson saw an ad in the Daily Lobo calling for staff members to join “Limina,” at that time still called “Best Student Essays.” Even though Simpson expressed some disappointment after finding out the editor position was not paid, she still shared a very fond memory of entering Marron Hall, home to “Limina,” for the first time. “I remember walking into Marron Hall and it just was like, this is

what academia is supposed to be. It just smells like old books and it looks kind of dusty,” Simpson said. “I remember walking into this building and I was like, ‘This is right,’ like this feels correct in a way. I’m living out all my fantasies of being a college girl … I had found all my people.” After having been an editor for a year for the 2020 edition, Simpson was promoted to serve as managing editor alongside Editor-in-Chief Alexandria Wiesel for the 2021 edition. Wiesel said that there was “no one else I could have done it with besides Indica.” Simpson said her and Wiesel connected not only over their dedication to the publication, but also through their religious and ethnic backgrounds. “(Wiesel) is really great. We’re both Jewish which has been awesome because my family’s not from here and so her family invites me to Hannukah and stuff,” Simpson said. “She really helped me find my people in student publications, but then she also really helped me find my spiritual people … She’s just so great.” Wiesel spoke just as highly of Simpson, citing her adept leadership skills and her “tenacity and determination” as the main reasons for her selection as managing editor, qualities that would help her in the editor-in-chief role. “She really helped carry the team during the pandemic and all the chaos that ensued … She made sure that everyone is heard in every meeting and really just an amazing second-in-command and I’m glad

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she took over as editor-in-chief the following year,” Wiesel said. Simpson described the careful balancing act she had to perform between editor-in-chief at “Limina” and her personal life, a balance that was especially important during a tumultuous fall semester. “(Fall) semester, I got evicted, and so I went through a period of time of housing insecurity … That was really stressful just because I wanted my staff to see me not as like a boss necessarily, but as a leader and a really strong pillar and it’s like, how do you do that when you don’t know where you’re going to sleep tonight,” Simpson said. “But I found a place and things kind of got back together. Things started working and that was really nice.” On top of this, Simpson still had her classes to worry about as well as her internship with Albuquerque Public Schools and their Refugee and Newcomer Support Program. Simpson stressed the importance of these programs, citing specifically her work with refugees from Afghanistan. “That was really stressful because it’s a lot of very important work … With the influx of refugees from Afghanistan, that’s what I had been working on, that’s really important as well (on top of “Limina”),” Simpson said. “Just making sure everything had an equal amount of time.” Wiesel was still around this year to mentor and help guide the staff. She said that it’s been “really amazing” seeing Simpson step into the

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 3

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

Indica Simpson worked as editor-in-chief of “Limina: Nonfiction Review” for their newest 2022 edition and is graduating with a bachelor’s in international studies.

role of editor-in-chief, specifically mentioning how Simpson has managed to handle any difficulties that have come her way. “Obviously, it hasn’t been easy. It’s always crazier than you could ever imagine, going into the editorin-chief role. But she’s done it with such grace and the magazine looks amazing … it’s really lovely and I’m very proud of her,” Wiesel said. After graduation, Simpson will continue her work with APS as a refugee specialist. She said she will miss the flexibility that college allows for one to explore a variety of interests and she encouraged others to take advantage of this flex-

ibility while they can. “Nothing’s stupid. As much as you think like, ‘Is this a stupid question?’ like, no. Explore everything. Explore every single thought you have. Explore anything that you see … UNM just made me see that the world is just so freaking huge and it’s not just like a little tiny desert mining Mormon town. It’s massive and people have so many thoughts and ideas,” Simpson said. John Scott is the editor-in-chief at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @JScott050901


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Daily Lobo Graduates


By Natalie Jude @nataloroni

Eagle-eyed editor-in-chief ascends to professional journalism

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @mackenzid5

Former editor-in-chief for the Daily Lobo Megan Gleason poses outside Marron Hall on Tuesday, May 3.

After four intense years with the Daily Lobo, Megan Gleason is ready to move on from student journalism and step out into the world of professional journalism. Having served as a freelance and beat reporter, culture editor, news editor and editor-in-chief, Gleason is counting down the days until her graduation, when she will receive her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in music. Gleason began as a freelance

reporter after a distasteful hiring process for the Lobo and “never would have guessed” she’d move up the ladder so quickly. “I initially decided I didn’t want to work at the Daily Lobo,” Gleason said. “But my sophomore year … I started writing like three stories a week really quickly and I think I was promoted to beat reporter, like, probably within a month of when I actually started working there … I

probably became active maybe a month or two before (the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic), so COVID has been nearly entirely what I know of the Lobo. I knew just a little before that.” Her partner Jake Nowlin has been by her side for more than three years, witnessing a great deal of her journalistic work and development. “Megan is massively workoriented; she’s just very deter-

mined ... She puts herself into these jobs where it stresses her out, but that’s where she gets her best work done … I don’t think we’re able to sit through a movie without her having to talk to someone or make a call or finish some sort of paper and I think it’s great; she’s really dedicated,” Nowlin said ...

Award-winning photojournalist to graduate from UNM

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @mackenzid5

Copy editor for the Daily Lobo Liam DeBonis stands with his cameras at the ready at the Duck Pond on Wednesday, May 4.

Spring 2022 graduate Liam DeBonis began college with few clues as to what he wanted to pursue for a career. Following a random application for freelance photographer at the Daily Lobo, according to DeBonis, everything fell into place. Currently freelancing for the Albuquerque Journal, he is excited for graduation and the opportunity to focus all of his attention on his photojournalism career. “Honestly, school has kind of taken

a back seat to my job as a photojournalist,” DeBonis said. “I’ve definitely put my heart and soul into the photojournalism aspect of my life.” Near the beginning of his career with the Daily Lobo as a photographer, DeBonis covered many protests surrounding the murder of George Floyd and national renewed interest in the Black Lives Matter movement. In working to document these events, he has been trapped in clouds of tear

gas and caught in the midst of lethal and nonlethal gunfire. This dangerous work has tired him, but has been invigorating nonetheless. “I … just happened to come across the job listing. I’d done a little photography in the past and I said, ‘Okay, I’ll sign up,’” DeBonis said. “I got a real taste of journalism — photojournalism specifically.” Madeline Pukite, a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo, has worked

with Liam and takes a great deal of inspiration from his work in photojournalism. “I’ve known Liam for about two years, since I first got hired at the Daily Lobo. He was photo editor at the time and I remember just always being really blown away by the photos that he took and just his style of photojournalism,” Pukite said ...

Graduating Daily Lobo designer dedicated to digital art

Courtesy Photo

Image from Joseph McKee’s selfportrait series titled “The Graduate.” Image by Daniel Garcia with editing and styling by McKee. Photo courtesy of McKee.

Joseph McKee, an art history major and retiring director of design for the Daily Lobo, is awaiting their graduation from the University of New Mexico this spring. Having joined the Lobo three years ago, McKee’s designs for the paper over the years trace the evolution of their design styles and abilities. “I started at the Lobo because I really wanted to work in graphic design.

I thought it would be really fun and interesting. I really enjoy collaborating with people and I enjoy design, too … I was looking for some sort of community or club that I could join on campus and it worked out pretty well, I would say,” McKee said. Beyond the space that the Lobo provided for McKee to explore design, it also offered them the community they first set out to find.

“It’s a really great place to grow and learn … a really nice support (system),” McKee said. “Something to fall back on when school was really stressful and things felt all up in the air.” While McKee’s work with the Lobo has been extensive, their thesis and independent work, as well as their designs for campus literary arts magazine “Conceptions Southwest” and

student art showcase “Arts Unexpected,” have allowed for them to explore their creativity in far greater depth. “With the other (publications) myself and my peers can be a lot more creative ... You have a lot more time to actually dive into what you want to put forward with whatever you’re working on … When I was on ‘Conceptions Southwest,’ that was something that I really enjoyed,” McKee said ...

Acclaimed student journalist graduates, inspires with determination and heart

Mackenzie Schwartz / Daily Lobo / @mackenzid5

Multimedia editor for the Daily Lobo Shelby Wyatt poses at the Cactus Farm on Thursday, May 5.

After five years of undergraduate work split between Champlain College in Vermont and the University of New Mexico, Shelby Wyatt, formerly Shelby Kleinhans, is preparing to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a concentration in film production. The current winner of the Mark Holm photojournalism award, an annual award given to an exceptional Daily Lobo photographer, her work at the Lobo as a dedicated

journalist and photographer will not be forgotten. During her three years at the Daily Lobo, Wyatt has had the opportunity to explore photographic and written journalism as well as, most recently, the position of multimedia editor. Like many other Lobo employees and alumni, Wyatt fondly recalls having “fallen into” journalism by way of the Lobo. “I always like to talk about how I

kind of fell into the Lobo … Saw a job listing for freelance photographer and thought, ‘Well, I take photos. Maybe I should apply for that,’” Wyatt said. “Didn’t come here with any intentions of getting into journalism or reporting or being an editor. I just wanted to come to UNM for film, so it kind of felt like fate that I ended up at the Lobo.” Busy by nature, Wyatt divides her time between multiple journalism

jobs and a handful of artistic interests from film to painting, according to her partner Finn Wyatt. “Between working for the Daily Lobo and Source New Mexico as a photographer and writer, she has many interests and passions and hobbies and never has a free moment of time since she’s always working on something,” Finn said ...

Outgoing sports editor juggles journalism, computer science, passion for sports

Courtesy Photo

Daily Lobo sports editor Matt Salcido will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in computer science.

Matt Salcido, the outgoing sports editor at the Daily Lobo, will soon graduate with a Bachelor of Science in computer science from the University of New Mexico. Having fallen into the position of sports editor with no journalistic experience following a back injury, Salcido learned quickly to translate his extensive knowledge of college sports into journalistic writing. “For a few years prior to beginning as sports editor I was a

basketball coach … I ended up hurting my back and I knew I was going to have to take a year off,” Salcido said. “The Lobo was hiring for editors and I saw sports editor, so I applied. I didn’t think that I was going to get considered at all since I had zero experience.” Though Salcido had no journalistic experience, his hands-on knowledge about sports, specifically basketball, landed him the position. In the year since he was

hired he has excelled, greatly expanding the Lobo sports desk coverage. “It’s been great, it’s been absolutely phenomenal. I’ve gotten to stay around sports and get into writing,” Salcido said. “It was really important.” Thomas Bulger, a sports beat reporter at the Daily Lobo, has worked closely with Salcido since beginning earlier this year. “Matt has always been super cool to me. I’ve only known him for about three months but he’s always been

super helpful,” Bulger wrote to the Daily Lobo. “He knows what he’s talking about; he’s very knowledgeable in the sports world.” Beyond Salcido’s provisions of technical sports knowledge, Bulger appreciates Salcido’s genuine care for the reporters. “He seems like he wants me to grow as a writer,” Bulger wrote ...

Read the rest at DailyLobo.com Editor-in-Chief John Scott News Editor Zara Roy

Sports Editor Matthew Salcido Culture Editor Natalie Jude

Volume 126 Issue 36 The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions.

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Advertising Representatives Natalie Hughes Ahmad Oweis

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Photo Editor Mackenzie Schwartz Designer Joseph McKee

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

UNM Land Acknowledgement statement Founded in 1889, the University of New Mexico sits on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico – Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache – since time immemorial, have deep connections to the land and have made significant contributions to the broader community statewide. We honor the land itself and those who remain stewards of this land throughout the generations and also acknowledge our committed relationship to Indigenous peoples. We gratefully recognize our history. This statement was developed by Pam Agoyo, director of American Indian Student Services and special assistant to the president on American Indian Affairs, in consultation with the Native American Faculty Council.




Why I don’t want to get an MFA in creative writing By Nell Johnson @peachnells

In a letter to a friend written at the peak of Virgo season, Anton Chekhov wrote, “Medicine is my lawful wife and literature is my mistress.” Wikipedia touts that he is “considered one of the greatest writers of all time,” Russian or otherwise. But he was never a student of the arts; he spent his days watching human beings fall apart and doing what he could to reverse the human condition, something that is temporary, painful, and disgusting to look at.

I graduate this week and people are very curious about what I’m going to do with my dual degree in English and Russian. Most people assume graduate school is the immediate next step, but studying what, they ask? Am I going to do literary criticism? Slavic studies? The discourse-filled topic of a Master of Fine Arts program arises. The most common reason I hear to pursue an MFA in creative writing is that it gives you time to write. That’s true: four years of writing classes and workshops is certainly several hours — 4,320 — given the length of an academic year and the assumption you are writing for six hours a day.

