Daily Lobo 7/26/21

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PAGE 2 / MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021


UNM aims for 100% vaccination rate after forgoing vaccine requirement @fabflutist2716 @itsemmatr

The University of New Mexico is encouraging all Lobos to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before returning to campus for the fall semester on Aug. 23. The University has set a 100% vaccination rate goal after forgoing a campuswide vaccine mandate. “I look forward to challenging and inspiring ourselves and our fellow Lobos to reach for that 100% in the coming weeks,” UNM President Garnett Stokes wrote in a campus-wide message on July 8. The University has an ongoing incentive program that offers students and employees the chance for cash prizes in exchange for proof of vaccination. Students will have $100 distributed in their bursar’s account and employees will be entered to win one of 50 prizes worth $1,000 each once proof is uploaded. “I would just encourage students to: one, get vaccinated and two, make sure they’re reporting it and get that free $100,” Associated Students of the University of New Mexico President Greg Romero said. UNM affiliates can announce their vaccine status on UNM’s COVID-19 dashboard, and 11,139 people have reported that they are vaccinated as of July 24. Romero said it’s important for students to report their vaccination status so the University can collect

accurate data. The vaccine is still classified under Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, which not all students who require accommodations can receive, according to Stokes' message. If the vaccine is approved for regular use in the future, chief marketing and communications officer Cinnamon Blair said UNM will still be focused on the incentive program for the upcoming semester. If guidelines change and the severity of the pandemic increases, UNM would pivot and reexamine their current policies. “What we’re looking at (is) to create a culture of efficacy. (The concern is) definitely COVID, but we also want to think about ‘How do you protect people in your community from flu?’ you know, not coming to class or not coming to work when you’re sick,” Blair said. In May, the University drafted a proposal that would have required most UNM attendees to be vaccinated which has since been turned down. UNM was the only public university in New Mexico that proposed a written vaccination policy to require campus-wide vaccinations, according to Blair. This non-mandate for COVID-19 vaccinations has drawn a variety of responses from the local community, with some saying this decision will result in negative health repercussions, and others applauding the vaccination choice UNM students and employees can make. “I 100% support UNM students getting vaccinated, whether it is


mandated or whether it’s not,” Romero said. “I think that is going to be the key to us having a successful semester and successful year that students think it should be.” According to Blair, the community has proven that being vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and others against COVID-19; if a student or employee still has reservations regarding being on campus without a vaccine mandate, there are options. “If somebody needs an accommodation, they can work with the Office of Compliance, Ethics and Equal Opportunity to explore telecommuting or other accom-

modations,” Blair said. Romero encouraged students who are more doubtful of the vaccine to research more information on the topic and to also look into the differences that various producers offer. If they still remain wary, he said “at this point where we don’t have it mandated, I would just really, really encourage them to keep others safe and wear a mask on our campus.” The COVID-19 delta variant has been making waves as a dangerous factor in the battle against the virus across the world. But even without a vaccine requirement, Blair said there is

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Emma Trevino is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @itsemmatr

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Megan Gleason is the Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

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Courtesy Photo

A graphic featuring the slogan, “Vax the Pack,” frequently used to encourage University of New Mexico students to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. Photo courtesy of UNM Newsroom.

consistent communication and monitoring at UNM. “We have a health advisory committee because we’re fortunate enough to have an academic health center as part of our campus,” Blair said. “We meet weekly to discuss where we are with COVID; as we get this data, we’re going to have a lot of information to make decisions.” Romero commented on how well UNM Student Health and Counseling has been doing in terms of their COVID-19 information dashboard and encouraged students to stay updated on vaccine information. “UNM SHAC has done an awesome job in terms of keeping updated information (and) being a really good resource for students,” Romero said. Similar to the way things have been handled in the past year and a half, UNM will continue to follow state and CDC guidelines in regard to restrictions, Blair said. The University will hold vaccine clinics at select special events, such as move-in days and Welcome Back Week.