I’m not convinced of the importance of this, though. I like to think of Chekhov with his unreadable Russian cursive doctor-scrawl, scribbling the start of a short story on the back of a discarded prescription between appointments. A poem can come at a stoplight or during a breastfeeding session or when your partner is sleeping and you have to reach over their sweaty back to grab your phone from the nightstand. Writing is best when it’s real. Not autobiographical, but real — filled with aberrations copy-pasted together from bizarre one-time interactions and comforting long-time conversations with friends. Healthcare, for example, is centered around people’s bodies and, by extension, their deepest vulnerabilities. There are raw nerve endings underneath Chekhov’s concise language. Extending the thin, shimmery bubble of academia over your head

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 5 isn't the only way to become a good writer. It’s one, but it shouldn’t be the expected path. For one, it’s incredibly expensive and not very accessible. Fully — funded programs are the only logical option for most. These competitive applications operate on recommendations and subjective tastes, making rejections feel like an attack on your personhood. Experience enriches fiction and poetry as well as memoir. Work and family life encourage connective tissue to grow between people. The best authors, even ones with uneventful lives by the standards of our trauma-obsessed culture, suck up the mundane details of the world and turn them into something moving. For example, a co-worker who worked as a veterinarian tech told me about a surgery she attended where a stomach-shaped wad of carpet was removed from a dog. My dad repo’ed cars and had a crow-

bar slammed into his stomach. One of my first Russian tutors learned Serbian while he was in a Navy submarine. Occupational experiences provide spectacular images and teach empathy and vulnerability. I’m in no rush to enter a rigorous workshop where genre exists in sharply defined categories. I’d rather spend a year sorting colorful antibiotics into bottles, interviewing engineers to write project proposals or teaching cellular respiration to kids in Montana. If I ever do decide to pursue an MFA program, it’ll be three kids and five jobs later. I’m still looking for my lawfully wedded wife, though I have my mistress ready for when I meet her. Nell Johnson is a beat reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be reached on Twitter @peachnells or at culture@dailylobo.com

UNM graduate to join New Mexico State Ethics Commission By Natalie Jude @nataloroni After four years at the University of New Mexico studying international studies and political science, Suha Musa is anxiously awaiting her May 14 graduation. Musa’s mark on the University, specifically regarding the securing of financial assistance for New Mexico residents, will not be forgotten as she moves forward with a career in political media. Musa is already set to work as the communications manager for the New Mexico State Ethics Commission for a year following her graduation, and afterwards she hopes to continue her studies in political media with a master’s degree either at UNM or elsewhere.

Musa joined the World Affairs Delegation and the Associated Students of UNM her freshman year and credits the organizations for a great deal of her political involvement in college. Though she initially joined to explore her interests, she said she always knew she would work in politics and it was only a matter of figuring out where within the political world she hoped to land. “(ASUNM’s) biggest priority for as long as it’s been around has been the lottery scholarship,” Musa said. “What’s been really different about this year, I guess, is that we were able to secure it for five years rather than a one-year cycle as has been done in the past.” In 2021, Musa was part of a group that lobbied to secure more than $200 million in scholarship

money for New Mexican residents to attend both two- and four-year universities throughout the state of New Mexico. The group worked with New Mexico’s secretary of education, as well as the governor’s office, through the winter. “That’s been the coolest thing I’ve been able to do politically since I’ve been here at UNM,” Musa said. “There’s been a lot more student support that hasn’t necessarily been seen so being able to voice the concerns of the students to legislators, to the governor, to the secretary of higher education, has been a really cool privilege.” Maya Pacheco, a first-year student majoring in film and minoring in women’s studies and Chicana studies, said that she takes inspiration from Musa and appreciates the work she’s done for people across

New Mexico. Though Pacheco is currently, as a California resident, unable to reap the benefits of the funds Suha participated in making available, she appreciates the movement toward universal free college. “I appreciate everything that she’s done and can’t wait to see what else she does,” Pacheco said. When Musa entered college, she was determined to explore her interests more than she had in high school. Musa burst right from her shell into the ASUNM office where she served two terms as a senator, one term as an appointments and outreach chair, one semester as president pro tempore and her entire senior year as the director of governmental affairs. “I had like a bucket list in high school of things that I wanted to

do, and I realized by the end that I hadn’t really done them. And so, in college, once I got here I thought, ‘Oh, maybe this is the time when I branch out and try things and find out what it is I truly want to do,’” Musa said. “And UNM’s been a really great place to explore that … I guess experimental has been the word of my college experience.” After four years, Musa expressed gratitude for the experiences she’s had and the knowledge she’s garnered from UNM. “I’d just like to thank UNM,” Musa said. “I think valuing the diversity and inclusion efforts led by students at UNM has been really admirable.” Natalie Jude is the culture editor for the Daily Lobo. She can be reached on Twitter @nataloroni or at culture@dailylobo.com

CONGRATULATIONS LOBOS These are moments worth embracing. Journeys worth traveling. Trials worth facing.

These are opportunities worth seizing. Perspectives worth sharing. Ideas worth debating.

These are steps worth taking. Dreams worth dreaming. Impacts worth making.

You are Lobos worth celebrating. LoboGrad.unm.edu


PAGE 6 / MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022



Graduate Degrees The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to our publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Spring 2022 Pending Degrees

Anderson Schools of Management MACCT ACCOUNTING Gised Aboy Reina Ariana Astorga Benjamin Ballance Isaac Buck Jamal Campbell Jing Chen Lotty Del Barga Erika Faulkner Gabriella Fernandez Ramirez Sherre Franklin

20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Edward DonhamStradling Camillo Dunninger Julia Eichel Ian Eshelman Marina Feagler Kayla Fiedor Brent Freeman Luis Galarza Nicholas Gerich Sophia Gesner Viktoria Gonsior Andrew Griego Zander Halgryn Tempest Hammitt-Kendall Elliot Hersman MBA Tyler Howse BUSINESS David Ibarra Davila ADMINISTRATION Yara Issa Wendy Andrews Eva Caroline Emelie Ailyn Arroyos Jansson Natalie Avitia Connor Johnston Alaric Babej Allison Judd Dominic Baca Brandon Kendrick Luna Bandera Bradley Kenning Jessica Barker Dasie Kent Topazio Barron Jerry King Satchel Ben Annamaria Kostarellis Suraj Bhakta Joel Langsfeld Tara Brooks Aja Leland Dawnisha Bruce Edith Linares Santillan Tristan Calderwood Kristina Lite Brittany Carabajal Gerardo Luna Lori Carrillo Brandon MacAllister Priscilla Chacon Mason Martinez Rachel Cromer Isaiah Martinez Cassandra Dierks Ashley Martinez Victoria Dimas Jacqueline Martinez Simon Garcia Neida Gutierrez Adrian Gutierrez Richard Hughes Anjalee Jayaweera Memoree Le Compte Peedee Lee Andrea Martinez David Ramirez Gonzalez Alma Reyes Amadeus Rocha Reinier Rodriguez Jacob Smith Ericka Tapia Xiaodi Wang

Victor Martinez Lauren Martinez John Martinez Sarah Marzulli Matthew Meyer Erin Mitchell Vijay Nagarajan Dung Nguyen Alfred Nials Mark Niederhaus Melissa Ober Ana Ochoa Luna Ever Orozco Becsave Pacheco Riyaben Patel Elisa Portillo Nathan Price Michael Prossnitz Clayton Richards Mariana Rivera Guillermo Rodriguez Alger Diana Rueda Iris Ruiz Breanna Russell Arianna Sanchez Jacob Schreiner Miranda Sedillo-Carrasco Avery Serda Aliyah Shutiva Christopher Soto Loraine Summa Brittney Telles Domineque Tenorio Jocelyn Teo Britianie Teston Erika Trujillo Sophie Turner Ugne Ubaviciute

Christopher Vigil Karin Weingardt Anthony Williams McKenzie Winder Grace Wood

MBA EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM Sarah Zinschlag MS CYBERSECURITY & BUSINESS ANALYTICS Mario Baldonado Tamanna Chauhan Muyan Hu Tian Liu Cailyn Marrujo MS INFORMATION SYSTEMS & ASSURANCE Brandon Blair Ryan Clark James Contreras Kayla Fiedor Graciela Fierro Tomas Gutierrez Carlos Lopez Somayeh Naderi Logan Paulson Christopher Velasquez Zhuoer Zheng MS PROJECT MANAGEMENT Camillo Dunninger

Marcela Hanriot Aaron Hendrix Kassandra McGill Lindsay Roach

Graduate Programs DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY Dalan Abreu Michael Alicto Kaliana Banks Steven Broderick Mei-En Cheng William Chynoweth Alyssa Coonrod Mark Denney Amy Gonzalez Nathan Hall Hallie Hancock Audrey Hughes Deanna Lucero Sarah Martinez Skyler Mendoza Nicole Montoya Bobbi Pierson Stasia Ploskonka Andrea Pohl Julian Romero Jacob Salazar Sam Sanders Ashton Schoeppner Joshua Smith Vendula Strnadova Alicia Tafoya

Dominic Trujillo Antonio Valdez

EDD EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Aaron Billie Melanie Blea Roselyn Carroll Michelle Lee Haeyalyn Muniz EDSPC EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Angela Adcox Jean Baca Alison Bowles Jenilee Charley Erineia Christmas Jerrod Hunkus Denise Krafft April Pickrell Cicely Ryan Randi Sevigny Jessica Turner Chloe Winegar GCERT APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Nicole Dodson-Sands GCERT EDUCATIONAL DIAGNOSIS Lisa Moore Theresa Muxworthy Selwa Rahal

MA Shanel Lopez-Fretwell ANTHROPOLOGY Fedah Mansour Danielle Sena Andrew Gorvetzian Lawrence Walker MA EDUCATIONAL GCERT MA PSYCHOLOGY MUSIC ART EDUCATION PERFORMANCE Zoila Caamano-Pumarol Liana Croley Hope Gill Vida Altoe Pimenta Jordan Diggs MA Leeanne Kennedy Paulo Alvino Cury ELEMENTARY Kevin Baca MA EDUCATION Ian Brody COMMUNICATION Laura Baldwin Leonardo Da Silva Pinto Emily Herrera Athena Burch Aaron Emerson Ann Chacon Margot Friedli MA Ruoting Gan COMPARATIVE Rose Collins Gabriela Eldredge Esther Han LITERATURE Denae Fetters & CULTURAL Renee Honn Samantha Gonzalez STUDIES Megan Kearny Sarah Greiner Lauren Brown Jennifer Kuchar Carri Holler Kristin Dupree Andreas Landstedt Leah Ibanez MA Monique Iron Shell GCERT COUNSELING Tiffany London RACE & Rachael Corchine Julia Lucero SOCIAL Christopher Guider Claire Saadia JUSTICE Joel Hernandez Shih Ting Wang Kristin Reeder Darcie Metro MA GCERT Andi Ochoa ENGLISH TEACHING MA ENGLISH AS Alyssa CovarrubiasECONOMICS A SECOND Powell Wei-Ting Chen LANGUAGE Robert Esquibel Ewa Olszowka Andrea Gudbergsson Daniel Gatsch Adam Schutt Abigail Graves MA Tausifa Tajalli Carly Heidenfeld AMERICAN MA Aspyn Maes STUDIES EDUCATIONAL Grace McNealy Maya Lazzaro LEADERSHIP Lukus RattanapoteKara Roanhorse Velma Begay Malaney GCERT ELEMENTARY EDUCATION Monique Iron Shell

daily lobo HOUSING GUIDE


MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 7

daily lobo HOUSING GUIDE

Housing Guide Map 1 Residence Life 2 Lobo Rainforest 3 One Central Apartments





(505) 850-2548


















PAGE 8 / MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022



Jonathan Sisneros Angelique Tapia Emma Winegardner

20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Tatiana Gurule

MA FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Ha Thi Thanh La Esmeralda Montes Jeanette Perales Kiley Reardon

MA LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES Dominic Baca Alin Badillo-Carrillo Elisa Cibils Moira Garcia Joely Morales Villela Alexandra Rivas

MA FRENCH Maimouna Bio Gado Shayna Davidson

MA LINGUISTICS Kelly Dunn Astrid Segovia

MA HISTORY Caitlin Leishman Hero Morrison

MA MUSEUM STUDIES Adam Fuchs Portia Vescio

MA LANGUAGE, MA LITERATURE & ORGANIZATION, SOCIOCULTURAL INFORMATION STUDIES & LEARNING Aasma Batool SCIENCES Grace Braden Stacia Absalon Shaylyn Garcia Sierra Armstrong Andrea Gudbergsson Rita Benedict

Deena Duran Erin Coughlin Hostick Laura Gonzales Quiteria Jacquez Christine Mintz Lisa Ortiz Justin Owens Dixie Reid Armelle Richard

MA PHILOSOPHY David Kasza MA POLITICAL SCIENCE Bibek Acharya Yoselin Cordova MA PORTUGUESE Jessica Luana Bueno dos Santos MA SECONDARY EDUCATION Alma Avila McCormack Jennifer Cordova Christopher Feil

Nicholas Marohl Lurdes Ortiz

MA SOCIOLOGY Callie Dorsey Lacey Hites Preston Lowe MA SPANISH Korina Apodaca Cordova Alonso Arana Himanshi Arora Emily Bird Jessica Luana Bueno dos Santos Claudia Cardenas Nubia Ceniceros Lucas Delahunty Andrea Duarte Madrazo Sarah Lease Victoria Pena-Parr Alejandro Pinto Nohely Villalba-Martinez Peter Wood MA SPECIAL EDUCATION Lydia Daschel-Lloyd