By Megan Gleason & Emma Trevino

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MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 / PAGE 3

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Opinion Editor / opinion@dailylobo.com


As we return to campus and in-person classes, how can I balance my schoolwork, work and social life? How do I find myself after the pandemic? ANSWER:

These are two very large questions for college students as we wrangle with an age in our life where our goal is to not only find ourselves but also balance school and life perfectly. However, if you don’t know how to do that, it’s okay — none of the rest of us do either. It’s perfectly acceptable to explore who you think you are and who you want to be, but don’t expect that the rest of your life will be mess-free while you try to balance


The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

everything. You, first and foremost, are human and need to apply that line of thinking rather than a perfectionist attitude while attempting to get a college degree. We as a society often romanticize and glamorize the college experience, especially through the media we consume. The truth is that while college can be uniquely freeing and should be a period of self exploration, it also requires difficult choices. College is hard, and no one, even

the most prepared students, can get through it while perfectly balancing classwork, work and life. Priorities must be made. After the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of us found ourselves to be vastly different from the people we were circa March 2020; with that change may have come a shift in priorities and career ambitions. Maybe something once paramount to your college and life goals has fallen by the wayside during this past year, and you’re unsure of how to deal with it. That’s okay! Step one should always be to evaluate your options and decide: “What will make me happy?” Perhaps what makes you happy isn’t what you are studying or planning on doing as a career. It’s important to have hobbies or interests outside of school that you can use to take your mind off of things when you feel overwhelmed or stressed. As for work in the pandemic, everyone should just get a pass; don’t judge yourself too harshly after everything you’ve been through. Whether you worked in person at a job that didn’t provide the safety measures and compensation you deserved, or you picked up another freelance gig to make ends meet, we’ve all suffered this past year. The workplace is not the same as it was a year ago, which means that balancing a job with classes will inevitably require growing pains. It’s imperative that as we begin seeing friends and family again af-

ter so long, we should all agree that we are not asking what they got done in quarantine, and we are not commenting if their bodies or personalities have changed. We also need to remember that some of us may have found solace in our homes and are really scared to go back out again; don’t pressure anyone. As we tighten our backpack straps, clutch our books and rocket toward this year, we’ve come to understand a different relationship between ourselves and the work that we do as students. Early during the pandemic, there was an overwhelming sense of opportunism where the isolated days, weeks and months could turn into something productive; but maybe you never did get started on that passion project, maybe you never started that book or got your bench up, maybe you found out you were bad at building birdhouses — that’s fine. Especially during these times, surviving is enough. ​​Think of it this way — you’re managing to survive a pandemic and a new page is turning. You may have heard this already but let us be the ones to reiterate: whatever emotions you may be feeling are valid. You’re valid for surviving and continuing when it seemed like everything we knew was turned upside down, and everything you’re feeling because of that is normal. Making sure that you eat your meals, sleep eight hours a day, brush your teeth or keep your room clean

is enough. To quote the Roman philosopher Seneca, “Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.” And here you are reading this; a testament to the strength we hoped we’d never have to use but have exhausted nonetheless. In fear of failure, in fear of never becoming our best selves, in fear of being mediocre, we are willing to sacrifice that which keeps us soundly dignified, content and stable — our mental wellbeing and the core aspects of our personality that ground us to reality. But this stretches deeper than taking a “mental health day;” this goes beyond corporate mindfulness training or that transient thing we brand “self-care.” We must remember and establish that we are not in school just so that we become mere resources to be taken advantage of and capitalized off of when we graduate. This upcoming semester brings a new opportunity for us to reconsider why we came to this University in the first place: to broaden our opportunities so that we may be able to live and exist as free people. As we all begin our first in-person semester in over a year, remember how far we’ve all come and that you are not alone. You’re about to enter a campus filled with students who all experienced a hellish educational year as well, so give yourself a much-deserved break.

committees of the Senate: Steering and Rules, Finance and Outreach and Appointments. The elected vice president chairs the Senate and oversees this branch. Twenty senators are elected to represent the student body and fill these committees. Senators will hold office hours every week and also be assigned specific agencies, resource centers and student organizations to represent.

signed to show you the ins and outs of ASUNM, pair you with a student currently holding a position in ASUNM and prepare you to be the future of our student government. While in this program, you’ll be with 40+ other students who have the same interest and intent as you. Applications for this program can be found at ell.unm.edu and the deadline to apply is currently Aug. 29. If this program doesn’t sound like the right place to start for you, that’s okay. There are so many more ways you can participate. For any more information, check out our website at asunm.unm.edu, follow us on social media @asunmlobos or email us with any questions at asunm@unm.edu. We look forward to seeing you back on campus and go Lobos!

Signed, The Editorial Board

LETTER ASUNM president explains UNM’s undergraduate student government Dear Lobos, We as your undergraduate student government could not be more excited for this upcoming year. The past year and a half has been hard not being on campus, but we look forward to getting back to what we do best: putting on some of UNM’s largest events and fighting to make our campus one of the very best in the country for you, the students. We know that many students still don’t know what Associated Students of the University of New Mexico is or how they can get involved, so allow us to give you an introduction. ASUNM is comprised of three branches: the executive, the legislative and the judiciary. This structure is, of course, very similar to our national government but we promise, we have way more fun. We are comprised of 70+ undergraduate students. At the bottom of the Student Union Build-

ing is where you can find our offices where our students work and serve the student body. Let’s take a deeper dive into the work we do. Executive Branch The executive branch is comprised of the Office of the President and eight student service agencies. The president of ASUNM is elected, and their job involves two very important tasks: advising the governing bodies of UNM and directing the student service agencies. The president also appoints their staff, comprised of the chief of staff, director of communications, director of diversity, equity and inclusion, attorney general and more. These staff members are vital to the office’s success. Earlier we mentioned putting on some of UNM’s largest events; the student service agencies are where all of UNM’s favorite events begin. Our eight agencies are made

up of the Arts and Crafts Studio, Community Experience, Elections Commission, Emerging Lobo Leaders, Governmental Affairs, Lobo Spirit, Southwest Film Center and Student Special Events. Each one serves its own unique purpose in building the student experience at UNM. These agencies are responsible for events such as Fiestas, Red Rally, Silent Lights, Cherry Reel Film Festival, Spring Storm, UNM Day and many more. It’s okay if these events aren’t familiar to you yet — a few months on our campus and they certainly will be. The best part about these agencies? They’re looking for YOU to be involved. Each agency will be looking for volunteers and might even have an open position to join the team. Legislative Branch The legislative branch is comprised of the vice president and the three

Judicial Branch The judicial branch is comprised of the chief justice and four associate justices. Our student court has jurisdiction over cases involving the ASUNM constitution, lawbook, money allocations and much more. As our student court waits for a case to be brought to them, they spend their time organizing and executing a mock trial. This all may seem like a lot but luckily, we have a perfect way for you to get started. Our Emerging Lobo Leaders program is specifically de-

By Rhianna Roberts / Daily Lobo / @Rhianna_SR

By Victor Martinez / Daily Lobo / @sirbluescreen Editor-in-Chief Megan Gleason

Sports Editor Matthew Salcido

News Editor Gabriel Biadora

Culture Editor Emma Trevino

Campus Representative Jo-Dane Bell

Advertising Representatives Jacob Griego

Volume 125 Issue 34 The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Gregory Romero is the president of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico

Advertising Manager Jordynn Sills

Editorial Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Advertising Staff

Telephone: (505) 277-5656 advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Photo Editor John Scott

Copy Editor Liam DeBonis

Designer Joseph McKee

Multimedia Editor Shelby Kleinhans

Classifieds Representaive Correen Talley

Advertising Design Correen Talley



MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 / PAGE 5

Controversy surrounds UNM vaccine policy Students contemplate University’s decisions

By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716 When the University of New Mexico decided to forgo a COVID-19 vaccine requirement and instead encourage a 100% vaccination rate goal for the upcoming semester, controversy erupted through the student body and students are still deciding whether or not they feel safe with the administration’s decisions. In May, the University drafted a vaccine mandate policy that would have required most students, staff and faculty to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 but has since abandoned the idea since the vaccine is still classified under Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA. “UNM took, so far, really good precautions to keep its staff, faculty and student body safe so I felt like I kind of had a basic level of trust with the administration and when I saw the draft vaccine policy in May, I was very pleased by that; I thought it was a good policy,” PhD