Shyanne Headstream Teresa Henkel Torie Iverson Lindsey McMillan Joshua Merrill Karen Mitchell Brianna Sanchez Michael Santos Eduardo Soriano

MARCH ARCHITECTURE Devon Adams Jade Altheide Estevan Atencio Evan Beck Era Brown Jaziel Cervantes-Carreon Carlos Chavez Damian Garduno Antolin Gervacio Elena Hamburg Brianna Horvath Jocelyn Iwanczyk Brittney Raemsch-Sawyer Donald Roberts Alexander Shirey Scott Striegel Jethro Swavely Marisa Trujillo Tahlee Vargo

MCM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Scott Bishop Rajesh Kaul Christopher Matthews Mark Mutz Jerome Trujillo

MCRP COMMUNITY & REGIONAL PLANNING Cordell Bock Andres Brown Catherine Heyne Channing Hofman Sierra Ciaran Lithgow Hannah Miller Aaron Moore Benjamin Morgen Maren Neldam Skye Ontiveros Karl Redmon Tyler Smith Serena Walters MENG CIVIL ENGINEERING Lucas Bierig Rebecca Braz

Veronica Varela Adame MFA ART STUDIO Race Dillon Daniel Hojnacki Jenny Miller MFA CREATIVE WRITING Amanda Kooser Mikaela Osler Rhea Ramakrishnan MFA DANCE Rebecca Huppenthal MFA DRAMATIC WRITING Steven Blacksmith Stella Perry Amy Yourd

Ashlee Dodd Jason Galloway Kenneth Vince Garcia Madison Gonya Victoria Lopez Lesley McKinney Georgianna Mncube Monica Vigil

MLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Sebastian Frances Lia Griesser Mary Mays Hollis Moore Emily Ontiveros Paniz Peik

MMU MUSIC Darci Balkcom Valerie Collins Lorin Green MHA Jose Orea Dominguez HEALTH Emily Ramsey ADMINISTRATION Rodney Rote Hunter Atwood Sarah Schwenke Margarita Chavez James Walter Sanchez Josephine Wells Daniel Crouse

MPH PUBLIC HEALTH Anuoluwapo Adeboje Alin Badillo-Carrillo Michael Baker Audrey Cooper Sarah Criscuolo Christopher Danny Adrienne Domen Alondra Dominguez Logan Hearp MPA Lilian Igondou PUBLIC Sher Ali Khan ADMINISTRATION Ryan Martin Nathaniel Charging Oscar Mendez-Cera Benjamin Davis Francesca Pacheco Michael Fuller Sydney Padilla Linda Henderson Satyam Patel Nicolette Ignacio Natanya Keedah Judith Richardson Nelson McGuire Sangam Shrestha Matthew Montoya Kabita Subedi Damon Nieto Kaski Suzuki Jeffrey Phipps James Willis Jenny Quinonez Andrea Rogers MPP David Saavedra PUBLIC Scott Sanchez POLICY Jacinto Sanchez Samuel Hatch Kevin Schurwan Hannah Miller Jason Sharp Alexandra Shomaker MOT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Cristin Duff Angela Hoover Sean Miyaki-Lopez Emily Moore Celia Robinson Brandon Shingle Christine Tsoodle

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MS BIOLOGY Christina Blevins Daniel Hughes Amir Mani Varnoosfaderani Dianne Peterson Richard Ramirez Zoe Rossman Ryan Schulze Purbendra Yogi MS BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Janel Ahle Rachel Habing Sara Hasan Lisa Hoard Gabriela Lucero Danae Maes Tara Memarian Christina Patsalis Qing Sun MS BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Daniel Felker MS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Narayan Acharya Ashley Bowman August Finke Lynna Giang Jonathan Lloyd Erick Metzner Haylie Orozco Mariah Pioche-Lee Jarrod Ronquillo Xuemei Wang Bryan Weaver MS CHEMISTRY Philip Deenik Nasra Farah-Adams Hafiz Abdullah Ikram Mohammed Khalil Isiah Pohl Gaythry Raghunathan

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 9

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Shannon Parrales

MS COMPUTER ENGINEERING Swapnil Sanjay Deore Sean Kelly David Kirby Rui Ou Sean Pluemer Alan Valadez Arredondo Gregg Whitford

MS MATHEMATICS Donald Kruse Sarah Poiani MS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Matthew Aragon Omar Aragonez Samuel Casaus Ethan Darwin Charles Dean Erica Diaz Marcos Gallegos Kyle Hanbicki Rio Hatton Matthew Holly Rebecca Mazzie Rudy Montoya Jaiden Norton David Porteous Adam Reinelt Andrew Smith Brandon Smith Genai Troy

MS COMPUTER SCIENCE David Arredondo Selina Bauernfeind Marshall Brandenburg Smita Sanjay Deore Connor Frost Gregory Jacobus Danyelle Loffredo Brendan Mulkern Craig Parry Andres Quan Guanlin Tang

Cody Bassett Elizabeth DeJong Fatih Ince Sami Nazib Lala Rukh James Wymer

MS PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE Joshua Alcon Sarah Jordan MS PHYSICAL EDUCATION Bryson Carroll Amanda Carroll Lindsay Crevoiserat Bryan Cutler Louisa Detrick Aaron Estes Kellyann Gangaware Frank Garcia Daniel Gayle Brett Nakashima Alex Ruggiero Luis Sanchez Martinez Arthur Wallace

Elisabeth Fox-Hay Melanie Gibson Ashlee Gibson Nicole Gonzales Sarafina Gorman Sarah Graham DeAnna Henderson Kristin Kenyon Jessica Klammer Siyu Liu Dante Logan Shelby Manno Hunter Marshall Brittany McDowell Casey Miller Kalissa Morgan Julene Mortensen Kate Nelson Joseph Piper Marie Sanchez Megan Sandvik Nancy Sandvik-Yassin Marisa Shapiro Clarissa Silva Morgan Smith Carrie Thompson Amanda Trainer Kendall Travis

PHD ANTHROPOLOGY Asia Alsgaard Erin Hegberg Christopher Merriman Edmond Seabright Anastasia Theodoropoulos Mark Williams PHD ART HISTORY Regina Emmer Laura Golobish James Ivey PHD BIOLOGY Taylor Britton Melanie Kazenel Caleb Loughran

PHD BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Amanda Collar Sarah Olguin Grigorios Papageorgiou Gabriela Perales

PHD ENGINEERING Dmitrii Andreev Christian Denny Preyom Dey Jafar Ghorbani Antonio Gomez Daniel Guillette Mingfu He Khandakar Islam Artem Kuskov Siavash Nikravesh Kazeroni Jesus Ortega Nathan Patrizi Reza Pirayeshshirazinezhad Amir Raeisi Nafchi Abu Bakar Siddique Guillermo Terren Serrano Xinxing Yuan

Brian Rummel

PHD NURSING Kristopher Jackson PHD OPTICAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Luke Horstman Brian Kamer Amir Khabbazi Oskouei Benjamin Oliker Vineeth Sasidharan PHD ORGANIZATION, INFORMATION & LEARNING SCIENCES Christina Albright Audriana Stark


PMS GLOBAL & NATIONAL PHD SECURITY ORGANIZATION, Jeremy Alire TEACHING & Raymond Anaya INSTRUCTIONAL Hunter Brown PHD MS TECHNOLOGY Katelyn Derderian PHD CHEMISTRY NANOSCIENCE & Sue Wilder MS Elias Marquez HISTORY Douglas Breen MICROSYSTEMS MWR PHYSICS Alicia Reed Alexandro Jara PHD Ju Chen Sara Digregorio WATER Sri Datta Vikas Samantha Salazar Michelle Martin PHYSICAL Pholopater Faltas Hyeoncheol Kim RESOURCES Buchemmavari Christopher Tafoya Moises Santos EDUCATION, Kyle Troche Tylee Griego Matthew Chow Efren Torrez PHD SPORTS & Trier Ward Hannah Miller Malia Vanisi PHD EXERCISE COMMUNICATION MS Annalise Porter LANGUAGE, MS SCIENCE Anthony Zarinana STATISTICS Shannon Weld NUCLEAR LITERATURE & Dax Crum Olaitan Anifowoshe PHD ENGINEERING NURCP SOCIOCULTURAL Zachary McKenna Penny Darsey COMPUTER Aidana Bauyrzhan Caitlin Olive NURSING STUDIES Richard Haaker SCIENCE Daria Bolgova JURIS DOCTOR Margaret Wilkins Daniel Jimenez Jaurrieta Jose Antonio Lecea CERTIFICATE Xinhua Zhang Nathanael Denney Juan Rey Abeita Svetoslav Arsov Yanguas PHD Matthew Lazaric MSN Alejandro Albarran Ross Brown Joseph Moreno PHYSICS PHD Alexis Maldonado NURSING Douglas Alsup Martha Faulkner Karthik Chinni EARTH & Cain Manzira Julianne Armijo PHD Shawn McGee Latasha Ball Katherine Cosburn PLANETARY Benjamin Murphy Holly Barnes Ford LINGUISTICS Anu Neeliyara Abigail BannonManuel Munoz Arias SCIENCES David Quiring Jennifer Berka Michael Regan Melanie Yanke Schneebeck Adrian Orozco Christopher McGibbon Bruno Sa de La Rocque Ethan Blackney-Lopez John Sances Andrea Zummo Bree Barnett Guimaraes PHD PHD Cassandra Bourgeois Katy Bastow PHD PDCERT POLITICAL ECONOMICS Ashleigh Candelaria MS Cameron Bell MATHEMATICS HISTORIC SCIENCE Aakrit Joshi Cambria Chavez NUTRITION Taylor Bingham PRESERVATION & Chamsol Park Annamarie CalasantiMuhammad Shahid Makita Chavez Richard Elliott Lisa Bourgeois REGIONALISM Laws Jessica Cook Mark Bridwell PHD Damian Garduno PHD MS Patricia Crosby PHD Ariana Burks EDUCATIONAL OPTICAL NANOSCIENCE & Tyler Densmore PSYCHOLOGY PHD Samantha Catalano LINGUISTICS SCIENCE & MICROSYSTEMS Breannan Howell Luka Exelby AMERICAN Elisa Cibils Ibrahim Demir ENGINEERING ENGINEERING STUDIES Jessica Fink Christy Magcalas Callan Collins Hatem Babaa Arnab Ghosh Sophie Ell

MS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Savannah LaRosaLoPresti MS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Gevoni Briseno Alexander Glick Shakiba Haji Sadeghi Johnathon Henney Nathan Hines Zain Hussaini Matt Johnson Ricardo Lujan Jordy Machado Shaun McNamara Radha Krishnan Meplamadam Vaidyanathan Noah Moreno Kendric Ortiz Charles Schramka Windy Slater Robert Stroud

PHD ENGLISH Melisa Garcia Misty Thomas Vicki Vanbrocklin

School of Law

MS MS HEALTH CIVIL EDUCATION ENGINEERING Emily Cozby Derek Belka Jasmine Anne Quiambao Jennie Holmes

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Claire Cooley Nicholas Corbitt Alexander Dawson Natalie Duran Denisse Enriquez Todd Filler Marissa Freeman Amanda Garcia Eziquel Garcia Daniel Goldberg Placido Gonzales Rachel Grabenstein Alyssa Herrera Jeffrey Hoagland Jacqueline Hoswell Lauren Hund Cody Jeff Luke Jobe Keifer Johnson Mayer Landau Huong Lee Luis Leyva-Castillo David Lynn Ekaterina Magedova Jacob Martinez Megan McCormack Aanika Mike Damian Padilla Nicholas Padilla Chelsey Pelzman Yarithza Pena Jordan Quinlan Jorge Rodriguez Emily Romero Andrea Romero Hallie Rossbach Natalie Saing Kathryn Sears Alyssa Segura Athena Shapiro Emma Stahl Ethan Sumrall Ann Swift Samuel Taub Callie Tompkins Billy Trabaudo Raquel Vaz Leslie Villagomez Turner Robert Waldroup Mackensee White Jessica Wilder Stuart Wilkins Clay Wilwol Waste Wica Ku W Young


PAGE 10 / MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022



MSL STUDIES IN LAW Deanna Creighton Sara Haugaard

School of Medicine

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE Gabriella Acosta Robert Allen Daniela ArmendarizCorral Rachel Baca Kati Baillie Naing Bajaj Kirill Balatsky Colleen Barney Robyn Bartel Mary Bartlett Ashley Barton Jared Borrego Sarah Brown Timothy Campbell Fiore Casale Lizzet Castillo Frances Chaves Fiona Thuy Chiu Melissa Cosse Nardos Dawit Jeremy Dean Tenzin Desel Hannah Dowdy-Sue Erick Durham Deion Ellis Tiffany Emery Stephen John Esguerra Alyssa Espinoza Andrew Faturos