student Austin Miller said. However, not all students agreed with this proposed policy and senior Alex Hiett said he would have even joined a new religion to avoid being vaccinated to keep his “body autonomy;” medical and religious exemptions would have been the main exceptions to the vaccine policy. But since the policy didn’t go through, Hiett breathed a sigh of relief. However, for Miller, this abandonment of the policy meant a loss of trust with the administration and the University and the feeling that “we were just giving up at the last minute.” “Truthfully (the lack of a vaccine policy) deteriorated the trust that I previously had in the administration to keep the student body safe but also to keep faculty and staff safe,” Miller said. “I just felt that it really just backtracked everything the administration did and at this point I really don’t have faith that the administration has our best interests in mind and actually wants to keep us safe.” The American Medical Association reported that marginalized

communities have suffered more severely during the pandemic, and Miller mentioned UNM’s Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) status — which means at least 25% of full-time undergraduate students are Hispanic — and said UNM has an extremely diverse population that will be negatively affected. “I’m terrified about returning to the classroom … How are we to know who can and cannot wear (masks)?” a student said via on direct message Twitter, who requested to remain anonymous over fear of University backlash. “Do we have to keep a list of unvaccinated students? Can I even ask for proof? This will change the way I teach this semester.”

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In accordance with CDC and state health guidelines, individuals that are not fully vaccinated must wear a mask in public settings, including within the premises of the University. “If someone hasn’t had the vaccine but they don’t want to wear a mask, they might be pressured or just told that they’re supposed to wear a mask … I know it’s kind of a controversial take these days but I think that people should be able to make their own decisions about their body,” Hiett said. Hiett said if teachers do start asking students if they are vaccinated, that it will be “discriminatory.” Hiett claims he gets less oxygen to his brain while wearing a mask, which would

I know it’s kind of a controversial take these days but I think that people should be able to make their own decisions about their body,” Hiett said.

impact his schoolwork. According to the CDC, a wide range of individuals — including healthy hospital workers, older adults and adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease — had no change in oxygen or carbon dioxide levels while wearing cloth or surgical masks in studies that were done. While there have been reports of more difficulty in breathing or respiratory discomfort, studies show that wearing a mask is physically safe and protects individuals from “infectious droplets” in the air. Hiett quit his job at the University when the state started mandating masks in public places because he doesn’t “really like telling people what they should do with their own body.” Hiett brought up that some individuals can be negatively impacted by wearing a mask, such as those with specific preexisting lung diseases, and that they shouldn’t have to wear masks. “People in situations like that, if they’re forced to wear a mask, that’s going to make their health


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PAGE 6 / MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021




Top 5 best things about an in-person fall semester By Emma Trevino @itsemmatr

With August quickly approaching, it’s time for a lot of us students to start thinking about the changes we’re facing with an in-person semester after the virtual semesters we’ve had in the past year and a half. Although some anxieties come with the territory, here are five things that you can look forward to as we say goodbye to Zoom. 1. Group study sessions at Zimmerman Library If there’s one thing I learned from a year and a half on Zoom, it’s that studying for a test or working on a group project from the confines of my room is painfully difficult compared to the steady, bustling atmosphere of the comforting Zimmerman Library. Having friends and classmates to bounce ideas off of or to ask questions is easily the best way to have the most rounded understanding possible of any given material, so it’ll be a relief to escape the monotony of my thoughts and my thoughts alone.

The Daily Lobo is digital first! bo


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2. Grub in the SUB Food is fuel, and nothing feels quite like getting out of a long lecture or an intense lab and heading to the Student Union Building for a bite to eat. With seven restaurants, the Mercado Corner Store and Satellite Coffee, a visit to the SUB is easily flexible, whether you need a 30-minute lunch or a quick pit stop between classes. Somehow walking 20 feet to the fridge doesn’t have the same appeal.

o dailylob

3. In-person classes Navigating the treacherous waters of solely online education has been terrible for a lot of us. For those of us taking calculus, chemistry or any other STEM class, it was even worse; some classes simply aren’t equipped to transition to a virtual environment. Teaching yourself improper integrals and differential equations through a Zoom class where the teacher can’t figure out how to unmute is less than exciting. Real-life, in-person professors are something

we all took for granted, but now we should be sure to let them know they’re appreciated as we breathe a sigh of relief walking into class. 4. Walking to class This is a simple one, but feeling the fresh air on my face while simultaneously speed-walking in a panic to my class across campus is something I’ve weirdly missed. The best part of the entire year, hands down, is that week or two at the beginning of October when the leaves are changing and the hot Albuquerque air is shifting fast to crisp, cool and comfortable. I’m partial to the biting, dry winter air as well, but the fall breeze is a nice refresher as I drudge myself from Mitchell Hall to Dane Smith Hall with crunchy orange leaves underneath my feet. 5. Better online literacy Zoom University was undeniably awful. However, that doesn’t mean we have to abandon everything we learned from it. Even before the pandemic, students and professors alike struggled with consistent emails and general communication (or lack thereof ). During our time in distance learning, I feel confident in saying that both my skills as an emailer and my professors’ skills as communicators improved drastically. Here’s hoping this semester will be filled with quick replies and greetings at the beginning of emails (from everyone). Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and even an enthusiastic sophomore turned mildly jaded senior like myself can agree that an in-person fall semester is a much-needed reprieve from a year of Zoom calls. Gone are the days of muting your microphone for the whole class — now you can just not talk for the whole class and still get credit for being there! No matter how chatty you are, we can all treasure the underrated, once under-appreciated pleasures of UNM in person this semester. Emma Trevino is the culture editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @itsemmatr

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worse … In my eyes, it’s just the wrong thing to do to walk up to someone like that and say, ‘You’ve got to do this thing to your body,’” Hiett said. In contrast, NPR health correspondent Maria Godoy said people with predisposed lung diseases actually have more reason to wear masks because they are more at-risk, but could wear looser masks or face shields instead, or talk to their doctor about alternatives. In addition, the CDC has said that vaccines are not only effective against the COVID-19 virus but are also “a critical prevention measure to help end the COVID-19 pandemic.” The abrupt transition to a virtual education in March 2020 gave Miller, along with others, one of the worst semesters he’s ever had in terms of mental health. Hiett also said that the online education they were forced to endure didn’t feel like a “real semester” and that he just wants to go back in person. Yet, Miller fears the University will be forced to return to a virtual environment because of these policy decisions. According to the New York Times, students typically learn less efficiently in a virtual environment than an in-person environment depending on the course. “It just seemed really irrespon-

sible to announce this (vaccine policy) without knowing what the fall semester is going to look like because, as we found out, things can change in a matter of weeks,” Miller said. Whether classes are in person or virtual, Hiett said that there is a certain level of inequality for students who have views on the pandemic that don’t line up with professors’ perspectives, such as the differences between maskers and anti-maskers. “If they ask you a question that you don’t feel that your perspective may be well received on, you may be less inclined to share it with a teacher,” Hiett said. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has evolved into a partisan issue and continues to divide many people based on their political views. “I think the issue with the vaccine policy is that it shifts the responsibility to protect everyone to the individual, and that’s not always going to happen,” Miller said. “And so I think without some type of policy that covers the whole university, it’s going to vary by department basis.”

“I think the issue with the vaccine policy is that it shifts the responsibility to protect everyone to the individual, and that’s not always going to happen,” Miller said.

MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 / PAGE 7 $

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Megan Gleason is the Editorin-Chief of the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

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PAGE 8 / MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021


Marginalized students at risk due to loose mask mandates By Annya Loya @annyaloya As we gear up for a mostly maskless fall semester at the University of New Mexico, students in marginalized communities who are at a significantly higher risk than others during the COVID-19 pandemic are worried about the additional health risks that could affect them now that there is not a campus-wide mask mandate. Going along with UNM’s “Bring Back the Pack” initiative, the University announced in that individuals who have been fully vaccinated have the option to no longer wear a mask on campus (except for the Health Sciences Center campus buildings); individuals that are not fully vaccinated will continue

to be required to wear one on campus grounds, following nationwide CDC guidelines. UNM student Erin Scott has asthma, and said the COVID-19 virus puts her at a much higher risk than other individuals. Asthma is one of the many medical conditions that the CDC has listed as being a risk factor that may make individuals more likely to get severe reactions from COVID-19. Scott said she feels safe and fairly protected from the virus because she’s fully vaccinated but, even though she’s looking forward to being back on campus, she still has some worries. “This (mask policy) feels like a good idea, but also I’ve been using a mask for a year so the thought of people breathing on me is a source of anxiety,” Scott said.