Rafael FernandezMancha Rachel Fleddermann Mirella Galvan-De La Cruz Angelica Garcia Julie Giannini Monica Goodman Alexis Gough Austin Graham Eliana Griego Alexandra Haigh Nathan Harris Antoine Ho Darrell Horton Tyler Hough Benjamin Howse Anusara Carolyn Ice LynnMarie Jarratt Elijah Johnson Robert Kolar Alexis Leyba Jaimie Lin Jolene Lobo Amanda Lokke Aurora Maes Avanika Mahajan Rushi Mankad Lauren Marek Samantha Marley Destinie Marquez Casey McDonald Alicia Meador Heather Metcalf Jewel Meyer-Hagen Sally Midani Rachel Mnuk Estefania Montanez Michael Mooney Tae-young Nam Andrew Nguyen Kimberly-Nhi Nguyen

20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Taylor Nunn James O’Hora Nancy Orduno Ryen Ormesher Sabah Osmani Eliana Otero-Bell Satyam Patel Susie Pham Allison Price Justin Quintana Alexander Rose Rachel Rose Ali Salehpoor Andrew Sanchez Claire Sava Juliana Savic Joseph Schripsema Jenny Situ Katherine Stanfield Jessica Sullivan Lauren Tagliaferro Epler Michelle Thomas Jennifer Thompson Meagen Twyeffort Jessica Valdez Thien-Dang Vu Cees Whisonant Justine Yang

College of Nursing

DNP NURSING Bobby Bluford Tina Bray Brenda Gonzales Reynaldo Gonzales Ashley Gonzales Clare Ironside Jonathan Judy-del

Rosario Judy LandavazoLiebhard Lori Lelii Nikki May Maria McMahon Radcliffe Myers Eric Riebsomer Danyelle Romero Nicole Romero Anna Shields Vanessa Tahe Shavonna White Kristyn Yepa Carol Young

College of Pharmacy

DOCTOR OF PHARMACY Dominic Acosta Joshua Alcon Kevin Berry Justin Borrego Emily Bransford Lance Carlton Chad Castillo Toby Chiu Cameron Chock Veronica Coblentz Rachel Crusius Carla Mae Eberhard Shauntiana Enrico Amanda Estrada Elver Fajardo Del Cid Jaquelynn Flores Gardenia Gomez Jada Gooden Danielle Griego

Alexandra Gutierrez Miguel Hernandez Nathorn Iamsen Maria Angelika Isidro Brooke Johnson Sarah Jordan Zoe Kasten Justin Kotobi Brianna Kuskov Christopher Lange Vincent Le Miguel Lopez Victoria Lopez Mariah Lucero Kiana Lujan Kerushen Morgan Adamatta Mudada Phat Nguyen Christine Nguyen Dieu Hue Nguyen Ngan Nguyen Derek Nunez Amber Nuttall Destiny Ortiz Nickolas Osking Sarah Park Autumn Pinard Tatiana Pleil-Pino Zacchary Rivera Joslynn Rowin Arianna Sanchez Jessica Severin Briana Slight Morgan Stewart Haedi Thelen Tram Truong Ryan Valdez Dreanna Valencia Ashley Winters Kimberly Wong Mitchell Yan

Megan Zamora Mikaela Zanelli Iannone

Bachelor’s Degrees The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to our publication deadline. Given the number of graduates and evolving status of many prospective graduates’ degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being listed or not here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status. This list currently includes: Spring 2022 Pending Degrees

Anderson Schools of Management BBA BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Jami Abdullah Kendall Aguilar Ryan Aguirre Abdullah Al Shamari Regina Alarcon-Arenivar

Seamas Alessio Zahra Altamimi Marcus Amerson Jack Anderson Victoria Anderson Racheal Angel Jesse Aragon Francisco Araque Kenneth Archibeque Griselda Archuleta Autumn Archuleta Sasha Arnn Jordan Arroyo Amber Atkinson Brandon Baca Bryan Baez Moreno Ruby Baker John Baldoni Pennie Ballinger Dominik Barela Mitchell Barham Mariana Baros Sunny Beckley Noah Benedict Kaitlin Bennett Matthew Birchfield Dezmond Black Alexandra Bonnet Jahaziel Borges Stoney Brittain Monica Briones Chere Burres Jair Canedo Zarazua Maria Cannady Magali Carmona Anthony Carver Jake Cascio Kyler Castillo Michelle Castro

Jacob Chavez Valeria Chavez Anran Chen Yanxu Chen Kathrine Chinana Brennan Chua Jakeline Claridge Miranda Conners Michael Cottone Hunter Crespin Kelly-Ann Cyr Cory Dalton Raphael Daniel Jeremy Day Alex DeAguero Javier Delgado Yuhua Deng Emmanuel DeSantiago Delaine Deschiney Xiuru Ding Samson Do Joseph Doucette Richard Dougherty Dominic Duran Austin Dusenbery Jonathan Echavarria Elliot Eckerman Farris Elkhader Erica Elwell Carl Francis Encarnacion Ashley Enriquez Natasha Enriquez Gerardo Escobedo Gabriella Estrada Kristen Etsitty Aaron Eyachabbe Richard Fairbanks Deanna Falk Spencer Farley

Justin Farr Joseph Faulkner Tiffany Ferrell Annabella Figueroa Stevan Flores Briana Flores Fernando Flores Alec Flores Lee Frampton Vanessa Frank Aurora Funkhouser Jacob Gabaldon Shawn Gallegos Taresa Gamblin Kristianna Garcia Rosemary Garcia Zachary Garcia Raissa Regatta Eugenie Gavino Eric Gilpin Mariel Gomez Matthew Gonzales Danica Gonzales Andres Gonzales David Gonzales Matthew Gonzalez Isabella Grassi John-Lucas Gregerson Samantha Gregory Clara Guarneros Benjamin Gutierrez Morgan Guzman Ishwor Gyawali Matthew Haley David Harris Rosecelia Harrison Maurice Harvey Celeste Hatfield Brianna Havens

HAPS The Entertainment Guide Monday

Approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. have HIV. About 13 percent of them don’t know it and need testing.

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Monday: 8am-noon 801 Encino Pl NE

Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-7pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E, NM, 87106


Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, 87106

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Tuesday: 1pm-5pm 801 Encino Pl NE

Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, NM, 87106

Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more! 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Be Empowered. Know your status!

David Hawk Alexis Hendrickson Savannah Henshaw Melanie Hentschel Aysia Hernandez Alondra Herrera Aubriana Hinds Gabriel Holguin Villalobos Enoch Holloway Samantha Howard Fengguang Hu Sydney Imus-Hanlon Amanda Jarzemba David Jenkins Lillian Jensen Jason Johnson Shaylynn Jones Shania Jurado Myu Kageyama Fidan Karimli Michael Kendall Wael Khweis Christopher Kirby Mateo Koepp Gabrielle Kole Daryl Krawic Shawn Krise Gabriel Kurtzhals Marcelino La Brake Kadeem Ladoo Elishua Largo Veronica Le Jenny Le Eric Lee Mark Lee Ryan Lesperance Christopher Leyba Yuechen Li

Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369

May 2022

Walk-In Testing Hours 9am-4pm Monday-Wednesday 1pm-7pm Thursday

Scan for more info about UNM Truman Health Services and to schedule a free and rapid HIV test.

Special Events

Coming Soon MAY 6-9


MAY 6-9



MAY 10-12


MAY 13-17


4PM 5:45PM




801 Encino Place Building F

3:45PM 8PM

MAY 13


MAY 13 10:30PM

3405 Central Avenue NE Albuquerque, NM

505.255.1848 www.guildcinema.com

3:30PM 7PM




MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 11

HAPS The Entertainment Guide

Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-7pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E, 87106

Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more showtimes! 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Abq, NM 87102 Duke City Herbs and Bake Shop 11am-5pm (505)750-0158 4012 Central Ave SE, Abq, NM 87108

Wednesday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312 Luther House Shared Meal in front of Luther House Every Wednesday 5pm Following the shared meal, at 6 pm, we offer a variety of Liturgical and Spiritual practices Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, 87106 Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369 Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more! 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Abq, NM 87102 Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-7pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E, 87106 Duke City Herbs and Bake Shop 11am-5pm (505)750-0158 4012 Central Ave SE, 87108

Thursday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. Walk in HIV Testing Thursday: 5pm-7pm 801 Encino Pl NE Luther House Thursday Centering Prayer 12:00-1:00pm at the Duck Pond Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, 87106 Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369 Sunshine Theater May 19 Doors Open 7pm, All Ages! Hypocrisy- Worship Tour 2022 with Carach Angren* The Agonist* Hideous Divinity 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Abq, NM 87102 Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-7pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E, 87106

Luther House Join us to learn, discuss and take action on theological issues At the SUB ( Lower Level North Entrance) 12:00-1:00pm

Sunshine Theater May 14 Doors Open 7pm, Ages 13+ PI’ERRE BOURNE THE PURPLE TOUR 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Abq, NM 87102

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, 87106

Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-7pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E, 87106

Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369

Blood Sausage Wednesday-Sunday (5PM-11PM) 80’s Horror, Chef Driven Restaurant (505)265-9452 138 Harvard Dr SE, Abq, NM 87106

Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-7pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E, 87106

Sunday Luther House Every other Sunday worship with wider community Contact us for current schedule.

Duke City Herbs and Bake Shop 11am-5pm (505)750-0158 4012 Central Ave SE, 87108

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, 87106

Saturday Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369

Guild Cinema Visit guildcinema.com for more showtimes! (505)255-1848 3405 Central Avenue NE, 87106

Sunshine Theater May 22 Doors Open 6pm MAX & IGGOR CAVALERA RETURN: BENEATH ARISE with Destruction* Nervosa* Sunlord www.ReturnBeneatheArise.com 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Abq, NM 87102

Visit Meow Wolf See ad for event information! 1352 Rufina Cir, Santa Fe, NM 87507 Thurs-Mon: 10AM–10PM (505) 395-6369

Luther House

All are welcome! Progressive, Inclusive, Evolving.

wednesday evening shared meal 5pm Enjoy food and fellowship in the Luther House each Wednesday evening wednesday night liturgy 6pm Following the shared meal on Wednesday evenings, we offer a variety of liturgical and spiritual practices thursday centering prayer We offer a time of respite and centering prayer each Thursday at the Duck Pond. 12:00pm-1:00pm. Learn a variety of ways to pray and ground yourself in your faith friday public theology at the SUB Join us on Friday’s 12:00pm-1:00pm, at the SUB (lower level, north entrance) to learn, discuss, and take action around contemporary theological issues sundays worship with Every other Sunday we worship with our wider community. Contact us for a current schedule. North of Dane Smith Hall


Grifols Plasma Donation Center 7am-3pm (505)266-5729 122 Yale Boulevard S.E., 87106

Blood Sausage Wednesday-Sunday (5PM-11PM) 80’s Horror, Chef Driven Restaurant (505)265-9452 138 Harvard Dr SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106

Duke City Herbs and Bake Shop 2pm-4pm (505)750-0158 4012 Central Ave SE, 87108

Sunshine Theater Visit sunshinetheaterlive.com for more! 505-764-0249 120 Central Ave SW, Abq, NM 87102

1805 Las Lomas Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87106

Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312

Follow Us: @LutherHouseNM Email Us: Lcmunmcnm@gmail.com


Duke City Herbs and Bake Shop 11am-5pm (505)750-0158 4012 Central Ave SE, 87108


Test With Truman Be Empowered. Know Your Status. 801 Encino Pl NE 505-272-1312


ENTER BETWEEN 05/06 05/10

1 3 8 h a r va r d d r s e Albuquerque, nm 87106 505-265-9452 b l o o d s a u s a g e r e s ta u r a n t. c o m


PAGE 12 / MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022



Ralph Linville Esteban Llamas Sarah Lloyd Emily Lopez Yasmin Loya Alfonzo Lozano Natalia Lozoya Robert Lubold Mariah Luce Michael Ludwig Keith Lujan Karen Ly Andrew Ly MariaElena Maestas Marshall Magnuson Ahzeen Mansoori Jeffrey Marquez Aedan Martin Feliz Martinez Roman Martinez Brianna Martinez Reyna Martinez Tomas Martinez Dylan Martinez Yohana Martinez Alvarez Branden Massey Chelsea McAdam William McBride Mason McGeath Keegan McKeown Luke McQueen Angelica Medina Jacob Mendoza Victoria Mendoza James Menicucci Zachery Mikoloyck Noah Miller Zunyi Miller Patrick Miller Breanna Mitchell Katie Mitre Cassandra Moore Isabel Morales Alex Munoz Samantha Narvaez David Natonabah Douglas Natseway Kevin Nguyen Jessie Nichols Faith Nickson Samantha Nottke Nura Nurudeen Stephanie Oluyitan Alexander Oluyitan Jose Orona Diego Ortega Reece Oster Isaiah Otero Estevan Padilla Jonathan Padilla Terrance Parham Kyle Parker Jessie Passmore Janvi Patel Clayton Patterson Tyler Patton Jordan Paul Kaylee Paz Jacob Pelock Jesus Maria Perez Ruelas Bree Peterson Autumn Pilcher Zerrick Plake Nicolas Prieto Pinzon Courtney Rakers Shelby Ramey Hillary Ramoso Joshua Randall Vikash Rayamajhi Kailey Redmond Brandon Reeder Miguel Reyes Luis Reyes Eva Richardson Robert Richter Lauren Roberts Peyton Robinson Jocelyn Rodriguez Tarango Angelica Romero Amanda Romero