An ongoing problem in the pandemic is achieving health equity, defined by the CDC as the instance in which “all members of society enjoy a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible;” currently, certain communities are more at-risk than others due to discrimination, disproportionate healthcare access and use, essential occupation settings, gaps in education or wealth, and crowded housing, according to the CDC. Lifting the mask policies at UNM also impacts UNM’s international community very specifically, especially those who are currently outside of the U.S. According to the New York Times’ COVID-19 vaccination tracker, most Latin American countries still have 40 or fewer per 100 people vaccinated. International student Arianna

Santamaria is from Ecuador and has not returned to the U.S. since summer of 2020 because of the pandemic. Because the vaccine isn’t as easily accessible in other countries, she said some international students may not have the luxury of being vaccinated before returning to campus. Santamaria also brought up that some students may not be honest about being vaccinated if they don’t want to wear a mask. “I’m a little bit worried because I know that there are a lot of people like me who haven’t been able to be vaccinated or don’t want to,” Santamaria said. “And you can’t really know who has been vaccinated. I feel a little bit uncomfortable.” International students currently located in the U.S. are also suffering because the support that those students received prior to the pan-

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demic has been waning over the past year, and the mental health of these students has suffered because of that, Huanjia Zhang reported for Science Line. “The COVID-19 pandemic has added a new layer of stress atop the challenging experience of pursuing higher education in the U.S.,” Zhang reported. “Public health measures like social distancing have compounded the loneliness and feelings of homesickness felt by many international students, who already have to navigate language and cultural barriers that contribute to their sense of isolation.” Annya Loya is a freelance reporter at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @annyaloya

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MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 / PAGE 9

PAGE 10 / MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021



Coping with back-to-school nerves after the pandemic By Megan Gleason @fabflutist2716 After over a year of attending online school in a global pandemic, students are facing anxieties about returning to an in-person education. Questions about vaccinations, masks, social distancing and more float in the air, but the Daily Lobo spoke with the University of New Mexico’s Student Health and Counseling center about how students can cope with all of the unknowns as we enter an in-person fall semester. “The permeating anxiety will alter the atmosphere of the campus; it will just be a different environment,” SHAC case manager Margaret White said. “So I would say drop the expectation of normal, whatever that was, and embrace that this (environment) will be new, it will be different.” Unanswered questions and unknown factors provoke increased anxiety, and SHAC counseling director Dr. Stephanie McIver said students should go directly to a reliable source for answers about the pandemic on both University and state levels. McIver said social media can misinform individuals and students need to be careful to steer clear of that “noise.” “There are people who are in the know, who are staying on top of in-

formation, staying on top of what is official for our campus, for our county, for our state — that’s where you go for that information and that can help to alleviate a lot of that anxiety,” McIver said. The Campus Mental Health Team recently developed a cumulative impact scale after sending out a survey in August 2020 and again in January 2021, which lines up 15 impacts that people have experienced in the past year due to both the pandemic and “social and racial strife,” according to McIver. This study, which is still being analyzed, revealed an inverse correlation between age and impact, meaning the younger you are, the more impacts you experienced over the past year. “We’re aware that our students are coming back with a variety of impacts that include not just losses of people but losses of jobs, losses of income, all kinds of losses, so there’s this cumulative impact that our students are coming back with that we need to contend with,” McIver said. While there is societal pressure to deal with these problems swiftly and independently, McIver said this can actually negatively impact individuals. She encouraged students to take time to process the past year and a half and take advantage of the resources available to them. In addition to this, White empha-

sized that students still need to socialize amid a confusing time, and that there are ways to do it safely. “This is an historic time and it’s also changing by the day, and you need to be able to say, ‘Oh I know other human beings and I can talk to them,’ and you just have to do it with a little more care,” White said. Schools provide an important socialization factor, according to Lumen Learning, which sociologists label as the “hidden curriculum” in formal education. White encouraged students to continue to make friends, even if it’s awkward during the pandemic, and said the Lobo Social Packs, which provide “small communities” for students, are a good resource available to do so. The type of grief felt over the past year and a half is new for many students, White said. McIver added that many people have been unable to attend funerals or sit with loved ones at the hospital during the pandemic, whether it pertained to COVID-19 or not. That physical interaction, McIver said, usually provides a kind of necessary process to cope with loss; now, after being denied those processes, students may need to think about how to get closure. “There may be some very important observance or ritual that can help (students) to process (loss) and they have a right to take a moment and to