Michael Romero Julia Ross Ramon Roybal Ayulia Ruiz Kailer Rundiks Jacob Rutgers Lauren Saad Chandler Saitta Itzel Salcido Trujillo Wasey Sam Jordan Sanchez Conner Sanchez Alex Sanchez Jesus Sanchez Julio Sanchez Vicky Sanchez Liza Sanchez-Goret Robert Sanchez Matthew Sandvig Christ Sathoud Dominic Scarletto Mikaela Schafer Liam Schwantes Angelique Sedillo Anthony Serrano Enhui Shao Nasir Sharifi Hailey Shepherd Akash Shukla Samantha Silentman Luc Simard-Halm Devin Sims Sophia Sivils Zoe Smith Henry Smith Harrison Smith Andrew Snider Eduardo Soto Orozco Mihaela Spilca Pablo Spitzer Nicole Stout Steven Sunday Mariah Tafoya David Tafoya Pete Talamante Chloe-Joy Tedesco James Thomas Darryl Thomas Trevor Thomas Rachel Thomas Antoinette Times Sean Traina John Travis Jaiden Trujillo Jasmine Trujillo Matthew Trujillo Alexis Valdez Luna Christian Valencia Andrea Valladolid-Ochoa Linda Vance Victoria Varela Casandra Vasquez Ivan Vestal Thomas Vieira Phillip Vierra Noah Vigil Sterling Violette Mason Walker Thomas Walsh Deon Watson Phoebe Welke Blake Wells David West Sofia Whitaker Reece Wilkinson Alicia Wilson Chase Wilson Gabriela Wilson Sloan Wilson Adam Youtzy

School of Architecture and Planning BAA ARCHITECTURE Brenden Alcala Irvin Aranda Jonathan Archibeck Brooke Ayala Danielle Begay

20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Diana Bernal Andrade Hannah Bernhart Nikki Brown Krystle Chapman Halle DelMargo Collin Fouser Zachary Gaillour Nicholas Garrison Isaac Gonzalez Jeremy Granfors Kassandra Gregos Alyssa Hamilton Elizabeth Hernandez Silva Hannah Iracheta Rebecca James Cloie Jaramillo Amy Kien Alexandria Lee Marie Adele Little Daniel Lovato Adrian Lovato-Esquivel Adan Martinez Rebecca Martinez Gavin Mosher Trevor Orgill Yashira Ortiz Lance Parisot Luis Rodriguez Jara Gerardo Ruiz Lauren Salazar Hannah Smith Ryan Sotelo Craig Soule RaeAnna Spiger Ian Tibbetts Darnell Tyler Joshua Valdez Garrett Velasquez Drake Ward Jared Weaver Lilyanne Wilson Anna Wyka Michael Yannoni Isaiah Yazzie

Marisa Elizondo Katherine Fernandez Max Fraboni Karina Gallegos Savanna Glass Nahomy Grado Noheli Guardado Jude Gutierrez Janette Herrera Mykaela Hodges Cassidy Howe Aryana Jaramillo Lamisa Khandaker Jesse Lee BA Aileen Lemus CHEMISTRY Jonica Leon Brandon Huynh Tristin Lively Ngoc Nguyen Isaiah Lujan Adrian Perez Estrella Madrid Amy Ruybal Jordan Maes Jack Saloio Samantha Maestas Samuel Smith Cayley Marshall Abel Trevizo Domonique Martinez BA Karla Mier CHICANA Felicity Montoya CHICANO Estephanie Morales STUDIES Emily Ortega Melanie Ramirez Christian Perez John Rojas Michael Quintana Jordan Quintana BA Owen Risenhoover CLASSICAL Monserat Rodriguez-Rico STUDIES Camilla Ruiz Kara Logan Devon Sanchez BA Veronica Sanchez COMMUNICATION Sabrina Slauson Anjaleeqa Baldwin Jade Torres Ismat Begum Alexis Valdez Lorrie Black Dominic Valenzuela Israel Castillo Haley War Gomez Mason Chappelle Jared White Jude Chavez Asia Corona BA Benjamin Gansallo EARTH & Gabrielle Garcia PLANETARY BAEPD Kya Garduno SCIENCES ENVIRONMENTAL Haley Gibson Monique Howlett PLANNING AND Sheldon Hamilton Travis Langton DESIGN Brandon Harris Devlon Shaver Aaron Flammang Kyle Hodgkins Kyla Fugate BA Jack Howard Sofia Gavin EAST ASIAN Stephanie Hustead Hsiang Wen Huang Catherine Johnson STUDIES Matthew Kletecka Naomi Katesigwa Mary FreelyKirk Angelica Masias Jason Macaron Symon Majewski Zaya Osborn Mary Martin Troy Sikorski Julie Winsor Christopher Martinez Johnny Velasquez Ashley Martinez BA Michael Miranda ECONOMICS Ryen Newman Amelia Adcock Gabriela O’Keefe Tyler Paddor Brianna Allen Zane Paully-Umeh Whitney Blair Johnnie Podsednik BA Peter Borden Mckenzie Ross AFRICANA Richard Burke Lexi Rue STUDIES Austin Burnell Kylie Russell Annie Mitchem Julio Chavez Lysia Salazar Corey Collier BA Adam Schneider Katrina Dutt AMERICAN Julia Starkey William Fiala STUDIES Deanna Tenorio Payton Fowler Lena Hill Annette Velasco Mackinley Gibbens Bianca Solis Cameron Ward Matthew Goldman BA BA Jade Gonzales ANTHROPOLOGY CRIMINOLOGY Steven Hagan Analisa Chavez Elizeth Aguilar John Hawkins Liliana Domenici Steven Alcala Eytan Libedinsky Katherine Eachus Michelle Alvarado Aaron Mancha Melody Feustel Kimberly Amador Connor Mauney Nadia Gilpin Merceades Armenta Desmond McDermott Blake Goldberg Aurora Arreola Kufre McIver Raidel Lozano NormanJoe Benavidez Ariana Nava Sarah McLean Naomi Benavidez Khanh Nguyen Amber Price Cecilia Bernal Roberto Ruiz Doug Rodriguez Jennifer Bork Ethan Sandweiss Adrianna Sanchez Brittany Bravo Sadie Syers Deanna Sandoval Kimberly Cabrera August Tuttle Kaitlynn Stewart Meneses George Strohl Trevor Wommack Lauren Candland Tamara Castillo BA BA BIOCHEMISTRY Caitlyn Cheromiah ENGLISH Karina Dominguez Haojie Chen STUDIES BA BIOLOGY Anthony Abeyta-Lopez Emily Casares DeAndria Gallegos Isaiah Garcia Miguel Lopez Jordan Minke Brennan Myers Heaven Salas Natalia Serrano Sarah Shrum Kristin Strosnider

College of Arts & Sciences

Solana Armijo Hyler Bowman Marisa Cabanillas Taylor Churchill Miranda De Los Santos Kamryn Duenas Alex Espinosa Jennifer Evans Alexandria Ferrell Addeline Frey Patrick Gallegos Diana Garcia Solana Harris Daven Hobaugh Paul Irwin Margaret Johnson William Kuh Sean Lohnes Alyssa Martinez Emma Mitchell Krishna Patel Adam Phelps-Romero Sayra Ramos Jaquez Tristan Santoniello Haley Spano Isabel Strawn Benjamin Tabacek Deanna Tenorio Emma Trevino Jeri Trujillo Vicente Vargas Allegra Velazquez London Wilder Joshua Williamson Dionna Wright BA ENGLISHPHILOSOPHY Tyler Proffit BA FRENCH Erin Consla Paul Neville BA GEOGRAPHY Bailey Cambron Dean Roberts BA GERMAN Valeria Hofner Benjamin Utzinger

BA HEALTH, MEDICINE & HUMAN VALUES Lila Baca Elena Florez Matuke Fomukong Pearl Huynh Autumn Lee Bryan Marquez Sabrina Mayer Evalina Michel Clarissa Molina Marisela Sandoval Kristin Strosnider Skye Van Zandt Juliet Velhagen BA HISTORY Matthew Anguiano Sadie Baca Christopher Beaudet Hannah Beck Danika Brousseau Donnie Daugherty Michelle Garcia Daniel Gonzalez Del Real Matthew Gutierrez Brian Hall David Hart Rachel Hidalgo Eric Howe Jeremy Johnson Riley Kemper Michelle McMillian Sloan Moulton

Gilbert Padilla Edgar Romero-Ramos Chris Russell Hannah Shearin Karli Snyder Andres Vasquez Merit Wise

BA INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Greet Bawden Jennifer Campos Rachel Carlson Luis Contreras Jeanne Cruz Lily Evans Jenifer Garcia Mendoza Abigail Hills Bayan Jaber Suha Musa Isabela Nellos Jacob Ortega Quinlan Pope Jamini Sahu Indica Simpson Samuel Smith Grace Vilar

Ryan McGinty Juan Nahal Foster Beatrice Nisoli Mari Ramsbacher Skylour Steketee John Wasilowski


BA POLITICAL SCIENCE Jack Ambarian Ikram Anizi Aurora Arreola Isaiah Baca Scarlett Barton Kaeli’Reese Blas Malcolm Carr Julio Chavez Mariposa Childson Sarah Crouch Jeremiah Divett Bushra Elfarissi Dakota Fetter Lyndsey Gabaldon Paloma Garcia BA Carnely Gauna JOURNALISM Jared Gunn & MASS COMMUNICATION Camila Gutierrez Writtenberry Roman Babcock William Harris Isabella Baca Adam Helmick Tyler Braunhardt Reilly Holder Spencer Butler Diego Holguin Jeanette Dedios Emma Hotz Karen Galindo Amelia Jenkins Evan Gonzales Corrina Klein Sean Johnson-Latham Carla Law John Kelly Elijah Lopez Richard Key-Towne Ashley Lopez Jordan Meadows Donald Love Alika Medina Madalyn Mares Natalie Renfro Sebastian Molinar Jalynn Saulsbury Andrea Naranjo Margarita Sias Dylan Norman BA Elise Paul LANGUAGES Brenda Perez Porras Julissa Estrada Zoe Perls Alecia Jones Sarah Ann Polsin Nicole Powers BA LATIN AMERICAN Aaliyah Quintana Edgar Ramirez STUDIES Breanna Rivera Kaya Learnard Romie Sandoval Domenica Nieto Griffin Solomon Ambar Stimbert BA Brianna Tapia LINGUISTICS Alicia Broun Riley Theriault Gisell Cereceres Onyedika UgbomahZoe Jones Otunuya Brenda Lizarraga Ashley Varela Damien Lopez Alexandra Velasco Jorge Montes Rodriguez Gilberto Villicana Jayce Pezzelle Samuel Webb George Strohl Erin White Tiani Tillet Amalia Wilson Matthew Zank BA NATIVE BA AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGY Serena Abweh STUDIES Roberta Aguilar Denise Chavez Wilson Gover Halima Akter John Horsechief Jesus Anchondo Elanda King Ignacio Arcaya Dana Lee Margaret Aulbach Samantha Pasena Emily Avilucea Jorge Saiz Genesis Balliett Monica Barboa BA Rocio Barraza PHILOSOPHY Leslie Bauchman Benjamin Bock Deanna Bean Jacquelynn Gutierrez Tatum Bernardoni Morgan Hagman Brenna Bishop Lucas Heimgartner Erika Blackmon Zachary Hooker Tyler Blair Nicole Kratochvil Alma Bonilla Buddy Lindsay


Savanna Brady Mariah Brandts Tyra Bruce Ayshia Caldwell Mallory Cambon Jessica Campos Maria Canas Madera Kal Cary Courtney Cechini Alejandra Chaparro Jude Chavez Julia Chavez Erika Chavez Crystal Chee Allison Clayton Alyssa Comer Nadine Costanza Robert Cravens Monica Daniels Liam Debonis Trenton Del Ferraro Jordyn Disch Melissa Door-Rodriguez Lila Earwood Mikaela Epaloose Gabriel Estrada Danya Estrada Katherine Fernandez Carla Ferrer Hurtado Jordyn Filkins Winter Flack Nicholas Garcia Vanessa Garcia Cruz Garcia Abigail Garcia-Huff Lindsay Gear Leeanna Gilardoni Isabel Gomez Deluvina Gonzales Jade Gonzales Krysta Gonzales Michael Gonzalez Irma Gonzalez Gutierrez Kassidee Gooch Rylee Griego Angela Griego Emily Grindell Emma Guindon Jordan Hamilton Tina Hamning Caroline Heitman Ashley Hernes Mia Herrera Mariela Hinojosa Melissa Humphries Mariah Ibuado Mariana JimenezGonzales Michael Johnson Gurmehak Khahera Aiden Kneller Rebecca Ladino Mallory Letherer Jadyn Lopez Dylan Lucero Jesus Luna Karlee Maes Perla Maldonado Michael Maldonado Alex Malhotra Carrie Marchant Reyna Martinez Kathryn Masten Angel McCowan Miles Melior Grace Melloy Amanda Meraz Stephanie Moulton Katie Murden Allison Murphy Matteo Murrell Skylar Nicholson Brianna Nieto Marissa Orozco Gabriella Orr-Dick Julian Ortega Alexis Ortiz Dominique Pacheco Gabrielle Padilla Isabela Padilla-Steel Salud Paniagua