John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

A student stands at the entrance of Zimmerman Library.

gather some support and some ideas about how to do that,” McIver said. White said that loss not only pertains to human loss, but also the loss of time and experiences. “You don’t really get over it so much as you learn to walk forward with it,” White said. The COVID-19 pandemic has often been compared to conversations about sexual health, which McIver said is a healthy process — even if it is an “awkward conversation” — that we need to continue. “‘Can we engage? Do I have to protect myself? Maybe I should protect myself. Have you been tested?’” McIver said, providing examples. “It’s the same kind of conversation; it’s an

analogous conversation.” McIver encouraged students to follow UNM’s initiative to “Vax the Pack,” which recently added a monetary incentive program to further promote the University’s 100% vaccination goal. “The more students that are vaccinated … the more they can socialize and have closer distances, closer space together, safely,” McIver said. “That’s what really enables students to be able to socialize with great confidence.” Megan Gleason is the Editor-inChief of the Daily Lobo. She can be reached at editorinchief@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @fabflutist2716

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MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 / PAGE 11

Lobo Sports Takes: Preview Edition

Football By Gino Gutierrez @GGutierrez48

The UNM football team struggled to find anything positive during their 2019-20 season. The COVID-19 pandemic shortened their schedule to seven games, and the Lobos went a disappointing 2-5.

Men’s Basketball By Matthew Salcido @baggyeyedguy

Women’s Basketball By Matthew Salcido @baggyeyedguy

In his first season as head coach, Danny Gonzales presided over a defense that gave up 164.3 yards rushing and 283 yards passing per game. On the season, they allowed 18 passing touchdowns and 9 rushing. On the offensive side of the ball, the Lobos scored a total of 167 points but could not outpace their hemorrhaging defense, which allowed 228 points against them on the season. Coming into this season, the first objective for Gonzales is to

remedy his defense. This starts with the team’s incoming signing class, which features 11 players on the defensive side. The hope is that the incoming class will feature a linebacker capable of filling the shoes of Brandon Shook, who led the team in total tackles last season. J.D. Roberts and Alec Marenco are two three-star outside linebacker recruits, according to recruitment site 247Sports, that we hope will fill the void Shook left behind.

The one brightside on the defensive end of the ball is the return of safety Jerrick Reed II, who led the team in interceptions with four during the 2019-20 season. Coming into this season, Reed was voted preseason All-Mountain West by league-wide media. On the offensive side of the ball, the team will also need to settle on a starting quarterback, as five different signal callers saw the field last year for UNM. The competition will likely

come down to Trae Hall and Tevaka Tuioti — the two who saw the most playing time last season. But also keep an eye out on Terry Wilson, who transferred to UNM from Kentuncky in March and has the second most wins as a starting quarterback in the University of Kentucky’s history.

The Lobos men’s basketball team had a dismal 2020-21 season, finishing 6-16 and struggling to assert any kind of successful offense. They ranked 327th in adjusted offensive efficiency in KemPom’s database of Division I men’s basketball programs, 340th in effective field goal (eFG)

percentage and 344th in free throw percentage; in short, they shot horribly. The name of the game for new coach Richard Pitino will be improving the Lobos shooting. New additions that should all help with shooting woes are: Jaelen House — 50.0 eFG%,

51.3 true shooting (TS) percentage, 0.390 three-point (3FG) percentage Taryn Todd — 50.0 eFG%, 50.9 TS%, 0.383 3FG% K.J. Jenkins — 40.4% on field goals, 0.365 3FG%

he wants his new team to shoot more often and better; his team’s success will depend on whether they can do both.