Louis Papponi Evyn Parker Maya Petosa Zachary Petro Courtney Philips Riley Pisa Natalie Polak Sandra Porter Paulina Prieto Robles Joaquin Ramirez Jessica Ramirez Morales Viola Ramos Aislinn Reyes Renee Reyes Paul Reyes Evelyn Reyes Jorleigh Rider Jacob Ring Miranda Roach Rhianna Roberts Rebecca Rodriguez Monserat Rodriguez-Rico Bryana Romero Alyssa Romero Aubriana Romero Shanti Janai Rosen Patricia Rubi Valoria Salazar Kristin Sandoval Madison Sandoval Deanna Sandoval Elizabeth Sandoval Erin Saunders Monica Schenck Austin Schenck Anaubrey Shannon Atanah Shannon Kamalpreet Singh Alejandro Solis Merissa Sotelo Shannon Stephenson Lauren Taylor Hannah Tiendas Hannah Torrez Tiffany Touchin Christian Tripp Reyan Tuck Alisia Urban Kelly Valdez Shea Valdez Vicente Vargas Alexandria Vazquez Annie Viard Noah Vigil China Watson Maricela Westemeier Brianna Wibeto Hannah Williams Mattilyn Wiseman Joshua Young Diane Zawadi BA RELIGIOUS STUDIES Evelyn Fleming-Cavit Megan Stump Tiara Vigil BA SOCIOLOGY Elaina Battaglia Elizabeth Castaneda Darlene Gallegos Brittany Harris Janelle Iboa Mariah Lujan Analy Morales Angelita Morales Vania Olivas-Maldonado Paola Ramirez Lavacude Juliana Reyes-Ordaz Anthony Rivera Aaliya Rubelle Marisela Sandoval Alexander Siderits Kyon Tom BA SPANISH Renata Bennett-Perez Monica Carrete





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Erin Consla Cindy Flores Brenda Garcia Ryan Heckman Benjamin Koerper Viviana Martinez Diana Medrano Melissa Nava Martinez Johanna Rodriguez Gabriela Valverde Karol Vanchaik Austin Walker BA SPEECH & HEARING SCIENCES Alexis Arreola Kassie Baca Barbora Basista Lindsey Cuthbert Katelin Denison Brianna Edey Roxann Fajardo Megan Friedman Reyna Gallegos Rebecca Guest Ninel Hernandez Athena Limon-Orozco Vanessa Lucero Serenity Maestas Priscilla Magallanes Cassidy McNamara Tori Mierzejewski Samantha Morowski Maggie OQuinn Janelle Padayhag Jessica Rosales Noehmi Salazar-Lopez Vanessa San Miguel Alexandria Sanchez Lauren Sautter Helene Sharer-Meneley Nicolas Tafoya Sophia Vargas Moriah Yale

BS ANTHROPOLOGY Mikayla Gonzales William Ifere Emily Lentsch Emmanuel Macias Samantha Morley Roy Pitrucha BS ASTROPHYSICS Cameron Lamar Cameron Zamora

BS BIOCHEMISTRY Andrew Angel Fatima Awad Joseph Barbara Trey Benally Tyler Blanch Hunter Boyden Kenneth Bustos Aysu Caglar Ryla Cantergiani Naija Cuzmar Tessa Dallo Audrey Eakman Julie Emeanuwa Pooja Goundar Madison Hochrein Coy Karler Hannah Kaye Que Le Matthew Lente Noah Lucero Lizbeth Luna-Wimberley Morgan Mackenzie Noah Martinez Nolan McKim Gonzalo Morales Chaya Jessica Murray Elizabeth Nail Alexander Nakhla Ma Angelica Jeza Narvaez Victor Oliva Nathaniel Padilla BA WOMEN, GENDER Sahil Patel & SEXUALITY Krishna Patel STUDIES Rhudovic Ramos Evelyn Michelman Maxwell Randall Victor Regalado BA WOMEN STUDIES Isabella Reitz Charlie Sudlow-Maestas Alana Robinson Ignacio Rougier


MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 13

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Braden Rue Chrystal Russell Anastacia Sanchez Rita Sarracino Sinduja Sivakumar Adam Smith Angelica Solis Dianna Spilca Jack Stewart Isabel Strawn Lien Tang Karen Teran-Rascon Xavier Torres Kayleen Torres Ethan Wilson Maryam Zaki Jason Zhang

BS BIOLOGY Moh’d Bara’ Adawee Mitra AfaghpourBecklund Halima Akter Sophia Alderete Taysear Ali Farah Alqawasmi Felisha Archuleta Karina Bayardo Renata Bennett-Perez Supphanida Biggs Ellie Bobchak Preston Brawley Patricia Campos Muro Justin Carter Jordan Charlie Alexis Chavez Brisa Chavez Giovanni Chioda Jih-chien Ben Chu Daniel Costello Linette Deane Debra Droux Oluwatobiloba Erinle Elena Estrada Colin Findley Brittany Fleming Jaden Flores Lisa Garcia Kaitlyn Gardner Sydney Garnenez Juliet Gilmer Dominic Gomez Adriana Gonzales Nathan Gonzales Abigail Granath

Isaiah Griego Ruben Guadian Georgia Harris Taylor Harris Hillery Hathaway Mackenna Havenor Jacqueline Hay Alisha Heikoop Cory Henn Hannah Herring Taylor Holley Julia Honeycutt Andrea Howard Holly Hutchison Sofia Ibarra Matilde Jacobson Treg Kee Lisa Ko Vasara Kulbis Alyssa La Mendola Shelby Langley Alexis Lara Grant Latham Margaret Lee Daniel Lee Aidan Leyba Tom Limanovich Kristelle Llonoso Mark Loera Jasmine Lopez Mia Lucero Keanna Lucero Randie Maltsev Kunal Mankad Ali Mansoor Ryan McGaha Amanda McLane Megan McWethy Brianna Meeks Dustin Michalk Mariah Montoya Wesley Myers Matthew Nair Danika Nelson Sydney Nesbit Stevana Olivas Zachery Ondrasek Cameryn Oshiro Akash Patel Kalista Pattison Colin Pena Van Pham Cristina Pina Dawn Quandelacy Mariah Quigley

Madyson Ramkowsky Nicole Roberts Andrea Romero Ernesto Roybal Emmarie Ryan Sophia Salbato Nayeli Sanchez Nevarez Anahita Sheik-Bahae Emily Smith Rayna Solomon Jehu Soto Zane Speck Lily Sullivan Kachun Szeto Jackson Taylor Ciana Tercero Hayley Torres Thomas Tran Antonio Trujillo Kara Tsikteris Kaitlyn Ulibarri Lesly Vega Danielle Vigil Joseph Wagner Sarah Ward Daniel Wentland Dylan Werner BS CHEMISTRY Anthony Abeyta-Lopez Christopher Armstrong Manuel DeHerrera Timothy Montoya Paris Reuel Luke Stoltzfus Ashlyn Vigil

Briton Dunn Erika Dunson Jaden Flores Kailene Gachupin Kaia Gachupin Richard Ganster Estrella Gonzalez Rylee Gustafson Sarah Hersi Andrea Howard Kenny Long Mariah Lujan Thailen McNary Dennis Middleditch Estella Mitchell Clarissa Molina Jennifer Montez Saray Muller-Gonzales Christina Munoz Olivia O’Keeffe Evan Peck Rhudovic Ramos Aaliya Rubelle Kamryn Silva Sabrina Slauson Henry Sorto Kaitlyn Ulibarri Johnny Vigil Jessica Webb

Tyler Martin Issac Martinez Michael Mendoza Isaiah Meza Alexis Ortiz Sarah Ann Polsin Stephen Sanders Tristan Sheffield Abbigail Weisberg

BS GEOGRAPHY Donald Bell Yvonne Morales Clint Pete Jonathan Scott BS MATHEMATICS Leena Aggad Tyler Blanch Jonah Johnson Ronald Linhardt Mingyue Liu Nathan Martinez Beatrice Nisoli Freshta Popal Rebekah Saucier Matias Shedden Devin Urenda BS PHYSICS Nicholas Baggett Adam Clary Benjamin Cochran Maria Daniels Wesley McClenaghan

BS PSYCHOLOGY Jessica Adams Mitra AfaghpourBecklund Adam Amato Ashanti Antonio Ariana Armijo Fatima Awad Channis Baker Mykale Begay-Harlan Brydie Bentley BS Jonathon Call ENVIRONMENTAL Cassandra Campanozzi SCIENCE Nico Chavez David Atkin Leah Cho Alexandra Hurst Tiana Cruz Sofia Jenkins-Nieto Zoe Davies Henderson Maya Maldonado

BS EARTH & PLANETARY SCIENCES Holly Aikin Andres Bader-Elenes Liza Flowers Frances Grishkina Santangelo Samantha Morley Jakob Newcomer

Kaleb Wallace

College of Education and Human Science

BS SIGNED LANGUAGE INTERPRETING Matthew Archibeque Nicole Burciaga Stacy Fatemi Rhonda Hall Kathleen Kelly Katrina Knisley Jared Mills Sydney Mohr Nubia Prieto Ochoa Alicia Trujillo Victoria Trujillo BS STATISTICS Valerie Fong Matthew Goldman Eric Howe Aidan Kelly Raven Otero-Symphony Jacob Perry Paris Reuel Camella Rosenberg

BAED SECONDARY EDUCATION Matthew Andreoni Haley Boone Gregory Crider Isaac Curl Nickolas De Santis Alexis Godinez-Hamm Hailey Goheen Gregory Jack Leandra Moore Jeffrey Mulcahy Merissa Munoz Jurrell Nosie Gregory Padilla James Patten Santana Pohl Nicholas Pope Karla Puentes Rojas Alondra Ramos Guereca Mimosa Reid Mabry ReQua Luis Romero Aleman Savannah Sears Olivia Simoni Ximena Soto Haley Spano Jamielyn Sweeney Roger Trujillo Tyler Wells Paris Yturbe Carolina Zavala-Barreras BS ATHLETIC TRAINING Lithany DeVontenno Kylee Dorsey Kenni Estrada Julia Harty Jesse Liechty Emma Meagher Anthony Ramos Amando Rivara Arturo Rodriguez Gonzalez

Rafael Rojo Renae Scott Kaitlyn Shorty Dustin Taylor Taton Yazzie BS COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION Melodie Begay Yuki Cervantes Lisbeth Duron Pacheco Desiree Marmon Cassandra Peters Alyssa Rivera Megan Robert Felicity Vera BS EXERCISE SCIENCE Taelor Aguilar Daryl Aimes Josiah Anaya Ashley Atencio Avanti Brown Mikaela Cdebaca Lauren Chafins Evelynn Chavez Raeann Chavez Chloe Clark Reece Donihi Christian Droemer Elena Espinoza Gabriel Gallegos Jordan Hartley Tius James Gavin Jornigan Corra Koerper Allison Leggott Brandon Lopez Allister Macdonald Tess Magana Tristen Martinez Diego Montoya Jacob Moore Isabel Padilla Mychele Porter Aidan Quinn Anthony Resendez Saville Solis Katelyn Stidworthy Mario Vega Xavier Vigil Raven Villa

Victoria Wade William Walker Data Wenberg Sariah Werito Aliece Williamson Emily Woody BS FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES Sierra Aragon JahJett-Lyn Chavez Tera Frank Michelle Garcia Chantel Lucero Taylor Marsing Laurel Muehlmeyer Marsha Ortiz Samantha Ramirez Daphne Scheck Valerie Shije Abigail Wood Muen Zhang BS NUTRITION & DIETETICS Taleisa Benally Tamara Castillo James Curtis Zuly Fornelli-Perez Bailey Garretson Zelma Gludina Sundos Habach Beau Herrington Alek Lucero Saja Momani Debrilla Ratchford Aaliya Rubelle Szandra Ruggles Briana Salcido Sarah Seals Tammy Vu BSED ELEMENTARY EDUCATION America Baca-Miyamoto Angelika Barela Cheyenne Bates Baylee Bearden Alyssa Bernardone Serena Bueno Brianna Burt Taneke Callahan Selina Chacon

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PAGE 14 / MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022



School of Engineering

20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�!