The UNM women’s basketball team had a highly successful 2020-21 season, finishing with a record of 15-5 and at the top of the Mountain West conference. With the return of four of their five main starters and exciting

additions to both the playing and coaching roster, the Lobos are well set up for more success this season. The most significant loss this offseason was Ahlice Hurst who, before transferring to the Univer-

sity of Oregon, started in 16 of the Lobos’ 20 games; however, head coach Mike Bradbury will have a plethora of choices about who to fill her spot with, whether it’s an established player like LaTascya Duff who started in Hurst’s

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Pitino has said in the past that

Gino Gutierrez is a senior reporter at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @GGutierrez48

Matthew Salcido is the sports editor at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @baggyeyedguy place last season or one of the newcomers, who are all freshmen since there are no transfers this year. Particularly exciting to


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PAGE 12 / MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021

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basketball fans in Albuquerque will be Viané Cumber, the 202021 Gatorade New Mexico Girl’s Basketball Player of the Year from Sandia High School, who is 5 feet, 10 inches tall and averaged 26.5 points, 9.3 rebounds, 2.2 assists and 1.5 steals per game her senior year. Cumber will be joined by fellow signee Mackenzie Curtis, who is sure


By Shelby Kleinhans @BirdsNotReal99

The University of New Mexico softball team had a rocky 2020-21 season with a record of 10-36 thanks in no small part to a brutal first half of the schedule facing top teams including the University of Oklahoma, the Uni-

Volleyball By Matthew Salcido @baggyeyedguy

JUJUTSU is a Japanese-based art focusing on self defense. • Classes at Sandia Budokan and UNM (2 credits) • Low student rates at Sandia Budokan (club) CONTACT: ayiann.jujutsu@gmail.com

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MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021 / PAGE 13



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to add valuable shooting to the team after averaging 22.6 points in Lakeside, California. Matthew Salcido is the sports editor at the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com and on Twitter @baggyeyedguy John Scott / Daily Lobo / @JScott050901

A graphic featuring athletes from a variety of UNM Athletics programs, including (from left to right) Eliza Mariner, LaTora Duff, Sam Choi, Andrea Howard and Nathaniel Jones.

versity of Arizona and Oklahoma State. In conference play UNM did comparatively better with a record of 9-15 in the Mountain West and finished around the lower-middle of the pack in the NCAA rankings. Looking forward, we can analyze a few team losses and gains based on new and lost personal additions. What will undoubtedly hurt the Lobos this upcoming season are the losses of Cameryn O’Grady, who had the second-highest batting average and on-base per-

centage (OB%), and Izabella Owen, who had the third-highest batting average and fourth-highest OB%. However, the Lobos have added on Amber Linton as a right-handed pitcher with a 4.87 earned run average (ERA) from Indiana University, who will hopefully provide some relief to primary pitcher Emma Guindon (5.0 ERA), as well as bringing on Olivia Birkinshaw as a utility player with an OB% of 0.431. In addition, the coaching staff has hired Kristen Hawkins as an

assistant coach to focus chiefly on working with the catchers as well as honing a defensive strategy, according to the official UNM Athletics website GoLobos. The arrival of volunteer assistant coach Mike Forsythe with a wealth of coaching experience will help the pitching group and add to a wellrounded coaching staff this season. Hope can also be found in returning player Andrea ‘Homerun’ Howard who led the team in batting and OB% in 2021, and is currently playing for Italy in

the Tokyo Olympics. If head coach Paula Congleton plays her cards right with the schedule this season, the Lobos might shape up to have a much more satisfactory record.

The Lobo volleyball team still feels like a team finding its way after a relatively recent coaching hire, especially after a 4-10 season last year in which they only got to play two home games and were bested in almost every statistic by their average opponent. Their incoming class is made up

almost entirely of more advanced transfers, with only two incoming freshmen: Abby Thigpen, a 5-foot-10-inch outside hitter, and Elizabeth Woods, a 6-foot-2-inch middle blocker. Two new transfers have a height advantage with 6-foot-1-inch mid-

dle blocker Mmachi Nwoke and 6-foot-1-inch outside hitter Kassie McGill. The team also has two new setters: 5-foot-6-inch Alia Rasmussen, a junior college transfer, and 5-foot-11-inch Melissa Walden. This fresh infusion of experience has to work in the Lobos’ favor; oth-

erwise, they may end up without a strong up-and-coming bench or a competitive team.

Shelby Kleinhans is the multimedia editor at the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at multimedia@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @BirdsNotReal99

Matthew Salcido is the sports editor at the Daily Lobo. He can be reached at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @baggyeyedguy


PAGE 14 / MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021


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