Jalen Lee Andrew Barndt David Morton Autumn Shields Elizabeth Shepherd Harold MercadoIra Shubert Jared Bock Mitzy Sotelo Robert Thomas Reynaldo Teodoro Robinson Thomas Bowidowicz Monique Tudor BA Ely Teran Sonal Niraula Samuel Cox THEATRE BA Dominic Thompson Isai Orduno Cody Crane Yesenia Gonzalez DANCE Adrian Trevizo Brandon Orum Eric Crozier Omar Jawad Allyssa Trujillo Benjamin Utzinger Luke Pellegrino Jaylen Davis Deonna Kimsey Saagar Verma John Prosper Elizabeth DiGioia BA Joy Liesveld Isaac Walker Laura Walker Duy Duong FILM & DIGITAL Rose Meizlesh Damian Franco ARTS BSNE Savannah Ramirez BSME Noah Garcia Robert Akridge NUCLEAR Aubrey Sandoval MECHANICAL Clarissa Garcia Tyrell Bruce ENGINEERING Hailey Tolleson ENGINEERING Stephanus Huang Wylie Bul Christian Arguello Marcos Alcazar Ederin Igharoro Dayana Calle BFA Luke Baca Mary Arnhart Saphal Karki Maximilian Connors ART STUDIO Rashelle Brownlee Christopher Beck Frederick Lee Lucas Drake Hannah Austin Thomas Childers Ansel Bejos Benjamin Liu Shalis Esplin Alyssa Benally Maxwell Dimsha Chantel Bishop Ashley Lopez Breanna Flickinger Milo Borneman Robert Dwyer Mario Burgarello Marcos Lopez Gage Gonzales Lauren Crowder Abhishek Kc Willy Campos Andres Lucero Trinity Leonard Edward Donato Dominic Lioce Colton Dean Justin Lusby Sophia Maloney Aide Jovana Esquivel Lorenzo Perea Robert Erickson Sergio Macias Mata Sebastien Moulton Matisse Fields Jacob Ploeger Joaquin EspitiaMichael Nafe Jonathan Netcher Jana Greiner Candelaria Camden Roberts Hao Nguyen LourdesMarie Osman Nichole Hendrix William Fiala John-Ryan Romo Keagan Nguyen Taylor Provo Caitlyn Kachelmeier Justin Fleming Alexander Salazar Bethany Pena Lianna Rankin Harley Kirschner Francis Gonzales Caleb Shaw Kayla Potter Gianina Revels Celeste Leuschel BSCHE Seth Hailey BSCPE Steven Showalter Spencer Roberts Rebecca Robb CHEMICAL Kelsey McLain Juampablo Heras Rivera Delfinio Valdez COMPUTER Jamini Sahu ENGINEERING Shelby Snoeberger Audrey Montoya Lana Hoover Christopher Wolfe ENGINEERING Tatsuya Saito Mohammed Radha Al Sara Turnmire Vince Navarette Tanner Hurshman Priya Bhakta Dominic Salazar Khazraji Felicity Volkman Rosalinda Pacheco Manuel Iglesias Isabella Bogart Daniel Sawyer Ramon Alderete Aidan Woodall Sherjeel Khan Avery Rogers Josiah Castaneda Daniel Sherwood Sandoval Kevin Kim April Zackary Nora Vanesky Qingquan Cui Biraj Silwal Brandon Lawrence Kolten Baca Isaac Zamora Morgan Watkins Nigel Damian-Reyes Week of May 9-14, 2022 BA Sehaj Singh Stewart Livsie Kristen Batt Rachelle Zelada Casey Elizondo BSED ART EDUCATION Todd Evan Lucero Hailey Cuevas Use the listing below to determine the Luis final exam schedule forSipe your class. Exams will take placeSara in rooms in which the individual classes haveBFA Estrada PHYSICAL Canche DESIGN & BA Wesley Swedenburg Andrew Mackenzie Tenzin Dawa Erik Guaderrama Marin EDUCATION been meeting, unless otherwise announced by the instructor. A change in the final exam day/time may only be made INTERwith the approval of Abigail Claesson TECHNOLOGY Mac McGregor Alejandro Tenorio Le Quyen Do Selena Griego Kevin Henry DISCIPLINARY Haley Johnston TylerScheduling Mitchell Rajesh Upadhayaya the Instructor's College Dean. Notification of approval must be received by the Office before April 8, 2022. Exams for lab times ofFOR Shirley Galaviz Tre Riley Natasha Kubiak PERFORMANCE ARTS Alexander Mitchev Leroy Valencia Cielo Gonzales BA Clarizza Morales Chacon a section may be given during the week preceding finals week time Montoya period listed below during finals week. having Feinstein Flannery CowanStudentsAmaya Richard Wolflor ey at the Joshua BSED Kirkpatrick ART HISTORY Zane Parker Eden Resnik Lillian Galindo Jarrod MontoyaMarch 25, Matthew Zamora before SECONDARY conflicts with this exam notifyPoothicote the appropriate instructor Friday, 2022. Angel schedule Gutierrez must Ceenu Joseph McKee Shaji Althea Roberts Quinn Gottlieb Giacomo Musante EDUCATION Ashley Healey Matthew Salcido Molly Thurman Matthew Hickel BSEE Johnson Nguyen BA Patrick McLellan Lena Hoover Alexis Sanchez Please recognize that students take multiple exams and that many of these are offered at specific in observance Aubrey Jamesof the final exam ELECTRICAL Kayli Nordby ARTtimes STUDIO Erica Olona Isabel Ibarra Schedule for Spring Iliana Tafoya Judy of time for examBFA Rhianna Oakley ENGINEERING Sadie Bachmann Clay Thomas If you do schedule. not Jackson wish to follow thisFinal examExam schedule, it is important to2022 provide students with a broad Jonah window Jasmine FILM & DIGITAL Paul Tice Emil Kennedy Skyler Oglesby Zinah Alsaad Week of May 9-14, 2022 Philip Barela-Hudgell Karen Kline ARTS completion you an exam time conflict for them. Best practices for exams in remote contexts Bryan Ticeare not creating Nila Martinez BSED(12 hours or more) so that Chris Ogren Eli Bartlit Hannahthe Colucci Use the listing belowJacob to determine examZhang schedule for your class. Exams will take place in rooms in which individual classes have Krawchuck the finalAndrew Christian Almazan SPECIAL Louie Perea Juan Alejandro Ormaza Bishwanath Bastola Sarahtaking Comptonconditions with the students, include providing students a broad of time for completion, practicing the exam Jessica Lien with Colterand Anderson been meeting, unless otherwise announced by window the instructor. AFrancisco change in theArangua final exam be made with the approval of EDUCATION Sage Simpson Rojasday/time may only Birrell Greta Gannon Lisle to communicate Samuel Archambault BSCS Ramona Gallegos providing a wayCollege for Christian a student with thebeinstructor if their internet connection fails during the exam. Abdul Qayoum Popal the Instructor's Dean. Notification of approval must received by the Scheduling Office before April 8, 2022. Exams for lab times of Carlton Charles Bethany Godwin Khoi Mai COMPUTER Helena Arvizu BA Cynthia Gonzales Ryanlisted Powellbelow duringSkye Hembree a section may be given finals weekGannon or atChavez the time period finals week. Students having Jordinduring Molina the week preceding Katherine Atkinson SCIENCE MUSIC Sarah Hamel Chad Rathbun NOTE: Exams for classes meeting at times other than those listed below will be scheduled during the week of finalsKristine at a Banh time agreed upon by Isidro Garcia Mark Korenic Emilio Montano Ian Baker schedule must notify before Friday, March 25, 2022. Marithe Aokiappropriate instructor Joyconflicts Roybal with this exam Derric Romero Noah Jackson Rita Lush Jordan Begay the and Patton students. Notification Office before April 8, 2022. If postponed due to inclement John Argyres must be sent to the Scheduling Daniel Gaxiola-Cintron Jeslynfaculty Strader memberNatalie Wyatt Saeger Anna Janicek Alexander Olivas of the final Bryan Pino Ayala Rafael Calvo Carrillo Karanexams Aryal and that many Morgan Ifversen Please recognize that students take multiple of these are offered at Shelley specific times in observance exam Andrew Hannah Donna Emmett Duckworth Moulton Andrew Gober Malaya Huesers Karsyn Jordan Hannah Justice Lamees Kahala Vanessa Lopez Citlalli Mendoza Jalyn Morgan Reyhaneh Nouri Brooke Palmer Kendal Paul Ruth Perez Sheccid Portillo Chloe Primaveri Jessica Puentes Sabrina Quintana-Matz Angelica Rangel Sydney Rivera Shellby Robberts Ezra Rose Vanessa Santamaria Garcia Kayla Sanzari Anastasia Schultz Emily Seaver Madolyn Trujillo Clarrissa Tsosie Karen Valadez Arredondo Alicia Vigil Marissa Vigil Vanessa Wildes

Kevin Pohl Natalie Racca Marthe Roee Alicja Sadzewicz BSCE Ian Sandin CIVIL Brittney Seaburn ENGINEERING Mark Shover Jose Alfonso Apura Calvin Snyder Dora Bean Ashley Tafoya Ivan Carrillo Nilusha Tissera Sheida Carugati Jacquelyn Tolth Annalise Chacon Ann Tran Jocelyn Gallais Mercedes Troutman Ryen Gonzales-Martinez Helene Walker Angelina Jimenez Chance Womack Atlin Johnson BSCM Jonathan Lopez Jennifer Lopez CONSTRUCTION Martina Mercure MANAGEMENT Matthew Sedillos Brandon Detrick Seyedeh Niloofar Shams Matthew Farmer Abadi Marissa Hernandez Jared Smith Edward Lucero Riley Tarman Ramon Perez Bradley Torres German Sanchez Tanchanok Winkelmaier Zachary Sletten

College of Final Exam Schedule for Spring 2022Fine Arts

weather, exams will be rescheduled at the end of finals week in an arrangement that seeks to best address University classroom scheduling, schedule. If you do not wish to follow this exam schedule, it is important to provide students with a broad window of time for exam weather projections and student's needs. completion (12 hours or more) so that you are not creating an exam time conflict for them. Best practices for exams in remote contexts include providing students practicing exam taking conditions with the students, IF YOUR CLASS IS: with a broad window of time for completion, YOUR FINAL WILL BEthe ON: AT THIS TIME: and providing way for2410 a student to communicate with the instructor Thursday, if their internet fails during the exam. BIOLa 2110, and ME 306 Mayconnection 12 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Lang &for Lit,classes Span meeting & Port <2999* 9 NOTE:F Exams at times other than those listedMonday, below willMay be scheduled during the week of finals at a12:30-2:30 time agreedp.m. upon by F Langmember & Lit, Span & Port <2999* Monday, MayOffice 9 3:00-5:00 the faculty and students. Notification must be sent to the Scheduling before April 8, 2022. If postponed due top.m. inclement weather, exams will1430, be rescheduled at the of finals week in an arrangement classroom scheduling, MATH 1350, 1512, 2531 andend 314 Monday, May 9that seeks to best address University 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. weather projections and student's needs. MATH 1220, 1240, 1250, 1522 and 316 Monday, May 9 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. YOUR CLASS CLASS IS: IFIFYOUR MEETS: BIOL 2110, 2410 and ME 306 MWF 8:00-8:50 a.m. F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <2999* MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m. F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <2999* MWF a.m.2531 and 314 MATH10:00-10:50 1350, 1430, 1512, MWF a.m.1522 and 316 MATH11:00-11:50 1220, 1240, 1250, MWF 12:00-12:50 p.m. IF YOUR CLASS MEETS: MWF1:00-1:50 8:00-8:50 a.m. MWF p.m. MWF 9:00-9:50 a.m. MW 12:30-1:45 p.m. MWF2:00-2:50 10:00-10:50p.m. a.m. MWF MWF 11:00-11:50 a.m. MW 2:00-3:15 p.m. MWF 12:00-12:50 p.m. MWF p.m. MWF3:00-3:50 1:00-1:50 p.m. MW 4:30-5:45 p.m. MW 12:30-1:45 p.m. MWF5:30-6:45 2:00-2:50 p.m. MW p.m. MW6:00-7:15 2:00-3:15 p.m. MW p.m. MWF7:00-8:15 3:00-3:50 p.m. MW p.m. MW 4:30-5:45 p.m. TR 8:00-9:15 a.m. MW 5:30-6:45 p.m. TRMW 9:30-10:45 a.m. 6:00-7:15 p.m. TRMW 11:00 a.m.-12:15 7:00-8:15 p.m. p.m. 8:00-9:15 a.m. TRTR12:30-1:45 p.m. 9:30-10:45p.m. a.m. TRTR2:00-3:15 TR 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. TR 3:30-4:45 p.m. TR 12:30-1:45 p.m. TR 4:30-5:45 p.m. TR 2:00-3:15 p.m. TR p.m. TR5:30-6:45 3:30-4:45 p.m. TR p.m. TR6:00-7:15 4:30-5:45 p.m. TR7:00-8:15 5:30-6:45 p.m. TR p.m. 6:00-7:15 p.m. MTR4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. 7:00-8:15 p.m. T TR4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. M 4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. W 4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. T 4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. RW 4:00-6:30 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 4:00-6:30 oror4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. p.m. MR 5:30 or later 4:00-6:30 or 4:15-6:45 or 4:30-7:00 p.m. 5:30 or T M 5:30 or later later T 5:30 or later W 5:30 or later 5:30 or later RW5:30 or later R 5:30 or later SAT 8:00-10:45 a.m.** SAT 8:00-10:45 a.m.** SAT a.m.-1:45p.m.** p.m.** SAT11:00 11:00 a.m.-1:45

YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: Thursday, May 12 Wednesday, May 11 Monday, May 9 Wednesday, May 11 Monday, May 9 Friday, Monday, May 9 May 13 Wednesday, May 11 Monday, May 9

Friday, May 13 YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: Wednesday, MayMay 11 13 Friday, Wednesday, MayMay 11 13 Friday, Friday, May 13 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Friday, May 13 Tuesday, May 10 Friday, May 13 Monday, May 9 Friday, May 13 Wednesday, May 11 Monday, May 9 Wednesday, May 11 May 11 Wednesday, Tuesday,Monday, May 10 May 9 Monday, May 9 Thursday, May 12 Monday, May 9 Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11 Tuesday, Monday, May 9 May 10 Thursday, May 12 May 12 Thursday, Tuesday,Tuesday, May 10 May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Thursday, Thursday, May 12 May 12 Thursday, Tuesday, May 10 May 12 Thursday, May 12 May 10 Tuesday, Thursday, May 12 May 9 Monday, Tuesday, May 10 Tuesday, May 10 Monday, May 9 Wednesday, May 11 Tuesday, May 10 Thursday, Wednesday, May 11May 12 Monday, Thursday, May 12 May 9 Monday, May 9 May 10 Tuesday, Tuesday, May 10 Wednesday, May 11 Wednesday, May 11 Thursday, May 12 Thursday, May 12 Saturday, May 14 Saturday, May 14 Saturday, Saturday, May 14 May 14

AT THIS TIME: AT THIS TIME: 12:30-2:30 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:0010:00 p.m. a.m.-12:00 p.m. AT THIS TIME: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m.12:30-2:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m.3:00-5:00 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m.5:30-7:30 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 12:30-2:30 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 3:00-5:00 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 5:30-7:30 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:45-9:45 p.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 7:30-9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.-12:0010:00 p.m. a.m.-12:00 p.m.

*All sections numbered for Languages Foreign Languages and Spanish Literatures, Spanish and Portuguese. *All sections numbered belowbelow 300 for300 Foreign and Literatures, and Portuguese. **Saturday only courses meet on the of the semester for their exams, not the Saturday Finals beginning Week. **Saturday only courses meet onlast theSaturday last Saturday of the semester for their exams, notbeginning the Saturday Finals Week. Scheduling, Office of the Registrar, University of New Mexico

Scheduling, Office of the Registrar, University of New Mexico

Tyrel Cowles Elijah Curl Antonio De Dios Alish Dogra Yage Du Elizabeth Embick-Porter Ramon Espinoza Kya Garduno Micah Glidewell Kymon Greyhorse Lewis Harper Sierra Hess Lee Himbarger Aaron Hime Meiyi Jin Connor Jouppi Fiona Joyce Joshua Knotts Caleb Lybrook Aminah Majied Alice Marshall Matthew Mesibov Joshua Mike-Bidtah Theresa Monjaras Brooke Muir Andrew Nyikos Argentina Ogaz Lozoya Eric Olvera Jose Orozco Jenny Paz Tobin Pirayesh-Townsend Alonso Rappa Luis Rivas Christina Romero Olivia Saulsberry Cesca-Maria Segarra Shauntelle Varela Amanda Velkov LeAnna Walters James Wise Shelby Wyatt Petyr Xyst

BFA INTERDISCIPLINARY FILM & DIGITAL MEDIA Russell Casados BM MUSIC McKenna Mae Brunson Luis De Vargas Katrina Dignum Megan Garcia

Megan Gleason Aidan Langley Sofia Mejias Archibald Robert Torres Benjamin Work BME MUSIC EDUCATION Luis De Vargas Gabrielle Flure Raylene Moore Samantha Rice Monique Vaquera Brennan Wright

School of Medicine BS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Samantha Brawley Sean Callin Jose Castillo Kailynn Castillo Luciano Cervantes Bryce Daniel Natalie Dees Benjamin Dragstrem Jaden Eads MaryAnn Ferguson Laszlo Gonzalez-Aller Neil Gunderson Samuel Harvey Dania Hijazi Jennifer Lavalle Reyna Lucero Keith Lucero William Nackers Tracy Nguyen Chase Overgaag Andrew Peace Hannah Quint Lillie Reimholz Gabrielle Roybal Jaqueline SanchezGutierrez William Schermer Mia Speckledrock Jason Swallow Brandi Thompson Nicholas Wyman

FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE May 9-14, 2022 Use this listing to determine the final exam schedule for your class. Exams will take place in the rooms in which the individual classes have been meeting, unless otherwise announced Exams for lab times of a section may be given during the week preceding finals week or at the time period listed below during finals week.


Chelsea Heffenger David Jones Nhat Phuong Pham Buddhiphorn Sananoue Joel Stepp Courtney Thomas

BSDH DENTAL HYGIENE Vrinda Bhakta Sabrina Busby Alyssa Carrasco Danielle Caswell Maryah Chmura Stephanie Crownover Lauren Goin Michaela Gonzales Alayna Holcomb Magen Kelly Jennifer Maestas Tenisha Marquez Jordan Martinez Raven Martinez Alexis Molina Erika Morales Casillas Shelby Porter Montana Romero Britney Rosas Katheryn Ruiz Karlee Serrano Natalia Smith Socorro Tejeda Diaz Chelsey Voge

College of Nursing

MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022 / PAGE 15

C�n�ra��la�i�n� 20�2 L�b� Gra�ua�e�! Maria Hernandez Alexa Hernandez Olivas Herman Herrera Gabriella Herrera Daija Jaramillo Foaundra Jarvison Melissa Joe MacArthur Jones Abigail Jordan Pamela Kelley Jessica Kimball Lily Knight Monica Ksir Nayelli Larios Sarah Lashbrook Janelle Leyba Kari Loera Matthew Lopez Victoria Lopez Katrina Lucero Maria Luna Kerriann Malott David Mardo Brittany Marfia Selina Martinez Jason Martinez Lillyana Martinez Jessica Martinez Kira Mast Nicholas Maule Paige McCall Shanna McCracken Jianna McGregor Elizabeth McKitrick Yenny Mitchell Stephanie Molina Matthew Montoya Cortez Montoya Miranda Moya Justin Myers

Isabella Chavez Ruby Chism Simone Chouteau Anna Cibils Angela Crane Maya Cravens-Gras Ria Celine Creer Jacob Dacus Lidia Dameron Jean Davis Melissa Delgado BSN Emma DelmargoNURSING Augustina Adewebi Romero Sanya Gabriela Diaz Arredondo Anastasia Docherty Kenyon Aguilar Isela Andrade Britany Dominguez Jamie Anslover Jose Dominguez Gabaldon Christina Apostolou Jo Christine Apura Maya Dow Nereida Arteaga Morales Katrina Duran Elena Baca Amber Elizondo Aliana Baca-Chandler Selena Espinosa Kaitlyn Baker Joanna Figueroa Cloe Baldonado Alissa Florez Stacie Banks Sarah Flynn Jaci Fulgenzi Serenity Barnes Trevor Bass Linsey Gabaldon Jalissa Berdoza Isabel Garcia-Gallegos Felix Giglio Trinity Blom Candyce Blue Sarah Glass Maria Gomez Andrew Boe Robert Boling Dajia Greathouse Caroline Brenholdt Angelica Gutierrez Jennifer Brock-Ortega Joan Halsell Jessica Burguete Matthew Hannah Philip C De Vaca Levi Harris Rebecca Cain Faron Harvey Robin Carrillo Ortiz Janet Hernandez Mariah Chavez Katarina Hernandez Tyanna Chavez Brooke Hernandez

BS RADIOLOGIC SCIENCES Brehnden Dobbs Viviana Najar Jennifer Nuneze

BSML MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCES Colson Baker Benjamin Chavez Guadalupe Estrada


Kayla Myre Ada Najera Sabrina Navarro Teneshia Nelson Jessica Nichols Gabriella Olguin Breanna Ortiz Valerie Ostic Kennie Padilla Michaela Padilla Justine Mae Pascual Rebecca Pat Ricardo Perez Ezra Perez Erin Price Jana Pruitt Raylynn Quintana Sasireka Ramalingapuram Muthuswamy Erin Reimann Evelyn Reyes Nicole Rodriguez Breanna Salas Alyssa Sanchez Cristobal Sanchez Adam Sandoval Katrina Sayre Katie Schall Anneka Schei Eric Schwaar Cherish Seaton Kelsey Sedlacek Kaia Selman Victoria Sifuentes Michelle Sims Kattarrayannza Sizemore Karissa Slavin Justin Sorrellguertin Kawther Soufan

Brittany Spellbring Melody Stewart Julissa Talavera Morales Huguette Tsane Assantelock Alanna Urbina Francisco Valdez Tynae Valerio Bridgette Vallejos Marlenne Varela Chavez Jestene Velarde Pepper Vigil Cheyenne Wallace Brianna Ware Tammy Weeks Jeffrey Welzen Sheri Westgate Chelsea Whitney Mia Wiggins Tian Yang Erin Zuments

College of Pharmacy BS PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Madison Robinette

College of Population Health BS POPULATION HEALTH Kymina Anchondo Aryanna Arviso

Shaila Bentley Fallon Blackbull Carly Cyr Marcella Edinger Alea Gorder-Dotson Cameron Guy Matilde Jacobson Honestie Jimenez Joseph Marler Jessica Maxwell Katherine McDaniels Samantha Minchak Guadalupe Moreno Demetrios Morris Trevor Nickless Skylynn Olvera Samantha Pellman Natalie Poston Adreanna Rael Cassie Rowe Yamileth Ruiz-Alvarez Sandra Salazar Alvarez Chenoa Scippio Natalia Serrano Nhung Trinh Kelly Valdez Garrett Vigil Alexandra Vigil Brooke Vigil Sydney Waddle Maysa Walters Rachelle Yazzie Ariana Yoo

University Libraries & Learning Science


University Studies BA LIBERAL ARTS John Adams Daisy Aguilar Melanie Aguilar Tonati Aparicio Blythe Carlene Aragon Jonathan Austin Caleb Bulten Beatris Carrasco Daisy Carrasco Elisa Carreon Michael Chacon Tiarra Chavez Joshua Cole Cameron Conway Brother Douglas Augustin Eichwald Estevan Estrada Dasean Fisher Tessa Gamez Gavin Garcia Nicolas Garza Sorya Goloversic Valerie Gonzales Chezzare Gonzalez Eric Gordon Anthony Gorham Felicia Graf Karmeshia Gray Emma Griego Sophia Guerin

Justin Harris Tammy Hashey Samson Heisey Sharon Henio-Yazzie Hunter Irwin Erin Kantor Katrina Keller Daniel Lenzi Laurianne Lopez Kristen Lucero Bryann Maestas Pamela Martinez Tanya Martinez Joshua Mattox Lakesha McCullough Paulina McGivern-Plaza Gailbert Mediavillo Mariana Medina Viridiana Mendoza Rodriguez Aubrey Montoya-Nodine Stephen Murray Deja Nez Chrishawna Nickols Arianna Nordquist Keelan O’Hea Aaron Oster Sophia Parken Isaiah Perez Alondra Perez Stephanie Porter Ethan Ramos Wilbert Reyes-Cruz Sarah Richard Daniella Rivera Gregory Romero Amanda Rubio Sarah Sadler Zarak Scruggs Ashley Shaw Lionel Sierra

Arthur Simoni Saquan Singleton Jonathan Sisneros Deanna Spulak Payton Strambler Kelsey Takeuchi Benjamin Thorpe Randall Tom Julianna Torres Kaylee Trainum Carmelita Valdez Tristan Van Cleave Cinthia Vigil Johanna Webley Maria Westphal Kamron Willman Joseph Witiuk Ginger Wright Deandre Wright Awet Mengsteab Yohannes BISI INTEGRATIVE STUDIES & INNOVATION Adam Aguirre Evelyn Cortez Daniel Feaster Antonio Gonzales Blake Heady Richard Velasquez Andrea Velkov BLA LIBERAL ARTS Hayley Hixon Lisa Sanchez Maria Torres David Wilkins-Brown

Good luck with finals, Lobos! DAILY LOBO new mexico

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May 2nd issue puzzle solved By Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR


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